The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, November 08, 1895, Image 1

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YQL. V. Pat t v lr ; t d#ur, *,.* ''\ so lit* •hwif, Wia ististwr, fMLtvk ik;***l*r Ctv: rVV. U r - *•:•. • Tx J. W, Potij’a?, T o',-- ***. Trv • IMe’ar r. . or!. s ; - Tux ®-ciYr, >l, E, Vic liars. W u'x •Mlkttl. ®ti'nar, IV V T. • oil, Row; trr* 1 j t .s- , .:.••!•■• • Je! O lib VVillU i.c SaagliM. i< j!. ■;;; t- . a o. i ? •(: •„ n!i *io: V - r.O .4 ? t :.i ; V *JB IP. r*bnn . , if . August Ji*.l >...- .TanUiar.’ J. P. 74!* ■ i e t, (! i .. T~* Ha H. P., an.u. < ;.y.ltu J, P , C. gar. o*wrt h: J.P. l?v R K. P. 4 t.vO‘s.4 <J. if T. J. it jor ara. Carsc; A! J. P. 19#;-; . ■ . i-1., W. J. rion, F.Pfani x-*.P la .; ]'., B. F. Griffis, ©•art- 4t i Soils'. 1* < . J. P. uro ; ■' ■!.. kv laad, N. P. an*. <.. J. i.. n. J)ty’s. Cor.j-t “mi J;i ’.s’, J. P. 4tt. . M . V. b, ler, N. P. a it. :>)t\, T. J. Eftc'ain. Caert ■ -.!•.u-..v-. J.f. Hi - l> : .;V<jci U, if,. C. J. ife'i-' 4aws, Caui. Sian j,<. r.r.lay.' J. P. 1985 !.”• i, ■... Vi. TANARUS, ft, Hi . Ht P. and -o*4 •• .4.1 VJ, ij. i .r,.. ftaart 4t.ii SaiurcUv. sr timers-- -r- - - ' - • -- ffu-r vbr fc* i ■ ; V^--: trsst UL>f J h esLLs; T iha .. Alkn& iettrnafd OrM Offer—Ciuttvi Willi fSfe ter fs? a KC-n> Inal S-u-i, ' L‘ . . .Con p<fii r.Fojtj fn ft; cos'- 3 a jneaiU , ?S (fW rtfift wlrt fr ; r •:e j“."s of tisa (■ T6U <Skti get A' Ttri'.’if fOWFEuI tor 1 ‘fi'tii ii-.-.i*. it ,tc ?..*-•.,••• . jahcnpor in tee swJS 1 . tlc VieA 1 y KOiSfti ! '‘.a 'r ’Ay pfawgd at ir-t* and row oat V? its t*dos a life. ©i4*r, oj. to &'© fUffiUy rr-A; fo *•• feSSt ifi g{% finite,} Svaic-r. j m - •**<> -* • - . ; ■'■■:‘ r A ■ j. w*. vn jegsr r.R j; Vm h’.: at WighVfeadiag, alf tH* vey I.Vj Bally Jour!;el’s u©s Sirrl'e o6k/3 the warldl ane* the orc.-un of it ail c-jtD'o* It t Weoltly. With Sum Jaac" phi! topby, ?i’.l Jfye'9 ■' •aadr,etJnrhss ttjra tU* u:•> i witers hi. the itftr, pj©3 •.©* hints for the fr> :t JR't ; -'*>.* ti,i *-, jia >#!!* JoCidi..., tori n! if, #w ehilrtjst! and kti.r,’'!><- . f<vj eiiiiPs hirtSrt'aolfi*-:t to you ut 50 court a roar. <3ftj send tfci* to The Weslsfy Jotfa ’fhßttS.ifl Jtrrtip:, o-as you pleas*. ‘6lt etij ia! wIH be • --;.t. >Ol frre. yfear i g jg ?;> Vio tKro |M> :••} : .'.i • l’ctip ycru need the • -r a ttceiijr And ’by k social clv.b a XtEfta t 0 are c:r,T r.b’s you tvelts MorJh’s sab-.' to btlh tuts paper end /jg 1.43 Hikii. -I.- i,.’ v'l ¥ . j..- * The feUo •. : '*>• •-./ la.iw a e be-„e vplaced in okv '■ •••- • 1 Sictt the feime*. ■ f:P :T / liv . dvt; 0: 9or •• ,u • .0 •> .