Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 11, 1882, Image 1
CRAWFORD I i VI M E DEMOCRAT By Edward Young &, Co. Tlxe Democrat FRIDAY, AUGUST 1-1.1882. POETRY. the countersign. ’Tw&s near the. break of day, but still The moon Was shining brightly ilowers ! The west wind as it passed lightly the Set each to swaying paced to and ; fro, • The sentry slow A faithful night-watch keeping, stretched While in the tents behind him His comrades—ail were sleeping. Slow to and fro the eevriry paced. His musket ou his shoulder, But not a thought of death or war Was with the brave young soldier. Ah. n >! his heart was far away, Where, on a Western prairie, mglit A rose-twined' stood, that Tlie countersign was “Mary.” And there his own true love he saw, Her blue, eyes kindly beaming, Above them, on her sun kissed brow, Her curls tike sunshine gleaming, churned ’ Atid hep id her singing, as site The butter ill the dairy. The song she loved the best. That night _ The countersign was “Mary.” ‘Oh, for one kiss from her !” he sighed, When, up the lone road glancing, He spied a form—a little form, With fa Wrings steps advancing. And, as it neared him silently. He gszed at it in wonder ; Then dropped his musket to his hand, And challenged, “Who goes yonder ?” Still on it came, “Not one step more, Be you man, child or fairy. Unless you give tiie countersign, Mary,” Halt! who goes thereV” “Tis A sweet voice cried, and in his aipus The girl he left behind him Half fainting fell. O'er many miles She'd bravely toiled to find him. “■J heard time you were wounded, dear,” She sobbed ; “my heart was breaking I could nojt stay a moment but. Alt other by ties forsaking, grief made strong, I traveled, my Kind Heaven watching o’er me, love.” Until—Unhurt and well’.'” “Yes, “—At last you stood before me. They told me that I could not pass The lines to seek my lover Before day faftly night came.; but I Pressed on ere was I found over, Ami as 1 told My name The way free as our prairie,” said, “Because, thank God ! to-night,” he “The countersign Eytmg'e, was ILtrpfr’t ‘Mary.’ ” Weekly.' —Margaret in THE WEEK’S DOOMS. VIIIV.RE 9 NEWS FROM EVERY A CUXDENSEI) S OHM. CRIMES, CASUALTIES AN MOTHER-WAT¬ TERS— NOTES OF SIlOYr LENGTH TELLING IIOW PEOPLE' EESElVlfEHK ARE ENGAGED—VARIOUS ITEMS FF INFORMATION. —Mrs. Scoville has sued’her husband for divorce. —A great scarcity of codfish is reported along tlie Massachusetts coast. —In New Orleans, Saturday, J J Heiey aud Wm. Wash liad a duel in front of their sweetheart’s residence. Walsh was shot did. —The President lias tiorrmated Gen. Grant and William H Trescott af com. niissionersto negotiate a csmmereial treaty —The legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill was signed Saturday by the President. —The water-spout in Ohio last week de¬ stroyed about 16 miles of track of the Ohio Central Railroad. —Loredo, Tex., has more than 100 case s of yellow fever. —A drunken man,near Milton, Fla., was killed by mosquitoes the other day. —At Knoxville Wednesday, Tliomrs Lockett, while under the influence whisky and resisting an officer, was fatally shot by Police Officer Joseph Shipe. Lockett had created a disturbance and defied the police force. Shipe got out a warrant and was resisted by Lockett,who had a knife drawn when shot. Lockatt is still alive, but wil 1 die in a few days. Shipe was arrested and gaye bond. —In a quarrel over a law hook at Sey¬ mour, Texas, Friday last, E. B. Wheeler, shot and killed Walter Preston. Both are lawyers of that place. —A million dollars worth of improve¬ ments are being added to Birmingham, Ala. —Gen. L. J. Gartrell, was nominated as a candidate for Governor by the Republi¬ cans in Atlanta last Wednesday. —Near Lexington, Ala., iast Wednesday. S.H. Call shot and instantly killed a young man named McLure. —Wm. A. Crawford, postmaster at Ed wardsrille, Ga., made an unsuccessful at tempt on the 30th ult., to commit suicide Two ™ young ladies o. oandersville wear each a belt made of the skin of a rattle snake. It wonld be a reckless young man that would lay his arm on a belt or desc-ip tion. —The number of polls in Richmond county Is 6,446. Of this number, 4,101 are whites and 2,345 are blacks and mixed breeds. —Sam Lumpkin, catcher fora base-ball club, got caught out with a badly broken len on Monday afternoon, while enjoying that noble game. Columbus for forgery. Eddieat.on didn t make a good citizen out of William. —The ordinary of Muscogee conatv is sued twenty-four marriage licenses last CRAWFORD VILLfe, GEO A, FRIDAY, 11 th AUGUST, 1882 month This hoes pretty well, hut Chat* am is' ahead so far in the count. —The x tie Athens At n Banner proposes * to en large next fall and take the press dispatch es. —The fortune left by Major J. I-. Kiser of Atlanta, whd died. ou Sunday, is 'pul 1 doWn at $250,000. . —The Gabiesville nml Dahlonega road will w, be completed .mnirned by lu-tlm tim hrst first Of oi December. u It is to be 25 rnues long. . —Plenty or home made corn can lie had on Hie streets of Buena Vista at fci per bushel. —\.a. ... 011 — ews .. A ^^riovsnrrn "countv « iin.T " ’ belonging to a negro in - Rockdale- county got out out of of the the pasture pasture and a got R into a white man s field. Lmki th„ stooK •v owner of the stock has fo pay for damage done so the white man charged the hog. The negro wUidl f fold the man to Lake £ tire hog ; bat the next night the hog got out or the white, man’s pen and got into the ne guags field. He got him out, carried him for the white man and charged him $2 for damage The white man refus¬ ed to pay it, ami the hog is now (lie propet ty of the negro. Tlw hog has changed owners twice and not a cent of money lias been paid out. - In Chattahoochee county, near Glenet ta, last Saturday, Mr. Zaek Hollis was kill¬ ed hV r young man named Frank Sims. Tlie partief were neighbors, and on sonic difficulty arising concerning- some cattle which.Hollis had chased pi^t of his- field with -fiogsm Hollis struck Sims, who in turn' stnbllft Hollis in the heart. Sims has not yet been arrested. —iEnquirer Sun: Columbus has ten cot¬ ton and woolen mills the only bagging fac¬ tory in Georgia, the largest iron works south ot' Richmond, three merchant mills, a trunk factory, a paper box factory, a paint factory and two clothing factories. VVe run l, 1 980 Looms land employ 2,1(57 ope. rallies in textile mills along. Oonsumj tion of cotton last year it),08-1 hales. —Columbus Enquirer : We learn that during a thunder storm Tuesday evening,. Mrs. Ben Burgamy, who lives BearSiaugli t t creek church, in gtewart county, was' struck by lighting and picked up uncon¬ scious. Slie was Mi it unable to leave bel¬ lied yesterday morn iug, but is slowly re¬ covering. • —— A BLOODY SUNDAY, A CROWD cy N^OtltOKS GO ON AN ES CKItSION TRAIN. TO EASTMAN, AND raise a iuot.—They resist Till: .Authorities, and kill an inno¬ cent YOUNG MAN. T1 !r following special to the Macon Telegraph gives the particulars of it riot at Lustman cm last .Sunday : Eastman, August 7.