The democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1877-1881, October 29, 1881, Image 1

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    The Democrat,
A Li»*» Weakly Paper on Live Issues
Published Every Saferday Morning,
at UiaaioruviUe, tia.
Ed. Young & Co., Editors & Prop's.
Single Copy, (one year,) . .' . . $ 1 50
Single Copy, (six months,) „ . »r j
Single Copy, (tliree months,) . . . 50
ISr Advertising rates liberal. BOOK i
an d JOB YK1N TOO a specialty. Prices! I
to suit the times.
H I •
TV* Trial «t Aleck MmmiMleirAiuu
----- ----
for the Murder ot Amos ElHugtou-Iu
terview with AAaau—The Court of la
autry—P omiIou ot Judge Hvidente Adduced,
lug-The Prisoner. H cleaned—Petitioa
oi Citiaens- to HU Hou^Eaetun*
Scene In n Conrt Room.— The Final
Act. '
The account of the respite of Sang
Armor and ths attendant circhmstan
ces cea created creates a a feaifcl leainst furore lurone in nr Craw- UTaw
fordville. Scarcely bad the paper been
e—tto,«»— oi opmroo
tango** on matter b w to bo
given. Some said we had pursued the
right course, others that we were
discreet. As to that the evidence
dneed In the preliminary trial viii* m.
dicato. We-look at it in a calm
consiat-ratajgL considerate wav It it is m the the dntv uut\ of of a
ncwspripcj^^BBte facts as they are_
. ,, t * a. x t
should th#fTOrr the l>#3st of men they
must be stated. This is the bon odea
proMoce Oa the press. It is a broad pnn
eiple. The freedom of speech accorded
. to ^ ever> citizen ... demands , ,, .. hat . on ..
a.t ,
occasioni and Tag at all times he speak bis !
nmd w . , , to . JUi* . carefully, r n considerate- ...
ly, with justice towards all, malice
towards none. This wai onr inten¬
tion and our desire when the few com¬
ments we made were written. We
liad calmly thoughts of the premises
embraced. That Judge Pottle should
have acted as lie did act we thought
unjustifiable. We stated then and we
state again that he may have bad
cause sufficient. The opinion Ad¬
vanced, on a previous arrest hf Aleck
Stevens, by Judge Pottle was the rea
asw he did not incarcerate him in our
own jail was that he was a son-in-law
of Sheriff Googer. But this last time be
knew 1 letter. He knew that Billy Ste¬
vens was Googer’s son-in-law Aleck
who not. There 1 rould have been
such excuse this time on that ground.
What then, we ask, was the ground V
Was the judge afraid that tlie jail
would be broken into and the prisoners
escape ? Certainly not. For had not
young Stevens again and again been
warned that these same detectives
were looking for him ? Had he not
time and again said he defied them ?
Had he not walked our streets without
making one single effort to escape ?
We do not propose to vindicate his
cause. If he be guilty let liim suffer
as the guilty should ; if he be innocentg
let redress by made to a ruiuedfortuhe,
to tbe torn and wounded heart of a
loving mother. Let the principle of
justice be vindicated, but do not let us
forget tbe fact that justice should not
always be on the side of the State
and tbe administrators ot the law.
A man accused of any crime should
have a fair and an impartial trial.
The law demands it, and justice should
award it. The course pursued in this
matter is an inault to our county.
Our people want justice done. But
the course pursued they object to. Have
we not as intelligent, as upright men
as Warren can boast ? We have. Why
then take these parties away ? We
await an explanation. Tlie people are
indignant and The Democrat will
staid firm with them. Wo think that
n ta.«*tan-tai«..«miir;tfu.
rights of that county are to be
trampled under foot. Let us change
the name, and call it Warren. Let our
court-house tie in Warren ton and let I
Judge Bottle, with all his conception
of the law, change it. IVe do Dot
want any representatives in the Legis- :
lature. We do not want anything but '
our rights, and these rights we will
have Therp wms no pvfnv “ for fb " ; s 1
enor error. Thmwldbe There could be none none.
