Georgia citizen advertiser. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1???, April 01, 1860, Image 2

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THE GEORGIA CITIZEN niUfftD ITtCT FRIDAY MORNING BT uF. w. ANDREWS. . Or r— / H-rmr's R tiding, Cherry Street, fW Dtmrt krl<jtr Third Street. rntttk !.SO Kr annum. (n H<i wince % ‘ SfMtar r_ nurttoT <txy. for the Brat Inaer "‘**>j<;<Mit insertion. All ad- I -jj MlMfc>Ußf. iil U iit-lMhc<l mi'il uoamnOtHtlT- A liberal tliscuuul allowed toatk>*BntdwMtkr y*. _ . • Mnarß.bn<lr wrth County tYtoeers. Druggists, AkmhiaßhßMN, and others who may wish to make R'iin>'w tarda will be inserted un -mA the iOwla|; rates vli: > ■ do’ I.'.'.'.'.'.’.’ low . . e oli itt !. at lew pew than twelve inoMtha. Ad <4 ewt Ma last vtli te clKirpal rtflt. Ad - paid tor ioadvance will U- charged at the lOitaarv %atlrr of oeer fra line*, will be charged at the ■ ■ awl i H at~ of candidates for office to 1* paid for a trfccetewfted. , >t| ~rt „-| mm 4 Viren, by Executors, A(*-o-,mstni- V -7* -v- an*. nr reqnire.l by law to be advert used iu a . -,, I -v u\ - ; - - to the day of sale. These . „ e far.. >i th- tid Tuesday iu the mouth, lietweeu ipwwdf 8M la Vbe fbrn>m and three in the afrernoon, at aaOwlbwNl* ttoeceuuly in which the tauputy to situ _|n t{ iVeatMl Property mast lie advertised in like *\ Btrbtoew aad Creditor* “f an Kstate mud be T - nfWo wii: V mad- to the Ordinary for 1 ■ 111 iiilt.iat lit * ——■* publislicd weekly for < j a-UMM ■ -i • . - (MMMWkft tttof ini M ■J . - • • . I. • -t: -iv no ‘to Jo ; tor .. • .. . -1 •. . r_V- for Fon-Ho* in; f Morten ces, ruouthly, son r . - - . - -. for the full apace of thre itor< or adminlstra , .... .a ;oai !.a- Iwv by the deceased, the full Atfrrti*niciit from “ Vanity Fair." — F- .- -a/e Leor to close a Concern Fhc GtulL ■ of Liberty, being a- L : to re lire lrom business, begs b are to offe r tbc entire stock in trade of her establishliunt tor sale. The tv. of L. would offer,at the rairoc time the rt good will’ of the but uiihujq.iiy it is a long while since lor once excellent sup j .. • r> n i, i customers have exhibi ted a- trill towards her. The a; it-nlkiii’ <f distant nationalities, m hit mar be thinking about a revo Icitkon. Blßgrians, Poles or Irish seen, i> especially, invited to this great salt*. Among the articles for which she ha* no further oe,and which will and -j -* i-i <i of, without reserve, to ike highest bidder, are the following Uiat- riai- iu a slightly damaged con thtNNI : Let Ni. I.—will comprise that -- r< • table fowl, the American j * . *■* the >inle headed species, ! milk its Haws full of sheet lightning , fci*d thuntieri” it-. Warranted gen j mmte. Any nation in needpf an Em- 1 14c— will l<e treated with ftn the most ! lira nl terms. L-*i No. 2—A fine assortment of’ liberty Poles, with caps to match. TV attention of L. P. who is gakl to j hvc a mri*:i< collection of similar | * -iu his private cabinet in the j ; ,• - i-* particularly requested i to these worthless commodities. L-: No. 3—flic beautiful motto of F Pfwrih** r '"w. which render ‘ ted important service in times past, but- no ‘• i* r available for nation al paries. TANARUS! >e attention of the Argtenrinc < -mtedcraev and the Mex s i -.pie iw respectfully invited to excellent article. The G. > :> > >rry to part with what she s 1 r t- • re regarctl as one of the aanst faneionaJewels in her regalia, . t:.e change in her circumstances twtuj’ Is the sacrifice. S ■ t—The Stars and Stripes, which she would prefer to wrap a j mill her. like that of Mr. Kirby of National Theater, and die as w.nld become*a tioddess retiring ; but she hopes, after the ne<t Presidential election, to be ; t • n her teet again and therefore i t entertain the idea ofdv t ji<t n<\v. v - 4—Will consist of a lot of fine s< noments, not at all the worse j * -r wear, among which will be found T Memory of W asliington, ’ the - * -ia ation <*i Independence,” the i. gf.ts of Man ’ •• I’nited we stand > Iwe tall,”** Sic Semper Ty ine liberty, or give me death, and i<v. Wise’s Iteautiful u.ioii of the wliigs -:.k.- ofthe Union, ’’ a large * Furth *f July orations and 1 Kankam wifi be thrown in ■ cratis. if the jum baser of this lot* ktoai.l tksirv tii.-m. 1.-.; No fi— A large lot of national j a ,l!l g'. autlunis anil elioru-i nes an entire invoice, consisting of 1 Hail r.dumhia,” *• Yankee hoodie,” ■ and Liberty,** “ The Star ‘")>anglel Lanuer. ’ I l N<*. 7—that lovely eidolon! railed Unde Sam. or Brother Jona* | ihaa. which has been found so verv \ ahi able for the purpose of burlesque ami eoriic illustrations. t,.*.iKof Lib'.