Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, February 25, 1882, Image 6
Tlie Democrat. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1882. SENDING US WORD. WHATTHL PEOPLE OK ADJACENT TOtV Si8 AKB INtlMI, The tew. ut Neighboring Counties ,, Cull- ,, cd Ironi our Exchanges, and Written »>• our Correspondents—Wilke*, War rta.C.'resse, Oglethorpe, Hancock. Hancock. [Sparta Ithmadite.) Judge E. If. Pottle was in town on Monday of this week. Mish Sallie Johnson, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives in Sparta. I Jim Rogers is having the shingles torn off of his blacksmith shop.piepara tory to having it recovered. The steets’of Sparta are kept in better ' condition than those of any town in which we have ever lived. •Strawberries are in bloom. The work on the court house is still progressing, notwithstanding the Su¬ preme ton it’s reversal of the decision of Judge Pottle. The scarcity of eggs in the market is explained by the fact that people prefer eating them to selling them. TfCnginVuie : grain in this county. it is the Grant fly. The fact that it is a “sucker, If leaves no room for doubt oc. tins point. Northen intends . Air W. S. to put up a cotton seed holler and mill for pre- . paring stock feed, in Sparta. i To even a casual observer, it is evl- i dent that there is too much idleness in this section. Mr. T. It. Lamar is the authorized agent. In this county.for *<if Mr. L. B. Nel. son for the loan money to farmers On last Wednesday morning a dog ! ; came into the yard of Sylvia Jeems, of I Dixie, dragging the nude laxly of a mutilated dca<l baby. It was brought iu town to the office of Dr. Rogers, our I coronet ; and a jury, legularly impaii- ) eled, directed a post mortem examfiiu tion by the coroner. Dr. Rogers made the examination, and came to the con elusion that it had never breathed— Its i lungs giving evidence of never been dis- i tended. . M’UUFKIR. I tfclhijfl# Journal. ] At tho Methodist church in Thom¬ son, nt 3 o’clock Thursday afternoon, Feb’y. IB, 1882, t.y Rev. Jus. S. Jones, Mr. ilej. II." Hliiighain and Mias Susie lliindle.v, both of McDuffie county, were umrried. Our friend, Preston Lazenby, is a prone and Imppy iiaterfamillas. Wo heartily congratulate. The family of Mr. A • E. Wiley, of j tills county, is sadly afflicted with ty¬ phoid lever. One child, about 11 years old, died on Saturday lust, ami another died on Monday. ! Mr. David Y r . Neal, a son of the ; iate Maj Ge»>. V. Neal, formerly of I Warren county, was run over and kill¬ | ed i v a Georgia Railroad train, near Gruvctowu. Wednesday night last. It is currently ie|xuted that Alfonl, of the Hnitich ville < olnel, is so oil to take h pUuijje in tin* s a of matrimonial bliss—This, we are authorized to say, is a mistake, il- will postpone his hy liieiiia! bath until iiiidsoinimT, when the regulation uniform is a duster and h p.iluileul fan, ’ mid perspiration 1 abounds iii ini. iiiiiti, VS e regret to learn that the misbeha vlor of some ot his congregatifili ill the Baptist elimcli on Sunday evening last necessitated a i eprool from the Pastor. Remeinlx'r, tliere is one rule absolutely wit hoot an exception.- U is t his . “ A chuixli. ehumh^’" D it W is I ^ia needless les.s‘ S to to au‘d add that that this rule applies with even greater fotce to adies. Prof. N. E.Ware, and Messrs. A. W. Merxhon anil J A. Kendrick all of Sharon, were in 1 lioinson, last, week, but sliglited the Journal otfiue. Xlr. Kendriek -haroii correspondent of the Crawl. MViocitAT, one of our most valued exchanges. The side-walk next to .. the , business houses on Main xtreet, undulates like the price of cotton futures. |lt is sway backed in front of Lew’s, and hump shoulderwl at llolzendoi f s, while near Tate’s there is a sad solemn valley of mud, too glootnv and exasperating tor diseription. A pedestrian, on a dark nielit traveling this thoroughfare can’t tell Whether he is.Vlimbing over Knox’s meat block, orison the down grade througji the smam\i beyond Branch ville. A/arshal Morris ought to bring out his official jack-plane and dress tbe path down to something like a civilized consistency. WILKES. iG.mfle] Chills