Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 12, 1882, Image 1

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    f \
GRAYS / M fU'^i * .j». , o
By Edward Young & Co.
Cure my little girl of fits She was
also deaf and dumb, but it cured hei
She can now talk and hear as w ell as
anybody. Peter Ross, 8>pringv\aG‘i,
Has been the means of romis my
wife of rheumatism. J. L>. rleten
er, Fort Collins, Col.
Made a sure cure of a case °t hU Ui
rav sou. E. B. Ralls, lliattsviilo,
Cured me of asthma, after spending
- $3,000 with other doctors. S.
over 'SSStaxSASe
Buren St, Chicago in.
Cured mi eld’d of fits alter l£g»«£
Cured me of scroiula at.u . nu,.i.
for eight years? Albert Snnpson,
Cured my son of fits, after spending
§2 400 with other doctors. J- ’>•
Thornton. Olaiborn. Miss.
Cured me permanently of epilep.ic
fits of a stubborn character, inn.
Cured my son of fits, altci hating
had 2,500 in eighteen months Mrs
E. Fobes, AYest Potsdatn. n. 5 ;
SAMAllfl AN NEKA ol nine INe years
Cured me of epilepsv -©rlena Marshall,
standing. Miss
‘"•’SifSSffiiS'sSA.xB cured ol epilep¬
lias permanently duraii me ai. Jaet
sy of many Joseph, yeass Mo
Suter. St. LIU Ln
SAM Aim’AN > ■ 1
Cured me of bronchitis, a-ubir.i
general be^tity. Oliver . y .h
•nSa^TAJtxsirvni* Has cured me of asthma; also -aam¬ ,
nia of many wars standing, j.-m,c
Jewell, Covington, Ky. L\ ,
C ured me of tits. Bave l. mi ' ‘ a
for over four years, (diavh L - ur
tis, Osakis, IJouglars Co., Mina
Cured a friend of mine v, no end dys
pepsia very badly. Michael O’Coii
""•PNNrIU mmm:
i\ of epilep
CurtHi my s\ tfP fft'-m-ttei \ uii
of Jftie head.
Cured m v soi- of fits- lb hr ; 1
had a fit for about four years.. Job a
Davis, Woodhuin, Ma iq in Co.,
Or may be had direct. mi us. For
further information inclose stamp
for our Illustrated Journal giving
evidences of cores. Andress.
World’s Epileptic Institute,
St. Joseph, Mo
Pay for a Little 'work.
ISTilF j’L v T
It contains something that will inter
For a club of 25 subscribers and 650 in
cash, we wilt send to any lady a lieavey
Silk Cloak «>r Dolman worth tfl5.<Mi. Per
the same Oveicoat number'and ijlshti amount wortli we w 1_seml
<i s or
For twenty subscribers and SW in cash
a large silver handsonieiy engraved he v.atex
pitches worth .S. 10 JH), wil sen
Porlo subscnheis and ■.■>(). wt• w >■
send a hoy s overcoat, oi a nice shot gun,
Tor 10 ''subscribers and 820.00 we will
gend a celluloid wateh, either green, white ;
or biaee, worth s )0. lea handsome and j
will keep good time. and >10.00 will send , i
For 5 subscribers we
a minature cotton bale put up in silk, as a
souvenir of the CaRtou Lx position. ■
.^i!»te Ba ig , • s< - b «h,.,forf;bi?d 8 “
This offer will not he good after the 25th in
of February. Go to work at once, send :
your list and get tlie preiuiums hy retie 82.00 n
express. Prise of the Phonograhp ;
per annani. Address
W. T. Christopher & Buo., Ga.
Atlanta, i
Treat all Chronic Diseases, and enjoys a nat ion¬
al reputation through the curing of complicated c”-- g.-.
ectio ns of the blood, skin or bones torts' J with
cess, without using Mercury or PoLboco s ap. etc-r
yp uMCNRL :;L vr,; ;;
tims forhn=inoes or giarria^, rL-rffiarrctly cured.
patients .TaEft preferred,' JMa FREBanS ■ - %■ pj u;
persona: consultation is which is
ed. List *? of questions to be answered bv paU- nts desiring treat¬
ment mailed fr-'e to any address on application, thrfraA!r«r,V
>Persofis stiXcrir.c from JUmturp should *c-d
\»od learn something: to their advantag-. It it not a trim./?