-rty begs leave | t- refer to the following named gen tltnco, for fittfliH* particulars, whp have kvn ajqc.intt <1 the assignees(rtH her estate. * References—Robert Toombs, of’ * *. Jiff.lXtvis, of Miss. James Gor- , dan Bemten. New Fork, William l*vd Garrison, of Boston, Horace i trely. late *t New Hampshire. Term?—lmlefinite credit. - **■ WD A* Till: IMSI I>II>.” T\i* Ume yielding spirit—this doing ** lbere>4dni “ —has ruined thousands. A young man is invited by vicious <n nifauny tt visit the theater, or gamb i ’•£ ****, *r other haunts of licentious Mm H becomes dissipated, squander^ I > i ropeetv, and at last sinks into an mtimr'y grave. What ruined him?— S ; SJoing as the rest did.” A f*hT has a family of sons, lie is s>-’ . thy. *:ber children in the same situ aMm ha life do mi and so • are indulged in U s tfcn gas:d that. He indulges his own •: sar* way. 1 hey grow up idlers, li’. t*, ad lops. The lather wonders ‘ * h ‘ ch Idrrndorot smx-eed better.— II ha* sprat *o much moiny on their ed ooaljcw—has giv n them great advanta ges; last asms ! they are a source ol v v va!. and trouble. Poor man, he is M paying dn penalty of -doing as the rwa fed.” Tina pa.>r moth *r strives hard to bi ing rt> ber o*g*tc* s geuieely. They ieaiti mad other* do. to paiat, to sing to play, •a done* and several useful matters, in ><* ib'y marry, their husbands are un * ;j* to support their extravagance, and they an toon reduced to poverty and t r< . badness. Tue good woman is as Ar. Arkansas paper says that many of tie girls ia that State grow six feet high i Ttoy nwst b* uncommonly well culti\a- , tod. *“! am •fil'd, dear wif >, that while 1 ! mmpmm,” 44 absaoee will conquer love.’ *” \vtr Aar, dear, the longer you stay 1 sway the hatter 1 shall like you. ” kia Stated that Mr. “Marble” lately 1 aafetried a Miss “Stone.” The ceremony took place hi the “Granite” State, ar and thauptiat tost was tied by Mr-“ Flint.” j Sir 11. anas Coxe finds nothing to abuse, Ht his wife’s crinoline and Mts. Long ( hawlMife booje. “ If they have no ot her Laly G>xe , il they keey rb* a* nrrrver distance and that’s Wmaf.” “To the men” growled CITIZEN AMBRTIZER, : L. F. W. ANDREWS, Publisher’ MACON, GA., APRIL, 1860. To Merchants and Business Men. TVe take pleasure in offering to I you, to day, the first number of the ! ’ Georgia Citizen Advertiser, of which \v e intend to issue 20,000 copies monthly, and distribute throughout the South and South West, among that class of business men, Manu facturers and Traders, who have a wish to make the acquaintance of the public or to extend their busi ness relations. The present No. is not a fair spe cimen of what we intend to make the Advertiser, as our arrangements ! are not yet completed. We propose to give in every No. two or three columns of reading matter of gener al interest to Commercial men and . travellers, such as Market reports, - state of the growing crops, late news | items, Rail Hoad and other enter ’ prises, having for their objects, the developcmaut of the South. AVc have secured the services of Col.J. F. Clarke, formerly of Geor gia, now of Philadelphia, as our Com , mercial Correspondent at New York , and other points, North, who will | keep us posted in all matters connect ed with this department of our cn He will also act as agent : for the reception and forwarding of advertisements for this Journal. The published rates of Advertising in a Daily paper of small circulation, are ?20, per annum, for one inch of • ‘space, and the circulation will not reach 12,000 per month, in a very 1 narrow circle form the point of pub lication. In our case it will he (liff i erent. Not less than 20,000 copies ’ per Month will he circulated, and each one who advertises to the am ount of $lO, per month, will ho enti tied to 100 copies of each montly is sue, for private distribution among his own customers, Again, Advertisements can and will be better displayed in the “Ad vertiser’’ than is possible in any ordi nary newspaper, at 50 per cent less cost to the business man. The three fold object, then, of the yreatest publicity, the best and most attractive display and the cheapest plan of using “Printers Ink'’ is ob tained, by the use of our columns. There is still another advantage. Each monthly issue is a separate and distinct edition, and the Merchant pays only for advertising in one edi tion, and can then change his notices, so as to keep something new, every month, before the public, in a con spicuous style. Give us a trial, and if we do not prove to you that it is your interest to Advertise in this paper, we will not ask ofyon a renewal of patron age. Arrivals and Departures.— ln our next we shall give a regular programme of the arrival and departure of the Maib, Railroad trains and Express Messengers, from Macon. Perhaps a Daily.