Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, June 23, 1882, Image 1
CRAWFORDVIL JL r- 71 DEM < ICRA'l 1 . o By Edward Young & Co. The Democrat. FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1882. POETRY'. GOOD BY DARLING. BY NETTIE POWER HOUSTON. “Good by, darling !” That was all, Twilight shades began to fall; sky. Stars peeped through rippled the by. purple And the river “Good by, darling !” One more kiss (Sweetest seal of earthly bliss ;) Tell upon my blushing cheek; speak. Then he paused, How could he Close he held me in his arms, (Even parting hath its charms,) Who remembers sorrow’s dart, heart ? Cheek to cheek and heart to “Good by, darlimg!’’ Whispered low We had no such bliss below; Must it end ? Must this farewell ? Finis of love's story tell ? No Each ! We would parted for the awhile, other’s smile meet In the joyous days to come, When our hearts would feel uo “Goood by, darling;’' still I hear, '< When the stars shine bright and cle„r. When the river ripples by. And the passing zephyrs sigh. “Good by, darling;” soft and low— Words of love and words of woe. Stlil the river ripples by, by.” But it was our last “good There ars griefs the. heart may know Blighting all of life below, Yet we live and journey is on Wnen our every hope gone. Though my woman soul is bowd And each nope is in its shroud, “Good by, darling!” I could say Where they laid my heart away ALL AROUND US, GATHERING THE NEWS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. BEING THE DOINGS AND HAPPENINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUR- HEADERS— OGLETHORPE, WARREN, GREENE AND OTHERS warren. 3 [ Wnrrenton Clipper.] Miss Josey Raley is on a visit to Gaines¬ ville. Mrs. N. Gallaher has returned from Au¬ gusta. % Our justice court has been doing con. siderabte business of late. One witv pronwnV ‘help’d in Wam ntoil this week. Dr. E. E. Parsons is erecting a residence on adjoining lot to Mr. B. F. Harlow’s. Damaged corn still comes in from the North west, A colored person on Mr. 'eitj Reese’s place near Brier Creek church, killed j a snake some days since and recovered 3 hen eggs that the reptile had swallowed. The eggs were placed under a hen and have turned out three pretty little chicks. Mr. and Mrs. Myers, of Crawfordville, were the guests of Air. and Airs. A. Lesser last week. During theu - stay, Air. and Airs. AL went with a fishing party to Kin¬ sey’s pond and a most delightful time was enjoyed by them in catching and eating Warren county fish. HANCOCK. [Sparta IshmaeUte.] Four more first-class bricklayers went to work on the court house last Monday. The T e will be more corn raised in Han¬ cock this year than during any year since the war. This Dime last year Hancock was suffer¬ ing from a drouth. Now vain is plentiful and grass is triumphant. Mr. V. E. Wheeler who has been very seriously ill with typhoid fever almost ever since last January was in Sparta last Saturday, We were glad to see him look¬ ing so well. The oat crop of Hancock county was fine, but tho amount of its yield was won¬ derfully exagerated. The tendency of such exagerStion is to reduce the price to an unreasonable figure. Mr. Henry Thomas threshed eighteen hundred and sixteen bushels of oats. He retained Bearly a third of his crop in the straw for his stock, thinking this more profitable than threshing. j Echo]. v r ’ Rn , smith of I^xinston has a chicken .. with two two hill-OTowinuout bills growmg out of of one one “ ead The Crawford brass band is now fully equipped aad ready to furnish music on any and aH occasions. Mr. J. W. Echols, Esq., is the owner of a dictionary over a hundred years eld. A musical boom seems to have struck us. A male glee club has been organized in Lexington. Owing to rot the grape crop will be-a ' complete failure. On last Friday evening the news reached Lexington that James S Moss, son of our fellow townsman, Prof. Thos. B. Moss, had died suddenly in Leto batchee, Ala. A dead horse came near depopulating Lexington this week. CRAWTORDVILLE, GEORGIA ’ • DAY, JUNE 23, 