Newspaper Page Text
MaiMfl mm\.
Sdktrt and Ti
CBAWFORDTJLLF. - . o*o*au.
Madison, Ga., will soon have a cotton
peed oil mill
The water works at Columbus, Ga.,
are completed.
Alabama’s oat crop, just harvseted,
was the largest for years.
" Georgia yields over a million dollars
per annum in gold bullion.
Nashville parties will build a cotton¬
seed oil-mill in Atlanta, Ga.
Polk county, Georgia, lias thirty saw
mills, employing 1,050 men.
The Buckingham gold mine, in \ ir
ginia, is valued at $2,000,000.
The Charlottesville, Va., bent-wood
factory lias liegun operations.
Ground lias been broken at Columbus,
C5a., for the new cotton factory.
One orange tree in Clay county, Ha.,
has 5,000 oranges on its branches.
Over two hundred houses are in course
of erection at Chattanooga, Penn.
Mis. Carr, aged 100 years, died in
Barbour county, Ala , a few days ago.
Baker county, Ga., has raised its hq
uor liccnse from $27 to $1,000 per year.
Charleston, R. C, i« shipping j'hos
pliate rock, used for fertilizing, to Eng¬
West Virginia produces nearly one
fourth of all the nail* used in the United
States Columbus,
The dam now building nt the
Ga., is the largest stone dam in
Judge Clayton, of Eufaulft, Ala., has
decided that dealing in cotton futures is
Louisiana has 172,005 registered vo¬
te res, of which 85,461 are white and 88,
024 colored.
The mountains in Rwain county, N,
C., are said to he of solid marble—red,
pink, plaided and black.
A careless druggist at Rlatke, 1'la.
gave Mrs. Jones poison instead of a dope
of calomel, and she died from its effects.
There are now in Wythe and Bulaski
counties, Va., fifteen blast furnaces en
gaged in making of cold blast charcoal
u mpemx hard-shed
the Obion l'ft'Pr' near I’roy, Tcnn , a few
davs ago.
Charleston, 8. C., has 250 saloons, each
of which pays an annual city license of
$200. Savannah follows with 300
licensed bar rooms.
Three hundred men are now engaged
in picking peaches on one farm at Grif¬
fin, On., and will continue to pick them
until the middle of July.
Dr. I>. Babcock, the inventor of the
fire extinguisher of that name, is in
Buchanan, Va., a |>erfeot wreck from
the intemperate use of whiskey.
A negro in Montgomery, Ga., lost Ins
only mule by death, but, lieing Isiurnl
to make a crop, hitched himself, and,
while his wife held the handles, contin¬
ued with his work.
A rich strike has just been made in
the famous old Magrudei mines, in bin
coin county, Ga., in the shn]x> of a four
and-a-half-foot vein af silver ore, assay¬
ing $150 to the ton.
Virginia drinks up her entire wheat
crop annually, and it is stated tlmt the
liquor drank in Louisiana costa $47,000,
000—#2,000,000 more than its combined
cotton, sugar and rice crop.
Pineapple grow to an enormous size
in Key Largo. One recently exhibited
at Key West from that place measured
a foot in length and twenty-three inches
in circumference. It weighed eight
Pensacola promises to be the future
seaport of the South. During May eighty
nine vessels, with an aggregate tonnage
of 68,116 tons, entered the port, and
ninety-five vessels, with an aggregate of
55,616 tons, cleared.
Three curious fish were recently cap¬
tured in a lagoon near Alacou, Ga. The
first one caught was about three feet
long, shaped like a watermelon, and
was perfectly translucent, bloodless, cold
and clammy. The others were smaller,
but like the first i every other respect.
A new and in in tant Jessup. industry is be
lug built up - n 1 .e Fin. The
fine beds of 3 h been dis
covered aioi h
lake are beii k
t uc
M to v,
W . s.
the following detail is given : Virginia,
153; Maryland, 181; West Virginia,
136; North Carolina, 29 ; South Carol i- j
na, 64; Alabama, 68; Florida, Arkansas, 49; Missis-j 1,155;
aippi, 79 ; Georgia, 134 ;
Louisiana, 600; Kentucky, 800; Tennes¬
see, 157; Missouri, 430; Texas, 1,500.