—ls we meet with sufficient x>°yi n 'J patronage, we may issue a Daily, about the Ist of May, of the size cf the present sheet, at $G per annum. At least we reserve to ourselves the right todi vide out our 20,000 edition of the Citizen Advertiser into Daiiy or Weekly doses, ac cording to circumstances. We will give tie circulation oi twenty thousand per month, and it will not mak* any difference with our advertising patrons, whether they receive it in Allopathic or Ilomcepathic measure ! To our Exchange*. 1 We desiie to exchange with every paper j in the South, and with those of the princi- , pal places places, North. As this is a news as well as advertising sheet, we shall be ob liged to our exchanges for such notice of our enterprise as they may think it deserves.— 1 J Each one who gives such notice may draw ‘ upon us for the publication of a brief card of their respective Journals, in our newspaper i Directory. ! AGENTS WANTED. An active and responsible agent is wanted in every city Ac town of any im portance in the South, to canvass for advertisements and subsciptions to the Citizen Acverliser. From twenty to twenty-five per cent will be paid on all cash operations. Send for a circular and get the terms. special agent is also wanted in St. Louis, Louisville, Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Cincinatti, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Boston, Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, Mo bile and New Orleans, Ac. Col. Clarke will act for New York and Philadelphia. OcE.cs Steam Flket. There are now Fifteen Steam Ships,a float /mm Savannah to New York and other Ports, as follows, which we take from the Morning News. NEW YORK LINE. Florida, Capt. Cor well. Side-wheel. Alabama, Capt. Schenck. “ Auguta, Capt. Woodbull, “ It. B. Cuyler, Cspt.Crocker, Propeller Star of the South, Capt. Lyon, “ Huntsville, CaDt. Post, “ Montgomery, C.<pt. Berry, “ Mount Vernon, Capt. Smith, “ George Creek’s, Capt. YVUJet, “ PHILADELPHIA 1 INK. State of Georgia, Cspt. Garvin, Side wheel. BALTIMORE LIKE. Ben. De Ford, Capt. llallet.Sid&.vh’el. Potomac, Capt. YVatsoD, Propeller. Parkersburg, Capt. Powell, “ Locust Point, Capt. French, BOSTON LINE. S. It Spaulding, Capt. Ilowes, Side wheel. r^Tf T \ V Importance op Pcbliciiy —Hunt’s Merchant’s Magazine for February—one nfthe best numbers of that excellent work ever issued—says: “ Notoriety or publicity is an indispensable element of success to the merchaut, mechan’c or manufacturer, who would give a speedy and wide distribution to thu commodities and production which he seeks to ex change for money. He may have capital, skill, convenient position, punctuality, in dustry and honesty— every possible fit ness for his business—and all is nothing if he have not suffi ient notoriety. This notoriety. let it cost more or less, he must purchase or provide for as carefully as he purchases or manufactures his stock of goods. And it must, in extent bear a certain relation to the business he would do; it must be both positive and compar ative. People must not only know him and his business because otherwise they will not find him, but they must know him, because otherwise they will find and trade with those who are better known. To do a successful and profitable business, a merchant must advertise — no matter what he sells.” Printers Wanted. From a late number of the Madison “Vis itor” we quote the foilowißg viz: “ We have received several Catalogues of Southern Institutions, printed in Philadel phia and New Yoik. Southern Printer® and publishers, of course ! ave no children to educate. (?) 0, yes I hut the printing can be done so much cheaper in the large establishments North. Indeed !—and so can education be acquired more cheaply in the large institutions ofthe North, as a con sideration of dollars and cents to one or a few individuals. It is the policy of the South to marshal its own resomces, encourage all kinds of industrial pursuits among its own people, and thereby relieve itself from its present state of slavish and abject depen dence.” What is said by our Madison cotemporary we feci to be true here. Many of our mer chants and other citizens now go North to have their printing done—such as posters, circulars and cares. We suppose it is also the case elsewhere in the State and the South. But we presume there is another reason besides that of our cotemporary. It is not because it i3 done any cheaper —cer tairly not—for our merchants know well enough that Printers have to buy their sup plies from them, and hence, would patron ise Southern Printers in accordance with the principles of reciprocity. Our