1882. Mrs. Ella Marler is yet very low hut is some better now we are glad to say. She has suffered a great deal indeed. Uncle James Freeman, as the boys cal him, came very near getting killed several days ago. He fell from his barn loft, a distance of S or 10 feet. Mr. O. H. Arnold has sixty bales of cotton yet unsold. He says he t hinks he has lost $500 on damaged cotton this year, caused by packing in tow bagging. , There has been complaint made by the passengers on the night train of the con¬ duct of some of the young men of Craw¬ ford. While the train was standing here a few nights soiee a passenger put his head out at the window. No sooner than he put it out some mischievous fellow cracked him in the head with a peach. Of course he grew very angry, hut before he had time to find the person that hit him the train movou off. GREENE. [Herald and Journal .] Married ouJune I7th,1882,at the Catholic Apostolic churoli in New York, byRev.D.M. Fackler. William Grieve, Esq., of Oak Hill near Greenesboro, and Teresa, fifth daughter of the Joshua Clare Grierson, of Berwick on Tweed of Edinburg. Scotland. On last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Y. Warner ond children, alid Mr. and Mrs. Brown and child, left for Rochester, N. Y. where they expect to spend the summer. Day labor hands are very scarce this year iu Greene county. We are at last to have a first class hote at Union Point. Work has alrq§dy com menced, and it is thought it will be com. pleted by the first of November. The closing exercises of Mercer High School, Union Point, will commence on Sunday, July 9th, with a Berman by Rev M. B.Callaway, a minister of marked abil' ity. The annual address will be by Rev. W. T. Cheney, of Augusta. MAPLE KIDGE. News Prom That Section Penned by J.T. Chapman. [Special Correspondence Democrat . ] —Peaches are rotting badly. —Dr. Anderson reports much sick¬ ness in our section. _There is still much grain uu threshed in the 605th district. —Light showers Saturday and Sun¬ day, and cotton'has put on a rapid growth. ’**■ 0 , . —Little Edivin. second'child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sherrer, died Monday evening. —On account of the inclement wed lier^t here was a-veyv ..u m ' -a- mb at Ihe^I.F-Hial , Saturday. ' 11 mers i" —* — „ f..ii suunlv of serving seed, he can bo supplied lrom tins side of the river. —Y r our compositor must have been a little muddled in mixing up “harvest wheels,” aflUcted dogs, looked for i»ic- j [ nic etc in the repoit from Maple Ridge lie was excusable as a spider | 5 crawled the paper, or at may have over least it looked so. _The mad dog mania still rages. Mr. W. F. Sherrer killed one with a fence rail on Mr. Henry Slatons place last Wednesday, snd one was killed at Mrs. Mary Meadows on Sunday. Twenty dogs were killed in tlie neigh¬ borhood of Mr. Cliff MeKinuie’s last week that Lad been bitten by mad dogs. FOOD FOR REFLECTION. -Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.—D'laraeli. An .dltor 1. U» most learned of men. —It is the crushed grape that gives out j the blood-red wine. It is the suffering soul that breathes the sweetest melodies— ; Gail Hamilton. | —Trust a man tob,,ood«»d tn», uid Skelilm !o”M«rMul'te"’' “ -The human annl nee«< to he male,! to develop ,11 it. ,a,«e.- R „«.au. W. re told her so a dozen times. _It is the type of eternal trutli that the i soul’s armor is never well set to the heart until a woman’s hand has braced it— Ruskin. j | Some days must needs be full of gloom, Yet must we use them as we may ; Talk less about the years to come Live, love and labor more to-day. -Love sacrifices all things to bless the thing it loves.—Bulwer. rhumatiz in one g e —A- thousand times better to be the one for whom harsh words weie intended than he one utterillg them . H e who can re strain his anger and hold his tongue un q er severe provocation is a hero. ------------- Bovs Here’s Your Chande. Young men -who are not loaded down with filthy lucre, n >w have an opportunity (, 0 se t themselves up by investing a serial amount |in the Mutural Relief Fund Amo. ciationi of Atlanta, which pays every cer. tificate holder two thousand dollars after marriage and maturity of certificate. Ad dress G. D. Harwall, secretary, blank a P . plication and by laws, flraiu and Nerve. Wells’ Health Renewer, greatest remedy debibty!* Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta and pot Ga. Macon, HOME HAPPENINGS: WHAT IS 11FJNU DONE IN AND ABOUND CRAWFORDVILLB. SQUIBS CAUGHT ON THE FEY BY DEM¬ OCRAT REPORTERS.—NEWS OF COUNTY CONDENSED. —Warm weather. —More mad dogs. —Guiteau wiil be hung noNt.Friday. —Fine lot of cigars at Reid & Reid’s. —Lemons always kept by Mai yiynt l. Colond James p Keid 3s suffering vei . v much with a sore hand, :_« Minerva .„ The finest cigar in the mark et, 5 cents at Reid & Reid’s, < ^ ;iC R(jid Reid —The colicy watermelon will soon* commence its engagement. —The best smokers to he had from Reid <fc Reid. —Afr. John \V. Darracott b.isv, fine, field of corn. — Hon. W. F. Holden, Crawfordville. of Augusta, • spent Thursday in —Colonel James J. Battle, of Bar- 4 j nett, was in town last Wednesday. —Those soda crackers at Reid & i Reid’s are delicious. Try them. —An election for councilman be held on Tuesday next. —Something strange. Jim Kendrick went up to Union Point Sunday. —“Lucky Hit,” “Fairy cigars, all pure liavanna, tilled cigars at Reid & Reid. —We have had us a bin built to hold the gram our subscribers wili bring inr We want to fill it at once. -A Macon-letter together with lot of advertisements were crowded out this week. —Mr. Joseph Cosby will spend Sun day at Union Point, Crawfordville no longer lias charms for Joe. —The Democrat sends one hun nred and twenty-five copies of the paper to Atlanta . —The shin gtes^have been and the work of re-covering the house will shortly be commenced. —The young men go out in the cool of the evening to practice base ball. *lt is a healthy sport and manly. —The mock-trial at the academy last night was well attended. Space forbids a more lengthy notice. —Reid & Reid have just 3,000 fine cigars. Call on them if you want a - At label’ > Hall last Thursday ui< -meter ^^ V *«_d“grees *• in •» - - For treir.omusness, wakeluhu .. . s, dizziness, and lack of energy, a most “ '•"«’» 1 eis. Jesse Bickers,who spent jome ! _Miss time with friends in Crawfordville, re turned to hor home in Greenesboro,last Monoay. -If you want the cash money for your grain cany it to-Charles Bcig strum. He will pay you the market price. __Ladies and all sufferers from neu ralgia, hysteria, and kindred plaints, wi 1111 ‘ Brown’s Iron Bitteis. —Misses Ida Cox and Cook - who have been on a visit to d it.nusi in Crawfordville returned to then in Union lomt lest Tuesday. —A young lady of this county who has cotton under cultivation, prom lsed to send us a cotton-bloom, but «P to the hour of going to press it had arrived. wili . . +o nay rmf the highest cash price for it. . . ° jt t0 V k left of the time fo SJ 7 getU l ig pictures at until the the reduced last Don’t put it off -Ilnporls from til over the jJ^jeJhK.rhood'alone* over‘“Uent" T i, e County Commissioners last _ Wednesday Jretail granted license to Ed. 8. 0 , Brien t liquor at Battlesville, a new town in Taliaferro county. —The annual celebration of the Sun day schools of the Barnett circuit will be held at the Methodist enuren in Raytown on Thursday the .3th day of July . the , _Mr. T. W. Morris wins prize. Ho was the first gentleman to bring in — R’e are in ’receipt of an invitation exhibition at the Sacred jj f irt g1t yjeafiemy Ton. on next Thursday ev e n in Sh a Bishop Gross will deliver »lecture and award the prizes, -An . „ f>v ex ®|‘ . h „ aD n 're e ®‘‘J s ivs S it’s 1 a ‘i.hllv' verv bod ». le; We aS.S UioSht of hat to to now here’s danger for us to worry about and strive to guard against. 1 j. I rope was stneken with ^meusTles! Mdhi^mouth ... , ,, . 