Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, June 23, 1888, Image 2
’She ‘id THOS. H. PENN, : publisher. Gray Georgia, Saturday* June 23rd OUU TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT: Grover Cleveland. OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: Allen G, Thurman, OF OHIO. This Georgia School of Technology will begin its first term in October next. Frederick, the Emperor-King, ended his earthly career the 15th hist. The people of Germany have been twice bereaved within a short while. There will be a regular old style barbecue at this place on July 14th. Jones county people never do things by halves, and a nice ‘‘cue” with a nice crowd with good deportment will add largely to our county fu ture prospects. Our Sister county, Bibb, opened tho campaign in local poli tics and there will be more interest taken than for years. Mr. M. C. Jjiilkcom is a candidate for the Leg islitturo, Hou. G. L. Lurtlett for State Senator, and Col. 0. M. Wiley for Ordinary. A lively campaign is expected. Mr. Clark Grier the son of Cob E. O. Grier deceased has been elect ed temporary Seerctaiy of the Georgia State Agricultural Society to succeod his father. The election hold good until tho annual meeting of the Convention, which takes place at Newman on August 14th. There was seven competitors and 43 votes. Mr. Grier receiving 29 votes, which was indeed a high compliment. One editor being in tho race. OOL. J. II. ESTILL. The special St. Louts fconstituton correspon dents of tho Atlanta and the Augusta Chronicle, are par ticularly spiteful against this hon orable gentleman. Their remarks reflect altogether upon themselves and not on Col Estill, for the people of Georgia know him too well to have any regard for these slurs and slanders. General Winfield Scott was once challenged to fig it a duel by a man who might thus have been brought to the notice of the public, as he never was. The brave old general re spectfully declined the challenge, when the would-be belligerent, in a rage said he would go over the coun ters and brand Gen. Scott as a cow ard. When informed ofthis remark the General, not taking his eyes from the paper he was reading, very quietly said “He will simply be branding himself a liar. The people of the United States know me. ” These correspondents ars simply showing up in their true light as slanderers. They charge trading at the date convention in Atlanta to the end that Col. Estill should be made the Georgia member of the National democratic executive com mittee There was no more trading than there was for any of the places filled by the honorable gentlemen who represented Georgia at St Louis. All of tr.ese places were canvassed for. the friends of each man doing what they could in an honorable way, lot their favorite. It developed at the convention that Col. Estill was the most popular man in the state for the place to which lie has been promoted; and there was no reason on earth why ho should not be made committee-man from Geor gia, except forsooth, that the-e el and cron s correspoiulendentg object to a prohibitionist, being put on the National Democratic executive Committee.. Now as two-thirds and very hke'.v thru -fourths of the dem ocrats of Georgia are prohi bitionists, it, is very meet and prop, th.ri (hey should lmve a voice in cho r.:g nmn who , represent . the e-tab-. Col. Estill nor any other good prohibition : st in Georgia, has beer, immical to the democratic party, t This is the shibboleth of in this state. If a man is a prohibition ist we know by that that he is a dem ocrat, Some of the liquor men are democrats and some are not. THE DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMM ITT EE. The Democratic executive com rnitee of the Sixth Congressional district mot this day, at the time and place, as indicated by the call of the chairman as published. The chairman being absent and a quorum of the commitee present, the lion. M. H.Sandwich, of Upson county, was made chairman pro tern, and J. W. Lindsey, of Wilkin son county, secretary. It was, on the motion of the Hon. Robert Smith, of Crawford, adopted that July 28th, at .11 o’clock a. in. be the time, and the court room of Bibb, in Macon Ga., be the place, to hold a convention of the Democratic party of the Sixth Congestionai district to nominate a candidate for a Congressman for the Fifty