Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 05, 1882, Image 1
CRAWFORDVILLE UEMOCRA rn k ’■ * . o By Edward Young & Co. G. H. U. -:o: — TThe jVEusic House of A he South. PIANOS and ORGANS Best Manufactured. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Important Improvements. T^ eautifnl C^ 0!ul)inations - SELECTED FROM TWELVE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKERS. E. I. o. \ , A-\JL. s LARGE CASH CONTRACTS Enable G o' QOBINSON & CO. to Save 20 to 30 Per Cent Saved. EVERY PURCHASER. Lowest Prices & Easiest Terms ever offered MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; BOOKS gllEET MUSIC ......J, MUSIC 1 BEST ITALIAN STINGS, ! And everything pertaining to a FIRST ! CLASS MUSIC HOUSE, j EY N- TE OF T. M. H. 0. T. S. L. F, Q, S. G. O. ROBINSON & CO. 831 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. LEGAL NOTICES. ARPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF AD¬ MINISTRATION. GEORGIA—Taliaff.iuio County. X 17 IIERKAS, John P. Moore of said \y county Administration lias applied on to the me estate foi Let- of ters of Kendrick, late of said coun JJfrs. Elizabetli therefore to cite tf deceased. These are conderm-d, to be and admonish all persons betoie the and appear at my office, on or first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they can, why said lettcih -should <R Given'uniler band and official signa my fitlrethis April '3rd, isst. Bkazlkv, Charles A. # april-7-td* Ordinary. T. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, Y Petition to fore TAtiAKEHKO COUNTY. | close Attor W. Ol M-itcllcH, 1 ne.v’s Lien in vs. f Taliaferro Sn i aaaaasssvwfsa ^fUB^rderad^hat at the said next Bet August ey Meadows terra of fln show cause said lien should not be en this court Why foreclosed and it is further or¬ forced afid of -, this rule be seived dered that a copy the Crawfobdville fiv publication in teh?county nWMocii xt, and also in a newspaper m of Talladega and State of Ala (..iwAi (inpo a month for four months. Given under rav hand and official sigua tove thls March the 1st, ^2. Judge S. C. N. C. 1 thereby Hcrchv certify the foregoing to be a true copy from mhmtes of T akafeiro J. D. Hammack, C. apfil-7-lam 4ih Clerk 8. 0 RTUW‘: By B M WOOLLEY, Atlanta 1 (la. Reliable evidence given,anil hatht refelenee to cured patients uucl _ c U BEi P ffi’for'my book on The Habit and its Cutfe. Free. monitor oil STOVE! Only Absolutely Safe OIL STOVE In the World. v « mi FOK SALE BY Stewart & Smith, Sign of the Big Dogs, 69 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. DR. RICE, JI (krart Place, LOUISVILLE, KY» vtlcian Md the are* »Lform« 4 r c L^*’ VLVcr- vztH ”Y* I D1355- A. Rlchmond’fi SAMA.RIW:LN INERVINE " SAMARITAN NERVINE Cure my little girl of fits. She was deaf and dumb, but it cured lie can now talk and Imams well as l’eter Ross, ” ''SAMAKI’EAN NElfyfKE w'uriiig 'Has been the means of wife of rheumatism. J. B. u ’ 1 l kiT a^ner s A > i a vine Made a sure euro of a case of tits my son. E. B. Ralls, Kan. K NERVINE SAMARITAN Gulfed me of asthma, after spending over $2,000 with other doctors. S E. llubson, New Albany, Ind. SAMARITAN NERVINE tally cured me of Jennie Warren. 710 West St, Chicago, TAN 111. NERNINE SAM A R1 . child of tits after given die by our family hours. physician, Henry having over 100 in 24 Knee, Vervilla. Warren, Co., Tenn SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albert Simpson, Peoria, SAMARITAN Ill. NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after spending J. W. with other doctors. Claibom, Miss. S A MARI" 1' A N N E R VIX E Cured me permanently of epileptic tits of a stubborn character. Wm Martin, Mechaniestown. Mil. SAM A RITA X NER VIN Ii CurOil my son of fits, after had 2 ,oOO in eighteen months. Air si E. Fobes, West Potsdam. X. V. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy Orleiia of nine Marshall, Miss Newton Co„ Ms. SAMARITAN NERVI Has permanently cured me i sy of many years duration. Jaeo Suter, St. Joseph, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma and general hebility. Oliver Myers, Ironton, Ohio, SAMARITAN NERVINE cured me of ; also scrof ng. Isaac Jewell, Covington, NERVINE v. SAMARITAN Cured me of tits. Have linen for over four years. Charles K Osakis, Douglass Co., M un SAMARITAN NERVINE a friend of mine who had dvs pepsia very badly. Michael O'Con nor, Biilgvvay, SAMARITAN l’a. NERVINE Has pennanently eurcil me of epilep¬ tic fits. David Trembly, Des Moines Iowa. NERVINE SAMARITAN of q lm >d my / wife of epilepsy C! Vairfleld, 35 year- 4aluljn Henry s, 'Cured my w ife of a nervous Nortfii of the bend. E. Graham, Hope, Pa. NERVINE SAMARITAN fits. lias not Cured my sin, of He a fit for about four years.- John Davis, Woodburn, Macoupin Co., SAMARITAN NERVINE IS FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Or may be bad direct from us. For information inclose stamp our Illustrated Journal giving of cures. Address. DR. 8. A. RICHMOND & CO., World’s Epileptic Institute, 8t. Joseph, IfmT^ fe I Z r ^iliNFAlLM * FflBflLLSKIN? Remedy such as Diseases TESTER.STSli.SOSES. tUflMGWOnM^ PIMPLES, i kESYSPElAA.^t B-OTCHf? THE GRm^^WREFOR ... pP, Symptoms are moicture, etingingr, itching, worse fc-bout at Bight; seems as i- pin-worms were crawling the rectum; tho private parts are often affected. As a 3-ct. stamps. 3 ! ’) • •7(*,oT8end£'j AdUreae. Ba. Ewaviie cts .!b &Soi.-. PhUa.. Pa* | $8, 1 ip 9 IIow to Get It! OF ATLANTA, GGOKGIA Pays certificate of endowment for $2,000. The money is made up by mutual eontri bution. The best institution ever organized world. to give young people a start in tlie an By-Laws. J. W. SIMS, Secretary, 4F f»b,4,tf- Atlanta, Georgia, J. ,T. MULTAN. 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., ATLANTA, GE0E5IA —manufacturer of— MON r S \ *V L | 31LN \ J I 1 Y ri i V h 5 Tombs & Headstones, Etc. Designs and Estimates furnished. Sept.2,1,2m. GEORG] FRIDAY) MAY 5 1882. SAMARITAN NERVINE -'**Dxi_s..A.ARithondyfi @AlMARKTAN NERVINE POETRY. IIS INNOCENCE. BY WILLIAM B. WARD. Dwelt mp soul in dreaming days i In a palace dim rich sequested and wide, There down ways Moved an angel by her side. Jloly was her face and sweet, And her lips breathed forth perfume. And unheard her veiled feet Glided thro’ the scented gloom. i Where all things were wondrous fair, ] *£tt 'Zt&tSXS!" Over tessellated floors; rt And a mighty end harmony along, Ever rose poured I In a rapturous melody Sweeter than the sweetest song. When at eve the sunset turned All the Western skies to flame Then the rooms in glory burned, Ever beautiful aud same. Said the angel, “Soul, thou must Guard the doors ere darkness falls, With the bars of prayer and trust. ’Gainst the foe without thy walls-’’ And my soul her answer made. Smilling, “Have I need to fear? Is there aught to make afraid, near?” . O, my angel, with the «* Thus one eve the palace lay Which Dreaming diviliest in the dying flood day of'gold, Wrapped the earth in, fold on fold. Then my in'doubtful, soul thought not of prayers, Longed But earth, till wordly mood, for unawares, Dropped the where she stood. Fell upon my soul a fear As the frost falls on the flowers ; And the angel whispered near, “Lo, tlia foe Blive gained thy towers.” Tears were in the angel’s eyes As she wingled her flight in pain With a cry to Paradise— Will she ever come again? Who call tell ? all, woe’s the day, For my soul knew not the sin Till the angel fled away Ami a demon entered in. A l.csMin in Uqucstrianism Horseback riding as q an art and as can efieial concise is one. of the most judicious habits that one could cultivate. While it affords the equestrian every opportunity or the cultivation of graceful posing, it comprises all the healthful elements of the most invigorating pleasures. Like all else n the world, howcvhrf if indulged in im¬ moderately, the results arc extremity pain¬ ful, an oft times dangerous. Galled limbs i and Piles that itch intensely, particularly alter getting warm in bed, are not fi*. uenfJ.v Mi-# ill execSsi’Ve exei in the saddle, in such cases, howevi , be evil can be thoroughly eradicated by ap¬ plying Swayne’s Ointment,which,as a cure for piles—itching or otherwise, lias no equal. THE WEEK’S DOINGS. VlilVS I ROM EVERY WHF-BF. 1H« TI1.LEI) BY DEMOCRAT CON. DENSER.