Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, February 25, 1882, Image 8
The Democrat. 1 h-n Wf*#kh Vft tn I hi Live Issues her T* 11 ' ay Morning, , ! lie, i *a. FT Yolif"' I <V. FdilOrS & Protrs. 1 RATES i)E HVhsVHirxrOX: -r ‘ f'opy, ( . . no r iagle Coin, ( ! ; 7n V a) , . no liberal. ]>,()< i K a nd .!< »i> ■ •'.•iall * Prices . i >. AM v \< i:. I i’- 1 i «n of onr fact that our torais arc xti id i • !i hi advance. The j * qf“r ('(lO a ■ a dollar arid a half • ar, #i.<! > think is well worth the j j lice a-kri.l |il' w lio do not pay up In j adva • w ivc the paper. Those j in aniiii J on hi square up ' fe**r ; i i i l l t.i I OT.dl I U I. *• ‘1 OFFl< K HOI’H 8 . (• 7 G a m,, ('Joh(* at 6:00 r. M. ' I>\Y f: j - ' Dili'; ■ till H a. m., and from l; j I 2 . HROUGH THE CITY. ...i.>- <,i i*n)uiini interest I'iHifii ifp ilfi'c anil There J{y iltmonal Xewts i i * Nil. I- ! |H* lilt ju( f'uUho'! a new •mill, pi , iod thing. )■: ’h.” I j•,, I!,,. ,.x.-fiimt d.'iit U". wo.K ... i i in f.ranfordiillc. ’ 'I i'.» imindml has been putting tip some Itoi -nu k e for cfcul vyih Ic. M Stella If 11 1(1 1 •,i, who has been itt • •liool at ( 1 uigton, ban returned * IHii I- ;irnif*r, who lias hccii fjuitii | ■D or OrilR f XT. \S’( ■ an* glnd to stale*, l> -- ‘I j s It i b )i I) > j i'!» ,i it (j dn: 1 - -to (,ret jo «l»or Mondny on a r .'kkr. M 11 by, of {iia city. M r. i • Kai in or, form.*r!y <»f / 'ia'.v fiinlv ill. . oil now «'s resident of I?<» nycr ■, I 11 I I riendrt he re. " K K. \. Jrtitling so rumor nays, »iil 1 ;d> rlly 1 is ■ t :i liio* residence licnr Mt • 'V -I N orb ill's, ( 'aldhct. slioji, - A ii adyi r ' ■ »• *111 in anoth- r column SiiV .8 tliuit M; dohn W 11 ison b:i money I to loan G» fanners on iipproyed M'onrify. • ' M r. i Imrb Berg I roiii bus been nial; i mg :>< ic iiHprovciiient on IiKUul struct in : front r h i -1,>i • • und the Diiuocrt.iT olTice- I The niuu 1 : ;,i t ho depot which hus ! cn n hit Mice has lu cii fifiled >c. II i; icily in a passabU* cotidl* , . Hilly Giiiiu i I,, build an elegant I r iidei W. A. I •'"-'"'-•n, II : V. . • a* one I'd I In* fin,-.-.t bnihlin fold villo. I Monroe i • ■rlmin, so it Is told IH, ran | tnvr )in«* valnaldc inforinntion to farmc I'M | Uc has a roinody l, » be fells us, l»y which j KilduUl can be prevented. * * vii Interview on Hie poliUeiiJ situation, the «;**a lit ion nioveiuenls, etc., which we .vitH(:,ilouel Lewis Hawkins, wus'hn ft A ddab’y erou SlD*. The Ideas I advftix e 1 bv V j]® 4 ? shrewd a'iUt. I meet with the approvu t v^f nil pa 11 i We will attempt to [u nit it rext Wtelc. visits . remind me of the growth m| a siuve ■ lul newspaper,”said I Hide J a be/ leaning his cliin«m his oe and glancing on William Henry, v\ i is sweet iin Angelica. • 'Vn) i<iuiit'd William Ilcnry. -Well ■oinintMiced as a weekly, grew (ii be a ti i wet k 1 v, and have now been mu daily \\ i* ll a Sunday stipple liient ." “Yi -.nd II illiatn Henry,bracing, i ‘hind after u aii married we will issue ! an extra '•SI I ,'' Angelic and then * 1 1 s:i ?( . ! t.liey went :vnl for a s! roll GPEGIAL | LOCALS' ’ inf. th" iiure-i and best nt Dr Smiths. ii. - It you 1 jx'tuf p. ; utv* taken cal )! I limit IIK. I Pictures! Piet arcs! 1 ! Itrowne — Toys, toys, toys nt Dr. Smith. —Have the baby's pictures made. - I .a nips ami lamj I) , teres at Dr. Smith —('bee die cheese at Dr. Smiths, Pleiitj "f nii gomls at bsid time pri- j 1 i* ecs at t\ A, Davi- .V-Uo.'tirih'pesbori). •n orv , perfumery, porfuinery at I D) sAllt M"\ V. and \*e tbe finest and best «u >r, Smiths, >’ *tcut luetUviiU'at Dr. Smiths. . Browne, t-hu photographer, is lo ' <1 l K. Bristow’s slort*. Old pup4»r> the wry thinu for wrap i ng impt'r. touts per hundred at this of —“O. I* M.” cigar ’ est. 11. S. ■7. 