cotem porary is mistaken. The truth is Printer and particularly printing establishments are very scarce throughout the South and ese pecialiy in Georgia. The most destitut place we know of is Atlanta—and we know of no locality offering better opportunities for making a fortune. The field is ripe and and ready for the sickle, and whoever will enter is sure to reap a rich harvest. If any of our merchants have had cards, eiiculars, or posters printed at the North, we cannot blame them, for what other course could they pursue, considering that no Printer has had enterprise enough to undertake the printing business in Atlanta? As soon as sufficient inducements are efi’ered, we doubt not several printing offices will be establish ed.—Atlanta American. GOO!) GOODS LOW PRICES. / PLANTERS’ lIOEs l I We*ra.'VrT/.nt*d Co’l'n*’ Planter*’ lloon, I I Scovsl’s Cam-Steel Hort, Bral Vr’ji Crulil>?ng !!<**, I Drfcilt’f Patent Itoe*,<**s C'uLl/iii? llccs, | Bratle't Crown llw*, l'>kn, Mattocks, Hakes, FOK BALK AT MANUFACTUKrEr i’KICKS. HARDWARE, Nathan Weed, MACOI, iiEOK&IA, Has always on hand a large and well select’ cd stock of Hardware and Iron, adapted to the wants of PLANTERS, MERCHANTS & OTHERS IRON, STEEL, Swedes common and tefim-d Iron, all s : zes. Plow, Cast and German Steel, Horse Shoes, Nail R >d Cut and Wrought NaiK BLACKSMITH S TOOLS, Anvils. \ ises, Bellows, Hammers, Tongs, Screws, Plates, Arc. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Cast Iron Plows nd Castings, Steel Plows, Grain C<sd’c®, Fan Mills, Tiir. shers, Horse Powers, Riddles, Bolting Cloth, Wire Cloth. PLANTERS’ HOES, Scovd s. S. W.’ and Brades’ Patent. Corn Shelters, Corn Mi!!*, Straw Cutters Plow Haines anJ Lines, Axes, Shovels and Spades. WAGON CHAINS, Trace, Fifth Lock, Tongue Bieasf, Stay and Stretcher Chains. MECHANICS’ TOOLS, Planes. Saws, Chisels, Squares, Augurs, Brace and Bills, Axes, Adzes, Bering Ma chines, Ara. BUILDING HARDWARE, Locks and Latches, Butts, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Aic. HOUSEKEEPING HARDWARE. A full assortment of all kinds. CARRIAGE MATERIALS. Axles, Springs. Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Dash Frames, Patent Dash and Enameled Leather Bami3, Bolts, Lining Nails, Castings &c. TANNER S AND CURRTER’S TOOLS. Patent Knives, Fieshers, Workers, Stones, Arc. MILL IRONS, &*., Mil CraDks, Dogs, Screws, Picks, Arc;. CIRCULAR SAWS, Assorted from 40 to 52 inches, for sale at manufacturer’s prices. Gin Bands, Packing, Turning Lathes, Mortising Machines, Scales, Prills, Tin Plate, Copper, L iad, Zinc, Babbit Metal, Arc. April Ist, 1800.—ts. mmmmmmm—mmmMsammmma—mms Terms of iiuWriptiou. The Georgia Cit zen Advertiser will be furnished montldy to subscriber?, at the very low rate-of Fifty cent* per Annum, or fifteen copies for SSOO. CiT’Kota Bene. —Every advertisement sent in (or the Citizen Advertiser will have one gratuitous insertioa in the regular Week ly issue of ths “Citizen.” BILKLEY’S LUCKY OFFICE! Green & Pulaski & Sparta Academy Lotteries, or uEOKUIA. M OOD, EI>DY & Cos., Manager). I am the only agent for the above mana gers, in this locality, and have sold or re turned more three number prizes, fur the time that I have beeu in the business, than any other office in the State. W., E., & Cos., aie too extensively known, and have sold and promptly paid too many large prizes, to require a regular system of pulling. Don’t mistake the office, No. 1. Granite Alley, Rear of Skiff’s Jewelry Store, oppo site ihe Lanier House, Macon, Ga. E. 0. BULKLEY. april Ist, 18G0—tf. P BEARDEN, GAINES & CO. 1 BOOTS &Sf|gDSEOES!f HATS, CAPS, AFIMIGSJj Triangular Block, L. H. ANDREWS, BOOKS JOB PRINTER % K; T Ralston’s Buildings,...Cherry Street, New Arrangement. R. C. WILDER & Cos., BTIOCIiTSSORS TO .JOITrST KNIGHT. ■i um , 11 .awnuwßggigsmmwr ■bmwfcmT— B gj ifti Is still the favorite resort of all Lovers of the beautiful. He is now prepared for the Fall Campaign, and with all the New and late improvement* iuthe Art, and his CORPS OF TALENTED ARTISTS,’ re letter prepared thn ever to execute these beautl'ul P'CTCRES for which hU GALLERY is to celebrated. Which consist of the following PORTRAITS IN OIL AND PASTEL, Taken either from life, or Daguircotypes of Deceased Persons, also •orxxjn xt7"o xu. This is something entirely NEW, and is really beautiful. For fineness of finish and beauty of color, they cannot bo equalled, and can be had at exceedingly low prices. They are just the thing for BREASTPINS AND LOCKETS, AQUARELLE AND- 7 IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, DAGUERREOTYPES. . , ‘ „ , AMBROTYPES, AC. As usual, at reduced prices. Please call and examine Specimens. JL L. WOOD, Washington Block, PCt 19—ts Opposite Lanier lloi sc. LEOSIUia LAMAR, j O. J. WILLI A 5180 X j DRY GOODS! FANCY GOODS! The vmdersjgr.od have Just spend * the old stand of M r#. F, new aud well selected s;cex of staple and Fan DRY GOODS Elegant B'lkKobe*,from 4 to* Volants, “ Barag-aou Pine A;>p!e Holies SuperiorCr.uudy Kobe , ir-m 4 to 15 \ uiltiU, •* .la ,-onet “ all prices. Organdy Aluslin in grt-at var tty; Jaconet “ “ Pl.iii and figured Bareges. Late and < aiubrie Setts bwiss and •* And in fact every thing that cm be four and in any Dry Goods Establishment n the city. Our stock of Hsu se Furnishing Goods cannot be oxc.