*'. CRIMES, CASUALTIES AND OTHER JIAT TERS—NOTES OF SHORT LENGTH TKLLING WHAT PEOPLE ELSEWHERE ARE ENGAGED—VARIOUS ITEMS I F INFORMATION. _There is rust in wheat in upper Geor. giu. five and —Rome’s ice factory turns out a half tons of ice per day. earned —The railways of Missouri have $25,000,000 in the past year. radish that —West Point lias induced a is the very image ef a human being.* —The experts testify that Jennie Cra mar was not drowned, but was po soiled. —The farmers of Thomas county county will commence to harvest oats this week. —A young lady living within nine miles of Hartwell has never visited any other town. —Two coloteil law students fnl admitted to the bar in Newnan the otlie. day. to the commit¬ —Belmont has apologized of tee for liis unparlimcntary examination Blaine. —In some sections of North Georgia the fruit crop is abundant, and in others a to. tal failure. -Thoanti-Chine.sebill passed both hous. Jt restricts the prohibition against lm t0 tu „ ye ars. —Col. E. W. Cole, p*esiilent of tlie East Tennesee, Virginia and Georgia railroad has resigned his position - j —At thg State Baptist Convention $2, I 012.20 was fixed as a sum to be used for I conventional purposes. ! counties,-it is said, will tie exw nsive auu j better than ever before. ' 11 “ Jolui B^aodwiii s addaiss bi-foie ~ be Columbus Odd TeHows sP oke t good | bv by t]ie Columbus papers as a ; * i -A eoloreA ,n.n who wa. at ; tacked by Gob Lockett’s hounds, In Dough er jy COUB ty, has sued the Colonel for dam. a R es - _The Georgia railroad injnnsiion i against the Railroad Cemmission will he i heard before Judge Lawson, at Eatonton’ on the 10th inst. _The Augusta and Knoxville railroad ! finished to Greenwood, S. C and Southern Express Company have ed stations along the line. —The lighting on last Thursday the telegraph office in Thomasvilie, jr ,g t|, e S0 li<l brass plate on the ; aud frightening the operator, Miss - •Bingham’s Academy in North Caroliii* was burned the other day. Loss, ?:SO,00|> “’-The completion of the Augusta and Railroad makes the distance from GrsenviUe to Augusta less kttian it is from Columbia to tireonvillc by seven miles. —Telegraphic dispatches show tliat the io Arizonia Territory are still tur. and are burning village after vil —The Romo Courier is good on a cow # v It says It. G. Hackney has a Devon w that city, that has an udder mens B h feftC*)- and gives five and admit gallons per day. Two colored men In Fort Valley en gc 1 in a duel on the streets last Thurs. .AlV and 11. B. Wolborn was shot in the and George Harris received a /'firiml in the right leg. Nothing serious. ■*; . dispatch from Raleigh, N. C., under f\ Jot’ May 1st, says : Returns from mu ht iybjal elections held to-day in various cit* ami i owns in the State show a victory r<. ’ the regular Democratic ticket. The aHEaeC' 'fitoiocratscarry this city. The ludepoud ived but a very small vote. - jlpL.he board of health of Augusta infec- will MRpp ianvntine—small-pox being disease, an Coit in t as and. not a contagious debtors on the railroads, however, are re qt' Vt’sei to report to the hoard all suspi t i is cases coming from that direction. 1 . - l perty ” i ^>iis holder. .dog, recently His estate deceased consis. w a r ted ■! aliouso and lot left to him by Lis lUS msed master. There was a trustee, of ecu so; but the income was eonscien Bflfe fop spent in paying for the animal’s HE^iomasKenny, lodging, and attendance. . in company with M «f|« Monk and Jasper Eiiiftton, bailiiU was shot, from the woous twelve or fifteen tim#. a fsw nights ago on the Carsonville roup, in Taylor county. It is thought that t.haS.Trties brojjDhtjto are known, and they will he sau|l trial at onee, charged with as with intent to murder. altercation oceured at Abbeville, SI C ,Wriday night in which Mr. U. Till man ‘V irdlaw, one of the editors of the Pf« pid Banner, was dangerously shot by E- Noble, Jr. The cause of the ditll ou‘ j .s not known. The pistol ball cn tat 'U 65 10 lower part of the left side of Iho .