Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, March 17, 1882, Image 1

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    a Ph > A o Ph G >** K DEMOCRAT.
By Edward Young & Co.
DrSéA ' Elchm'mde ' .. fifim‘fimmfizrmam ' ff: méfiRVINE 7 , 2
<:=_ 312—39: 7-»: Hr: 32,": 3 ¥: :1; r72: 1, ~ 4 —‘-'-—« : 71.. ,~ :52; ”‘15”: JIF'T‘. n??.?f: :zu- sec 71:34 msr—t <12: mama
Cure mv little girl of fits. She was
also deaf and dumb, but it cured her.
She can now talk and hear as well as
anybody. Peter Ross, Springwater,
lias been the weans of curing
wife of rheumatism, J. B.
er, Fort Collins, Col. NERVINE
awure cure of a case of fits for
ST*! Ralls,
SR.OOO me of with AstlunijLafter oW/*f' doctors.
Ilohwv New/kit- Ind.
me of
Jennie Warren 740 West
n St, Chive go, JU.
Cured our child of fi'.- r given
to.die by our fa mil - : be-.. : n;i,
having over 100 m 24 •
Knee, Vc.rvilla. Warn” . Co..
Cured mo of sir>.v . uiiering
for eight Years. .Pari Simnson
DAM A1.P1 - S ling) f
ffl\ - i •. > t
400 W: O’
SAklAPi ;
n n
2 .r;oo in • us
E. F
me - nine years
permanently era -d me of epilep
of many yerrs iTirmA-n. J
St. .Joseph, Me.
8AMARLT-.N nervine
mo of l-.ronehitis, dii asthma
bebihty. ver Myers,
bouton, Ohio,
cured mi of A ana; also scrof-*
of many y ears A .nclin-r. lsau
Oovincton, Kv.
me of fits. Have been well lit
over four years. CharlesE Ou
Osakls. Douglass Co.,Minn
a friend of mine who had
very badly. Michael O'Con¬
Bidgway. SAjfAfiiTAN I’a.
pennaiu-utly cuivu u ■ of epilep
fits. David i’rembly, Des
my wife, of epilepsy of 33
Henry Clark, Fairiieid,
my wife of a nervous disease
the head. E. Graham,
mv so., of fits. He has not‘
a fit for about four years. John
Woodbnin, Macoupin Co.,
may ini had direct from us. For
information inclose stamp
our Illustrated Journal giving
of cures. Address.
World’s Epileptic Institute,
St. Joseph, M >
lLo&ii ;
Money to '
borrow 1
Paities wishing to will money veil on to ,
real estate for five years ■!“
enll on the undersigned. If Gie securi¬
ty is nil right, theie will Vie no cHfileui
ty in obtaining the money,
Crawfordv ille, Gil.,
Greenesboro, Ga.
13feb.25-4w !
Only absolutely safe 1 |
In tlie Yvm-ld.
5— :
X % n:,v *0
J? * x - -
f 1
Ji 1 \ i. A*’W MM '1 m ^ »M IMBM Mr
* J. 9 ’£ J • ■
It contains tl.- n
event-fi’ ,ssa
Surgi fuller? olise
yuies, etc. The best chance of youi ife to
make mot f*V Ltewai of '‘catclir nny
im : tafcions. 'Tiiis Jli iti - am!
fully ills rated life of m
to Agents. National I’cblishing Co.,
Address, Atlanta, Georgia.
~.._w .__._...-~._-.__..;.-.____:;, 3;, m_,,,,_'1 :7;:f;jgf v - ~ ‘ ' ' Ex ’ H .:
Dr-S - » 7 ~ '- »-1-- ~ 7—7 m r-m- ,1 -r~~»—u—77~—A---—-—~~-A———v~——~——~—-u_a
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GEORGIA— 1 Taliaferro County.
_y,V AYTHEREAS John W. Ellington Admin
istrator on the Estate of Tyre. G.
ss™!™ These therefore
from said Estate. are to
cite and admonish all persons esneerned
to show cause if any they can on or by the
first Monday in April next why said letters
should Given not under be granted. hand and official signa¬
ture. This January 2, 1882.
Charles A. Beazley,
Ordinary, T. C.