Communics’ ->-eV'rirtlv coofidential, and should be 3^:.reused
RlIIS, 13 Sori.ii Stii su, fefc, LouU,
5,000 Agents wanted for Life of
It contai*;s the full history of his noble and
eventful life and dastardly funeral assassination. obse¬
Surgical treatment, death, life to
quies, etc. The best chance of your
make monev. Beware of “catchpenny” and
imitations. This is the only authentic
fully illustrated life of our martyred Pres¬
ident. Fine steel portraits. Extra terms
to Agents. Circulars free.
Address, Nation ar Publishing. Co.,
SfeblLlm. Atlanta. Georgia.
g«;ra*ag£agK S5SSB»WT , ;S S&SBSS-iU '»*>
Allcock’s Porous Plasters?
Because they have proved themselves
the Best External Remedy ever in veil t
ed. They will cure asthma, colds
coughs, rheumatism, neuralgia, and
any local pains.
Applied to the small of the back
they ale iihuwabie in L.u. k-A. he.,
Nervous Debility, and all Kidney
troubles;, to the pit ., ol . ,, tne su-inacn , ,
they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint.
ALL a pcs’ 3 P o R
PLASTERS are painless, fragrant,
to . Levine of.muta .
and quick . , cure.
fcion that binders and bifnw S'
A L L U O G K ’ K, the only c<.-i.oiuo .
Porous Plaster.
ssswiw. .-'wasi
■; ’ f
Rifles, Shot Guns,' Revolvers, Ammuni¬
tion, Fishing Razors, Taclile, Skates, Seines, Nets,
Knives, Hammocks,
Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE.
WANTED! Ladies and Gentlemen, to engage
with us to sell several Usefal IIosiseltoM
Ai-tieloH. Profits larg-s. labor is competi¬ lis’ht.
Bselnolve territory Riven. No
tion. Terms jib ral. Circulars FREE. Pittsburgh, Address, Pa.
Uewitt Slamtfaet’g Co., Bax 888,
, d i^KD“i“‘ „ , „ , _ P08t ,
tGE|Ts w c ge ’ "
Sfm sc. joimston, Fittstmreh, Po.
-1 ■ ■* *U.I ms Srn „
■ ....... I l l
X HI!. IKH’l.N
? l Wo rt& e.25. Coat 25c.
g S By the author of
4 ‘Plain Homi: Talk ” and “Msdz
a gal Common Senbe.”
t&'' 'J I TCP )’Aof A ivicenb' tit Ihiily Ilubit*
h i (ol Cum of Common Ail
JgS&H'. C.’i! M'x S’ '■}■ D-o- iAH.'siiv. --U ; i. vw'.v.nLi". book vents, of by Uefevenve mail, prepaid, for «v«jf
fe ,"b} TLa'Iiaiiii-l.'-,k c ntsins chapters on Hy
l|S5*V k.-. * j.ier.e for «il wer.i-'Hta, t oimnoit MertfUrea, Sense on How
^.'3 v I • •i’;l«, Curative to
3 v.:.';\ Av id Um! mi.n'o'.u l hi 1.Iren, Knncke Worth
n; f Ro .wing R ms on iiathing,on Nursing tiio
1 i ei. on' I'r.. u-’.D'ics, Hints for I’rc-gnant
I V’. .men, t-aether ; will, some f f the Private
■"■■••Ut: of Hr. Fo* l/c, ftw.i other physici/ma
i flvariD*
mm Hurra j, Hill FnHishiag ?ori Co.,
I'D /.-.t 28th Street, How 0it7.