'drawn * ver much H e wa8 improving at last ^counts. _ Dr W.J. Land, analytical chemist . of al)d for somet ime state chemist Georgia, committed suicide in Atlanta the other day by first cutting an shooting artery, then taking poison and then He had before made three on his life. It wastemporaay oberation of tii'iid, induced by the use of opium. t has been frequently asked §|S 6 are association. permitted We to visit the |Yhis i ry : opportunity to cordially tfvl ■’regular ladies to visit our association, I meetings are held every iy night. C. T. Bogus, Pres. j jSR Mr. 'file Ed. 'last S. O’Brien was in Craw HE fort Wednesday. lie paid Democrat a pleasant visit. We re A t that we were not here to do the hen i'' of the office. Than Mr. O R Un we have never met a nicer gein"'.man. Benj. 11. Reid killed a dog belc giog to Dr. J. J. Kent last We 1 ntK> :V. The animal showed mnnis tgt; le signs of hydrophobia and was icd-in the head. A- jP Y’here auiy next will Thursday be a debate night. at The the qnekfion is, “ Resolved , That a repub¬ lics,! form of government is more beu eiK’i. - to the people than a limited nmo Vchy.” Everybody Is invited. '«* young boys have organized bn club. They have chosen the nar •White Stockings.” Luther A. ; h captain. The boys Oct eniiig and will shortly game in full uniform, ~ iph Auerback was in Craw ford ednesday. He represents ^ firm of Regenscein will & Kutz, Mr. Auerback not visit. 7 i some time. lie will take _*d trip North and East on phV,. and in the interests of bis ; ) r, Myers, of Crawfordville, i i young man and but a lew the mercantile business, yet, me l ' ingratiated himself into the I good ml ings, and secured the patron age > a large number responsible of the citizens most re- f ffig tP ^enoceunty. , . Alu \ liwiton c o o 1’^ Warren ton Clipper. W g®'^.!”, * , Itite for Hacuu‘in this crisis. A Stephens’skillet won’t do. A l.m is the man for governor. ’ ie him and all will be right.”— rh a Times. Should lie be nomi h. (fiends will have the mourn f u j , ‘len.-nire of seeing Bacon nicely fijj« t the hero’s “lit tle skillet.” John W. Butler, with the wbp t grocery house of Her Heath, was in Crawfordville ye^t -lay. Mr. Butler is one of the tnoli lover gentlemen on the road and he r presents a sterling firm. They StlV'.- ' eci sye a large trade from this Sect jeturn many, many thanks to ainie Darracott for a beautiful t of flowers. In accepting •ire exotics they are—wo shall iLh the wish that her path ! fe may be strewn with flow uii'u thnL.roses in.-jy await Dec lot. liat is it V Is it a man ¥ No,not a u> i but an attenuated skeleton, Win. makes him so poor? He is a calm ale, my child. Candidates al¬ way." look prior. They can gam the symi thies of the people when they arc |SM«< Tut when he gets m office he will \ ;row fat. He will fill up on gov «uu» ent funds. —1 Jr. II, S, Smith has the “boss” potat u vt the season. It was raised in his g irdeu. The main potato is about S'^^V'iif'diaroRUr.''' into them , is growing , From si.xt«ei) this . main of inch from a quarter l0 tw i inches in length, making in re ^ even teen fully develop'd pot a toes Tlie wMe potato is as big as a si all water-bucket. It is of the Good ich species. The Hamburg correspondent of Aikeu, (S. C„) Journal and Itevmw 8<4yH . (>II Thiirsday cyenuig we wore f RU 7 V vnm!ff friend Fdwaid’’Youni CnawRinuv-H.ix . who!J-souIed,energetic DiomCokat. one of those clever, boys,who knows just peopl|, blow to get up a paper to suit the urrl he deserves all the success that Slriln Jliis wide-circulating }mper «- 1 tejwtaeitueiitly *mi «>*«*<•■ «t. W« ‘f* ,«.la J. iffiked^ uo generally She JL in Hil i V«terdav ’ f. ,/ bvsheriff eveifiii'' ,. m t er Yesterday Vl^ng she attempted to bang he.self p y H blanket into shreds and q aroan d her neck. She will be rem „J, e d to Milledgeville as soon as 100 j„ ,.,t the asylum can lie made. a recen t thunder-storm ljtt)( . itosaGorham asked her mother ; njj ma, who is that shooting them »4v at does he do it for, mama ?” icjr, siiow that he powerful,” is everywiiere, and the in the ^ uds, and all . continued her work. Just thei ere was a clap of thunder, and Ros reamed out. we ' Mama ! I bet Dod’s gun bust - •” i .rt, the last and only dog be _ long • (to Major-Geueial L;-mm 1 Taw kjn^ [ wSiiSy moi ‘ (i The skipping was superin duced by - a n overdose of strychnine, L° u [u " jurns bis loss, but he should l >res? " s , flattering unction to his bleed i ' tl , • ip that bind, where goisl “!’ 