The mixture in the affair, which bas
3 Tsni g°r“trT T If n ,w «-Ihi- iytb! ”^ *« U
is greater now than ever . before. . The , >
prisoners, Aleck Stevens and Jeff j
Adams, were brought ba< k bore from
Warrentou and place.! in the sheriff's
office of the epurth' ;se. A prelimina
rytnal was to have taken placellast 1
Monday. Judge Pottle del it* tune
and it was postponed until Thursday,
Tbe straogtii s of the whole affair is
exciting considerable comment. The
attorneys for the defense are particu
larly indignant. Stevens and Adams
are under surveillance of our suenff.
This morning a Democrat reporter .
visited the room iu which the prisoaerij
The Democrat.
,- , Oi
VOL **
the Wtewta » in *
what did they do with von ?”
“They IMJ jVr took us us un up in the sheriff’s “ ner ,lr s
- then up stairs , . . to the jury .
n> ®“’
... .® Ute
t Sd!”
curred and whrt was
sUiraagkta “Well, Mr. Jackson took me “LWith down
ZT CapUin AUev y
;;Well, “They asked "hat ..... did roe they wliar do?” „ was I on the
day Mr. Amos Ellington was buried,
I told them I went out to my aunt's,
I‘«He , s. Then tbey WBnted
know where Mr. Aleck Stevens went.
l told them he went out to his
lOere anaeorrf ttarragon. ItoUhltn
MmZ'a’ |® a daughter f riV ttr said c. -j she v Sau saw .^ me r ‘ ^'1 and
Mr. Aleck Stevens come past her house
Sund one-iiorse *? with » ***>*, 0V8r something in
a wagon.
“After this, Jeff, what was said to
you by the detective ? IThat other in
qU »^* d|,1 .V iey J* 1at yotl ?
Tlitn Mr. Jackson . said, that .. . stpr
would ip s t up on th^ stand and swear
to it. Captain Alley asked me what’s
the reason we wasn’t to we burying.
I told him because I didn’t know any
thia^about Mr. Ellington's tfeinff dead.
Then hs 'lowed and naked me, who was
the bury in’ ? I told him a good
many mat there. I didn’t know who
they Kiras, but I heerd then^wiisa good
uimiy. He ’lowed U>o, “1^3,you*s tlie
KAa0Ar , frTITAT m[) THE OEVI)jilENT
and we m¥when have got you. too !” Then be
asked did I find it out.”
‘•You mean the death of Mr. El ling
ton ?” •
,.v„. Y r ,' 1 ab0,,t i t an . h ?' , } by .
... , iwl'i f r: , ,' M ' , b °- VS ri -
w,« Pi, 1 ? / P hin , s ff! Srt " T'' nan 5f d 1
Here leff hesitated a few minutes, • .
‘ n .1w'H ,n Ui Vl ZmZwU "ha. eta# did^ey , - , ri. .aay
to viu
te))VhflZr,. w’.nta!n . hLi j>„„ , ;’ ii jfTF ''•* t ii
tell the ttnth he wotil n I shield me, , and
carry he to south caik lina and
t told him I had told ... him all the
truth I could tell him I eupldu’t
tell him that l didn’t know anything
about, Mr. Jackson said: ‘If you will
just turn state’s evidence against Alyck
Stevens, we wilt insure you if you
don’t come idesM - , we Ayill give vou
fJOOj’ ^Xlfen ne car/ieu niu back up
w e nt V> sleep!' ^VVIi i* 1 e l waslvhi’g titered
' "Vw, or. Mr. Sl.irle, Ml
woke me up and carried me down to
Captain Alley and then he wanted to
agree that what I’d Bay, he would get
Mr, Whitehead to set down dn paper,
I told him that 1 had told him all that
co ..^.^ta.,.*^.,
that .*tfc*5SrS,*K?fi££ 1
listening to what the darkies coming
from big meeting, backwards and for
wards at night and what they had to
,, , . . , , ..
Stevens could not have left his
wagon with some one else and have
come home on his horse. I told him
hi* wagon was there in his lot at home
when I left and was there when I got
“ JPell, Jeff, what else ?”
