Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, July 21, 1882, Image 1
DEMOORA'l i . o 3j Edward Young & Co. rPTTTT' Xlili 'P»TT'1VrOr JJJLiluU'-'It N T? A T 1 a. . FRIDAY JULY 21, 1882. POETRY. For The Dernier at. THE ANGEL WIFE. Two friends have wandered cut to see The shadows deepen o’er the lea; i The silver stars come peeping through J The calm blight oce-.iu above us blue. One mutely stands upon toe strand, Ilis thoughts are ot a better land, And on** who dwells on its bright sli ore Now lost to earth forever more. The rose most nurtured with care and Was plucked by God’s hand from his side , He meekly bowed : “God knowet i best, And gentiy laid her down to rest. Aud o’er and o’er time’s dark wave May ripple and dash about his grar e, But the heart that knows no other love Will wait, and watch to rise above. These lowly walks; for at your Gates The fair ons joyfully looks and w aits, To bear the pinions sweet And lay it down at Jesus feet. Gone from below his brightest light; lie points to the evening star to-night, As she slowiv fades from mortal eyes, And leaves us naught but darkened sk-es. “See John ! Just a year ago to-day My darling Carrie sank that way OonTulsed with sighs, sobs and tears, He dreams of joys of other years. —F. ^ If. K WAS THE NUMBER MR STE PHENS RECEIVED. "TWAS NO RING, BUT THE PEOPLE’S VOICE THAT SPOKE, AND PROC1.AIMED OUR HERO TO • BE THE MAN WHO SHOULD FILL THE GU¬ BERNATORIAL CHAIR, AND (M'TOm il N xxnlu i. PROVE their von v. suwjESiJi:’ the meeting of ths DESrocffATtc party AT ATLANTA—HARMONY PIIVAILS —MK. STEPHENS nominated on the first HALLOS—SHOUT SKETCH-OF THE HEIiO ■“OTHER SORlSA flORS. —CONVENTION DOTS—MR. STEPHENS’S HEALTH—BEN HILL’S CONDITION. Skelck of Mr. Stephen*. Alexander Hamilton Stephens, o. Crawfordvi’le. was born in that part of i Wilkes county, Georgia. Which now fours a part of Taliaferro county, February It, 1812; graduated at tlie University o ' Geor¬ gia, at At'-eys, in 183T; taugli sei-ool e;gh' teen months, was admitted to the bar at Crawfordv’Tle in 1834; w;-s a member of tiie bouse of represe. taiives of tiie Georgia leg¬ islature from Taliaferro county in 18.%’, ’87, ';;8, ’30 and ’40, and was a member of ti-e state senate from Taliaferro county in 1842; was elected a representat'veof the twenty eight, twenty-ninth, th'rt eth, thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third, tbir’y-fourth and thirty-fifth eon g'ess (that is from ’843 to 1869) when he declined are-election; was run as a presidential e'eetor f or the state at large in Geo' g'a, on the Douklss and Johnson ticket in i 860 ; was elected to i lie Secession convention e'UeoTg'aie 1*61; op¬ posed and voted against the orduinee r secession in that body—but gave it his sup¬ port after it had been passed, against his judgment as to its pobc' r ; was elected bv that convedt on o the confederate con” gress, which net atMonigomery, Alabama February 4,1861, and was chosen v ; ce pres¬ ident under the p ovls onal gove nmeiit by that congress; was elected vrte president of the confederate states fo • I’m te’o si: years, e ider what was termed the ] iev nianent governme t, in November, 1861. visited the s’ate of Virginia on a minion under the confederate government in April, 1861 upon the invitation of that state; was one of the commissioners on the part of the confederate government at the Hampton Roads conference in February, 1865; wa s elected to th* senate of the United States in 1866, by the fust legislature convened under the new constitution, made ur.der the Johnson policy, but was not allowed to take his seat; was elected to the forty-third congress in 1S73. (to fill the vacancy occas ior.ed by the deaths of Ambrose It. It right.) elected to the forty-fsurth, forty fifth was re-elected and forty-sixth congre s, aud was the forty-seventh congress as a demo to .at, ttcAivfrf 11; 148 votes vrt.ihout oppo-ri , ties GEC ^ jIA, FRIDAY, 21th JULY, 1882. Onthe road, 21st July.