Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, March 31, 1888, Image 2
jjTfte » ^hbltgkh THOS. It. I’ESN, : : I’utilislier. Gray’s Station, Saturday, March 81. THE OFFICIAL CALL. FOR THE TWO CONVENTIONS OF THE DEMOCRATS OF GEORGIA. The national democratic commit tee having met in the city of Wash ington on the 22d of February, 1888, and having appointed Tuesday, the 5th day of June 1888, at noon as the time, and the chosen city of St. Louis as the place of holding the national democratic convention. And having declared in accordance with tho established usages of the party that each state is entitled to representation therein, by delegates, equal to double the number of its senators and representatives in the congress of tho United States, and that each territory and district of Columbia have two delegates, and a regular call having been issued to that effect, the democratic executive committee of Georgia being duly as sembled in Atlanta on this the 21st of March, 1888, do issue this call to the democrats of the state for a con vention of delegates to assemble in the house of representatives m At lanta on tlic 9th of May, 1888, it ho ng the second Wednesday of said month of May, then and there to ap point delegates and alternates to the convention to he held in St. Louis and to transact any other business that may he deemed appropriate un der the above mentioned call of the national democratic committee. Tho democratic executive com mittee of Georgia will meet at 9 o’ clock a. m. on the 9th day of May, 1888, in the senate chamber. 6TATE CONVENTION. Another call is now issued for the state of Georgia for a convention of delegates to assemble m the house iff representatives in Atlanta on the 8th day of August, 1888, it being the second Wednesday of said month of August, then and there to appoint electors and their alternates for the presidential ticket, and to nominate a candidate for governor, and for at torney-general, and the other officers usually called the statehouso officers; to appoint a new executive commit tee, and to transact any other bush ness that may be doomed appropriate. The committee adopted the fol lowing recconunendations which we. are instructed to make known in connection with the above: Resolved, That the state demos eratie executive committee recom mend that the democracy of Georgia, in each county, select their delegates in such mode ns the executive com mittee of each county may adopt, for the first convention, on the first Wednesday in May, and for the second convention on the first Wcd» nesdny in August. Resolved, that each county m tiffs state be entitled to double the iiuhs her of votes that tho county has rep resentatives in the lower house of the Resolved, That each county be requested to select as alternates the same number of persons at the same time and in the same manner as it selects delegates; and that the com mittee recconimcnd that each county at the time of its election of said delegates pass resolutions requesting the state convention not to admit any delegate unless he be regularly se lected, either ns a delegate or as an alternate, and that no person not a citizen oi the county be allowed to represent said county as a delegate by proxy, and these resolutions ap ply to both conventions. Benjamin 14. Bingham, Chairman. W. D. Ellis, Secretary. Executive Committee of Georgia. state are requested to publish this cal!. IMMIGRATION. ‘.rilE CENTRAL’S BUREAU AND THE STATE FAIR. TO THE l’BOPLK OK GEORGIA:— The Central Riul Road, m connec tion with the State Agricultural So ciety, has just established a Bureau of Immigration, that promises great good to the State, if the people will give to it their encouragement and active aid. The object of tins com munication is to get the plans of the Bureau fully and properly before the public, in order that all the dif Cerent sections of the State may co operate in bringing their help to the enterprise. j The Central Authorities have se lected Mr. W. L. Glessner, ol Ameri cub, a gentleman in every way quali-1 lied to take the management of the Bureau. Mr. Glessner will begin,at. an early day, the publication of a monthly paper, to be known as “The Southern Empire,” devoted to the Agricultural and Industrial interests of the State. The purpose of this publication will he to dissiminatc, throughout the North and West, reliable infor mation about our climate, soil, field crops, minerals, woods, etc., etc., in order to induce