The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 11, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. V. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Ordinary, John Tickers, Willacoochee Sheriff, Win Tanner, Douglas. Clerk Superior Court, I)' W. Gaskin, Douglas. Tax Colleeter, B. \V. Doaglas, Pear sen. Treasurei. RichardKirklunw. I .ouglu^. Tax Receiver, M E. Tickers, Villa ceoohee. Coroner, Dr. W. P. Sibbett. Douglas. Surveyor, Tharp Bailey, Gamed Judge County Court, F. Willis Da Douglas. Monthly term 2nd Friday b each month. Quarterly t* "us 2ml Fr. days in February, May, August and No vember. J. P. 748 District, (7 M.. T. S. Poem N. P., and cs-Oflicio J. P., C. W. I nib - ger. Court Ist Saturday. J. P. 1127 C. C. Smith, N. P. ande .Officio J, P., T. J. McGov ern. Court :.--t Saturday. * J. P. 1355; District G M , IV. J. Deen, N. P. and ex-officio J. P., B. F Griffis. . Qourt 4th Saturday . J. P. 117 C Disiri ! G. VI., M. M. Kirk land, N. P. ana ex-Ofticio J. P., Hiram. Davis. Cos rtSncl Satan la . J. P. 437 District G. M . G. W. Tay lor, N. P. and e Ifficio J. P. 1 J.Mc- Eachin. Court 4th Saturday. J. P. 1130 District G. M., C. J. Med duws, Court 2nd 8- tv. y. J. P. 1026 Dis ct G. >l. T. S. fl ri ... N. P. and ox-Officio J. P., J. B. Paff'ord. Court 4th Saturday. A Lie; One of the larges* sig' c; i-iinted is,seen o*i ti roof the ( noo ra Medicine C aba ry • , - Lookout mov ah flu i-- > leng and JO •■vii-.e reck Wine o, Can of the letters are. 2 1 ~ .. i be read from the ' old mountain. this popular rc-or ' : . .in “Wine of Cardui In <m bis memory. Tlrx m b ue hat increased in popular lavur very iap:d Sy, and now stands at the head of its class. Thousands of ladies use :t every month. List of IV <; .luro” drawn for Oct. t. -i> of Coffee Sv.ibiAor Court. William Tickers, John S: Imjr. •!. -. S lartt. Elisha Vickers, James noughts, Frank H Stokes, Thomas Harper. Tra vis Davis, Timothy Tanner, N F Goodyca: Joseph Wilkerson, M.l Kirkland. 2nd jr. Thos Paul jr., Mlt .lowers, |J V i'fd T)' Jackson T Henderson, Daniel J, Girtma.i J G Starling, Thos Lotc eC Cal ’-. ’>i.'*h ew Cowart, W D Little. Du i ! Session Fah-. Edwanl '<.'•>• Dt ' it j' v, Win Gill, Sa nuel Harreli. i i',.l ' J*ai"( t n Dan Hall, Benjamin M Mrr : -, Jim C berts, I D Smith, Robert ■D-incr, Tine Corbett, T J Tanner. List of Grand,Jurors drawn for October term of Coffee Superior i curt. Dahiel C i,kin. sr., llewF Svo ivcC J) II Tallin. •. -r , ... lice Now hern. ! * ids Paulk, ..allies Si >\ righ*. Jam ;.s Ci Thos Daiii. A A McLean iv ;• 1, * man, WT Hersey, Ja;m - -m. j!” ■Vickers sr. Tames Kirkland, Elias Sear: T J Wilcox sr.. C F Meeks sr, Elijah Tin ner sr, Hardy Summerlin, Siierod Byre. W M Knigi'C. j S IV .‘ick, John W Rol •" B H Tanner 2nd jr., Geo \V Williams, ■ \ Sleeks Z W Kirkland, T L Wiioi • u, X I Dent, Wl’ Taylor. Coffee Superior Com .'i ircii term 180.7. It appeari: gto the < r, .■* ig ti:e petition < T. M. Poll sell that 11. i-. t i he 14 day of November 1801 ex> o .tea mid d.-hv ■eyed unto ihe said T. M. Ponselt tw. > men tgages on two hundred an. 1 fifteen (81.' acres of the east part, of lot of land. No. eighty-thr; (83) i,i the i,n dis'rh of sai- 1 county for to p urpose oj v'-i ■ ng t. ■ pin mentof two) .misory nob- r the sr of two Inn'tired dollars . m-h, oif. i tt. eaid I!. F. Guest < ■ the 18th day of X. vember 1891, pay dd ■■ aid T. St. i.’o'- sell due on Xm i.’tii 1'92 mu. X - vember l c th ’93 respectively with iiitere : at the rat >f 8 V per annum from da* a upon which not. •••■ nire: -to', there has b ■ g .■ i * i.,m of t i.u.