CPfR'i: » b - g w gSW sam >N>j> (?),:,•• book on media s* iJ,
Mill anal : I’MlUll F‘ : ” < o. Plai n Home Taf.k and
Ml !DIC al (.-i.M .i-■ L':n> io. Nearly 1,000 1 pages, pages, 1*00
jili,- i;i .ns; Ly Ur. IE IJ. j-’o--to.' l’urebasers l*urcbaserKareen- are
tirh-i t:> iu-.- ooiisviir. t l i * n, either in in person, person, or or by by: mail.
A 'ooak rod tic • I ro $1.50, making king it it the the CHEAPEST Cue/
It: »i>K in the ihf ExHListi or or <Iehman Ceiiman Luncrutige. Langi 16page
atonts T.' ; •;»- - fret-. i'c <. \Yc Wo al a 1 o » send send free 1rc uirnples of
Pit. Foot. li Ai/ni A'oNi'iii.Y II LY With with Usb of nearly
V'l rr\ T G CO., N. Y. C f v
^ iy -iC iii> Sj li.f>
llailraad an^ Bdakiag Co.
raviLL | AN L ‘"A ', u iNVi'/pri-DN of the 1
.stockholder:-, .,-f fi;.* Gv-rgia Kailioad i
al n „, Ban’. :-;g ( 5,;npnny v. ill uonymiU in |
iviiiUiLDAV »i' (ii• <y■ f ,«r t<■ 3 > .....’ > , /11 •, 1
stockimldcis ’i!;i Moth, fir -v 'j
desiring to attend families mav pro-!
cure exhil p; their for them-elyes and by |
iimg < • rtiio nt'.'s or Stock or :
Aged at nearest Depot, and filling out. and |
m ^ ! ‘ cat isn for the parses need,:
To r.v-wl over-c-rowing the trains, to the I
discomfort of all, passes will u limited i
.s'uvti.v to tb • FmiI inmili.-s of each owner
01 -.,-oek. m wit: Lis ud er wife, ons
nnh-ar.i- d -*au fii'ers.' Kacli
j,., W :!l lie c '-d only for tin single per
: h " will col
a j . ,(.^oi).
; ‘ ■;
’ , V
ti t'i'ii i, n .,„i li
yoiir pa - . . C ir.-a-.-s «oclr
;|j ; ot ■ r. eu--; ,er - by eon
du ,.j. w (H JCLN.
:> li lanager
i't. . - .v“ :
vJ w
Y „
, f r-- - .,,^rr ro .
«rTomato,withoih,Tinir,f»rtk«, i.
large portion ofwhich were fro*vfi on m, five seed farms. r.:i
n:>- v.-e'faM « in va (atairpr
n cut ■arran: far. ; 1
c ’igJnai introducer ofEarlv d T b nk i*ota
tops, Marblehead Early Corn, : If y ; ...anOi,
Slarbleheud Cabb >a S' •, PJiJuaey's Mclcn
:er new Vcjre s. I A;c»
Sew Vcgcu a ■>&
Jamwijj.ore^, ,, ...
j __ ,
Jtpi r ’j By B M WOOLLEY, Atlanta,
habit. I;.-;:;, ... -nee givcn.and
C U HE reference to uued patients cad
, S.;nd fur , book , The Ilauu .. , and , .. Us
my on
Cure. Free.
| ALL A110USND D8,
[ Gazette..'] •
Strawberries arc becoming plentiful in
Mr. Redding Sims, of Washington, has
• p, |,j s barn that has been there for
twenty years.
Five or six hundred dollars has been
subscribed toward boring an artesian well
on the square in Washington.
Col. Belknap Smith, of Wilkes county,
\ turns out five or six hundred dollars per
month from his gold mill, and ships it to
the United States mint atPi.dadelphia.
Mr. J. C. Dyson, of Wilkes county, sells
j twenty strawberries or twenty-five dollars off of worth ot
i every season a very
! small area planted with them, besideshav-
1 big them all the season at home.
