Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, October 04, 1882, Image 1
i?’ 71 i3EJ!ftSSS!S; flTl ?3t r j 1 - -V g 8 a 1 L. 1 Nt apps-| e Volume 6. HOME HAPPEN MGS. WHAT is Being DONE IN AND AROUND CRAWFORDVILLE. SQUIBS CAUGHT ON THE FLY BY DEM¬ OCRAT REPORTERS.—NEWS OF TIIE COUNTY CONDENSED. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE —Grand jury presentments in an othercolumu — Where is Joe Cosby lie failed to at¬ tend the sociable Thursday night ? —An enjoyable sociable was gb-en at the residence of Mr. A. II. Gorham Thursday night, 1 —Rev.L.R.L. Jennings, of this place, preached at Social Circle last Sunday for. Rev. Mr Edens. Miss Carrie Anderson and Katie Ilammack leave- to-day for Covington where they expect to attend school. Mr. Stephens addressed a large au¬ dience of white and colored people in this place on Saturday last. Mr. Joe S. Clifton the genial travel¬ ing salesman for Louis Cooke the largest carriage factory in Cincinnati was in town this week. —There have been 100 bales of new cotton brought in so far. The cotton crop is not as good a§ it was last year. —Miss Bright Monk who has been visiting her brother, Mr. M. T* Monk, near town has returned and we hope her stay may be a pleasant one. —There are a number of marriages reported for this winter in ar.d around Crawfordville. Raytown and Sharon will have their allowance. —Mr. Will Ramsey, representing W. H. Barrett & Co., druggist, of Augus¬ ta, was in town on Friday. Mr. Ram¬ sey is one of Augusta’s most popular young men. —The protracted meeting which commenced at the Methodist church last Saturday adjourned Tuesday night on account of the illness of the pastor. It will begin again in a sin rt time. —Every body should try Bergstrom’s Mtgnolia Rye, ’t is the iiuest ever grown ill tlie state. Those who wish to procure it for grain should buy at once he has only a small quantity left, only 25 cents per sack. —The time is now hardby when the fall poet—greased a id primed for mournful business - will begin his wild and plaintive songs to the leafless trees, shivering birds and the like. —Jimmie Williams, one of The Democrat force, has been quite ill for the past week. JLi is out again, howevei, mucli to the gratification of his friends, and particularly those around The Democrat office. —The Hon. II. H. D. Twiggs, the independent Candida e for Congress from the Eighth district, will address the people at Crawfordville on Wed¬ nesday thA 4th day of October, upon the political issues of the day. — Ed. Kendrick has opened a grocery store on Airs. Gee’s corner, below the post-office. The bouse has been put in repair, and well-stocked with fancy groceries, and Ed stands at the door with a beaming and bewitching coun¬ tenance, We solicit f ir him patron age. _ 'X, D. Tntt—“dare-devil Bill,” our peojde call him—is on tlie stump, for Mr. Stephens. Colonel Tutt is one of the best and wittiest orators i.- this section and he will make tilings warm for the opponents of the old Hero. —The big advertisement of Caspar Myers is to be found iu another col¬ umn. Mr. Myers has a stock of cloth¬ ing, dry goods amiciresa goods of av ry variety, tlie like of which was never before biought to Crawfordville. We advise our readers to call on him. —Mr. Titus Richards has just re¬ ceived a large stock of dry goods, dress goods, notions, etc. ue lias some of the nobbiest hats, both ladies’ and gen¬ tlemen’s, e.ver brought to Crawford¬ ville. In the next issue of The Demo¬ crat Mr. Richards will have a grand catalogue of his Dew stock. —Miss Alice Browne, who lias been on an extended visit to friends in Cleveland, Ohio, and other Western cities,returned since Her to trip Crawfordville pleasant several one, { j days was a Crawfordville' 6 Peopfemay leave” but they are bound to return. -The attention of our readers is di rected to the advertisement of Sale & . Bossitmol Augusta Ga. Thev are two young voung gentlemen geii - of energy, kj* who have : engaged business. m They h 1 but recently worthy in of patronage, „„ are in every way all wh - ” —The writer gratefully acknowledges Liberty the gift of a photograph of Hull from the artist Mr. 15. 