- dred dollars leaving - hai nee due i..i ret u of twenty-six dollars am. thirty- ix cent:, besides i. (.'rest, am 1 '.non the u. c■ ■ ur N r vember ii 93 tl c 5 still do tb of two liutu! "and •' 1< a : which sai -1 L ,am ■ due v said n- ' interest the .1 i rem it is the- fore or v • 'in- Guest pay into tbi > ■ next term thereof' est due o i sal Ino • proceedin;;. crinih will proceed as to ii It is further ordered im he i fished in the Douglas L. ' ■ ■ published in said c innfy on< a a mo u . four months or be served upon the said F. Guest, his special agent or attorn three months previous 'the (ait t?- of this court, This M/rch '-Jtu i J. Sweat, Judge Superior Court lima and Circuit. L. A. V- r i' >u attorn' y far pc tioner. This Jane ...a, 1 D.V. Uas*iaC.S.C.,C.C. hat are l ; :n Heard. . roi . YUGA CO., N. Y. IVJ. A-; Pi'vnei’. c.a j'Vilf r * 'in ol a cf tH' .• "*-l: ath Fid us*y. im t ... . 1 . . ndent.) Heat in • og . . All a a Bu -ch, druggists >f Riles, that Mr. Silas Pen nell, are leetcd ( :en o that iwn lud i ■ car. l oi’abi ' eo-e <, ' rc- itie liietitna tism by t tia< f 1 Villiams Pink Pills I r Gala < ■ ?le, the editor of the Cayuga l 'aunty i• dot rinlned to know the truth of she m cier and went out to Niles. J r. ii a faimer and has a io*l and oi. torta'ds hone near Niles. \\ e / Jred Mr por.neli '' it w*s truuthat he ht.d ep cur. lof a l-vi case of rhoumat -iv by . Wiil-rms’ P'rik Pill . He said i! t rca years ! n 5891, he was :/. J wiv . in tin j t , here-t'f .v, ■■ which gradually • J .n d..v.'. ).■ in'e a misery to him ■ i n from doc g ;ome ■ . i. Soon after !:;■ wis ading t; > ", 1 off the !• ad .ad hit li ' ill v l . Af r this ie vra-' urc-e, suffering groat agony, and it . oc.o ti was unable to da any work, .'•took suca iiteco; as his pliy.-D'ian -•escribe ' and im: roved somewhat so tliat eoul ! e *o.'ho around the farm again. About f inn'i .'.i.r,' n: 1 he vvr- to •it aw,.-, . be-vi'ii of < Dr which nc had .5... ■, i-n he : -H ied hira-i vi i"; •:- gnu ia-c.lai • litlr’as'. ii. then tried f 1 : physician who i’-i coufident of curing hira ‘ r ~;e ti. i of the eiee'rlc b.Ut’rv and : v: ,-nts wb oh he prescribed lie- f • ll.ire IT ~ the rosul*., li" no better, and another I--, ie -• tried and •, -ejt-i 1 iir. for „ ire t'is time e’s win.l? tody f> afi'"'' ■ ■ i 1 >te."t in hi- hand. . f IDs 8 >dy f ov<" .. 1 ie,■ id iw.i tha other idi a.. .1 t* i for a s -rtt me. The pr- i would re. irn r?T early, rife t ing it idle b*dv, aad not!’. ;vj teemed to ti-wo hi .i and h*. began to dssoair of ever log wed. Id priof t> .'2 a ’•clutivo :.oo:b'T rcivi o’ p, car-) very sirni : r • ■ P vr.ell'j, wld. i hvi f-eeneurej by Pink f’iii . arid sent tho article to him, at king if >' I not suit hi; ease. It was vary sun'I'* 1 '* v C/r it,eel t-' try then). If*‘civ • ’ •i" : .. Wds ar.d so- -i I .■ ].*3 ,;j Jc 5 *. T i! hc*'Vf l T-’n. G i r no we-: . in i Ko’r ■,-• b. * aI : -.* rk on the farm, iA. old i”. ■ fit so fra3 from •. ; ■ , "G.Gs'll c.n , ’ f -e k'. 'i .. j ' 1 " ,n •. ■ i ( ■ . '.£ !:s iv, ... A I CO ' .. 0 .! !.'*:! Citeei . - D;. Wilil-V J ’ '-‘y. V, y rox . - . .. -•.(-■ <es for 42,£0, - leoi’e • InuiJ.y. Maggie ' Tii • >•- ■■ J ,-u J ! Libel for u , - fee. "1 . v. . ■ V. i-’ liP’/eby ... , o aUiu'noj ba pp it term ci the Se rvo r Court-r.> n hl ,'i ami for said ■ lunly ' V. ~'i tho ve.o id Mo; 4y n Octol o. nex tu-in ar.d there to aus .- •• !!.• livoice, as in ... ■ m:rt tvi'.i "and l . n ■ ,o yis ‘..i -h; 11 pi'.c't V. .'• 1!v Hr :i- i. L. v -at. Ji. 'go . i mJd ci ct T* is the Sill I!,; u: J• ■ 1 1 W. ti, kit; . < .S. i Coffoe eounly. Quin, iv v. MePv.naid, Ft itioucc; Attorneys. I fl J?L : 1 a oor 1 means so much rrtore than 1 you imagine—serious and 1 'fatal diseases result from’ 'trifling ailments neglected.' 