Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, February 25, 1882, Image 3
The Democrat --------■ SATURDAY, FEBI1U ARY 25,1882. -------—-- Idwaid YOUPS *~ & Co., Proprietors, ___ aohaj^co-^m, r~r ■ Cm .. H>pm:lm t UriT .»hU t, entered at the Pt,,t Office at Crawford viile, Ga.,r.s S.cotitl Glass Matler. r Politics and Poetry INDUi.GEI) IN BV Ob’i* LORRiiS poshing cmroR. After a long lest J. if. G. Takes up the Pen-A Harvest of Disasters-A B’d Ciiy Govrrninent.—The Coming Campaign.-A Trip to Brunswick—Gushing over the Balmy Air, etc.-The Other Side of the ture. Atl.VnTA, 23d Febt nary.—After an absence of several weeks from the col urnns of The Democrat ' * ’. it is with some pleasure that 1 . again gieet its .. readers. Wlien I last wrote, the Ex position had just closed, and All inta dwelt in a halo of glory. Since then tune ,. , has been busy with its changes. The new year lias brought with it a harvest of disasters, Several of the foremost merchants have failed; great fires have swept away some of the lar gest buildings in the city, and plaints among business men are gen eral. The multitude of failures else where are producing their natural effect upon the merchants here. The FAILURE OF THE MESSRS. AVYLY is a notable illustration. Commencing business soon after the war, they built up an extensive reputation, and were regarded as one of the STAUNCHEST HOUSES IN GEORGIA. Suddenly it seemed as if a wave of financial d isaster swept over the land ; one after another their country custo¬ mers went down, and tlie Wylys soon fell with the crash. In the town of Hampton alone seventeen houses failed. In the aggregate they owed the Wylys about $20,000. Fortunately fo.i Atlanta it luis A SPIRIT OF RECUPERATION quick to retrieve disaster. Some of tlie failing lirrr s have come ■(promised with their creditors and will resume business. Upon the site of the burned buildings other, and in 8om cases better houses, will be erected. The losses by fire are attributed su.'a; narVrnent Atlanta is cursed with a singularly "Its incompetent cdy governmenL arU ministration seems to be in the hands of a set of men who, with a few honor able capacity. exceptionSjJiaya or *HE COKING No stirring and general, interest bas yet been manifested here m regard to SofpShJvfnTyeT'committfd side tlio other, •'themselves to one or Tiiev are waiting to see the issues m ire shandv defined and the standard bear e%ic ers of each party selected. The demo foflowJ: voters may perhaps be divided as Those who are strict adherents of nartv organization. Those who look nnon the Contest as a fight for men, not principles, and vote for their indi vidual preferences. Those wlio are anxious to share the loaves and fishes without regard to party ties . When it is considered that the ad¬ ministration at Washington the proposes loaves to furnish a goodly share of and fishes, and that the republicans independent are eaoer to unite with the clements tlie success of the organized , democracy may well he questioned, Norwood J Ttiis time there will bo no fiasco beginning in tbe disruption of a ; democratic convention. j A well-organized opposition, planned | j for months ahead, backed by a re nublican administration, will with ita j I undivided following,™ K the ftfld / j It must be rememl>ered that 5 in the , last gubernatorial campaign the ty of the republican voters aided in electing an administration which 13 now supposed to represent tbe organ ized democracy. denied that the It cannot he organ ized democracy will have a herculean task before it. its strength as an or ganizatiou will count tor little. its success MUSTgJEPEND ; upon a fortunate selection of candidates rrv. There _______:ii will \..