Jan. 7,-td.
rrHIERE will be an election held at the
respective election Precincts in Talia
tVrro county,on Tuesday 21st the day Board of March
lor one member, of of
County Commissioners for said county to
dll the vacancy, Anderson, caused by the resignation
of Hon. E. I one of the former
Board of Oominissioners This February
16th, 1882. C. A. Beazlev, Clerk,
Ufebt8’S2 tr
T) Y VIRTUE of an order from tbe court
' 3 of Ordinary first Tuesday of county in April, will be
sold ou tlie 1882,
between the legal livtirs of sale all that
tract or parcel county, of land, containing being situated and
lying in less said boa tided by lands of J.G.Evans 182 acres
mmc or
J. M. Poss and others, it being the
>n which Sarah G. Iiixon deceased
;iy r ■ cc d, said land being sold as part
iio e > of Geo, Iiixon deceased, the heirs for
> ef distribution among at
o$ Geo. flixou deceased.
GEO. G. HI NON, Administrator
bonis non, of GEO. IIIXON
im mm
^^1 L )JW
m§wT‘ /. a?/* m SKIN OP S TM
A Reliable Remedy cam ruist
• Such S,KiN, Tetters, f~i\ i tLSt-iltMfl! S WAYNES'
k?SST Pimples, 8 ores, Ointment.
Ringworm, EnvsiPELAS, jS^SwSK^Pfif.-'v lavinotnuIktinso
/ itcnino »no Intuama
k Barbers- Owttr mpobi, rr t.
Redness Itch, / / iSS&.'j'-?/ The «*»« Great STMunrus Cure
op JE-flfik&sQbg&ft;./
Nose / ! for Itching Piles.”
f_* NB J- Dr. Swavhe t 8on,
Burns’ -
Outs t -
mm &
L| i|ggf DKuaai8i8.^ t .
tiie constitution,
The present year will bo, one of the most
in the history -t Ueoftia. growth,now
New parties, new idoas,new
new (conflicts, all press tor at
? uUon i ,n,voke iiifiuiry and forc ® (Uscus -
to man of intelligence, the situation no man that who he
understand his duty und
,y fill tlie full measure of
his opportunity, can afford to be
a good newspaper.
either its daily or weekly edition, offers
thorough and comprehensive capital, fully paper- equipped
Published at tlie editorial
news, gathering, with strong unequalled
“local” forces, with an
of correspondents covering the entire
and nothing every interest. The
Tlie constant increase of its business has
, , j an increase 3 in I is ife its eoVl/lDP service llllt.ll until
every essential particular it has estab
itself as
The S.eading Souihera Newspaper,
And a necessity in one or the other of its
editions to every (b orginn. Gonstitutlen—HO
TERMS—The Daily months,§1 month.
annum;I5 for six per
: The Weekly Constitution -.*1.50 per a 11 -
nuni: in clubs of ten, $1.25 each ; iu clubs
of twenty, $1 each. and address all
Maki.-al! drafts payalu- The C< INSTITUTION,
letters, to Atlanta, Ga.
till. FOOTE’S
'v7- -.8L-S82K HEALTH HIST*
fyCJl It:. Ji< lily Ueripr. t,
-.i or tin -25. rout 25c.
& y . Ll-. . ru -iiKDi
f;-; r V; nan.
. ,nAio
• in k 01 Heter-'fi-.u «or every
£5- Ci.9}-I - '"8;’-,v_
1 n.a live Al-it
- t‘ ’i ; rm, K«. ;
e I’rivote
• f(VS cSn*»9
lt f-- VANTEP*
vs \
; f. Co.,
... K;r7siiCi*.7.
u A?; !« K
»-ora m;.-HamHes of
..... o. uc»ri 7
• r.-a.N.Y.citr
1 for Circular.
Ind .. Ind.
One sad sudden plasli, and the ri yer I
, AM.»«.»».Wo<»onU Flows tranquilly on as before,
i A lies dead on the shore J.
1 Dead I dead I cold and white on fthe mor
Cast up from her watery grave.'
Denied in her desperate sorrow
Repose ’ueatli its pitiless wave y
Dead ! dead ! in her sorrow and 'anguish,
And who is she? what is tier name ?
’Tis only a woman is missing,
A poor woman dead in her sham 3.
Close her eves, once loving and te ider,
Now so sad in their mute despa
And pray God that she in her erro
Find pardon and mercy up there.
Smooth the tangles out of her tresses ;
Fold the tired hands over her hr lust ;
Bury her on the shore of the river-;
I,eave her there, aluue in her re-' .
