New era. (Dallas, Ga.) 189?-1898, March 18, 1898, Image 1

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VOLUME XVI. DALLAS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 1H, 1898. IUJ BRASWELL. TRY CANDY CATHARTIC 10c. 25c. 50c. E THE. ALL DRUGGISTS. Wc arc staring over tU*su hills hi us i .1, We ere not using ho much gnann hh ome of the correspondent* any their neighbors are. Our ground Is pushed tip hlg'i enough without it. Plckanlny say* the farmers lire pushing heir plows in Aeorntree. 1 will have to i ome down end get one of those plows Mint chii lie pushed, ut I have nothing to pull the kind I Imve. New Hops sat s the farmers nre getting in the gutno. 1 thought they put thesliill in the ground instead of getting In it. Uncle He: ry Dod I is very feeble. Mrs. McLendon ia cnnllned to ho* bed all the time. The smallpox has abated. No new cases anil all well. Mrs. ,1. M. Leo, of Duke's, Ala,, came up Sunday to see her sick father, Mcnry Dodd. AI.UION. We Club THE NEW ERA with The Weekly Constitution, #1.110 The Weekly Journal, #'.10 Tlr Thriee-a-Wcek World, #1.48 The Twlee-a.week Ololtc-Dumocrat, #1.5 TlieTwle -a-week Courier-Journal#1.a Twice-a-week Detroit Free Press, #1.1)0 Home and Farm, #1.10 U. A . MUDOCK, Jeweler, DALLAS, • • • GEORGIA vr Watches, Cloeks, etc., repaired All work guaranteed. J. J J . GKEER, Dentist, DALLAS, - - - GEORGIA Will do all kind of Dentil work; tcctli extracted without pain. All work guar, indeed.Jj^’OlBce in new Courthouse. LUMBEB! LUMBER! Rough ,Tnd Dressed Lumber, Moulding and Shingles. Will deliver ear load lots at Dallas, Hiram Powder Springs or Acwortli on short notice. It will lie to your Interest to write me and get my prices before ordering elBowhure. W. M. Klhiikkky, Taylorsville, On. lev improved piyn inn Drop-leaf, fanrr rover, four largcdrawcrMcIf-Rottingtire* < ►< Idle, aelf-threading h buttle. J automatic bobbin wlmleraml I full set of attachments, equal AI 1 toanymnke of Sewing Machine w 1 Isold for >56. Ten days’ trial r ' in your home before payment. ► lfltlked. Buy of the manufacturers rmiy, . ► and nave commissions. Maohine warrant- ► ad for five years. Send ua a trial order • ► with reference, and we will ship machine ► to you for approval We pay the freight, J Ca-Operative Sewing Machine Ca. i Lock Bax 803. Philadelphia, Pf. Future comfort for present; secining economy, but buy the; sewing machine with an cstab-; Iished reputation, that guar-; antccs you long and satisfac-; tory service. j* j» j» j» j»! STATE OF GEORGIA, I pAi'i.msu County. j ^ti nil whom it may concern: Phillip mill Join, Pl ed, Executors of the ratals of Juliu Trapp, deceased, have in due form npplied to the underlined for Loiters of Dismission from said Executor, s ilp. and I will pasa upon tnld application ou Hu. first Monday hi June next. Given under my hand and olllelal signature, this 7ili day of Match 1H98. F. P. HUDSON, Ordinary. Dallas Livery fetab!e, J. C, * J B V'ATSON, Proprintor Havug purchased the Foote sta bles, we will keep good stock for the public, day or night. We have ridHC ed our charges in proportion to the hard limes. Parties hiring horses are trictly responsible for the safely of hems elves, vehicles, and horses, IRespectfullv, J: C. St J jts. ’• at ion Mothers | Read This. For Flatulent Colic,Diarrhoea, j D y a entory, Nausea,Coughi, Cholera Infantum,Teeth ing Children, cholera Merbua, Unnatural Dralna from the Bowels, fains, , OriplnT, to is of Appetite, Indigestion, and all Diseases of tho Stomach and Bowels. Pitt’s Carminative ITS PINCH TENSION • . AND . , TENSION INDICATOR,' (devices for regulating end; showing the exact tension) arc' a few of the features that! emphasise the high grade J character of the white. Send for our elegant H.T.; catalog. White Sewing Machine Co., j CLEVELAND, 0. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Sunday,,Inn. 18th, 1898. GOING SOUTH. No. 7— due ut Diilliu at 9:12 a. in. No. 9— “ “ 3:1)1 p. m. No. lb— “ “ 8:1)3 a. m. GOING south. No. 8— due ill Dallas nt 3:14 a. m. No. 10— “ “ 11:37 a. in. No. 14— « “ 9:31 p. m. All trains slop nt Dullns except Nos. 13 n.l 14. W. A. Fomteii, Aoknt Soutiiickn Railway Co. GEORGIA, J Paulding County. ) To nil whom it may concern: All persons interested are hereby noti- tlflcd lliiil if no good cunae lie shown to the contrary, an order will ho grunted by the undersigned on the 8lh day of April 1898, establishing n chance in the public road as marked out hv the road cnmnih- mlssioncrs appointed for that purpose, i omniencing at the Raccoon hill on Hie Slllesbiro rend and intersecting said road . t Ine head of hollow near the old gate place, and running through tin. land of R. C. Harris. F. P. Hudson, Ordinary. nut i- 8TATE OF GEORGIA, Paulding County. To nil win in it may roiicern: All persons interested are hereby li d th t if no good cause be shown to the contrary, an order will lie granted by (he undersigned on the 6tli day of April 1898, establishing a change in Hie Dallas anil Kocknmrt road as marked out by Hie road eommis.doncrs appointed for that purpose. Said clinnge to commence hi Hic northeas terly crossing of tirook on lot of land No. 295 in the 2nd dial:let and 3rd section of said county nbout one 'and three-fourth,, miles from tlin town of Dallas. Said road to he changed so as to run east and pnral- le lo brook running through lot N i. 2118 an I partly through lot No. 297 in said dis trict and section, intersecting with the present road about midway between Hie residence of J. II. Weaver and Mrs. Lucy Pinkurd.; F. P. Hudson, Ordinary. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. Lung Trobles and Consumption Can be Cured. An Kiiilncn* New Yolk fTimnist and Scientist Mikes it flee Offer to Our Iteadui a. The distinguished New York chemist, T. A. Slocum, deiiion»lralliiglil»(llscmnj of u reliable ami uhsnlule cure for Coli- sumptiou (Pulmonary Tuliereulosls) am, all hroucliial, throat,'lung and chest ills- ciisch, stuhliorn, coughs, <-utnrrlinl alTci t- ions, general decline and weakness, loss of Desk, and all conditions of wasting a- way, will send THREE FREE DOTTLES (ali different) of Ills New Discoveries to any nflHcied reader of Tux Nkw Eiia wilting for thrill. Ills "New Scientific Trealnienl” hit - cured thousands pcrniuliciilly by ils tlinh- ly us., and he considers ll a simple pro- leaslomil duty to suffering liiimanlly to doniitc a trial of ids infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, anil lids great cbtmiat, pallenlly expeil, meiiting for ye irs, has produc'd lestills as him riciid tobmnnuily ns call lie claim ed i,y any modern genius. His nsseillnn that lung truuolea ami cot mnptlon curable In any climate is proven by ‘ heartfelt lelters nt gratitude,” llled in his American and Enrol nan Inhoiatoriei tu thousands Irnm those cured in ali purls of the world. Medical experts concede Hist hronehlul, chest and lung irouliles lead to l onsiiinp- lion, which, tinlnli rrtipled, means spi cily and certain tlcnlli. Simply wrile to T, A. Slocum, M. C., 1/8 pine street, New York, giving puslol- llcc and express address, and Hie tree medicine will Le promptly sent. buffer- ers sliould take instant advantage of his gen irons proposition. i Please tell die Doctor tliut youjsaw . Ids liter in I nK New Eiia. ’ Paulding County Sheriffs Sales for April, 18?$. |5,0C0 Oft THE CO /ill rLUf A Rkmahk.mii.k Oi.ennisti tlrrua with Tm Ati.asta WnsKgv Constitution. The missing wordContest of The Ai pints Weekly CoiislituHrm closed on H.