[McDuffie Journal.]
Married, at. the residence of the bride’s
father, Monday Inst, the. 7th inst., by Rev.
A. B. Thrasher, Mr. F. li. Wiilinghnm and
Miss Tda B., daughter of Mr.C.B. Wiiliain
; ’ SOil, , both of McDuffie county.
Messrs. R.II. Pearce and John M. fearnes,
have purchased the interest of Judge Jas-
1 B. Neal in the dry goods establishment of
J. B. Neal & Son, of Thomson, and with
Mr John B. Neal, now constitute the firm
i of Neal, Pearce & Co.
(hi Saturday afternoon last a Thomson difficulty
occurred near the jiostoifice Paschal in and W. T.
between Messrs. P. L.
Flanigan, in which toe former fired at the
latter but without effect. lie then struck
: Mr. Flanigan several times with a stick,
bruising his hands and arms considerably.
\ [Sparta Tslunadik. ]
j Bud worms are injuring the corn.
J. F. Bowen now wields the marshal's
; - luh in Sparta. *
Strawberries in Sparta are worth fifteen
cents a quart
About fif!<'tm reapers will he run this
season in IJaneock.
i Sparta, sells on au average about 2,000
burJieks of corn a week.
Itancock will hoop up wheat this season
i i to the tune of 700,000 bushels,
j Rev. IV. T. Caldwell and wife, from
| Putnam, are on a short visit to relatives in
j Sparta. Col. Mark Jol-.uston, of the Ediiwtioim!
I Department, was in Sparta last week, o'
: 'iT
to ir. horhe "for
Lme, pi ned lip throe WpM
{ il
’[ILrald and Journal.]
Corn looking well.
Cottim is not pronfising
Greenesboro is to have a money order
White Plain* had a sociable the oilier
Tliere was a fish fry at Park’s mills one,
day last week.
Thu thermometer stood right up in the
eighties Saturdiy.
5* bite Plains is said to be one of the
healthiest towns in the state.
(Jre-neshoro cannot-boasta fire company i
but can brag of its corps of infant-ry- I j
Mr. J. IT Wood and several members of
his family are afflicted with broken-bone j |
Greene has oats six feet high. Taliaferro band
still occupies the front scat in the -1
The young people of .Greenesboro last week. had i-.
Knowles, of the Journal, is the hand
somest young man on the Georgia press,
and is exceedingly popular with the ladies. |
A good many individuals who left this !
county last fall for the purpose of better
ing themselves, now sigh to return totlielr ,
njitiv 6 lioutli.
Rev. Dr. Teasdale, known feour readers
as the eloquent Baptist divine who con
ducted the revival in Crawfordville last
August, preached in Greenesboro Sunday ‘
Jas t.
-- !
lAVZoi '
Honey is plentiful pound. , arouna Lexington , . at
15 cents per .
big Prof. exhibition Moss is making Juiy, arrangements for ■
a in
Miss Hattie Poster is the champion cro
player of ^xington. !
We hear of plenty of out fields that wilt,
make bnshels to the acre and some 75.
Johnnie Lofton, had was his accidently hurt thrown
from a buggy and arm quite
seveie j ;
chh'ken irn'r smit°hinf legt four'wings. ,v R° r W’ pTteof w'j-h
has and
Deadwyler when is going he to will buy have him a the fancy nob
little buggy, in the State.
blest turnout ;
Last Monday morning Linton James Gillespie.
col., was brought before T. John
son, J. I’., and bound over in the sum <
50 on tiie charge of larceny from tie
Mr. gulley Lud Green, lasd week on leading stumbled his ami horse b!
, «v.-ra
and had the horse to step on one o> m
legs which caused him to have to u# ?
j crutches.
! 'i;«rc i,-I vounf'ladv in T.pxinr/tot, amf
fill, two engagement rings, ring as <-uu .
; fellow calls she wears the he guv
her. They both called at the -ame tins
not long since and she was in a box.
