Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, February 25, 1882, Image 7
Curious Works of Ants. Ants are constructed with the “back bone in front, and the heart and other internal organs on the opposite side are put together upside down, as we might and think. Their mouth « for breathing. biting swallowing food only, not for Their bite is so determined and lasting that they are used in some countries for confining the edges presented of wounds to anil the cute. Ants’ heads are cut surface, which they grasp with the nippers, when their bodies are cut oil, leaving a whole row of them to hold the flesh. They are cheaper than sticking plaster in some countries. As an illustration of their ingenuity and intelligence, it was stated that they sometimes excavate tunnels under rivers of considerable depth and width, and the tunnels for transporting feet deep sup¬ plies. They dig wells twenty and a foot in diameter for drinking water. The harvesting ants plant seeds with on farms, which thev cultivate great care anil neatness, keeping every weed down and harvesting safely tlie weather¬ grain, curing and storing it in proof cavities in the soil. They also organize into divisions with commanders, each individual doing a certain kind of work. Some ants are smart enough for engineers, while others only know enough to do as they are told. They can count and make correct estimates of the' magnitude of an undertaking, as proved Eight by chrysolides observers. (often called the eggs where of ants) were placed single in individual a path ants travel. A found them and undertook to remove them to their home. Several were car¬ ried by the single ant patiently enough, but when twenty chrysolides were placed in the heap, another roit was found engaged in the work. The pile was increased at intervals till eighty ants engaged in tlie undertaking, showing that the workers were detailed accord¬ ing to the demands of the cases. Ants’ battles sometimes last many days, in one case seven weeks, tlie victors finally taking the stores and removing them to their own houses. Their wars are quite as justifiable ns those of men, when the object—pillage—is of tlie knowing same. They have the power, too, members of their own communities even after six-months’ absence. Stran gers are always driven off or killed. They are very helpful to each of accident other, and show sympathy in families case of ants build or sickness. Some arched roads covered by au arch of clay or mortar for protection against ene mies, and show great skill in the work, which is under the supervision rebuilding of trained if engineers, who order a tlie work is not perfect. Some kinds of ants keep cows, build cow-yards, and milk their cows regularly, and don’t thiovv milking-stools at them either to make them “ give down,” but tenderly. stroke and Of pat their backs very course these cows are and the plant gardeners.— aphides so familiar to farmers Prof. E. S. Morse. The Use of Wealth. There are thousands of rich men who are not skinflints, who have the reputa¬ tion of being so, bcause done they have special never been known to have any good with their money. A man who is worth §50,000 can do more to make himself loved aud respected by all with whom he conies in contact, by the judicious expenditure of a thousand dol¬ lars in charity, than by giving the whole fifty thousand dollars after he is dead. It seems as though it would be mighty small consolation to a millionaire to leave money to some charitable purpose, after death, and be so confounded dead that he couldn’t see the smiles of happiness that Suppose his generosity millionaire had created. who has a never had a kind word said of him except by fawning hypocrites, who should hope lay to get some of his money, out a beautiful park worth a million dollars, and throw it open, free to and all, with walks, drives, lakes, shade he took everything. drive Don’t you suppose, if a through it himself and saw thousands of people having a good time and all look¬ ing their love and respect for him, that his heart would be warmed up and that his day would be lengthened. Wouldn’t every look of thaks be worth a thousand dollars to the man who had so much money that it made him round-shoul¬ dered? Wouldn’t he have more pleas¬ ure than ho would in cutting off coupons with a lawnjnower?