Newspaper Page Text
—BY T. R. PENN.—
Subscription Rates*-lu Advance.
One Year. . - 1 . .
Eix Months. 50
Three Month, 30
Entered at the Postoffiee at Gray Ga
fecund class mail matter.
Postoffiee orders, drafts, etc., should he
ijijiae payable to 1. A 1 liXN.
Rates for advertising made known on
Communications (or individual benefit, or
of a personal character, charged for tho
jame as advertisements.
Marriage and obituary notices, not ex
ceeding one square, inserted without charge
—over one square will be charged for same
as advertisements.
Correspondents alone arc responsible through these for
.opinions expressed by them
Mrs. E.G HARDEMAN, Local Editress
Rain! Rain!
Mud ! Mud ! Mud! !
Cotton is coming in.
And guano going out.
There are two new moons in this
Mrs. F. M, Swanson of Montieello
passed down the C. & M. last Tues
day enroute to Macon. '
Mr. Russell Penn of Montieello
visited, the family of Mr. John Mor
gan last Saturday.
Mr. Charley It. Bowen visited
Jiis Aunt Mrs. F, M. Swanson of
Montieello last Tuesday.
The School Commissioner, M. B.
Dennis, paid to the Putnam County
{School Teachers last week. fl.CCO.
Last Saturday was Gen. Lee's
birthday and the Macon Volunteers
celebrated it by giving a dress street
We want a correspondent in each
pnililia district in the county. We
Will gladly publish any local nows
seut in.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kelly arc
(entertaining Mr. Kelly, Jr. The
young gentleman is of rather dim
iutive size, but proposes to make
Montieello his future home.—Jasper
County News.
The Farmer’s Alliance is a flour
ishing institution in Jones county,
pearly every farmer in the county
18 a member of it. Come out to tho
meeting on the 31st. See notice of
President in this issue.
There are 171 employes of the
Western and Atlantic railroad who
have been in the company’s service
fifteen years and upward, while a few
time-honored conductors have been
pulling a bell rope since the first
train rattled over tfia oid flat irons
of long ago
Complaints, loud and strong are
being sent to us,that at certain post
office in the county the subscribers
to the Headlight are not getting
their paper, This should not be
the case, for we know that it is
mailed regular, arid we have all as
surances that it is sent out from the
post office at this place. Where is
the fault ?
We earnestly ask that our sub
scribers respond promptly to our
request for payment of back dues.
Many have been carried through tho
Summer and Fall months. Now
that money matters arc becoming
pasior, we trust our friends will not
forget us, aud that they will send in
at once all back dues anil renew for
another year.
If we could hold our own opinions
in the same esteem the world does we
should frequently be less ready to
flauDt them in the face of others.vEx
Tho above clipping was selected
and set up by Master Tommie
Penn “Jr” only seven years and
pne month of age. Master Tom
mie is the youngest knowing Edi
tors of the fourth estate.
I will be in Clinton on the 29th of
January 1889 for the purpose of
examining applicants for Teachers’
License, Please fake notice and
govern yourself accordingly.
A. H. 8. McKay,
*fan’ 8th ’89. C. S. C.
Sunday was a rainy, stay-at
Sheriff W. W. Barron has recent
ly improved his lot by a new fence.
The weather Tuesday morning
was about the coldest of the win
ter. Ice everywhere.
Bad weather prevented attend
ance again, upon tho Prayer Ser
vices at Parsonago lastW ednosday
Miss Sallie E. Barron spent sev
eral days with relatives near Pine
Ridge last week returning home
Tho road from Gray to Clinton
is fearfully bad, it is one slosh, and
a puddle, a ditch and a mudhoto the
entire way nearly.
Tho “yoaeg Judge” who has been
the guest of Judge and Mrs. Bar
ron for past week, is pronounced
one of the finest of Dr. J. L. Bar
ron’s grandson's.
Mr; “B” Walker has purchased
the farm of Mr, Gus Stewart and
with his wife has been domieiiled in
his new home for past few weeks.
We welcome them to the clever
neighbors as our handsome friends
Gus and his good wife were.
Judge J. C. Barron and Col. R,
V. Hardeman wont over to Milledge
villa to attend Court Tuesday, but
on reaching tho oil town found that
Judge Jenkins had adjourned the
Court until next Monday, on ac
count of the critical illness of his
We notice in our Exchange Cod
artown Standard that Secty Nisbe*
is busy arranging tho letails for the
meeting of the Convention in Bruns
wick Feb. 12 and 13th. At tho j
Convention arrangements for the
State fair to be held iu Macon next
tali will be completed.
We enjoyed q, delightful half day
and night at the pleasant homo of
oar friends J. T. Finney ami Mrs.
Park this week. They have a
beautiful flower yard and ‘ a largo
collection of greenhouse plants
which are tho especial pride of Mrs.
P. and their dinner table was grac
ed by fresh irish potatoes, lettuce
etc. It stimulates one to visit
such friends .