The Tennessee Bute library contains
valua,jle '■elics, among which >-• a
Piece of the Hag surrendered by Lord
to Gen. Washington, at i orK
October 19, 1781 ; Daniel Boone’s
musket, Gen. Jackson’s cap, and ti e :
of Col. Du Puysti r, captured a ilritish offi- J
under Col. Ferguson, at tin; j
of King’s mountain in 1/80. in j
case with many other things is to be (
a limb in the shape of a walking
said to be cut from a beech tree j
feet high and four feet thick, on |
wJiick is plainly visible to this day the
following inscription :
J) Boon filled a Bar.
on trek in year 1760.
Near Stellaville, Ga., a leaden medal
was found that i.s quite a curiosity in its
way. On the obverse side appears the
figure of a six masted steamer, full rig¬
ged, over which is the inscription, “The
Great Britain,” and below the ship is the
dimensions, number of state-rooms, etc.
On the reverse side appear two medal •
lion heads, Queen Victoria and Prince
Albert. This medal commemorates the
launching of the Great Britain at Bris
tol, England, on July 19, 1843, and de¬
notes an important era in shipbuilding,
from the fact that she was built of iron
and fitted with the newly invented
screw propeller.
The Ow1 n« a l'oct.
Since the arrival of the wicked pig by express at
last year, sent by a has created man the
Watertown, no package this offico that box
consternation at arrived a
containing an owl did, which
Wednesday from Oak Center. The
name of the donor was not given, but
thc name “ Old Parker ” is oh the box,
and that is probably the namo of the
owl. Ho is a lively bird, and would
make a good “bird poet,” such as wo
wrote of a short time since. Who knows
but this is ft girl poet who lias been
taken at her word, and turned into a bird.
If this is the girl poet who wrote, “I
would I were a bird,” she has got her¬
self into the worst, scrape of her life.
The eyes look more like a girl than any¬
thing, and when the owl winks w ith one
eye, and looks at us as though she
meant to be so understood—presuming tremble,
that it is a she—it makes us
and forgot business, and wink back. If
this is a girl poet turned into an owl, we
wonder whether it is the girl’s or the
owl’s appetite that enables the insect to
eat three pounds of beef. If it is the
girl’s appetite that has been sawed off on
to an owl, it would be a mean trick on
the owl, if ho had to get his own bring.
When the bird winks, and makes its
month go, we think it is ip^pjref a girl poet the trans- gidCg
5 ly jfautj itig owl/Ve
was any girl left withVthe in trie bird, expect¬ put a
mouse in the box predominated
ing if the would girl svmptomt* take its feathers in both
the owl something to
claws, and climb up on
get away, and scream. But there is
more owl in the bird than girl pefet, be¬
cause tlie bin! snatched the mouse in its
daw, and with its bill tore the little affi
nml into fragments and eat him. So, if
there is any girl left in the composition her
of that ow l, the girl poet has We got warned
stomach full of nasty mouse.
the girl poet not to become a bird, and
if sho lias not taken onr advice she knows
by this tiuio how it is herself. But what
a wink the owl lias got. That wink on
a girl would break up a prayer meeting.
A girl with such a wink as that could go
to church and not it mau in the congre¬
gation could ever toll where the text was.
And what a wise look the bird has got.
It sits and seems to be thinking of the
hereafter, or maybe it is woudering
where the next meal is coming from. It
is possible that some friend, knowing we
wanted an associate editor, has sent the
owl to take a position on our staff. May¬
be some dear friend mis been transformed
into an owl, and caused themselves to bo
shipped to us, to get into the sanctum
and see what is going on. If the eyes
were another color, and they should
wink that way, we should be sure a joke
was being played on us. owl Any person
that wants to hire a good this to cat office.— meat
on shares, can apply at
Reek's Sun.
InlUtenee of Association.
1 remember once seeing an advertise¬
ment in tlie papers with which I was
much struck, and which I will take
liberty ple Coffee of reading: and “ supposed Lost, in the
House, to have
be taken away by mistake, an oaken
stiek f which the lias supported its master
not only over his greatest part in of Europe,
but has been companion his jour¬
neys over tho inhospitable deserts of
Africa. Whoever will restore it to the
waiter, will confer a very serious obliga
tion on the advertiser; or, if that be
any object, shall receive a recompense
very much above tlie value of the article
restored.” Now, here is a man, who
buys a sixpenny stick, because it is
useful, and totally forgetting the trifling
causes which first in a Je his stick of auv
consequence, speaks of it with warmth
and affection: calls it his companion,
iiud would hardly have changed it, p -r
haps, for the gold stick which is carried
before the king. But the best and tho
strongest example of this, ami of the
cu domary jirogrr as 4 association, is
■ passion of ft! e. A child only
K uuv : it shines; and, as
us ndid love- a c
but ell. lr ne III
leu loves it
t hi If the com
i (
m .