parties from these sections to purchase our unoccupied lands, take up their residence with us and help us to build up the mate rial interests of the State. Ten thous and copies of “The Southern Em pire,” will bo distributed where they will effect the most good. About mid-summer, the Central will fit up a handsome Car, beauti fully lettered in the name of the So ciety, to he filled with samples of vegetables, field crops, minerals, woods etc., etc., illustrative of the resource of the State. The car will be taken, under the management oi Mr. Glessner, to the State and dis trict fairs of the North and West, to aid, more effectually, in advertising the State, With this car, Mr. Gless ee r will spend several months in the States north of us, in the interest of immigration. In addition to the co pies of “The Southern Empire taken with him, Mr. Glessner will he glad to carry also, any number of circu lars and pamphlets, furnished him by any county or section desiring to advertise its general advantages. It must be understood that the Central docs not confine this scheme to its own line of roads, but it. is desired that the benefits shall he aU parts of the state equally and alike. During his stay North, Mr. Gless nei will make up large excursion parties to be brought to the State Fair. The car under his charge is intended to represent Georgia in miniature, and the State Fair is ex pected to illustrate the products and resources of the State abundantly and in profusion. The success of the undertaking, therefore, must de pend largely upon the success of the State Fair. If the counties, desiring immigration will send to the State Fair large exhibits,beautifully arrun god, our visitors from the North will bo interested and attracted, and we will doubtless secure large numbers of them as settlers. If, on the other hand the people of the State are in different and allow the State Fair to be a failure, the Bureau of Immigra tion will he a failure also, and we will he left again to the slow meth ods of the past that bring gradual decay. In addition to these unusual advantages, the counties making exhibits can enter lor the splendid premiums offered by the society for the best We will bo glad to make room in our agricultural building for any and every county that will bring us worthy exhibits of Held crops, vege tables. minerals, woods, etc. Appli cations for space should be made as early as possible, so that we may de termine in time the additional build ings necessary to accomodate exhibits. I T . correspondence . with . , am now in the railroads of the State to secure the lowest possible rates for the transiiortation of exhibits. Many of the ., roads , have , agreed , to . take , , county . • exhibits .... to Macon ,, and , return . ,, them without charge for freight. The re sults of my efforts with other roads will be given to the public in due time. In its plans Central for does building up with the State, the not stop seated. the scheme for authorities immigration of here the pre The road I found equally in earnest to help in introducing whatever cl ranges may he needed, in bringing about better methods upon our farms, that will produce better results and establish thrift and prosperity’among our own lieople. lu addition to subscribing liberally to the funds of tho Agricul tnral Society, the Central has offered the Society every facility for dissem inating useful information among the farmers, and for bringing them together in local and district clubs, for the purpose of counsel and con cert of action. Realizing the benefits that come to farmers by an actual com pax ison of methods and .results, Mr S. bolknap, General A anager of tnc Central, authorizes me to say that the Central will transport, free from all charges for freight, all exhibits intended for local fairs, held under the management of the State Agricul tuial Society. Surely there is nothing jleft to be added to the action of ths Central in the scheme that it has opened up for the good of the State. This is hut the beginning of an enterprise which, the Central is willing to continue,as long as the people will lend the help necessary to carry it through. The State Fair is to he a large fac tor in the-resnlts to come: from this scheme. It is a State institution held not in the interest of any one section, or for the exclusive benefit of any one class,hut forj,he purpose of de veloping all the resources of t he State. Under Represent advantages, from its connection with ^heCentrals Bureau of Immigration, the generous aid'offered by .other ’roads,und the services tendered by the press of the State, it deserves the http of every patriotic citizen, that is may meet the highest expectationsjor good. It will be my pleasure to answer any inquiries upon the subject matter of tiffs communication. Papers'favorable to the enterprise will'please,, publish. W. J. NORTH EN, Pres. Ga. State Agricultural Society, Sparta Ga. A PITIFUL SIGHT is to sec tho little one so dear to us drainage gradually sinking its 'day bv day by { e in ion system from the effects of teetbing. 