The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, November 29, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. V. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Ordinary, John Victors, Willacoochee Sheriff, Win Tanner, Douglas. Clerk Superior Court, ]>: W. Gaskin, Douglas. Tax Collector, B. W. Douglas, Pear son. Treasurer, Richard Kirkland. Douglas. Tax Receiver, M. E. Victors, Willa coochee. Coroner, Dr. W. F. Sibbett, Douglas. Surveyor, Tharp Bailey, Garrant. Judge County Court, F. Willis Dart, Douglas. Monthly term 2nd Friday in each month. Quarterly terms 2nd Fri days in February, May, August and No vember. J. P. 743 District, G M., T. S. Been, N. P., and ex-Offieio J. P., C. W. Infin ger. Court Ist Saturday. J. P. 1127 District G. M.. C. C. Smith, N. P. and exO&ruio J. P., T. J. McGov ern. Corn - ! Ist Saturday. J. P. 1353 District G. 31., W. J. Been, K. P. and ex-afiicio J. P„ B. F. Griffis. Court lib Saturday. J. P. 1170 l!istri< t < 1 M., M. M. Kirks land, N. P. ana ex-Ofitcio J. P., Hiram Davis. Court 2nd Saturday. J. P. 437 District G. M., G W. Tay ler, N. P. and ex-Ouicio J. P., T. J. Mi - Eacliin. Court 4tli Saturday. J. P. 1130 District C. M., C. J.Med dows, Court 2nd Saturday. J. P. lO’i) District a. M. T. S. fieri©: N. P. add ex-Oaioio J. P., J. B. Paffor 'T.trrrrt 'fth- SiUu iv.r. IflHiffi the Atlanta Weekly Journal’s Great Offer— Clubbed With This Paper for a Nom inal Sum, i -* Gan yen afford lo pay fivo'aeata a month Ar on» cent a week fir the nows of the world? ~ti-can get the Atlanta Weekly Journal for les> than that, it lathe Cheap est paper in the south. Tbo Waokly Journal has been vastly im proved of late and -now goes out to ita readers a live, clean, complete, up to date family newspaper, eq»al to the best in the United States. It contains ten pages and is brim full of bright reading all the way through. The Daily Journal’s news service covers the world arf* the cream of it all comes in the Weokly. * With Sam Jones’ philosophy, Bill Nye’s burner, stories from the best writers in the country, profitable hints for the farm, bright, instructive gossip for the women, The Juvenile Journal, as a part of if, for the children and attractive miscellany for the efitire houwhold —it comes to you at only 50 cents a year. You can send this to The Weekly Jour nal, Atlanta, in stamps, or as you please. Saibple copies will be sent you free. Tli* evening year is going to be alive with Interesting happening*. To keep up wrtii them you need the Atlanta Weekly Jowfßak And by a special club bing aryanfiemant, w* are now able to *iv* y*u twelve haonih’s eub «ttrl7k«n t« that paper and T lie L 'ouy m- RkLLiiE k-i unit 3 a year. . Land for Sale. The follow ing lots of land has been placed in our hands for sale. We vvil sell the timber turpintiue privileges And dirt; one or all an l