ami fever prevail to a consider able extent in tiie lifitli district. Mr. HE. Sprat tin was bitten by a dog an Monday. A considerable amount of work is being doue on the railroad track at the demit. Col. Stephen Heard expects soon to give a grand entertainment at Ins home Mr. John Garrard, of tins county, will send bis daughters to Talbotlon to school this year* Workmen from Augusta have been putting up some terra cotta work at 8t. Joseph's Academy, last The looses in this county by fire year, Were which were covered by ' insurance, about $10,000. Mr. John _ , o. Stephens V. is . | having some tenement houses put on tue lower part of his lot near tiie bridge. It takes about $3,500 to pay the ex penses of the town government, with tbe present force of bonds employed. The colored people are building a church out on the Mallorysville rtmd. A small bug of some kind , is . depreta- , . ting on the wheat crop. No l>ad results have come from tbe » DEALER IN' Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos, North M»jn Street opposite Court House, CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. 1 call attention to the fact that owtnir to short collections, I will be herafter cora tK , 1|( , d to Hl .„ strictJy for CASH, I intend tokeep only the BEST BRANDS of LKJUOB, a nd anyone who wants a GOOD drink should give ine a call. The coolest Lager Beer in Crawfordyllle. I have attached to my saloon a splendid HILLIARD HALL FITTED up in first class style. I thank ray customers for past favors and Invite them and my new friends to giye me a call. 12febl8' THOMAS AKINS, Crawfordvile, Georgia. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Mir If tl & NO. 9 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga., HAVE ON HAND THE FINEST LOT OF FURNITURE. CROCKERY, -and Household Goods to be Found in the State Ele ^ nt ]]mu \ Eine Mirror Ked-Roem •Sets, Parlo .Sets, Crockery China WaTC, Etc. Orders by mail receive our prompt personal attention. When you want an ythlug in our line and at the lowest prices give us a call, John Neal & Co., 14feb-25-3m No. 0 Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. cases of reported small-pox in Wash ingtnn; and it is now thought by the, public generally that these cases were ,lo f sm.ill-pox at all. The cash sales of one house in Wash for one day,last month,amount to $2,500. \ very pleasant valentine party was at J. M. Uullan’s residence on evening, and also one at Miss Weems. . ])r Fickle „ rec ejved one hundred ertni in cark from Mr. Wright, of Ga, Sot a Meveragc. “This are nut a beverage,hut a medicine, curative properties of the highest de¬ containing no poor whisky or poi drugs. They do not tear down an debilitated system, but build it up bottle contains more hops,that is,more hop strength, than a barrel of ordina¬ ry beer. Every druggists in Rochester sells them, and the physicians prescribe Express on Hop BieterS. Mralps Tormented wlxli Daudrult. Or scald head are made healthy with oienn’.x Sulphur Soap. Of all druggists, Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brawn, fifty cents JURY I.IUT, on \ >. i> .i units. Taylor, \\m. U 1 oss, ,Dmu M Mur den, I I-It Hillman, John Rhodes son of John, Win <’ Itlmdes, John II Mitchell, D N Sanders, " m M Lnnecford, Win l Woixlruff, Geo. M Boss, It F Moore, S A Daniel. US Tavlor, John If Hyut, John 11 Jackson, (108th, Will Jordan, James A {'i' Itilni ’j' \|*itin ^8y||,^|| Gorham, PG Veazey, E I> lladaway, |{ T Kendrick, Win Burke, T E Bristow, IVm T Chapman, J 8 Chapman, Owen D Mtxae. Jas. O Bnmke tu.wlusk .u hors. Garland Wm H Walter T Nelson. Julius CJor ,i.iu, Ellas S Allen,Wesley Taylor, Edward () si's Mitchell, Albert It Stevens, Alexander 11 Stewart, Frank It Taylor, David Henry A Harper, AlbertQ Oneale, AS.;kgus. Joseph Mead n wheeler,James It Reuben Flynt,James J Mann, M Alex. ows wash Avery, ander S Meadows. Josiali Brooks, James B Ogletree, Reuben B Rhodes, Wyattt il- A Hill. Simeon lyev Thomas J Rhodes. W lis Canv. J David K Lunceford. ..y uid i »ia ur iMatresstnjr Courh.” UhtSSitic attack’*.weakened „ n i« #1M j debilitated state of the system.all these l t„ n ,,,. r ous symptoms are cured by “Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry. ' The first dose gives relief, and the worst rough and sore lungs yield to its heal ^ !