— Peck's Sun. A Condemned Man’s Little Daughter. “Papa, dear papa, I’m glad you’re going to die, ior you know, papa, that if yon were not going to die, you would be taken away off into a dark prison where I could never see you any more; and j|)u know, papa, that would grieve you so much that you would not live very long anyhow, so I think everything is best as it is, don't you, papa ? And I will grow up to be a big girl, and I will be so good, papa, that every one will love me, and I will never fdfget you, papa, nor how much you loved your little Mary.” This strangely affecting speech was made in the St. Louis jail to a man who was to be hanged. A company of Americans met at din¬ ner at a hotel iu Glasgow. Some fine large table gooseberries were placed on the for dessert. One of the party asked the waiter, a Hibernian, to bring him some more of tlie Scotch grapes. The man returned, and, with a broad grin on his face, put the fruit on the table. The stranger innocently inquired with- if Scotch neopie served their grapes cut the stem. “Always,” was the handy ready for response, “ they are nice and making gooseberry fools.” Peddler.—“ ’Momin’, Mr. Waggle?. Hinjoyin’ yer mornin’ pipe hafter last night’s storm ? I heard you and your •wife havin’ high words as I passed at 12 o’clock.” Mr. Waggles (a reprobate;-- like low “ Hi-'h words wos it? More i„ langwi'i e, l^cansi..__ T paile it ” 0 A blot may be erased, but with tlu erasure goes part of the original texture. with¬ Character can never suffer a stain out some loss.______ Ton have nothing *o gain by aModa Bon with a man who is thoroughly im¬ press® « M’h his o ac srrestn .eb. Having UAVL'O need nseu Dr. a/i. Bull’s aiiau Cough Svrup in my farniiy lor the last three years, 1 nna tt is tne best preparation I have ever used for Coughs and Colds giving almost immediate relief. B. Walxeb, Gen’l Com. Merchant 118 Light St, Baito., Md. Guesses at tlie Truth by a Chinese Em¬ peror, 1($53. j “Lying is the first resource of ignor¬ ance ; but what shall we do when we do not know the truth? Be silent.” “I love to admire the manner in which nature confounds our ideas of the great¬ ness of human industry and baffles all tlie resources of our penetration! worthily How not difficult it is to admire ! Is a small insect, a blade of grass, more worthy of our admiration than any pro¬ duction of human hands ” We spoil tlieir children We* by our puerile alas cares for health. have, 1 them too nnuiy ?” Heaven wants ; why should we increase “ provides for the wants of men according to the places in which they live.” “I prefer to procure a subjects new species of build fruit or of grain for my than to a hundred porcelain to loves wen},’’ ‘JEverj 1 one desire" health and life, but ho one praO ^s temperance and frugality. They inv^ b pleasant remedies, which they imagine s will them to digest. cause Eat little and you will digest much.” “ I attribute my good health to the fact that I drink nothing but water, which I distill myself.”— Naturf. The St. Louis (Mo.) Post-Dispatch, at the close of a long article, says : In fact, St. Jacobs Oil is pushing field, all other reme¬ dies out of the and, excellent though some of the liniments, formerly offered are, the efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil is magical in cases of sciatica, rheu¬ matism, pleurisy, neuralgia, and nervous headache, lumbago, scores of other disorders; while in the case of sprains, burns, or injuries genera® it is an absolute pana¬ cea, and for use is better than the advice of many sufficient.” physicians, “A word to the wise is The first coins of the United States were struck with the portrait of Martha Washington, Mr. Spencer, who cut the first die, copying her features in his medallion. When General Washington wroth, and saw the coins he was very before any more were struck off the features of his wife were altered some¬ what, and a cap placed on her head, Goddest; this being the original of the present of Liberty. Well Indorsed by Our Own Cltliem. No matter how useful anything may be iu itself, good indorsements seem to increase its usefulness greatly by insur¬ ing a wider field for the display of its! special merits. We were thus impressed iu view of the following statements re¬ ceived by one of our representatives from the leading individuals connected with some of the largest enterprises in our midst. Among others whose testimony was freely given was W. H. Stearns, Esq., Master Mechanic of the Conn. Kiver Railroad, residing at No. 28 Jacobs Boyl ston street, who observed :—St. Oil has had remarkable effect among the men employed here. One of them jammed his arm very badly, and by the use of St. Jacobs Oil was greatly benefitted, used aud the arm was healed. Another it for severe rheumatic pains in the knee, and pronounced the Oil a complete success as he was cured by its use. Mr. A. B. Taylor, of the ‘ ‘Bay & Taylor Manufacturing Co. ” was Pillsbury, pleased to say: Clair, “My N. aunt, J., Mrs. of Mount while visiting at our house tried St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism aud neuralgia, aud found immediate relief every time. She pronounced it the best thing she had ever tried for the trouble. Mr, J. B. Weston, 45 Greenwood street, Supt. Car Works. Boston & Albany Railroad, thus addressed our reporter: “I am one more of the fortunates who have had the good luck to hear of that wonderful remedy, St. Jacobs Oil. I had rheumatism in the shoulder severely and could find uo relief until I used the OiL I applied it and must confess I was surprised at the results. I am almost well and expect to be entirely so in a few days .”