The Douglas enterprise. (Douglas, Ga.) 1905-current, October 07, 1905, Image 2

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W. L.HINSON & Co.,| Waycross, Georgia. FUNERAL Director* and EMBALMRRB. COFFINS, CASKETS andtROBRS, Iti oil grades and sizes from the cheapest to the Best Steel Cas kets Made. Scientific embalmers in charge, including the only ex perienced lady embalmer in the state of Georgia. Alf Out Of Town Calls Have Prompt At ten lion. OFFICE and Chapel No 22 Pen dleton. st., Phone 307. Contractor And Builder. Alexander Schmitz BRICK, STONE, WOOD, In tiie highest and latest Styles. Commensurate with work required. APq work guaranteed. No charges for PLAN >, and SPECIFICA TIONS wnenL>‘jW contract, A liberal share of patronage, solicited. u(Lm %SSiP’ k'ed. K^-iugy!i!.yy>'io^fiS i 5 l .>iJ> l Ljjl®Bf« t .-vI.EX ANDER, SCHMITT iSF Union Banking Co., ,V nsisaMl^Dir&tedl J. M. ASfLLEY si s '.j;jv; J. S. LOTT, V. President; C. E. BAKER Cashier. Directors, J. J. LEWIS. ELIAS LOTT. J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT ,'IIENKY VICKERS, J. W. OUINCEY, JOHN i McLEAN. Accounts f I idividuals, flerchants and* Corporations Solicited. MORGAN & DAVIS, Brunswick - - Georgia. We are better prepared than ever to fill orders with prompt ness and dispatch. Our stock is immense and our facilities up-to date. Send us your orders and we will please you. We make the jug and shipping trade our specialty. IyIOHGR'N & BfTYIS, Wholesale and Retail Lienor Dealers. tUNSWICK. - - GEORGIA. flnrlciiural Fair Wj* a And Live Stock Expositon ** Nov 6,7,8,9 and 10th, 1905 DOUGLAS, GA. Splendid premiums for all Farm Products and all kinds of Live Stock. Send for and HERD OUR RREfIJIUfIJ LIST. , Then go to planning for a goodexhibit in one or mere ires, < r.d you will add greatly to the Success of the Fair tr.d the gliy of grand old Coflee County. The public attractions will be the latest and best and will give bushels of Fun and Amuse meat for the old and ym*ng THE RACES- Will ofter everybody in Coffee and adjoining counties an opportu nity to try their Horses, running and trotting. The Mule 1S i n it, too. So get him in trim for speed. Military and Veteran’s Day. ;[ We are planing for ;{i firait Military finamt Let everybody talk ajlthe time for the Coffed County Faii^^^ F. L, SWEAT. Pres b. PETERSON, V. Pres. J. J. Rffi.JERS, Sec and TnS*. • A HEALING WONDER Discovered by a Louisville Chemist. The most remarkable remedy that has ever been known for the cure of pains and aches of all kinds by external appli cation isH’aracainph, First Aid to the In jured. * Paracamph is a charming, pleas ing combination of soothing, cooling, healiug oils a*d camphor. No poison ous drugs, such as opium, morphiueor cocaine, but a safe and sure home remedy. Paracamph gives immediate relief for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Muscles, Roughs, Colds in the Head or Chest, Croup, Sprains, Bruises, Skin Diseases, Cuts and Burns. Relieves Burns instantly and heals without leaving uglv scars. Absolutely prevents Blood Poisoning. Paracamph is a panacea for all the acci dents of the most reliable liousenwld remedy. Get a bottle to-day; if you are not satisfied with its results, bring it back-abd get your money. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial •be 26c.; family sizes 60c. and SI.OO. LMON hhAkMACV Special, Agents. A “John" Administration. Governor Hoch is giving Kansas a “John” administration. That is the first name of the bonk commis sioner, live stock commissioner, state accountant, state groin in spector, secretary of the board of control, regent of the agricultural college, state agent nt Washington, memlier of the ilutc-hinson reforma tory board, one member of the grain commission, assistant stste grain in spector, state architect and the gov ernor's private secretary. The High Collar. We have a strong impression that the average height of ihe masculine i neck is greater now than it used to be. lias the long neck produced the high collar, or has the neck adapted itself to the new environment of the high collar? If we are to believe j b>r. F. B. Brubaker of St. Louis the high collar may be a source of un pleasant symptoms from pressure on the pneumogast vie nerve. British .Medical Journal. * v Tba't you think." suggested the old friend of the family, “that you would do veil to keep a watch on your son?" “impossible!" replied the father of young Wildrake. “It wouldn’t i be before he'd e-dm age *i for a pawn ticket.”—Boston Transcript. e A. ~ y %7f , ,? r jPju THb ’ff*!! Wheelwright and Blacksmith, ; DOUGLAS, - (ill-* >H(iI A. SSkSt r3Lr.* M «.„ ——l, ;Al3, kinds of Repairing in the line, BuggieVand ! Wagons made, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Patronage Solicited and Satifaction <:*!♦* Guaranteed. The Old Wade Shop. -m|*» John ft. Hunter. Wm. K.JPearce. Frank C. Battey Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Cotton Factors. Naval Stores Factors. Experienced jyid Expert Handlers of One of the largest factorage concerns in the South. Each commodity handled in a separate department, strictest atten tion to each. Sell Upland and Sea sland Bagging, Ties and twine. Liberal advances made on consignments. Mom y Laned to cotton and naval stoves shippers on approved security Shipments Rerpectfully Solicited. 126 Bay St. East, - - Savannah Georgia. 85 f Br* jTj) lin 1-ni Mir no m rfinivinn IK V V OU M M M IHVIIfMI Upland Cotton, Sea Island Cotton, Naval Stores Over Thirty Years in Busi ness.