— 1 The po p OW -wow at Atlanta has ad* journed. The adjournment brought as much pleasure to some as the assem¬ bling did. But I am riuce.eiy glad that it is over - . Three day's of button holing, and canvassi ng and talking politics has reduced me so a mere skel elon aud transformed ms into a ing mass of legal ability, parliamenta¬ ry knowledge and political tion. During my brief, but brilliant stay in Atlauta I bad tiie privilege of pleading tlie cause of candidate! in tlie arcades of tlie State capltoi, of arguirg Democracy hi the rotundas, of tbo hotels and of talking up the advunta ges of the newspaper business on the busy streets of tiie thriving e : tv of At lanta. It was Tuesday afternoon that I went to Atlanta. The tram was fa'rly crowded when reached Crawfordvi’le. Taliaferro was ab y lep-esewfced. Ned Cvoake, of Sha or, wa3 spokesman, and U. T. Lucas was bis assistant. Two better men or wiser men, c more able men tould not have been chosen, and it does mo no 1 Arti good to be ub’e to state to the people of T:.'Irfe. ro that heir interests were not neglected. There were all ki.uls of people aboard the t .: : n. He e was a g ay beaded farme-, with a huge trunk ’ooking valise, occupying two seat:; in the smoking ear and very sol-clous as to the speed of the train ; look ,ig c’.tsdly yet timidly from tlio v. lo.v • >s we dashed turong’u big c.iti or rolled slowly over immense t est’ox Tlien there wns the stylish town gcii tlemau, with a tiny burton-hole bou¬ quet and a delicate odor of Germau cologne lingering arounp him. They were all going to Atlanta. They had their credentials all nicely done up in buff envelopes and safely stowed away in their inside breust pockets. The newspaper men were represented. There was Knowles, of the Journal, the Ado is of Geo ^ • edit© s,* -..a.: W’-iUe, of the McDuffie Jou-oal; and I saw also H«i e, of the Ogle tliorpc Echo all doubled up in a seat and -ompla.ning f ightik Fy of being tired. The i Llie-e was m -self, -nd i of m were t, iking to the hoao i-.hle dtdegn a j d specjiia jug ,is io lie s - ■ t ■ t, i-'j ijie ynnyei . /y.-.n ay. No sooner do I a , ive in Atlanta than I straightway make my way to Mr. St - pben’s room in ibe Kitnbell Iloure. There I found him surrounded by a crowd of friends. He greeted me kind¬ ly and anxiously inquired about the people in Crawfovdville and TaUiafe'- 10. lie was solicit ions us to the rain,and inquired of me when it had rained lust lieie. He expressed b'instilf n b -rta Ivudli and lie was looking LeLter i -u i I have eve? seen him. This will he g.atifyin;/; news to art oo< n op e. The defcaMs of the pr-jceed ugs with the gossip throughout ma - be found rt-knr : The delegates begun to fill the hall belo^e 10 o’clock and by lloVock, an hour before tho time set ior the open, ing of the convention, almost cvcy cbaii was occupied. Biclnnond county furnished the lar¬ gest delegation in the c-onvenrtn and oue of the best, while the gal la ies he d no less than 1C) reserve Augnstans, wlio were looking out foi Barnes The delegation was headed by Major Ciffin nahl aud Major Gary and the Hcu. Pitt Walsh, lion. Robert II. May aud Hon. Wilberforce Daniel, all veterans skill¬ ful in the law of polit <x,l and social art, while a rattling rank and fi'e was made up of A mstrong, Yeiderv, Ca roll, Warren, Mays. Hon. J. K. Eaves, Louis Dugas and Judge Ma ccs. The morning session, w ; th