—Si firing field (Mass.) Union. Leer Hooper says that Adelina Patti, though she is forty years old, looks ten years younger. Patti, no doubt, will declare that she is ten years younger than she looks. It makes all the dif¬ ference in the world who tells the age.— Norristown Herald. The “Golden Bloom of Youth” May be retained by using Dr. Pierce’a “ Favor¬ ite Prencription,’* a specific for “female com¬ plaints.” By druggists. “ S-a-a-y, father, A f .f lpsmorl Romptln'no ' I at school to-day. ix tit, What was it? . 1 new “I learned to say ‘ Yes, sir,’ and ‘No, sir.“Did you?” “ Y-a-a-s.” Osi- ProgreM. As stages are quickly abandoned with the completion of railroads, so the huge, drastic, cathartic pills, composed of crude and bulky medicines, are quickly abandoned with the in¬ troduction of Or. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purgative Pellets,” which are sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard seeds, hut comixised of highly concentrated vegetable extracts. By druggists. The London Times makes fun of Americans for calling luggage baggage. It is not lugged, and should not be luggage. It is not bagged and should not be baggage. Trunkage is the right word—trun kage and smashag e. C onsumption Core. Db. R. Y. Pierce: Dear Sir—Death was hourly expected hy myself and friends. My physicians pronounced rny disease consump tion, and said I must die. I began taking your “ Discovery” and “Pellets.” I have used nine bottles and am wonderfufiv relieved. I am now able to rideout. Elizabeth Thornton, Moutongo, Ark. “ Pray, Mr. Lecturer, ” asked a lady, “ what is a paraphrasis ? ” “ Madam, it is simply a circumlocutory and pleonas¬ tic cycle of oratorical Bonorositv, cir¬ cumscribing an atom of ideality, lost in verbal profundity.” “ Thank you, sir.” Oratilnde Beyond Exprrssiftn. Hampton C. H., S. C., May 2,1881. H h. Wak.neb & Co.: fUrs-Tbe reenlt of yonr Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in my cast has been astonishing, so much so that I can find no wordsia which to express my indebtedness to you. Eev. W. H. Pbestiss. We never could quite understand a non <st man is the aoh l— t work Greater. musters' Trial, The Vottais Belt Co., Marshall, Beits and Mich, wffl send their Ee<.-Uo-VoItdc other Electric Appliances on trial tor thirty days to lny person afflicted with troubles, Nervous Debility, vitality, and kindred guarantee complete restoration of vigor and manhood, Address as above without delay. P- S-— No risk U incurred, as thirty days’ teal is allowed. Osb of the fools of this world is he who puts his lingers on still. a buzz saw to determine if it is standing Kidney-Wort radically diseases. cures biliousness, piles awl nervous As we have only a ghost of a navy it is meet and right that Admiral Porter should be an Inspector General.— Phila¬ delphia liulletin. In connection with Porter we might further add that it would be meet and drink; but to be sure, the navy takes water. —New York Commercial Advertiser. In this issue appeus a new advertisement of the Pk. Hartek Medicine Company, manufacturers cf the ju tly celebrated Iron Tonic, ecdo se t anil recommended ly the medical profession. tonic, t nd especially bility, it Lai for Dyspepsia eqoa', having and (ieneral been thor¬ De¬ no oughly tested and recommended as having virtues which no other tonic ( os esses. It :s certainly a va'uable testimonials remedy, fiom judging from the sat sfaeti ry prom'nent persons it Iris rec.irej .