It has been just live years since
we had visited the anicent capitol
of Georgia, and upon our arrival
there last Tuesday, wo found many
recent improvements. Tho Bapiisl
church, nearly completed is one of
the handsomest churches in tho
state. The “Dummy” is tho “talk
of town” and is more than a con
venience it is a luxury, even tho it
skips tho track over occasionally.
There seems to be a large attend
ance upon tho M. G M, & A, College,
and at 2 o’clock tho streets present
a lively appeararce, as the civet
cadets and blight eyed misses with
boons under arms hurry from tho
class room home.
Wo visited the gallery of T, J.
Fairfield and found him to be a first
class artist and his walls aria show
cases filled with life likofaces.
Trade seemed to be at a stand
gtil!, and tho stores, tho’ well filled
with nice assortment of goods,
were minus customers. Court had
adjourned on Monday, much to the
disappointment of jurists, jurors,
officers etc and we presumo to that
fact is attributable the general
The McDuffie Journal says: Oh for
a shower of gold dollars in the pov
erty-stricken country.
The Georgia State Agricultural
society will hold theii convention
in Brunswick on February 12th,
A few weeks ago the petrified re
mains of a sheep were found at the
bottom of an Alabama coal shute
189 feet below the surface.
The alliance organization in Cobh
county now numbers nearly one
thousand, and additonsare constantly
being made. This order has started
out with the purpose of keeping
out of debt as near as possible
every member to pay his debts
where he is able, or not have the gym
patiiy and support of the order. They j
have no war to make on any class
of business men or merchants, but
feel that all are essential to the
well-being and success of the
society as a whole.
Pay your debts.
The printer m vds money.
There is talk i>f a wood working
factory at Marianna.
“Hard times” is the cry, and is
having an effect on all kinds of bus
iness Even the making of official
bonds a matter not easily accomplish
ed these days.
Dr. A. G. Harp, of Pike county
is opposed to the use ol guauo. He
says that he used it extensively,
thinking that if there was any vir
tute in it he would reap the bene
fit, but instead of making money
he spent all ho had and $3,000 in
dept. Eight years ago he stopped
using and commenced mak
ing his fertilizers at home, He
has not used a pound since. Now
ha has cancelled the 13,000 debt
has plenty of corn and meat and
land better condition than ever,
— *■— --—‘Scar*-----—
There will be a meeting of the
County Alliance of Jones county at
tiiay on the 31st limt. at 10 o’clock
a, m. All Alhuneemen in the couu
ty is expected to be present, as the
Honorable W. J. Northern of Sparta
will deliver an address on that day.
Jan. 23rd 1839.
Farmer;,’ AUhnoe, Jones Co- Ga
II. & D.
It is finished.
E. C. M ichon’s work is done and
hu D fulU!e 1 maJe ;
% Uovingt.m Y and Mac m mad
. lcl D D
“°' v co * lu ‘° ^
iucli im,m ail<1 1 lKtnviAe and
, . rouie_ Hirmsaed , from
0,1 to "’"T ' Urt *
1 ,u ; Cov,n S fc0 ’) ™ d
t,m9 , becom ° 8 itn IU 'P liltaut 1Juk 111
a great railway chain.
But what about the Covington and
Macon’s Savannah and Florida
connections at Macon?
Wait and see and in tho means
time read this from the Banner
Watollman about the connection
with the Richmond and Dan vile at
Yesterday was a triumphant day
for Col. E. C. Maehen and tho road
ho has built, through
such as have rarely been surmounted
before. It was a’so a day unique in
railroad circles m Athens. For the
first time m her history two ralroads
come together and will hereafter
interchange business without un
load in g cars Traffic arrangements
have been agreed upon between the
11. & J). and the C & M.and the first
engine passed from one road to the
other yesterday.
In manifestation of the kindly
business relations between two roads
Hon. Pope Barrow, president
of the Northeastern, invited Col
Maehen to accompany a number
of gentlemen,'among whom Mr, K,
K. Reaves, vice-president of the
Northwestern, Col. Toni Bailey, Mr.
Homer Nicholson, and Mr.
Harden, on a short excursion on the
two lines. The pleasant party had a
coach hitched to an engine and drove
from the Nortiieasten depot on the
0. & M. to the Broad street
crossing. As the road was blocked
with cars further down they went no
further. When they come opposite
the Georgia depot rounds of cheers
were interchanged between the
excursionists and the Georgia road
people. A cro-vd
was down on tho C. &. M.
to extend congratulations to Col
Maehen and join jn the pleasure on
the completion of his road. After a
short stay the party drove back to
the North—eastern and the
way was left open for passage of
trains from one road to the other.
Another outlet is thus given to
Athens and one, too, will prove of
great benefit, we think.—Macon
N e vvs.
An Artistic Twelve Page Annual
Calendar, beautifully decorated with
highly-finished water-colored pic
turcs representing the four season s—
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall—
will he sent Free to any person who
sends six cents for a sample copy of
the Now York Ledger. Address
175 William Street,
New York City.