1 1 '.’t olay'-.i'rh Nature’s 1 gro.. :. t gift—health. 1 ! If yon *rffe*iins 1 o\f of sorts, weak ( and generally ex* a' ■j’Al. TaC hsusted, r.ervous,. tJ J | IVy J have no appetite , fl WAW sllt f can work, ( ; begin at once tak- 1 ,iK itig the most relia-, a hie strengthening • £ I ti I I medicine,which is , 4LI Brown *a Iron Bit , Lera. A few hot- ( r Lies cure—bene lit ,4 pcomes t:om the. & *! .y first dott-tt' . it-* a", La J I ■>:* ***** *"? hire;*, and it.’ 2 ■■xzrErm xjrmr*. i*unrrrj rws* li Zures I •>. :iv r." , Ff'auey aad Uwff ‘ Ucarsdgia- Trsr>bscß ‘Cca- 5. I £ Bleed •iC. ' i■'.*;■ VC2B2 toftiits 1 Wonr-v'i’B Bompsa. :t. * ■'■'*>*.*■• -- Grossed red 1 !t Af \' r ] others ace 1 : ’ C':. :' r :v;c sc. rtampa vest • *d o r - i< *„ ( ?-*' 4*7:1 boci—free. ; ZT-. /• 'A CSrO.-4. CC. hTORR, 3W©‘ 'A'-:AT WS £AY, but ; : "i Does, ta*i tails fcko story of its merit and -uc oe*i.ii'3meaiber <*UOB’S CUSEB. dI F IS. GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY OCTOBER 11. 1895. ■Wisdom, Justioe and Moderation. t v ▼ T • if y j ADVERTISEMENTS? 'TO SAVE YOUR " ICtnilC4t Ar. V. ?'"dS y|* barct.n iMe. The Surlieststocli oi eves* shown hi any retail store in this hv-vAi:m. Ibuy in round lots from head lanvfcer.-; uni make prices the saine -way. I will meet the prices of any man unearth. MEN’S AND BOY'S CLOTHING IN HE- PS AND PILES. GOOD FITS AND LATEST STYLES. shoes! shoes! Shoes!!! My stock is the best and cheapent, and largest of a r retail stork IN SOUTH GEORGIA. My Stock is CompP, in Fr \iy Line AND CHEAPER THAN HAS EVER DEAN SOLD. V us t omer scoming to Dougins CAN PUT TIIELIt HORSES IN MY I.O'! TREE OF CHARGE. I HAVE.ON HAND LINT COTTON FOR SALE FOR MATTRESSES. iwive me a t rial and be convinced nothing to nrice m v go**ds. /* * ' . •* v . •• • If yiu Itould a* any tirin' newt a I'ofii i ~i Cm-IcW > i on me, I have i Coffin department in my stoic. Gun fix y>u up any pri and style. INDISTINCT PRINT l __ ALL persons that 1-avc notes or accounts due wiil ave money Lv ouing f >: v. ng at once. DOUGLAS GEORGIA OK G RE E N-RACKS, WILL BUY II GOODS AND BETH GOODS FOE LesS lOM At ~Warci & v^is’ than can he Irmjrht elsewhere in COFFEE County. Cur molto is: “UN DERBE V ami EVDEE HM.L,- the most goods or the len-t, Money. The question is a*!;H : can WARD A DAVIS . 1 so CHEAT? we buy our goods in the Northern and Eastern mailets for SPOT CASH, we save tlie middle man's profit, we sell for SPOT C\: II and run no risk on had accounts, we have rents to pay, we emplov no clerks, we do mir own buying and selling ami we s -II goods at pri-v* that our cnslomers can live at. vV Aji?; -A gainst, IpTigli A rices. W ' arc milking the old time high price merchants tremble' with lcar. lOGO Gpvirs Qhoea to l>” sold al Racket prices during next 3d da *, OPR FIVE O’AT in ruiming over with BARGAIN'S. il^Y r rS! irALTSII HATSII! we have the nicest ussovlment of Hats e"cr show n in Douglas, an e .a 1 rices that will please you. O’otbiag at KBW Y©SX GA a I IRISH COOLS, CALICOES, SUNK I I.\(S3, CHECKS, et- , AT ASTOXfSI’iXO LY LOW PRICKS. Oor stoek £§ complete in every particular id w® Ghsamnlee vie c** 1 'S wwii SfotSEb, QUifu&bjr , i t CrllOCIlEI" Irtes is frcsls and at prices II at will make yen sa&il© If?lbs Civnulnfr.d-Hwg.-, c'i. IJili.s Coll'.-.: .**Sl, 40lb8 Flour 1 -Oil ; Rice >l, 50L. (Lit,- .1, ?.i. at Pc is, Choc- lie. lt>, Candy lOe lb, Sard res -i cents a box and everything else ut prices that will please. WE want your trade and we are going have it. COM ETo see tin \va can save y;u MOXEV. | ward & bars, LEADERS LAST LOW DEPIR/JICUIi S, Douglas, ■ •fjrO'jrgia NUMBER 38