The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, December 06, 1895, Image 1

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Oil ine firs!s Vjp HY. nsxu Girei} ■oiTirial nsxiy \\ iiiacoocliee IX95* /, ouglas. d</t, 1): W. G iskin, J G .W. Douglas, Pear •whom if Kirkland. Douglas. *f?lver,/,l "E. Mekei-s, Willft f ; f, Dr. U\ P. Bibbett, Douglas, /or, Tharp Bailey, Garrant. /County Coutfc, F. Willis Dart, /. Mouthly terfn 2nd Friday iti ;onth. Quarterly terms 2nd Fri •aoli * i February, May, August and No days infer. Yembep. 74S pi U : !, G M., T. S. Deen, J. P.., and ox-OiiDio J. P., C. W. lulin- N. P., Court 1.- Saturday, ger. . P. .1137 i>..• i G. M.. C. C. Smith, o-. i /• p„ T. J. MeGov- W. P_ar.d A ur 1.,-:. * a CourOjVX .?U W. J. Deen, *. 13/ I*l.l Mek -r;/ B. F. Griffis. H es?Ufc i°f Mx ' >tlWhn- in M.M.'Kirk "U.k io V ‘i' p -> , VV . Tay -e ed aud xaid t. J. Me .. . Dft.'.’xDa-tja'ke A-. . P. 1130 Patriot U.v.>, G. J. Med , Court 2nd (Saturday. P. 1030 jlLstrlyt'G. M..T. S. Herat, Pvand ek-Dffi -i.oi?.' Pi’.'J. n. Paltord- AvlAitb t'.''tiiri.h\yy.y y A-v - -'-Vt-Jcli :inh s}':> n W!;h^ Nom . V T . - -jf -• ’ V £?.* **'••• n meat* t ■' ■!'.!' -f.-'T * :ty- . : tits , V ; n: !; .0 ‘ Ahantit , - v i.kfy , ii. fiT' *- . 7 : ~v ' . .it is the o.tCßjp • '• r i . " i v •. i :.r.■■ r<*ca vastly im , r.- fii i.i W l "' fiow ont to He ,-c-C ;<f '3 U P <f> dato v . ■; cpy-l to the best- in Use :..*>&£&s I' • • ■>!£.• ■•••' '■-.i srfj id Inim -full o 4 , t‘i. rurc. • : '- n .*■ ws.v 1 ii:oo„;: The I o ;Io>; | : ■ n;i vi. _i.'o'.vir the f ‘‘'• ■'< . -... . ■• r ft come* ie this V-.,-: v. | •Sa 1 ■> - PHI Nyw’* 6 't tl.c < .-■ writ(j’-ft ia the <■ ■:• j‘ h for the inijn, l-'i: ■iifir-i : ;o . - or the v. ~-toen, The !■ * . • • r.-r- Of it. tor h:. f'i —I ■ I ;<* miwelin';'- tor 'A 4 ";” youai , ijosn . i H to Ti.,> Weekly Jour i- . itor. ‘ <■ a . ■.- ■-r i> you p'.caro. i' 1 ’ -i to i-.e (>Hye r e r.i", ; ■ Ti? fry)} up - ,'h ' I ■ ■ A H -;thto t ,: y Kei'fsl club I’lo*: v. ■ on rierr afcir t ” p. :■ ■u‘:■ s ?teb -': * !,or! r''ti>-r i>n.: Thc,Don*,.‘KEKK fsr *> fl a year. /Vp,S<ile, T follow in. i: of land has been (placod in • • •: for sale. We wil soli t!v? t-t ; ine privilege?and <1 \irfc; one ■ r urJntu > we mean to sell at I t.- f'0.:.0: 1, ia are iuprwr soiiic u:.