*« sdmuld'Im tXn fo ke ”p m'lwel* fr«e, They are excellent id liver and bilious'complaints. —>»-• - woman. Hope for suffering Woman. Something new under the* sun. By reason of her peculiar relatio km \v her perculinr ailments, woman tins, and compelled to suffer, not only her oas been but those arising from the want ofwn ills, ^uhVliom she stands frequent connected and in the social organization. The distressing irregularities peculiai to her sex Mansions « of the rich and the hovel of the mK i r alike, woman has lieen the patieu, which victim of ills unknown to man, and none [foA but come”^ she .""nl.^lJem^ when she can fina relief tnl»r. J. Bred j^Sd Atlanta. Ga Price, trial size, 75, large size, $1.50. For sale by all druggist. Read what Gen. c. Tlge Anderson Says Messrs. Hutchison A Bro. Gentlemen— I have been a great sufferer from neural s l»-ihe attacks lasting for days 1 had tried every known remedy without tv mg ln mv tast attack 1 crit>dyour •■Sfuralglne." and in a short time was fvr feetlv cured. It is a consolation to know that 1 have at last a remedy that controls this painfu 1 disease, and l ean c «*r u > eco mmelul !t u> a ^. ^ v ol . K90S Atlanta. Apr. . .... is tSk . —, chief Chwf of of Police Pone* ilinuHisos & Bro., rropnwii^ auru a. Ga. Sold by all Druggists LEGAL NoTlCEsT Application for Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. I.SOUR weeks after date application will I’ l>e inadr said to county the honorable for leave court to sell of Ordinary of the real estate belonging to the estate of William U. Stephens, late of said county deceased. This January 16th 1882. John A. Stei’HKKs, Administrator. 7 Jan. 22 4w. ~A1TLICAT10N~FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. TirllKHKAS Y\ John W. Ellington Admin Ktrator on tire Estate deceased, of Tyre has G. Ellington late of said county applied to me for letters of Dismission from said Estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons csucerned to show cause if any they can on or by the tirst Monday in April next why said letters should not be granted. hand and official signa¬ Given under my ture. This January ‘A - -mas ssKE Jan. imr ADMIN ISTR ATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA —Taliaferro County. 1 > Y VIRTUE of an order from the four 1 IJ of Ordinary first Tuesday of said county In April, will 1882, be sold on the between the legal hours of sale all thatv tract or parcel of land, being situated lying in said county, containing J.G. 182 Evans acres more or le-s lioundedby lands of and J. M. Poss amt others, it being the ,tower on which Sarah G. Hixon deceased , ^id land bmn * *olt\ aiupjrt j „f the estate of Geo. llixon deceased, for | r ' ..... at i rt of Geo. Hixon deceased. GEO. G. HIXON, Administrator bonis non, of GEO. IIIXON , eb- 25-'82 td APPLICATION FOR LET TERS OF PISMISSION. (; F (jRGl \_ TaliaFeiiuo County. MET II ERE AS Reuben S. West Ad . . ,, E s t a tp of James West late of said county deceas eri applies to me for letters of Dismis sion from laid estate, T | lPse a r e therefore to cite and ad nigh al j ., erson s concerned to show jf a „ y they can, on or by the first Monday in March why said letters should not be granted, and official sig Given under my band na t ure . Tins November 21st 1881. Chaklkw A. Beazley, Ordinary T. C. SELECT BO ARDING SCHOOL, , —FOtt | i Boys aud Girls. Haid . Hi/dnline 1 ’ nleaaan locality, and school-room . comfort f th aM , e made. 1 M, VKO> P • 5IST ' TlrTE leading schools of the coum- ( among the .try. People living »» cities wishing fto ! send their children to a hording school will find no better place than Sharjon Business Institute. j All bourdiug pupils will bfl under the str j c t c i U vage of the principal $10 (per ’ bo ;u( j from $8 to . mourn. T j itio>. For Spring terms, from 16th of Jlan Mary to 7th of April, for the 3 grades / a} . ^ ^aly, From 7th of April for to7.h of foi f the 3 grades, bo.oO, $b.o0, bl0.