first Congress of the United States, and to select an elector for Presi dent and Vice-President for the district. ft was, on the motion of J. W. Lindsey, adopted that each county in the district be entitled to votes for each Respresentative it had in j bo i as t General Assembly, and that |j 10 (ie7era j counties bo requested select such delegates us they (nay choose to oast their votes in sa j f l covention. Tho commitee then adjourned, to meet at the parlors of the Hotel Lanier, in Macon, at 40 o'clock a. m. July 28, 1888. A full meeting of tho commitee is requested. M. II. Sandwich, Ch’rm. J. W. Lindsey, Secretary. [Tho papers of tho district aro re quested to publish,] QU . It is estimated that the girl who dances eighteen waltzes travels about 14 miles. ft was very kind and thoughtful to give Sheridan the rank of Gen eral, but they didn’t do it until ho lay on hie dying bod. Out of 900 boiler explosins in tho New England States all hut thirteen were traced directly back to the en gineer’s carelessness. Gen. John M. Palmer, the demo cratic candidato for Governor of Il linois, is a native of Kentucky, and 71 years of ago. Ho was originally a Douglass democrat, but was a Lin coln elector in 1860. During the war ho was a major general and was elected governor of Illinois in 1868. He has acted with the Dem ocratic party since 1872. PERPETUAL MOTION. Talking about perpetual motion why bless you, the country editor is the living embodiment of it! IIo is never absolutely at rest. From sun to sun he is pegging away at the pa per; for in nine cases out often ho is editor, business manager, canvasser, printer and pressman. And when tho night falls, his labors are not ended; for must be had for to-- morrow, exchanges skimmed and culled from, delinquents billed and contracts for cheap advertising at tended to. And when at last sleep lays her balmy hand upon his brow, he lies down to dream of work and that load of wood which John Jones promised him and never brought and keeps up a lively perspiration chopping it in his sleep. Ob, yes; the country editor has got perpetu „\l motion down to a lino point. LAWS OF NEWSPAPERS. 1. Any person taking a news paper regularly from a post-office, whether directed to his address or another, is responsible for the pay ment. 2. If any person orders his paper discontinued ho must pay all arroar Mt 1 *- or publisher may continue ,0 8CQ d it until the payment is made, iU1 d collect tho whole amount, whether the paper is taken ft c m the office or not. 3. The courts bare decided that refusing to take newspapers atJC j periodicals ...i/. from the post-office or removing and leaving them ed for, is prim a facie evidence ofin tentiona! fraud. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Hole! rates at LonjWtranchlare *f Lords to be higher this y J&fhe three are expected, to s r there. California pennies. has ' JpFiuded to try nickels and Ten cents for a ginger ale leaves a bad taste in the mouth. One of Forepaugh’s elephants had to bo covered with mustard t laO other day to ease his pains, and it took twenty-two pounds to do it. Icecream was responsible for the death of over 300 people iaet season, such of us as survive should not feel diocouraged. Its awful good. The “lathers” may mean men who put on lath or men who put on lather, in any event they are strik ing in the East for about the pay of a Congressman. It is said that an Italian count is about to marry a New York shop girl. He is stuck on the way she yells “cash!” and thinks there must be money in it. Yankee genius should utilize the grasshoppers. There is no doubt they could be dried, pulverized and made into soup cakes for use of tho army and navy. There are now seventeen city officials, or exofficials, doing timo at Sing-Sing for,.crimes and misde meanors. The number seems large, but at least 200have got away. Robson and Crane aro to dissolve partnerslnp because they are too much alike to agree. One is Robson and the other is Robson, and poor Crane is left out in the cold. Courier-Jourualoalla attention to the fact that the only Michigan man over nominated for tho Presi - dency v-as defeated. This will be a great year for calling up omens. Amelia Rives, the novelist, sent her signature to fourteen editors on a wager that all could read it. The nearest that any one made it out was “American Rivera/’ Paris has a “society for the protel ion cf young men who have lost their latch-keys and can’t get in to the house.” What was the matter that the police couldn’t take cafe ol them! V Conneticut claims a parrot sixty years old, but as tho average age of Poll is only thirty years it is evi dent that some one has started a campaign lie. A Georgia women claims to have been married for forty years with out once asking her husband for money, She is a widow now and open to offers. A five foot alligator was captured in Central Park, Now York, by two policemen the other day. It had escaped from the ALLIANCE ADVOCATE. The June number is before us,and is the best issue yet, and that is say ing a great deal. One page is illus trated with pictures cf the most dis tinguished Alliance men of the coun try. Tiie correspondence columns are full to overflowing. We dont see how Alliance men can get along without the Advocate. This is the last issue as a monthly. About the 25th inst it will appear as a weekly at $1.00 a year. We will send it and the Jones Co Headlight for $1.90. Sub scribe now. The Advocate is printed at Montezuma, Ga. The Morning Nows. STEAM PRINTING HOUSE Printing, Lithographing, Binding, Engrav ing, Sterotyping, Book and Blank Book Manu facturing. Tiie Largest Concern ofthc Ki'.iti South plete Thoroughly within itself; equipped and com the latest ma chinery and the most skillful workmen. Corporations, Banks Manufac- and turers, Bankers, County Officers, Farmers .Merchants, Mechanics and Br*lNfiSS JIBS tiSSERJ tlX ;bing About placing above line, orders for any in the from a visit ing card to a mammoth poster, c from a memorandum book to a mam moth led ^ ei , aro requC s t ed to give this house a trial. J. II. Estill, Proprietor, 3 Whitaker Sc., - - Savannah, G Jones Count? Sheriffs Sale. Will bo sold before the Court House door in Clinton said county on the First Tuesday in July next daring the legal heurs of sale, six hundred and thirty-four acres land more or less belonging to Sam’ L. Chiles, said land lying and being about two miles west of Clinton and bounded as follows. North and east by lands of D. F. Mason, south and west by lands of F M Stewart and west by lands of Wm M Green and north by land of Seth Towels. Said land levied on under and by virtue of a fi fa from Jones Superior Court in favor ofS B Glawson vs Sam’l L Chile:,- principal and II S Greaves security, Wrn Ingram, tenant in possession served with wrirton no tice. W W BARRON, TLis May 31st 1888. Sheriff. BRIDGE NOTICE. GEO P.GIA—J onus County— On tiie first Tuesday in July next at 11 o’clock a. m. before the court house door in Clinton, there will be let at public outcry to the lowest bidder a contract to build a public bridge across Shoal Creek at Stewarts Mill, said bridge to be 100 feet long, 14 feet wide, and of first class material throughout. Bond with approved security to keep said bridge in good order for seven years from deliver} 7 will be required. Cash will bo paid on completion of the contract which must not bo later than Sept, follow ing. For further information apply to the undersigned. Tho right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Witness rn} band officially this the 22nd of May 1888. Richard Johnson, J. J. 0. C. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga, March 24th 1888. Whereas, C. B. Drew Adtn’r of Isharn Ethridge dec’d applies to me for Dismission. These are therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause at this office on or by tiie FIRST MONDAY IN JULY DOXt if any they have why Dismission shall not be granted said Adm’r. Witness my hand officially. K. T. ROSS, Ordinary. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office. Jones Co., Ga. March 24th 1888. Whereas, O. C. Gibson adm’r of Estate Jackson Wood (c) dec'd, applies to me for Dismission. These aro to cite all persons con cerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in ouly next if any they have, why Dismis, si op shall not ho granted said Ad ministrator. Witness my lia«d officially. R. T. BOSS, Ordinary. Notice Leave to Sell Land. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. May 28th 1888. Whereas, C. L. Ridley guardian for his minor children has applied to me for an order to sell all their undivided interest in five hundred acres of land in Jones county Ga., adjoining Ii. B. Ridley. Dr, S. M. Anderson aud others, and such or der will be granted on first Monday in July next unless some legal cause be shown to tho contrary. Witness my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. CITATION. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. March 24th 1888. Whereas, Mary E. Damo, Adm’x, with will annexed of Estate Henry G. Dame Dec’d, applies to me for Dismission. Those aro therefore to cite all persons concerned to show cause at this office on or by the first Monday in JULY next if any they have why Dismission shall not be granted said Adm’r’x. Witness my f. hand officially, ROSS, Ordinary. A C; cm bill posting gang dump ed a quantity of paste in the road near Petersburg, Mich,, and a num ber of cow> were fatally poisoned by eating some of it. Jcp, t. fell?, If., BlAp!Q^DS ? WAfCTjES, Jewelry, siiVeuwj^e 1 Sf ECyACLES AfiD EY E QLASSES. Watch Repairing a Specialty. 308 SECOND STREET. MACON, GA 4 21 3m. G. W. Etleriip & Co ■ j -o (Successors to Henry Eauh and W. J. Brake.) WHO TA^a AT.-P! jQLNJO X'LlS'XLH.XXa LIQUOR DEALERS. 416 1'OI‘LAU STREET, MACON, GA., 4 21 tf. m 1IL1JMT. Biscuit Smith is now the prcsul ing genius of TIIE BRILLIANT SALOON, the finest in Macon. IIo gives his customers the best to oat, best to drink, and furnishes --FREE BEDS- doing more for his patrons than any man in Macon. BOOT.V.HMMI, ¥ •it tfct CLINTON, GEORGIA. Practices in Ocmulgee Ciucu it Office in Court House. Crockett 9 i IKON WORKS. ENGINES, WATER WHEELS. grist, saw and cane mills. KETTLES and EVAPORATORS Cotton Presses (Hand and Horse Power.) E. GROCKETT, Macon, Ga. Colden Days. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. This admirable weekly lor the youth of this great land is now well established, and has an increasingly large and well-deserved patronage. n/V' of parents Jft 11 who T rth wish Vi to ie provide exam i n ^ then- bn children with a large amount of care StSgfin'sZclcl““ It is edited with ability, and shows a quick sympathy with the pleasures of the young people, and a clear out look for their welfare. Address JAMES EL VERSON, Jan 19th 1888. Philadelphia, Pa GEO. T. BEELAND WAV MS MW, %£tf aefa M 3?cit5 mm V X.S EiXG 1 Novelties in Holiday Goods WM ^ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE liSi u f PROMPT ATTENTION AND RELIABLE 320 Second Street, gggi MACON GEORGIA WEQFFER THE Johes coiImxy H^ouq|j T AND THE -macon Weekly Telegraph FOE $1.75 PEE ANNUM. ^AIL^D TlflSE T\ 8 LE. covingtonTmacon R b SCHEDULE NO. 13. May 4th 1888. GOING NORTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Macon...., •• 7 00 a m Massey’s Mill •• 7 10 a m Roberts........ •• 7 22 a m Morton......... •• 7 35 a m Grays......... : - 7 42 a m Franks......... : •• 7 48 am Barrons........ 7 54am Wayside...... •••••• ••7 57 a m Round Oak..., •• 8 05 a m Hillsboro •• 8 19 a m Adgate .... •••••••••a* 8 27 a m Minneta... ........ 8 42 a m Monticello ......... S 48 a m Machen.... ......... 9 15 a m Little River .......... 9 27 am Godfrey...... ......... 9 33 a m Ar Madison...................10 20 a m GOING SOUTH—MAIL TRAIN. Lv Madison... 11 Godfrey......... ..12 Little River..., Machen......... ...12 Lv Monticello 1 m Minneta......... 1 m A<iga to......... ...... 1 m Hillsboro...... 1 m Round Oak........ 2 ra Wayside........... .... 2 m Barrens............. 2 m Franks............. 2 m Grays............. 2 m m 2 Cn m Massey’s Mill..... 3 O ca m Ar Macon......... m GOING NORTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Macon...... ...... 3 30 p m Lv. Grays...... ...... 4 30 p m Ar. Monticello. ...... 6 21 p m GOING SOUTH—FREIGHT TRAIN. Lv. Monticello . 8 23 a m Lv. Grays...... ,. 10 20 a m Ar. Macon.. .. . 11 35 a m B. W. FRO BEL. Gen. Mgr. A J McEvoy, |A | Craig Palmer, Sap’t, Gen’i. Pass. Agen Loans Negotiated On Farms & Town Property IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLIOTT ESTES f 563 Cherry St. Macon Ga WANTED! Every man, woman and child in Monticello, Jasper and Jones coun ties when in need of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMES, FANCY and TOILET ARTICLES, FIELD and GAR DEN SEEDS.. To call on or write us for them. Fe carry everything fj m ptock usually carrieti by rgt c ] asg Druggist and in RANKIN & CO., T. A. Cheatham manager. Corner Third and Mulberry Sts. iYacon, Ga., Near Hotel Lanier and New Govern ment sep22