- m
Warmer weather has given corn 'an J
cotton a boom. /'
* ' “ '' “* ' . '”7' I
gunshot, Gamrapdi’s and one hod? oayonet, bore scars wou nds. of jten
, Delawabe promises to give the 18$ efrm
t rv the Jargest peach crop since
Thk army worm is the objeot^pon
which the farmer may lavish his parses
this year. V,
p mljADrxpniA is taking steps toward
^ comtrnction and adoption cm an
dectric ' railway . rt '
S . xti of the Bank or Ireland fells at
319 that is higher than stock of the
Bank of England.
In the destruction of the barleyUr op,
is it possible that the army worm; too,
is fighting the brewers?
Between the army worm ai turn
weather there is little preference, rThe
one seems to augment the othor.
Since her marriage Sarah Berpardt Jjfcp.
fa not popnhr. although d»
as good an actress as she ever jpwLs
The census returns in <J , P pws
nearly a million more m m
This is not a usual thing ffl
countries. f
^ 2?
Portions of Washington’s ^jll ad
dross are published in a F t I eews
paper as appropriate to the lHon of
that country.
New ^"jsSi^er i
Robert Bonneb, the i
man, has .$382,000 invested m lioi»fiesb, I
for his private use and to gratify per- i
sonal ambition.
Le r us say to our Christian frlCTs that
Air. Beecher has taken to • bil
bards. Ho keeps a table in luvnouse
, purpose.
One hundred and ten thousand per¬
sons, over twenty thousand them
women and girls, used the free in
New York last woek.
A Aliss Chamberlain, of C«yL;land,
Ohio, is creating a sensation in llundon
as a professional beauty. Bear it mind
that sho is au Ohio girl.
We ark informed that the |~ Route
Tho < rouble
trials are finally in progrt
will be to get them to end —at Mist sat
isfactorily to the people. J
Tire written New York note Sun to tells tipoffy of j ^jnwfec for . '
sent a an
“ ogsallegasset.” He want? oxalic
acid. He had a bad spell.
Surgeon Woodward, U. s!j
t ^jo attending physicians
condition at Nice, from BrSt^
Tuts year’s graduates at W'JgfjVuurt tMpi
wre said to bo better waltzers those
of any former class for years. | . a mil¬
itary point, of view this is impel!;ant.
| there Lkadvimj! has not exults been over natural the d J’t -vth that in
tlmt city for two weeks. A natuo ,1 death
oi.’t there, by the way, is a death by
shooting or stabbing.
The condition of crops and* in
Franee, Germany, sad H oil Rains
have improved prospects in j •uthern
Russia. Cold weather hiio cBS* fk ed veg
ctatiou in England.
If the Atlanta Constitu f lo\, speaks
oorrootly, more reapers have b im sold
in Georgia this year than the ei fire cot¬
ton belt possessed one year ago. If true,
Hus is a good thing for the Stat;.
Heroicant AIason say* he ca -.’t com¬
plain of the treatment he is receiving in
the Albany Penitentiary, only io would
like to get out. Being imprisoi ed is the
meanest feature of the whole tli ng.
Atu. Weed, of Newburg, N. Y., lost
$450,000 in one hour at a game jf pokor
and is now creating a fuss all over the
continent about it. Air. Weed doesn’t
soetn to know how to play the g atne.
Tiif. Chinese Government wiji return
ing fifty students to American colleges, wak hav¬
discovered their removal a mis¬
take. It seems that tlie mean« we treat
Chinn the better they will think of us.