—Cincinnati {Ohio) Chris. Standard. Tite meanest coward in the world Is the man who, with a crowd to back him, resorts to tar and feather. Fob aud dyspepsia, general indigestion, depression of spirits dobilitv, in their various forms ; also as a preventative against fever and aguo aud other intermittent fevers, the “ Ferro Phosphorated Caswell, Hazard Elixir of Now Calisaya,” made by & Co., York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic ; and for patient s recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. Hahthoene is supposed to be derived from the red fruit called haws, and haw from au Anglo-Saxon word meaning hedge. PARCHED and swollen Ups indicate Worms. Shriuer’a Indian Voiuiifnge will destroy and eject the,so detestable creatures from the intestines, thus restoring the child to health and beamy. HENRY’S r.tHBOUr SALVE Is the BEST SALVE for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, fcndall kinds of fckin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples, (let HENRY’S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are counterfeit*. Price 23 cents. g>R. BRKEVM OXYGENATED BITTERS L the beat remedy for Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Malaria, Indigestion and Diseases of the Blood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc. lU’RXO’S CATARRH fiXTFP cur es all affections of the tuucuous membrane of the head ai id threat. DR. MOTT’S LIVER PILLS are the beat Cathartk, Regulators. FROM Maine to Mexico, the fanners speak in praise of the great- medicinal worth of Fout-x’s Horse and Cuttle Powders. They speak from experience. In one hand of a corpse the Lapland¬ ers place some money to pay the fee of the porter at the gate of paradise. WEATHER—OR NOT. W e admire the philosophy ot tho unfortunate man, who, when everything had been Bwept away, said, “ diem’ll be weather and taxes left, at- any rate.” Alas/ weather is thinks the “ yellow it his (log” of all subjects; better everyone the weather, and special his right anathemas to try to against “Old Probabilities,” lmrls regulating and all who endeavor to assist him in the weather. The following communication is from Prof. Tice, of St. Louis, Mo., the renowned meteorologist and weather prophet of the West. It does not discuss the weather hut something suffer surely of more importance to those who with that painful malady he speaks of: “The day alter concluding my lectures at Burlington, & -*k * ^ A ■«: ii JS -a m rfiZi m l 'V f «'Tn,»’tw3..... . m e y l I 1 Iowa, on the 21st of December last. T was seized with a sudden attack of neuralgia in the chest giving breathing. me excruciating My pulae, pain usually and almost p reve 25. n t - ing 80, fell to intense nausea of the stonuu h succeeded, and a cold, clammy sweat covered my sntire body. The lieve attending Alter physician suffering could for do three nothing hours. to re¬ I me. thought—as effect T had been using 8 t. Jacobs Oil with good for rheumatic pain-s—I would try it. I saturated a piece of flannel, large enough to cover my chest, with the Oil, and applied it. The relief was almost instantaneous, in one hour I was taken entirely the train free filUau from appointment pain, and would have to had that night ii>a neighboring town my friends not dis* sanded mo As it was, I look the ui< hr train fot my since. home, iu St. Louis, and have not been troubleqj 1 PAINim IlSil 1 iatUl PATTERNS for SION PAINTING and [.UT¬ TERING. SIXTY STY EES. ail Si/e;, Plain and Ornaniintal, adapted to all kinds of work. T. B. M(CLA IN, Yorkvillf, 8. C. 1 JE.4V.TH FOR ALL - MARTIN’S SPLEEN 1 .1. WEED TONIC Is warranted to cure long Chills and Fever, Ague, Enlarged but Spleen, little etc., make. of For standing. the Purely 'todays vegetable I otter the ; recipe costs and right to to make and sell next in your county ( with recipe for making best Liniment ex¬ tant ; for only 50 cents. $100 can be made with it in your ’ MARTIN, Terrell, Tex., Box 31. • • com lilFLOYBfiSfiT o*u>t°"P htatev/brch preferred; also Buxines* amount wonted per month tor services and expense*. honorable, nef CBanenV, and easily operated. Write us. SLOaVl CO.. 306 George buruet, Cincimuiti, Ohio. FREE loo SIXEt TIONN for Autograph Fun Albums, •irfis. 1 pk 1 pic Transparent Escort Cards, Cards, l pk of Flowers, Pictures, 1 pk Flir¬ tation Cards, Language Chemical Puzzles, and 0 Actiees eight-page 1 Star Puzzle, 2 All an liter¬ al y paper on trial 3 months. the above sent on receipt of 15c. in stamps id cover postage, <kc. Address KENDAL A CO., Boston, Maas. 0 RACKERS | yoa j 3 j ant ^ 8,for ® ar ^* AKES!& —aud - !nht becoming the leading ,,Ar,i4 Bakery 4 - 1 ' ' SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Clover, Timothy, Orchard and Herd Grass Seeds; Extra Ear/v and Marrowfat Peas ; all the new varieties of 8agars and'Field Corn, MAMMOTH W HITE AM* IU-Ol NT*H WHITE PflOUl ir < OR\ FOR felLOtt warranted : ar.d fre^h a and complete assortment Particular of Garden attention 8v-eds, true to name. paid to orders per mail. Bend for catalogue lor 18 * 2 . C. B. ROGER-?, so. 133 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. THRESHERS”! _ M.n.auUi.0. price Zllo*. it H* tkA hm. THE AULT MAN A TAYLOR CO.. *(>C> a *«ci : in your own town. Tnrma and %r, fre*. 