—Augusta Ct. tmcle.
* ,1V '
-—' \ —
The News of Neighboring Counties Cull¬
ed from our Exchanges, and Written
I5y our Correspondents—Wilkes, War
ren,Greeue, Oglethorpe, II uicock.
[ Warrentun Clipper .] ,
A Sunday school has been established at
Mesena. teacldng.^y'Stel
Rev. T. J. Cummings is
Mr. Walter Scott has moved his express
office to Mr. B. T. Harris’ store.
Warren county shows an increase’of
wealth, nearly $32,000 to Ur the
The Warrenton Silver Comet band have
their new horns and they arc fine
Col. James Whitehead is contemplating
erection of a handsome residwjcg on
of the most beautiful sites in townT
Reuben Hart, our colored pressman was
hurt in the knee, by the running
of a pair of mules hitched to a wag¬
last Thursday.
Mr. William Hubert, agent at the depot, 1
son of Dr. R. W. Hubert, platform accidentally^ at the
from Jlie high
j pot Saturday, dislocating the el! w
of the right arm by the fall. 1 Jt v-as . 1
painful hurt. , .
[McDuffie Journal. 1
ll-:‘d,(:, /Ct h Nti’urgttson.ijv V*. .Arts’
.. JHtV . t ..
ft lively time is oxp'eeted.
Mr. Groves, of Dalton, Ua,, is Visitin;
brother, Dr. W. H. Groves, <M ll/s
Alice Durham, of Decatur! | Is /n I
visiting the family of her 'uncle,
Dr. G- W. Durham.
Miss Kila Jones, of Macon, is on a visit
to friends in Thomson and is stopping
with Mr. F. A. Winter.
Miss Orinc Ferguson has returned to
Lincolnton after a lengthy visit to her
Mrs. W. Sybert, of Wilkes county. •
We learn that a very successful young
farmer, near Fine Grove, has a five acre
of wheat that is about in the. “boot,’’
and from which, with favorable seasons,
he expects to harvest from 150 to 200
We have been sitting up with Jack Tay¬
lor for a week. 1 never saw a grown man
take on so in all my life, and it only
weighed 7)2 pounds gross. Jack is better
now, but occasionally shows a disposition
to stand on his head, or run out doors and
lift up a corner of tlie house when ever
the youngster cries.
[Sparta Ithmaelit«.]
Next Thursday, 21st hist., is return day
for the April term of the Superior court.
The Ishmaelite lias entered its fifth year.
We trust it may ever boom as it deserves.
Cot. Tims. M. Turner lias a key which
lie has carried in his pocket daily for thirty
The sweet potato supply in this market
Is about exhausted. A dollar a bushel is
now readily obtained for them.
Married on Thursday last, by Rev, W. j
H. Lal’riule, Miss Eliza Keener, of Angus
v r. to Mr. Walker Whaley, of Hancock.
Mr. and Mr, C. C. Harrington and MKs
Emma Howard, of Providence, R. I, spent j
week .
several days of last in cur commune
Th «y vl8it,n » the ;
and S. B. . !
Messrs. A. H. Birdsong » ,ra *
* t Gazette.}
daughter, Mis* i
Mrs. Beal and her elder
Mamie, left for Atlanta on Wednesday.
Mr. George W. Duncan went north on
] Wednesday to purchase a stock of goods.
! Roiia Ryan, i with hia trooi>e of specialty
j artist* played at Washing* .. - xfrmriav ■>
Gen. Toombs says if there was only one
cotton seed on the face of the eaitb, and
i it would kill him to swallow it he would
do it.
The Knights of Honor, Legion of Honor,
and Royal Arcanum each have an organi-
1 zation in Washington—ail for j mutual life
’ insurance. 1
A farmer on tlie edge of Oglethorpe and
Wilkes feeds his cows on com.
Tlie boys in Lexington are waging war
against tlie 9 o'clock roosters around town.
There is said to be a real haunted house
on tho place of Mr. Thus. P. Calinwav,
near Lexington.
A r man innn passed m ’i>nhiv, through . Lexington t , afoot ,
Tuesday on his way from Honda to his
home In Andersouvllle, S. C.
Married, in Lexington, on Monday, the
13th of March, at 3 p. in., Rev. J. G. GIL
son officiating, Mr. B. Cliedel and Mn. A.
