The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 18, 1895, Image 1
VOL. V. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Ordinary, John Vickers, Willacoociiee •heriff, Win Tanner, Douglas. Clark Superior Court, ]): W. Gaskin, Ikiuglas. Tax Collecter, B. W. Douglas, Pear fc#n. Treasurer, Richard Kirkland. Douglas. Tax Receiver, M, E. Vickers, Willa eooehee. Coroner, Dr. W. F. Sibbett, Douglas. Surveyor, Tharp Baiiey, Garrant. Judge Count)- Court, F. Willis Dart, Douglas. Monthly term 2nd Friday in •aek month. Quarterly terms 2nd Fri days in February, May, August and No "vemker. J. P. 748 District, G M., T. S. Deea, 14. P., and ex-Officio J. P., C. W. Intin j*r. Court Ist Saturday. J. P. 1127 District G. M.. C. C. Smith, N. P. and exOfficio J, P., T. J. McGov ern. Court Ist Saturday. J. P. 1358 District G. M., \V . J. Deen, N. P. and ex-officio J. P., B. F. Griffis, ••urt 4th Saturday . J. P. 1170 District G. M., M. M. Kirk laud, N. P. ana ex-Officio J. P., Hiram Davis. Court 2nd Saturday. J. P. 487 District G. M., G. W. Tay lr, N. P. and ex-Officio J P., T. J. Mc- JEaehin. Coart 4th Saturday. J. P. 1130 District G. M., C, J. Med <iow*, Court 2nd Saturday. J. P. 1020 District G. M. T. S. lleriot, M. P. and ex-Officio J. P., J. B, Pafford. dourt 4th Saturday. A Big Sign, >One cl the largest signs ever painted is seen on the roof of the Chattanooga Medicine Cos s laboratory at the foot of Lookout mountain. The sign is 175 ft. 3#ng and 40 it wide and reads, ‘McEl ree’s Vine of Cardui for women come f the letters are *2O ft. long, and can he read from the top of the historic <old mountain. No visitor comes to this popular resort without having “Wine of Cardui” firmly impressed on his memory. This medicine has increased in popular favor very rapid and now stands tif the head of its class. Thousands of ladies use it verv month. > i ist of Petit Jurors drawn for Oct. t- rm of Coffee Superior Court. William Vickers, John Starling, Jas. Ss, Elisha Vickers, James Douglas, Frank 71 Stokes. Thomas G Harper, Tra vis Davis, Timothy Tanner, N F Goodyear Joseph Wiikerson, M J Kirkland, 2nd jr., Tlios Paulk, jr., M 11 .lowers, B F Spivey, Jackson T Henderson, Damei 1. Girtma i, J G Starling, Thos Lott, C V Fales, Math ew Cowart, V D Little, David Sinnnons. Session Fales, Edward Todd. J B Day, Win Gill, Samuel Harrell, Paul F Palecere Dan Hall, Benjamin M Marris, Jno Eob- Berts, I D Smith, ltobert Joiner, 'finer Corbett, T J Tanner. List of Grand Jurors drawn tor October term of Coffee Superior Court. Daniel Gaskin, sr., Ben F, B H Tanner, sr., Lawrence Newlsern, Den nis Paulk, James M Wright, James Griffin Thos Daniels, A A McLean, Ivey L Girt man. W T Hersey, James Deen, Henry Vickers sr., James Kirkland, Elias Sears, TJ Wilcox sr.. C F Meeks sr, Elijah Tan ner sr, Hardy Summerlin, Sherod Byrd, W M Knight, J S Bostick, John W Roberts, 33 H Tanner 2nd jr.. Geo W Williams. C W Meeks / W Kirkland, T L Wilbron, T H Dent, W P Taylor. Coffee Superior Court. March term 1805. It appearing to the coart by the petition of T. M. Ponsell that B. F. Guest, on the 18th day of November 1801 executed and deliv ered unto the said T. M, Ponsell two mor tgages on two hundred and fifteen (215) acres of the east part of lot of laud No. eighty-three (83) in the 7th district of said county for the purpose of securing the pay mentof two proiuisory notes for the sum of two hundred dollars each, made by the said B. I*. Guest on the 18til day of No vember 1891, payable to said T. M. Pcn sell due on November 18th 1892 and No vember 18th ’93 respectively with interest at the rate of 8 fi per annum from date upon which note du- Xovt inker 13'i: ’92 there has been paid the sum of two hun dred dollars leaving a balance due thereon of twenty-six dollars and thirty-six cents, besides interest and upon the note due No vember 18tb ’93 there is still due the sum of two hundred dollars besides interest •wbicli said balance due on said notes with interest the said B. F. Guest refuses to