5 (til l an *m one piart ?• r 1 l*r. Smit — '' mneil good- in endless variety at Dr, U8, —Plenty nfiietv spring prints and other, seasonable good) at 1 Davis A. Co.. iree.i' »oro. -It r Itrowne, will tv> in <'i i\vf>>r Iville , 1 or tlu'.'e we >!; m skin' IM ito gotpllS - n 1 Ferro* vu >1 (! i n * it j o o r ou wilt - iis tlm *; )lite:i op.) irnutjty. —Lai'.iltvtli. gar tea seed for sale ceil! by (’ Davi-A l'o . (.reeuesiioW Tell size papers for five cents, 1 !»Out,” tbe '.i '-t tobacco ill town nt D 7. ~ Spin •. If you »ke thos \l I. hum tr«) which !U*id i'c a it* hound s«k School h<HA^ >, SChOOi 7\i Dv Smiths liiiiji StoiVs . KM 1 (\ \ .Davis vV teo ,of (Dvciiost poet to send a ?G*\s ;id\A i t isumcil lor our 1 , and a gi'tioral line of ;g<a> \l md Baltimore custom *s, for spriuj: and sum* t < ’Cl • and an <' A KlJ Firm** at ' \ l>p. A < New York ;U tl*. 4 l C ^ NH* > —C'.A. Davis & Co-, Greenesboro, expect very fine lines of boys, young men, and I gents, spring clothing, selected personally ami carefully, to bring bv or before first of April, I —Full line of Ferry's Garden seed at Dr. Smith's Drug Store. — A sane man does not burn bis Insti ™n<i' policy, and then set lire to his house, as a m<*aa& do sensible or providing for hin family ^ neither people pay prices for #oo(T.‘i, ulren once they find out about Hie low tiifures of e . A.Davls&Co.^recnes* I.tore. ■ — ( 'onfcidionarii’, of ail kinds at f)r Smiths. natr Di;- a.l H wlio S: desire Saiitli st. i • prepared to vanci Dr. —Prescriptions Smiths. c tr. fully compounded at — ^Hoilpy tO f iOllll. Patties wishing to borrow money on real estate for five years will do well to call oh the undersigned. If the securi ty is all- right , there will be no diffleul ty in obtaining the money, * J. W. lfiXON, (Ta vv ford vi lie, Ga,, -- on ---- JAMES B. BARIC, i Bifeb.’25 4vv . Greenesboro, Ga. iiON M> ii,: ! ; 1 ; ,1 *&. I|<! , i*.-ro !,lk’bn ViMd'avof , eojuip. -m ; i March for Commissioners ow in-iii:.,;-; „) thr /Mr,I of County for said county to fill the vacancy, caused by the resignation of Hon. E. I Anderson, one of the former Il.iard of Comiiii.-isioiien This Febru try Pith, DM. Attest, V. A. llBA'/.l.i'.Y, Clerk, ufl , b . s ; i ,e' tP ' Jl-SIOil Oil, ST.)VB « (>nly n )s< 11 *t(■ 1 y safe w i, six VE In U.i Veld. i i |'ge..ig : 4 A tk uJ . y CTBB WB 1 () : SA.Ls; BY Ste.yii*t & ilidirU ’ SKJN’ OF THE MIG DOGS, V (it) wlii I chiiU Strep I*, ATI ANTA, (iA. Special Mot ho. Having disposed of the the Dkmo ,. RVT t „ m.^sis. Young X Co., they are authorized to collect and receipt ,*,„. a) | subscript ions and ailvertise humUs duo to The DiCMoni VT. M. /. ANDREWS. l’.VKN'IMi NdTVS. -:o; f as. L.Go w, l B>hn M \\ rroi.r, s Proprietors B doom , . :o: The Pitmeer Evening Paper of Georgia. INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS Qntramelled and Uninstructed NOT THE Olid A OOMHIN x'oE AT OUQUE HI NO OH AVION. Our Capital : experience. our Motto : Progress. Our llcw ant : Success Tho Augusta (Ga.) Evening News has the largest circulation of any Daily Oliver- Paper ever Issued in Augusta, and as an Using medium is unsurpassed. furnished applica¬ Advertising rates on tion. RATES OF srnsoril’TUiN. DAILY WEEKLY—1 “ “ ii I Months, Year. ti