2 Libert awaits him ; fie wags - happiness !,,s in peace and now, aw sinmbet s are no longer haunted ”- v ms of tin-cans and mischievous sni 6 irn that the Georgia Railroad W >*J i ommence to run a Fast Yol. 6.—No. 23 ted States mail train which will make I the round trip from Augusta to Allan-1 ta and back in 10 boms. Over 170 I miles in five hours is fast traveling. Our information is, the train will carry 1 one but passenger coach, and will not stop at four stations between the cities above named. We do not know wlieth wiin» aS Tih t PlaC tht ‘f U i'i Union 1 oint, Rutledge "A3 it,they are o Lamak, and Conyers. —Wo clip-the following from the Greenesboro 4 Herald: “Wo learn that Rev. W. J. Alexander, of South Caro¬ lina, formerly of Greene and u gradu¬ ate of Mercer University, and a popu¬ lar and able Baptist minister, lias been elected a Professor in the State versity of South Carolina* This is a rampliment to Georgia ami Mercer and to a woi thy and fast rising young mail, and an honor to the Institution which elects him.* 9 The subject eff Uie above notice was born in Taliaferro. His father Mr. Bert Alexander died in this county child, when “Willie” was .a meie best leaving him to the care of one of the of women — Mrs. Martha Al¬ exander— now Mrs. Davenpoffcof S. W. Georgia. Ilis uncle Mr. Win. Alexan¬ der was for a long time before tile war the leading merchant of Crawfordville. The kindest wishes of hosts of friends in Taliaferro attend both m itlier and san . RAYTOWN BAKINGS, AS P11.1-.D UP POU DIJMOUUAT It ISA DEBS. UUOl’S, NEWS ITEMS, F.V ERYTTUNG IN GENERAL WITH a LITTLE SPICE I AND PHILOSOPHY THROWN IN FOR FLAVORING. -We bad a heavy lain last Sunday, u washed the land considerably in 80,110 l’hwes. —There was a party among the voting people last night, at Mr. B. Ivey’s. They had a very enjoyable time of it. j ! —Mrs. quite sick Emma Flynt’s day this young week, babe was one ’ —Mr. YV. r l'. Woodruff had quite a b a ,j time of it last Monday on Ids re j i turn keu sick from Crawfordville. the road homo, Ho and was was t» on scarcely able to sit up in the buggy un til he reached Sharon, where was care¬ fully attended by both friends and pliy sicians. It was pronounced a case of sunstroke so wo hoar, —Tim writer spent the day, last Tuesday with the family of Mr John Moore, and enjoyed it hugely^ IFe went out to luluiii'e, Ins upimy. He Lgy ove.; iicvnntv, stand, some of w hich years." They jha ? greatest posm hie quality o, nme honey, and yet they do not eoivsuuie one half of the contents of the hires. Mr Aloore also made 362 buslitiVof wheat, besides an immense quantity of oats, and everything seems One L) be most abundant around him. must needs visit his house to form any idea of the bounteous plenty that reigns around him and the courteous polite¬ ness that makes every guest feel per¬ fectly satisfied, with himself, the world iugeneral, and Mr. Moore in particu la r. -Mr. Jess Moore will make 1,000 bushels of oats on a two horse i'arnj. How is that for high ? — Mr. Z. L. Wright, brings in the fi rst cotton bloom of the season, on the lwh in , t . _. See t!l(Wn beautiful ginghams 10 a nd m ctH. from the sale of A. T st( . VV!U t A Co., at C. A. Davis & Co’s. G ; „ bo ,.„ '^ (ii , ^ r/ our champion farmer, lias the best field of upland corn tlmt I.»v. tbl. year. ' .. ««, —Mr. Jesse Davden has watermelons as large as a water bucket. He also has a splendid piece of corn that lias been made with one plowing and one hoe ing. — Mrs. Josh Moore cooked ;i cabbage the other day that weighed 6 lbs. -Min, Mnrf Woodruif 1« riaile ill, at ” "k * s'*I, Itrnnk, I, .iieoilln- 0 £m ( 0 * is hard to surpass as a business man. i Three years ago he began business, as a uletk for J. M. Callan, of IFashington. Now he is partner in the firm of <uiHan * lir ook^ and w doing 11 ! dri ^. ’ U ^ i mess. We \ udt, . ‘ ■» t Due. -Mitrbelized metaiic caskets hs soiled sizes common medium and ^’e wood coffins and caskets aU sizes, at muon less than cry prices Trim Friday night is, “Which is most disa grceahle. a drunken man or a hr iwinig woman ? We would think it would b : easy n. d-cide. for oho h words, the other deeds ; om* is tlie annoying mi/. zing of gnats ; the other is the »P""g of the deadly eoora-di eap-dlo imt we leave the gr mid lo H.