-.e,; ;t 1 ••ac#. Seta* ef thso lsyid* ar* mnw ] aadaoaao u: Irisp v> j. V. o t.A wll all *r af., t- - ■' •< ns-crater ckarge i*r yc ? tji- laa t . 1- • *n sor vri-te us, The fol'vrii-t,- ie a list ef the iasio • m i. Sat i- :tr •' ef Coi'w eeuntv tf s % r.t:v , • J.o ‘V. 00 a*res Pi* 47, 43i- at e* tf?, -' .tf itroee Xe lie, 4at aora<, ..o 1 i , ID a- <• 291, 494 ae i'_*b 2 1 1 ***'s *.■■2,o irti-i, 'tS'c ■ asvos H# %-.i, 455 5* *< ,* S' <94 &ert Jfe *W, 41* .* ko >ll, 4*e a. fie .577, 4W a*re 25*819, <53 a*r<r • >•-U.. 499 twr 2** ?' nrn .'to 4t>, -3; iwrei 2Jo s?!*. i"i> feUe "it j >,a tie • sixt-a t t J; sf Co.vjo eas'y-' 499 nre* lae IS* 4?9 a ere* ho Si*, 45f. sciet "ri S;r s lif, hi l *•• If© 497, 49; aore* 3$ twit r. At il4, 4ift aer*#se?sf, 4J a*r-.e >,o 1, <9P aeres N? 9'-. er ■e, .•■. r-a o. ,Js ;tvt- Hw 485, 4©J i< 9 I*B, 2*o Hrf ?•© t4B, 4W &r r 2**lo, 4S* *o 4*7. 459 acre*?-* 5 S '. ; . Wo S“7* ciC ©hXC* 2-3'i, 77 ~g4 ,* o: . ’ 45. . .* ■ sail. f 4?—tOW! CH" .ft in the sere id Cad. ©t ■* _-I if cottnty, C-: i-' ■ si,’ •.cli AV- /*• 2Ce rs, .• • e 4 490 acre* lie ©•>) 4? • ate* 1. i. f^ioerissf:-*t iwitt tief • er;'i l r -- c'.i pi AppzUZ ■* ?: i* ec. cs Nj ■* -- $ ?■ m ii ■ V i; . V - * ■? • * • r_ 4n 4 - r*r ' ‘o- ; ir ■ ?• :5 ' • i' .‘U-JM - F. " ' • • . Q‘ ■ ■ . • . O' f i’i P-- ■' *' ' ‘.t ' v "■ ' ■ o' l *'■'■' • • i • • - tn ; to 'i n ■ „ ',-i • . . vV V•• i *> I ' 11 - -p.r:;- a . •-! ■ If - -■ ' : *: V " r -‘'t •- V-U* •r - . T/* i >r t . ‘ V;' *• 'l* *• > •• ••• •:• P *7 - J ' • ‘ ''W.* •'•'* ~ r, !k 1: * • ■* . ' ;f| ;N, C *"/ *•- . ' * ; ' t c : V' - . f- r. * v i i' l > .4. .'.nr'i t ' . ' CjV.: • ■ ' t i:. ; - : W'K.rt - ; ' - v< .:. f- 1 . • V” • tt* . • . j ft y" ' ; ... . ■ 1 . s -' i - fV *: ■ " ■ $ VO!" I*l ’■' ft l r %'’ 7<- ''•. | - •) * k n&.-r • r •..-•*• ' > <T' } tc :i r.'/'- ■ ,• ' X C 'lir v; ■” ; ;J;' • r IVt i>* . *y4**- * 7 •- | /' iJJ ;; p •? *i;-_ • * *' •*” • , -• ; *. r— . •'.••tf-- 1 “ •• • • ,y * i. 1 ' ' 1? 5 ■ ; * • v W VA’ U h ■'■" f x .’•* r $ *? ■ - ’ ~ T - . > t;> •ail: Id-: .■’ •- ' •; -:h : •■.v.jj? ? P7 . -j' , *■*“ ••’■ •■*•••-• , (v , . . . V- 4' " -• ' . tf.. ’ " v iai.vrci;:, r* --v Ti-fv’ * - '. *'.C.!T -r, 5 i> * .-. ‘i s 1 , * ■ *, > ?' •*■, , < • }< ': v f *Ttr iir 1 ' ~ . * e S-f , * 4 **-* * '• ( 7/ :•-* ,1" hr- Tri.-*:>isc, ?C:f ’ . :v‘ ri;.. :: - • ■ ' v:r. :* * T-Xfjici */frV , "• ' ' - ; - _ K •#**?'