-v be little kk 10 ot real l-za-il ni'itipinla principle in- ifi volved. volved. it must be ; To right-thinking think men of the strife jiainful indeed to will which the next three months »«w «»^ "sjssss A trip to Florida, VIA BRUNSWICK. While on a recent trip to Brunswick I took occasion to make a short trip to Florida. Leaving Atlanta amid sleet and rain and smoking ruins, I awoke on the 1 ’. fellowiii” 1 morning in the warm sunshine and balmy air «t these- ■ onast ■ The breezes were just fresh enoi go to ,he exhilarating. There was nothing sh^’ Por * cliillinff ^ in the atmosphere. of the ohles, and * Brunswick is one prettiest towns in Georgia. It was laid out by General Oglethorpe when Georgia was first settled, and the streets and squai es were fashioned on the same plan as those of Savannah. Its population is about 3 . 700, but the tow., steads over a stretch of territory equal to that of more populous places, The ground is entirely level and the streets are lined with large Pees, fes tooned with drooping mc-sa, Many of built would do credit to a place of much greater size, aud the L’Aiiosa C lub Hall is fitted up with as handsome seen ay and comfortable seating ar rangemeiits as some more pretentious lack theatres I have seen. Theie is a rural • >k to ^V^Tini'.e pleasant fd«« is good the air and of it refiue- was quite to note iru iil which prevailed among a large S it 'T^'fast ™ The causes of this are natural. Brunswick is genen llv conceded to be one of the t wo best harbors on tbe Atlantic, and the long rows of wharves lined with in" Urn deep w.. ter at their edge, some from Sweden, ,s;. w j., an< j other distant countries, bore evidence of its importance as a seaport. large amount of vacant land in the town and its vicinity is owned by a New York millionaire who during the past few vears has paid upon it thous 0 f doltvws in taxes, but refuses to sell any portion, however smalt. To ! this evidence of faith in its future may be ad led the expressed intention of WoVfl of the Er i anger Syndicate to m{V ke jt Hie outlet of his vast railway system. The climate in winter is ! he Rhy and delightful superior, it is : chi lined to that of Honda; and the j neighboring resort of Cumberland Island, with its fine surf and fresh breezes from the sea affords a fine ! refuge With from regret the 1 heat left Brunswick of summer. by some rail for Waycrosi, and thence in one 1 () f the comfortable cars of the Savan nah, Florida & Western railroad pro ceeded on my way to Jacksonville, TRAVEL TO FLORIDA FROM THE NORTH is immense, and greater now than it has ever been. The long train was crowded with passengers, and with few exceptions they were unmistakea bly from beyond Mason & Dixon's line. Some were consumptive-looking with great streaks under the eyes; others looked as if the consumption lay nearer parlor the stomach. Iu the luxurious cars I saw more stout, gross looking women than one will meet with in Georgia in a week. The crowd on board the train was typical of the groat tnas; of lr..vellers to be found all over Florida. The slave bolder of ante helium days who went North and scattered his money in lordly style has given place to the r cli northerner who spends his winters in a southern clime. In Floiida they have adapted them¬ selves to the situation and are as familiar with the “fleecing” reputed process as our northern neighbors arc to have been. They draw the blood from the bloated bondholders with the FIERCE GUSTO OF TIIFIR NATIVE MOSQUITO. large portion of those "°r who 7 profit r„': l.y the influx of strangeis aie Horn othei states themselves. Asa winter resort I W 8S much pleased with tlie state. Of its roateral advantages, il » in ' * e Vi* judge! My ’stay was too Abort Its . Tor n a u U f . way into my pocket, and sundry adding filmed my.eye, jut 8 j V r „ a t "®£ mid them will in their not undertake entran.'iug