we mean to sell at once. Some of tit t lands ar: improv ed and some unimproved. We will sell all or a part, t ■ suit ths purchaser. N charge fur showing you tile lands. Cal' on us or write us, The following is a list of the lands in the first (Ist) distrii of Coffee county, Ga: 490 acres No _ 490 acres No 47, 190 aces No 02, 4,- ar. es No 153, 493 aero- No 167, 490 acr< - 201, 490 acres 224, 190 aer s No 253, 4. acres No 2.30, 490 acres No 237,490 aei- - No 259, 490 acres No 264, 400 acres I\ ,777, 490 acres N’o 310, 490 acres No 41' 490 acres No 157, 499 acres No 483, 490 acres No 220. The following is in t: sixth (6th) district of Coffee county: 490 acres No 185, 499 acres No 386, 490 acres No£o7, 490 acres No 502, 499 acre. ! No 497, 490 acres 2so 505, 490 sores Kol 514, 490 acres No 207 . 480 acres No 1, 4‘ifi acres N. 93, 49-! acr s No 810, 490 acres No 435, 490 acres No 113, 400 acres N-- 243, 490 a; r.-s No 13, 400 acres No 407. J 499 acres No 308,490 acres No 367, 49’* 1 a,.-res No 386, 490 a- res No 563, 490 acr* , No 148. The following lots of land s j in the second 2nd) district of Appliut i county, Ga: 100 acres No 132, 409 a- re; > No 372, 400 acres No 70.490 acres N, 4 >:. J 490 acies No 350 490 acres No 268. T t | following lots is in the fourth '4th; d‘s- | trict of Appling county: 490 acies No 280, 490 acres No 337, 490 acfss No 38? 1 490 acres No 39, 490 seres No 109. Teta, ( number of acres 5399. Q cixcEy dr. Mo Donald Douglas, Ga. A Physician Talks, 1 V. REMARK ABU-. FT;.M>'Y II ArriDAVi I* OF t Lb YDS BLUNDSN. a ilcteii wltil Paralyse fee I 5 l v;(nlf« five Cears— A Suit e* World Wide Interest, (I'rom the Philadelphia Lewis D. Biundin wss born in ’4l at B: idgewaicr, Pa., and is now a resident ot HulmcvilL-same otata. Hews' through tl war as private, sergeant a ’ hospital et -.yard of Company C. 2: :h Pa. i 1 A a result' an attack <-f typhoid i... •• hi O hi* hi Ineys became t-.liected and ibis IS, .illy developed into spinel ifccui: , which Id ted through hi 3 army service. In 'GO he w : clustered out and via- red Je Gts- in M- die&L College, Viula., a student from v .ieh he prnd.'M'd wo years later, iho i: aainderof the story is best told in his c, a -fords: “ One dsy, after I had graduated, I was 1 ne on a j-oia at my'home in Mar a; u. -., y ea [felt ,M serration in raj lower ,bv r ■in '-h the blow! had -d .G kit 1 ir. V. hen I tried to mow hii.i i v.r.v h Tificd rt ibo disci vc-rj .’.mil was para -3* from my iiips to my Sops. The pan.l --•• s wjf: i." nip! ie a p lor a pi h of t- flc.'h caused no pain. 1 " uin mt : love c i.iUii-1.. 1 culled .n Dr. V. .i:nii i'. Todd, of ITiiiadelpliia. Re mr.G a:: c:.i, ii-tive i: ainh..'7- i of my on*,’, and aunounmd r'. -i t- v ivasV." was cauk-d 1?y uiu.-a- F n of'the spina! cord, mill tort I v did ]>telv have anothf-p: stroke (J r-; I iniltcd Dr. i. W. O v.o: ;,-id 1 ... ' . (I b.'r.