'v. ijiowi), of Crawfordville. It is admirably exe cuted. Be do not see how it could be improved upon by any photographer, however expert, or any apparatus, howeyer perfect. —Mr. Ed. White, Jr., representing the Atlanta Constitution, is on a visit to Crawfordville in the interest of that paper. There is not a more ably edit ed paper in the South than the Consti •tution, and perhaps none which has — wider influence and circulation. We We trust that he will meet with liberal patronage. will — To everv subscriber who pay up their indebtedness to The Demo CEAT we will give gratis a copy of GA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1882. ••I)r. Foote’s Hand-Rook on Health.” This is the very thing every family needs. It contains receipts for the treatment of all simple ills, such as colds, fevers, malaria, ciiills, etc. It is the production of one of the .inest physicians in the North and should be in every family. —The Atlanta Phonograph comes to ns now in an eight-page form. The Phonograph is a splendid paper, full ot S^ od ’natter und one of the spiciest edited papers in Georgia. Christopher l^iotheis deserve sueoess. 1 hey began limmblv and by their brains and untir ing energy have worked themselves up to a standard in Georgia lievvspaoerism to he envied and copied after. On the first of October we learn that a fast train will be put on the Georgia Railroad in addition to t-tie present pas¬ senger schedule - It will leave Augus¬ ta in the morning reaching Atlanta about noon and will return in the af¬ ternoon arriving at .Augusta late ill the evening. People may then take break¬ fast one morning in Augusta and the next in Cincinnati. We can but re¬ peat what we have before taken pleas¬ ure in saving that the Georgia Railroad is one of the best managed, most ac¬ commodating and most fully equipped railroads in the South. There is cer¬ tainly no road we know of that can boast of more popular and efficient con doctors, —Mr. A. F. Ware, the canvassing agent for Mr. Stephens’ new Pictorial History of the United States, arrived in Crawfordville last night and will enter upon an active canvass of the county. Mr. Ware has but recently commenced work with the history, but so far has met with the most gratify¬ ing success. In McDuffie, the first county visited, he sold twenty-four copies the first day, and before leaving succeeded in disposing of thirty eight. We hope that lie will receive liberal encouragement in this county, Every family should have it. Fext to the Bi¬ ble the history of our country should be the first book placed in the hands of the growing generation ; and from no other source cun they obtain a more accurate and conscientious narration of its leading events, or a more correct idea of the great t,rubles and principles that underlie them than from the pen of Georgia’s most distinguished states¬ man and historian. THE WEEK’S DOINGS. NEWS FROM I-VI IUIVIII KE IN CONDENSED FORM. CRIMES, CASUALTIES AND OTHER MAT¬ TERS—NOTES OF SHORT LENGTH TELLING HOW PEOPLE ELSEWHERE ARE ENGAGED—VARIOUS ITEMS cF INFORMATION. A negro is running for tho Legislature in .Stewart county. The new cotton seed oil mill in Atlanta is about completed. , Madison r .. comity, Kentucky, r- r i has a mule i that gives milk like a cow. Congestion from eating sugar cane is said to prevail in Columbus, Co! Sam Spencer is stumping for the Democrats in the first district. t:„ „, r r f. ..Li .o ‘ iiajeriugs w.,n XT pmoes ior in., auecs are now all the rage with fashionable la dies. Savannah received for the twenty-four hours ending at noon,Saturday, 3,983-bales of cotton. A Toronto youtli of 19 has eloped with his landlady aged 59 and the mothe of eight children. Mr. Diedricb Stelling, an ol.l