pay It is therefore ordered that the said 13. F. Guest pay into this court on or before the next term thereof the principal and inter est due on said notes and tin cost of this proceeding, or in default thereof the cmrt will proceed as to justice may appertain. It is further ordered that this rule be i üb lished iu the Douglas Breeze a newspaper published in said county oner: a month for four months or be served upon the said B. V. Guest, his special agent or attorney three months previous to Lie next term of this court, This MzreU iiih 1893. J. L. Sweat, Judge Superior Court Brunswick Circuit. L. A. Wilson attorney for peti tioner. This June 21th, lfetr. D. VV. Gaskin C. 8. C., C. C. DOUGLAS BREEZE. A Woman's Story. A NARRATIVE OF WOMAN’S ILLS. Tig* Ladner a.ld 2 :>.-V or Oat-Doar j I-la.rr.i. ■ Brina “ Woe. (/•’.van Hu' iHtruit iitui.) T' <• larg ■, | . /tenth us brick residence at 80 V* > ai av.'i’Uv. ,'n this city, is the home of h-.iv of this interesting story. She Miss .‘h./gartv t‘i; übaugh, and her experiences, during the past four years aro puiiih lied here fir the lirst time. ?•*.:• ; Stenbaugh ia pretty girl of about 20 yc .. j and is to-day the true picture of the i.: al, healthy, robust and jovial Ameri can rl. She was net always so, us is pro, to by the accompanying statement inn e jV her. “ . air y. .rs ago,” she said, I was such a sera ay, imny little midget, pale and euia eiar 1 by an ii. burnt peculiar to us women, thu: i: y' lather and mother gave me up to die. The local practitioner, whose name wav Or. Ulasf:>rd,(7 was at that time living at 8 itiuud, Out.,) :aid it was only a matter of dry when ' would be laid away in the cho '.i.yard. ”1 e uld not walk. 1 became S ' .. v , and regularly every night my fat'. ■ used to carry me up stairs to my 1 root. . I can distinctly remember tny tell- l ing h'i j that h; wouldn’t have to carry ma ! abo il laneh longer, and how he said, while the t -r.j glistened in his eyes, that he ; would be willing to do it always, if he \ Could only have me with him. i “ this time, i read, or was told by some fcof .of • '■* v >n<l*r"-.s! cures that were being ; wio.ieht by Dr Gilliams’ Pink I‘i’ls fi-.r ; Pah People, end my father went to Brant- j ford, wh 're hr pUrelii -.d a e nip'e of boxes j from VV. Wallace. I commenced taking thee ;nd 1 though; for a time that they d.d me n > ; '.id. bn' very suortly 1 noticed a ,great elm i• • They began to act on my trouble, sn , ll'.e sit. rt sp ice of sin weeks 1 was ' walk. I continued taking the p'ils, and ,n sis months I v. as in the condition yo;. • nv? uow. i fiuiy believe tli-.t they cion rod >n ’ from t;:e greve, and you will air, hud myself and the balance of our femi'v ready to tajk about the good Dr. • \\ P ••os Pink Bids did form.-.’' ■■■■■ nt'ir.l aab.scrlo.'d before lae C.i | lt‘M> •! IV of D liber, i i>. A. IniTAiE*. , ,Yi Public, ' V • v Michigan. j. i, sixly ds of Dr. \V’.ihaw>’ Pink Puis for .* 1* I’eopi'i that they contain, in a nJsnseu firm, all die elements ncc.s sat • t > give new life and richness to the bh •:rt •“ .; >re shattered nerves. They are an : Pings’ . if. forsuchdircaresasioco mot rv.ixia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus* da' , XtUatic , it* • *ul is, rhr’uuiatiim, nor you eeiui'/ ft r eflscti of la grippe, paii tation of the pale and sallow ey. uilexioue, all 1 .mil of W'uikneeij either in mal- -o’ feni'.l . end all dis •■u e s resulting •from vitiated Imirmra in the blood. Dr. V, if i-ris’ Pink Bills ire sold by si l deal •‘is, or • 1 I be sent post paid on receipt of price, (rF •.a b '*. or 6 boxes for s’.s9 —they r.r ' eoj.. r, bulk or hv the 100) by ad dr . V- ikiftGi' Medicine Cos., Sclit* ■ecir.dy, 14, V. tifM', ia--C ft'ee Courry. Maggie Wil lian• .. h Charley Wiiliams. Libel for Piv ’■< e. Grier to perfect service. The de:\ e.j.ent, Charley Williams is hereby requir and iu person or by attorney to be itud appear at the next term of the Su per Court to be held in and for said count v of Coffee on the