Georgia citizen advertiser. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1???, April 01, 1860, Image 1

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X. I ~~ AL HAIL ROAD, v:£ OF SCHEDULE. • ,l; •< lit Tra’ns wlllb. > r M.wnur.ii. A. M m.J 11... p. M. i A 51. .n: P. M. I .... i. p.M. A V . IV> P. M. AM .aid 10 OP. M. , A K.MH.nI’.M. • I K.uOIttAP. M. A M. u4IU P M. * ’:• & m.. mJ > nits ti> . Mmliai with 111 t . t-aiu at Aee-ist*. *| 1 ♦ > v r*x.i ti si In/# p u. •* NirtMnA wi.l in through f'Vi ?. train* frr>* Savar- V , *.4 wit. nu t!. Ii -A, nw Western ,V M - U clhc |:• pm train; * • w 1 tit f in i-ain; ht w f-t Wwn, on It 10 p Bt A t • Ac . by ouhe* ■ v *• • * nil er. Wrn, Otorir'k . •■:> (.<. .Ik* at Mao n. l tr , A.-, h.f take lithe- Mwm A wv-mn tra'n* ‘.ti.v ; , —* wtlltSuWiih West ** *t, hutanlv Fort UalUia. .* ‘A v. i 4at MlTen wlllt • l> A.• t and the north; <* lli| to Jjw Votk; f*t J. |.i a,O li .Itlla .T. *)♦"**•< w. both way*. • . a K 4 raid ta wcu-ed. ’ • * w Ati.'idaor tint. ‘V. ADA Alb. Wriiwal ‘•*u—rii.tmifont. I m HURT LB OK Ivtti Western Railroad ■llAtlUL Vtir-a 4’ Culu mbits, ... II Ad. p., whl *4S*.m J JA a. n ~and S W. p. m. ■ - - I’ a.. A.l>lp. ni •'tt t.a.A “tsm. Macon mi A Aitiany. am. r ‘ ‘ r ••>••••■ Mn t.l. to * -tl iii aoi Lit e at .; fr,,n ’ ■ *.tuft on the Euftiot. u ‘ K *•- *“••'. at >n*ithvt le. * v '* •*•<’ 'll Id o|<nti t< . .. A las , e.l of Cuikbert .AM I*.’ m! amßhl * dij a*ui 0 --a Aitwny iuai • - r+ nuection to Moot "■’ a . 15 i.mlngton,Sa ‘ A ’• Taißainbrijge. a.-. *▼*., uii'tittian lo Kurt * •’ ~ t*. da, i cm t.oc'iMi With the : **: a-.u at Aunt for Ku *—A fri -a Frt Va'.ev toPpny, *■ at.j tn-wm-kly to Knoxville, Fort Valina shoo'd takethe . < % .ad Jia arm. to .void detention U ’M. - tnrt Train. •’ll !■ fttS. El g>. * Bttpt„ WM X HIM CRX K. ROAD, f.tcv 9XHSCS. MMk £2 - ■ July. trains wtll be run as ?a‘4W. A—ise at Atlanta 7.1 S, AM. tM.Arrr-e at Atlanta 4.00. P. M. . twiA. Arr a* at Macot 7.15 A. 51. A M_ Ariw a! Macon SjQO P. M. - Im. >wni ail. tl.e Western t. . ouktrect* with the l ai w e* rVat K.wd-iliSa. in. > • W •t- -w. mm Saudi va. * Vi-a-nia and Hoar* kW m*-C (Bvcl rrMIT V tbc TTRSIXIA SPRINGS, w.vr be hut at AtlanU. for #J< it t’ dt. wndte New York Anrs39 00. bwd in rrteSim to this Koute, ■ Mi—i. T. tel ■ I Sloe. A'l vita. ALI U TILKR.Snpt. :0R NEW YORK, . *1 n leer a* 1 y at.y other ainers. 9 l*a<ist\ ttls % fra tasv ** 7 I; esetwodisus < earner* of ■ stUdtk Strew Nieaanblp C*.’g. ■ _... Cjjt. r. t'roeker — ~ J. A. Tost • ariww'y for tte trail., rd It: : rjm winil aliowa. cannot left ’ UAu4 MC3CTOOMKRY, o’ Iwwid y. ni the at. R CUYIKH KiiiiUl. SALI H 15 ACO. A. • ■ t. Sav.-.m an. E t'.r.biMWELLil'O.. AyratsterSiwYoA. M\;uiunli Koute S TO New York. Slice lit. and in Rates of TASSAGE •atawrit wf Tkwi;k TirWets. ram. ♦ *- lewaib. r-1 75 • ..alia* 5> 0” ti i Kte.y.i tv. . * ■ -i s* l •* m isu>, ----- -it V :• a \ <nfta. - - - - -17 50 • ■ ti S He Mat Lett an Evp lia i‘ar*. bid itSvilid Um> -;o- wdti Wbd oreuni and!. us * ?e nhrrl Sli'anirm n bva Cayd. M.S. ITootlhnn, “ Isaac t'tvwell. - “ “ Geo. K. Si henck. -i : RI'AT, <'-rr)iri|E tic Uni lew Stall. Mali. ■ t ’ ti. cldiy . ‘ 1-d.fd ar.t* favor ‘ New Tick wd savat.nah Meaa. • -V-WJ ~ -d <’ j,U extire-sly for ana- -I by e*peie-ioed. *AI Iful - -■ ••Awtstle tri ii. Hinds v<rM lytrr laabor ttreoad T Tick* i arc sold *- ntuditmiitd. t.oMUila s t- s.l. .. H*rden* Fxpress Mid w. in: .* erst sad at ail other; in's -’•KN* k. mIIIer * gai lie. Aci-nw. savai nah. SAHTTIX U MITr-HIIX * MJ.N, New York. * :CMLO & YAS 6IESEN, 13ENTISTG, * rt xfldi KM. lam. Gt., aL 1 F|.:\ KXTRAiTIWG TEFTH. || * • ‘ A*'* l e-i i-.wa-.i w. feianil anil for sale. . • ihef <>l idyle c.f Trr-tl, : -i it us. Lathe Pia at < o’ ifdrwn—ntaor Mstcrialsot CKt. 16—ts li. PATTOX. 3S & PATTON. at Law, ANP C-scercl Collecting Agents, Vta<- > snlv • rv o.iane* e itnpoeioir the • ad * throanites us H i’ina*. v .■ . A-••- liftlmr. I\tki*ki ami • t*e “late l.y .peeiil oou- an. fUadws r.roi ft, all claims ■ 1 !,£. (Vny trfet. up ” - (drf. wur Hardime Store. IISBETS, umms AT LAV, XAOOK, iiA. t M'HET. hria*aicite<l J-t*. w*~ - l imtWMkm. wxWWßeMtb* Conrtsirf Ma • dk. lmakr. Bonter. Hottudon. - Jmh dLww HwMwut and Put - Th- i miS Ah’ bke na* in •Mm -w rvwrda. md ip the sopn me r V- -ewMmw pa* if ju . #p mm iVutiprhsrr. P.IOFESSIBSAL ASD BDSIRESS CARDS TROUT HOUSE, ATLANTA, Geo., By J. D. GILBERT .J CO. •rptSaCAwtf Samuel H. Washington ATTORNEY AT LiW, Macon, Ga, WILL Practice in all the Counties of the MACGR CIR i L I I, and In the Counties of Washington, Wlikinsun and fsAurri..