—Yesterday will long be remembered by the people here as the scene of si terrible not. There was a negro camp-meeting going mi, mid about 11 o’clock two crowded excursion trains, one ftom Macon and Ilawkitisville and one from Jesup, ar¬ rived here. The town was alive with ,. e£rroes . About 12 o’clock a negro man re ported to the marshal that another ne gra had stolen his watch, whereupon the marshal. J. P>. A. Buchan, and Pete Harrell, ins assistant, aiTssted him. On the way to jail the negro got loose and started to run, when he was shot at and killed. The negroes lie came verv much lull lined and excited and lived their pistols and went about in search ot Buchan and Harrell. It is said they got up with HavreII, who told them he was not Fete Harrell. “Yonder he is,” pointing out young James Harvard, of Cochran, who had Thimiegroes run afteomung Harvanl,' shooting at him and shouting and threatening. Mr. Harvard run into and under Mr. IF. W. Harrell’s house. The negroes surrounded the house and ,1,.m inded admission Mr. Bird Daniel and Mr. A. II. ; McRae were up stairs in the windows ; of their .room and several shots were j fired at them by the mob. Threats of , JSS&S?~,$U ‘•I.nrn tho iinnw ” “kill him” io.;.. “he S noises, shooting pistols, etc. f ilmy tore off Mr, Harrell’s palings, broke down his fence and finally got into the house and dragged him* young Harvard out. They beat about the head with sticks, and as they reached the steps one negro put a pistol to his head and fired. The young man fell near Uie gate, and after he was shot to death! some of tin' fiends struck him the face and’head. Mr, Harvard was a son of Mr. Quinn Harvard, of Cochran, wasabmxt twenty years of age and had just relumed from college. His parents, we 1- trn, tried to persuade him not to go on the negro ex cursion, but be did not obey them. 8ov era! other young men from Cochran accom p an j e d j ] j ul . His remains were carr j e( j to Cochran last night for inter meat. After killing Mr. Harvard the ne grees went to town in search of Bucliau, 1 him. They quiet but did not find soon ed down and when five o’clock arrived the train left,much to the relief of the town. Dispatches were written for Macon, Atlanta and Savannah, hut j 00 uld not be got oil. One black woman i n the crowd created more excitement than all the balance, Rev, Mr. Thom son, our Methodist preacher, acted with ! would Areu have succeeded but them; and he for thkJ i n f nr j ale d woman. i Mr. V¥. W. Harrell and family acted with great cooluess and forbearance. it was a trying titrfe for them, the ^itement »o negro meat j identified-is being anion;, and put the jail, _ uji ihev were a nested in K : )stm . ln , |;ls ]lrtver liad snc fi , m pevience, and all witl* one accord j est a g a j Ils t any more negro excurs and especially on Sunday. Our young men are going to ize a mijitary company. have been Two more arrests and others are known. r ‘ --«—- - Southern Cultivator tor August. The August number of this le-'v-iitative of the Soushern orUme, farmers to ''m 1 * 1 ,;, ' vor al days ahead greatly superior . to any agricultural under cation that ever come middays our T hc Atlanta Constii oi this per, that, •■every page hears evidence care f U | alu j able business it, j s 1V matter of congratulation fifS that thelm^s and*tlici'r whole families country. While >t y bl , st in t j, e should be the duty of every fanner to saui# par’ rouize and thereby sustain It, at the time the pleasure sjVlenSSid'magaziue andpreiit a month such a is rislnlco, only the .publishers, for it. Atlanta. aslc Si.30 a Year * * • .