and highly esteemed merchant of Augusta, died oil Saturday morning. The South will make 7.000,090 gallons of cotton seed oil this year. The cotton crop is estimated at 6,500,000. Die present . Postmaster-General, _ . . _ , of Eng ian.], who is blind, is said to fill dm place with unprecedented success. Policeman Joe Thomas, who was se riously cut in the face while attempting to arrest a negro, in Augusta is improving. Tlie new cotton mills started at the South since 1st Jan., lsst will ran 309,000 spin ( i|eg and when completed will consume 120,000 bales ofc itton. The farmers of Davidson county, Tenn.‘ have shi PP ed 0VRr ^ car loa ^ (,f Irish Potatoes this season, from which have been realized over hiuf a miffion dollars. The Thomasville artesian well has reach ed the depth of 620 feet, without a satisfac -1 to . y result, and the boring continues. Thomasville can stand that sort of a bore. bia counties pay high compliments to j ll( j<, 7 e Snead, who has announced his in tent on to retir( , fr0 m the bench. m s m pro - men a ^. ■ n ’^ s . il. ‘ ' died - - from cancer of the eve last week. ih0 «« h he enjoyed a large and lucrative practice and was regarded as a lawyer of fine ability he never mad* a speech in court. Ho was much beloved and trusted and bis death is deeply deplored. Thp ’, tariff ' .* Atlanta a few day.-, ago, and gave a . hean «> - eral eral prominent prominent citizen,. citizens. ... TW, They will ... make . a general tour of the country, visiting the prominent cities on the route, with a viewr of gleaming such facts and suggestions as may be of serviee in reaching a decision upon the questions before them. Gram! Jury Presentimuito. .■S&mSriSigs ,, iii year 1882, make these general present “‘rn to the . 1 est , of , our ability . we i, -uve made the usual investigations, *V ld ” n examination find the books of the Or d,nary neatly kept, properly indexed, and all duties of his ot ice faith till lv (iischaiged ; thereby retlectmi!, emi t upon that efficient and faithful ollku. \Ve htul the books of the Cleik ot tin Superior Court handsomely c.ued loi, and all entries properly made as eon teniplated by late enactments of law except perhaps in the item ot bills «.f indictment, ihe Clerk upon his con structmn of the law deemed the entry ot these unessential, but will m tut die include them. From the hands of the same office! we have toe iieasuici t> report, to wit : Dr. To ain’t on hand Feb. 27, t-882, S' To ain’t, received since from all sources, 794.7ft. Total, paid § 1859.27. Cr. By am’ts. upon proper 1349.90. vouchers. Bal. on hand An28, ’82, § 49.8 .!>r. IFe take pleasure in adding our tes¬ timony to that of so many former grand juries of the efficiency of this officer both as clerk and treasurer. We And the jail-house in as cleanly a condition as could, from its construc¬ tion lie expected ; and also unsafe. We would recommend the beddings now in it be replaced with new ones ; and as soon as the financial condition of our treasury could lie made to justify it, that a new and better house be built We appreciate the wisdom and labors of our board of Commissioners in hav¬ ing had the court-house neatly and substantially covered, thereby adding greatly to its durability. Its condition otherwise is comf u'talile, except per¬ haps an accumulation of trash in the yards, which we trust will bo removed soon by the proper authorities. The public roads are reported in very fair conditions; but we would call the attention of the Road Commissioners to the importance of keeping all loose rooks thrown out and the side ditches well opened. The dockets of the Justices of the Peace and Notaries Public before ur have been examined and approved by our Foreman, excepting in one instance of unintentional omission to be cor reeled. The Tax Digest for the year we find completed at fair valuation of property, and the work done iu such a inanner as reflects much credit on the ability and