-. < next to Concert HaH, ov#r Tayne’* Dnig htore. INSURANCE RISKS. TAKEN FOR AUGUSTA INSURANCE & BANKING CO, AND Alabama Fire Marine Insurance Cos. by LAZ IER a andekhon, •eyxt—tf Agents. Macon. DR. B F. GRIGGS f |l ENI'KRS h's profesuloral services to the ('lt! re nr of Ma 1 roo and vicinity. OKKIHE or l'lunib Street. <>i pioife the IVpol, ‘le.rlbe I'.r.iwn liouie, where he can be luntid at til hours ol li e day se t night. nov 4 :im Co-Partnership Notice. W t£ will C'ditlnuethe Dme business at the Comer of Sec 1* mill and* herry Sts. The name and style of the Urn will be i h .life,| from 7.E1 LIN, HI! NT t C’O..Wthat ot 7,E1- LINA HUNT. Thankful fur the libera! liutronat'e ofthe past year, we hopetu merittl econtinuedrnnflilcnreof• urfrleDdr, andcltircnigenerally. J. HEN'KY ZEILIN. tan il—lf. LEONARD W. HUNT. WANTED TO HIRE! 200 Nogrooa. iRIHK Ssuth Western Kail Ttoad Comp iny want to Lire A iOfl N-sro Men to work on rc|.*!i> o* their Road for the ■ *t yeai <l*flO). also. 40 Oi 50 Negro Woo.en as cooks anil hovel llanrti. for which liberal prices will be paid. Con rases can be mads with ■?. NI. WahUn Huuervi*or. Fi Val my ; Wm. S IPantl-y. or witn thesubscribcrat the olflet In ■ aeon. For particular- address o: -Jdw.Vssr im VIKUIL POW r ER9, Erg. A gnp't. PATTEN & MILLER (Late PATTO, UITTON & Cos.) Commission Merchants SAVA Will, GEORGIA. n. PATTEN. A. J. VILLER. July S, ISS.—ly m. rTfbeemas, m. and. H A VINO returned to Macon. < ttVrs Ms Professional . crvl cos to it. citizens, ami the surrmindii g country, and ts reparod to treat their various diseases wt h innrcent ve e stiie remedies.and hop sthat in consideration <-f the lact i ut he gives no po's n. draws i.o hlood, and nevei and stroyr ike constltuttOTif ofhis iiatisnts, he will beliberally pntionized >y the atilicted. nr Particular ttrntlna will be given to Planta'ion, and itlirr country practice. t*r i ntloe at ths Drugstore of Dr if. S. Thomson, to whom hs reters. jan. 7—ly DR. WM. F. HOLT Will attend promptly, VLI. ca'ls left either at hisOffice.over P.owdrc * Ander son’s store, or at his residence in Vintvilie, opposite Mai. Comer’s. March 11—ly* BROWN'S jHHOTEL. E. E. BR )WS has taken his sin, Wll lism T. Erown into partners hip with him, and this Hotel will hereafter le kept in the name of BKOWX dk 90Y. E E. DROWN, 1 WM. F. BROWN. jan 29 “60—ly gw & w 0. B. RICE, TUNER AND REPAIRER or PIA.NO FOTITES, Ig Permanently locatedin Macon. Ur Names may beieft at Messri. Virgin’s and at E. J. Johnston A 00. i.ov3—tf DR. A. L. CLINKSCALES HAVING .-pent four vearsin Macon, in a gncces-ful prac” tice of Medkine In all Its branches; thanklul for past f .vnrs- anduonUnues to offer Ids profes onal service to the r.tixena of M: c u and surrounding country. HKFIGhi over Dr. >rohecker" P-rug store, and residence on Pub ie Square, where he can he so ui J at ail times uni ss ,rof. s-loiiHilv absent, and will attend promptly to all c -Its left t either pl .cn nov 19 ? w-Um UR. V. J. ROOSEVELT, noMUTATHIC PHYSICIAN, Office an*l Residence, Corner Wnlmit and 3rd Strevts, >lapoa, Ga. jan. 91—ly . L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GA. if VICE nextto Concert Hall,over Payne’* Drug Stor* ar.H>—lv | imr I.LOI IKD T. DOYAL, Attorney at Law, Oriffin, Ga. OFFICE on Hill Street, between Woodruff’s Carriage P.c poidtory and Beuhem’s Furniture Store. Oct. 16—ly Uefertiice. L. r. ltuiAh. .f. BKAYHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Macon, C5-oorgia, tx* i pract’ce in the Macon Cir'.uit, and in the connties ft o- Monroe. Putnam, Wilkinson aud Sumpter. OFFICE i-t Washington block next doortoJ. M. Ihard man’s Bo k More. oct - g DESIGNS FOR MONUMENTS -BY- Robt. E. Launitz, NEW YORK. E.J.JOHSTOX. AGO.Agent. June [ft—tf Macon, Ga, DH. H. A. METTABEB, HAVING BLei;t * portion or throe successive years inthi# citv. which time he has lintited hfsrractlceal mivt exclusively to Surgerv, n*w reerectfaiiy offers his ser riee# to the citizens of and surrounding xlith. br inches of bis proß Sblon. w ORic** on the Souti - ist come r of Sd ar.d Cherrr streete, over Mr. Aher A verbs New Giocery Store. aep i* tr J. C. UI)WARDS, Real Estate Broker, VETILT.gtve prompt and personal aftcution to Buying ff and selling Lands and city property. Examining l Hies. A- ‘ tl.c value of Real Estate. Renting Property, aud al’ bus uess pertaining tageneral Real Ketute Agency. Own v in 2d story up stairs, in Dr. stroheck* r s huiluing. oct. 10—ts SUSERS & LEWIS; CHEER Y STRERT. micox,gi.