its minor debate, sent forward Pope Barrow, W. J. Nortben, Sam Jemison and Hunt as ibe BacoD leaders on the floor, and hin. ted that Hoke SmiHi Pat Walsh and W. E. S ; mmo> s, would do much of ;lie talking for M . Stephens. A sn’ch-r sceamb a ifmn that iud over Hue abo rtion of rtic t o-lbirds rule wus never heard * io the capltol• It was opened by the Hon. IV . J. Nortueu, in a calm ?nd sensib'c s;>eech, directed to the merits of the question. After this it was impossible to fol¬ low Ihe current of the debate. It w. s liteiallp a scramble, in which the Ste¬ phens men were nrgi ig a voie and , ie Bacon men delaying it. In this scvam ble Bill Tutt, of McDuffie, fell on his Pet and mads a ringing speech, that kept tlie house in o. , and applause. He -‘won the, ! • nu was l ea li¬ ly ngratnrtifd. taken d The vote o,i cue n a was a'.a intense exci-emeti. a l«e .., 0 n ^ vweavy iwe. Lf counties gave the two-thirds a bsavy majority, it vanning at one time 59 to 36. The majority rule polled up from this point and at 118 votes tuere wu a a tie. The vote of each county from fleet to last was received with applause anc when the majority rule hrd its d’ea me‘o: By there w< prolonged applfansc a’d shout eg. The e were but few on uic t at voted in opposition to . a a. i o m, a J ihosa in cases, pe.i> when- there \va :• doubt as to how the ; .'art actio s were binding. Warn the ride w. s decided the po mats of Me. Stephens aypan gave up tlio fight. If on. Ban Rul who was asrtong ant-Stephens i lion. B il Uru -'s, who was instrut r o; the lion, ""’J etc ’ Smith, aud J ./eT-'sou, who i-ig’itty said that he w ’-the post recalcrtiant man in the c< vem'on” joined i\ the nomi) lion of the -‘old Gomuone ” acr m.U'0'i. Iudeed the curious spectn e as p e e.ited of Stephens ineu actuu delaying the propca'.icn to nomit. lrm viva voce. It was under, 1 ' However, trtlU there were several co tjef that would note vote for this, }!*, it w«3 thought best to have a torn ha’ot. The scene when “K'ng Bi|i of TTorcb, came fo ward and propel ths “acc c-crfion’’ move was s’mp indescribable. Men rose and wav' iliei s, shouted hurrahed pn * tie whole capital wtli c'amyr. . Ji'lo '.... jcurnmeut at otbe good f« i-'g and i;a j)ouy ihafc ^rev./led. Tliei was liavd.y a speech made that ajid dj& Qbf the invoke inU/ ,-nd ha mony, e|p Hotly c: the tk legates wee del h>rl o have it. It was thought lb ft that the eonvsnllou would lifnffl busines'is to-day and-adjoun?. T The chair announced the re -ult ! Stephans, 325; blank, 38; of wlVic J, Crawford got 4, G. P. Wooijs.2 IF. E, Smith 2. 2’he chair there decia ed that Hon. Alexander s. Ste¬ phens having received the majos rty of the votes for goveruo , was tne uoiainried democratic candidate ibai office. The next* business ui ord^r war Gh e-ec/or, of oblo efteo. d fferent■tididates were ao*iAaAii -4 eidcgrtt^sprscbc-s, and wtn'eA|pej|d Secretary of State nett, of Baldwin, Com,it'oiler General—Hon W ; U am A W ight of R ; c iihond. ■surer—Hon D Tbero,oJ 1 »*y Ctthevul H o»,11 ft derson, of Bibb. 8 -IS A TOll fflLL’S CONDlTi Yesterday Senator Hill was tintii on the previous day, l-ut otlie> wiset'ieie was no pereeptibW change in liiscondition. Hois in an ex eid ingly c it leal state, ami tire end of his life may comeat any moment. J J its mind is pci <eclly clear, and lie teadsug fufiy bis situation and awaits his iate with clam resignat'on. I/e slept Well right before 1. st and so expressed h’ui se'C on ye to due, but itwith gtsat d’fflculty that he takes It ; s feed, rod liic.cis no telling when the ter ‘ble d's may fi :is ts deadly work. Thu-s a.ids of hearts are akeady bowed in so. row over prospect. I wound up my engagement