-Mcd by any concern in Macon, either in price or quality. Give us a call and see for your selves. Very respectfully roar 1 LAMAR A WILLIAMSON. LOST IN the city of Macon, on the 4th inet.. one note made lay Chits. F. Stubbs, payable to H-tty Lock ett or bearer, for one hundred dollars, ami dated Macon. Jan. Ist, 1869. and due on our !h-fore the Ist day Jan. WHO. All persons are neiTrly mrwurned ingfor said note. TAOM.VS STL’BBS. radtjan o—dt w I / & Ftfijcl) \ ! I PRINTING j V\ FROM -A- i \ CARD TO A BOOK, J EXECUTED BEST ■L mwmmmmmmmmmmmm SATIOXiL COXSTITITMXIL U jV IOtA COSTEXTIOA. The National Executive Commit- j the of the Constitutional Union Par- i ty, at a late meeting, resolved upon j the 9tli of May next, as the day for holding the Convention of that par tv at Baltimore, for the nomination I of candidates for the offices of Presi dent and Vice-President of the Uni ted States. Constitutional Union men in each State, are invited toeleot to said Con- j vention, delegates equal in number ‘ to the electoral vote to which their State is entitled. The Convention will assemble at i the hour of 12, on the day named. P. W. Walker,. Secretary. Washington, March, 21, 1660. Political Electing. The Opposition Part}’ of Monroe county,arereque sed to meet in FOR SYTII, OX Til E FIRST TUESDA Y IX APRIL, to appoint Delegatee to the State Constitutional Union Con vention, to be held in Mi!ledgevilie, on the 2nd day of May next. STATE CONVENTION. Macox, March 16th, IX6O. At a consultation of the State Ex-! ecutive Committee of the Opposition ; | Party of Georgia, held this day, (all | the members being present, or eon ’ senting thereto, except Col. MiUcdge, ofthe Eighth District,) it was nnani mouslv resolved to issue the following call : The citizens of Georgia who are j opposed both to the mad schemes of, i the anti-slavery party ofthe North, j and to the abuses and extravagances I• . I , of the Democratic Party—to all in j terferenee by our section with the ‘domestic institution of another, I 1 • whether in the States, or in the Ter | ritories, which are the common prop | erty of all the States—who believe : the constitutional right of the South i to a free enjoyment of the latter, j I with her property of every dose rip- ; j tion, both just and indefeasible—who | i eschew all sectional political parties ‘ | as inimical to the public tranquility j I —who reverence the constitution and j j advocate respect and obedience to all ■ laws passed in pursuance thereof, and ! 1 to the decisions of the constituted I judicial tribunals of the land, are re quested to meet in their respective counties, as early as practicable, and appoint delegates to a State Conven tion, to be held in the city of Mil ledgeville, on Wednesday the 2d day ! of May next, for the purpose of taking ‘ such action as may be deemed expe- , dient in reference to the approaching Presidential election. THE COMMITTEE. throughout the State j Avill confer a favor by giving the I above a few insertions. Bi>b County Electing. i We are requested to announce that there ‘ will baa meeting of all persons, embraced in j I the above call, within the county of Bibb ; i at the Court House on the Ist Tuesday of I April, at 12 m., for the purpose of having i Bibb represented ia the State Convention of 1 | the 2d May. COUNTING HOUSE CALCULATIONS. A thorough knowledge of this .subject is indispen. sable to tho practical rinin in uny business, vet the only Commercial School of the I'nion w hich’ makes j this Ivaneh a speciality, having a separate apartment ! in wldeli if is taught with all its abbreviations, by a ‘ tinehcr giving it his entire time, and requiring rigid examination of-students every week, is the Iron City College of Pittsburgh, I’a. THE LATEST STYLES Extra Light Silk Half. Oassimerc Hats. New Orleans Style Hats, * Just received and on sale at RELDEm Dr. B. A. WILSON’S FAMILY PILLS. Asa Family PHI, Wiuoi'i are particularly recom mended—simple and harmless, but highly nisduinal in | their oumbination. One Pill a dbse, with mild but certain effects. The robust