Jones County headlight. (Gray's Station, Ga.) 1887-1889, November 10, 1888, Image 2
mt* ss**^ TI10S. R. PENS, ! Publisher. Gray Georgia* Saturday* tVov. 10 With this issuo, the Heacuqht commences its second years labors uud wo trust we shall bo able Vo ful fil t.ho expectations of the many friends of this journal, whoso aims aro high aud pure and holy. Every energy brought forth to kecj) the paper up to the standard as a distributor of all local news oi in terest to its readeis, and great ef forts will be mueUet-e raif»<5 trui-paper eveu above its past record. It is our desire to make {he paper readable aijd iuter^ling rifeiil to the every- aid body and to do this wo of ovory citizen in Jones County. Not or ty dir WQ clipm .your >pa fi nanciaWy bnt-wo.r/ood live pondents from all sections, who are always abreast* with every move* incut of interest. j.i conclusion tho publisher desires to call the attention <d its readers to the fact that nothing cau five with out substance. . Take tho life giving substance away from a tree and it dies, so wit h all things, oven your county paper, and if it is your domic to see it grow aml-pro’per you must give it your support, not in we! 1 wishes, and ‘'pats” on the shoulder, “send rno the p^p<?r.ahd I’ll, pay to morrow,’’ hut in substantial earn, for that is the kind of substance it takes to buy paper, ink, type, and bread and meat. According to. Mr, Porter Artie, a good judge, tho most' beautiful wo— man in America lives in RiU mond. UnforU.mri.Oy Fedoct. not give hor name. * Tho Constitution vbquiros that thirty days’.nopto.of ajl local .aud piivuto- bills . shall bo published prior)to their introduction iu tho Lcgifilaltuiif.lifhcrp arc any-ftnch inoueui'oA contomplatbd by pors'o .s in our county, they ehould Loai the above requirement iu mind, ate ~ gftetfi to ' R5juht UTe sl ^^6gentleman inp ut made in Tuesday's paper in this city lafus od S-fOO for a dog. and look upon tho ujiitUe.r as a newspaper yarn. There was a little iuacct racy ia the statement, for tho gentle man was Offered iJoOO instead of $100, Tho ofler cam© from Harrisburg, Pu. The gentleftndhinrifuantiou will ’ UVt bclljoii,lyss than $7011, . There is a man in Albany who bps tjibfvcd the problem of winriing Ins -Waterbury watch without wasting half his time in the opera tion. He is employed in a maciiiuo shop. When tho time arrives for tho watch to bo 'wound, ho simply holds tfio kijob oi tlie stem against ono of the bolt a tbr.a moment and tho thing is done, ...... Alfred Marin*, of c Brooklyn, . aged , 110 , is now engaged in writing a book of reminiscensos. He still has u fine memory and is a good talker. The fact 4hat. he 1ms undeitaken the task of writing a book a decade after he has passed tho century limit is one of the most wonderful thingsever recot ded in the history of old people. No man since Pm r has been capable ofrit;,-s - The new, rule of the railway com Tnissiou requiroa frioght in hulk or owne^#irtii!r car T$ ‘ivc*\ira ho VcmAyed W and' aflor il^at t,im.o v 4fky itWaprins ; . eeiits^per day is -•charged ‘not stovbintf w-LAle io’tlic ears^ ■if wa'rel.oifse' A recent arrangement l etween the Central and East Ten l essee gave consignees five days Tho com mission has now reduced the limit to throe days, and tho rule went into efiect’on Nov. 1st, BUY YOUR 1 Trunks, satchels-'Pocket TVvdrc• lPn S.Bv}' T wS, n. • GOODS, FROM THE FACTORY AT FACTORY PRICES. Macon Trunk