Aderliold, both of Lexington.
« “XV omau.
Her Health and Life
Depend more on the regularity of her
menstrual functions than on any or all
causes combined. An actual or a living
death is the inevitable result of derange¬
ment of a function which makes woman
wliat she is in every respect, and especially
in her mental and bodily constitution
Hen*,immediate relief from such derange"
incuts is the only safeguard against wreck
and ruin. In all cases of stoppage, delay,
or other irregularities of the “courses*” Dr.
J. Bradfield’s Female Regulator is the only
sure remedy. It acts by giving tone to the
nervous centres, improving the blood, and
determining directly to t io organs of men¬
struation. It is a scientific prescription,
and the most intelligent physicians use it.
Price: trial size, Too; large size, $1.50. For
sale by all druggists,
In a letter from Mrs. Gharlotte Lisle, of
Chicago, a indy well known ns a contribu¬
tor to the Western press, she ascribes tho
euro of a dangerous cough, Hale’s accompanied
by Horchouml bleeding at and the Tar. lungs, “My to cou.gli,’• Honey she
“threutcucd to suffocate me *
but the Honey of Horelmimd and
rein ived every trace of it.” The
was to a lady friend in this city, who
placed it Fulton at. the disposal N. of Y. C. N‘ Cuit
WCNTON, Pise’s 115 street.,
Toothache Drops cure in one min
...... mmiiii ■■mm i thwiNiiihiMmia—wiii
PH.Iil) 1)1* 1-Oil DIMlOtlUT
News Items, If very tiling In Gen¬
eral with a Little Spice and I'hilosophj
Thrown 111 for Flavoring.
Uorrcupondenre of tho Democrat. ]
—Cupt. J. S. Fiynt, has a very flour
school at the Hay town academy,
—Dr. Barnett, our village physician,
treated his residence to a new coat
paint. It improves appearances won
-ItIio drummers do not forget our
village We, are honored by the
of five or six weekly Thev
have a flattering opinion of our
, j,3 l HWo-,.fUi , - .. , u ... ,, , |
She relumed home shortly. We
she hud a pleasant visit.
—Mr. James Drill karri who lived just
the county line, on the planta
of Mr. Frank Colley, died yester
morning at nine o’clock. His re*
will he interred at Mount/.ion
—Mr Owen D. Moore, our Vig plan
has erected a nice little store house,
his residence, for the benefit and
use of his own farm laborers
IFe sadly fear for the fruit crop
trees are budding out, some in fnil
It looks rather strange to see
many blossoming out, these winter
evenings and mornings.
_Upon the outskirts of our village
a graveyard with singular cir¬
connected with it. No one
knows tlie name of any of the
people buried there in the long ago.
Who they were,where they lived, whence
they come, when, where, or how they
died is unknown. There it stands, the
one gloomy feature our pleasant scen
-Otu rn,,,. m.-ecr was was tie the scene scene of i an an mi- i
usual oocuneme today. 21 • -
longing to Mr. I arks Bacon c<mcluaui s
to create a stir, made a brake tor a run
a wav frolic, lie threw Mr. Moore and
Mr ’ B icon both from the buggy and
;,i dis.mpeaitu ones red ui UP the street like a .streak |
with Ui . lm,.n ■ ,
of lightening iiehind him. No _ - one wa uijm-j ? I
the air heard Uie
ed. We have not yet Mr. .roin Bacon
horse and buggy, I'resume j
may recov r ids horse, I u wouldn’nt
•‘bet on” tiie buggy
—Rev. Mr. Watkins preached at 1
Mount Vernon last Sabbath. Jb- I tad
an unusually large Hinlienee. Sabbath i
s(! | U)0 i was fully inaugurated, names and cl
schollars enrolled -siiperintendi nt school
other officers elected. Think the j
will be very piospeious ,1>'“ 1 ' '
J ll/I .
uvf* I fill lliliCll tlOlltJ. H |
wL days of u- writer, the, e
novel-m»nUmu one officer (S.i;k-i
mumdeut) tliouglit .Sup¬
pose it all right. This is ti.e age of
progress. Then evcryihmg wv-is old
fashioned ami old f So thev
say- that it i
VY<; regret to state i ru¬
mored Ural Mr. .Sim Ellington Oi
jjj s death is a great blow not only to
hjg fitm i| y an ,i f r j,.„ ( |s but alike to the
country. Jf iikes one Oi hei
citizens Mr. Ellington lias many rel
aUves in this comity. He was related
to the Mr. Am oh ElHn^ton who was so
l)rula ]|y uimdcred bv Sang Armor, be
- d ! was also closely connected With
Darden family whose ancestors were
once so numerous ». Taliaferro.