man and the delicate child I nse them alike, with every assurance of entire safety. With Wilson’s Pills, every Mother in the land be comes her own physician. They have proved themselves a specific, and stand without a rival for the following : affections: 11EMK, FEVER 4 AGEE, DYSPEPSIA, EVER WMPLAIAT, HEADACHE, FEVER 4 AGCE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAIw] j HEADACHE, FEVER 4 AGCE, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COIPLAHT HEADACHE, FEVER 4 AGCE, DYSPEPSIA, LI V ER CMPLAUT, j Coctivenesa, Biliousness, Nearalgia. Costiveuess, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveness, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Costiveuess, Biliousness, Neuralgia. i mothebs, : 7 atch V ° n yonr cbiMren > * nd when their troubl-e arise from that great bane of childhood, Worms, aw-rib, their illness to its true cause, and remorb it by preset i h lag B. L Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, i A sate and sure remedy, prepared from thepurestmaus rials, and has proved itself the most effective antidote ‘ for Worm ever offered to the public. I For sale in Macon by ZEIIAN A HUNT, an GBORGB PAYNE, and .“old by dealers everywhere. I jan la—ly w Valuable Plantation for Sale. I A A now offering for sale my plantation in Jones Oountv s.veil mile* above Macon, on the Ucnu,gee River, cot • aialng 1200 acre* ot land. Attached to the place is 800 acre* ‘ wanjp bauds, (river bottom). Term* one and two years’ creo]}. Mny one wishing to purchase valuable L*nds, will do well ! call and examine th above aa I am determh ed to a 11. Pri ROBERT LUNDY NOTICB7 - THE subscriber has opened a House in Macon, on the coraar next below the “Brown House,” and near the Passenger Depot, for the Purchase and Sale of Negroes, A good supply, f likely Young Negroes, kept constantly oa haad and for aile. Purchasers and Traders are Invited to .all and examine for thru selves. ALSO a ao. 1 Blacksmith, 28 years old, and two No. 1 Cooks, Washers and Irene:/, 28 year* old i). F, (STUBBS. Maena, Dee. 144'.—tf .#- - - “ Hartford insurance: O O M F A IST I u *, The Hartford lacouporated 1810, oasFztjlXi Tho Springfield, Capital $150,000. The Massasolt, at Sprinfrfteld, Capital tloo,ooo. i WHh# lxmaurplusiecurtlvinvexted. Poltel#* in the *bov Snt Cl## Uogtai** lnne<t, and 1m | ie pr.mi II v by K.J. JOHNSTON A CO. Jane 18—ts Agut. HAVANA PLAN. MORE PRIZES IRAN BLANKS BT AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, j Oj the Plan of Static Ktiinbera. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OP GEORGIA. Authorized by a Special Act of the Legislature, ‘or the bene | fit of Academic and for other purposes. HODGES, DAVIS & CO., Manager*, j Macon, CAPITAL PRIZE 970,000. TICKETS ONLY $8 00. Halves *4 CO-Q alters *2 Oj—Eighth. fit 00.- Prizes Payable In Full. without Deduction - Purchasers ia buyh r l 1) Tickets, vben the numbers end in t S, 8,4, 5,6,7, 8, #, 0. are guaranteed a j rile of fi-.i.OJ Cliss 7 Drtws October, S9, 1859. “ 8 “ “ 99, “ “ 9 “ November, 5, ’59. “ 10 “ l9, “ “II “ “ 19, “ “ 19 “ “ 96, “ 26.220 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO 0271,200. V ill be distributed according to the toll .wing GriAun scheme s To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Prize of raooo 1 Prizj of. SP.OO 1 I‘rlie ot 10 OOC 1 Prze of. 5 000 1 Prize of.. * OOC 1 Prize o* 2.00 c 8 piizeaof. j ®JO 5 Prizes i.f. £oc ! 10 Prize# of. so 20 Prize#of. 100 100 Prize# of to 1 HO Prize# or „ j. 4 j ±5,000 Prizes of. s Approximation Prizes. 4 or #3OO sppr ximating to ♦70,000 are $1,200 4ot 200 approx'maib.g to 20.(00 aie. £oe 4 .f 150 apprntbnaiing to 10.000 r *OO 4of ICO xiinatinc to 5.000 are... 400 4of <*o approzim .tir gto 8 000 are ...... ,*o - 4of tO approximst ing to 3.000 art 820 12 of *0 approximating to 1.000 are 7 0 20 ot 50 approoi mating to VO are 1 Ouu 40 of SO sppn x.mating to 800 ate 1,900 SO of JO approximation to 100 are.....„ l.di'o 400 of 15 approximating to 50 an 6.000 400 of 10 approximating to 25 are 4,100 i 26,220 Prize#, amounting to $371,900 J • ertifleates ot Packages of 10 Whole Tickets, ™...fJO 10 Half “ 27 5 *• 10 Quarter “ 18.7 * 10 Eighth “ 6.87 Thi. 1* the risk, and whkh entitles the holder to all he dtaw 1 over $25. The Conbiaatieo Lotteries ■ the Three A amber Plan Are Drawn Every Day. Ticketsfrom $1 to sl6, each. THE EXTRA CLASS On the CITY PLAN by v'hich purchasers can select their own Numbers , and pay any j amount for T i cheis, are Drawn every day. In Ordering’ Tickets or Certificates I Enclose the mcnev to our address for ihe rickets ordered, I on receipt of which ihev wll! be forwarded by ti si mail. Pur chasers can have tickets ending