to fifij. produce will I undertake to go nr.nntely ini., the details of my trip. The limits of this letter d> not permit. T.iere is much about it i shall long remember with pleasure. There are lovely spots that in the days to come will flash upon the mem ry in visions of beauty. The rich sunshine, the soft, balmy air, the fragrance of tlie fruits and flowers; the St. John’s spreading out with broad magnificence into a chain of tropical lakes, the little villages and lovely winter homes nestled here and there along the verdant bflnks and the groves of oranges with their wealth of golden fruit were among the glimpses of a> other clime that lingered with vivid distinctness as the cars again rolled 111 - to tlia mud and rain and chilling winds of Atlanta. I can imagine 110 m re de lightful transition than the change so quickly made from all the rigors of a northern clime to the spring-like soft ness of Florida. All along the St. lent John’s hotels, are winter fitt. d retnats up in elegant with excej- style and with the best of fare. At all of tl)6m fil)d num l,ei 3 of horthern and western pe0 ple. A large proportion of t()e vis j t01 . s re main at Jacksonville, \ V Bicli has several fine hotels My stay there was spent ilt the Duval, quite a favorite lesort for Georgians. Jt is k t , Meesvs- Scoville & Lee.the for In( , r b eI „rr 0 u e () f the proprietors of the Kilnball 1Iouse i, ere . Few parts of tlie country are now growing so much as Florida, The heavy investments of late m ile there by 1 »\r northern nnrtliprn capitalists, who who llilVB have advan- CTODG gone actively to work to advertise its tages are bringing a tide of emigration and money into the state. The FLORIDA union, l»-Uy W T. Grave., a s rAC. , cs2 , rr?s«sa g;ime paper since my return from pj or j^ a> Small is one of the brightest an( j m(lgt versatile men I have ever . known. In such hands trie Union should have a still brighter future lie fore it. After V.1J the glowing visions I have pictured I do not want to be a Flor jj ian Lifs in Florida the vear around 1 te aatrikiDgremindei’that the pleasures this world aie allo>ed with miseiy. ^ Heaven pity r \ the wretch who endures . hot s un he san , iflies and mosquitos j 0 f a Florida summei. and spends the sultry days in gazing at the deserted “Florida CURIOSlT\ - ” j .»» j )t , an 5 ' alligator teeth and s j ie ]j jewelry. Perhaps. how ever, there is even a balm in Gilead to those people when they contemplate with expectant joy tlie vision of the ; bo<jks _ ; it wm perhaps tWa side of the pic-’ 3& delight 'i%X?SAX! s of Florida, lie concluded , J% With the remark that “the red-clay hills ,of Georgia are worth them all.” I re-echo ! the sentiment. j. m. o. _ -—*, ii Miss Wright Pinkston a lovely ahd popular young lady of this county died j of typhoid pneumonia last Saturday i j The Dramatics will play “Still 'a ers Utm Deep” at the Academy ILi if next TaeaA ^ to be fol!(Jwed » negro Conklii farce. has been nominated * byrthe Jf g Pres d ul to be Associate Justice of the U. 8 . Supreme Court, 111 of Fannie the late Stephens llarry Stephens youngest and daughter : m. Brow „, 0 f Madison, will be ma^risd Thursday, - • - Wells' Health Renew. AbsolutrJ cur for nervous debility anil weakness Hf the generative functions. St. at druggisM, aH G;. | Depot, Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, lanta and Macon Ga. - - ‘-Tlie Domestic Tyrant.’’ m I * ‘The average man,” quoth Mws Pit tington, i* a weak and irritable Twin dn.iestic tyrant, and Mrs. P. is correct. me¬ al to a fault tlie average man homejal'i'ateh will eijjer the blissful Paradise of a happy himself in fiendish glee, send the flaw into convu'si ms, and for what? Why, iNc’cause he has the. Itching Piles, and is to#'mean to buy Swayne’s Ointment, which iJ an in¬ fallible cure for the worst cases of ttiut an¬ noying complaint. J | “A Girl’s Choice.” j J : 1 It was m a drug store of course .