'Tlie wise moth gives l)r Diggers’ Huckleberry dial. Notice heave to Sell Irani. G EORGIA,— Jones County. Four weeks after date 1 will ap ply to the Ordinary of Jones coun ty' for leave to soil all the lands be longing to Estate ot Wyatt Patter son deceased of said county. W. W, BARRON, March 24th 1888. Adm’r. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, March 24th 1888. Whereas, C. B. Drew Adm’r of is ham Ethridge deed applies to mo for Dismission. These are therefore to cite ail persons concerned to show cause at this oflieo on or by the first Monday in July next any they.have why Dismission shall not be granted said Adm’r. Witness iny hand oiticirily. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. March 2lib 1888. Whereas, O. C. Gibson adm’r of Estate Jackson Wood (c) dec'd, applies to me for Dismission. These aro to cite all persons con cerned to show cause at this office on or by’ the first Monday in .tui.y next if any they buvo, why Dismis sion shall not bo granted said Ad ministrator. Witness my hand officially’. R.T. ROSS, Ordinary. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. March 24th 1SSS. y limea., j.ary „ E L. DiHm? name, AUmx Adm . x ">< ■ annexed ot Estate Henry V‘. Dismission. I a l l , “ <8 therelore t0 1,10 lljl to nose are cite . all 1 persons concerned , to show , came at this . office on or . by the FIRST MONDAY IN JULY IIOXI H any they have why Dismission shall uoi bo granted said Adm’r’x. Witness my hand officially’. R. T. fiOSS, Ordinary, tmjmjv CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. March 24th 1SSS. It appears to the Court ot Ordi nary that the Estate of Martin It. Mai- no deceasod, of Jones county is now unrepresented. These are therefore to cite all persons ed to show cause if any they have, at ibis office by tho first Monday in may next why administration on said Estate shall not be vested in the Sheriff or some other corapt— tfnt person of said county. Wiluess my hand officially, R. T. ROSS. Ordiuary. GEORGIA *) To ih^e w^wiov J ^ ^ c petit ion ^ g ()lomon whiUcnc i on , Daniel CuIIoiJ< Henry Cook, John Hooves, p ran k Woodall and such other per sons as they may associate with them all of said county shows that undcTihe name and style of Brothers and Sis tors of the Zion of Peace. The object of said association is to render medical aid, care and com-, fort to the sick, and to bury the dead members ot their association. They desire the power to sue and be sued in their incorporate name, to have and use a common seal, with, to contract and be contracted to posses and own s. ch real estate as rnav be nocossary for the conduct ot their business. They desire to adopt such by-laws as are neeccssary for the proper conduct of their business. The place of business of said association is to be in Jones County, Georgia. Richard Johnson, Pot’rsAtty. GEORGIA ) Clerks Office Su v. periov Court;—I Jones County ) certify that the above contains a true extract from the minutes of said Court. Witness mv official signature this 12 March 1888. Roland T. Rose, Clerk Superior Court, Jones County Georgia, APRIL SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA,—Jones County. || TILli BE SOLD on the first II Tuesday in April next at the Court House in said county within the legal hours of'sale to the high est bidder for cash the following property to wit; One 51x8 horse powerFarquliar, “Ajax” steam en gine mounted, one 50 saw Brown Colton gin, and one condenser, one long and one short rubber belt used ..... ”>aci,mcry, .. one circular , wood saw, tram and shafting. All the above mentioned property is in good order and almost new, and can be seen at tho gin house on the premises of Thos. J. Green now oc cupied by Joseph Chiles, Said propel ty is levied on as the proper ty of Thos. J. Green to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of