in any figure they may dcsig i note. Ibe list of drawn numbers- and prizes will be sent tc pur , eba-erg Immediately after the drawb g. All prizes under : 61,020 payable imn edi.telv after tne drawing. Xotlce to ('ortespondenla: Those who prefer not sending me ney by mail, can use THE EXPRESS COMPANIES whereby monev for Tiekets, in the rum of Eight Hollar# and up war d=, can be sent us At Our Risk and Expense, fre-m any city, or town, where there i an Express Office. The money and order mint be enclosed in a Government Pot Offiee Mumped Envelope, or the Express Companies cannot receive them. All Communications Strictly Confiden tial. Purchase-? will please write their signatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. CIRCUIiAHB Containing full explanations our Schemes, &e , will be forwa-ded, by mail, to any ci.e .ending us his address. A. list of the number# that are -frown from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that, each one la tnUicd to, will be published slier drawing in the American Kcpublic. Macon Oj.. a specimen eopyof * liich win he sent to eveiy purchaser. All orders tor Tickets should tie addressed to UOiiOK?, HA’f 19 & CO . Hawn (loorgia. WOOD, EDDY & CO.S 51 BKGIi 01DELAWABE STATE LOTTERIES 1 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE *- The Kxlraordlnarv Ora wing of Wood. Eddy .ft Co.'s s nglo Xnuioer Lotteries will take place in public, under the sujierintendance of Swore Commi-loners, at Augusta, Ua., as follows: Draws on. Saturday, Feb. 25th, 18G0. Draws on Saturday, Mar. 31s/, 1660 Draws on Saturday, Aprl. 2 sth, 166^, GRALD EXTRAORDINARY DRAWINGS to take place as above specified. 1 Grand Capital Prize of SIOO,OOO. 1 Prize of $?0.000 lOOririzes of. #1 000 3 Prize of. 20,0(0 J7O Prizes ot 500 2 Prize of. 10,0(0 ♦'> Prizes ot 100 2 Przcsot tiwx 65 Prize# of. 76 2 Prize#of 6,000 6b Pr.z so- Cos i 2 Prizes of 4a 60 c 6 Prizes of fio 3 Prizes of .v.Os 4 SlO Frizes of. 4o 2 Priz- s Qf 2.000 i7,040 Prizes #f 2 arrive Prizesamounting to *t ite.Vrg Whole Tickets #9O; Halves VO; Quarters ti; Kiyl.tct 2.s Certldcat • of Fatksges will le *o!d at the following rater, winch I* il e ilrfc : Cer tt flea tea of 1 1 cksget 26 While Tickets. ft “ “ 26 ITaif “ 1.5 6 “ “ 26 Quarter “ 74 74 ‘1 “ 2< Eighths “ 87 27 THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS , of Wood Eddy awl Cos .a hingle number Lotteries will : p!ac iu public, asfolluwa : I L'lnas Draw* on Saturday, February 4, 7560 j “ I? •• !: i! i: :: I* *: ***+ *: -ti - - - IV; - j ;; ;; April V; “ j - 2 “ “ “ j Kearly One Prize to orory Kino rickets. ORDINARY DRA WING TO TA k K PL ABE AS ABOVE KPEUIFI fcl ’ 1 Grand Prize of $50,000. J } ;; 1 of 10401 1 “ of 340,, 1 “ of 4,wa i 1 “ ®f b.otf 1 ** of i4on • “ of 60C ltW “ f 411 ‘ !• •* of Bso “ of lti ,1 0 “ of lto APPROXIMATION PRIZES. | 4 prices of S4OO approx, to f&i.QOo prise are $1 ,C4s4’ 4 “ B'W “ 20,4)00 •• are I.SdC 4 •• *SO “ 10,000 “ are 10i * “ 2*6 ** 6,000 “ are #oe 4 “ *O6 “ 4,000 “ are 600 4 “ 160 •• 8,006 ** are 0t 4 “ 14.0 • )400 are 44* I 5.000 ** iu are 100.0CN’ | 5.455 Prises amounting to ,*. Tickets slo—Halves %b —Qtarisrc ii 5. Otthlcate* of Packages In the Ordinary, f*r aaii.gßWl’lb *old a f the 3 lwi, g r .tee, which is the risk: Oert Route 5 of I’pciagesot 1'! tt hole Ticket., #B6 , “ ” 10 Half “ 40 “ “ 10 Quarter* “ 20 “ “ 10 Eighth “ 10 | It Ordering Tickets or Certllentes. I Enclose the money to our address for the Tfokets or dered, or. receipt si which they will he forwarded by Unit mail. Purchasers ean have tickets ending In any figure they may designate. The List es Drawn Number* and Priies will be tonttc purchasers immediately after the drawing. pT Purchasers wilt pi ease write their signatures j plain, and give their Post OSce.County and State. Remember that every prize is drawn and payable i in-full without deduction. Eff* Allprises of $1,006 and under,paid Immediate i ly after the drawing—other prises at the asaal time of , thirty days. Alfcommunlcationsstrictly confidential. Orders for Tickets or CerUEcatef, by Mail or Express to be . | directed to WOOD, 3DDY A 00., Augusta Georgia, or, WOOD, BODY ACO . Atlanta, Oeorgia. or, WOOD. EDDY <te CO.. Wilmington, Delw E. C. BITLKLEY, 1 AGENT FOR WOOD, EDDY k CO/S Celebrated Lotteries, Macon, GY a. XST See Advertisement. I nev 11—w OI R second st*s-k of c„.,. „ nved. and ox-els. hvfo™. 6 ®'* tc,. cri to the lovers of taste?****•■ . sure ua ‘ur fn. FANCY DRY Goon; “ *li .-..1 MM - UUJ U) “r-Ttm-n,. Worn . simile stock of K;mhioi,;,h|o ,n <*f .‘•mrso expe?- 1 ’• pnMie iiiitronago. Our lire, (• ‘*l l * Vr -‘- <• tiileri with Gets of Iv'nW the atteurioa unit admiration of , every oilier departin.