-oa < '••Too-, rhiiai! !> 7 -. u.o. of f 'hiAidipuU . . , ' i ti’L ' ,1 :v I.vti rV-o.oT-:. i . Viiii i.V : ink i’.U* i- • • e 1 ;•* ' ays '■ _.i t.-oiihl-. -V '■ .« v kg” a.Jrr rr.ystrol.e i ; p- han v.i r-: ih..t 1 Gen l ; ■ : b 1 mv heed would : wire and I 1 c. Uy In s-.’vir.jt n.ydf ! -,o -!. -r « -. its was had, digestive crg--.i 1 S 1j! i ri- ihllihitiul! offoo ! . 1 ■ r o'thoi a; meats, t - -- ti a - • nont r.: ••>. \iy .. I d ir.o tni ’• V of i": b c Hilvely fr< '- • • •»« 1 : * one -:i r i ■’ . • ' ■!= ■' «•> w . t. i-i ( a k'O '’ ‘ ' v " ■" i |, . , VI - . a ’ • ■.. » i *'. i • • ' ‘ « • i ’- C*..• ' ' ’ i ■ •' .;‘,V: c .-- ’ - -vV V. ; o. ••r v;<;. s ’’ J , . j ] ... •• f- XsW ' - ' ' " r i .... • .**;•. n j. .. , * , s i ,h 'N-n r; P - my ; ,se .-Mi; :• i-.i tli? eru v • any r -• .- .- it; k ■' , mo - . than a ! tia « • • ! sJi ■ in the'-airdvy r •* m-y ;<•■< ... i co'-.y i : ".n C -Gy ali.d : _■ a ... r.'. 1 ’ -worn I he-' ra i-*o tiv.r t, c w . -T, f.,dd,C'4 l.;.id:' • iVot. i ; ; Rsw Ijnprovsd j:lgS ? -Nfiw mil »> Dro|>)eaf, fancy cover, four ■; •- -lie, Alf-threa>J!ng eir-ttlo. </> ok gp .l&jjgj automatic bobbin wlr.oci and <i a full set of attachments, etpial j, v o'ftOHUyniaKi- o f --' i v ffii-£yC|sold fur 865. Ten days’ trial •; • in your home before pnyuient - -» is asked. Buy of the manufacturer:- ont;/, o <> and save commissions. Machine warrant- <*: Oed for five j’ears. Send us a trial order -I e* with iWbrence, and we will ship machine . to you for approval. We pay tiie freight, t Co-operati’vo Sewing Macfiine Ce. ' *ck Box 303. PliiliAdelphia, Fa. .< A.AAAAAAAAXV/1. A ih A A JL. A A fJsEOIILIAe? in combination, pr-> port. m and preparation of ingredi (ifts.lloodG- Sarsaparilla possesses great curative value. You should Tf?y IT. fin 'i mer.riG so much more than you imagine—serious and fatal diseases result from’ ti ifling ailments neglected. Don’t play with Matured ’greatest gift—health. -Tm*~*vcTr.K. rjwiwiuwi i a If you arc reeling / loi< of sorts, weak V'J * lajid generally ex- Browns ’Gvpss 4 g ai;f i can't v/erk, t gbegl* ! at oticetak q Si*ig thcmoM ih-lia g strengthening ' 3 a ¥ fas I I medicine,which ia % V/Aa tßrowp s iroj: hit rs. A lev/ bot - . livs curs—beu-ifit' Kt c 4 4- Scores from the i- fjS 1 J OrC {very hr, dose- a ‘ I tcrib, and it' a ' n .. . { pientxx to, tsk*. , \i Cures ; Dyspepsia, Kidney Uves ' Neuralgia, TVotsbles, 'C'-.p- tlpatlaa, Kad Blood 'r-» Nervotfs alSr-aoßts : W’omea’is conipVJnts. * 6«! ord. the nc -uine—o 6»icree»td re-! »’»«: ca ti e wtupp-sr. Al! ethers ntwD- * stltales. On receipt of two k. sla-nps vet vui d set cl Tea Ceau’-.' le VTerM’t i Fsir VUii s ml a-oi—iree EROVi'iJ CKSM/CAL CO. £ ...