< 1st nf Match end The Pimciintimi in •enl out 111 rash #1.043 88, w hich Is ill vlded among the sueressful gnessers 1 a ill he remembered that The Cnnsiitu l on offered ip per cent of Hie /And deriv d from Hir subscriptions nf tko-e enter ing Hie contest, lo lie divided litiiniig tlmsi •Alio sucrcaafiillv guessed the missing won pt a given sentence. The Coifttitutlni announce* Hint the word for Hie euntesl which lias Just closed was "snnlhsey- is" —tlio lenience, taken from “PintArrh’i Lives," bring as follows: “At Hist It was considered by lliesoodi- say rs as a good omen." The Constitution now makes Hie most remarkable proposition ever miidc to Hu subscriber* nf any souiliern newpsper. Iteglnning with Hie 1st of Marcli It makes a cash offer of #5,000, lo lie divided among those of Its subscribers who guess lU'iirest to the size of Hie cotton crop of 1897-98—the crop grown last year and now already In. The exact number of lades nf Hie crop will he announced In the rlv fall and figures given liy the well known llrm of Lntlium, Alexander A Cn., f New York, and llielr figures will he veeeptrd as Iliad. In lids connection It may lie Interesting lo have Hie figures of the rollon aereagi ind number of bales in Hie crop for sever al years pas*., ns follows: Jioyul mat es the i rrtclcsoi . >- POWDER Absolutely Pur* ROYAL RAKINO POWOffM CO., NI'Af YORK. ‘PARTED.” Henson. Acrva l’hinied. Buies in Crop. 1887-88 18,901,897 7.04(1,888 IHmH.89 19 802,987 (1,938.210 1889-90 20,171,89(1 7,311,322 189IMII 20,800,053 8.052,697 1891-112 20,714.91)0 9,036,1170 1892-9)1 1-8.007,921 fi,7(0.306 1898-94 10,084,000 7.540,817 1894 95 21,454.000 0,001.161 1895-90 18.882,000 7.167,340 189(1-97 22.341,000 8,757,904 Estlimilc of Hie acreage ur tiie erup of HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bnltlc or common glass with urin and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates s diseased con dition nf the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of .kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys ami bladder nre out of order What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, Mini Dr. Kiimer's Swamp- Root. Hie great kidi ey remedy fulfills ev ery wisli in relievi g pain in the back, kidneys, liver, hlndi er and every p rt of the urinary passages. It corrects inability lo hold urine and si aiding pain in pxaiing it. or had effects following use of liquor., wine, or beer, and overcome* that u i- plensuul neeessily of belli: Bridge Notice. Will he let to the lowest ladder the contract to build new bridge at Pauper fnrm, on Tuesday the 15th inst., at the court house door, at 10 o’clock a. in. Plans slid specifications ern lie seen nt iny office. Given under mv hand and of- ile al signature, March 2. 1898. F. P. HUDSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA. I Paulding County. ) To all whom it may concern: “N. X. Beall, administrator on the cs- Mtrof Richard and Mary Manning, latoof said county, deceased, lias in due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission a-, administrator on said estate, and 1 will pass upon said application on ■he iirsi Monday in April, 1898. Given "1 ler mv hand and official signature. T.iis ti c 3rd day of January, 1898. F. P. Hudson. Ordinary. GEORGIA, I Paulding County ( To all whom it may concern; W. L. Cochran, executor on I he estate compelled to of Jerry W. Wood, late of said county, GEORGIA, PAULDING COUNTY — Will lie bold, on Hie first Tuesday in April next, nt the court-house in said county, within the legal hours of Hide, to the highest bidder, for cash, tiie following property, tu-wil: Lot of No. 1227 in the 19tii district anil 3rd section of Paulding Counly, Gn.; Icv- i ed on and to lie sold as Hie property of he defendant, W. It. Waddell, lo satisfy two justice court II fas, Issued al Hie FcP- runry term of the 9il G. M., dial, ill fnvo of James L. Highl, and against said W. H Waddell. Levy made and returned lo me liy W. 11. Cole, L. C. Alsu at the same time and place, wii| lie sold let of land No. 223 in the