faithfulness of the officer in charge. We recommend the compensation of Jurors and Bailiffs in attendance upon coiii t to tit) paid 81-oJ ptu day. W e lecoguize its citizens the duty iO file;nsh a sense ot gratitude to n l.oiin til ul providence ‘ for Uih lavor;ibi9 nidi Ciltio s „ t a ncll hlllV( , st of our fluids. IFe would most respectfully request of |,is Honor the Judge to adjourn over his court during to-morrow as appoint ed hy our Chief Executive as a day of thanksgiving. tli.tol' Uis ctHitinupil .ff'irts tit siipijt'ess cnme in our midst, as manifested by 1,is ,-a,nest explicit and pointed charge to this body as to its duties, and we feel gratified Do assure him we believe Ins labors have not been m vain. We will remember with no less grat Rude, couitesies an<l favors of which | Ul ° ! )ofl v hi,s recipients at the , pferee , 2 "dunS S'^iom ^ F Jr tVe reepommend the imblieatien 0 I these presentments in our couty paper. Lucius A. Moore. Foreman, John T Wright, Felix F Darden George T Rhodes, John 1 Alien, Thomas W. Morris, Romulus Frazier, Joseph 7. :, George W Brown, Joseph W Far!nei William O Wright, Jesse As¬ bury> Ad on i ram J Chapman, .John Brooks, Julius 0 Jordan, David A Moore, .Jesse Darden, John Burke, WiI liam II Puss, George F Agee. John N Chopin,m, Samuel II Rhodes Benjamin , ."2° y21 ' , . 0 ....... niiblished°as Te* _ r y n| „ o j„ 8 p n trnents lw V 1 ]PS tpfi ’ F * IT Tnriw IVrrrr VP —---------—---- rlaM * Sea ’ ,01 ' a Hecse ’ , ‘ “ c,,!y * SPARTA, Ga„ Sept.. 14, 1882. „ ’ jr * r, '* r» T-mUmi -f* - ’ ' Awvi-tu ' On J ' • her I^har 2nd. Sir—5 lnformir.g 0111 me letter, that of you Septem- had former [ y announced yourself an Inde ^.pdent D-moci-itic candidate for Com was received during my absence from home on professional business; in con sequence of which I hav* been denied th© ouportunitv of an earlier renlv In your letter, you furnished me a list of your appointments, and invited me as the Democratic nominee for Con g r ggg^ to a joint discussion, upon the issues involved in the canvass. * * well as such others as are involved in our respective candidacies. ” If you are a Democrat, as you claim to to ,,e l>e in in your your letter, letter, there there can can be be no no difference difference between between us us as as to to Democratic Democratic principles pr j nC i,Me-s ixnd and no no political political “issues “issues are are jnvo i ve( j in t he canvass,” md it occurs ......................... r — .u. nominee - - of - a most harmonious ---- 1 conven- - - tion of the Democracy of tlie Eighth Congressional Dristrict, that your true position as a Demcrat in this should be one, not of anjag on ism to me as the representative of that party, nor in coalition with with't^e!u S uyils l uIi^enUemeu < 'whole mimes were before that convention, j who , m , n , uv tile i 0V:l i ivnc l patriot- ' supporters of its nominee. W hil« mr candidacy has been Mms (>lull)l . sed , )y ;l ( . ollV( ,, ltion ot - tlm people jt Ciimiot lie denied tliat yon are a mere Sb1£ constituted candidate, that you 1 . e , >reseut „„ p;u -t v , no set of principles, iim i are responsible to no nobody for U1 . i, (J ]itioul conduct. This being true your invitation to a j i)jljt discussion. ifticcepted would re itself into a pureiv personal na t Modestv forbids this on my part sjnc0 j ain 11 „t etl()llg i 1 iu i, )V0 wiu , my &e ‘ if e 0 discuss iiVconclusion, inv own merits. !