second Monday jii 0 her next then and there to ans- W'. plaintiffs libel for divorce, as in def-.dt of s'l di u peuratn e the court will proceed thereou ;to justice shall nr. •. rii -. Witness tlr; lion. J. L. Sv.i . , Judge of said court. This the 18ti. day of June 1895. D. W. Gaskin, C. S. C. Coffee county. Q ncey & McDonald, i-’etitioners Attorneys. Poor : Health “ means so much nvxe than ■you imagine—serious and 'fatal diseases result from ’trifling ailments neglected. ‘ Don’t play with Nature’s ‘greatest gift—health. Browns Iron Bitters It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney attd Uver Meuralgia, TrouMea, CoDstlpntkiQ, Bad Blood Malaria, Ner’/oua alliQMita Wcmsfl’s complain ta. the genuice—r. hut crossed red Hnes cu iDo wrapper. At! otKen are tub* 1 i >ut. iwripi of two * mepe we 4>JT;d net vi Tec Werltf't Vffewp aca book,-—isv: fc*OWrt CHSWIOAL CO MD. WHAT Wit 6AY, but ! wind. Hood’s Sarssparillia Does, that tells the story of jjta.E3?riJ and sue cei. Remember HOOD’S CURES. DOUGLAS, GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY OCTOBER 18. 1895. j I? you art feeling j out of Borts, weak j and generally ez t hkUfted, nervoes, (have ne appetite { and can’t work, j begin at once tak jing the most :?!ia jble strengthemng [medicine, which 19 p Brown’s Iron Bit- Jtf-rs. A few bot j ties ctre~benefit comet from the very fire* dote —it 'aon'i tiain 9*nr tftk, and It's pleasatl to Uke. Wisdom. Justice and Moderation. ADVERTISEMENTS? TO SAVE YOUR $ $ s’s? IFSOHESE SOtelS BARG A LNA rhe largcststoek of groomer evr shown iai nny rctsul in this se ’ti -m. j i j)ijv in vonnJ lots from hca'iquarters; att i nakc price* the satue way. 1 will rnett the price*) of any .nn or. earl h. MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING IN HE A I’m ANJ> FILES. GOOD FITS AND LATEST STYLES. shoes! shoes! Shoes!!! My stock is the best and cheapest, tod largest of any retail stor ; (N SOUTH GEORGIA. My Stock is Compl ; in Ei v nj Line AND CHEAPER THAN HAS EVER BEKN MILD. C l ustomer*scoming to Douglas -m CAN PUT THEIR TIORSKS IN MY LO’I . :EE OF CHARGE. I HAVE.ON HAND LINT COTTON FOR SALE FOR MATTRESSES. *t ive me a trial and be convinced nothing to price in v Ii you OwalJ any time need * ■ nr <’*• *•*•*( \ i 1 have i C iffin department, in mv *(<. Can fit rnu ap auy pr- .i e style. ALL persons that have notes or accounts duti will money by * i uii ; It iwling at otic*. DOUG LA GEORGIA GOLD and SILVER OR GREEN-BACKS, I WILL BOY MORE GOODS AND n GOODS FOB LesS DM At Ward & Da vds’ than can ho boiuhi cl sow hero in COFFER Comity, Onr motto is: “UNDERBUY and UNDERSET f„” the moßt gooJs f(r the hast Money. I'lie question is nuked : How cun YARD A I).V\IS si ll so CHEAP? we buy our goods in the Non hern and Eastern nu.ikf t.s f,r SPl>! CASH, ive save lh‘> middle man's prolii. ive sell for SPOT <’ h and run no risk on had aceoimtH, we have n> rents to pay, we employ no clerks, we and > onr own buying and selling and we s II goods aL prices that our ciistomcr.s cun live at. "W A IR.. HI lE^rices, We are maxing the. old time high price mere hunts tremble with tear. 11. L ~)0 3?*'irs Shoes to be sold fi.t Baukel priors during next, 30 dues* < SLVi’ COUNTI’Si in running over with BARGAINS. HATS! KCJATS!! HATS!!! we have the. nicest assortment of o.”er shown in Douglas, kjH at price- that will please yon. Olotbing at NEW" YOB.K COST. I U-m GOODS, CALICOES, SHEETINGS, CHECKS, eta., AT ASTONISHING LV LOW PRICES. Om stock is complet e in | every particular and we Guarantee satisfaction in [quality and price. | OUR ONE off GB.OCB lies is fresk and at prices % at will make you Emile lb lbs Granulated Sugar ?1, ‘Dribs Coffee sl. 40 lb al* lour $1 - lbs Rice H, DO lbs Grits U, Meat 9c; i*>, Cheese lie lb, Caudv 10c lb, Surd ties ii cents a box and everything else at prices that will please. WE want your trade and we are going t. 7 have it. COME To see us ve con -ave jou MONEY. WARD & DAVIS, LEAUE RS IXT LOW ZPXLXOEjS Douglas, • -tieorgia NUMBER 39