■buqif en, and the wound, although con sider ngerous, is not necessarily fatal -^fP'.’T'.iesday whit® light William with two Wiggins and p man, negroes wer ttyp-Uie bouse,pf bjfic Bob Spencer, al Wr ilie, in, Wa, county, on th - P A lb my bail road. With (be I * THJfcaiiiBt m nois, „, went kilflnA vmt, when Wiggins fired two suqLs, him instantly. The par¬ ties tbji, Biiien H letraatuil. the ciiilvd rushed to the James — houseLftcr the shooting, Mr. Craig sent one of his trust-lvorthy policemen there. He w taking . t iew of the situation, and happcfn.d topic! up a sort of purse whore that J was esse 5 bjing on The tbt seven-year-old table in the room son of the lay. {man to put it dead told the policeman iiown. J He pai* no attention to him. The hoy pi cked up a large revolver, cooked it, raed it at the policeman, and said ; “That is my ii lamina’s. D—d you put it down,” Wasn’t he a chip of the old block ? —Athens Banner-Watchman : Frank Job mo □ and Enoch Echols, the murderers of Wal ter Rountree, have employed the follow l ag counsel : J. W, Echols, of Lex ington; G. YV. Thomas, of Watkinsvillo. and Jm Ige Wright, of Atlanta. The state will be represented by A. L. Mitchell and Pope Harrow, while other able lawyers will doubtless assist them- There is no possible chance for thu case being taken lu to the United States C#urt, and but litt doubt about tne trial co»ing off next month. | —Summerville Gazette ; C.C. Gleghorn, J. S. Gleghorn, C- D Hilll, A.J . Lawrence. K. RFosrer and J M Wyatt,have organized a company to build a cotton foctory at Kay cooiOIiiis, tliree miles from Summerville, The longingito rea| estate Gleghorn and personal & Hill property sold to the be were new company at $31,000 and as much more was subscribed to purchase engine and machinery, erect buildings, ect. Work .has already begun, and will be prosecuted with vikor. —Koine Courier : A gentleman near Rome lind three little negroes indicted for taking yild grapes that grew upon his land The returned casji was vferdict tried of yesterday, “guilty.” and It the might jury a have bftm a trespass, yet we say to each in —?*»«•••“ this Aspect, "lethim m first “ -"r cast a stone. 1 The sentence of the court was as follows : The youngest was sentence to pay a line ef twenty cents, the other two fifteen do1 * lars eacl. and costs. Thus cuds the chap ter on giapes. —“A gentleman from Candelaria,” says the Carsjn (Nevada? Appeal, “informs us that the smallest baby in the world was l born in fliat camp at noon on the 3d uili I mo. l ife father is a mirier in thu employ i of the N.rthern Belie mine and weighs 190 pounds. The, mother is a stout, healthy woman, weighing perhaps 100 pounds. The child ink male, as r.erfectly formed as any human 4ighed King can be, but upon its birth it only .T h eight ounces. Its face is about . r . , of horse chestnut, . . . and , the He size a ef its lijibs can be imagined when we say that a 4ig worn on the littie finger of its motherKvas easily slipped over its foot near! y I p to the knee. Our informant states 4at it was the opinion of the atten ping pl( ician tliat the chile would live and pn| if ;»er ih good healtii, proportions. notwithstan- The ding diminutive midget k #o -mall that three of its its size could i l y htnd-and-seek In a cigar box I Tliis h eiieved to he tlie smallest baby ever 1-j u,” i SHARON SHAVINGS, WHITT I, El) Ol’E FROM BULKY TIMUEll BY J. A. KENOlllCK. SHORT SlJUlllS ABOUT PROMINEN T PEO PLE AND CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS SANDWICHED TOGETHER FOR THE PALATES OF OUR HEADERS. —The pic-nic season is full upon us. —The cold weather dill not, interfere with the growth of snap beans. —L. M. Thompson ami family has moved back to our village. —N. C. Edwards is stepping around in a bran spank new suit of clothes. —W. T. Flynt has the finest patch of corn we know of. —Our guano agents has about give up the spring campaigne ; sold out last week. —We have never seen the face of na¬ ture as green as it is now in all this section. —W. O. Mitchell, Esq., of Union Point, spent several days in our town last week. —Mrs. Felix Brown, of Thompson, is stopping at her fathers IF. 11. Ken¬ dricks. —Mrs. Ruth Mei slum has been sick several days. We hope she will bo up again soon. —Miss. PearlMerslion is a splendid