* All in¬ teresting incidents obeur in dmg Stores,— that is nearly all. She was pretw, with bhe.' eyes and the golden hair, one of lifiut kind of beauties poet would have chi led an angel, but for the fact that a efokmy of all pimples though on her of fair celestial frontis-pieee being, precluded j timidly to the a handsome clerk, sHe Bowing asked and for Swayne’s receiving Ointment it for vanished the skin disease, upon like the morning dew before the Summer t un. Wonderful Power. When a medicine performs such cures as Kidney-Wort is constantly doing it may truly be said to have wonderful p 'over. A car ■penter in Montgomery, Vt., bf#ld suffer ed for eight years from the woole of kid ov tatedfor di.snsu, work. ri He b cm “One who)!} inrapac- made a cw man of me, and says, f sincert'ijy (box believe t will restore to health all that similar¬ ly afflicted.” It is now sold in hi.: u liquid nd dry form.—Danbury Neivs.j DENTAL .NOTIUE. Warrenton, Ga., Jan. (patrons 12nd, 1882 To my many friends and of Taliaferro county: I wish them a Hap ]>y New Year anJ a prosperiM ne. 1 also patrons take that pleasure I shall in annomiflj continue O my he in my office in Crawfovdville from tlie loth, until the 20th. of each month where T will he pr pared to do any and all kinds of M -W j ■K'Bfr -■ I shall keep on hand jwdktixid e gas, to my patron* ail the jfttjiftictions 1e "Tsl.all continue to insert Termsfca l^tl, at the Lowest Cash Price. shin all t|l I 8 | ,a 2 * < S un c , [ e “« er II | f ’“VTSr' 0II friends “ T..a..Uni a m> p.ition* fm Ipast favors their l assure confidence my fi lends in me I in will thtj j not future abuse no more than I have m the past Call ami scene, have ymu teeth ex.tRmied, no charge for examination » Respectfully, E. E. PARSONS. - tub oi l) may elk —ONF OF— THE BEST NSWSPA»0!tfc3 IN Til 14 SOU T Si, -:o:- | No Sensationalism !-—No Immorality AUGUSTA Chronicle and Constitutionalist, 1832. SUBSCRIBE mii IT. rjHIE Chronicle and Constitutinjjalist is JL the oldest the newspapers oldest in the in United tin; South, and perhaps (States, having been established in 1785 While thoroughly liberal, progressive Democratic and In tolerant. princiWU, The it is Chronicle contains the latest news from all r ‘ d ' a,U ' ” S ner As an advertising medium, it covers the XSv'S.aSS-"”'•»*» *••• ..... ..... ........... We publish no articles of immoral fba r8c " ' ter. TERM NS : 1 Daily, one year r $woo\ - Weekly, Tri-Weekly, one year - 200 ! one year 500 Address, Jan, 28, tf. WALSH & Augusta, WRIGHT, 13, G a. Raytown Academy. School ,, , will Ije opened at the Acade my in Raytown on the 30th inst. terms according month. to grade i?2.00 82.50 and J3.00 J p<, r No Tndent received for a less perird t(laI1 t(u ,^ months, Music, painting,drawing and French wj jj ^ * \> y MRS 8 J FLTfNT For particulars, consult S.J.FLYNT, Principal, 10,J»n.21,4w*. mwMtmm I *■*::*'•' ;; y. ^ ----------IT Sr. Z^TC*) Georgia ”_. Railroad NT1 _ -r-% I -t • ( s-'j ')T1,T~1 KinC* & ,(A Office Gf.nkhai, Manager, ) Augusta, Ua., December 10 , issl. S j"lOMMENCING the following passenger SUN DAY,11th schedule instant, will he operated : SO. 1 WEST—DAILY. NO. 2 KAST—DAtt.T. Lv. Augusta 10 : 80 airoLv. Atlantn «:.