**•„, it me, whilst do e i| u fng your invitation, to say that as tile*democratic nominee, with an abi ding faith in the principles of that par ty, if there were a reputable Republi- wiitiId can candidate opposing me, it not only give mo pleasure, but great delight to meet him on the hustings, at such times and places as might be des ignated, for the purpose of joint debate, Respectfully, Sisaboiik Reese, The Coming Monster (exhibition—si. 11 Barrett & Uo.’h New United Mon¬ ster Railroad Shows. Greenesboro. Friday, October is the date announced of this great amusement eulet'|uis:i, which has neen received with so much marked favor and decided anprovul wherever i s mightiest of canvases have been ''reel¬ ed. A contemporary tells us that from the entrance of its vast zoological garden to the exit of its Rome-eclipsing arena, everything challenges attention uml admiration, while the elegance and decorum with which every depart¬ ment of the great confederation is con¬ ducted secures the patronage and ap¬ proval of the most refined, and attracts numbers who are not in the habit of attending public entertainments of any deser4 t.ion. The comprehensiveness and infinite variety and rarity of its grand zoologi¬ cal collection will delight the natural¬ ist and amaze, amuse and insti ll ;t all. It is a creation-reflecting display of the mightiest and fiercest beasts of the tropics and jungles; the curiom uiul beautiful birds of a thousand forests and isles, and even the mysterious depths of the menu and the marshy beds of. UlOpijal rivers have been ex plored to secure g'j-iutic amphibia) and rep till V(ft in nruom; t cr.-b l;-i sflperb cfl'CUS a coin sal com¬ pany of the most eminent nan-biiik riders, gymnasts, athletes, specialify notables, famous foots and astoni ihing ly-odonated animals present- a novel and brilliant succession of wood nd'ul feats and imitation:), from the double somersaults over the towering ele¬ phants to the arenic antics of the brute performers, wMlo the electric light is a whole show alone, as indeed is each of a dozen other extraordinary featuies named in the advertisements. “Uv Course Use (twins Sport ’Em.” .... ..... . u . £ , s , ;ltul , ^ . J fLn i, r { i? for G,o Simato that District , », l.-DBi'n T ,, w ,ilker of Webster A askedwi, old rir gro in Luin kj t lm other day if he intended to sup |)nrt Walts and'Walker. “Watts and \y ;l tkcr y” queried the oidditrkv, his t brightened. “Uv course I’-’ «wine to s,.o, to dat ticket Why, seben (fottin’s’plies fiom dem men 1, owTuo et So.St /bn .mi Vm Uiegentlemm, speaking of the kite linn of Watt ^ VV-tlker ’ of this city Advertised Letters. The following letters remain uncalled for at the post-office in Crawfordviit'-, T.d jaferro county, Ga. If not called for with j n ;!f) ( ; a y rt tj, 0 y % v |l 1 be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, 1). tncaU- 5nR fOT * n, ot t ^.^ he ? e lett ® w pleaH * say - “advertised.” This September 4, isD. J 11 As, 'buni, Harrison Brown, Miss v,v":-' E'l Misss-Ul™ «-v,’ Hi. Ed A I Col ( ' 2 ), l)an ,! ( ‘y ' Oar“n* HHom.' 1 Na^y^Io^eT'jJ ^ J-n.iings; FJonef May M J Johnson, It D Bum-den, if II Little, Men 1, ia, J F Moore, M’-; LaM Mallius, ; x A Marks, Rev Henry Fitts, (2). G V j Shinn. Ben Turner, Peter Wallace, Rev J A Woody. M. T. Gohham., P. M. ----—• —— day had a very good cartoon, taking ofi some of the “organized” leaders “f the DemocracyHn Georgia. Joe Brown sat on it is bar ? l in tlie wagon, and cracked his whip over the horses, who were such men as Howell, and others. Grady led the band on the bass drum. Mr. Stephens sat cosily in his roller chair, while Gov. Colquitt occupied the extreme rear of the wagon. The nes- i of Senator Brown and Mr. SI phens were almost true to life. A,M) gather geth'-r it it was was very very laughable, laughable, and and to to that that extent extent very very gcod. good. should be defeated „ If —— Mr. Stephens r ------- would the Con for Governor, it give . .......... ........