..-ei Then he wanted to know when Mr.
isiiljr Stevens went to Angusta If he
gave Mr. Aleck Stevens a twenty dol
know where did hegltU? I told hit l didn't
wliar he got it. Then be wanted
hnn^dT'lf^liad hundred dollar note become Mr. Billy of that Stevens eight
and Mr. Aleck Stevens had on Amos
Ellington . I told him I never had seen
er^ ‘ ,8 d J„' a\ Wi
T 1 his‘hnMn,to . h H
know anv of and I told
him no'that I didn’t tell anvbodv anv
of oi mv my buainess ousiness aud ana didn’t man t ask ask anytioay anvbodv
to tell me theirs. Then he said “you
rK^^strt^’isavas aWidn’tS thMk
Then mv'partners'aiwavs he savs -well l.v r,.d
me and biisoieRs' knows one
mothers V<m •.« d vmir saw' vn“
are the damdest fools lever
not tell to enah ot ha vont ton inc I
told him again .'hat I said lioloie about
not meddling with otbei >eople’» busi
mss. He wanted to ki.ow wlr n did
ii,,-. . Vf 11 " ! '‘ . .
from Mv Mi. Amos j V', E Png ,m to , -u;e
some brooms. and I told I didn’t know
* “W«<l7jeff,
what followed, state all
°*>K ;*I had , heerd, . l SO T I told , . , linn, . mine
talks of it, but I didn’t pay no part: :u
lar attention to it ns It wasn't n hi...:
concerning 'Well. me. Mr. Ja • >n savs.
Mr. Stevens w nt t. Mr. Amos
white Ellington aud -imd him for
oak s ids and M. Am s
ton said t at In been obliging t
so much that he had got.--, m
able to oblige them fie said Mr. Al^ck
Stevens told M: Amos Ellington toat
be owes hi»brt» eight bun4red dol
lar* and bv God be wanted the pav.’
Capt. Alley taken me down—aftm
Jackson got through with me—into the
r-ootn and he said to me. “Now
J?ff ; 1 J™ t0 te u me the
. .
. Jl V Yivttl hung th/tfnth 3
tHnwwnwHd t me * he ■ I
a «ked' vou ’ Then he sa vs attain pdr^el ’von
Mr. Jackson a whole of
lies and f don’t want yon to tell
me Jackson any.’ I told him I hadn’t told Mr.
any d-lies. That I reauin
bered pretty well what I haid'iml l
haven’t told any lies. He wanted to
know when it was that 3fr Aleck
vena wanted to get a ho* from Mr
Ellington I told him it was three
weeks after I came to Mr. knTn-*h.u rlleck
^. n ,-;’s Then he vvaiitoUo u™
wag th e las' time that I l r t m,
i„ abouftflec. ii[mitn“S
fhen, he wanted to know, Mr. J . tstui
du, didn’t t meet a ioug old gra v v his
kered man when l came to towr> one
evening I told him if I did 1 disre
member. He says ‘T will sho r vou
the old, low '
same man.”
“What did he do ?”
ll H« went and got his whiskey and
hair , aud put Jiiem on.”
“You told him that vou had not
known Sing?”
“Yes, sir/’
“You si id you had not lieenap to
Sana’s house in a loair time?” if
‘“Where did you go when vou jnst
went up in town V That is what Mr.
Jackson asked you, and you said
whatV” &.
bar. “I told He him l went to Mr. Hal iftyut*
asked me didn’t I go
H'fe ou over 8 a to vou Mr. AkinM ’ bar?