•«>»» in “ “ Milledg’ll Macon 7:i0utiij 9:05 “ “G'wf'd'll Athens 9:30[a:m lHoipui a m “ W’sh'i’n 1l)20, Ar Wusli'g’2:55 h ni Ar. O'f'dVll l: 12 [p in ” Millcdg'l! 4:40 p m j “ Athens 4:50 p m “ Macon tn ! “ Atlanta 5:45 n m 1 ’ Augusta 4:00 p in ; NO. Lv. 3 Augusta WEST—DULY. Lv. NO. 4 EAST— DAILY, j 5:55 p m Atlanta8:30 p in . Lv. CrTv’ll 9:52 pjm'Ar.CTdv'll 2:53 am , Ar. Atlanta 5:00 aim Ar. Augusta 0:30 aim JOHN W. GREEN. K.U. DORSEY General Manager. Gen. Uass'ger Agon 1,000 MILE TICKETS. Geouoia It ui.noAn Company, Office Genemal I’assknokii Agent. Augusta, April r.tli, 1879. COMMENCING this Company will MONDAY, sell ONE 7th THOUS¬ inst., V ' AND MILE TICKETS, good over main line and brandies, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, Mavi),187i). General Passenger Agent r|UIE GLOBE HOTEL, CORNER EIGHTH AND DUOAl> STREETS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is centrally located, and within five min¬ utes’ walk of all the principal Business Douses, Banks, Post Office, Public Build¬ ings,Union Depot,Opera House,Telegraph > 'dices aud Express Office. Street cars pass the door,going to all parts >»f the. city ami vicinity,.every five minutes during the day. The House is supplied with all the con¬ veniences of a first-class Modern Hotel,and is especially well located,and provided with nil convenient facilities for Commercial Travelers carrying sampels. Each room connected with the office by bells. Telephone attachment with the city and Summerville in the office for the accom¬ modation of guests. G. 8 . ATKINSON SON, Prop’rs. Formerly of Clemens Douse,Danville,Ky A book ol rare originality, entiled Practical Life. The great problem solved. The indi¬ vidual carefully considered from the age of responsibility up to maturity, iu regard to Education, Home, Society, Love, Mar¬ riage, Business, be Bread-Winners. Ac, How Bread-Eaters Tlie are to volume abounds in striking thoughts,rare informa¬ tion and intense common-sense. Full page Agents colored plates—each one a gem for wanted everywhere, tent J. ireular, McCurdy full description & Philo., terms. Jfcc., to V. (’o., Pe, E j For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, IToarscness, Bronchitis,Croup, Inffu. en ?.a, A stl miahooping Cough, In re-I - cipier.t Co.- sumption and for the lief of consumptive personsin ad van J ced all stages Druggists.—Price, of the Disease. For Cents. Sale] | uj a 5 5,000 Agents wanted for Life of GARFIELD Itc nit.iin < the full history of his noble and eventful life and dastardly assassination. Surgical treatment, death, funeral obse¬ quies, etc. Tlie best chance of your life to make money. Beware of “catchpenny” imitations. This is the only authentic and fully ident. illustrated Fine steel life of our'martyred Pres¬ pot traits. Extra terms to Agents. Circulars free. Address, National I’culishino Go., sfebli.lm. Atlanta, Georgia. U Bow to Get It! THE MEN AND WOMEN S MUTUAL Relief fund association, OF ATLANTA, GGORGIA Pays certificate of endowment for 82,000. ' u ’'V,’.V y iV'i h'i'sHiiilbm'evcr orc-ullzed , 1 r;sss:™s.v;.;:: u .^n By-Laws. J. W. SIMS, Secretary, Atlanta, Georgia, BIG PAY. AGENTS WANTED. want a limited canvassers to engage in and profitable business. Good will find this a rare chance. TO MAKE MONEY. Such will please answer this advertise¬ ment by letter enclosing stamp for reply, what business they have been en in. None but those who mean busi need apply- Address FIN LEY, HARVEY A CO., 8 Feb. 4, '82 tf. Atlanta, Ga SAW MILLS. EQUAL TO THE REST Send for Circular. V I N T O N & ZSCII E V It, IndianopoUs, Ind. 8 febll,lin OR,BUTTS’ Chronic Diaea«ei, nsfmm and n»>tioa- | Treat all erwoys a c- without oaim? Mercury or Foisonons YOUIIOJyigM^.^!?^^ BecU .**' 1 rQlt!|T? JTSH: ; putts. j O Chemical W orks! ' * - x -->4W M ••wV .