* HAVE lust received a large assortment ol Groceries. Dr Goods and Crockery, which they w ill sell a* low a*th n be bought in the city. oct.9—tf DR. GEO. G. GRIFFIN HAVING pe'mauently located h.mft-iflTi Macon, respect fuhy teudcr> lus prsfessiiiai services to the public. OF! It a on 2<l Street, in \fAshlniitc-n Block a tv”. wly -■ A Card. V PRACTICE extending over several counties, nianvo I theTn distant from Macon, has resulted in my flequent absencjfrotn hi. city. For the purpose of affortu gme more time to attend to tny business her. and uitlugeirciit jh ve ted in my practice with Col. R. H . h ' n ‘ n **; exf nr-iutw-ind reimUkioD, whose residence in Atlai.U will authorise tne la giving constant and exclusive attention ro all case.placed in mv hand, in this c ' , 7 1 ” *? or T 1 2 V i' lller ““XlZwlZu flrmly U,o o“i I^UKANK. Exchange on NEW VORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER’S BANK. mar 29—ts LAW PARTYER9IIIP. HILL <sz> KILL, SICCXSWB TO -Hx I.ATK HEM OF & K U L WIT L t raetlcc In the Macon and adjoining Circuit*, andSn the Supreme and Feleral Courts the same a. heretofore by th late firm of Stuhb* A HU. JNO. R HTLL. —lit aiose no the business ofthe late firm of pcnswViadebtod “ are%ntedto s^ t . j., CIRCULATION a. B. DAT, 0 X. XAcggmr’ DAY & MAUSSENET, Watchmakers and Jewelers, MULBERRY ST„ MACOR.GA.. HAVE now In store and dally receivinga r eh and varied ass rtmet.t of grrod* In tteir line, coDeUM * li, part of Tin* GOLD and Hi: \'KR WA TCIIEH, Ladies’ GO Lit WA Tt'UEH from .fio to 1220, bianumd Breast Pins and Finger Rings Jeerelnj of erer : / dev; iptic/n I Vxksin ereni variety Sitter and J’luted nare of rare, and cosily design antfinish. Besides a fine, assortment of FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, &C., &C., auch as are usually kevt lo the best establishment*. Also a complete supply of Musical Instruments. VlOl3.Vi from £5 MOTS, HA.VJIDa from gI.AO U> S2O. A r . li. Walchea and. Jewelry repaired at short notice. oct 12—swiw 6m* D. C. IB & SI, MACON, 02k. INVITE the attention olthe Spotting Public and others, to their laree selrctuu ot Double Guns &. Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers, Pocket and Sporting Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Walking Sticks, F3BIIEI & DOMESTIC IMIIITIOI. And every artleeto be found in the first-class Sportsmen's Emporium* eillier North or South. By a care u] auction to, and by keeping always on liana, a choice assortment ofthe Vest goods In our line, we etpeef to receive a continuation ofthe lihefalpatronagehere* t ifore extended to us. HEP A lit I\G carefully attended to, as hereto ore. loci 2.i-tf) D. C. H. Al SON. TO FARMERS. >)AG BALFS HEAVY GUNNY BAGGING, )1 HI 0 Rolls “ 1110 - Dundee Bageing 3,:10J Colls Machine Rope, 1.000 •* Hand bpun Rope, ,000 Pounds Twine. We offer the above on favorable terms. july34—tf* J. B. A W. A. ROSS. WANTED FOR 1860. 250 Bushels Corn Meal Monthly. SEAL proposals will be received bv the South Western Kail Koad Company, until the 20* it of Dec?mber IS-'9, for the supply of 250 Bushels Fresh Corn Meal Mon'hly, to be delivered at their I'eocd, in Macon, by the SMh of each m< nth, to gluing with the 25th of -lanuarv IbCO, and continue lor one year. Addrejs VIRGIL POWERS, Sup’t. XeniAober2oth.lSs‘J. THE / NUTRITIVE CURE.X / A New Method of Healing, by pure Nutrition \ /(in the Vital Forces) without medicine. Are \ / you Scrofulous, Consumptive, Dyspeptic, or 1 I Nervous ? Have you skin disease, sore or weak I I Eyes t Any affection of the Lungs, Stomach, \ I liver. Bowels, Blood, or any disease I ever? Read my B \ “ BOOK OF INFORMATION,” \ which explains what the Cure by ‘SJ \ \ Nutrition is, and how the Invalid \ \ may become his own best doctor, J \ and banish forever all **pills’* i— sOA \ and “ powders,” as injurious to I Health, and utterly unworthy Jof any confidence at all. By all --"/A / means read the “ Book of Infor- jT J mation,” (sent to you for 1 dime.) \ /and “throw physic to the dogs.’’ J / Address, Boston, Mass., J (23 Eliot Street,) LAROY SUNDERLAND. GEO. W. ROSS, | SAUUKL T. COI.E'J*X. Spring Trade, m s so:s) ]NTE’W FIRM #€W €OOfTS. THE undersigned having purchased of Wm. H. Ross, >-ii interest in the old firm of Kois, Col* man A Ross, will continue the STAPLE AND FANCY CRY GOODS bus 1 new at the old Stand, where by the l r, th of this mouth we shall open almost an entirely i.ew stock of g odi*, having re! need our fall stock unusually low. Kvery efftirt mill be mmlr- to obtain the mo?t choice and novel ii market aiitl the reputation which onr ho se has had heretofore of selling A LITTLE CHEAPER li an any olher wil. now be more than maintained. We de sign recruiting onr stock several limes during the vear, thereby avoiding the aunoyaLCj s * alien e\p* rienetd by those buying late in llie seicon, of finding nothing fresh or esirable. We invite a careful exauiinat ion of Our Stock and Prices, feeling c„nfldei.t it will be to the Interest of all who wisp Goods & Cheap Goods, tscall and see us before purchasing. Veiv Respectfully ROiS A COLEMAN. Feb S, ’6o—swiw BARGAINS! BARGAINS i FROM m’ ■ ■ ■ M ■ * W 1 ■ ‘ K, . WF. SHALL SELL. OFF THE REMAINDER OF OUR LARGE STOCK OF WINTER DRY-GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! IS THE •TXMEI TO SECURE BARGAINS AT IV. W. PARKER AM dec JO Washington Hall. BY E. R. S ASSEEN, (SUCCESSORrro J. J. THRASHER.) Atlanta Cia. K. SASSXEX, F#ratr Proprietor *f the - -SUPPER HOtTSir *tCalhoun Ov. Old Mends, take due notice thereof, and govern you reel ve*ccoruißr‘>. March I—^m macow, cjjQu, Aipxai*, iseo. OF TIIE Eleventh Volume OF THE