, lI ? a ® , k ^ meifidn’t r l wiy.son'b-thing
vise , aliout Cite old gray headed uu». 1
told him, that it had escaped my mind
and I didn’t think anything more of it
Thttn h, ‘ wante.l to know what l fnmv
ed about Sang Armor. I told him I
didn't know any thing about him.never
had two words with him in my life as
1 knowt ' d of. He says -you bean livin’
about here five or six years and then
by-God, dioti’t kneffc anything about a
1 toldhimno, that I didn’t
sociate with everyone. Then lie want
ed to know the reason why I didn’t. 1
"i U1 I had jrtst come Wok here af
ter being away four or five years. .Sang
lived so far from. He said Sang lived
iu hollowing reach. I said he was
wrong. It was over a mile ' ”
„ ni j ta ■
m .. any ot ot » r * , to
' ' l y
* vo)1 y'i tlia’b tJ
. not aft • ■ J
• .
ywn tno offef * of , rescue
" TI ‘m fir8t evelli "8 t!le J carried me
j „
and^^askTd^m2 “’'■'•ii'.jiwj.ltm‘.Um'l,S"',’l!ltal,r, th? £u«.t S
Z.ut the you*answered , "g. ” < l uo ’ st,u “ OVtsl l «’"«
"And ^" him the suae as
“Yes sir ”
ikS”’- nmmomeo .*«
‘'Where did Aliev Alley and and Jackson Jackson leave leave
“ Saturday ra;lrllin g at Warrentou.”
‘‘Did he say if you didn’t tell him the
truth there was danger of your being
“Yes, sir.”
“And be told you if you did tell him
the truth an 1 turn state’s evidence he
would give you a hundred dollar, carry
f you over to South Carolina a and a ,Q let you vou
re#y ,,
“Yes, sir, he did.”
««n e didn’t make you any offer of
™" d Mt a ~ he
»vo ' rtr I wouldn't tell a lie „„ a
manfo r a thousanddollar.”
the PARC E o*' v tri ai*.
three o’clock boganluinvSS Thursday evening
the court onnquiry
tloiw A very large crowd was in town
to witness the proceedings. His hon
,,r ’ Judge E. H. Pottl# conducted it.
T,le st ate was represented by Hon.
,, "'d'Jam ni„ rr( , snli-itnr d • 1 I.
m' Whhehea •’ tlm
"° n ' Aftcr tt,e usila) Prelin.iiiaries of
;l court opening the State introduced
thf! renowned Sang Armor-convicted
aur ^ en 1 1 hey hoped to proved much
y hi “; Hi8 evidetme w«« that he and
-'Hf'! a .'.ven-, had killed Mr. Ivlling
t ""’, -H'-uk Imd shot mni in the head,
" " b '
l»m" 1 -.‘ , < » 8“n made him do it. lie
bad. ni fact,
bfi'n bli.n BOLf bulldozed do/pt» into into it it.
His evidence had not much
j 'for ’ 'd'no! h' : .'“'!'h‘‘t
•• tt.e ^tute and
! b: ‘ ; ' b( *e^ct v-. ha 1 . an ■ - to
hou and Wanted to k mw Wh<ae t
grave of Amos Lllingto: was. HadtoM
them. AleckStev ats bad •• 'id that i
pi id .rued h ! v {•■'.' the tra’.i
and ho would ■ -U • f in - : ,
luthi:- a. wus-h.
then ter. Hied f v ' - hvi gom- to a
.Mr. Denis - t. d
him that he knew more about t th
they thought. Lathe had ia.-i iti s
Peter Edge. I)r. Rhodes. R T. F.-fg i*.
Jas V. lion. < ... t. Alley and f t
Mitchell were sworn.
t::.-d a) ' -v . :/• •• •:• r.g
^torney. agreed among themselves to
,-? Uer the close the court resolved it
5f lf ,nto » committee of vindication.
| 'thing. Everybody HoITgm wn« vindicated iSree .. ,i ...urv
wished F t.i Brat snw
and said he set himself nVht
before the people of Taliaferro He
, ^‘‘e hadthe witnesses deponents stuck affldaviU to what and they said
> finally «" convicted *»i<l the Hon. men Jas. would F. have Hrid
tllen remarked that he had been the
° oun *‘ I of Mr. R. T. Edge for a
bers ,,f re*rs; he had been employed by
Mr. Edge in tics rase; he bad sought
todohia dutv and thought he had tier
f ' 1rmed lhat -' After him Mr. James
Whitehead said he rose to a point of
prvilege. In the Atlanta (JrmxWulim
srsRisswrjsisrs wliiol, he,(Ifl.itelmd) l,»i
....... .tan.