-t; HI 1 WM‘ KtY© r! ' AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. w E ARE NOW PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS for any of our own Brands of been T T FERTILIZERS, tile or make them to order as may be desired. Fertilizers As our facilities have at prices greatly which enlarged defy competition past season,we when the can grade furnish of our High goods Grade is considered. to the trade Remember that a Fertilizer which contains only one per relit. more of Soluble Pbos. Aeiil is worth $2 40 per ton more than another widen contains just that lunch less. Our central location enables us to deliver our Guanos to purchasers in the interior much more promptly, in better condition,and at less cost than a Northern manufacturer or one located on the coast. AMMONIATEI) GUANOS—Our brands of Mastodon and Georgia Patapsco Guanos, and Iaiwc’s Formula are so well known in the South,I only refer to them to say they are fully Acid lip to the standard of past seasons. PHOSPHATE—The demand ror tliis article in past lias exceeded the capacity of our Works. We challenge competition in the practical results obtained from the ns® of it. We have a stock on hand which we are prepared to sell at a very .small profit to dealers. By reference to the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the present season, it will be found that our analyses were as follows: NAME. Mois- ture. lnsolu- hie. Solu- hie. Rever-!Avail-j ted 1 able, monin. Am- potn* Relative ■nereial Value Cora . The Georgia Patapsco A imiuinitil i’iIKoI I’Ikk 1.40, 2.05, 9.70 11.75 8.00 1.00 $15 60. (in. Chemical Works Mastodon Guano. 12.00 1.35 1.85 9.95 It.80 3.05 0.95 $45 89. Ga. Chemical Works Acid Plios.,wlthPota’ 12.35 2.551 4.00 11.001 15.00 1.951 $39 84 . The Fertilizers wc are oinking this season are fully up to any ever before nvanu fiK't tired by us. tlie Dealers would do well to communicate with us before laying in their supplies for coming season. Ti'CiiHiirci'Cleorgiji Chemical Works. 14 Jan. 14, t-f. Furniture Boom. We have just received TWO CAR LOADS of \ ELEGANT CHAMBER PARROL FnrniturE.. Never has there been such a Stock in Augusta, and we bought them to sefl not to keep. All who have seen our Stock agree we have the handsomest and most STYLISH thev have even seen South, and as cheap as they can he had In ;ha East, West or North We never misrepresent goods-everything sold on ita merits. Satisfaction guaranteed. Our Stock is complete in every particular. Everything in the Fmiiitme line you will find here. Agents for the Rest and Cheapest BED SPRING ever sold, every one guar¬ anteed for *r» Years. Write for prices if you cannot come. J. L. Bowles & Co •* 717 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Dec. 17,’81, ly. DAY, TANNIHILL & CO. 1.1.1 and 795 IIIIIUI) MTKI3ET, AUGUSTA, GA.. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Carriages, Kockaway§, Buggies, Plant:'tioii and Road Wagons, Ca: ts, Et r . Manufacturer’s Agents for the sale of the Cortland Wagon Co.’s Spring Wagons and B uggia, Wilson, Childs & Co.’s I’hiladelphia Wagons, The Lightest Draft Wagon made. They have Hammered Scrap Axles, and Wedge Spoke Wheels. W 8 keep all sizes on hand. W« have added to our stock of Fine Buggies and Rockaways, A Line of Cheaper Grade Buggies. Made to our own order, with special regard to thvQuality of the wheels, axles, and spiings, wliicli we will sell Lower than any house tills side of Cincinnati. A ^Sf rirtlmSlKB «nj Uflw, Ilook. uri nucha Italian Hemp, and Soapstone Packing. = v Bottom Prices. Sepl22y 1 New Arrival ot Furniture AT THE MAMMOTH STORE OF fiMl BAIIB j N0> 708 and 710 BROAD STREET. are now prepared to show the public the finest and best selected stock ih vv , Cases and French Dress Sets, Dinning alnut and Ebony ; Walnut Dressing the reach of yLody. Will Librarv Furniture, Ac. Our prices are within t v ® r and guarantee our goods to give perfect satisfaction. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Agents for National Wire Mattress. .SIGN QF THE BIG PLATT CHAJK, ; BROTHEgg, : «5%,, (AV fi ,, Also, the Webster, Oi Hickory,and Our Own Make of One and *7e I Horse Wagoi s always in full stock, at bot¬ tom prices.