raLHiflfittiimim, To Commence Sarly in April Next. WE this day issue our Prospectus for the Eleventh Volume of the Weekly Citizen, to commence early in April, emtoing. The paper will be of the same size as at present, hut will he materially modified and unproved, in several particulars. A limited number of Advertisements, only, will appear in this edition, sous to give more room ; for reading matter, of use in the family circle and at the tire-side ofthe i Southern Homestead. The Proprietor flatters himself that a life-time experience in the profession of Journalism, fifteen years of which have passed in Georgia, has given him the necessary qualifications for the work. lie will only | say, therefore, here, it is his purpose to make the Citizen, in all respects, a first class Southern l ainih Journal, and worthy of a liberal patronage from the whole section of the Con federacy. Its Literary and Home Department will he specially in charge of the P*ayrietor, who will aim to make it a pleasant and useful visitor to the famMy circle, in all matters pertaining to domestic econ my, while it will be the nsprtory of refined thought and a chaste Miscel laneous Literature, suited to the taste of the most cultivated. The POLITICAL DEPARTMENT will be conducted by a gen tleman well versed in the political history of the country, and as true os steel to the Institutions of the His motto will be, EQUALITY IN THE UNION VS ” Independence out of file Union. The Political Department will not however partake of that in tensely part izan character, which can see nothing good or worthy of sup port, save it comes from the authority of certain Party Leaders and Party Conventions, but will be the fearle-s exponent of those sound constitutional principles which formed the basis of our Republic in its ear lier days of prosperity and renown. The Paper will he American in its tone and impulses, but liberal to all opinions which do not sap the foun dation of our civil and religions liberty. It will oppose the modern dogma oi - Squatter Sovereignty and Territo rial Legislation against property , to the “bitter end,” and give no quar ter to the politicians who place themselves on any such insidious platform. It will equally oppose the extremes of sectionalism, North and South, and labor for National Peace and Union so long as there is any hope of either blessing, hut will not be the advocate of the perpetuity of this Confederacy, at any price, or at the expense of the most sacred rights of its co-equal sovereign members. For the development of the resources of the State and the South, the citizen will ever be found laboring, believing that the best way for a people to enforce the respect of their enemies, is to place themselves in a position to command respect, by virtue of their advancement in all the ind’jstial pursuits of Agriculture, Manufacturers and Mechanic Arts, that constitute the true strength and greatness of a commonwealth. With a view of giving a larger amount of reading matter, the pro prietor intends to issue an Advertising Supplement, which will admit of greater display to the favor of our customers and give wider cir culation to the business notices of merchants and traders. Os this ad vertising sheet we shall issne about 20,000 COPIES MONTHLY 0,000 CopiesWecklj, at such a rate of charge as must necessarily prove attractive to the bus inessmen of Macon and Georgia, for our design will embrace a system that will extend its ramifications into every nook and corner of the State. oxjix . The CASH system will be adopted in every Department of our Office, and we hope to be able to prove that this is best both for subscribers and proprietor. The price of the Weekly Citizen, will be 82 50 in advance. For the Weekly and Supplemental Advertiser, - $3 00 For the Advertiser alone, - . - - 50 To Clubs of jive, the Weekly will be furnished for $lO or $2 each. For Clubs of Ten, the eleventh copy will be sent, free of charge, to the getter up of the Club. Address, L. F. W. ANDREWS. Macon, Ga. DAVID ROSS, Corner of Third and Cherry Streets, Macon, (icorgia. aei hi*! Messrs. T. CL “W ood, t HAVE this day associated with them in the manufacture and sale flJ|P£ SITH G. WOOD, j The Business ® A SV V\ hereafter lx* conducted in the firm name ot Wood, Bro.&Co. li Macon, Ota. m T OTXCE. Having associated with us in the Furniture business, Seth G. Wood, we ar® particularly desirous of closing up the old business as soon as possible, and re spectfully request all indebted either by note or account, to call and make payment at an early day. Macon, 2d January, ]H6O. (feb. 18) MEDICAL CARD. OR. SAMUEL TARVER, Spier’s Turn Out, JEFFERSON CO.. GA. OFFRR.Shis aerrie*** t.* the afflicted, in al! i’a**emf diwa.te, especially in tluwe chronic ca.-cm which Imve loti2*lefied tlie skill ot the .Medical Profession. -lf.