( j Pupils will not be receteed for less time than three months. Ine a^Jool. p/nnci- 1^ *^ will have I %JL2S£ ful! TOnl^of the BuisS K * aud I X musicTe^rtment mndence #15 00 be]under will the control of MRS. L. W. FLYjNT. Address, N. E. WARE, Sbardn, Go ’ ,T. J. MULLAN. 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., iii . -- JjaJN * aypp iii. a GEORGIA —MANUFACTURER OF— MONUMENTS, Tombs & Headstones, Etc. and Estimates ^ rrinusnea. , Designs I Sept 2,13ui K ey-N o t e —OF— The M-R H ouse of TVS outh. \r PaiclTQ" LICK Sales. -:o: THE BEST AND MOST CELEBRATED In PIANOS Great Variety and ORGANS and Style. i I -:o:- Saved Pur¬ 29 to 30 PerCent. to Every chaser who Visits or Corres¬ i ponds ROBINSON with CO. G. O. & -:o:- Excelsior Is Ouk Motto i <S. H. U. I Great Musical Saving INSTITUTION OF TIIE SOUTH. mush! MUSIOAL instruments, sheet MUSIC BOOKS, BEST ITAL¬ IAN STRINGS, I FiRST CLASS and everything MUSIC HOUSE. pertain¬ ing to 20 tp 30 Per Cent Saved. -AT— Tinning jf. M. and H. 0. Repairing T. 8. B;M {tuner H. TAYLOR, tho only author¬ ized of the Music House of the South! Augusta, Ga. G. O. ROBINSON A CO. ° ct .jrj 31 nless .j-y Eye Water t Relieves inflatmd or weak eyes at once. Cures nothin)' in a few hours. For granulated lids other.) better. Ask for it and have no Jin. Dn. J. A. DICKEY,Proprietor, 15 27, lm. Bristol, Tknn. DANDRIFUGG Eradicates Dandruff, prevents its return, arrests falling out of hair, stimulates new growth, and prevents it from turning gray. The best hair dressing in the world. Ask the Druggist !Dn. for DICKEY, it. Proprietor, J. A. 1 Bristol, Tknn. <PO‘“ngnge (t»C Outfit sent free to those who wish to in the most pleasant and prof table business known. Everything newi Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a day and upwards Is easi¬ ly made without staying away from home over workers iuglit. No risk whatever. Many Many mak¬ new wanted at once. are ing fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys aud girls makdgreat pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every dnv than can be made in a week at an v ordinary employment. rritl S.nd Those road who fortune. engage Address at once fi a short to Nof. IIai.lktt A Co. , Portland, Maine. 4 ,'H 0 . 1 -v. GET TJPCLUBS! Big Pay for a Little Work. ^l^tiTiiio^raph IS TIIE BEST WEEKLY IN GEORGIA. It contains something that will inter¬ est old and young. OUR PREMIUMS. caJfi, For a club of 25 subscribers and heavey $50 in we will send to any lady a For Silk Cloak or Dolman worth $15.00. thh same number and amount we will send a gent’s Overcoat or Ulster worth $15. IFor twenty subscribers and $40 In cast, ajlarge catcher, silver worth handsomely 5 to. chi, will engraved be sent, water j For 15 subscribers and $30.00 we will s/end a boy's overcoat, or a nice shot gun, worth $7.50. will send / For 10 celluloid subscribers watch, and cither $20.00 green, we white a br biaee, worth $5.00. It is handsome and (will keep good time. For 5 subscribers and $10.00 we will send a minature cotton bale put up in silk, as a souvenir of the Cotton Exposition. solid gold For 3 subscribers and $0.00, a “Bangle” finger Ring fora child. CONDITIONS. This offer will not be good after the 25th of February. Go to work at once, send in your list and get the premiums Phonograhf by return $2.00 express. Price of the per annum. Address W. T. Christopher A Bro., Atlanta, Ga. Crawfordville Academy. A HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. The Scholastic year of 1882, will be divided into two terms. The Spring term wilt open on Monday the 30th of Januarv, and clove on the 7th of July. The Fall term will open on the 21st of August, and close on the 30th of No¬ vember. — Rates or Tuition-. — -Primary, Primarv Soring I s Term ’ $9.00. J“ ,, non lBtenDedIa 8pr ln« Term, YLOO. « Fall “ 8.00. A ^ vance 4 Fng. Branches, 15.00. .. .. •• Fall Term. 10.00. Ancien t Languagas Jb Higher *. Mathematics, Ancient IatnguagesA , all Higier Term, 12.00., l No deduction for lost time, except in cases of protracted illness. Pupils thoroughly prepared for classes in any of the Colleges. Musical advantages good. Location healthy. Board cheap, Primarv Mis.'8. department under supervision of E. Boggs. For particulars address, XV ' H - Bbcok, Esq., Sec’y Board Trustees, or C. T. Boggs. Principle. Jan.l 4 j*m. 