Hrdliis- trlct and 3rd section nf Paulding enmity, Un., to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by A. L. Woithnn, T. C., in favor of the state and county. Levied on and to he sold as the p-operty of Lawson 11. Llndsy frir Ids slate and county tax for Hie yeaF 1837. Levy made and returned to me by;, J. M. Womack, L. C. Alio at the same time and place will hr sold lot of In nil No. 223 in the 3rd dial i lei and 3rd section nf Paulding conn y, Ga. to satisfy s tax li fa issued by A. L. Wor than, T. C. of m l county, In favor of tlia state and county »». M. I). Womack, agt. i for L. II. Litnlsy. for id- st tc an I county tax for Hie year 1897. Levy made and re turned to me by J. M. Horn* k L. C. AI«o at Hie same time and place will tie sold lot of land No. 400 In the 19th dis trict slid 3rd section of Paulding county, Ga.; levieu on and lo lie sold as the prop- tlie seamn of 1897-98 Is 23.820,000 acres. Two thousand five hundred dollars of the #5.000 offered by The Cotislllullon will lie given to the one making 1 lie rx- aet or Hie nearest correct esilnnite of Hie •Ize of the crop, #1,500 to the second iievresl, and #1,000 lo the third nearest. 'Divided Hie guesses me made during Hie present month. Ev- ry Mibscrlter to The A eekly Coiislllution will lie enlillcd to a •uess pi -vided it is sent along with Hie S lliserlplion. The names will he careful ly recorded and it is needless to say Hint much interest will he taken in Hie contest. Till* paper clubs with The Weekly Cnnililution, and we nffci a spe dal club bing rule of #180, and all win*; accept •Ills clubbing offer will he entitled tu a guess In The Constitution cotlon crop contest. On receipt of the easli for Hie i wo paper*, the name and subscription, with goes' iff tin* cnlloii crop, will lie for warded to The Weekly ConaHtntlon. ln- The Sui'c La Grippe Cure. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the rigid remedy. You are having pain all ihrough your body, your liver is out of urdrr, have no sp| elite, no life or iiinlii- llon, have a bad cold, 111 fact are complete, ly used up. Ebclrlc llltlirs Is the only remedy Hint will give you prompt mid sure relief. They act directly on your Liver. Bliinineh slid Kidneys, tone up Hie whole system and make you feel lik new being. They are guaranteed or mon ey refunded. For Hale si A. J. ( onpi r *.V Co.'s Drug Store, only 50c. per bottle. BUCILLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. THE BEST SALVE in the world fi Gills, Bruises, Hurra, Ulcers, Halt Hlicumr Fever Hores. Trtter, Chapped Hand* Chilblain*, Gurus, and all Hkin Eruption* ,tnd positively cures l’ile*. or no pay r< aqured. It Is gimiai teedi to give perfe* satisfaction i r inoncijr. fnnded. Price 25 cents per box. FOlt SALE 1)3 A. J- V "'per Co. Better that love in its pit. had chided. Cruel Hie lies they li id heard! (>! for the grief nf two spirits 1 divided Ail for tile want of a word! Why lion* she shudder when otli- r lips call her? Sweet was the name he love,I hu“t. Lonely through life, mull deulh shall lie- ’fall her, Wildly her tjplrit seeks real. *&; OH to the future In vain lie Is Inrnlng, Gra*pllig linn.’i favors In lias | e, Still for the past, and its I IDs, lie Is yeari lug, , * Ovi r life’s desolate waste, . V, III, for the past In fts vyomlurfid swiel- neas, F.nllng away into pniil! On, for two live* ol.h llielr ,tr.tnge C ilii|Opleness; ’ Hiriviog Js'h faith nil In vain. Oh, for liter' v ‘3kj! ,| tl strung love uu- s|sik' for 1 Whin! eiif"’ '"f 1 oil, for tlie l V>)d|H'l' wo'iian’s heailliiqken, Now in Hie p ice of grate! -Alartlu A Ki I ler in lluslou Transcript. A Marrtw Escape. Thankful words written liy Mr-. ■ d ® E. Hart, of (in-ton. H. I). "Was lakcu wall a hall col,l i. Idrli nettled on my .lings, eougli set in nnil dually terminate.I m . Consumption. Four I)oe.o s gave me up, living 1 I' lb'll live lad a sl.i rl llmi. avr myself up lo mr Hnviur, f 1 ciiidd not stay with u^ Ire,id. on til. I mini.I mei*’my at s-lit nei salio-c My i,us lib., \.n an vised lo get Dr. King’s • „ Dl eovi tv for ( oiisiiniplioi), Couglis d Cold'. 