-dicine* and prescription* can he sent by mil to any :wl*l ress. on applienrioii to the Doctor, at the above Post Office. Charges reasonable, march S—ts TmEEHmT FOR SALE. A FIRST Class Fire Engine built by A*ner. of Phila delphia. and ! In ibD city (Vagoatai by the Mechanic Fi;e Company. It will be auUt at a sacrifice ; only reason for !s:l!ir.*btir*c w 4 u t <>’ room. Addrm* Fo*teb for term-. Ac.. Angn ta, Ga. March Ifit JOEL R. GRIFFIN Attorney at Law, MACON GA. lETILL practice fn the counties of Macon and V the adjoixiing: counties. Also, in the counties, j of West and South-West Georgia, accessible by Kail Hoad. Particular personal alien!ion (jirm to rolierting. | < rffice with O. A. Loehrane. Damour’s Building. -*l Street. oppsite Methodist Book Depository, feb. 27. HIB. LIME, PLASTEO, IC. THF. undersigned are agents for the sale of Reese’s Manipulated Guano, tire now prepared to supply planters in any quantities at the same Cost as if or dered by themselves. Are also agents for the sale of Mnpes’ Xitrogenized Super Phosphate of Lime.— Will also have a large suppiv of the genuine Peruvi an Guano, all of which will be sold as low as parties can lay it down in this market. AYEKS, WINGFIELD, A CO. >'ov. 8. [COPY.] Mornunu, Oct., 24th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers. Wingfield it: Co s: Dear Sir—Yours of the 13th inst., has been received its contents noted. Ac. In reply to your enquiry in regard to the Manipulated Guano as a fertilizer—l am well pleased so far as 1 have tested its use. 1 ap plied about 100 lbs. per acre on land that was badly worn, and not of the best when fresh. The product of the field where the Guano was applied is over 8(8) lbs. of seed cotton per acre. The same kind of land without the Guano produced about 4(8) lbs. j>er acre. My mode of applying the Guano, was by depositing it In the drill before bedding up the land. 1 have not tried its use on corn, but doubt but it will succeed well. I shall use it pretty extensively on my next crop. Yours Respectfully, [Signed] REUBEN WRIGHT. Btkomville, Oct. 20th, 1859. Messrs. Ayers Wingfield it- Cos., Maeon. Dear Sir:—The Manipulated Guano bought of yon last Spring (Reese's, 1 think it was,) iapprove of very much. At this time, as the crop is not gathered it. I cannot say what per cent, it will pay. though the use of it on poor land pays a considerable per cent. I shall continue the use of it. Respeetfuily yours, [Signed] * W. H. BYROM. Nov. 9,-tf. Just Received Avery fine lot of VENISON HAMS, PIG HAMS and SMOKED BEEF. 10 Firkins kest Table Butter. 10 £xtra nice State Cheese. 1 Barrel French Chesnuts. 10 Boxes ofthe very best Italian Maearo ny, different styles. 10 Barrels of assorted fresh NUTS, ALSO, 3,000 “Mount Vernon SEGARS” some thing delightful. ALSO, 15 Barrels of beautiful clear Cider, better than some champagne. AI-iSO, 14 Casks of Genuine Imported MUIR A SON’S ALE, to arrive and in Store. All for sale at reasonable prees at HENRY HORNES, mar 1 3t Confectionary. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. “VTOTICE i. hereby given that the copartnership i.l heretofore existing under the firm name and style of Menard & Burghard was dissolved by mutu al consent on the Ist instant. All debts due to and all obligations of the lat<* firm will be adjusted by F. H. Burghard. who retains the books and accounts. L. R. MENARD, F. U. BURGHARD, Macon, Fe 17.1860. MRIIM k GRIFFIN WOULD Inform their friends vd the puMie generally, th it they nave now in store, and are constantly re ceiving, their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Os choice and select GROCERIES, To which they would most respectfully invite the attention of one and all. Planters and Merchants Will find it greatly to their interest to ctll and examne our stuck before purchasing elsewhere. We are determined to sell, j rotit or no profit. Quick .-ales and small margins, ie our motto. Our stock consists in part ol 50 nates Gunny Cloth. 151 Coils Hope. 1000 Pounds Baling Twine. 2.5 Bags Coffee—Java. Port Rico, Rio and Laguira. 10 Cheats Black and Green Tea. 15j Barrels ABAC Sugar. 25 •* Crushed and Powdered Sugar. 5 Bcxcs Loat t-ugar. 10 Hogsheads Fine Port Rico. 300 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 Sacks Alum Salt. 250 Boxes Adamantine Candles {0 “ Sperm “ 100 Boxes Jio. 1 Soap. 20 “ Family Toilet Soap. *5 “ Assorted and Fancy Candy. 10) BoxeaStarch. Iff) Jars Snuff. So Wko.e, Half and Quarter Kegs ot Powdor. 20 Cans Duck-shooting Powder. 100 Bags Shot. 15'J,000 Cigars, various brands. 120 Buxe* Tobacco. 20 Cases Magnolia and M >unt Vernon Tobacco. 6(J Bales Osnaburgs and Stripes. 5 Cases Uomespuu, Bleached. 10 Bales Georgia Kersey. 10 “ Aortnem “ 12 “ Blankets, all prices 50 Baskets Piper's Heidsick wine. 55 “ La Perle Wine. 25 “ Prince Imperial Wine. 70 Ca-es Cuhin-t Wu e. 15 CasesGingerand Blackberry Wine and Biandy. 103 Barrels Kye aud Corn Whiskey 10 ** Extra old Bourbon. 7o “ Gin Rum and Brandy. 