Months, Year. I I i tffi O t Z'i’siZ 101 ^ V •s THE GREAT. A- 1 *i'i* 3 * ■j: x tfl Symptom? ■ 4P , wor<o at ci'ht;> ’IL-fcvk'Ut tU-rcctUiiv, th g L A* a t Yn t. *. s . tH* A. te c 8* rv * t i j J | j j - I ! THE ClMPAIGlV OF 1883. I j THE NEW YEAl finds us ready for our customers. We realize the scar city of money, and are?’ termined to help our patrons all we can by keeping prices very low. Our itock of seasonable Goods (suitable for the demands of : January, Febrnaiy am March will be found very full. Haimans Iron Foot j Plow Stock complete 4.75. Iron Foot Plows assorted kinds $1.75. Plow Points and Shapes at liiver prices than ever. Sweedes Iron and Plowsteel all salable sizes. Nail Rol Refined Iron Small Irons assorted. S. W. Collins’ Gen u j ne ^ xe oo c t s . e hire both new style and old style Collins axe at 90cts A. : _ > tv ' li^t-class axe assorted weights 75cts. Back Bands and Bick Links, Band Hooks, Heol Bolts, Plow Rods, Clevisses, Foot ; Slides, Lap Rings and Single Trees, Single Tree Irons, Haines, Good Plow Traces r>0cts. perpair. Sugars just reduced in price. Coffee at close fig res, Molasses and Syrip cheap. Car loads of Rust Proof and Feed Oats, Corn, i Meat, Bran, Flour, Salt, Tobacco, Nails. Our prices will be found remarkably low for the. above. C. A. DAVIS & CO., Greenesboro, Ga. t Our patrons will Id pleased with our lines of seasonable Dry Goods, No Hons and Fancy Goods! (jjfko We have just received another large shipment of those I*opuIa.r remnants of at 4$cts. -per yard. Jeans at 10, 12L 15 and 25c ts. per yard. In every fbyig prices to accord with the hard tunes. m C. A. DAVI8 A GO. I Greeuesboro’, G N I t ENGLAND, JELKS & TAPP AN ‘A i Commission Merchants, ■Wholesale) mrs L PEACHTREE ST., ATLANTA, GA., ---: o :— KINDLY inform the nn n hunts of Taliaferro and adjoining counties that they have constantly on hand a ful i line of assorted' Fancy •» Groceries and Provisions, * Flour, Meal, Bacois, Lard. T1 IKY offer at tin* Lowest Market Prices. 1 F, b t, ’82 ty. .1 A1LT E & SONS. ■ i — DKALKIl IN — Oil Goths, Window Curtains and Shades -ALSO-— Wall raptTS and Harders 713 BROAD STREET T JAM OLD ESC. STAND » AII 4 F | SONS. I AUGUSTA, GA. t b.25, 'Sl.j-y. •■Bzrvi mans* ■■ r.awn *adju^iammm RHODES GORHAM --Manufacturers of Buggies, W igons ami Farm Implements, CRAWFORDVILLE, GEORGIA. We bej to inform the pu die that we keep^const mtly on hand a full line of Harness, puggies ami Wagons, which we are offerring at tl e Lowest Living Prices. We use only GOOD MA TERIAL in the Mannfacti rer of our JFagons and can warrant them. Wagons a|ad Buggies Repaired ? on short notice, and in the most workmanlike manner, Orders from a distanec received, prompt attention. J RHODES & GORHAM, 1 i 10feb.l8,’82,tf. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. 1 . 1 — Diphtheria eol'l or sore ttiroat may not soeru to amount to much; 'o j,* *ihe pi'om'pt use it lots ixrainab ■ r< >m« •“ has • ,T .... ... ps'irf v .•.Avis’ l* VIA' KlT.l.T.U U not 21 txpcTinirut. .. i- i is t>« t voiunU'jr.'kestimo'-V’.’.s u’i't' forifCrtr years, nvd ,.s' t ! itovs: ’* '"- u 1 r '- *' " •' ,, m ■ ; . 1 * '..ora r aa , hv'V.sch<^<i IY f r f r v v> >, , 4ajr-cr*r: — I c—>~' it v f - tort r -.1 T Kil* ur. U ty ti r T'>.D K . .. cl '. -.. I K’VPI;,.,.; it— -A CM V . c ;j r t*'s’ *;'.* • . - \ j a cure.— 1 \.t f •-* v: ycr-r ) 0,T V p,, . - » • 0. i* ,bo l*rt Dcdchsrucl J ) . . ■ ' r -», r. l red.- —Cxi-v* XT' . i.