Factory, J. Van A Co. 410 Ji:y St. Macon MMC Joses County Sheriff's Sale. Will be sold be foie the Court House door, in Clinton during the legal hours of stile on the first Tues day iu December next six hundred and seven nod one half acres more or less being lots Nos. 162, 170 and j71 in the 8th Dist. of Jones county as the property of Robt. Lundy, lev ied on under a mortgage ft na issued from Jones Superior Court m favor of M. S. Griswold against Robt. Lundy to satisfy said mortgage, fi fa property pointed out in said li fa and written notice cf said levy served upon Defendant. Also At th. same time and piece land one hundred and fifty aces of more or Ic-k as .he pioporty ol Luiidv, said land lying situate and being hi Hawkins dirt, in Jones county and known as the Ivey Charles place adjoining lands of Mrs. 11 ami'ton, Mrs. Wimberly and others. Levied on as the property •of thoArtid liobt. Lundy to satisfy said fi fa and other fi fas in my hand. Property pointed out by 1V1L Att’y mid written notice served upon DTt. W. v.. LAlv!’.Gi't j Oct 29 1888. Sheriff J ones Co. ADMINIBTRATOR’S BA LE. JONES COUNTV LANDS. By virtue of an older from the court of Ordinary of JontS county will be sold at the < onrt-HousC door in Clinton within Tuesday the legal in hours Decem- of sale on the first ber 1888. Fifty acres of land be longing to the Children of C. L. Ridley, Jr. Situate on Fading Creek in North-west part of Jones county, good land, an t sold for support and education of said minor children, it adjoins if. j>. Ridley and the pub lic toad from Hillsboro to Cornuco pia. Terms Cash.—Oct. 15th 1883. 0. L. Riijlly, Guardian. ADM 10 IbTRATOR’B BALE. JONES COUNTY LANDS. By. virtue of an ord* from the ( d:'“, L ol TBcU.uny of .cueo CguuvJ door yid beso.d a-., ih • V^onu-.inuue in (dinton with n the AgJ .bouts °i ;-‘ ei J mS3, ’ Si i£w‘Xn S aHi ’Ifli 0 rShS'l , , 1 F-;^, of Martm L. Malono deed, borne ,,ood land plenty water and timber no miprovemens. Situated three miles iroiajO. & M. It, K. iu North *• '.r"Lrfi!. HI UUilta v UUlUGfiL«. i .imhmUT Itfcftliat ft (JiM"~' ir and - others, bold for m Dik M) ia Me "Terms Ca. h.~Oct’r loth 388tw but Joux })’. AuDBiisoii, Adm. NOTICE 10 DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. BORGIA— J onca County. All persons having demands .’gain*: late of Jones the Estate county, of James deceased, G Barnes are hereby mands notified to render in their de to the undersigned according to law. And all persons indebted to eaid Estate are required to make im mediate payment. This August 21st 1888. W. li, Buldbn, Administrator J G Barnes deceased THE OLD RED HILLS OF JONES Have always groaned under a burden of luxuries and t ho very at mosphoro ‘ seems to make tlio boy ^ , lcvor BUSCUXT SMITH now °* dao famous -‘Brilliant liar,’ ot Macon, has pleasant recollcet ‘ 0KS of his assoeialioms in tho grand old county, and always orders the dog chained when ho nears any oi the boys around. THE Ciusn EaOSTY nonxiNOS will soon bo here. Just think .of it. Copper Distilled Ryo, 16 years old, and sparkling Corn with a bead on it that would put a dew drop to fehamo, with other choice Liquors served at tho bar. Reef SteajFand Red 8kfa Onions ■ - with ovory other delicacy to ho had in ttio Macon market, and last but not least; FRF.E BEDS to sleep on after you havo knocked about tho city to your satisfaction. Call on mo at tho old Brilliant Sa loon 367 Third Street, Macon Ga. Biscuit Smith Loans Negotiated ^ Qjj ^ 'T’OWII Proper!? IN Bnu ‘ ANP adjoining cocnties. ELLIOTT ESTES, 63 Cherry St. - - Macon Ga r-MtoTMl R wfflS rt&te*ir!