15 Casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Win*. 10 Cases Loudon Dock Gin. 10 “ Boker, and Stoughton Bitten. 25 “ Lemon Syrup. 25 Casks Ale and Porter. 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs. SO -• Assorted Pickles. 40 “ Super Cart). Soda. 50 Barrels and Boxes Soda and Butter Crackers, 20 Boxes Herrings. 5 sacks Ashton’s Table Salt. 5 Cases Ashton’s Table Salt. 12 Doz. Well Buckets. 25 Doz. Blue Buckets. 15 Nests of Tubs. 60 Doz. Georgia Pine Buckets. 20 Boxes Leveritt Axes. 2 >.OOO Pounds White Lead and Zinc. 10 Barrels Linseed Oil. 10 “ Tanners’aud Machine Oil. 2 “ Castor OIL 2 Casks Linseed Oil. 1 ’*• Pure Spenn Oil. 5 Barrels Lemon yiup. 5 “ Rose Cordial. 5 * Peppermint Cordial. 50 Pounds sewing Thread. 50 Dozen English ilckles. 10 “ Worcestershire “aiice. !0 Hhds. Clear Bacon c ides. 10 Casks Hams, 20 Kits Shad. 30 ” Mackerel. 20 “ White Fish. 10 “ fl Salmon. 20 Cases Plantation Whisky. 2) • Pine Apple Brandy 5 Barrels CUT LOAF Sugar 3 “ S. Shell Almouds. 8 “ Peen Nuts. 3 “ Brszil Nuts. 253 oxes, And rv-n’s Solace Toiiacc . 100 Whole, Half and Quarter Barrels Mackerel. 20 Firkins Prime fresh But'er. 10 •• “ ** Lard, 1 Doz. Corn Shelters. 10 “ Brooms, 10 f’ases Common Matches. 20 Gross German “ 10 Cases New cider. 50 Doz. Blackirg. 10 Cases Cotton Cards. 10 D<z. Yeast Powders. 1000 Pounds Gre id Paints in Oil, ofiall colors nov 4 INTotice. South Western R. R. Cos. TIILS road is now open for business to Coleman. 10 miles west of Ctjthliert on the Fort Gaines line, and to Morris 11 miles west ofOuthhert on the ] Ei f iula line, and will be opened to Hatchers, 15, on the Eufaula line by the 15th day of March next. Good and secure station houses have been erect ed at each of these points for the protection of merchandise- from the weather. W. A, Macon, Agent on the Eufaula line, now at Morris’ Station and C. B. Marshall Agent on the Fort Gaines line, now at Coleman, will attend promptly to th“ for warding of cotton over the Road and merchandise to its proper destination as fast as wagons shah of fer for that purpose. Coaches connect daily with trains between Fort Gaines and Coleman, between Eufaula aud Morris. VIRGIL POWER*. Eng. A Snpr. Macon. Feh, isrh. I8ft) MS & Hnum TAKE NOTICE. Elias Einstein Has just opened a splendid lot of RICH*. WAOKIFICEfIT DRESS GOODS, SILK, BAREGE, ORGANDY AND JACONET ROBES from i to 15 flouiw-es, also with 2 Japes nud 3 to 5 flounce*. LACE POINTS, LACE it BAREGE MANTILLAS, SILKS, MUSLLNB, BAREGES, TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, in great variety. Enib’d. H.lkf*, fbllars, Rands. Edging*. In-*-rt ings, lairs- mitts, Ac. fhli*-oes. Bteurnfcd A lir**wii Homespun*, rtlwwtmg 9-4. l-4. 11-4. 12-4 sl*-. CARPETING, in E*igli-h Brusnell?, 3to i ply, Ingrain from 25 r-uto $1.50 per yard. HEARTH RUBS, &C., WINDOW DAMASK, LACE AND EMB D. CURTAINS, TAS SELLS, <fce. Summer Clothing, a heaittilitl iot.ju-t opened. Call, Gent*, und -< *• f**r yourselves. Al o, Painted Window Shades in great variety.— Hosiery. Kid Gloves. Hem. Stieh. und Tape Border- : ed Hdkfs. and every thing usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. Come and jinlge l*>r yourselves. ELIAS EINSTEIN. Triangular Bloek. Afaeon. Ga. SOUTHERN DEPOT. tlie Genuine KEROSENE OIL! ATTlla LOWEST PRICES, BY THE BARREL Oil SINGLE GALLON. BEING SUPPLIED DlrfrUy from the Works of (he KEROSENE OIL CO. THJS~OIL Does not Smoke While Burn ing, AND IS OF UNCHANGEABLE LEMON COLOR And will not explode. FOR SALE lIY THE ONLY APPOINTED Agents in Macon, ZEILIN & HUNT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Ma con, G-a, I.OTTKRIKS! SHIVERS’ LUCKY OFFICE. GEORGIA State Lottery—McKinney A Cos. Man agars. Capitals 60,tw0, 20,01.0 and ln,ooO dollars, Ac., Ac. Consolidated Lotteries of Georgia—Hodges. Davis A Cos., Managers. Capitals 100,uoo, 70,uu0, 50,000 and 20,000 dollars. Ac., Ar-. Walton Female College Lottery—W. C. Dawson A Cos.. Managers. Capitals 00,000 50.000 and 25.010 dollars, Ac.. Ac. Grateful for past favors, would solicit a continu ance of the same. Remember that I have sold, anil returned, more capitals and large prizes, than at any other office in the state of Georgia. Be sure to come or send your orders to Shivers’ Lucky Office, Floyd House Building. \VM. HI! IVEKS,’ .Tr., Agt. Maeon. On.. Fen. 23 •*>. ly new F-ißnvr. STEAM SMI, !Lll 10 01. FACTORY. HAVING purchased Mr. John Knight’s Steam Factory in this city, we are prepared to furnish Sash. Blinds. Doors and all other work done at simi lar Houses, at short notice. We will pay particular attention to the business, personally and punctually, and promise ta strive, at least, to give entire satisfaction t<> all who may favor us with their custom, both in regard to the quality of work done, ami Drive*. Flooring. Ceiling, Weathcrlioard Ac., worked anil prepared to order. Ho • *ive usa call. R. C. WILDER. A Cos. Macon. Jan. 2Sth. 1860. (ts) NEW FIRM! HAVING