- i.. ill _ f 1 ’v v Uh t r-rsMt*. railrr ' «■ u cviv'Y t v * V : 4 - . icw ■ *s T > 1 : VvSUi* i v i a • Yi r.r Tain -tei t Ar :.t Vo •It rtM v ■: ; Lv « ; ’ TW'*v it t ;• K \ a •-*'* }Y*I I 5 DV t u r> vrast | f •1 fever, and I y " a died Low 1 \ tried. . J SJ ii a p&fEKzen, iud >our v«xn -Yi _ t**ken li-j c rrs I V N * his t .1 rvLir, b I vri COT children. i l j-.—iiy " Vi y*te " ■ -"V:-. X t v.tiusr.u AUi ' i isvs F-li: at 'i»c.,ooc..ii-d titK- r F’rcvtdence, . n.a.e. !» FERRY UaVIS & SOM, Proprietors, J. A. KENDRICK, Sharon, 0 Georgia. THE BOSS PLACE ! THE BOSS STORE i THE BOSS.GOODS. BOOTS. SHOES ! BOOTS. SHOES ! IN ENDLESS VARIETY. DRY GOODS! DRYiGQODS! NO OLD STOCK. EVERYTHING NEW. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains ! To my patrons I will call attention to the fact that I am receiving new goods everyday* Groceries, Meats, Dry Goods, Boot', Clothing. If yoii want anything from a hairpin to a car-load of mean and at the the low¬ est living rates go to 1%. 4 Kendrick’s, . SHARON, GEORGIA MERSHON & FLYNT, zj-i J] flFOH Georgia. O ’ HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Orv Cwoods, CSroceries, AND FARM PROVISIONS, VA-idi they offer to the trade at the Lowest Market Rates, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING and everything kept in a FIRST CLASS STORE. To tliv i ■ re of Taliaferro we would state that we are seIJing at the verjr Lowest Prices. C A L L A N D SEE US, jMOeiroSsLOXA Flynt, « 5Feb.ll,’82,ly. SHARON, GA. George M. Lombard & o . . FOREST CITY FOUNDY A AD MACHINE WORKS, Near the Water Tower, 1014 to I02G Fenwick St., Augusta Ga SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, CASE Mt’t.t.k UwTvfc.SAX- PLANTATION I and Boilers, Cotton MACHINERY. Screws. Shaftings, Engines Pul¬ fcTTQ 4 , tT* i-r-' - -v- 4 IW'^ •niW i'" leys, Hangers, Journal -- Boxes, Mill 1 Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing, 0 Jtulson’s Governors, Disston’s Circular Gearing, and Saws Glimmers and Files, Belting and Babbitt I won Metal and Brass Fitting Globe and Check Valves, Whistles, Gunites, &c„ Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs and Til | jectors. REPAIRING promptly done at Lowest prices. We cast i greatly increased capacity with latest every day both Iron and Grass, having our improved j tools We air: running full time witli 100 hands, which enables ns to till or ! ders promptly at lowt st uriees. Give us a trial 1 efore sending elesewhere. Agents for'Goorgla and South Carolina for ROUTING'S. UNIVERSAL IN¬ JECTOR, the best boiler feeder out. Winks with one lever. Will work warm or cold water, and will lift water. Warren ted to give satisfaction Send for circulars before you buy any other. They are better than a pump. July 15,’81-j-y. A. O. M.GAY & CO. Clotlilers HATTERS ASD JURMSHE..S 37 Peachtree st., Atlanta, Ga, HEADQUARTERS FOR Style and Elegance IN clothing and Hats. The WHITE Sewing Machine. The Ladies Favorite! Because it is the Lightest Running the most quiet; makes the prettiest stitch ; ' * . other and lias more conveniences than any Machine. It is warranted five years and is tbe easi : ■•t M est to sell, and gives the best satisfaction m -1 the market. -Dt. of any machine on •• Intending purchasers are solicited'to ex MM amine it before buying. Responsible "deal ers wanted in all unoccupied territory. J. 15. A T. F. 85IITH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 59. BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 59 For Sale bv Mrs. D. A. Williams, Crawfordville, Ga. t.2,‘81.-At.