Lawyer Hirst, of Philadelphia, left
I a will bequeathing $180,(W0 'and i for the
I f °nnuing of a free law library, $10
11 ' vock to his sisters. Thus he loved
j tho his public, sisters, dear man, better than he did
! —
j Alisa Bi-i.le Braden is said tb be the
ou | r railroad offioer in the
^ ^ 1! . ... ° , inst . . , >een elected , . ,
“ *’ ■",
Treasurer of the Maynwbnrg a^d Wash
i iugtoa Railroad, in Pennsylvania, and
is acting Paymaster,
i : Catholic Telegraph thinks that
useful acts of Garilmidi’s life
a the soap and candle factory on
n Island, amt teaching Americans
t m ke macaroni. The Telegraph has
a high appreciation of a great statesman
The Tariff Commission, appointed bv
e President, does not seem to have
en a “happy" one. Appomtmcnts
ntorred nterred upon mm the the Statu state of of Aew Yew Tirt York
uave oecn respectfully declm.d. New
lorn is not altogether patterning after
the Ohio idea.
Rev. Joss DeWitt, D. D., of the
Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadel
phia, resigned the pastorate of that
-jhnrch, paying him $6,000 a year, to
*coeot a Professorship in Lane Sem
(«I. .1 33,000. But tU.
Lovdov predicts that the
#me ^ not {ar ahead of ns when eleo
tncity will be stored so successfully and
cheaply that little boxes of it will be
used to propel tricycles, and people will
j ourney about the country by that
method rather than by rail,
Whisky is to be made independent of
the corn crops. A number of railroad
men are buying timber lands, and are
going to make whisky out of smoke,
This is a question which requires the im¬
mediate attention of the foresters. In
a few years rain will be unknown.
% cotemtoeary whose patriotism is
bubbling over in fond anticipation of a
Fourth of July celebration, says ;
j There is going to be more of 4th of Ju-
1 gloriousjuly in this country this year than the
I oldest inhabitant ever saw before. ’Tis well.
■ We whipped ’em. Me can do it again, if they
| j JSS55aS.8ftJff.S~ «** **•»
j Lamfton, of the Louisville Courier
i Journal, has become something of a
! political punster. He turns his attention
i to affairs in Pennsylvania as follows:
j Attention Cameron is A called Son, successors to the varied to Win. resources Peir>.
j r>;ir State. Every own’ Xjesislation adult male ia allowed seseion to vote
; for us. Onr every
: year. Send for circular.
An edict signed by the Czar, and pub
lishedin the official Gazette of St. Peters
burg, virtually bankrupts every wealthy
j ew i u R uss ia. It provisionally suspends
oil payment for contracts or debts due
to Jews, prohibits them from settling
outside towns and villages, and other¬
wise provides for their speedy extirpation
throughout Ozardom.
After a serious illness of one of the
jurors in the Mnlley /Tise, tlio trial lias
been resumed, but the interest in the
proceedings has waned. There is no
probability of a conviction of any of the
parties who stand charged with Aliss
Cramer’s outrage and murder, although
there is little doubt in the minds of any
who are familiar with the facts and tes¬
timony, as to their guilt.
Cuileon Dickerson, aged seventy
five, of Danville, N. J., was bitten by a
mad dog last March. His wife was alst
bitten. The woman who treated them
advised Diokorson to abstain from the
use of tobacco, which lie did until re¬
cently, when he resumed indulgence of
the weed, and died. Airs. Dickerson,
who, it is presumed, does not use to
bacco, has not been, affected.
girls i
ft a young man truly loves you, he will al¬
ways be somewhat embarrassed when with you.
If h young man is not interested in you at first
If sight, the chances are five to one against ho you. is
ft fellow eontinuee to glance at you
interested in you; if he hastily averts his gaze
when yon catch his-eye, the chances are that
he’s a gentleman know ; but. if, instead, is he “maslior.” smiles at
you, you may that he only a
Huxley compares Darwin to Socrates,
saying there was m him the same desire
to find some one Riser than himself, the
same belief in the sovereignty of reason,
the same ready hnmor, the same sympa¬
thetic interest in all the ways and works
of men. Just so. Professor Huxley;
but do you suppose if they had found
men wiser Mian themselves, either one ef
them would have admitted it?
From Frauco au extraordinary tri¬
cycle journey is reported to have been
made by the Vice President of t he Lyons
Bicycle C’ub, accompanied by- his wife.
They traveled in one of the two-seated
tricycles from Lyons to Nice, Genoa,
Rome, aud Naples, and home again,
through Florence and Turin. The entire
distance is about 2,300 miles, and they
averaged between fifty aud sixty miles
a day.