A B. Far quliar & Co. vs Thos. J. Green. This the 28th day of Feb, 1888. W. VV. BAKRuN, Sheriff Jones County. Printer’s fee. So.53 To All Whom it May Concern. GEORGIA ) All persons in v terohtoii are here Jones County. ) by notified that, if no good cau*e bo shown to the con trary an order will be granted by the undersigned on the 24tii day of march 1888, establishing a new road in said county as marked out by the Road Commissioners ap pointed for that purpose, commen cing at John Ban’s shop about J mile N. VV\ of Round Oak on the Clinton and Hillsboro road, on lands of Mrs, Annie Williams, running North east across lands of Mrs. Annie Williams, Geo. B \\ Lite, J. W. Barron and b. P. Glawson a dis tance of about three miles into tho public road leading from Hillsboro to Milledgeville about 100 yards west of tho residence ot'S. F. Giaw son. Witness my hand officially this 21st February 1888. Richard Johnson, County Judge. I\mr^q\d T ime T^ble. COVINGTON & MACON R. K. SCHEDULE NO. 12. Jan. 10th 1888. GOING NORTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv M acon..... ...... 4 00 p m Massey’s UTl l ...... 4 14 p m Roberts........ ...... 4 35 p m Morton ...... 4 58 p m Grays.. ...... 5 08 p rn ,^ (j| ..... : ...... 5 20 p m Wuy , id „...... .. .. 5 33 p m wsiiui Om. ...... 5 54 p m fii'i-boi o . ...... 0 11 pm *’ , ogato , .. ...... 6 20 p in -uuniota..... Mimior-i ... ...... 6 46 p m Ar Montioelio. ...... 7 00 p m GOING SOUTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Monticello... 00 a m Minneta........... ~-i 15 a in Adgate........... h 36 a m Hillsboro......... (»«•>> 51 a m Round Oak....... : 12 a in Wayside..... : 29 a m Bradley...... GO 42 a m Grays....... co 54 a m M rten...... '«r 08 a m Roberts...... o 25 a m Massey’s Mill 44 a ni At Macon..... 1000 a m GOING NORTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Macon 7 SO a tn Lv. Grays 9 25 a ni Ar. Montieello. 12 13 p m GOING SOUTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Monticeilo.............. 1 50 p m bv. Giay*.................... ^ nl ’ l1- ‘ u u!i ''.............. 6 lO * B. W. FltOBEL. Gen. Mgr. A J McFvoy, i .\ Craig Palmer, \ Gen'L Pass. Ageut. TO T HE PUBL IC. Clinton^ Alive. THE RED FRONT STORE, OCCUPIED BY W. El. HO£.@SHBE6E Stands alone with his FULL STOCK OF GOODS, at unusual S^JTLXOZEESJSi I will make it to the interest of all passing through Clinton to buy from me. This is Sprfttig gtm in and I intend to build up and keep up my trade by keeping polite clerks, FAIR DEALING, house full of Goods, and LOW PRICES. Thanking you for past patronage, and hoping you will continue same, I am truly yours, ltf W. II, IIOLSENBECK. ^ZrJSflOEEM ©8L i We have this day contracted with Messrs. JOHN MERRYMAN &Cd to sell, at all stations on the C. & M. Railroad, their —CELEBRATED BRAND? OF GUANO— Merry man’s A. D. Bones, ferryman’s GEORGIA TEST, We can say without any’ four of contradiction that Mcrryman’s Fer tilizors are to-day, as they have been for 30 years, at the very top in excellence, and the perfect satisfaction they give to planters. While most of the popular brands on the market in past years bavo changed the grade of their goods by lowering their grade, Merryman lias continually improved. We do not make these statements at random. We refer to any plainer in Jones and Jasper counties who have used errymau’s Guano, and will stake oar reputation on the result. —WE ALSO HANDLE— for composting, which is the highest grade aeid on the market. We sell cheaper aeid phosphates; also Kuimt, and are agents for the Macon Oil & Fertilizer Company’ l'or the sulo of their Cotton Seed Meal. We can give low prices on these goods, and are ready to deliver now. Our Agents will call on tho good people of Jones and Jasper coun ties, and wo trust will receive their orders. ROM, WORSHAM & CO 420 and 422 THIRD STREET, NOVEMBER 10th, 1887. [ltf] acA.aosr ©a T. B. JjLrfop©, $ I[4pa^jEi\ ./Cy £v ¥ x p o ^4 © <> •d. g&> m o ®x<- kpt *r j P f>7 F> <y —AND dealer in— TA£Z^OG>INr GE-YA. 1 N WATCHES CLOCKS JEWISH, m'mwmwmm j.- in Sprlatfe ^ra , t /rPBBifQZl LS ETC \ Aoveltirs in Holiday msm '’Ip* PROMPT ^ORDERS AND BY RELIABLE MAIL WILL ATTENTION RECEIVE 320 Second Street, MACON W. A. DAVIS. M. C. BALKCOM. Davis Balkcom. Cotton Factors and GeneralG rocers. All Planters supplies at lowest prices for cash, or on time with paper. Agents for CHESAPEAKE GUANO, Afull lot well broke mules always on hand. Rust proof Oats a 21st IS88 Spu. MACON GA.