'revised NEW testaments: Illustrated, Cheapest and B«!-t. Sills sicUt HOLMANS NEW P1CTORIA ' Agents wanted, A. J. HO MAN & CO., Phiiada. ARTHER, THE PRESIDENT, nd C. Mye rs to the front offering the Tublic one of 9 Largest and l>est se *ected stocks ' ' =" it will astonish the wise. Having D _______________ i ____... ,______ prepared taken the greatest care in select ing my Stock, I am to offer the best selection of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boets, Shoes, Hats aud No¬ tions, that have ever been seen in Middle Georgia, also bear in mind that I have always a fall supply of Groceries on hand. Our Clothing Is the nobbiest that has ever beeh seen South of Mason and Dlxou’s Line. Suits fur the Rich and the Poor. Our $5.00 suits will surprise you, call and see it. And a good all wool suits at $7.50, that has heretofore sold at $10.00. Times are hard and I Intend to cut prices I can astonish yon in Black Cloth and orated Suits, and any one able in need of clothing will do well to giye us a call before purchasing. I have an corpse of assistants, who always take pleasure in showing Goeds, and their smiling countenances will always greet you. Truth is stranger than fiction. My pride is with the Ladies, and I am pared to bring smiles to their faces, when they behold our grand stock of Dress . Goods. Elegant Black Cashmere at the lowest figures and the prettiest line of Worsted Plaids at 20c., 25c., 30c., all the go this season, also, a fine assortment of Black Alapaca at bottom prices. A full stock of the prettiest prints ever seen in Crawford ville. We can, suit the most fastidious taste, the very best prints at 7c., per yard. SHOES! SHOES!! Having paid special attention to this feature of my businsss, and also, lac¬ ing in direct communication with some of the 1 irgest and !>est Shoe Manufac¬ tories in the United States I can offer the best inducements ever known. Our one dollar shop will give the best satisfaction, and a Ladies’ Calf Shoe for $1.25, that cannot be sold elsewhere for less than $1.75, also, I have a complete line of Ladies’ and Gents’ fine Shoes, hand sewed, Sailer Lervin A Co’s make Philadelphia. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. Our stock of Hats is complete, and we can give you a good at from 50c to $3.50, some of ttie nobbiest Hats in stiff and felt you ever saw, look at them. Owing to space we cannot mention the other articles, but, will say that any., one in need of goods in my line, will do well to give me a call, as quick sales, and small prodts is my motto. C. MYERS. Druggists and Apothecaries, CRAWFOEDVLTLE, FULL GA. A LINK OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumeries, Soaps, Cigars, Also Dealers in A call solicited, and you will be pleased with our goods and prices. We keep only the BEST GOODS. $ Will keep constantly on hand a full line of the FINEST BRANDS of WINES AND LIQUORS In connection with his other business. sep2 5a % Charles Bergstrom » --Dealer In- Groceries, Dry Goods dk Provisions, Boots, Slioes, Hats, Etc., LaTrope Building, Crawfordville, Georgia. fl^O X my customers of the past years I would Inform them that I am still on hand with a full line of everything needed by farmers or others, and that I am selling everything at BE sure and come around when you want anything from a spool of thread to a wagon load of meat. Flour! Flour! Flour! The Best Brands ever Brought Here. {Shoes ! Shoes! Shoes! All Kinds, all Sizes. Warranted not rip, ravel or run down the Heel. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! j All Kinds. Produce and Farm Supplies. Don’t forget where you get such v Immense Bargains in Clothing. Call on me. You will be well treated. As ever, The Farmer’s Friend, Charles Bergstrom. Feb. 4, ly. j GKC. K. SIBLET. WW 5f. JORDAN. SIBLEY <£ JORDAN j COTTON FACTORS. ■ ■ WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE LUMOTS GIN AND THE COTTON BLOOM GIN. j SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO WEIGHT’ 1 QUICK SALESAND PROMT? RETURNS-