The quicket time on record in a di
i voree suit V w Zantt -s made In last L wppt ** f Fnvf
Wayne. A wealthy faimer named J.
V. Gilbert drove to town with liis wife,
and she handed in an application for
freedom on tlie ground of cruelty. The
couple then agreed : that the wife should
nave . nnm $1,0UU in cash, , new false teeth
every three years, half the furniture,
fruit, and milk, and two-thirds of the
children. Both appeared in court and
The Alohammedan populace of Egypt
is gettiug more excited and fanatical
every day. Europeans are leaving the
country by thousands, and more trouble
is expected. Under the circumstances
I it is only a matter of life and death
with Europeans. Alany who are in good
circumstances, prosecuting a lucrative
trade,voluntarily leave all tor the sake of
ridding themselves of uncertainties that
must ultimately result in ruin and
After all. the Kt ely motor is a fraud.
Savs the SeimtHkAn rie n:
The truth is that “tile secret" was divulge,!
^"cOTODres' 1 air^ ^troTnee.i
thvt efi i
eurrepUiiotixly condor. by pipes which connect U with»
Fc riiaps the company who have in
^ hoavll J ™ m tbe^otor the motor, ™,i and have have
l ' < "” patienuy waiting lor years to red
i*s their dreams of a scientific revola-
tion-and fortunes— will now turn their
attention to hard facts as as they find
Womax suffrage has at least made
some progress, whatever
opinions or prejudices may be. The
committee in the United States Senate to
whom the matter was entrusted for con
sideration have made a majority and
minority " report, the majority 7, report
favoring . . amendment . . to . no
an >.
tion 4 granting the elective franchise to
* -
submitted to the several Legislatures.
The minority report favored submitting
the matter to the several States upon the
basis of States rights. It is not likely
tliat Congress will act upon the question
at the present session, but advocates of
woman suffrage may take courage and
hope for a full discussion of the theme
next winter.
Holland. I
Taxes in laxes Holland, in Air. Bird tells us, j
sre generally very high, and, it is clear, j
are often very mischievous. Here they
might learn much from us. There is
a tax on every window, door, chimney,
servant * * * on every article of
household furniture m use. One must :
even pay for the privilege of earning
one s dailv bread, no man being permit- :
ted to carry on a profession, trade or oc
cupation wifat of any sort unless he obtains i !
is called a “patent.” The poor
tax-payer has not even the satisfaction
of having his taxes called for. He must ;
take the money to the collector’s office, ;
and often lose an hour or two while wait- j
ing till the great man can attend to him. |
Should he be behind in the payment, quartered one
or two hungry militiamen are :
in his house at his expense until he has
cleared off his arrears. Two hundred
years ago boots and shoes, “ those arti
cles so essential to human comfort,” as
our author somewhat needlessly de
scribes them, were not only taxed, but
were conspicuously marked on the up
per leather with the Government stamp.
Medical men have their fees iixed. by
law, and fixed at a low rate. To make
up for this, no druggist can sell the aim
plest mixtures unless the prescriptions
of a doctor be produced. If a mau is
suffering from headache or toothache,
though he may know of some remedy
which will give him relief, he cannot
procure it until he has consulted a mod
ical man. In some parts of Holland the
liouses of the poorer Boers are but little
better than Irish cabins. “The family
live all together in one large which room,
divided by wooden partitions, and bed-room,
serves as parlor, kitchen
and is not unfreqnently shared with a
cow or donkey.” The bed is a huge box,
filled with heather or seaweed, and in
districts exposed to floods is often raised
to a height of six or seven feet above the
floor. In respect of cleanliness these
poor people are far superior to the Irish.
Even if a laborergets not more than 10s.
a week, yet he, his wife and children
will be seen every Sunday “respectably
dressed and scrupulously clean.” It is a
very common custom for the peasants to
leave their wooden shoes outside the
doors of their cottages, so that they may
nbt carry the dirt inside. By counting
the number of shoes it can be readily
onetime B«ii u« Jn in the i „pj 6 thma^geaAany
Best He Could Do.
It was a Michigan man riding through
West Y’irginia on horseback, and one
afternoon as lie came along to a settler’s
cabin on the mountain road he asked of
a man leaning over the gate :
“Can you tell me how far it is to the
town ahead?”