a l>nso !}* fabrication. pnitidtonctd It tlmt rejmrt utterly as
without foundation. Ool. John A Ste
P ,M? " S then arose. i»ad He said that us long
as the affair taken the turn it Imil,
; he would show wlmt, had not the stale
^ t weakness of its own case fell
: hiiM. A Her linn, Mr. Urns. t. Hat
S0 privilege. J*^<>f Thomson, He said arose his brother t J a point H’hjte- of
head had made iTferonco to a n^wspn
iu * r u '• M tin • ^bat reporter w:\*;
<*fit, but lu» could not speak for hims.*lf.
I'hu law •• -I a >t recognize him in the
feml ^w’tdioust'. Mr Edward lie Young, said bo 'if av<'s<‘ Tin: to t dt*
V<;rat, who was the author of
interview. He tbomrht Mr. Yomig
b,lt ! his duty. If - was a re
t ' ,r Kkmuing far.U, aud lie Im.t aim
My «. 't' O fa, is. He a.,w n-t.limg li,
Clf referred to for which Mr.
hould he censured. JiidgL
Pottle then said he had
NO A 1*0 LOO V TO T V!.l VVkltRO 0 U’NTY
to make. He read several affidavits
an i a petition to him, signed by proud
nent, citizens, whose names he thought
right to withhold, telling him there
was danger of the jail being liaroed
Was not Armor remove,, Ho at
tempted to jastity and Tiudic.itii Ins
lb,s we calm,v sd ,b , " v " M "'
lP- H’e have heard of faces
, (, ut «everone being nlayeo n, the
M* Jimt’ce. ilie whole affair amounted
to simply a iffmhcatioii, The Solicitor
wante d to vindicate Mr. Edge. .Mi.
¥ r hlteheatl wiiiitvd t» vindicate tin
^ pja^d ••*<* law TWfIrSwirtd Jj|dge FoUte tR Vjmli
j ration. Had these facts been aide to
imruo''Jiue'wook! have"'liwshaU-indica
Su* s,” Jf tas-payws **• he hmdened l«l-;
withUus unnecessary .■xpeus,: mm ply
1,1 1 "" "" iVe i.aunot ste it, if it
he true Hut again Judge l*..ttlo still
w,th ;l 1:0 i‘;
SSS'J^S. lx ^ rp, .’*! at - rt ^s.ivt. m this, mu lilts
sl5t} wrtfcdhe people among who m we
WemeW Judge^FolltmS.Sl!"
mo us tnan—passes an order on our
treasurer to pay Sheriff Shirley, of
Warren county, JoHij-lmo dollar* for
services rendered, anil declines to pass
n,,e in favor of one of Taliaferro men
for sitting up there in the court-room
and taking down the evidence l‘er
,w l>s had lie come from Hamm there
would have been another talc to tell,
Some of our people say we slu»ul<i not
express our uruds; but we will #lc m>.
he does not wish to do so that is Ins
own right and 1,is own privilege So
once f (ll . mention we drop this eaa«*, roinimm and
will never m these
matter again I<et fair-minded
*««« ^ .......selves. .
. «».. The , Iwei.ty-liltn ot November,
s ang Armor will lw hung There
may lie quibbles in the law, but this
timu instiee will have tier w iv Tlie
conden.wl nia was U tried over to
s ..... ..... .........
TIIK PKT , Tmv '' ,
IIon. r.. II. Pottle. Judge of No-th- T
wuJudicial ( - i The undersigned
.itw ns ot l.di.deno county i..-mii"i
tnat t-be insinuations set forth lit in a ;
t ••• C'Mit-JIoiise this dav
>><’ wgiw) by c'liaju va\,7. oJ i
m.roity, slamiermm to tie- ,.,=7,10 good nan
fonr Kv , s ,..... tflllly Duitit ,«■-1
that the „f a ,.i d
1’“tL ^ T- fu^t o' b M vr’u" • W........ "
L m, , |
L. Veazw, J T. At!-.: .J. ..’ K ■ i N A
a:,-h, )V. I'.l.aP - .1 i < -•.m- •. t. \
-v C'> >: ■ w. ... liunn, II l.< -■
i ” *'• H Li. l. ''“th, i
A- r !L-aH. V m. '
. ^v«oTh.'r
■', ! V; ...... . ' /...