-—........... «« m cau- l; the loss of Several Democratic Congressmen. Think of it. Democrats and go to work with all your might to prevent such a catastrophe. n::.". The failure to get up any opposition Gen. Gartrell is going to conclude. about the Oth of of October, that the “colored troops fought nobly'’ tor Mr. Stephens K-L. Poavey, a Washington comity desperado, was shot while trying to «- eape arrest las week. His wounds are not very serious. There was a man in Wa.irenton last week hunting up colored emigrants for Texas, lie bad, at last accounts, se cured one won wished to emigrate, .t'liey have now brought out a horse collar which buttons behind. and if you see in old equine prancing around you «>'iy know that lie feds a bit stuck up. ' a radius of eight; miles of Sanfdrd, Fla., tiuoe are 2.992 orange groves, containing l(».:tt3 trees. The State produces over o0,OJ’.),(KW oranges. A Salamanca farmer’s wife milks eighteen cows night and morn mg, and during the having season rubs the mowing machine and cuts ten acres o f B ras8 !l kvery citizen should bear in mind that the low ot Georgia requires that all taxes for last, year shall bo paid in order to entitle one to vote, iu the csotn mg v'lection. j Public sentiment against river and j harbor “steals” is good in its way, but I it. is worth while to remembeo that rail¬ way magnetos manufacture a fair share of t life indignation The State of New York is now in a mighty commotion. The two conven¬ tions of the Democratic and Republi¬ can Hlrui%h parties are exciting the people. The for the Governorship will he hot and close. Senator Brown has presente 1 the .............. upon winch to build their new church. , and has supplemented this donation by ■a gift yf 8225 in cash towards the boil ding ot the s tnv*. ‘• an” -namely, a mixture of printer's and sawdust spread on slim-leather catened by a man for bread mid butter. It is about, us good as some of our oleomargarine. A martyr: “Talk about stopping the drinking habits of the people !’? exclaimed the lecturer: “there is but one way to do it you must remove the cause.” “True f’r you, ol fall,” shouted a demoralized hearer, “true f’r you. That’s what I’ve been trying to do all my life Bring on yer cause if you want it removed ” Domocrats : Don’t be too confident of success. Every vote will be needed. The greater the majority for Mr. St (‘liens, for Guvomor, the greater toe chances f ir a s»lid Domocratic Con¬ gressional repi-fsental ion from Georgia. White with gold, white with silver, lilac and pansy shades, are the colors for dinner and evening dresses worn at Newport. IFliite, pure and simple, is losing favor because it has bean so gen¬ erally worn during the Summer, and it is now usually accompanied «y red and yellow. LIT.Al, NOTICES. AITLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Taliapeuiio County. I SOUR weeks after dat Honorable ■ application Court will of Im inude to the Ordinary of said county for leave to .sell a port,ion of the real estate, belonging to the estate of Absohiin Rhodes, late of said county, deceased. Tills August 39th 1882. William g. Rhodes, Administrator. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. G KOI IG I A —T A L1A1 ‘ KK KO G< ) 1 1 NT V. B | TOUIt • weeks alter court date application hiliiiary of said will lm made to the of < county for leave to sell the real Estate be¬ longing to (he estate of Maynard Chandler lat“ of said c.onndty deceased. This July al, XHsa. Administrator do bonis Owen I). .Moore min. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEO! IG IA—T a r. i a f m ro Co i; nt v. Fffi IU weeks afti-r data: application will made t > tli" Honorable Court of Ordinary of lid county, for lcaye to sell tlie real estate belonging to- the estate of Mrs. Eli'/ Kendrick, late I....... of said county, deceased. July 28th, 1882. Adm’r. JOHN R. MOORE, APPLICATION FOR PERM ANNEX LL i'TLUS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEOKG1A— Taliaferro <,'ountv. -« j „ mtEAS, JOH N !>. MOORE, has \ y apjiljed 10 me for Hm perruamTit, of letters KN’Oh 0 | a.Imiiusti-.-ition oji i-Aabi mOOKE, late of said county deceased, Those are therefore to cite all persons, concerned, to show cause, if any they can on or by the fir-: Monday iu September i ,i„ ‘ natan ' . ’ this Am'iwt 2nd Ihsz. Ciiaki.fs A. Bfazi.ev, Ordinary. T. C. — ; AD.MI.NIS i LA i dB S SALE, | (jloRGIA—Taliaff.uko Ooun'ty. |>y VIRTUE of an order from the, j ) Court of Ordinary of TaliaP rro conn- ! t- v will be sold h- fore the court-house door , eoanty, the firrt Tue^y In said w p'aif iindividml’hiterest! ■, t t-.