♦ - «. jC"~ HOME v HAPPENINGS. * WHtrT is being i)0NK IN A ftuu S f) CKAIV to It V VlliUi SQTTIB3 ILVUrilTT ON T1IE FLY Tty* IW!M OCIIAT nKl'OUTERS.—NEWS OF COUNTY UON»HNSEJ>. PERSONAL, AND OTHERWISE —W. A. Knowles, the editor of th» G rwnesboro flotns Journal waa !» ' U rawfordvillo last Stit-unlay. ^Knoisrlea is a good one and publishes, one of the best papers in Georgia. Ho paid Titis Democrat a pleasant call. —Mi- 3. Sailie Lou Hillman spent-a few days of last week in Sharon. % — Coi. N.C. Edwards, one of tbs cleverest and most whole-souled of Sharon gentleman was in Orawford ville Tuesday. —A pleasant-party was given at .Sha ron Friday night. The entertainment was held at Jones’s ball. — The coi'i'se of Mis. Jerry IVells was brought from Augusta Friday night. — Misses Mattie Jl/ooro and Annie Harrison have returned home from a visit 1 o Woodstock. -Mrs. John W. Darraeott, aecora pained by her two sons,Frank and 1’itub, are on a visit to Atlanta tV.-uv —Anaiico* was given at the ford ville hotel Monday mglit. Alien joyable time was held. —Matters are dull in Crawfnrdville. —Jim Kendrick passed through Mon day on iiis way to the Point. - Miss Maggie .Moore visited friends in Sharon this week. —Miss Caltie Farmer will begin the fl ... ‘ e « tcrm of ... hw 8611001 , , 0,1 tl,e ,, c> 2l8t , . 1118t • . I ha Columbia Sentinel w#s issued ; from Tiie Democrat otlica this week, —The protracted meeting is being ], e ld at the Baptist churcli. _j 0 j m Hixon iias returned from bis visit to East Tennessee. —Candidates names announced for 5 jn advauct —lne mhe mmstiel mmstrd comnanv company will will not no*-: have another meeting until the first j Friday in September. Tiiis was oil ac- , count of the present protracted meeting jn smion at the 15aptis t church, and ; tho Methodist revival to beheld and the assembling of the Superior court. —Court assembles two weeks from M()nfl M ° uU „ ;V v t Mr. Edward t Croake, . one of ... the lead- , ,, ing merchants of Sharon, was in town ! Monday. It does us good to meet Mr. Ll0llke - A . moro moio who whole le souled souk J gentle gentle- : ; man is not. : -Mr. J- W. Norton ,«■ — co„ oM j work on the court-house. J lie shingles are being torn off and the new I ones rapidly put on, } , —Mr. J. J. Gallaher, of Auguste,paid us a pleasant visit Monday. Mr. Gal- J laher is spending the summer at 8ha ‘ u • , , r ____ New __’ tstaide ’ Mr. < >M»ar Myers has built a new , stable and some out-houses on his place. .tlceung at bharon. , -- A meeting held in . Sharon , ! it; Wits Saturday night and ir. J. A. Cox v.'as endorsed for the position of justice of the peace of that circuit, Xn better lection could have been made. Pleasant Time. A most enjoyable time was had at the residence of Mr. Emmet Dardeny near Raytown, last Thursday night, . Mr. and Mrs. Darden did everything in their themselves. power to All make went the companyjenjny delighted. away Home. It is probable that the lion. Alexan der II. Stei>iiens will reach Crawford \ i le before Court-week. He wil^spetul- ►a few days here and then begin his .campaign. lilt He will deliver addresses Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah and lAinericns. Protracted Meeting. '^ ! ' 0 l" - ot'-aeted meeting has been on since lust Friday at the Bap elinrch. Mr. Edams, who is con the services, is a splendid Those we have heard speak much pleased with him, and we assured much good will result from this meeting. Notice I Notice! Mv books will positively ‘ be closed on • Those indebted lusi 11 f Align. . L. llioseinn t. « to to will please■ come forward at once nettle. I did not enteml to do a credit business, and therefore. BItose indebted to me are requested to »l» at on «*’ II. II. Flynt. ' Crawfovdville, Ga. ' married. " lkle Mool W »“**»» 1,1 U'uwfordville, ij’ere married in Hamburg, S. this The Democrat extends to its heartfelt and sincere wishes UM-U.