purchased the Stock of the late firm of Carhart A Raff’, wc will continue the Grocery bu siness at their old stand, where we will l*e pleased to see the friends ofthe old Finn, and as many new ones as may favor us with a call. Macon, Jan. 10, ’6o—sm ROFF, SIMS A CO. DR. A. P. COLLINS WILL altet tl promptly to all calls left titter at his Office over Harvey A Heath's Store, or at the rositlu,cef ahrtes Collins. oct 15 w— ts W, T* BLACK. ORDINARY AND ATTORNEY AL LAW Soliley Do,, G-a. Feb 10—ly w* S2OO REWARD! STOLEN from the suhserffe-, on Saturday Eight last, by a negro man named Irvin t hotter, *i o cteki cd t*. he fr* e, a horse about 10 years ol_: shod tn “he f re foot with his fore-top cut off. Said negro is about 5 feet high, and 85 years of age. I will give the aouve reuaru fortlie negro or *oo for the liurse alone. SA Ml, JIcKIcSZiE, nov 26—if Montezuma, Ga. REMOVAL, REMOVAL. CABHART & CURD, HAS REMOVED TO THEIR NEW IRON-FRONT STORE Cliorry street nearly opjvosite AYERS, WINGFIELD & CO TITHE RE can be found a large, and well assorted V V stock of HARD WARE, IRON ASD STEEL, and any article adapted to the use of MERCHANTS, PLANTERS, BLACK SMITHS, CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, and will be sold at the lowest market prices. DOY’T FORGET THE IRON FRONT. (t-f.) BOOTS AND SHOES of every description for Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys. HATS & CAFS Of* Latest Styles* From the best, most tasty and iashionable Manufac turers in the country. WE ASK AN EXAMINATION. BEARDEN. GAINES. A CO, dec 102 w Triangular Block. Macon, Confectionaries of ati kin.iatt whoieaa’e *li re tail by C. H. FREEMAN A CO. march IXf Cotton Avenue. NEW GOODS GEORGE R. BARKER HAS lust returned firm New Tork with a large and fresh stock of Staple and seasonable * HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, raATS AND CAPS, &c., Bnilab e for both CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE, Most of which haAcbeen bought low for Cash, and will be aoid at the lowest ggures. Call and s-te me. U. B- B VT M OVIIXK * GOODELL’S Double Lock Stitch BEWII.G MACHINES. Somethjii* new and complete for aiepi G. K. B. I poy 4tt 3?ffO. X. JOHN T. SAZZTZX, WITH 6. W. & JEHIAL BEAD, H ASUFV* TI Rl*# AXI> WHOLMALK I>f 4UM IV HA TS, (A PS, <f STJtA W GOODS, Paiis Style Bonnets, Flowers, Um brellas, Parasols, &c 120 Chambers and 50 Warren Street*. IST ew York. 4th and oth Sis. above the Ax tor House. Jn. 27, ‘GO 6m G. W. EMERSON, D. D. S. DENTIST, OPPOSITE THE LAir/ZM March 1, ‘oo—tf GARDENING Implement. IJTJ in setts com* X XV U il ill \X pleto. Priming Kmvc, Tin.l <IHIK Knives, Pruning Shears, long and *lw>rt Imn dies. Pruning Hooks, Pruning Saw*. Garden nl Heed Hook. Harden H.m* and Hake. Harden Trowel*. linrilru Sjadefc Spa.ling Korkt. Potatoe Kakea,Ur don Plows, Harden Barrows, for rale by XATIUS’ WEEP. T)T nXTTQ No. 10 and 11 Cart plow*. Htoci XLv W 0 point self-sharpening Plow*. Hteef Plows. Httlesoil Plow i. Side Hide Hill TTows, Pitch ing Plows. Harden Plow* all sixes. 1 and t Fur row Plows, Harrow*. Mattocks for sale hy NATHAN WECTi. TT/\yj<Q of nil the liest makers, eotnpsi.-ing Sc,*. XXV/Jllw vil*i. Brade's Patent aud< rows, Wr warranted. Bradley * Past Steel Uruhldag, /Pane Jfocs, Seed Hoes. Flower Hues, foreale by PTTAT7TIT O and Spades, (harden and OIIU V JCiljU Straw Hakes, Spading Forks, Hush Hisiks. Hush Scythes, Hocket llooks. Cotton and Wool Cards. Sheep Shears, Crirrv Oottlhm Horso Brushes, for sale hy NATHAX WEEI>. rtATJ ¥T Shelters. Porn Mills, Straw and stmok V/V/iVXI Putters. Urain Cradles, Srylhe Blades, t train Sieves, Fan Mills, Tlirashers, Horse Powers, utter and Heaver traps, Wheelbarrow*. for wisvl. Coal and Dirt, Chums, Ac., for sale by N. W. PIANOS. —Anew and elegant lot of Chirkerimj 4 .Son's, Light <1 Bradbury's, and W. Knah*'*, at manufacturer's quoted priees. For sale hy mar 8 * E. J. SoHNSTtiN AO*. COATES & WOOLFOLK WAREHOUSE AND COMB §2MERCHANTSjiU ARE now open and prepared for the reception of Cott<>* tY a- their NEW KIKE PROOF WAREHOUSE, oppo Ite Hwdeman A Sparks. We will endeavor tu prove ourvel ves worthy of the pationage of .hose who will far or us wit lie r business. Liberal advances a.ada on cvlh.u whea ce I red. Macon. Sept. 21, F.U.—24 t • Dissw 1 ii(ion Copitrln*r*lii|. STRONG k WOOI) hereby give notice, that their firm was dissolved this day by mutual consent.