-'m-t t <» -. it* " land’ >),l- | ‘ in a of jt iIt ; ai(l ,. m , n t y , known as the Tom Huy place, adjoiiiing land* of Wiley Jackson, Hon. A. il. Stephen , and oth-r< mm:,tin ing GDu, -s m-., - or G i.roi rty of Wiilu pl.ens, dec, , said deceas d. Tliis Scptemiicr 4th, 1882. Term made known on day of sale. of | John A. Stephens. A Im’r. V* ii. (>. Stephens, Deceased, Number 31 zzHEl THE 0N T LY BIG SHOW C 'MINGf h.barrett & co's NEW UNITED Monster Railroad Shows My- .IwlP 5g§| i ' ... mi: I ' OHH'.NTAI, CIRCUS, EGYPTIAN CA HAVIAN, AND UNIVGHMVI, EX POSITION Off I.IV. ING IVONDEIK Exqes'ristii Tim Barg-st and combination Gymiiic Attraction* of Zoological, ever organized. Positively coming Undivided and Unabridged, to > GBEEN’KSBORO, Friday O -lo’ier t.tth, ATHENS, .Saturday October l-ttli. ' WASHINGTON, Monday October 16th. 7 * Enormous Metropolitan Menageries ' XT N I T E D. To which have been added a large number this WIEii coiftineTH. AN1MABS with anyexhd'iitloo ou the lakokst TAVIM * wwt31Til5 Hip?:p3tmus , Ever tmqprtcd. A Hugo Stumbling River ••error of all Saurians; claimed 'V many Theologla.M amt ographera to , Id«ntlcal with fehu Belie,noth of the BU bio. PAIR OF MAJESTIC GIRAFFE* (’itpliired during Forests tin* winter Kfuieunmbla. just passed, in the Mimosa of An Abyssinian Babiroussn An minimal never before exhibited jn America. , m I VI Us Driven Tandem In the Street*, Per lortnlng Arabian Dromndurlev, Zebras Trained to Perform Incredible Peat«,Per lormllig l‘’ive-Tnn Rhlnocero*, Uaplamt Hurdle Itaring lleindeor, ti Ira lien Draw¬ ing Roman Gliarlott*. A Glgautcan Kld ing Hyenas, Cynocephulos, A School ol Performing Uearncd Seals, Den Per- of Inrming Den ot Tigors, Lions -nd Leopards A Cavalcade of Fourteen Performing Kentucky Tlioroushb^eds The largest number of tin’ must heniTtl ftil and best-trained Horses in Ihe World, and more than a whole Show alone. Fifty Ton* ol (educated jiuastN, Thrlco tlie Smallest Flepliant over ai-eii ; and I he largest one ever domesticated, An IlnormoaUM Polar Aijuariuiu, THIRTY ARABIAN CAMELS Mounted by Native Malmmmedm«, and introduced In the Grand Spectacu¬ lar Pageant of a quarter of a million street pa radh, THE CHAMPION cnicn* OK A HUNDRED cniKVA, THREE BUPKUB MARTIAL MUSICAL IIIIIOADKH, THE NEW LEVIATHAN LOCOMO TIVi: THAI! II AN I), A 10!)-VO[CEI> COLORED CH mm. ALWAYS EXHIBIT! NO JUST WHAT IT ADVERTISES. Each promise made is kept a sacred pledge. One Ticket Admits to all advertised shows. Children, under nine years, half price. TiVO ORAN!) EXHIBITIONS DAILY, IT CONTROL MILLIONS, BACKED BY MtL I.IOI.S MORE. AND SO KAR As IT 1SCONCSKX ED .NO OTHER SHOW EXISTS. Will also Exhibit at. SPARTA, T-iesdnv.Oct., 17th. WAR RENTON’, Thursday Out., 19th. THE “CONSTITUTION,” FOR 1882-3. Is better equipped in every sense thanever before to maintain its position IN THE FRONT RANKS OF BOUTHBUN JOUR¬ NALISM. It culls the attention of the reading (■■■Idle to the tullowiiig poluta that can he claimed. Name¬ ly, that it in 1 . The largest and best paper in Georgia, Alabama, tlie Carolina-, Florida and Mississippi. 2 . More reeding matter than any paper it* the South Atlantic States. 3. The fullest telegraph service and latest news. 4. The brightest, best and fulleest corre¬ spondence 'i In- eomple.tost election return*’ i>- Verbatim Legislative reports. 7. '< blieial Supreme Court reports. The Great Georgia Paper— Better Thai* liver. No intelligent Georgian can do wi nout it EVERY GI OROIAV SHOULD TAKE A PAPER FROM THE CAPITAL DURING THE NEXT THREE MONTHS. c on too sHt„tinn 8m n«r annum E= SD 7 : iSTSKT ,1^.= BHW WeekW «' 0 |.y to getter —“—----* up of Club ; Clubs .....— of 20 51 -0<J, with free copy. Address TIIE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ua,