“I reckon I kin, stranger. You’ll
have to peg along fur about nine miles
yit.” nearly dark. Is there
“But it is no
tavern on the road 7”
“Never heard of any, and I’ve backed
my corn-meal over this road risiii’ of
twenty years.” could
“But perhaps I put up some¬
where ?”
“ P'raps yo could. There’s Steve
Taylor down about four „ .. , but , he ,, d
s miles,
beat ye blind on old sledge There’s
Mose Smith, a mile nighar, but Mose
would feel offended if ye didn’t trade
ki? Might 1 tliat put hoss at fur Green’s, a stub-tailed but there mule. slots
of rattlesnakes around his place.
nel Johnson is down about six miles, but
the Kurnel would turn ye all out doors
at midnight if he found that you didn’t
vote lus wav.”
“But what am I to do?’ _
“Baal, I’m a sqnar’ man stranger,
and the best I kin do is to ax ye to stop
here with me, an’ to tell ye before hand
that if ye ar’ awakened in the night by
shingles bein’ ripped off and logs pulled
d own ’J v ', on * a3J avalanche or a cy
c , one only mea , n the old woman a
,’ for thct T° hundreth time since
the war to see who handles the money
when I sell two coon-skins fur a dollar !”
“I—I guess I’ll goon,’ faltered the
‘^ .
r el g
‘‘ke-rect, stranger! The last man
"’ho stopped here said he wished he’d
have run the ehaices with the snakes
down at Green’s, an’I gin him my hand
"l ien rode off. I’m squar’ up and
a ? 1 to5d a ”\ d Green’s is the
Yiolafing a Patent.
house It will wife lie to sad learn news that to many a prudent |
every time she ! ’
picks a hole in an egg- with a pin she is !
violating ventor, the patent of an American in
buteueh is the case. Years ago
an inventive genius devoted himself to
from discovering cracking a method to prevent eggs
ing. He solved during tlie process of boil
the problem bv pick a,
a which pin-hole in one end of the egg, throm-h "to
the air in the she':! was allowed
escape, and and this tills pin-hole pin-lio3e lid he duly dulv
patented according to law. Precisely
how he managed to collect his royalty is
a mystery, hut the fact remains that he
hps pin-hole a legal made claim in for royalty on every |
an egg before boilinsr.
killed , .,??*, themselves y<mn ? C * by B * , ^ blowing ans . out ? be carl gas >* |
Bradford hotel, say they would do it
than turn the light down
mto the gas pipe and cause an exiflosion.
xhe innocents are abroad aud ought to
be got home as speedily as possible.
“Do you play poker, I Airs. Sehenk
wales ?” “I do; sometimes.” play it on Mr.
Schenk wales’ head
“ Never send a present Get hoping for one
in return.” Never. your present
first, always, and send yours when you
have time.
“ Is the General on the retired list ?”
they asked of his wife the other evening.
“Retired! no, indeed!’ she replied;
“be’s down to the club playing poker,”
“ Good morning, Jones; how’s your dog
Snap?” Jones—“Pretty well, I thank
you ; how are you ?”
Imagine the indignation of an Amerl
can boy in a French school, who in a
history class is told how Lafayette, the
great French General, triumphed in the
Revolution, assisted by Wasuington.
“Jest taste that tea,” said old Hyson
to his better half, at the supper table,
the other evening. “ Well, there doesn’t
seem f- Q be anything the matter with it.
I can’t taste anything.” “Neither can I,
and that’s what I’m growling at.”
Fhjst Swell —“I never did like
< M j[ , Bot nearly >' s0 change‘the pr&tty ^ ‘Alary
won( er they dou t name of
the month to ‘ Mary.Second Swell
. <clevaw idea w, by Jove; make awys
taws ° d to June, you know !”