s -£he HUle ccjd .nap* wehove oc
casiona. j^dThis > Ijnc^ ■ Tiie _, * we have
winter early
plants, in tbe farmers gardens look
rather late thess cool nights and morn
jugs. We are like th* man, who liar
ing no hogs of his own early one cold
rrosty morning, heard his neighbor
calling up his looters, and drawing the
cover over his shivering form, he gruu
j "*. {Jr,?® ct,on 1, ";iU\ Uow feelings happy of we extreme ought satis- to be
wife not to have to get up these cold
mornings, like poor neighbor Zacks, to
call up bogs.>' We ought to be happy
too, for we have no promising plants to
^e nipped m the bud.
—Mr. John H. Fsllln, has two curt
osities in these days of rapid change.
lie has oil his farm, a horse that has
reached his twenty-seventh year, und
doe ? effoctive service—plows,
^: !'f;, orl,UK f whenever . his nius
" U i komtHuve advised Mi .
F .. . libm to a se.I , h • ui, as he uugnt die, and
thus he would lose lus money buI Mr.
1. says ho will nevei pait witn him as
I mg as t bolioiso lives hut wth give him
good food and shelter to the Iasi for tlie
life’s faithful service rendered him.
Mil honor to him, for tho noble senti¬
ments in Nor these times of grasping selfish¬
ness. do we believe he will ever
lose a dime by his care of tho poor
beast. The next on the list, is an im¬
mense old fashion round rock chimney,
built over ninety years ago. It is at¬
tached to a room in his house, and if,
does good service yet, though all tho
dirt or mortar, has washed out, leaving
tlie large black rucks standing. It
proves the etllcucy of the work done in
the good old times.
—Tlie oat and wheat crops look very
flourishing in ami around our village.
The farmers are wide awake, and well
up with tlie work of tlmir other crops:
the cheerful sounds of the laborer’s
“gees” and ‘‘haws,” arc bouVne to tho
ear on Ihe morning air, and everything
gives signs of newly awakened life, and
activity. In tlie early fall, and winter,
it seemed as though our farmerj would
have a rough pall with fate, hut they
have stood the storm tlnw far and we
Impt) they will continue to weather the
blast, and hope too, that the experience
of the iKifit win Lor may prove n v.dtinhio
lesson to Uiem, but we sadly feai not,
for thorn are no people so obstinate,
bard to change, as our generous,
imurovi-lent, «..uUicn
if you, individually,
any of our farmers, they will each
every one recognise the present
policy of average farming, and
in a mass, they have followed, the
old beaten track until they have
tho present climax. Sonic one
say; “the fainiar can’t well help
for lie can not get supplies
first, promising to make a cer
number of bales of cotton.” True
to a certain extent, hut we
work this new system in gradual
and reduce out expenses. Every
knows Unit Ims given it a thought
llie Smilliern farmer uses, and
twice the amount of bacon,
‘ t his yankee neighbor does. Why
it that oilier people can come in our
ami gjow -h-q, while \vo_4jiity
, , v , ; , ...
r n isinco v.-ts. .<■ l»V i
and active change. All ran ^
raise enough meat and bread for
consumption, and th* wolf will
kept from the door.
— ——
•«! am tbe I*« of six.
,, Jnc rai . iy ......... ‘ J „ b ■ *i,, ‘ n
” ei,r a "°’ a pale, cadnvsrous youth wal £
into the sfore of L. N. Cnttenton, New
York, and in tho weak, husky tones, In
frequently bv a dry, hacking
stated that he wanted a couple of
bottles of Halo's Honey of Horohound and
Tar. “I am the last of six, M he said; ‘ tho
others nil died of consumption, and I am
going fast. I will try Hiis n*w remedy,hut
i have no hope.’ He did try it, and to
some purpose, Ho took iu all twelve hot
ties, and is to-day in perfect health—lungs
sound, yough gone, not a sign of pulmona¬
ry disease remaining. Sold by druggists.