**W! f3 e?fi \ -•■ r ; ■ Disem.■don of the Reform Tariil, Trade, T usts, etc., at, the , isFOsma® m f -» ui u m, r? 414 Halter? Srsei. which 1); s b-gun and -will tHifimjethroughout L<u..iug the stneon.^ Ky to0 positioa ° ® is well L to. my puLrim-f ha-1, hi? re -been ni ‘ no am baying *B? ^fZTt Lowest Hike I *****«* have &tracj». O large bank account to urycredit, flaRcrmyself I a Trusts and Combinations and visited all.leading mnls and marker o u O East which have giver, ire advarilages which t.a: h tdo m c.a. s^are. |0 |08IS flED SUES ^ m Qenfe andSBovs, the echo comes from Boston, Lynn and Rochester, ■ that . 1 ,,, h. ST. , T Leu; „ h load* .*, «i the ie trade tr.m Will here state that . Bhoos^m -od „ to date I Lave received of Roots,, c cva. ; tj‘““ 0 p w j uc |j j p erc ( . VO fce only a few prices for your consideration: TO W W® 4r tST + >35 WK’W* E« O HIT 2p|BK32Is£I kid button shoos and ' up Ladl £ Mod button »^ 0 ** sVcs si as GZ* woHK Children’s $i.50elsewhere. ; ” Men & heavy , p . ivv wax .. , v .a br oiog^s ™ s 60o oc» « - ; • Bachelors best brogaus as $1.25 jfissos hid button shoes 57c vm'- h elsewhere Best ychI cil! ])ro^».n.o J^ 1,35 Lad fme i) 0Pg( g ■£ ; ; & Utf to5 Mens’ co tigress gm ten at 1.00 shoes $1.10 worth ».00ol«w^re. made’ilW-olakid Mens’ button custom boots m.rlp $2.00 congress worth gad 3.oO. eve I.o0 Ladies’ fine custom CLOT! JL jiv ~r - X H a In Clothing I have searched the markets and only purchased the' be fc for the least money that }ilir| ecu Id procure. I haw so Jar received 5000 Men’s Suits ranging aTi tho way from $2 per smt to $25 for fine and elegant satin lined i'rnioe • *V 1-riy smlthe uuttr c.\nv>ol be bought any where cdserior lose than SlAi ji’he most elegant and largest, stock of Cloth ing ever brought to the city, {^liard.-e.vdi p'icrs. Lv3 o<> to die music. Pan*3. from 40e. por par up j Goodlildck C.: • .wilts, .,03 up MenV Working Suits: .A . .$§|0ap Rfaekonallfld Due Beaver “ 8.00 np Bimiuess Suits' ...... MO up ! Fancy Corkscrew suits 1.65 f. : 0 up Nice all wooi, Cussimers, dr'yfjp up j Good heavy O^rceuts ’rom up Dress Suits, ....•........... ®0 up j Dandsome Cbildr< m suits. 1,09 up I Lave a. fine luwj of extra Mraier’s anu Driver’s OvercoaLi • as well as fine lignt Dress Cvorco^s,UMf w-.Ah I nii^u'ce to heLorth dcahk*- Lhc money 1 ask for them. Ah-eigNiit hue of ruimucry aim Notions just received. Lute styles. J ®d lata it great bargains. LOOll Gt LOW PiWQCS* ...... ey 8...5i<; , lt ., poiyjr^.up ^1 All Uftttdu wool Worsted,......Bib. Worsted......To por yard yard S( , H){ia( . d t! tfhectinJlBS per up per ]T eavy Brown *1-4 mi J adios’ Jerseys. ........35 eeifu 7-8 Shirting...... Uo per yr^d Tl u|» to......*............25 cents up Cheeks............5'L.-..pcr up ,J.oan3. .................10o per yam White 3 Blcs Liandkhvehids yLi ......4D' il|e yJ pejrdoa yd trp,-L* AH d wool White Jeanr,...-..2o >k.urm re-rts Die per yd yd -_ . - or per 4*4 2 cents juir * vard up. w , Mv-Btock-ot Liens,.Liidh^ aj an^Cl.Ldrena’ 8heps is 7-..I1 ».nd ~ ' . -reatiiaaA;-^ a,. ...a. { or tho '■■Le4atdkt n-m aMh -a ■ fessor, “combine to - world two immense t-.» LtUil; L J ’WCTF^IU- T j.\ greatest heigh*, rj.’i il J . WcdJ at C.