if At ki ita by serving on a coroner’s jury. Frank Illibuin, the coroner, nisb-d me into sc; vice. I acquitted ruysrT with honor, and after viewing the mingled remains of a dead negro. cam| to tliiDg the conclusion that it’s a mighty I U to come in eoaract with a raij»)6.vl en¬ gine. E. \. -• ——• BARNETT. _ We had a splendid ram I;« t Thurs¬ day, and another Wednesday i ght. —Crops ai e looking well am the peo¬ ple expect a bountiful harvest - -Wateuuelens are plentiful aronnd here. —Apples and peaches Sell readily in oar market at ten ceius pm jkizen. —Mad-dogs slid roam ov< the coun try, the e was one killed near here a few days ago. if-. J.F. Sharpe will have the Bap Ust church fc this p'aee < ,m..)ete in a rt w day. 1 , he has ..uished the sealing and 13 now nieinbc putting in thr tJjVj eats. Methodist _T :e s o well dug church a'e jirepuring t • In-ve a near th.ii' place of worship. —Gapta u J. J. Battle attended Sundry School convent o i at Raytown I; sc week, he r^orts a very pleasant trip, Hay-train —The dav on wb U If the passes here is genera'ry a busy time with the merchants of Hi is place. _Aliss viitmg Flla WiMiams' of Uniou Point h k the fam;l- of Mr. James SHai ’*. __Dr. A. S. Coopf/r. w( of Powelton, spent last Sunday h his frtends at Barnett, the doctor ik a very eoerget c young mam, we wish'/iim much success. —Look out soon for a long catalogu l La gahis on bn mm tables o> G. A Davis & Go.. Greer/ Ijoic. lhay t03bviS y now to sebd catalogues. In t t, e ^eiuirtme uonie'to Gioei.e-ijOiu and g^.t some of tb« gt bargains on t ie Bargain Gounte,; ft Messrs. Davr * Co. IF WEEK’S D01\ (iS ♦VS i'IU>M EVER V Vk it Kit K 1US (ULUI) BV DEMOCRAT CON DEMSERSS. 1V.ES, CASUALTIES AND OTHER MAT¬ TERS—NOTES OF 1IORT LENGTH CELLING 1IOW PEOPLE ELSEWHERE VUE ENGAGED—'V ARIOUS ITEMS CF N FORMATION. House rent, in Rome is twice as high is in Baltimore. A colored woman was killed by light ; near Dublin a few days ago. A shark’s tooth was dug up at a depth xly feet in A'bany tiie other day. Jtewart county will make the best [crop this year that it has made siiue var. The port of Brunswick will probably / ; '0,000 busliels of sweet potatoes the fig (J season. fcyivania is the most law-abiding town the the State. Only one ease before yor’s Court this year. -It is said that the “Whisky” or “No isky” vvi" b« made in the coming ca n gn in Bulloch lO.uity, -Mrs. E. M. Mi or, of Marion county, flowed a need'll some weeks ago. i.,„sfc *k it came out of one of her hips. Tlie Savannah, Florida and Western Broad has commenced tne survey o a nch road from Dixie in MoiitieeMo, ^ aw actuiUIy bt . illK shipped from m e and North Georgia to the West. ,st week a large shipment was profitably ide to Cincinnati. Vciy, the tables vu at last turned. —This year is almost certain to he the ry best crop year since the war. Tiie isl! grain crops have been unexcelled, d the crops of corn and cotton cvcr. ■ere aie promising. -Mr. I. ft Jenkins, »f the 8«xty-third trict, Burke county, huil Ids ' l0USU nek by lightning last Friday week und rned - M ; ^ eal <** " ,s ‘ u “* l *’ ‘““ ly *’ "/ ** ..... ^ . is saved. 4-Mr. Davd Adams, of Rome, comrf.K ed suicide on Thursday nst by ;dc;j.g an o' landuunm. ■a* >le. e cd nt .o Rome from Columbus tbir ee.i n age, an<l was seventy-oueyewes oM. , -A young mini on a t a n was making of a lady a hat ) o an elderly ge>. lc -,/he seat wiTT him. “Yes,” s-*d 'f//‘ “that’s my wife, rod I to’ • ’ aoHU* •uike fun of L. / * out. - Mr. fackson CoWa- t was •■'io' r.t M % ffihert Bird’s, in r»u”och county,on F day last, by Mr, Willie Payne. The hull look effect near the heart, nml whether it passed through him or struck a rib and