-irfuUn'H hapriness Wo hope 1,1 ^ ,e PBig battle of life the vows have plighted may never be bvo and that they nmy go down the hill bfe hand in baud heart in heart to ALL AROUN D US, 'I (AYZIEKING EXCHANGES. THE N EIV** I’KOM OH It ‘*:.i\a"Tiii5 doings and hatpkninus -^foKOtiu NitiouiHmiNti rorNTiMS as for. or i; iuc.uhcks BhonxcTlKiiti’H, ivaiihky, uuhkne otjikiis.. h P.AI.DWIN. [Millcdgln'iHo Union unit R/ronler. \ There tiro nine bar rooms ju tiiis city, , vjjmidiii-ted'by white men. They pay to jrw** -.ify annually a revenue of nine Iiuii M|,-d JMnj. dollars. Burns, the popular and faithful neer of the Centra 1-branch to Katim bfipn ^ Uie , m , t Week . Tim ladies of the Rresbybu-lan i-burch jrjve an Ice (iream Festival on the Mbo aiijnf arph&d»,* Thursday aftm-n-rm. in U»e Improvements nuw progressing msUd building. c'ty for " n ' v0,<! ,1,,in ’ H m "" h tt^l vreek. UJ rephutingl^ brick •'dj-.i " i\rt»r fI-Tf’ 1 \ 1 \ McDuffie. Journal.) j,| v jniim, Boyd, of account attempted last week, as sasanation we gave an j 8 jfmniy gtadnaily improving, of Mv. # Arnold, a young hoy, son Glial lesAinold, of Aarlcni. on Wcdneeday last,hud one of his eyes seriously injured by mploding a gm, cap. Mi.W. A. Moi Gassie, a young son of gn„, of this vicinity, on Monday last fell we n twenty-fiye feet deep, by which two ribs were broken and other severe in juries sustained. Little David Parks, son of David A . and Martha M. Stanford, died at the residence ,,f ... l ,il,uits . • thw ■- V „„ Friday •July c.ti/e, Mr. D. W. Barber, at one time a ' county, died in liar,mmy (.roveoo Monday of last week. We deeply regret to announce that Mr. j 0 ], n p, Sutton, of our town, had a partial stroke of paralysis on Sunday night last,. by which his right side and right arm and Kg were deadened and rendered puweile - wd.kes. | GazM*.} Mi. «. James Tames A a Benson i.enson, a « prince pi. among p >J»*«liai.ts, ieaves or. us, <>■ give m fine r-mtain Y Bettiis is coin” to a barlweue i , to Mesms y , Lu iv,- -e e -md and Tntt and thpir friends on the Kith. ’ law T ... x , hjs mother-in out of , t!i« window. lull, H rhe 22d of August is tin day 1 man election in this comity, to select can. didates for tlie legislature. Mr. I (, Gotiawav shot a < rane on . , Oeoegc Florence’s plantation that was live feet seven inches high, and six feet three indies from Up to lip. Borne very sma,ll carp were put in tlm k tank “ in Mr Burwell ftreen’s store; “ fi , h v ,. ry , m.-kly swallowed - T."' .. F tho new postmaster, arrived H Aor : u;. . ' ' ha n«l " ' . mow je- >" ■ . ington, Gi:v. lie m not t ike eLai-e <»f <j,,. however he In gone to work .M;Y,r Andrew , ,,o as to ,.if ... ; itu the ofib-e.. Hi.-, c.imui.ssion js expected daily. HANCOCK. [Sparta Ithmaelite, and The Sunbeam. 1 The corn crop of the county is a surety, c ,,tton crop almost a certainty, and the „ at an(1 w | lcat crop ;t “dead goner.” We are pained to learn of Mrs. K B Bax. t**’s continued severe illness, but hope, in onr next issue to report her eon vales, cent. The Baptists of Powelton are repairing their house of worshi p. A party of four town sportsmen bagged cighiv five dove-* on l dav. Vol. 8 —No. 28. The scent of orange blossoms is in the air. We. are glad to say that Mr G P Turne wife r and returned to Sparta where they will remain permanently. GI1EKXE. [ Herald and Journal .] Mr.dames M Williams showed us a stalk 0 f corn with six largo, well matured cars on it. 