performer on a piano. She is tea years old and a perfect little beauty. —Prof. Ware has given his scholars holiday this week, as ho is attending the teachers convention m Augusta. — EdYoung,of the Ckawforetille Democrat, spent Saturday and Sun¬ day with us. lie was looking as hand¬ some as ever. —Miss Eunie Smith, of Warrenton, spent last Friday night atW.T. Flynt’s, She hail a nice time during her stay in our village. « —Little Arthur J/oore while swing¬ ing last Saturday fell aud hurt sa^* himself very bad ; we are glad to that lie Inis fully ivcovered from bis shock. —J. A. Kendrick has a supply of grain cradles and i). &. II. I. C’ovil lines that he will close out to the farm¬ ers at the lowest living^ares. —Our farmers expectations are in of high spirits, with the making an abundance of wheat and outs, ft is thought that oats will float around this summer at forty cents per bushel, - Local items are scarce, and we are Vi 14' . sleeov TWinVHi' to, \ vindiip aiul. t* do ju i serve; k t <1 retire. - Your correspondent sited Union Point last Monday, also attended an moon-light pic-nic. in front enioyed of the Methodist church. Wo our¬ selves hugely, and now sigh for a rep¬ etition of the dose. The occasion was one worthy of note, and the large crowd that was out seemed to enjoy themselves pulling syrup candy. They pulled it until it want worth a cent. H e will say to those Sharon young men that received an invitation and didn’t go, that they missed lots of fun and also missed seeing some very pleasant and accomplished young ladies. —F. YV. Red wine, with Morrison, Bain & Co., hardware, Atlanta, paid us a pleasant visit Saturday. Rod. was looking unusually well, and doing his best to sell goods. It m said that he is one of the best drummers on the Geor¬ gia railroad, He lias a splendid trade in our town, and lie is worthy of it. We have no doubt but what the firm feels highly honored to have such and estimable gentleman as we know Red Lo be. Wo are personally acquainted witii Messrs. Morrison Bain <t Co., and have found them to be very pleasant and accomodating gentlemen. —Married, at the bride’s father’s last Tuesday morning at t) o’clock. Mr. Willie E. Hawes, of Lincoln county to Miss Mamie II. Edwards, of Warier). Rev. J. H. Fort.,son officiating. The groom is a moral, industrious, thor¬ ough going fanner of whom any lady might well be proud*, and the fair fair bride is one of the first young la¬ dies of Warren, and is eminently wor¬ thy of the heart she has, captirated. We congratulate the amiable pair be and trust that their pathway may ever strewn with tins brightest flowers. After the ceremony the young couple left for their future home in Lincoln. “All Odd Street scene,’ He was seen in front of the office rub bing himself against tlie telegraph post ftrssasfsusf- have ’em Spring, 1 saH i af . on ically form ; aboat the every rectum 1 mall lumps ; sore to Hie, touch ; tlicy itch lik.-blazes ; a tele j^’’ Vfere fnwr'hiimarflty 1 I fering then wis suf from a complaint which a few tip ! plications of Swayne’s Ointment for Itch mg Piles would have thoroughly eradica ted rD TH3 POINT TOTHBPOir. AT ONCE! Anil Order Threshers Now. Tremendously targe and early grain crops. I sed at manufacturers’ prices. and warrant first-class machinery and implements including Engines and Separators ot various sizes and rnsk» Ueai^r, i .Saw mills, new ami second han e(1 Cot ton s. e l planters, ltetJding Cultiva t„ r8i 0 r Folding Iiarrow.s, Gins, , p ress( .s, &c.. to tlie end. Send or j f ] ers . U i(j reference further now notice and to in the f li¬ ture Without I C.vpT. J. M. Mitchell, j j A * Un oi Point, Ga. *— • | Don't Die in the House. j Ask druggists rats, for mice, “Hough bed-bugs, on Rats.” roaches I clears out vermin, flies, ants, insects. 15 cents, per box. i Vol. 6.