passed around to his back lias not been ascer¬ tained. The ball is lodged in ids back. —The No/iheastern Railroad w'.;t bs completed to Tallulah Falls this week, NetMoo-e, a negro murderer, is to be lunigcd in Savannah on August nth. —The i.r*ck of the Georgia I’aciflio rail, road lias been laid to Villa Rica, and past sedger trains are running through. —Five Sumter county sportsmen went over to Dooly county a few days avo, and shot (ive hundred and forty doves inside of ten hours. —Jones, of Bulloch, was boasting in the Savannah u, a, ketthat nobody could take money out of h s pocket. A negro stand ing near robbed him in less than live inin. utes while ia king to him. —On Fiiday morning last Mr. James M. Jordan aged almut 61 years, dropped dead at the residence of his son-in-’aw, M . George D. Brown, two or three miles from Columjms. I’he verdict of the coroner’s jury was that lie came to liis death from heart disease. —Near Forineu, in Laurens courtly, one day last week, two women were in a house duiing a thunder stoun, wiicn a tree standing near the house was struck. One of tlie women was instant!’ killed, while tlie other harily escaped deatn. The shock was terrific. —Mr. A. VF. Davis, of Randolph county, au old and highly respected citizen, is dead, —Cuthber Eenterprise : We learn that a colo’ed detective from At’anta arrested Wash Wash fi Hai n is is, as as the party i ty who prisoned [, an(; - s family, of Ward Station, some rune this spring, and Dave Slaughter as party :bat furnished bin, the poion, blith f , 0 tored individu of this county, Their caseswli: be investigated <lere to day. _ .pbe eveu t given t by the Uresbyte. r an t luri { E{ , catur to Tailuiah Fails, net ed the handsome sum of WOO. - A ten year old hr. • of Mr. o* Taylor county was k’l ed on UstSatut , by a portable engine falling off of a wagon on him. -Mr. Wm. Ilaoes, of Rmhmond county wno was seriously wounded m the defense os iris mother’s house from robbery, re mnius in a very critical couditim. c „f the robbers has been captured, pre. . ,<|iy w m. ded, a negro •>>' the i-u.eoi s bad character Jim Williams, a notorous Dudley Duff'i i. >: Vri ' - COS t ' •• * robbed ,f his walcu at li; N Thursday morning, is rep0 _ed that a German living Morcross has disegvered a dh.inoud f<[ whj( . h be Ua3 |, £e „ offered Wd'W, —There are $8,000 due depositors in the Freedman’s Saving Batik In Savannah, not it will he 1 eallek for. Much of never re oeived by the riccht owerf. • — ill is. Thornbury’s School. alogue Weareinweiptof of M.s. M. A. thednnwj Ihornbuiy cat s li'i" 5 D y b h ' of ' Alban Mrs.^Tho'iibury has a splendid repa tation for the thoroughness of the in struetion given lie v students, and she receives scholars from all o v er -he state. Tlie following is her coi'p- of instructors: English Department—Mrs. Mary A. Thornbuiy, Miss Emma E. Chase. Latin and Music—Miss Sophie H. Tliovnbuvy. and Kindergarten—Miss Drawing Emma E, Cliase. Calistlient'cs—Miss Leila W. Tliorn- French—M’lla Valentine Gerasti- Miss Tina Golinsky. Art—Mrs. Agnes Spencer. teachers in addition to tiie corps of already engaged for tlie snsu'ng year. Miss Fannie Andrews, one of Georgia’s most grt'.rd end brilliant daughters, will bo pr,scclated with tlie school. TIPs announcement will be received with gratification by the people of this vici . v, us her qualifications order, and as a teac'uf r a.o of the highest to our put oiis are indeed fortunate heve their children under the instrue t<on of a woman who possesses sucl) intellectual attainments, She will “have charge of tlie Mathematics, classes in Latin, higher branches of Geometry, Astronomy and Botany, and will supe vise toe