* MOSS, HO. * f JOT WHAT Wfc SAY, but * wliat Hood’s Sureaparilila Dor -, ti at tolls the story of its merit an-1 h: - ct M.lCcfucutbor HOOD'S CURSC . DOUGLAS, GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26. 1885. ”'"T ' ' ' TO SAVE YOUR a »15 r* 3 f fs T" : I | eS 4 j* ' •■” , < v . x it'-; lr nzm: v ? . JiA.LICJ -Y INfJ. I'Jic l»rgest.Bf4M k ufg um tu ever; shown ta auy retail ' >*w | in Shis f-c •ti' >• ; lbav in round lots from hotvlquart'' tu 1 •«>>*•• i»»'ico-s t- o stomr ■way. 1 will meet the prices o. uwu> ■■ :t i?s-i*b. MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING IN H*. .Fs AND v’<LK.S. GrOOD FITS AND LATEST STYLES. qhH:.’ \J tsj{ L*-ij WJ * V>•l J V 0i8» My stock is tht beat nnd a.- -\ largest of ■■ rotuil vtoi IN SOUTH t-JCOUGI A. My Stock u Comfit in ’’ ay AND CHEAPER THAN HAS EYED iD •• N SOLD. C usiomem coming to uv n g * n CAN PUT THEIR HORSES IN MY !. g; r REE OF CHARGE. I IIAVE t ON HAND LINT COTTON FOR SALE FOR MATTRESSES. tifivo nit' a ri-ti and bccdiYHicCil HOtlkiD'-; t •'.> '>rl<sD 'M/ *[ If y,u h )';i ]u* any t'.ne 1 ■ i i :xi • <>•' ■ ■ : !! ■, ! 'n me, I liavf i Coffin department in my *u> < > fix j u 4« , ••• i•! -'•'tylo. ALL persons that have r.«.> •or account« >1 i■> w!!i :;iV2 »M<recy I* * cui'.g fofwliu" o g ti|^^ tf$ 0 DOlffiJ. “’ftfiGiA Wisdom, Justice and Moderation. i «' ' g. «, % WILL BUI HI GOODS Ail BETH GOODS FOB Lets EM At Warcl &c Davis’ « than r-nn ho hniioli! e'scuhovo in Nminty. Dur motto h : “UNDiißßrv 1 I",'D the ..i •; giS-.’ !- f>r llie hunt. Monoy. The qurstricn is uei • , < m A Ah!) 1 VviS ,oli *•<» GiiEAP? wo Iniv our g .mis i t Nid . K.-tiui n.nrloiiTfor ~T' )T ti «SH. wo mve t’m ini.lfilo , . h. WV,v ,I » r hJ OTCA U uufl run ,io lisk on hull rcoonoN, w» • Wn „i t'riS.ay, we nrnph.y no f'prhw, ive (I . Ottr mvn buying ««•!' l ie -Ovis at pripue t’ ttl' Mp.r c.»n hve at. - A 4 ' ' ;* ■• kj r ' J • i * G d \ ta. /% 4>' i 4 <5. I i* f 7 ~Vc Ml' - ' g'll- 1,-,v hhiepr. iOOO f oho” tII. ■ -j I--.? !; y ,layn r OH£'i I<'lVl3 i.l'.y .' li/t-ATlils it in running ove - ■ : IGaiN.s. ;< it. ■f) ; ‘A HAISI }.:TA’ • - KATcHi* \ \ : 1 04 1 I'HVc *•* 1 * g.h-t)l ■ lIH ill (>' ej » ||' j ' ' ° M • i vi ' »nc<‘« 1 hat ai:l •• *;..►© you. ‘Giotkmg r C .:a1 'k>M& c - r\ W Kw A- » ** LItFSS GOODS, UAI.ILOI.S, HliEtTlN'fS, ( TILCKS. < AT ASTONISktkU J.Y LOW ri'.ICLS, \Om BtonklQ ©omptvg© in ywmw pmitike'miM aati w# ©iiaraat©® mfiMmUom. ia quality and price. 081 f-i sgT of t&S' »obVj tas/iwtta g vjr ei ’Nskt mirths "law* tien m fsQtik an it at prices % al will mak© y«m smile 13H,s Grnuulnt-d Bu-jm :fl, 4.J:bc !j;l,4€gi.3 I’ltittt -1:1-2011)1 Bice i', so lb:. Griis .'ll, 31.-at Uc lb. Chi •sn He !b, Cbiudy 10 c ft, 6tU-t1 nrs 5 cen-’i a box Hint everything •:t.-:c- atj licee that will j h aft*. WE v; tnt y-ivr trade and wc arc going t, h ive it. COME To see uft f ,ve can save j on MONrA. WARD & DAIS, LBA3JSiaB li<T LOW PSICSB * v , l>ouglas, NUMBER 4»