-ca:,! cp. c All Goods at-raindus vedno^dns -to suit tho herd-times. Bo sure call-bo fore making you:* purchases elsewhere, font L no tooub’e to Goods. Com oh;;, Come all, aM-be convinced and save ycur money buying your odds at ’! tk Eipaiia Eius, PI. II. H 3 , u;0a, Aug2 1883. 4 4 Jh- 4 Mulbarry-Bt. Macon. ur& Tnoirdei to Advertise our large stock o . m WATCHES Thoroughly, we have commenced cr pr.aniiiig clubs and putting in a ;; km h ", • : 0N payment of * 1.00 a were. i.w-v. i 3-. .v H il10 American Nickio Full Jeweled kxmotion Balance, Patent Regulator IL-eqti.-t Hair '. ' \fW Spring. Btem 'w'ind nnri Bet mi vouk iU-’, rn.-do by Rockford Watch Company. Join NOW and save Money. J. II. & W. W. WILLIAMS Watch Club, 35 2nd Sr„ Macon, Ga - - 1 W. B. & O. G. SPAJiKS, Tip ja AND Commission M erchants Wc have every facility for Handling and storing cotton **t the lowest . ratC3 oi C05lil »!ssien Prompt personal attention paid to parties shipping us their cotton. Storage F-i-ee. Money loaned to planters at the lowest rates of interest.—10—11—im, W. B. & 0. G. SPARKS. MA fi -t- GA. CAMPBELL & Jims. For Nineteen Years Past ... c Lave . conducted Cotton Factorage at Warehouse, of " our corner ® ccou ^ and 1>0 P lar Streets, Macon, Ga., and now at the opening of another j season, once more offer our services to planters and shippers of cotton, J P Je< *£ in g closo personal attention to the interests of our patrons. j Grateful to old friends and desiring to make new ones, we are yours truly I OctdOtf. Campbell 1 & Jones. LOOK OUT 4* 8 ~ inton the old town —AND— n i|f| 1 UlV Having engaged in General Merchandise irf Clinton, Jones Co., and with a large stock of Goods, 1 will make a lively stir m reduction of prices. A large lot of good stock for cost and less than cost. Such as HATS, V. SHOES, and NOTIONS V\ WOOLEN arid COTTON GOODS. And many other articles of value. Must and will be sold at prices tode iy competition. You will find those prices to be in keeping with the Farmers Alliance and are extended to all porsous. Come and see, don’t *-:V take jay word for it. Roland T. Ross. June 2Dlh 1F88 tf. CLINTON, GA.^ is) lx *r$. ray Georgia • ' THE LINE OF THE G. & M. R.R. Having recently furnished my Shop with, the most im proved tools am now prepared to do carriage work in all its branches and will do better work for less money than any other shop in the county. Bring in your old buggies and wagons and for a little money I will make them look like new ones. ^ew work built to order only. Satisfaction guaranteed in all my work. Give me a tria and bo convinced. H. A. MORGAN. W. T. WOMACK. >v ■' ■ WWXMMm iW Farmer’s Supplies and General Merchandise, Such as are kept in first-class houses, I am also prepared to pay tho highest market prices for cotton as I do the work my self and save tho usual warehouse expenses. Cotton shipped to me will receive my person al attention. AU cotton in store fullly protected by insurance. BAHtiffiB AM TIES Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully, w. T. WOMACK, 9—8-3m—1888. EAST MACON, GA. 9S&.T. BEELAND * lfATCIIK W« JMUtl, 8£li¥M&VABB Sjfgdaft^itolS f gits & fe 5f Novelties PENCILS in Holiday ETC Goods m wqkm PROMPT BORDERS AND BY RELIABLE MAIL WILL ATTENTION RECEIVE ♦ 320 Second Street MACGN GEORGIA ^T, W. BOND’S-o 1 ' L !ATO1 I a If Beds Free to Customers. Tiffi WST of wtur? WQWlf flQARg AND TOBACCO? -AT THE BAR, ' FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll com* again. ^Morgans 9-8—tf. Corner, ■ Macon, Ga, ■ t