, - ,. ,,
4. W. r, t ii . : \......- (i
'**;”• A. 0 ; u.Ii. .•!•• . ii
'' ’• *; *• •> /UTiU, vr
/ 7 ’ ,v ' ,''
. « f . Browne,
V 1!. Viva*, r f Witn*
born, Shields, W. It. Dunn, A Hid iar
A, W. Karin* -- , vv.
T. NVJso A K)}J A c. r
Xo. 43.
! the judge’* v
Cftawmn and Messrs, J. T.
m/ien ' ' ■
i r went _ nM lenten: Your com niu meat .... ion has
i,,st lieen handed to me bv Mr. Wright
a ^hig me to give you tho names of
**' rsona in you* county who addressed
Zval ' of^Tn^An i' Jiff f f t s county th * T
jhe ™ ;,;i Bench ”"«*• Bn( , ,, th ' 9 day , from
| Gentlemen to >onr ewpect. M .
; I'll', „„„ 1 *?
^ e,0 to >°" r request: ' T geo 1 faith U>
1 persons , as well as odicial duty,
m J! , )' os n "‘ to kp °l' s^retly whet was
"°|N'S .J 1 ” 1 ? to me in this ,,ut public t! »« matter. Persons
would give the names and
• «it» «•> IMorllon lo
f,llr of
"• ,
1 ntn, rrspee.fuliv.
A 'Mringv." mftllng” voice and a cm ,
<h-n.-v r • n> j. u- : ^ h
poo«l tun - m <irn .s. tr.inbip n n«i
amioyance. ' ii<* l*y
-. •
—> * *•—-—
I'rom F.minfnt »>r. i\ c. Clark. Ouwego*
“* * * i bi iyi> mn v ^xp«*rb
w ' ■'* ° r Jjoi.ut-.s's Uioiin Liqum Kx
In kk and Toxtc ?Nymou\To»t
f»»n^. tin* i#* kiwi (fooii anil
l t.av-. v .r uh-i 'i\»-th.» mif.
fl-rrr from *-br n - di-in ii4 1 , <v th«* cotiva
^'rnL h v.'lo.r.l-, b p ,i h.vow »■■ h
01 ^ and strmw’h.-mm:. (HMnembir th«*
v: ' ''otAr.r.) Of
Look out for tho .announcement,
from (\ A, DAVIS A CO., Greenps
hnto, Jt will aoopa - n lliesc columns
t „, x t Week C. A DAVIS St CO., all)
too busy this week to send,
(1 1 out in tie- damp air, or set unproti •e
te.1 in n draught, mid your throat will feel
v,mr '”>';omforirbte. iHiy remove Yo#
Ayer’s Vhvrry IVctoral } using K
&2T Ei’crvhodv buys at C. A. T)A
VIS*CO’S.. Grcenesboro, Gn. Nice
tlooils and low prices, make things
lively ; and this rush of business is a
good indication to the readers of The
Democrat, ahont the best place at
which to make their purchases.
Why Wear l*in»trrs. -Tl.eym.v relieve, hut they can't enre
nvm>' v- r—| u t „. •>,; n,,,
trouble nml von w:ihf a remedy to net <lt
r^tW'pl'eh h*« ; i M| iv enndit.iom Kulnev
•»'"!'« »y all drugglsU. Ml. Germantown J.i.,,ill„,..l
<Wr One of tin* finest Millinery and
finest Stocks of Millinery in G;t , nt 0.
A. DAVIS & HQ’.S., Greenes born.
Ah a ( urc tor Piles
Khlnev-Wort acts first by overcoming In
lie mildest manner nil tendency to consti¬
pation; then, by its great tonic and vigor
atlnr: proport hs, i! restores to health tile
debilitated and weakened parts. IVe have
hnmlreds of certified rarest where all else
lisil failed. Use ft and suffer no longer.—
Hr Thn very thing in clothing,
hats. Rimes, hoots, cravats and collars.