4 dd B. Bml%mt 7kCc.. Portland. M* I t JOHNSOITS AMODYKK LIWIBIKJfT will po«itively prevent thie terrible disease, and will posi¬ tive lv cure mine cesee out of ten. Information tha* will save zoany Lives, sent bett4sr free than bv stall. Don't I. S. delay John- a moment. Prevention i* formerly cure. $09 k Co .. Bo#ton, yikM., Bangor, Maine. fr 1 t0 ton per dav at horn*. Samples worth K tree . Iao«, Addxe« k Ce.. Fort Maine Mm ■-• -Jm n f T r £& a tea B3 mJks ffOSTETTEUSE is v- Hi &it7eR s A remedy with inch • l.putetlon i» Hostetler’. Btoinech B,iters deserves A fitir A»W *1*1. If joa »'• dyspeptic your maleiy will eventually to It; If you ere feeble, lick flesh end feel despondent It will both .build and cbe.i you up; if you ere constipated it will relieve, end if bil¬ ious, healthfully Stimulate your liver. Don’t downed, hut make thie eObrttu tlie right direction. for sale hy ell' Drugglste end Dealere eenereHy. WATCHES Catal lieu. Watch free, Co., Addr«ns Pittsburgh, 8tand*r»» Vi Airier lean BS K. DNEY HAS BEgN P ’ffSvEDI i by thousands and liens of thousands all ovei tho country to l © the SUitEST CUHE over disi overed for all KIDNEY DBSEASES. | Does alamo back ordinordercd V THE2T uri.-.o HO 1TOT irull iCttte that you aro a - ’Ictim HESITATE; us® Kid uey-Wort utonco, (every druggist will recn amend it) and It will )poodily overcome the diaeaso and restore healthy action. (tention of Trrino, brick Incontinence or r duBt or ropy deposits .anddull dragsins pains hU speedily yield to its ourativo power. PItICE *1. SOI D BY PBUSOIST3. Ki DNEY* WORT? GUNS JMTofcwS* OfetftlOgM Addf«H OrHt ▼e«t. Ota Work*. !»lU«bnrfh. Pa. Diary Freje^ r ©r«nv 1 Sent table, to with i»ny Audi Calendar, in:pr«/*ac» m receipt of two 'Ftire*** t% X, eif* Hula. CHARLF-H K. HIK> .•4, 4S Del a e A v e.. AGENTS^ S 11 KU 8 HT L $ u ‘ mum Showing up the No Jr York of to-dap. wit 11 fl*. palaces, its crowdt» 1 fhor0ughf.»ri*s, it' i iiKbing elevate ! trains* its < o un tlesH H'g’-it-s* Its romuiwe, its mystery, its dark crimes h iul tci ibh!** trr-i;» J - dies, it; charities, and in fact ev» ry t-imso »>J life In flie great city. Dot ’t waste lime solliu:* slow books, but send for ej rcnltt rs trivinu: full toble of contents, term - to aif uts. <Jfrc. I’ri’SjM f*ctus now rottdy and territory J il great deinaiul. Address B 0 U 6 USS BROS. & PAYNE, Cincinnati, 0 . X>03 ’T FAIL u, MI4( J 3^L etanj'P (°* , ® 0 • , conoplet* Catalogue ut _ AC TV PE, BO RD£ \ ’ NATIONAL TYPt CO., WSX, £ 35 » ^ K SS 33 S’SSSr PA 1 and HaiJd 7Bicipes Books, ” “ tent Patents,” Jret. __ aud ” Hints IftiLL and FACTORY SUPPLY WHBS.tftQN PIPE, FITTINGS. 6 R*S? eooss, STEAiiS GAUGES, IhClH) GOVERNORS, do. Ssoti tor Price I Jet W. Street!. k. WLUflBHAM & CG 143 ftlatw LOUISVILLE, K) $72 A Wkkk. $12 a day at home easily mad',-. Costly Outfit free. < Lddress Tr»/b A Co.. August*. Mo Hk ue n § f&r'pjk VJUjMj Hdi- ia * of NOsSSEShs ; and Bronchial CATAUKII «Je without cularf, r. s. WM. Ce-ntreville, Ind. IP m Hi FnnwM’ fifPf it I III* gnxa ftf-w rtv i BTncrd, r. tA will cat plate ry t M tB'j blCW* ** O «f,hs» uvateca 1s. \ wtL oi-od oao sodr.d pill on ... .g to a m 1 I. h. CONSUMPTION ’-““It Or »)».<• hr I h»re » potltire I the ; it. tue ot of the wor.l kind aud of loo. taSf'SSteSSf iog“be?^th ?SSf5m vJoOABhB TKEAtMK on thla a U. Ekpre.. ai.d P. O addr..a. Irk. T to any .offerer, 0 pj«l Street, Sew York. A. SLOCUM, l*t _ jg j Jultng London Pbysh'lxn m* '“1 York !<ir »l.f «'ur. "«l EFPILEPTIC FITS. From H" 1 - Journal of Medicine. Dr Ab. Msssroli of London), doubt who treated makes and * cured spa «.ite 17 22/1 5 (Vnii#wt llTIk' 'has without ISt; t>,°l.hin«; '.Uiuf nU.h.«C,f phy.iciarj. Hi. BUCCkM a...* 5 .ecc-.fullr cured br him. H. i : r.d oij thi. which h. .eud., 5<£,ir wto <> f hi » wonderful cor., free U, »M VloIl r**‘‘d their «ipr*M »ud poktofBce W. one wiAing John Street, . cur. New lo Turk. .dd,e« LR AB MB"E L8 - So - v ‘ $771 ▲ Outfit P. TEAR O. fra*. Vickery, and Addracc **p**M# Aatnaia, m» •%* if* _ THE OFFJC1AL HISTORY OF THE T.l £«• 2 Msafes'n in hi* ,tt «». msd* Y.d b sanity. Htf *a y. UU.oa.vl people waning for thin AtlEJi'iS W M* 1 Circular*fi««. Extta sr en • jf atiomal Pvbuxhiv Go.. Atlanta, G*. MOORS’S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Atlanta U2 f,al fine of the best loaded practicsl country. Circulars tub DR. SCHENCK’S Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills, When taken as directed, will cleanse the whole system, restore the appetite, make the food digest easily and Kruse it to make new and healthy blood. In this way the system is put in a condition that renders it possible for the lungs It) Uetfi JU Consumption, and in uo other way can this disease be cured. Before anything can be done towards a cuio the stom¬ ach and bowels must be cleansed, so that the food that is taken will digest and make healthy blood. Emaciation or loss of flesh in Consumption, is always caused by a lack of nourishment, and nourishment can only oomo from well digested food. To attempt to stop acoiig.i when the lungs are diseased is always dangeron.