-m Our assortment oflvu e M embraciug every varietv an i „ i ln ‘■< j In Carnets we.lefy eoinp..t,i .'nti * rr >’ ’ having tte newest paKer,”- ~,!; ‘ * | that are niaimfaeture,! in Knr..„. ■ r * l ’ Tola- brief, we really lieheve that ; not Ire equalled in Ma.'-on. a nr | ‘ , ces will Ik- a low as the low,-‘i w a Live us a call when von , Hlr ~ novelties. Orders attended (~ . : t ref,i|h 0,, ‘ Macon, march 2fith, 136;) AKIN i LUMPKIN LAW SCHOOL ATHENS, GEORGIA ™ * H.m. JOS. H. LUMPKIN v NVM. 11. HULL. Esq , ’U rof THUS. ]{ It. COISB. Km l r TR n-xt term of this s,-h'-,i || J Monday. 2nd of April. Ivin CircnUre giv iug full lulonuauou oul . plication to either of the Pr..|'.--.,. r , W “ i ’ Every news|per in Georgia Ajf'.,. , ?ur weekly insertions, and >,-n.| ’ , , „ . W*. H HI’LL Bsi os march 22. 4t - “4- • he dosing year# of hfe H re n wretched by ailments which are m lt , and are easily cured if taken in tins-, as the liver, stomach, and oth-r orcaa# .s.n. digestion are the most frequent. Tlwi ‘ make the sufferer nervous, irritable a n-i and relatives and friends arc forced to I-,."'” of their ill-linmoe. Tti- ise„f H-mtrti. , .j. cd Stomaeit Ritters will prove an efli, for thin will niK only strength,„ physical organization, hut entirely nlr stinatc eases of Indigestion, In.-irrlnr, K, ~ sii.l Liver Complaint. The first phy-i ~h . country arc loud in their prnie of the - . Another recommendation <>f the lnu,. r . so palatable to the taste that it may hr u„,j a beverage. During the conflagration of rantnn. <•* i*. .j tmmbardiuent ol the British, Iheenen-ir, warehouse of utir countryman. I>rJ.( \ti r ( ell. (the depot of his < herry Pectoral amli Pills, for China.) was totally dcstrov.-.|. h makes c. demand up.ui our “ov.-rmii. ittf..r!n.i ty from tne loss of nis property, and . , another nut t crack with our d.1.-r hr-i!h.rJ / , Stick to it l'ji'tor; and it our (■overnm.-nt, our rights wherever your Pills are ..ld, , be unprotected on tracts tlmt arc terr irr i /hrtuer. Trenton. N. J. HARDWARE IKON, STEEI* AND AgiicuKura! Implemis, IN GItKAT TAKIETY, AT TUF. HI 111 HOST Sill! CABHm&MO Swecdes Iron, nil sizes: I’.-fiti-] Ir a sizes; English Iron. Round !c Suuar. Ii Bund Oval Iron, Hor,e Shoe Ir-i . Rods, ull sizes ; 11-.-st l’iow Steel. I'i-t ‘j* Blistered Steel, Germiui Steel,Spring; Tire Steel, Machinery Steel. PLANTATION lIAItDWAKK Scovil, Brades, Cane and Carolina H Trowels, Hammers, Axes, Chii,\ 1’ Lines, Plumb Bolts, Plows, ltriar II CARPENTERS’ A BUILDERS’ HARI WARE. Hand & Panel Saws, Tenon V Rip Boring Machines, Mortice Maehin-. 1 and Bitts, Plant's, Auger.-, Cbissekb . Iron Braces, Locks, Hinges, Screw-. 1- Nails, Brads, Butts, Fiks, Aie., in gr •! riety. CAIHIIAGE, BUGGY ANDV.AO’N MAKERS, Can nlwavs find a large stocV of Ran* 3 Spokes, Fellows and Hubs, Pash L- ” Leather and Cloths, Wheels, B'tul-. ‘* ■ Seats, Shafts, Bodies, and style, and every other article used in ('• line. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT’ Such as Fan Mills. Grunts’, Clii. ,n “ others’ make; Spike Threshers, E Winahip, McConnel, and vari-u ----makes ; Horse Powers, Emery, Hu.. Bogurdus’ and other makes (<f | l Vtr i. * Giain Cradles, Scythe A Or*-* 4 *’ Corn Shellers, Masticator#. Milli, Cob Miilo, and every aitielr kept in (heir line, all of which w>: vite these wisldng to purchase to e'” JlYy” Give us a call hiiJ examineuur{ March 29th, 18C0.; Livery Stable. GRIER & MASTEESfIS, Have just received a suppl) ‘ ( CIRKVVbI.S. trctiK*’ lhkN>> '’ i tresli lot of horses, and are n<' l ‘ w*’ 1 l ever to aoei.miiKelato the pnbhe in I their iMisiltes.-. the s*e f * ‘1 Thev haveld.o good Into l‘ r ,l , . n ,‘ ; Mini nUieDt who may bring ru#*'. , Ia Hntith-shop ntto-hed u.r rh J With there incre.rfe.lhv . t ‘ • and roomy and any staW.-w tl* > ■ , it -- ! tliM. e.Uih.nKrs - the horse, . oilier and Wad “ u ,„.r- • * the place to get etylud* j"****” R , ful lrif jr :•* reus f, # f march Mh—-tf- Kelts*i* Ilian all nHi rri ; Ltrirrm-On^^V : Messrs. W. F. H*os 1 ! wear “silver locks m ntt ) various prepnmtion* ul.ll * rs , ed for restoring h:ir t< *'•* nr '* ; ’ ‘ • ersProf. AVootfs Hair R.'^K more or less ineffectual, and *1 H , - about year ago 1 oornl, **"‘ Hair Restorative, prepare 1 “Y ) be all that you ■ „ ,^k r It restored my hair fc>ito-nn it soft and oily, and the ,lr** ,Hi 1 , seems nothing at all after M *'"l my funds to keen myseif w-J the year previous; and is f ( no lamefit. Therefore, I “•* r * mending yotir Hair l* o ’ 1 *” * cheap and effeetunl Hair Mmtm ■ p wrfT u-"R Onondaga co. t.tftu^rihed^"’ this twenty-third day of Remember that this r 0 stsxet’s Inimitable, th> oru)i Restorative. Price toH*'*; - Sid. Ini.