- t.r vt-1. We will soil parr, i . it to: purchaser. No | 1 far sl.Or : * you tJ|o lands. Call! \ .us or write ps. T. e following is e ! list of the ian*J.- in the first (Ist) district • •f tkiWß9 county. (Jftj 400 aoees Ko 27, ■ 49j u ires lv> 4i. 40y acres No 62, 490 1 see os No : acres No 167, 49 ) acres 201. 4U<? acr sT' 4,4!) ■ acres No 255, 48i;; M’n No 2' 8, 4;t’iacivs No 257,490 aeiee No 259, 48 i acre j No 264, 430 a res No; 677, 480 acrej Xu 310, 490 acres No 411, : 49) acre* No 157 , 400 seres No 485, 405 ar sNo 220. T;.e following is in the i sixth (6tb <ll rtei of Cff e eouaty: 44t., a-nsw No T. 5. 49-1 acres No 386, 498 scr -s Mo2>iT, 49'.' access No 593, 496 acres Ko 497, 49' axr. £ No r-65, 40) aares No 514, 490 acr- BNo SO7, 490 mto No 1, 490 screeH*- V 49 > arr- aNo fit), 499 acres N* 4*5, 4*: •€<•?* Nc 18?, 400 aercU No &48, 49t a< r • No 15, 490 aerts H0'407, Kit s-3*er No 880, 499 ceres rTp 067, 4JJf) a.leeNu fr-S 4 ) s res No jyg, 400 ateres No 148. 1‘ e wi let- of la id in'he aa out ;uc. ducri-tof Appling cju .ty, Ga: 4,-f' aorss Fo 132, 4&*< <v res \N 372, 4 i* acr Oo * ■. 480 scree X-, 406 y acres So res No 266. The <-‘vi:ig i-t-. ’ • th.- frt.rth ■ -It' i) die* i % of~' 'county: 4*n acres No * 247, 480 aeres No 889, *' n rea Si 156. Igtai 390. ,i T. B. Marshall aa< Pueeell. * ” VT ¥-: I'll i| j, 'IT A o D’DTT’TTWIp L>\) b Kl±J±\h A Hire’s in Vermont ? - W. T> iMfL ./'SNaWEOF A ■”3L *-:i ? Xk,A MAN. St • ii , ocnrr.bie Di*.i>n'--.. - .t Cured. {F ’ ■ ,ir<T /•<, Put• fol,X'.'/*Srr, KM i-■ ' e>. TDrfrV insr.y, jrnv -1 il i el sea, Vi., ar.'.betigM : r the i ,-?!' pD.cs. I7<s w.i -i . . ■ .dc r! th - • Mf.,.' rna in tV-t i . <‘u Dsii. •. LO While fl* •*•. ' ‘•i *r -a. strut in tUc esafe if I rh n : fr r 'P fly ■ . - • A. ■ .-s,v. r.' jt-- r. : . is ;. f, - ’ rtflrfllT-Ti.t -.oi. .. ya.ifl' n, ' >: l .?■ tr rrj . ;rt-;SWCii s •:: ar story ia i ‘ uii. • . iin'nif.liy s.r.l K-Tlrrs ' be itsr - t i.• ' to h '•< *at “Ly 'i ■ April .• - s') .'D j ■i sri*. - , , :.t .it* . ' - - - , i . r t ‘ rae -1 ft . • il • - ■?, t>- ■ -! . i ’.'k ?. ''3.,i i-- • rD ■ -T. - ■ . id. • .:i 1 , . > _ .. . . .. V it- ; :-l :• r t . . atrti_ iyt. • p 1 cl. .1 . . ! gi.-P'/jlk:.; -a t'. -ar ■ s .1) tfvfllt 'l.y.. . w. lias.' A f-*r hr- t-r at i 1 1 (u ,tcti3i-T v.'*, ?*- :■ ; , ■ li- !£t t.. e -nfiSne fr:; .? :• .01 i • w'jfo 49J b • - V.i: ynr i : A- '' T ' rvD-'.riri n-; >i” l.flp ;r • . j ■ ’. .-1,.' ifi.r ■jv-'i ijp", r, t!Vt'*D.