1 gave it a Inal, look ill all ;lil la tiles.. 1: l a- eUl'Cil me, and thank at I : m sale I him now a well unit healthy woiimn.” I'riai bottles free a A. J. Coo pel Pi b Drug Htnre. lte." lar siz.e 'illi. a id #1.00. Cl bl ,1 •• I**i HI ... (I. Gua. a * 5liady Qiove. gel up many times during the night P. u- deceased, lias in diie form applied to H * ! er; y of llu: estate of W. N. D pree. nnn,e - ----'Ui'"?;:»v xll ,^ 1 T e,, 1,y u T.r upon said application on the first Mo.i.lsv I ‘than, T. C. of said county, in favor of Hie in April, 1898. Given under “my h end and official signature. 'I Ids 3rd day of Januury, 1898. If i- die st-ialard. It < L i Uu* urj'.if. I puriotl of i nrrioH ohlftlrpti over •thliilf. fiiul In ret?* , , Gndi <1 ’bv v»h.'i«iclnm« nf the friend |4 of Adult* nud Children. It 1^ the txRte i»f . A f ii tip«*r!jitivf yl . i’W I*'' 1 . L131 «* er falls to ill demon- rtuev I'rict*. li'icls. xgi-l*. effert of "Swamp-Root ivsoon realized, ft stands the ldghest fur its wo.i h rfu, cures of the most distressing ras'-s. If you neei a medicine you should have the best. Hoi by druggists price fifty cents and one dol lar. You may have a sample bottle an . pamphlet botli sent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the lrottlr. Mention The New F.ra and send your full post-office address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingnamton, N. Y. Tli e I proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. F. P. Hudson, Ordinary.” Shoe Mending. Half soling, 10 cents, if leather Is fiirn- js iud, or 20 edits uni furnish ’J the material. Pitching at corresponding p ices. Leave them at New Era Olll :e. • J. T. Mkeks. Ute an I o') inly ami against Joseph D. Glover, mlm. of the estate of said W. N. Dupree for sl'.lc and county lax for the year 1897. L*vy made and returned to me by G. J. Hpluks, L. C. This March the 7th 1898. B. F. WHEELER. .Sheriff. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies, Scalds, Darns. Dr. (Surrey’s Universal fialr Promoter Cure** dandruff. Atof* tho hnir from fall ing out. Invigorate Hw? growth, ih ft suporh <1 refuting* ami * 5'**‘* l, .°* by nourUhing It#* room, will poHiilvcl) i - Htore gruv hair to ll* origin*I rolor. lt' H the* pxr-exc«nntc« of nil hnlr roRiuroix. Pfttcr, XI.00 pf n Laroe Bottle. For *n»p by drjtggi*tn- If not. wm|I to u» and it will »*• wnt. prernid. upon retell* of price. MAMUFACTUHIO ONLY DV THf Murray Meoioihe Company, ! ATLANTA, GA. As we Imve heard nothing from thi- , place in some time, we decided to write again. jus. Celia Aides Is ip iteslek. We hope for her speedy recove y. .Mr. B. T. Drake and his liltlr son, Cooper, me visiting In Bartow counly. hi- es Susie anil Nettle Stevens visited Si/iiM'die ins: Siituiday imd Huiiilay, Hie g'i. sis of Mr. henry Brown’s family. .Ur. ('. B. Spinks lins closed Ids school at tlii" place. Hervicis nt this place next Saturday mill H Mill") - . .Mr. E. .1. Hlcvcns made a business trip to Atlanta last Friday. Mi— Mattie Adair is vlfitin; Mr. G. A. Owen’s fundi,' Mr. G. W. Gently is improving. Who '.s the young mini that goes to s e his sweetheart most every Sunday, mid tuk s a,- ton mil in the sunshine to talk. Hay, what's tiie matter with all the >or- cor isponuenls. m,D i an k P> all. HWF.LV ll'OVK'l' AND FELLOW. Bridge Notice. Will lie li t to the lowest hi-der the con- truct to build a new bridge m ar T. .1. MeLemlon’.- in tliel M.of l*..uld- ng Co. on tiie 1st Tuesday in April, 1898. Clam uuil specifications <»in he seen ut my office. Given under my limul mill ollle.ui figiiatuii. T.ns March the 9, 1898. 1. V. HUDSON, Oi (Hilary.