'the debts contraeted by our farmers tiiis year are m.xeh less than last.. Miss Anna Atkinson,an agreeable young lady of Atlanta, is visiting friends at this place. Fine seasons and good crops are still re¬ ported throughout the, eut'ite, county. The meeting of the Democratic party'an last Tuesday was fully attended and har¬ monious. After a long and lingering illness, Mr Wiley Wright, died at the residence of Mr. It. .1 Stozier, on tile 30th nit. Il'he meeting at the Methodist, church Is still in progress, and is, and has been very interesting indeed. Quite a number of the young people of this place attended the. Sunday .School Gel ebration at Liberty oil Saturday. OUl.KTHOHl’lS. I Echo]. Very seldom you see a poor horse now Politics are hotter in the country Ilian in IKsn. Horse swapping seems to have gone out of style. Mr. John Hickson, of Charleston, visi¬ ting bis mother in Lexington. Lightning struck several places in town Tuesday night. The hardest rain of ti e season fell in Lexington last Monday. Miss Ida McCarty, of Monroe, is visiting her cousin, Miss Hattie Hosier, of Lexing¬ ton. Mrs. L I. Olive left yesterday morning for a two weeks visit to Atlanta and Fair burn. My.E.J. Bray lias sweet potatoes of lliis years crap, that were larger than teacups. N FAY ADVERTISEMENTS, For The Cheapest FIRST CLASS Bry C&©o&s -GO TO tusttn Mulliirky . . & o Ins n i i . *' ! *" ..... A?!-"’- 810 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. J line 2S, (1m. Central Hotel, BROAD STREET, MRS. W. M. THOMAS, I’iioimhetkess. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. July 28tli, Bill. HEAD Til ISC AUEIfU LLY. ’ ' ' I wouh 1 respi-clJ ul!y ask my country (ncmls to reservo then oidtis foi DRUGS until such 1 ime as they can ( . oine o our city, or send for them by U;lj ] r oad, or otherwise. J lake the liberty ol doing this hue i use i am tie terniined, and prepared to sed fioin TWENTY TO THIRTY PE It GENT. JKSlft mivre tiiaV .'oUOT.tV THEY GAN PUB ,>mc ........ . Common sense points to the conelu s j„„ that for Country Drug .Stores to t nil < o. J v Prices tlmre must, he a great dmp:i^nty ■ ' ... y . ' | ]7 . >• "j particularly solicit a renewal of in tercottse with my old planting patrons, . tn ,| myself to give them safis pj,..,,,,, poll, in (Quality and Price. I i keep a large stock of Kerosene and yiachme Oils, White I.ead, Linseed Yi Varnishes, Etc. And will guar ai .teeto sell at prices exceedingly low. Keineinlier when you want a supply, 1 Carge or Small, of Drugs. Medicines, Ik,juts and Oils, to send me your or <lei s. and save your Money. 1 • (,'oine to, or send your orders to -• of ” . u store , r | iu . .. j'^ , ! i);\ > t Kill 11 S > 'XT hi , iS )■- * .,,.| . - 828 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. July 28, 12m. J. J. MULLAN. 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., XIX a rnr A ITT 1 ^ A GEORGIA ACT(;HER 1 MONUMENT, Tombs & Headstones, Etc. eaigns t i 1 H ;; h U i j f r* i! 3 n l uitw a nv Kirns eiments. + NOTICE. -- - r |MlE 1 Pnblie Term of the Harlem High School w ill open on Monday, August Tib. Parents are re]nested to send hi their eiiildren at the fust, in order that they indy he properly Classified. OTIS ASHMORE, Principal. F. W. REDWINE, WITH Morrison, Bain & Co., WHOLESALE i HARDWARE^ THU lie in (Tuwfordville, Sharon unit Raytown on or about, tlu* TENTH*if* JULY, and will receive orders for nil kinds HARDWARE of . Toil can secure BARGAINS an.l , save money by waiting for him. V JR cfliraiiG run Other Pianos wear out BUT THEY GO ON FOREVER. VICTORS in all ^ contests aud fur 53 Woriil. years past the acknowledged Mtnndnrd oftlte Musical IVrlectlon, Wonderful Durabili¬ ty and Reasonable Cost. True economy indicate^ purchase of a genuine Chickerin^ and no other. Li IA Frli ChickorinK & Sons 1 irguly advuadttjtf tigAr price* i Our old contracts expire ithctl if ft, tad will fill all ordorn ro<vji?