-M n Of cou£ t ^nwil. Mr, h mnao, « ember one thing, your .uo«.«r i. * wo».n. , —Home of boys got water bound <um last Sunday on their return Lorn the dedication of the M. E. cl u eh at N »r wood, 1 ut it did not taxe very bigh w.r ter to keep them, as their sweetie arts were on that side of tl e stream, —Ladies if you will buy your dress goods, white goods, dress trimmings, and millinery goods of C, A. Davis A Co., Greenesboro, you will get pretty, fashionable and satisfactory goods. IxCOrgia w'-v » KUIirOUtl at • ■§ V “_ -r L' ( A Vk J-'ivu.n Af) Tl l lu^ 11 O’ Office <.v.nkkai, Man voku, I /TGMM KNtljNfi MIJ N DAY - ,41 IMnstaii wili f * the following passenger schedule he operated : l west—dau.t. ko. 2 EAST—bAtiA, Lv, Augusta loaio ajmjhv, Atlanta 8:30,a;nt “ Macon 7:10a mi “ Athens 0:30a l-.lsWni m “ Mille.dg’U OHIO a slim m “O’wt’d’ll “ W’sh'i’n 11:20 :12jpjm Ar.Wash’g’2:55jp p!m III Ar. O’f’dv’ll 3-ABipjm 1 *• .Milledg'l) +:49 “ ‘i Athens Atlanta «:4rui “ ‘- Macon Augusta J;65 6:45’p|tn i)'m m Ulosg Connection to and from Washing. no. 3 west—dairy, no. 4 east— daily. Lv. Augusta 8:50 p plmiAr.CTdv’H imLv. Atlanta 8:43 pan Lv. Cr’f’v’il 12:39 alm 2:53 0;3oWin a m Ar. Atlanta 6:40 Ai.Auuu.sta JOHN W. GREEN. E.U. DORSEY (iunerftl M,um « u1 ’- ««"• Tass’ger Agent 1,000 MILE TICKETS. Geguoia Railroad Company, J OfficeGkneu\lVvskenokuagent. > ) /•'lOMMENClNG A , oi-lTA, MONDAY, As.'! £!!’, 7th 1X7<*. I this will sell ONE THOUS¬ nisi., AND ) MILE Company TICKETS, TWENTY-FIVE good over main line and branches, at DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms or families, but not to firms and families combined. MaVO,1879. E. It, DORSEY, General Passenger Agent G. II. IT. TALII ouse of IT., S imtla -:o;—— PIANOS and ORGANS 11,! it Mnmit'aetnrcd. NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES Important Improvements* Beautiful Oombinations. SELECTED FROM TWELVE Ob’ THE! MOST CELE11R.YTKD MAKERS. E. I. 0. M. LARGE CASH CONTRACTS Enable GO QOIilNSON & CO. toS«t» 20 to 30 I’ur Cent. Saved EVERY PURCHASER. Lowest Prices * Easiest Terms ever offered MUSIC A L INSTRUMENTS; BOOKS SHEET AIUM1C. MUSIC BEST ITALIAN STINGS, AndArverYtlnitHRjoiL. “igtoa FIRST I EV NOTE OF T. M. II. 0. 1 la P, Q, S (i. O. ROBINSON A CO. Xil Hroait Street, AUGUSTA, GA, J. ,T. MULL AN. 14 SOUTH BROAD ST:„ ATLANTA, GEORGIA. — MANllf ACTU11K8 OF— MONUMENT, Tombs & J teadhtones, Etc. eBifgns and Estimates furnished, t2. m. __ Gate City Clothing Store,. -(:0:j A. & S. ROSEN FEED, Miimifactnrers of and Dealers in MEW'S AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Gents’ Fcunihhi.vo Goons. 24 Whitehall Street, Corner of Alabama,. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Junc23,lm. * ” , > lly I! M woo Lb FT, Atlauta, habit .' G;i. Reliable to evidence cured patients given;an<x and );.fcreiice , H .. and Fe id for my book on l He Habit its Cure, brue. GUNS or evebt xnro cheapen this eves. Bines, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni¬ tion, Fishing Tackle, Heines, Mete, Knives, Razors, Skates, Hammocks* etc* Large Illustrated Catalogue FBES. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 1‘lTTSBVBOa, PA. __ |ft P ^ HB F Ok| N ■■ T _ S Mi mu “ 1 " WANTjED! MSMlWg GentlemmMomgim ^ Co., Box aw. ntt.>.r»fc. r»> Hewitt A NEW CURE FOR P OTATO pues VERMW. AND ALL TROUBLESOME rSPtfS: p ”“ JT. . Johnston, PttUkwik P«* — ■ M USICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds for sale very cheap. Catalogues free. Addra**, RICHARD 3 HULL t CO., Box 8B8. m*bunh, T%.