# 4 . . CM3 Cl A 1453 |fr ■ •’ - K j 1 0 . M's 4 • *- • • v >•' ,/ X •> uVf 7. - -• -t Tlii • yQV jKMJBa&- 8. is^. $ $ $ 5 &? Pi - rs £% jpj 3? aaw oft © &? ?v £t-fxJB j i'n • • . B ARGr A INfc, The large*!slock f groceries evcp shown in -Hit retail store i m tiStlhi fcr st? 4 \ Ibay mr&uatl lota from fcea>i(iuarter. oi vrie tae uaiea vity'. I will meet the prices of. iy man on earth. 3fE3P9 AND BOY’S CLOT BIN ii IN HEA/S Ahu ilLi.6. GOOD FITS AND LATEST ST T LE9, j shoes! shoes! Shensi!! y’oek is the tiCfit and tihcapcsh, aad larfißt of any retail tore [ \ r BOUTII feKOHGIA. \hj Sioek is Complt in £ 7 Line AKD CHEAPER THAN HAS EVER ISEGN t-OLD. <■ il' s.;aj vmnhkg to ibnaghm 1 1* CAN PUT THEIR HORSES IN MY LO f EiIEE OF CHARGE. I HAVE ON HAND HINT * COTTON FOR SALE FOR MATTRESSES. tut. ve me a ; tlal aral becoiivincwl nothing 3.0 price my gm*s Is. If f*u rhfns'.d h* ft nr e-1 ln or < • • '. .r.*, I Itav i Colßn in m; etore. Can Sr you nj- .my j i '>■ .r-d stjrie. AtL Unit ** ■ -O’ .1 vjunU d;s vrili . nvr by jk * - cuing fdf £% ja% ¥' ■; r r ■'o#S4i' I ? W > ti pr S'™ j> DOBS LA GEOS GIA Wisdom, Jiietioo MeSeratien. | GOLD and SILTER i OB i WtL BO! 88100083 AID IBMB GOODS M IMS MONfY At Ward &c Baris’ thaa cun U b,yutfh\ •lienher* in COFFEE CJcurtf. hie tie is ■ ‘'IJKDf.RtJU 1 mrl i Ai I • ILT/,’* tbe meat (ro*ds for the least Money. The question ir eskefl : Hovr oun VV BdVlB soil ic CHEAP? we buy oui peed? iu tin Sorriie' , n ar..! iMiirketi for B?OTCAStt. we middD m*. < ► we sell for JBTOT CASH and run no risk cn bail / woonlx, 1 > j r*ui* te f'2-.Ti wo omplffr ue trarts, wo do our own Faying >nd >• yo at Jprie-w* th*.i our ui-tit.msi's oe.:*. live at. vV&jtfc Agaiast ? I~rice. tt arc uiftkinj !,ho old time high p. ice *v,-., hanta hemblo with tear. ..000 Qho©s to h.’ , prices duritnj .next SO days ii r n i jrn tiiii 4*oifj4.TEii in rhnijin.if orcr >■ itu .<* , \i?T6. -■— . -**•“ •.. HATS I TI.Ji. r 2 :•.•!' eAIISIII tv have the nic t asaorknu-i.* < c-er ahown iu X)ou|! aii'*' :9 ( lioea that will please jou. £2l&*hinp r * w i ? **?&:, />RESS .100DS, CAI.ICO2S, gifkETIROS, CHECKS,. . AT ASTONIBHUt* ‘ Jiir LOW J’ltfOES,. Dug stock is CbMpiGte la particular and wa Oaamf@ satlAisiction in 1 . * ; quality and price. ;h* DOT mum of CXiIDOB- - . lies ii and at piioes smile ISifcs Granulated fl.tgtt '■ 4; tu* Coffee !?3 4' • : H Sidlbi Bid* |l, G7)f&ii Gfitsirl. 9o ft, 01 df * Ud lb. Crmly 100 ft, S.-rditfe* 5 celt* i bo'r ard evefv’tliirig cl* J hrice* that f ill plca.-e. VJL iyaht yhtir trade and >ve are going to it. COTE Td B*C It can save jou MON r. Y. ! WASH & M¥L>, . LBADBaS Id<r tow PBI©S3 iVoughtr, •lx pgia DKJ 31 MR 42