—No. 18 ALL AROUND US, GYTUllltIVG THE NKAVSFROM oijll EXCHANGES. BEING THE.DOINGS AND HAPPENING^ OF OUR N UIUHliORTNG COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUR READERS-— OGLETHORPE, WARREN, GREENE AND OTHERS GRKKNfe. [Humid mid Journal .] Mr. H G Killingln ami Mrs. Mary Milner were married on Sunday last at the resi¬ lience of Mr. J H McWhorter in this coun¬ ty, by Rev. John It Y’ouug. We regret to state that Mr. JS II HIM*, mail, of White Plains, had a stroke of Pa ralysis, on the 20th inst and Ills condition' is considered somewhat dangerous' 'Wo trust he may soon recover. Mr. Wm. Kossman died at his residence,' in Greenesboro, of consumption on last Tuesday about 1! o’clock a. in. Mr. O. T. Hightower is still unable to‘ leave his bed of sickness. wir.K ics. ( (fatrttu.] Tlie May term of Wilkes superlour court! met last Monday. Mr. J. Floyd received a painful injury on Wednesday, in a fall from a wagon. Mr. W. E. Sludvertim and wife re. • turned on Monday from a month’s tour" through Florida. Light drinks are very popular here. Mr. O. A. Hooker was taken painfully siek on tile train last Wednesday. Mrs. Fitzpatrick has rented the Arnold house and will open a hotel there very soon. With tii* merry month of May is to come a grand calico hall given by the popular F F. I>. Club. This event is to eoino #ff on the 9th prox. The operetta, Red Riding Hood, under the management of Prof. Mehrt«ns t was put before the foot-lights in Washington, at Stummer’s hall, on Thursday evening. Mr. A. Callaway tells us of a negro woman, oiree a slave of his father’s, wild has had thirty-one children the largest family with only one mother w* have eves heard of. Mr. W. A. Maguire has one of the finr*t colts to its age we have ever seen raised around hern or brought from the blue grass country either. j bAAcWlfl , Sparta hhniiulitu.') The base-ball epidemic ban broken out In Sparta Many of the young »en of tilts county are mere idlers. There is a a considerable amount of sick¬ ness of a hot very sirious type in Hancock.. There is some rust on lliu blades of tne wheat in portions of the county. Most of the grain is too far advanced to bo serious’ |y injured by rust. Mr. B F Marcliinan, son «f the late Ilis den Marchmau, died on last Sunday aL teruoon. Ho was a young man, less than., thirty years of ago. Ho was an industrious , man and a good citizen. He loaves a wife , and three children to mourn hi* early loss.. They have our earnest sympathies in their,, great rlllctioa. OlH.KTHOHPK. ] lie ho ]. Miss Carrie Young was quite siek the latter part of last, week but is well again 'I’lie prisoners sentenced at court to the penitentiary were taken charge of by a guard from James M Smith's camp Mon¬ day. A merchant in Lexington received a bu» jncss letter from an Athens dealer in whlelr he was instructed to send in his orders im¬ mediately, as Athens would probably soon be quaranteed against the Georgia Rall roadj as the smoll-po . was at Crawford. Gantt seared them bad. Later however he sai dthere seemed to he tome doubt about that case of small-pox at Crawford and peace once more reigns. It was reported last week that there was a case of swatl-pox just below Cranford, but was proven to be false Immediately after the report got out. m’duffik. [ McDuffie Journal. ] There is a young man in Thomson so pujj-riozcd that lie can't sneeze without blowing his bat off. Mrs. Sarah F. Bolton, widow ot the late j.- jiolton, died of consumption at the residence of Mrs. Fannie Paschal, near Thomson, oh Saturday last, the 30th ult.,' in the 48th year of her age .p| ie guano trade continues brisk in Thompson. Mr. Horner Sturgis, residing near Cobb, ham, in this county, came near losing hj s residence by fire, on Sunday forenoon last. The bad conduct of certain small boys, during night services at the churches i n Thom-on, has become intolerable, Our friend, Loggiiw- Wade, of Wrights’ boro, is, at present, devoting tlie big end of his attention to tlie propagation of game chickens, of which lie has a large- number Mayor's Office, / ] Leesburg, Va ., April u>, 1879. Mo»sr»: Hakhinon & Bro : It affords me pleasure to testify to tile great virtues of your “Neuralgia”/pr the cure of neural gia and siek ffeadaclft. It is the h -st rem. e ly for these most distressing complaints, have ever used. It should be in every family in the country. Yours truly, Geo. R. Head, Mayor of Leesburg, Vi* HUTCHISON * BBO., Proprietors, At an xa, Georgia. Sold by all druggists