-. i | i-i rr r get lip fe'.-nt, - ;it this fir- - , . • i read an tc >intf n l ' she wt | of Or. WillDri*’ | ; : .j . i- 1 i ?s?r- fisfiiDy t.- ~,y dk >r Ic! i not l.'.v afiy.-ftity ir too i‘i. \ h, • ■■'>•!■. I:i triel c.“ ’ . Vl?> ; iisrflf. s-> ! h .■? tviiheu. cel iatf snyode wh-'-rf j y- .}• - . Af. ir, ■ -: ■ i f.-v. -*i- f, f /-to' Irtt f■ - | . ■ —s ?•: •r y. I*,--:..-ru v- ■ ■ ' - .' - * --> -t r r f.-. , • - ' ;l ■■ 'tar'.: i-i tjwL-. \ 1 ! rl A'y’-f 1 •- -' ■- v i : i/'fv ■ ■i 1 . fp.-t j. • ■ - •■■■tt iS! jjMt*-t 1 1 • •• : ; l -'le, Bndthe r ■■ ’> :. T f-ATfl b.-rn-ifdtlk ftfjrWe i - 1 (-•: t STfr i! - li-oas er ysflti r-i *’ r? i • In:’ '- r r - pjLlri.i r - '•••’ - * •-portc ApA,-... .. -t"-:v *’ J ' -i rrr.H t, t v - ? ';} ' ’•> .ft ■; rt’.j; > - . -f 1 tha • '.r ststt nv -ri* V.--, i .j. -; ■ h er. tl .t b entire* ---dnr.-a, >r. Wilil::-- Pin' Pfi.Jl eri'tldu a 1 tic n . - tv • > iH'ee ur>r l * r-/j r~ it ■ih • '.l'ryirt Kisf-ri 1 h r . lev t S r- --tte-fer til e.fuK'- ■ i * ,i rh:-!,M '.y DKWini’ r ? r r. Cow •••yTV.V-nw.-Ik P. fur 5 .. per ~£, i. h-.xi-t foV fc’AS. J i ->'■• ' • :•> -c- V . - v ' < ... -* " • V* N ' ’ * s‘ - - : - ' \ ~ y j - ‘ . ~ \;\A) . r . ,V : . > it ■: k I r ' s l Poor J < Health 1 j means sc much more thar. 1 , you imagine —serious and %. i’ fatal tliscaas* result from >-> trifling ailments neglected, i t , Don't play yvith Nature's i greatest gift —health. € i - inruiiM ,i, J atltttf sors, wean Hmurrfte 1 UWUS ' _ at onw tak- g Ing thfsni6t rlia* j. iron f-ra. A ftw bot- 'pFh * , , tier er*—btutfrt A„ „A 4 ► fretn Use A • ! very £r! dt**-n u, 1A .** A . - t £ isetk, attl! tl'* rf-. laeMUiflfct fc UKt, . It > . L’-yfpspi is, KDfoey aed Liver Troubcod, > * C*f;?jjaU9Bf Bad Btood ' Milsi tk, b-ervona sltsteU \ > V/csnea’ ccmplxlats. i C Ccf or;'? Ihc genuine—it hisrr3e4 red ,r / lines oa the wrapper. All o’.bin r<g aab- \ > I S>rTfWOX,^lo^ J6l VVH4T W U 44V, fc t ' ; siotf* StmpKrfifii J>o ‘ a! /•-;•- the **ary of ft, ar.<: -n € 51-ifeJueubor HOOD r tftlßigt r. Stoerif . - DOUGLAS, UA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY DECEE.HBKK (i. i5. ,fiO YOU RE AH OVER TISEMENTS? T O SAV JE XO U R I ’ ' $ $ s’g? ■Hi “T. T ll7* fKh r n -. mM\ ■’ fe : :- •'^^,.‘lT* S' SI iltfic tiii,.. i ilk UA UCi A INH. Hie 5' -lock of vir • -T ■ . • • , u? fa !Ui.v m&-\i% o.r^ - i> . u-i UH : f • ~ ’ i -l • ..