; For about the twenty-fifth time Booker
Smith, <-ol., and his wife, Lucy, have ,
^ or three Shlf for trVsl'.iT'T
years. On Tuesday they divided the pro ;
erty and went each their own way, I.
to sue for a divorce at next Ot" , r
. II n »t '•‘-'..however | '
weeks! g S
• s
1 '■
* df.m
squib ;ai out on the fly by
ot it y kecokteks.—news of the
—Ctp mornings.
— C ,o*nt nights.
—C a. never better.
— G "iin looking grand.
—I4w about the night-watch?
— Cmneil proceedings this week.
—F I’oi'.ybody should be vaccinated.
— ’ >day is return-day for justice
Boggs court.
- HLe's Toothache Drops cure in
one 'finite.
— side Billy Foster acted as mar¬
shal ,ie other day.
ill’s Hair and Whisker Dye,black
or Own, fifty cents.
- j-iudo Ilolden frolicked around
H ’£■ jw is of Augusta Tuesday.
Mbonia and Conyers have quar*
ant fcXi against Atlanta,
rt*» fWtive new members in the Tern pe¬
i dub.
, „ry I hat pure apple vinegar sold by
He ' A Held.
j/iio ’'d. Georgia improvement. depot is being wbite
w, An
<UAe ’-{'Mrs. ill for Jo I the m W. past D.uraeotL week. lias been
v. t) hat is the matter with our Sha
roii-md Raytown correspondents?
Vacine virus. Pure. Warranted
tc ('Lake” every time. Reid & R id.
--A .make was killed in Mr. J. W.
faRner’s parlor the other day
- Iv. Gem F. Agee, of Sharon, was
ic own lastWednesday.
"T-l'lie boys want to gut up a military
company. Healthy exercise. Should
o done.
1- Why can’t the young men
<i f-manly game of base-ball ' J C~ is
Victor by fa r than “knuuks.”
\ j|TliC pic-nic at Midair's bridge on
,tle riverJast Friday was a complete
•v V,--.-i 3 . A most enjoyable time was
b I.
5ft Mrs. Sam Harris,of Rutledge,spent
v days with friends in Crawford
v ’tins week.
Reid & Reid have the finest hit of
:To apple vinegar to bo found r ravv
in iiville. Try it.
' ITal Flynf ill a few days this
IFe are glad to say he has re¬
- 'W’G.r me.jls. ^•y.! J u dyspep- NvU i'iif'r
'I.. -, ................. g tn i ffT t
„ Bitteis.
- «1 by Lrowo s iron
J—rurh applo vinegar. The best in
$i« ltkrket. Over two years old at
»;eitl '! —clptairi | Iteld’s. Winkfield in town the
#]tlun-flay iia nllroml, surveying land on the Geor
—Avoid a possibility of small-pox by
j'accjnating K'*"tby yourself k with pure virus.
Reid Reid,
—.Christopher, of the Afclanea Pliono
jo'aph, is one af the spiciest writers on
;, e Georgia press.
„ll avo you been vaccinated- If not
| r o to Reid y & Reid’s yaeinate and get yourself, some pure
f ■ —J°° • Darraeott -Jije, Wit i a -*•'
considered the crack shot ot < -mwloiil
Vi lie. Joe in this keeps up his repui,a
Don as the “boss . 1
__ iFo regret to state that Mrs. Sadie
Hillman has been ill fora few days
It is our sincere wish that slic
'‘ ld,J
one of the oldest Lt
Saturday. H « was about f'^'y ?««»••’
old. He was bune db unday at F tiend
ship colored Baptist church.
_Overworked men and women, per
w 0 £ sedentary habits, and otherwise
s „ eeds r(icU peratioii, neryes ton
,f,J *, f“. d <J . , * •»
’ ’
u»® I rown s Iron Bitters. «
—Dan Detiseh, a well-known dry
woods jewelry, and pincushion riior- the
chant of Atlanta, is drumming
Georgia road, extending his business
Our Atlanta readers will be glad to
know that Dan >s doing well.