This Calendar is woith fully 25
Put in your spring oats.
When are you going to settle up
your subscription ?
We learn that the Farmers’ Alli
ance excludes lawyers, doctors and
ministers. A good old farmer told
us the other day that tho Revolu
tionary war and the war between
the Stales wa? brought on by
preachers, and lie is tooth and loo
nail against admitting them into
the Alliance.—Athens Chronicle.
The Butterick Delhi eator is some
thing every lady should take. It is
an illustrated fashion plate, contain
ingall the latest Metropolitan fash
ions and well worth t he subscription
price, which is only one dollar per
annum. If you aie not asubscriber
send for it at once. Address, Bul
terick Publishing Co., 7 9, and 11
West 13th St., N. Y.
Mb. Editor. —Supposing both
Harrison and Morton were to die the 4th of March, would not
Cleveland remain president ?
Answer,—N o. Secretary Bayard
would be president until the disa
bility was removed, by Congress,
which if not in session, would have
to be convened by a proclamation,
after 'JO days notice, by the officer ol
the cabinet, acting as President.—
Trunks. Satchels. Pocket
Books, and Fancyeather
Macon Trunk Factory,
J. Yah &■ Go. 4103rd St. Macon Ga
Covington & Macon R, E.
To take effect at 7:00 a. m. M oaday
December 10th, 1888.
(North Bound.)
5. 3. i
STATIONS. Doc’I Fr’t, Fast
Arrow. Daily Mail
Sun. only. x Sun. Daily .
I.v MACON I cccrcc a m 7.00am
Van Massay JDircns Mil 24 7:10
Roberts... 7:22
Morton..... 7:35
0 rays...... 7:12
Franks..... II 12 7:18
Karroos... II 24 7:51
Round Wayside. Oak. .. 11 11 ;;o 7:57
18 8:05
Hillsboro . . 12 28 ti m 8:10
Cirassiield. . 12 52 8-27
Minneta .. 1 22 8;42
jf ontieidlo. . 1 IS 8:48
Machcr...... 2 12 9 10
Marco...... 3 00 !>:32
Godfrey.... Madison.... 5 36 0:12
■I 55 ]■ in 4 40 10 55
4 55 10 35
Florence .. 11 21
Gould.. Farmington ^ cr. 1 41
... ^ I 50
VVatkinsvillo t -1'- -a I 11 50
White Hull.. I 12 17
Ar. Athens... -e m , -x m 12 25 1 u
(South Bound)
2 . 6
STATION,S Fast Le.’l F( Accom.
M nil. Dji i I v Sunday
Daily x Full only.
Ar MACON |6 25 p m m
Van Massy’s Mill 0 14
Raven 0 08
Roberts.... 6 01
Morton.... 5 48
Grays...... Franks.... 5 5 40 52
Hamms..., 5 26
Round Wayside Oak-5 5 23 15
Gras.“field Hillsboro .. jo ji 00 52
Miiiueta ... 11.28 [4
Montieello Ji 30
Maehen.... 00
Godfrey... Marco-...... i-l 26 47
8 ill
Mad iso n____rjfi II
Florence j “/ 10 35 am
27 vr 957
Gould.......Ij Farmington :2 00 45 ^ 0 32
WatkiiisviUfc 1 ^ 0 21
While . 186 9 to 0 10
Hall 1 I 18 8 50 8 50
I.v ATHENS 1 00 pm 8 80|>m 8 80 p m
A G. Craig,
Gen. Pu!-s AgT
A. J. MoEVOY, Superintendant.
Wr f
(Established 1831 )
fiirifitiire aigd Carpets,
iill s« Jsii .. 1 C’-4> lYJ
Hext to Hotel Lanier.
558 aptl 561 (liilbegy fycet, placoji, Georgia.
i. f. Pit, mmm, u, sa.
Ho does strictly a
And will get highest market price for cotton.
M 0 N E Y
In Spring at low rate of interest.—N-H-9-20-3m.
EADS, HEEL & so a
mu, ins, shir 13 naans.
Correct and Latest Styles
Scud us your orders and come to soe us when in Macon.
Goods sent C. 0. I), unless city reference is given.
—15—3m, 557CIIERUY ST
m m T Ct l« ■». n , iMs m ml '•.Srt*
Beds Free to Customers.
Tlffi °r Wlt'F? WQVPH5
j]iQ/iR,s and Tobacco?
Gome once and you’ll come again.
9—8—if. Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga
Mil® Ilf
Farmer’s Supplies and
General Merchandise,
Such as are kept in first-class houses, I am also prepared to pay the
highest market prices for cotton as I do the work my sell and save tho
usual warehouse expenses. Lotion shipped to me will receive my person
al attention.
All cotton in store fullly protected by insurance.
Constantly on hand at the lowest prices, and orders for same and also
shipments of cotton solicited, Very Respectfully,
9—8 —3m—1888, EAST MACON, G A