•• . *. , • i bay ic. rt>h ■ is fio* h'ci.ia4rivi>., b,-T mu,- *rwtr* tsh s prt; ’ 11l the priees t)I &. ..u- • av;.; ifc. I ••(P.M’S ANT i' Ci.O'! liING IN .HEa. • AN> 5 iLHb. ODD FITS AX * .V ER i’ STYI.FS. shoo.! 1 shoos! Sioi!!! : ■■/ 0 , r , d* ; ' -f* Mr 'lock is the best and cheapest, aed lerifeut of any etaU sfeir* N SOUTH GEORGIA. My Stock is Complt in /v y /u‘;h an t d cheaper than has ever been cold. CAN PUT THEIR HORSES IN MY LOT l REE OF CHARGE. I HAVE ON HAND HINT COTTON FOR SAI.E f OR MATTRESSES. j itxive nt) n irial and beeoiTOiiccd - 1 ; w }>riaa mr I*. II yon ;Tma: 1 g,t r i.y r u-.. : ;v<l n c.'iSSj .*r ■’ ;w ,i, (< ,j . * in mv rte/K Ca< a C.%. _ati jp,.j nrj-ta., i v at tbxtt i j.v vwivAin J-fe fftr'v tirf 4iiM I ' - DWLA GEQSMA Wisdom, Justice and Moderation. GOLD and SILVER OK. GREENBACKS, WILL BBf MORE GOODS Mi) BBTtBB ROODS M LBiS SOM At Ward & I )a T ri‘-’ Hi an r?>n be boirjht e'sew'Lp.o p, COTFI. M Cr- ~'y. Oar motto 1*: “U OERLUV an ' V !’ ;li. t ,f H *v,|* f.r tin least Vfu-U'v l s hc in wkw. > 2. * Alii) A Da VIS ted •> CILKAP? iff buy liiu ji-Ails in ilie , • , ,vi;.f: K.i ;,, mnr. etu lor -PO'I U-'tSil. we u\i tire iViid.lh. i. mi , i . w jell * Dir SPOl'i'A .R • ~ k * 'Wk ft’id run ,ir> risk on bud Mvounts, • I- ■ r< ' |>.> k-<- >no 1.-i > o < (rks.Ve'd i H e ..-A, Illivßij: ill! :•!.( ive !■ R .v>.U ill i-ri K U*l *.U i.... • I V' lit. f -f * ■■■ t •; ? ; ! A'r* I,iix3 *i, -. ' i k*.-ir.‘U t> .'llo Qlii ',|i,,o 1 i .': | 7 -’1 j.-idti 1, . i(4- J,.„r >. ‘ *•* *■ ■ • V * ' iOO'J ’ * k3b'vij t ti s, 1 j, , y;\y r. bn / X* X'>*l ,/* •t’citvu i i, . a ■* . . './ ftl i>!ll.Ui:l ( ' :,,i \ 1 ' 'V - tv ;J- • • V :'i ■ * t HA iQ ; ! Xu Vh-Q I T.-u IT !’ Vn hve i)i. ujceflt iiß in- :u o! r -iiowu in i><’ k ).,, • % . c*s Dial -rill pV h* you. CriQtliiug at M'll u tQI .... com*. DWBS UOODB, CALICOES, Slll-XTINGS. CHECKS, id ~ AT ASTCNISHINO LY LOW PKICJIS. Qm stoekis is& , and we duaiaptee s-atMaUoa in quality pri-se. yiAIJA isisXf4?E f ::..V-vOSL" f|@s I* iresla axci as l El wi-ilmak@ yx-u .rvaile HPhaOxioiHvii Kup- 4i'Du fklTc: V/.b l i Vi VLlt- iiice jj */Ai thJrt 1 r li M -ti Jo lit, C.-< e*• JO- lb, iMiX/ 20j i l -, . aid tux 5 ern e •• bi-x U?F> rT.'i. k-ft;c., Tb yautr Ht& W-' -Tm >, t/.M- r ‘f CC Ml. Tj sec i r (fga sxvr-jLbi (/KEY. WS PA Or Pa iJIQ ffiiiltu ov Mho, R.G IXT LO’vV P R-IOIS ‘Ca'o. NUMtfiR46