YU„ Tllmiiro-tt Li^’nTv ism disorded blood een
oral debility, any many elimnie cliiou. iliseis di s. as
pronounced incut able, are o.l •
cured by Brown’s Iron Bitters.
—What a nice place the court-house
park would be for a a strawberry and
ice-cream festival. Cannot some
thing of the kind be gotten up for a
.-imnlable punxrse ?
_ TIie peculiar adaption of Dr.Bull’s
Cough Syrup to so many phases «r
throat and bronchial diseases lias
dered this remedy immensely popular.
Bold everywhere. 25 cents a buttle.
_Joe Cosby went to Augusta the
other day Joe don’t know us now
8 i nce ],y has been mixing with the
bloods of Augusta. He come back with
," ‘ umbrella * and thiri"s ° enumera
—Debilitated .... , | pel ^ sons, and suli j
from tion, scrofula, wasting diseases^such^asconsump- kidney affections, will
be greatly S' benelitted by using Brown’s
m,n ^ U
Wil Reid has real , u-sthet- .. .
— grown
ie. . He sports a fob a la H Hoe, am,
has a regular patented mst bet ic smile.
He caught the disease in Augusta.
—Should you be a sufferer from dys
pepsia, indigestion, malaria, or weak
ness, you can be cured by Brown’s Iron
_Bill TapjJan, with the firm of Eng
] aI1) j Jelks & Tap|»au grocers, Atlanta,
W , (S in Crawfordville Wednesday m the
interests of Lis firm,
—Crowds go out every afternoon and
practice target shooting.
—A medicine of real merit, presarib
have used it, as a true tonic is, tiro wu V
Iron Hitters
—Jl/r. Ben. Stothart, the Southern
News Company’s agent on the Georgia
railroad, is one of the cleverest
fellows-we have mot. He is a kind ae
commodating, polite young fellow and
makes himself friends on every trip by
iiis courteous conduct.
—Revitalizing the V'nyil is absolately
necessary for the cure of general debili¬
ty, weakness, lassitude, Ac. The best
envicber of lhu '.loud is Brown’s Iron
—Mr: Elihue Watkins, one of our
boyhood’s ftieuds, and with the reliable
tirin of l.atnar, Rankin A Lamar, At¬
lanta was in C'mwfordyile yesterday.
—The only scientific iron medicine
that does not produce headache, Ac.,
but gives to the system all the benefits
of iron without its bad effects, is
Brown’s Iron Bitters.
—The True Citizen, published by W.
D. Sullivan, formerly editor of The
Democrat, at Waynesboro is a new
aspirant for public patronage. It is a
lino sheet.
—The cold driving easterly rain-*
storms of this season rarely fail to afflet
nearly everybody with colds. Use Dr.
Bull’s Cough Syrup -the Surest and
safest cough remedy made. Brice 25
- If wo weren’t afraid of the ani¬
mate. result, wo would tell of what a
nice present a Crawfordville young
lody sent us. What it was we won’t
say. but we here publicly thank her for
what was a source or much gratifica¬
tion to us.
— We need not be physicians to know
when we have and how to cure a cold.
We can have a special physician al¬
ways near, by keeping convenient a
bottle of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup.
Price 25 cents.
—Jim Kendrick and Walter Mershon
ilyopped into Crawfordville Friday.
are thorough-breds, handsome,
genial and accomplished, and we would
not be surprised any day to hear of
Crawfordville losing two of its ludy
- We daily road of the rope ending
many a misspent life; butCaolera in¬
fantum, worms and the bovve disorders
of children were much mere dreaded
until Add introduction of Teulhiua
(TcetbWg Powders.)
Johnnie Holden, so rumor says,
has lost his heart. Who the lucky
woman is has not j et been made public.
Tnis piece ol information may bo chron¬
icled as Hie eighth wonder of Lite world.