-. To try to stop night sweats without building up tlie general system by well digested food is useless, and in many eases the medicines given to relieve these symi/ toms are the cause of death. CONSUMPTION Is inherited, or it may be brought ou by Dyspepsia or a diseased and inactive liver. In either case it is usually developed by a heavy cold settling on the lungs. If you IU6 liable to the disease from auy of the causes we have mentioned, write your name and address plainly on a postal card ami mail it to us. Wo will send you FREE, POST PAH), A copy of Dr. Schenck’a Book ou Diseases of the Lungs, ibeir Causes, Prevention and Cure. This bod'i is the result of many years’ experience, and gives a full de¬ scription of the disease iu all its various forms, Addi'es. DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, Philadelphia. Pa. DR. SCHENCKS MANDRAKE PILLS Donor produce Hickuess at tlie stomach, nausea or grip aig. On theeontraiy, they are so mild and agreeable iu their action that a person auifenng with a.sick headache, lour stomach or pain in the bowels, is speedily relieved •f these distressing symptoms. They set directly on the liver, the organ which, when in a healthy condition, purifies tlie blood for the whole body. They are n perfect preparation of that great and well known remedy, Mandrake or Podophyllin, a remedy that has displaced the me of mercury, as well as many other poisonous drugs, iu the practice of every intelligent physician. prof. John King, of the College of Medicine, of Cincin¬ nati, says: “In Constipation it ads upon the b"Woh without disposing them to subsequent costivemns. In Chronic Liver Complaint there is not its equal in tlie whole range of modiciues, being vastly more useful ilnin mercurial agents, arousing the liver to healthy action, increasing the flow of bile, and keeping up these actions longer than any other agent with which we are ac¬ quainted.’’ (See American Dispensatory, page 720.) In all cases of Liver Complaint or Dyspepsia, when there is great weakness or debility, I>i\ fikdienek's Keaweed Toulc should be used in connection with these Pills. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION CURED. Da. Sou buck: Dear Sir: In the autumn of 1877 I hud « flf'vcr#* witn teiiiblo pain In my ai<lcHnii'1 bc*iwG»»n my “IwuMimh. I had vt-ry 1 tit 1 c nppotiti-, and what litth* I oould «*»t only diRlv«iM»tt4 m<*. I Iwol <"iidiilt.’d iihyMiciana, llw who dilloi <-iod mil my i‘omj/Ii • au¬ dition wan a voi y out* ami jjavi* mo » ynipH and tonicn, from which I received no bwnelii, l-ui deemed io grow worse and kept Inning tii'-'li and dtrenglh. I hud night swenl-H, and HWeat mo»t of tho Mine Dill during the* day. I coughed and rained him id un<] a (.It foamy phlegm; my tluiiai wuh Ailed with ule< •I’d, 1 could hardly swallow; Hometimea I could not Blitj •:tk a loud word for weeks; my lungs grow more jhi IlfUl every day with dllllcult breathing, while pleunny painn ajinont stop my breath, i had colic pain#, «our dtumuch and vou’iTfm^r np Hf5f'Vrft/nu hftlfT" tWVfflV 1 filled with pAiu. I could not lie down, but had tu u*> line 1 in a Hitting posture to br I'M I in*. 1 gave tin mid did not till nU of evei Kotiiutf anklei u j» aga in, an it wuh hard moving inyaelf; my feet uni bey Han to iwell badly, and my hips had given out long he fore. In this funking condition, 1 thought I would try your remedy for consumption : it might do me could Horne good; it could do me no mu m, for I wa# certain I not live u month longer the way I wan. At that time, May. 1878. I pro cured 5X n F dinoaic flyrup, Seaweed Tonic and Filin, a md t theirs sim di reeled. In a week I was better and began to throw off from th* lungs a green in li yellow muitei* streakod with blood. without throwing Jcoiild cut a little it up, the puitiH In my Hides were not so severe, I could Hlsep un hour very soundly, and that was What I hud not done for tinee mouth". medicine" Hteudllv nix month", cough 1 took your bad nights, my got better, 1 did not sweat ho at kef>t earning •lowly, and in a year after I began your medicines I oould gar J felt well. I began to gain fle»h, and potimL, I ant September fifteen weighed one hundred and thirty-five life. pounds more than I ever medicines, weighed I before know, m sated my life; and f would Your my way, from my own experience, to all corisumptiveN, fake Dr. Hchenck’s medicines, for they will certainly cure I hod Consumption, it is hereditary in our family, ruy father and two brothers having died of it. I have had belter health the winter than for ten 1 years r previous. Tours Respectfully, MRS. 8AUA II CARTER. A. Cahbi*lic, Mash., April 3th, 1880. From Springfield, Mass. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED! Dn. J. II. Hchknck : Dear Hir: A hot: jt sixteen years h^o, While living in Canada, my health i became very poor. My «iisea»e came on gran i.ihI Iy, hnuin i, loss of appetite and atter wauls great whikii Ilf Oil Mi y!if sw<-!ifs and k m hackiue coii“li. cliehi and hierk f vc i v weak, SOI « that I could not heal my vein lit Against the hack of a chair. At difh-r'-nt times I raised considerable blood, which m v physician said came from the liings I employed sevi-ral doctors, hut they ntt*-<;tedj all told me the same thing that my limy-' wore badly c.ould live hut and the Rust one that I had al.u said tfiut I a short time, and that I had better go to my mother’s home in Winstead, <:t., -non as f could,,.that with iny I might live for some time, h'-n I ‘jot my motliei’s I was very low indeed, ho that my her sent for her doctor, ii*- pronomued med.Hm* me which beyond lie all help. He, howevei, left me -me said would relieve my \v<ust sytnptoms. Atb-r this, my mother employed nnVthi-s doctor, who ssid that om ■ m y jo tigs was nearly I xpeeled ate scat to sp v<-ra I mouths, ami day, u 1 frlpmi wl»o 1 1 vps ollinsville, Ct., gat 11 fitthPf " one of y • u r put Cofisumptiou. and - broiiL'ht it home md t-old me t ivet it See of trie r.-es described in it ke mine. I r id the book t onuU, ami found no man caHPs describ* •i there that se< med as hud as mine, that were cured hat I began to hope that I too might 1 peovpr by using t tried* inne*. My f thio , finding that they were not kept In hi Winste-'id, sent o New York fli.d got night a supply. ceased, o»« week nil ei I - t-gfiu their use, my sweats and ii ny appetite L-gitn to improve. Iu two weeks after this i I was much better in everyway; I commenced to use the medicines in March; in July i felt quite s' in two months more I was well, and I have h <d gooo braltb evei since. I believe that I would not be alive o-day but for the use of your medicines, and sli the doctors I had said mv disease was Consumption, and that I was incurable. Yours Trul“ IT. PLUMMER, MRS. C HA8. W. April 29th, 1881. 274 Main bt. Springfield, Mass. Da. J. H. Bchkjic*, Philadelphia, Pa. Dear Sir: f ing one of yf*ur agents distributing reminded your of bonks in this village a few flays sgo, that has I kuowl- me the past, and has made me feel ought to edge with gratitude the benefit I once received from your medicines. and when I wo* a soldier in the f rmy from 1862 to 1866. mustered out « n a cripf inpie-1 state, having had during my service, scurvy and cam p fever, which, with the nri* laria of the swamps in which much of our I operations attack were s*rri ied tin, left me disc d ail over. was with enrome diarrhoea and a slant, hacking cough, I My whole nervous «y nleui w;ii com pletely prostrated. In looking w-.h apparently a K fast a approach find ng something tfie grave. advertised that aver c newhpapci a to j A comlrinafion of JVo- 5S I I toxirie of I ron , Peruvians I I ilar/cauff PhoaphOTum^k 7, I )n anlff palatable form. The ’A j I \ / • that teeth, prepa will rhareterititic not ra Hart blacken of iron the \other iron so reparations, of practices ■ p GENTLEMEN: I have in i/jedleine, us« d I»rt. HabTer'b have Iron found Tonic anything in my give the results and In that an Dli. experience U ARTER’8 oF IrOMTosk; « twenty-five years In of Nervous never Prostration, Female Ut Diseases, Dyspepsia, and im does. loany eases rvous in hands, made an poverlshed condltlori of the blo<»d, this peerless peerle remedy, has my yielded some wonderful ct ures. Cases that have baffled some of our most ?t emi eminent physicians, have to this great and in compar able remedy. 1 prescribe it in preference to anv iron preparation made. BOBERT In fact, such a compound a b Dk. liARTLit ij Ikon Tonic 8t. js Lot a necessity Mo.. in*my N^>v. 26th, praj:tice. DR. 3104 SAMVELS, Wash iw, 1881 . Avenue ft ffives color to tke hloo<l, ) natural digestive healthful tone and to / the organ* nervous system, (Ieneral making it applieafde to JlebUity, lAt** of Appe¬ Vital tite, Prostration of Powers and Jmnotence. MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N, MAIN ST„ ST. LOU 13 would do me stood, r found the ad vert Isom ent of JO'IX medicines. Though l had hut little faith, f bon fV, t the ‘bund 3yrnp that and what Tonic, you and .