G. A. DAVIS & CO., Grecnesboro.
l,ow unr Bunload Men Might iCconomlxc
null T '" ,Hl iUt ,b> ™F "" M l '*"' lfw V ' > il m,m " i,s ' ""•»
tb '. y Z The re.sonof, this Is that (!,<■
tickets are w#t as good ns they] might be,
* snwatlon we have to make which we
Hdnk would be a good tiling. For instance
fa>t the rallnmil ........... print a ih-ke,
having on It nil the stations. Hnyilie
c^rcia railroad. Let, the ticket have ca
p rv station from Atlm.ta to Augusta
These are given to i lie a-nt . Now,!.!.
,h " W" 1 ,mnr ' , b Bt Atlanta, ... nml , ,f ,
»«■ • - - ■
' : '
l”T">ti. And •-* on Hie per-.en irmv lin
over there a day. The next . metom
tmm lm-clnrkst. ti end .oon until Unli.n
p. nt is reached After lea
p, tin- -ondi. r • d--.- ti,.. 1
,. i i,., r . .... i
, . r
" ’ • ' f: ‘ - ' s
much trouble, verstion and money
« \ It h t .dd or !>.»» •
I)r .. .
.. ks,weakened
d ,.i, t.i -1-m.ft! 11
J V. •Ay
1 ,ir ’ ll ””' 5 . ' ' ” > • •
. M a',, = oivisicmif’/hliiii
i . ; ....
•o’.vids f nt ful
P d liver and Ml ion
KV: . ur hl.t' k
n i :.'h net w. (]
fr»- >ofis and A, DAY!
CO.. On
Tli e Democrat.
One K'iUie, firit iiiwitiim . S to
{>•> . Square subsequent insertion, id
< >,.«• r. juarr, three months 00
One Sip-ire, twelve months 1 00
Ouarler Column, twelve months . . -5 oo
Half Column t write months . . M <*u
One Column twelve months . . 60 *0
rr~ One Inch or I.e^s considered as a
RRitare. We ha ve no f faction* of a stj uare,
all fractions of squares will be counted sa
squares i. , Vt»| deductions made on Con
tract Advertising.
,w ”« the .umr-.IW- « CM.
deuaed from the Newspapers—A Brlff
Reviewer What the Country la At,
Kf * A *™ ** **" 0 ’
the NArroNAt. capital.
—The report thing. of Judge Tyner will ba an
-Fredirlck P. Frelmchuysen, of Sew
Jersey, will be Sec*etarv of state.
-Edwin 1 ) Morgan, ot New York, ha?
been nominated se«r.-Ur\' ef the Treasury
and lus no,nmation confirmed.
—The Secretary of State frames iiUrnttm
SoHill m«M?n»Ji“e'f“'ii“iSl"5“»n
*» f -
—The doriMnn of Secretary Wltirtoni hi
regard to the r». m inn of bonds sevin*
to imvulwen giw ay by the ijoevetary
n'o share hr ", ftlthy who Imre scooped in their
of i
Jpr...... rZn' Aolt’
Miemselve- over \<v p»».-, of
T\w ofliiial tuusf. hav« inu Imd shnvrl3 jjwat
urnl «*r ov^renu , rhnlrs, fno t
<?tc. It is n rhh aiTair.
Washinctnn society is in a lively stir
over r s.-nnilal. It is regard to a probable
Miparation (tenoral Clark, i.'iireseuta
tive ill t;m, press for the eleventh Mison
ri ilist'ii l. It is a most seandolous affair.
—S......etnry lilaltie de :, ;uits iu his report
on the I’anania r.nnnl at. ere it length. Tho
* mill w.ll be a neutral tiejii of oio-rvlioiiH
hetiveen lurj’lorious republic and the land
of Colombia.
—The following nomination were mndo
Monday : Henry Highland Harnett, tho
colored premdivr of New York, minister,
resident am! consul general to Liiu-iia.and
lie following port masters: \v. O. 1’iurea.