—J. M. DeLarv Writes : “1 can as¬
sure ft you that '' in no single instance has
-i.y. ders) veil failure.' M'.in:'.,iTcelbi'lg navi Pow¬
pro a wo w
soothing remedies and everything
known to us and ‘old-women,’ and
Tei thina is pre-eminently a suoco sand
blessing to mothers and children. i )
✓—VFe are happy to state that Mrs.
Marshall Andrews is very much im¬
proved iu health, is now entirely out of
danger and will in a few days be able
to he out. This gives us real pleasure
to chronicle.
— Miss Lee Murden, one of Talia¬
ferro’s, most charming and accom¬
plished young daughters, is visiting
her s ster Mrs. Q. A. Johnson, at tins
place. It is our sincere wish that her
stay with us may be a pleasant one.
Will Reid took in Augusta and the
fireman’s parade, Ho returned to the
clan ic precincts of our humble village
witli his hair beautifully curled, and
his gigantic mustache waxed iu most
approved French fashion. All, thus
vVe see how soon the moral young men
are corrupted by the vanities of city
___The Augusta Chronicle says that
Dr. W. R. Reid was registered at the
Central the other day. And now Will
holds his head at angle medical of sixty degrees The
and puts on; regular air.
young doctor will proceed at once to
deal out strychnine and nux vomica to
the canine and f line population in and
around our tormented village.
-Opl. . bam u C.iapmao, living . ntai
Crawlordville, told us of a cui losity. A
swarm of bees have taken up their
ateale in one of the chimneys of his le¬
ideuce, and there .stubbouil|' stay. Iho
black back is coveted with juiey honey,
and the bi ei appear to pKifectiy con
_ Mr j oilII w Darraeott handed
to Xtt us tho other day a sample of line
and oats. The oa are six feet,
s j X inches in height, wi a full head
011( . f 00 t and nine inch s long. Tlio
W | lt) at i s uve feet six inches. The satu
.,] tt watf taken at random from a field
of six acres owned and cultivated py
Mr. W. Ghat. Taylor, two miles from
Crawfordville. Tuob
-Coming down from Atlanta
<lay morning it was our fortune to
occupy the same car with a bevy of the
most oeauiitul Indies . it . has .- . been
our pleasure to see. I hey got on at
Covmgtoa and were evidently going to
Augusta, n.eir lively chatter and
merry rippling laughter, wafted to for- us
where we sat urmbservi d, nude us
get. for the li»n j our little vexatious
„ doil . , rt
; Ding off the up-train on to
the d au w<- a H - VAts .... , ...
MadlSOil. 1 IlC tiaiU DlOVed Off, ailll,
perforce, we leit it hint theta. We
j :llil gn.e Uu- asioi.imed citizens of
Madi-on viewing the remains, like a
(;ijl , Jlltr ’ 3 iiquent (>vci a suicide. The
more brave ot the crowd perhaps puucli
t e( ] -, t Wlt |, a pole to see if it was aliye ;
and as the old exchanges, and paper
collars, etc., come to view doubtless
the wondering multitude thought it
was man* rained from the skies. We
are still minus of avalise.
! —Joseph isLdon’t D. Cosbv—than whom no
better greet us now with his
Yol. G.—Xo. 19.
aeeustotiied impulsiveness. This is not
as it should be. True, we belong to
the order of plebes, but the vanities of
his friendship and believe that the'
dread attack now upon him, by careful
medical treatment, may be relieved.
il,e l** 3 '" ! shoukl t:ll ' e Joe ln hilnd ;
—Claude Holden is an accomplished
Borneo, ’l’is told us that he whispered
soft words of love under the glare of
the electric light in Augusta last Tues¬
day night. Of course the subject
was “lightly” treated by our charming
young Adonis. Wo would here state
for the benefit of Augusta young ladies
that Claude is a good one; and-is as
successful in affaires tie armour as in
those of a practical nature.
IVIUTOIIR acicukouing towns’
Items There Ponued Ily Hex.
[ Special Lf'drrospondcHce Demvcrut\
Chopping cotton.
Loo A ls are scarce.