“•aid commenced of your medicines their use was true •mon (on , sough they worked gradually an entire leas revolution until disappeared in my system—tn altogether,, f grew it is also did my diarrhoea and other alarming -yEn. torn9> md I was entirely cured. T shall alwa hold in qt'rtlelul remembrance Pinloof two .hin igs; The “Cooper M»op” Free Refreshment 'or Holdlern, Philadelphia. of Philadelphia, I believe and Dr. the $clienck’s tnediciuett Modi ■ ' l ; i t-s, of ny life, ns I have stated. Pardon the Inle acknowledg’d* nent of'tin* great benefit I have received from you. Your obedient servant, JOE I, S. s*TKVEN T * Kith Regiment Maine Volunteer*, Fi&ukliti Army of the Potomac. Mas. Present Residence, Orange, Oo., May 28tb, 1881. DR. SCHENCKS MEDICINES: MANDRAKE PILLS, SEAWEED TONIC, .ndPULMONIC SYRUP Are sold by all Druggists, and lull directions for their is# ue printed on the wrappers of every package. i 38 . LYDIA E. PlNKKAM. OF im MISS.. i: Lii;... S’ \ ■r V ■JT P / /0iru zS *4* . . C ) /X Woman can Sympathize with Woman. LYDIA E. I VEGETABLE O Tm ft Positive Core ir----- ~ 1 for nil lh«M- r, «<"' XV>nki»vM*« vicumriun to our bunt feniMlc popnlutlon. .twill - lire lolircly tho wurrt fnrm of 1’ iinl« Com lilRlnte. -.11 oVM-ian troubles. Inllanimutlon and 171 or* tlnn, I dlrn* anil niio1a«-. li.ent». and the cnnwr.n <mt Spinal Weakness, and ia particularly adapted to th« Change of Idle. II will dissolve anil expeltiimorn from tho uteoia In an early Bti.go of Tho wnuoncy to on i eeroua liumoratherols elu i ked very spreillly by Its ota H removes falntm-ra, flntulei" y, oestroyaall <• laving for atlnmlants, and relieve,, weakness of tho stomach. It euros Bloating, Iteadn-hos, Nervous Frostratlon. Oenoral Doblltty, Slocplcasnoss, Deprosslon and ludl That feeling of bearing down, cauning pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by tte use. It will at all times end under all circumstance* act In harmony with tho laws thntrovern tho foirmlo system. For the euro of Kidney Con, plaints of either sex tide Compound Is unsurpassed. VEGETABLE COM LYDIA K. PINKIIVM’S I'OUNDIs prepared at 2113 and 23.', Western Aveuuo, Lyon, Maas. Price *t. Hlihottl-ifor*,. Sent by moll In toe form of pills, also In the form of lowngea, oo receipt of price. SI per box for either. Mrs. Plnkliam freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for panipls let. Address as above. Mention Ihit 1’aprr. No family should l>e without LYDIA E. PINKIIAM * UVEIt FILLS. They cure couatlpotion, blliouane*^ oud torpidity of the liver. 26 cent* per box. sold l»y all OrngglNti. (jSRAPE TINES! | othwr 11*0*11 Kinds of Kmatl Emit, Plant* I Hi. If. MJIIKOItfclt., Bluoirsiiifitn,). lit ------- . ul One Dollar A r3D*A.n. Tf* Bm« #l#ry la fh* WmI AK MTaiitM 9t orFatl and ohofcaif i#iact»d randtnc atiktUr, priiit«4 apon urg*. plain tjp* U«u«d and mail«<t vt %ny adding* l«r kbo Uulfu-d pott+gn p«Jd, f«tf Oar Dolldrn Y' *r, Ri«r; n*» anbanrlbar (iiit traaaiiua. Band for aampl* /.LlltiEH, copy Addraaa CMU AftO Ckl•** !©. ill, __ mBsszs&mmmmmmm CONSUMPTION CAN HE CUBED! DR. TiP i”. »t KMLSAM I'lli’cs Coi Miiiuuttin ( ofd». I*m miMioi.i, •i ti I . ! 5 It" tu I’ll 7,0, lii'ilIK’lliill DdHcil it il-K. lx* . Irii«» MeucHM. ail Arf Inna, T. lioGidtig 'ouult. at nil mr<>> of i ii SV- lit Oft a Ring JIH. If HHOfll''* a lid IlCilUl M «• itst*i ii no ill' IL fhe I.HfiuM, |tifLii»i«-(l fiiifl i»i> iMitiic«f hy III* li>*< fl III! III’CTI litH flic II i u It I >,\\ • ,i I •* ii ml iixhf twin lie rn »s-« lilt- rlicsf (sti'li {••TfiMiii.t it y ». f 'ohm umpi til tot’ • •if ft .tu Ificif ra fall* • fatly, HVl.J/S v n \» ill a’lii'c (tu even I al l l';i!h. i mm ENGINES, Boilers & Machinery CHEAP ! Hecon4-ha»d and new. fiand for circular to BMITU A MeINTYRK, Tldiouta, Pa P. O. Box 765 O PfiUM By ». U. WOOLLEV, At¬ d«nc« lanta, (ia. Rrlmbtp «vt ilun, k reference* j HABIT |»onr«9pallADtaand tciaii".»S*nd for book 1 CURE. ?Th* n .7 on Habit k iuCuta. Fi«♦ 1 j truth /'grass 1 . ... .*1 w.,»r# I«i • Iw. *r Wi «•» »tkfc a**./ \V*V -'-7 •, ' m- 1 f.-rtet* •>' ... nr O-.n L*;J fc» mil* . .«Ufcl’.y *-<’ 1 ^ » 'jtf i a..' -.4 ii «**• "nr* *’•■* >*••• " .A . / >■» r.44,, m »li j »** Mmi i tl 0+*~n. Him •'St> BEST sn THE WORLD 1 liallvered on Trial, FREE OFCHAUGitf WIIiSOlT’S OSCILld^TIlTG’ Shuttle Sewing Machine I BUY NO OTHER! LASTS A LIFE TIME. Warranted 5 Years, SEND FOR CIRCULAR “Ii. 1 * AGENTS WANTED in Unoccupied Territory, Addr.Hk WILSON SEYVINCJ MAt TIINECOk 255 Si 257 Wkbkkh Are., Chicago. Publishers* Union, Atlq^a, Oa. Eight.—’fig. dfiXin 7ft 1 * A idlingar: MONTK-IGENTS u-JcsTn the WANTED-DO world; lsampk be»« frm. Address «Iuy Brou»on. Detroit, Miott- :4me 1i womah Is the Hone of m:- Race.