Profitable Patients.
These most wonderful and marvelous sun
cess in cases where persons aro sick of
wasting away from a condition of misera
klimvs „l»at ails them,
(profitable patient for doctors,) They Is Login
,;,t i,y t'nvs use of Hop flitters. keep it
l(> ( . uri , j-,-om the first dose and up
u uUi perft-ct health and streogtli is restor
ed. Whoever is afllcted in ihin way nued
not suffer, when they can get Hop Bitter,
Cincinnati Star.
— - — —
. - - —.....—
UliDAol , JU mil I II U Is ifliAM, HU 4 II I ;
SS vv Si AT J A coil StUlICKMIlM !
The 1 Card of Gen. Kosccia-M— Brought
About by Blame . s Ignorance- -11 • *ie
Associate Justiceship The Indian !
t^m stmn he 1 leasury Departm .ut , ,
—j ,
- A High Compliment to-Mr. Ste. I
I>1k*h.s IHl,,-,- WMSinstmi »MUm. ;
Vorrapo/ukiuit of the D mo.trat. J I
(J., M.troll I ’H ■
Wa 1 j \ 0 ;'O h, i). k I
iso ( ■ r in over the oont t o •y 1
itroiist ... u by 1. j t if/craris ’ c.o d 111 one !
of the daily papers answerni!’ tin- re- i
licet jo i,; east by .uf. Blaim 11,1111 Inin j
rtiiii Ihfc Army of the < miberlaml I
frarfield eulogv. « • forms the
t ol conversation ;tt tin hotels,
- arouud 1 .1 11 : lire.-',id<», it is
, Ueuted e t Jill‘^e III HU fit iitoiial way;
your 1 - xt oor urn moor looks over
youi you wliat Im<lv tv you r • ' lam 1 = <1 it, ^ >oui
friend stops you on yo-ir way to the i
office when you an* h v o HiiuoU.s late to
expre-f vaiuulm. opir.i :i, and what
does it all am mint to ‘f Just this. Mr.
Blaine, in'iisru ,gy umL-. an ailusion
(with an Ignorance o “i'
^ aV
ter?) to a certain army, which its ex
commander with nioie sensitiveness
To!. G.—No. 11.
; than prudence, resents, through tho
press wherupon, one Jacob if. Schuek
era formerly private secretary to th»
late Salmon i\ Chase, violates the con-,
fijenee of a private correspondence be*
tween his laic employer and Gen. Gar
field, prints a Liter written by the
latter gentleman in conli ence to Gor ,
Clmse, expressing pitr*ly private opin
Ions and sutinicnts, and rousing cer
tain lUumi.ans of the press whose
principal forte is the garbling of every
truth and the vilifying of every
putilie tuan, especially when dead
and unable to defead himself, and sets
tl»e public by the o\ta over—a tempest
i*> 11 teapot.
ran sci’itEHE hunch.
Hon . R,Conkling having declin
e d with tmmi;*, the snug place which
| )la f nu „J ufo President had selected to
shelve him u.-, and Senator Edmund*
| l;iving ■ iW peremptm by declined to be
sec0|1(1 ,. r ,j,„ President to-day
nominaied, of New
tircmmit Voi k,to the of Justice vacancy caused by the re
Ward Hunt from
the Supremo llench. John Russell
l ining of Ihe New York Herald was
nominated at the same time as Minis¬
ter lo jOoina. These are both stal*
waits from the einpiro state—the Oliiui
man is no better than any body elso now,
New York is.ahead.
A practical solution of Ihe Indian
question and perhaps the most praoti
(;;l l yet olfered is to be found in the re*
Quest of agent d rmstroug of the Crow
• | k , ' l| C/, Montana, (or permission to
0I ," uinmred < row children now
u ." , ,' ms caiv, to Oliio to ho
, ^ educated.* appren*
lcf!l 0 11 mors and 1 The
. The
l” 111 ' 1 ^ 10 ' 1 was given. govern,
ll luu ’ at ! n1, ’ 1!l,lll: ' u ‘ ^ 01 dofi irs’ worth
° , !’ luV,ShM ‘ cvei-y year to the Indians,
s>, *l’l , oi ting them in idleness at tlis ex*
llle bix-payers and it is tune
|l!| g "as t mg done to teach the
./'"inm to earn his own living,
boys hom trities in Indian Ter¬
ritory are now at school in Butler couu
, die Iiulnm schoola ... i«
j. t hm ( l nu r furt, ^ [ Vil| " !r i | * | » Virtfiniii «-», ««»*» untf l\au&aa tlm youth anil
. litn, brenka down of
‘ ll >ntsa\a;;e many
Gio baucis between them and eivili
zat J 01K ^ schome prove successful
is propi-.dy followed up we may
^ <)l ,l Ihdnui hostile
0fl tlie .rontier,
'rnn tidcasvky department.