literary depart uient of tlie school. There is no better school for yora" ladies in Georgia. WOMAN. nUTTEtt THAN THK SMILES OF KINDS. To lii ing lioalth and happiness to the homes of suffering women is a mission be¬ fore whir'' royal favor sinks into insignia* nance- 'V hat earthly benefaction can com¬ pare with one which protects from “That dire disease whose ruthless power Withers beauty’s transient flower?” which gives ease tlie for pain, of ioy hearth for.sorrow for the smiles for tears, roses pallor of disease, tlie light e’astic rrlsZ::, atep for ,: Z l ^ ln ^i*of 11 1& " •</ I I ' ’o’- b ii.8.’g i u dullness, for • 1* ■’ i c. of 'for -» • : beauty emaeia a- “ ->V It wl i ! *:i /sLal, of aortal , d0 i..- i li ,; ; r -. i . a few sad "Mnudu .ui* ,'.ii In an early Snell is till 111 •», Sahara the i V. 1 <ii Dc. .1. , •a.illelds nly . ad . male aopvopn- K«u .. lv'styled „j,i e t Frieuil.” ■ i i “Whiles ' “e of wouiii ” a r . ’ isa u . - pUariiies health, m.j so desi' ..orte -to the hufpi-css Ai audheautv o'wo-en disappear lit Xei e IwOu'fi a single iiotiie of this fel comuoui i. Dr. -I’hysiciuns pre- ’■* i ,i iV *»"*•' t ’gluf-i, K-ji *lw» Jr | LOCALS. ./T; SPECIAL — Bargain tables just opened by C. A. Davis & Go., Gieenesbero, Ga. _Bargain tables of C. A Davis & Go., center of excitement in Greenes boio and for many miles around. —Prints assorted styles 4cts, on bargain tables of G. A. Davis <ic Go., Greenesboro, Ga. —Nice Dress Lawns assorted colo 5ct8., on bargain tables, G A. Davis & Go., Greenesboro, Ga. —Read the announcemetit of Gi - Excitement around the haigain talik ; just opened by C. A. Davis & (/O., Greenesboro, Ga. —One poo ml Laundry soap. ^ - boro, Ga. , . . —One thousand open and , shut fans at U-. each ou Bargain Tables of G. A. Davis & Go., G.eeuesboro, Ga. _Composed of the best known to • ice, iron ami cinchona, with well known aromatics, is Brown’s Iron Bit¬ ters. It cures indigestion, and all kindred troubles. A sure cure for ! — is ljl,, u’’ Brown’s lli, r H ] Hon l!3 j a,, Bitters. ;K 0W iHSTX It will pro 1 duce a liealthv color, smooth skm, ami is absolutely not injurious. ! ■ __Bargains on tlie 10 cents coun at G. T. Browne’s. T y iS t puro tppl ° viuegar HOld by R ( -id * Read Hal Flynt’s bran, spunk new a ,j. in anoti column, and not only read it, but pationiie him. when -No you need can of■ get puie f'?!L r “'| no “ * 1)al p'lynt. It invigorates aDd strengthens ; it does not kill. -Reid & Reid have the finest lot ? juire apple vinegar In lobe fmiiul iounu ( niW tiw ford villa. Try it. Hal Fly nt has a lot of idee flower pots. Cheap. _Try somcj of that fesh cider ' received by II 1 ’ Fly nt. 1 Fresh parched I peanuts * at Reid A Reid’s. Fare. Warrant/ . __Vaeine vims. to “take” every time,. Reid k Ite . —Pure apple vinegar. Tiie best in tlie market. Over two years obi at Reid & Reid’s. —Pure brandies for medicinal pc poses at Hal Flynt’s. Ke; t by Reid A Kcid. _Havo yoi Ijeen v?*cc--«itcd* If not K» to Reid k itei ,’s 5___Jet some pure VliCS. Y< * u ca.: yacbii’.tfc yourself, Ha’ ., , Ilynt’a —Fresh, a wee , c . u •a —Ginger ale - V Be d 4 Reid’s. Vol. 6.---N0. 26. —That pure sweet apple cider at Hal Flynt’s is delicious. moonlight , s —That Sharon had a t>ic hlc and it was a grand success: —That Mr. Stephens’s health is bet¬ ter now than it has Deem for several ^ „ ext r< , pr ,, entativ6 ft the ,, e gj ? lature will sign bis llame' without the prefix of Colonel. —That the more illiterate S man ift the better he thinks lie knows how te newspaper ought to bo run. _ ’ as fancy candy l The purest and b si in tlie uia'rkst effri be got' fiom Iiul Fly nt. ...... ANNOWNGKME»TS. Tlie many friends of Mr. John W. Dab-I kacott aanouce Ids as a candidate of Taliaserro for the, office of Tax Collector countv. Election tq be held on tlie first Tuesday in January, issa. F. W. RED WINE with Morrison, Bain & Co., WHOLESALE HARDWARE, ! jyi]j m Gi'aw'WriviHe, Sharon and i Rnyl.o, tlie TENTH of , | JULY mnl will receive orders for sil K udsof HARDWARE Toa ,. an secure BARGAINS »nd' ] b;lv0 h , e y b y W aitintjr for him. J. J. M ULLAN,. 