*'«•• Mai .lial, Texas; t'UITnr'.“Stratlmin.Lyne.h
tia. rg), Yu.; Wiilium W. Brown, Macon,
Judge Truer, connected in an direct
pf* iviij with the Star route frauds lias been
paring a stKtviuent for tlie President.
Wlmt it will vimtnin tins excited much
comment, il is asserted tlmt from Tyner
r istnmster-General James first obiidneit
his information in regard to there frauds.
Kxil’ostniastiT-Ge.iierai Key stated In an
interview that the lirst tnowing of this
thunder-cloud was in lsTb.
—Texas has St daily papers.
—Louisville is threatened with a co*t
— More Nihilists will be shortly arrested
in Russia.
—Petty all pilfering from farmers is going
on over Texas.
—The b.irfc of (inproving Onlveston.ToT
»», harbor fit going on rrfpldly.
A plate grass manufactory in Louis¬
ville, Ky., is doing a good business.
— A farm in Bourbon county. Ky., con¬
taining Hu acres sold recently at SilO per
—The orange nroves of K. K IliKhley,
of Luke ill-urge, Florida, will yield Juo.ouo
itiis winter.
— Frank Lebo caught 27i> mullet from
7 to 10 o’clock near Drlotou island, Flori¬
da, with a small net.
—Goal oil is oozing up in an elghty-onn
feet deep well m ar Hellehuckls, Bedford
county, Tennesv.e
The first manalactarc. of translucent
porcelain lished in New in the Orleans United Inst State* spring. was estab¬
— Tiic Pennsylvania railroad raised ou
passenger and fretghe tariff on 25th.
dead —.lames In Dempsey, In Brooklyn nued 13, was found
a vat thu other day.
Cause too much pop skull.
of —A Forstesvllie fatal affray occurred at the village
Tenncsei*. A man named
Bullard killed Ids brolhei'-ln law named
—W. J. Harper, of Galveston, has beer,
Indicted by the Grand Jury for robbing th«
Texas express company on the IHh of
inated —Judge Gary, Democrats of Illinois, hs* been nom¬
by tlm The forjudge of will the
Supreme ite with Court. them Republican*
mi and of course he will be
Henry B. White, the defaulting Secre¬
tary of the Shoe unit Leallno in-urauco
company, has been arrested In Boston.
Mien, West dr. Bush, of New Orleans,
nri the largest cotton receivers in Ilia
world. Lite c-asoti they received 5143,000
taaies Weir, of St ciarssville, Ohio,
-tree* lie lather with a block of wood and
him. Il win I>y thM r „.
'' th. prognose
, •• «g«
is a I.......... t.mdit in Arkansas. She stop
t n /hove of hoi-omt,overs and msda
; 1 yielded «|i of
il, ted \V her 11 m^ai.leHngs,^
- , . ■ j mr -lie’s •» brick
. .........
,\ fr :* write# !
Utu fl.tuffhtu?- /i? on, if
■ .lw pr*. Dion nml a
’.*r, Shu as very much
■ ice I iugb, her life
Nwa,ynt'\ He-ay. Compound reenilnipauled. Syrup
uci a iih
•d Wild Cherry,” which , 1,, ii ; d. in a
t If 0)4 v.u U ! rtf’it , i t'.i ; >'rh and
, ,, ymptoiii: j’ncc nd now rusy mid
, ; vent mid ?!, lh a buttle,
or *3. Tho ! - -!/.'• is tllo
most fnoiimun;a). i'i'Dji.'tv only by l)r.
S'vva -, i,.* .Son, Ph iv l }L. ‘told l>v (ii'ujf.
1 v Umt Lydia L. P'nklmm'g
»h*, oound *s Urn bfst remedy
tor '■'■A t'.u-y cViT ImnrH
Mr umvciHiU iSukharn,\V, satisfaction.
«ii t K a,.
• ‘ * 'Li -., for |)iunphj»*t.s.
p. uk, find ve^«*ah!e ton
Iron Bitivi-; th • best.