The first comptroller of the Treasury
Department on .Saturday confirmed th*
of tho sixth auditor that •
draft drawn by a mail contractor on tha
i’ostmaster-genecHl *or sixth auditor on
money to be due him for service at ft
certain time in din favor of a banker
other person is void. This decision
was rendered in a ease where a mall
had s-cured an advance on M
drawn ou the sixth auditor, who
had refused to honor it. The tlrawer
appealed to tlie 1st comptroller who
decided as above. This relieves tha
department from much anuoymice dVaN« anil
resulting from such f
Momisd’amoot in the
tj. U y nn d dishonorable dismissal frn «r.
t he army with total loss of pay for
time he is confined- Tin. sentence Is a,
a severe one and much sympathy is ex
pressed for him and for,his family. Ma*
son received the sentence unmoved and
p 0 comment, except that lie did not
c;tre for himself biit did not know what
would become of his wife and boy. His
wife is much depressed over the sen
tence but hopes for a pardon, Strong
elTorts are being made t> induce
the President ti gi ant a p.tfdop or a,
commutation Of feiitonc©.
The Capital of yesterday, much to
tho general nurprino, tfinoe that shoot
has never ceased to find fault with
everything deserving of respect, con¬
tained a paragraph on lion. Alexander
H. Stephens, which is so true and just
that 1 quote it here :
“There is something touching and al,
most, awe-lnsuirmg in the sudden hush
falls on the otherwise disorderly
House wlmn the venerable Alexander Ste¬
munis makes one or his rare and powerful
a,|,|,esses lo it Sn.-l, a tvilmte of deepand
rosiinetful altontion is perhaps never ac,*
eorded to any o: her member. When that
sijnd, s trang« voice is heurd,-the the remote laugh and
j,. s tdie aw., ...... 11 to eoruera
where small knots of nminbers are haying
their little jok-s ; eigaigo oul while tlie
abstracted .•uokers arc nit-d tim on listening,
and one by one geiitlemeu down the 111 aisl-s rear roira get
come tip lo.-ing alid-cliqu whii-his to wheel*
nearer to that hr 1
jug i„.cvousiv lie : tio:i.- ide ami then t«
t.lm othar in Llie little semi-cireular space
i,cfore tin: .‘ipo.ikei iiftle d--.-.k, and Imfuvo the
ti-ry-eved finishe’d gray-haired gatliered about orator lia*
a ci nvd has him,
•• M-etfuHy Mf-nuve. and as they
never are at any oilier time. It is plain
jy. 0||) n u , HH j i( . . ( (ho House at such time*
that the big soul within this little
racked body is impressing itself more
g'rongly 011 every hearer than a whole sos*
si on ol'talk fnuii almost any other. Th* t
“great applause," “loud laughter,'' Jersey," utc. a
that rumeuml biusterin g<mtiemaii from New
more ; tlimi a March day, mar
dogiu nti'/.c in thunder tones, or Mr. Samuel
Kami dl utter bis powi-n'iil has and imevish enough
-.■nti-nri-fi—none of Uiem force
to draw the jokers from the cloak 1 oont,*’
tlie smokers 1 rein the corners, the dozen/ •
from tlm lome..- , except the little Ueor*
Such tributes iV3 tins will afford lducK)
pleasure to Mr. Stepliens friends in
Georgia. ftlON,
. \ •*, 1 i ilu or I)i»t«i.*i4iig Cuugb,**
„ ry< ,, ar ,.hed. astli *or« tnroat, attack ptinunMnln. ,'Y^akcaeil
brouHiiaf ami jii tic
and debilitated state of the systcm.allthes* cured l»y ‘‘Dp
dangerous symjd-.msare J nid’lSS
^ Bive?rel
L,. bowels free. - ^ Tncy arc 1 ^?^ excellent f*L
orpid i ver and bilious complaint*.