14 SO JTr; BROAD 8TS,. AT: 1NTA, GEORGIA’ —MANUFACTURER OF— MONUMENT,. Tombs & Headstones, Etc. esigiisi ii 3 » ti mates faep iehed ri J HIE GLOBE MOTEL, counek kiohth ahd iiiioad btbket*, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Is centrally located, anil within live mitr ntas’walk of all the principal ButineM . Houses, Banks. Post Office, Public Build-, „ i„o.s,Union Depot,Opera House,Telegraph „ offices and Express the office. door,going to all parte Street cars pass five ..f tlie city and-vicinity,jevery minutes , during The Uouse4* the day. supplied with all the con venlences of a first-class Modern Hotel,and iaospeniajly well facilities locatwl,and for provided Commercial with all convenient Travelers carrying connwctod sampels with tlm office l.y, Each room the bells. Telephone attachment with city - •» knmnif rvillo lit the ofBot for f iteaiscotii- 'hiuii'rg. / . r Haws Babbitt nu Cliejk {STATE OF Grt.. Ib K.) Petition to fore Taliafkruo County. I close Attor W. O. Mitchell, l m-.y’s Lien In vs. f Taliaferro Hii- 1 Betsey Meadows. I Sfeb’y perior Court, ’82; ' Term - * W. O. MITCHELL,an Attorney at Law, having Ii>d and asserted liis lien for tecs on a certain tract of land In said countv and claimed the sum of one hundred dol¬ lars far services rendered, said tract con l .ding one hundred and fifty acres; and •earing that said Betsy Meadows re ♦ ' - :-i tlio cmnty of Talladega, and o ’ Alabama. Meadows c that said. Betsey ■Vi S . raus;. nt the next August term of • - a .why said! lime sIiouk!/ not be en- f !.) ;.iiiLforec,ose<l; and It Is farther or . t » co,)y of Uiis rule, lie served .Vacation in tim CnAwFoH!>vn,LB-; ♦ .—.at, and also. in. a newspaper in.. •aid nfcy of Talladega and Stofe'Of'Aja l/itlllWf oni-.e a month for four montlis. Given tills under mv hand and official signa¬ ture March the 1st, 1882. K. II. Pottle, J udge S. C. N. V. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA —Tali a pehbo County. A XOUR weeks after date application will [' oe made iK^X^cta'Sdt* to the court of Ordinary of said coundty deceased, This July 21, i«82. Administrator de bonis Owen l) Moore non. Georgia Railroad T A \i u Co. J >£) ] } p ] J } Y7 ( o five Gknkhal Manaokb, S* D c.a., SUNDAY, July 1, 18#2. iHsU»t,. /1 { ( jM.MENG;\G schedule 2 will! hi-operat.-u y t;.,, foHo .ing passenger : H«>. 1 — DAILY. Z EABT DAraX • ^ A tuxtoia! n;I.v. Atlanta 8:20;aim “ jp Mae nio.fn 7:10',i mj u| “ “C Athens wf’d’ll 9:45 l:i5jp(m, a m “ Wrth’i’n ’GVOiai.u ..•'.a'l-l-n Ar Wash’a’2J>.Vp ueplm. ) nta j A'. C’f ••v’i “ MilledgnM / D el , 4:00 i(U|“ MacOil 6:* IJ 1 HI Afr.ita .W , r> D'm “ Augusta 3:55p’m so. >.**•.-- daily, no. 4 east—oailt. |, v t ugus«a 8:50 p ouLv. Atlanta »:45(p,nt Ry. ,■ i’v'li 12.:«» ij in Ar.G f dr'll 2:5.1 a m ^ u , 6:4n ai-n Ar.A uunsta 6:<ki’aHi ‘J. UilSES, Gen. E. I’ass’ger R. DORSET, Agent General Manager. t 1,000 MILE TICKETS gkohoia RAiLxoADG’oMFAirT, i : - Ofku eGenekalPasbbngerAgent , AN!) MILE TICKETS, good me' - main 1 I'n# ?«i*d ranches, Hi, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS each. T icsa tlelrjts will b* j j issued to individuals, firms combined. or families, but uot to firms and families k. H. DOR>BY. j , Mays,1879. General Passenger Agent • f- , •*»