Modesty : “ Do yon pretend A to , , have
a f good a judgment as I have ? ex
clmmed an enraged wffe to her husband,
Well, no, he rep -T'.
ehoioa of partners for life shous tl at , my
judgment is not to be compared with
1 ou ^- ench officer said to a Swiss Col
onel y/‘ • How is it that your countrymen
always fight for money, while wo Trench
always fight for honor’” The Swim
shrugged his shoulders and replied ; I
suppose it is because peopie are apt to
for that which they need most,
understand that Brown is in
trouble,” said Smithson. “ Yes,” replied
Fogg. “ Brown was at the auction shop
the other day. They had a silver pitcher,
and Brown offered to take it—offered to
take it for nothing, you know. Well,
the Sheriff took him up. That’s all. ”
It Jg quite a prope r idea for a young
j ady to paint a bunch of pansies on a
f res b-l a id e gg and toward it by special
meBsen g er to her best gentleman friend,
qqds signifies : “Pais hatching another
' Come 1 the
sc ] ieme against this'evening.” you. The over inter
garden wall’
est now begins.—-Yew; Haven Register.
Unc^ XT Ned , lost . a dollar . ,, « the other day,
and when he went home he called up Ins
eldest son. Come heah, , di t
h° boy; wn.,. jib. P wen lf j am yo think yo J° am 1’ laym on
feathers on ivalkin’’ on roses-slap ! an
dar J° 1S » flat 1Q
^ , beels on nex to nuffin. -Oil
Be) nek.
Terrible fate of a kind-hearted girl: .
According to a truthful Indian newspa
per, a hungry lion invaded a young
ladies’ seminary on commencement day
and, bouncing in among them, earned
off the prettiest and plumpest, wnli her
composition in her pocket—a school-girl
essay on kindness to animals,
“How profoundly Btill and beautiful
is the night,” she whispered, resting coat^i hef
'finely-veined temple Swdmaaisj against “ly# Ms thf
far-off Pleiades, “how soothing, bow
restful.” “Yes,” he replied, toyiJg
with the golden aureola of her hair,,
“and what a night to shoot cats.”—
Brooklyn Eagle.
“ Look yar, Clem, don’ yo’ be growlin’
’bout de scaceness on dem yar trousers 1
dem Dey’s shanks got as much w’ar in ’em yit as
o’ yo’n, eben ef yo’ fader
did tram ’roun’ in ’em mo’n forty year.
He didn’t hab no sich a’rs ! He’d be
prancin’ ’roun’ in ’em yit, and be proud
huff ob de chance, ef dar wuz any ’ca
sion for gearmints whar he’s gone.”—
Rome Sentinel.
India Proofs.
There are various ways in which de¬
ceptions are India practised. proof,” For instance, it
“unlettered being as is
technically called, in, from taken
; off the engraving at an earlier stage,
1 very much superior to what is called
I j after “lettered India impressions print,” which have been is obtained taken
1 many when the
the engraving, and plate
bas, consequently, become worn, and
j the picture lost its clearness and slmrp
: UCB3 of line. To torn an “India mint,”
therefore, into an “India proof,” the
| ! India print engraving. is cut down A all clean round sheet close of
to the
i nd ii paper, of the same tone as the
j India print, but of a larger size, so as to
s b 0 vv a clean, blank margin, is then
mouu ted on a piece of still larger plain
paper a nd the cut down India print in
turn is mounted in such a position as to
show the usual margin all round. Before
dryin g, the manipulated print is sub
jected to immense pressure, which so
forces the mounted print into the India
p ap e r as to entirely hide the difference
in the thickness of the material. A true
i mpre ssion taken off a plate leaves the
mar k 0 f the plate all round the picture;
au d to add this to the “ doctored ” India
proof, a plain steel or copper plate of
the proper size is laid on the face of the
pr j u t ( which is again subjected to pres
volume belonging to a collector was sup
posed to contain India paper impressions
of engravings to the value of £300, but
on examination they were found to be
“doctored” plates, not worth £30 in
all.— Chambers’ Journal.
According to official statistics the
total population of the German empire,,
as given bv the last census, was 45,234,
061. of whom 44,958,205 Of were males natives
® n d 275,856 foreigners. and of females 23,048,- there
were 22,185,433, contributes 13,414,866,
628. Prussia
the next most populous and Saxony states being
Bavaria, 2,500,00), (the
mos ^ populous of all for its area), 'svith
1>500,000. The greatest number of
suicides occurs in Saxony, Leipsio alone
recording more self-murders than any of
the other great European capitals.
» Matob, I see two cocktails _ earned
to tout room every morning, as if you
had some one to drink with.” “Yes,"
sir-one cocktail makes me feel like am
other man; and, of course, I’m bound to
treat the other man.”