— Hither party is authorised to use the name of the late firm in settlement of its affairs. Those iD<lott ed willmake immediate payment ami those having claims will present them for settlement. LEWIS P. STRONG, CHARLES V. WOOD. Macon, Jan. 2, 1860 jan 3 3in t |i NEW FIRM, L. P. STEONG & SONS. IEWIS I’. STRONG tenders his grateful thanks _i for the lils'ral patronage extended to him for the last twenty-seven years, and respeetlhlly an liounees that lie has ip anointed with him in the fur ther prose, ution of the business, his two son*. Kl>- HAR P. STRUNG and FORRESTER W. STRONG, under the name, firm and style of L. I*. HTRoNW. ANP Si INS. and will continue to keep on hand and offer, a large and select assortmekt ol Boots Shoes and Leather of all kinds, and findings for Conntry manufacturer* He respectfully asks for the new firm, a Continu ance of the liis-ral favor extended to the old. Macon. January 2,1 suo jan (I—ly HELMBjLD’S GEI! PREPAHATIOI OP HIGHLY CONCENTRATED CON FOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For I>ieu*etioflhe Blailder, Kidney , Gravel, Omp*y, Il'ttlAne**, OOmruelionr, Secret ninarr*. Female Complaint *. and all Olreoeex <>J ike Sexual Ortjant, Arising fron. rxces-ws and ltnjinidfcicle* la Life, and i*- nioving all improper Lil.s-h irJi. s from toe Bladder. Kid neys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, ; From wliatevtr canoe they may have originated. And no Matter of How Long Standing, Oirimj Health ami Vinrrr to the Frame, and to the PaUitl Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! It cures Nervo-j and Debilitated SiSm ’and rmovM all the Sym'loins, among which will be found. Indisposition to Exertion, Loss Os Power, Los of Memoir, liflieulty of Breathing, Gen eral Weakness, Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Tree b'log, Dread ful Horrorof Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, I akefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Univer sal Lassitude. of the Muscular System. Utten Emiruou. Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptom*, Hot llano-. Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the skin, l'allid Countenance arid Krnptionson the Face, Pain ui the Back, flea niters of tfc Eyelids, Fre quent ly Black Spots Flying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Lois of Sight; Want of At tention. Great Mobility, Kcstletsness, with Horror of Society, -fothing Is mere Dsi ruble to such Pa tients than Solitude, and nothing fhey more Dr<-ad for fear of themtelres ; no Re pose of li anner, uo Earnestness, no Speculation,but a Hurried Transition, from one question to an other. These atm. toms, if allowed to go on—which this medi cine invariably removes—soon lollowe LOSS OF PuWKK, FATUITY. AND EPILEPTIC FITS—In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say these excesses are nut rreiueotly followed by those direful diseases— l -SAN ITY AND CONSUMPTION ? The record* of the IN SANE ASYLUM.', and the melancholy deaths by CON SUMPTION, bear ample witness to thetroth of fii*r as sertions. In Lunatic Asylums the roast melancholy exhi bition appeals. Tte ccurtenance is actually sadden and quite destitute-neither Mirth or Gtief, ever visits K.— should a sound of the voice occur, it la rarely articulate. “With woeful measures wan despair Low sullen sounds hi? grief IS-gutled.*’ ty is most terrible! and has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting tha am bition or many noble youths. It can he cured by the use of this Infallible Remedy. If you are suffering with any of the above digressing ailments, the FLUiD EXTRMrT BUCHU wUI cure you. Try it and be convinced of its efficacy. BEWARE or QUACK NOSTRUMS A QUACK DOCTORS, WSMI EXTRACT menu. Is prepared directly according to the Rules of PHARMACY AND (TIKAHvTKY. Cases of from one week to thirteen years’ wording have been effected; Themass of VOLUNTARY TESTIMONY In of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers, is immense, embracing names well known SCIENCE AND FAME. Perronally appeared before me, an aider mar. of the hr of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMbOLD, Chemist, who being dulv sworn does say, that bis preparation contains no Narcotic Meicury, or injurious Drug, but are purely Vege table. 11. T. 11 ELM BOLD, Sols Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this S3d d*y of Novem ber, Mi. WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, Price 81 per Bottle, or Six for @5, Delivered toany Address, Accompanied by re iable and responsible Certißeale# from I’rofeesurs of Medical Colleges, Clrgym<-n ar.d others. Prepared and sold by H. T. HELMB >LD. Practical awl Analytical ChenUM. \o. A3 South lOihHt., below Fhestnul. Assreni hly Iliiildinza, Phils. IIT To be had of OK. KTKOUECKER, WholtoaU and lletail Agent Macon, tin, ard all of all Drufflftr and Dealer * throughout the United Stale*, Canada* and Brit ish Krovincte, Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for Heimbold’s---Take no Other. CV HBS OCABANVBiII. Sold by E. L. STROECHEIi, Macon. Jan. 25 IRON & STEEL. .SKTiEI sTiTckTlron. BimdleTron of all kinds. Horne shoes. Horse shoe Nails. Plow, Chet, German, Blister and soring steel, sheet Iron, Boiler Iron. Jack.screws, Wrenelied, Ac. “felL BUCKWHEAT CAKES AND Grolden Syrup. -u A PELS New Buckwheat Flour, I M 6 do Bonble extra Golden Byrup, Just received, and Tor !■• oetlftsw—lw 41 BEER * FREEMAN 1 !?.