«i bofor* thaMako til rates, i Our prices now ait posit!?al 7 tbs lowest In Amorioa. Order unw and »«»vc*|rom *35 to $50 on the j»ur« cha^i*. i’reBeiit rate* guaranteed ouiy to Apdl I t I IIIH1EN & BATES, Savannah, Ga, Waol.;».lo AxkuU lur Ua.,X’la.,S. C..N. C..& Aik. r THE GK.VNI) NEW BOOK. Theat rical awl CircusLifel OH I AGENTS OR KEN ROOM, Tin Score's AND Saw Dust OF THE STAGE, vr ANTED ARENA llevealing the mysteries of the Theatre, Circus, Variety Show. Concert life of Dive, &e and , Ac. Home and Private actors actresses. Most wonderful and interesting hook ever published. Exposing Girls, Back the secret Door doings of Giddy Ballet Mashers Maiiti iiees, Midnight Suppers The veil lifted from the Black Art. How \Vom"ti are tired from cannon ; Men eat ! . lire ; Heads are cut, off and hnndriW* of ■ PosdWv the Ageurs cahvafSlri" (mint. BJ ptthllsiicd. liiusti-ated circular and full par- emits. quick and rieuhii r FREE. Agents act se¬ cure terrttorp l»v addressing,-» SUN I’FBEIHIIJNG GO., 210 it 212 Pine at., ST. LOUIS, Mo. RAILROADS. 1,000 MILE TICKETS.. GF.ortniA Railroad Company, ()FF11 E G EN KIUI.I 1 AHSKN< I V. ft A <l ENT. Apmpkta, MONDAY, April Mb, 7th 187!>. iiist,., ) /“p >M M ENG ING \ j this Company will sell ONE THOUS¬ AND MILK TICKETS, good over main line and branches, at TiVENTY-FIV N DOLLARS each. These tickets will bo issued to individuals, firms or lamilies, but not to linns and families combined. K. U. DOUSEY, May 11.187b. General 1’iissenger Agent Georgia l&siilrond -ANIJ-- Bmi lking Co, op kick Gunkbai. Manaoeh, ! ‘bV’v i!'? v* S ’, ,-fOMl , LNGl Mi- M N DA \ j mstiu • t the lol owing passcngii schedule will v operated : 2 KART—DAILY. jv^^ta nm'n'aun I NO. ,v. Atlanta 8:20 a;m .. M . on 7:10a'm. ! “ “G’wPd’ll Athens a in » Milledg’ll « m Dir.p’m • WVl.Tn U;»> & m > rWash’g'g-.r.r, p m < r. GT'dv'll 1:12 r , m ■ Milledg 114:4!>,p in J«S ?». 4 N o. 3 wkst-wau.y. no. east—ijaii.y, Lv. Aiigusliis:-." p nnLv. Atlanta H;4r. p,m Lv. < r'fvTI I2::m p m’Ar.G 1 dv II 2:.>:4 ajm A r. Atlanta t»:40 aliu Ar. Augusta (i:30am | J. )I1N W. GREEN, K. It. DOliSEY, "" - 1 '” ^ t* el Richmond & Danvills R. R. l'A SSL Ft; E11 1) E PART M EN T. On anil after -May 21st, 18882 Passenge Train Service on the Atlanta and Chav lotto Air-Line Division will be as follower HAIL AND EXPRESS. MAIL Eastward—No 51. No. 53 Leave Atlanta 2.40 pm 4.00 ant A reive Gainesville 5,01 pin <wa ant Lula 5.25 pill 6.50 am “ kalian gap june0.14 pm 7.41 am “ Toueott 6.55 pm 8.17 am “ Seneca 8-16 pm 9.26 am •• Greenville 10 06 pm 11.03 pm “ Spartanburg Gastonia 11.40 pm 3,2.24 2.50 pm “ 2.06 am pm “ Charlotte 3.15 Mil 4.00 pm MAIL AKD EXKHBBtj- MAIL. Westward —No. 50. No. 52 Leave Charlotte 1.00 am 32.50 pm Arrive Gastonia 2,02 am 3.47 pm “ Spartanburg Greenville 4,31 am 4.06 5.29 pin “ 5.59 am |UU Seneca 7.43 am 7.10 pm (4 Toccoa 9.18 am 8.39 pm n Rab’ngapjuclO.OO am 9.17 pm ( » Lula 10 37 am 9 54 pm if Gainesville 11.06 am 10 24 pm Atlanta 1.30 pm 12.50 am T. M. R. Talcott, J. Y. 8 AGE. < len. Man’gr. tup”) . 4