Mr. Tommie Havnik, is dead.
Dit. D. W. .Sisson, a rising young
physician of this county, died last Fri¬
The negroes bad a grand pew-wow
here last Saturday in the shape of a
May party.
M essrs. Clem Boggs and John Knox
left for Tonnes:-, o last Tuesday to be
gone some time.
,li due (»ilham and W- W. Howard
went down to Augusta to attend the
railroad convention.
Siucuut" Do.stek registered another
boarder at his hotel last Sunday. The
county pays for the faro.
Let the next congressional conven¬
tion meet in Lexington. Wo will be
glad to have the boys with us.
We have an old hat, a pair of boots
and a Jack knife that we will give as a
premium to any until, who will offer
for an office in Georgia, that bo wants
himself amt n .t because the “dear”
people want him to offer. Wo long to
see a man who is honest enough to say
squarely and 11 ally that lie wants Urn
office that ho is seeking.
Short Kqllilm ot Interest to Democrat
Readers as Penned liy our Special.
[Special (Jorrespontlcncr Democrat. ]
THE Goofl Tumphir* are gelling on
IlllVnj , fi..-’ nim, >■-n-a at w.very
One of the Salvationists mumifig preached*
Oil our streets one this week..
Something now in these parts,
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Davis lost
their infant daughter last, Tuesday
night. The only daughter they hud.
'Vk hear of a littlo rust ln wheat,,
nut not enough to materially injure it.
Otherwise it is line, and the oat crop
Al us. W. XV. Roiiinson, nee Mis*;
Kiudsy, a lovely bride at Union Point
loss than a year ago, died in Covington
last Tuesday.
Mits. W. T. Heard, >iee Miss Willie
Moore, of Florence, 1). O., is visiting
her parents at this place. Glad to sett '
you, Miss Willie.
Wis heard occasional whispers offi
orange blossoms in this neighborhood..
Perhaps our Khurou friends can U1U
something in .history about such reads •
Wifi understood tliat tliero was to,
have been a wedding iu our town last
Thursday night week, but from reasons
not known to ourselves it did not oc
cm '
Rev.A. I. IIakteicy, of Warren ton,,
proauhed a capital sermon in the Bap-,
tist church in this place iast Sunday.,
his audience was very much pleasedj
with him.
A popular voung man, Rev, P. M.,
blomcy of the Penlield neighborhood;
was married to ff/iss Wallace, one of,
IFilkes county’s fairest daughters last
<j 0L- Lumpkin, the railroad agent
i. ero 1 can j, tell more about a Jersey bull,
, . , it . ' k , iV- m anv man in
J. (je0rg “*' • ! ‘ you don’t don t believe believe it it, just iust
ask him if you ever come up here.
w )! to karn . that . .Miss ... toot .
Idinkley „ l . got hei foot badly scalded ono.
^ Jast w /) ek - -Miss Buckley is well,
known . in Crawfoidville, aiul has many
that substantial old county,.
Fdwaiuj Young, of The Demo-.
c hat, through our place nearly,
every iuesday. We can judge the
day generally, for Young is as regular
* ... ; ..Wh-work “ : VVe wonder what par-.
ticular ' attraction Atlanta has for our
dashing manager,
The moonlight picnic, direction tup first of
the season, under the of Miss
Fiuker. the Misses Muniriu and Pope
McLaughlin was quite a pleasant
affair - hut with such ladies as these at
its lead it could not h ve liven others „. ; —
W v. were glad to see Mr. J. A. Ken
dl'iek, our brother local, in our town
last week, lie Addic(d) considerably toj
the success of the ••Moonlight.” Jim
has many friends here who will always
ho glad to welcome him. Come again,
old boy. ’
A jiATcn game of hase ball m
played bore last Saturday between
Lmoii Point and Beihanv clubs. Tho.
Point boys claimed toe naff and bat by
a score of 37 to 23v B’e will.say
though the Bethany boys didn't % nf
the nine they intended to lmye,