Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, October 18, 1882, Image 1
CRAWFORDVILLK Z Volume 6. ALdJ AT I, AIUJLxYI/ \UOr\T) ITS Lk3, --- xJATllliRiNG THU NR’.Vs FROM OUR EXOilASGES. ____ being the doinos and hapfenings OF OUR NEIGHBORING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUR READERS— OGLETHORPE, WARREN, GREENE AND OTHERS WILKES. [ Gazctt-e.] Little Julia, infant child of Lev. ,, ,, G. E. Gardner died on Wednesday night, A fine carp, weighing *2£ pounds and measuring 17 liiciies, was bro ght in from Fishing creek yesterday. Col. John A- Stephens, ..of this place, will be Governor Stephens’ private sec letary. TFe will regret very -tench to give him'up as a citizen. We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Garland Turner ot this county. which occured last Friday. He was a •gentleman highly esteemed by all who knew him. Three deaths ..........i-.n.»,Lwn oocured in the couut v v S aua little daualiter of Mr. u James Newsome’s. Mr. Hilly Turner has had the mis¬ fortune to be compelled to have one of his hands amputated. It will lie re¬ membered that a few weeks ago we re -pbrted tiie fact that he had lost a finge r Iti cane'mi’l, and it was from tin 8 a wound that he lost his hand. The remains of Mr. Oscar William were broughtt here on luesf.ay ami buried in the OatlioJio eemetery.a large .concourse of friends follow, ifg them to -their last resting place. He was born Al ,. nr }f i i’A.v -1 in tiii ■ *4 poiintv ‘ Mifrl : ‘....... lf*‘iv( v S Avile and x , f foul . ur children to temuu i.L ln Joss. hanod’k. [ 77ie Sunbeam.’] . Tliefe is a great deal of .sickness re -ported in this county. .• The roof of the new court house is being put 011 rapidly. Coan has.been adjourjifrd till the first Monday in December .Lexf. The n-i, J iail dll is I'd ., iM .. a , vi n, colored .J; prison, . . , ftre 1 ‘ * ’ 1 ‘ '•'■ bounty. A nvgto cabin wus bunicu. uovvn uu Ji|p.Mason’s 4 >]:Md;ition » ‘-iliort distance /rum Cnlverton last week iwerytl»in£ ttie negro had was consuriied. | j « A negro girl . , about . rF fifteen . years o,d. ‘Jiving on Air. Sainu '1 H T ilcy a p ice, ,eH from a wagon loaded with coin last Sveek a d was rub ou*r. Sir; died al 'most limtaillly • Mr. Jahies 'rawford, an old and .highly respected c:iti'z‘*n (; i' Hancock w. 3,ust - George, the little soon of l/r. and'i /Mrs. Frank .While.while riding ;> horse i 'sometime last week foil off and broke | his arm. lie is rapidly getting over it. [ Sparta U kniaelite. ] i ' .A little.ground rattn snaka was kill- j . fed on Chitvcli street lale one evening ! last week- ! A gentleman of this, county raised on a single vine nineteen watermelons j \ ‘of an average weight of twenty pounds. Sylvan Hill was the banner precinct ] Df Ilaueock county in tlm late election.; Little Jimmie Pinkston, the oldest: 'son of Mr. J. T. Pinkston, died on last i Fridav Ar^lit night after along illness. He j “ and B oo,l l.ttle l,o, . Mrs. RB Baxter lias returned from Atlanta unimproved in health Air. H H Stewart woo has been ex .tremely ill toi some time, was a •• ' be on the street on Monday. Miss Anna Brewett is very much im proved 111 health. Hon Seaborn Reese was prevented by ■: a severe sittack of sore throat, from speaking in Sparta on last Thursday. We j-fgret to learn of the death of jf^'SSuned ■■ iTxbu^ ' on 'dav, Mr. James S Lary died os iyphoid fe ver. tit his residence, near on last Friday. WAliRKS. [TVa rrenton Clipper.] Mrs. Edirar Pilcher wi«I lea^ for Eatonton the 4tb of November, where she will join her husband and both make their home for the future. Prof. A F Wav,- will commence to do business for J M Cody & Co,to Inor row. Mrsi Frank and Miss Florence Rick etson have botii been quite ill. Twiggs' speech fell as flat heie Fri¬ day as a,rotten twig. • Rev. Jerry Fox, col., died in this county last Thursday night. Five persons joined at Klim baptist ehuch recently. Rev. T J Pilcher pas tor. Mrs. Harrison, mother of Messers t J/. and G W Harrison di 'd near Nor fvfSod Thursday. WEDNESDAY, . v f CRAWFOEDVILLE, GA., OCTOBER IS, 1882. Thirty one parsons joined the Rev noldsville Methodist church some days ago, and 18 at Raytown, llev. G W G Watkins pastor of botii churches. Mrs. linnet Williams, mother of Mr. Thomas Williams, died in Glascock sonntv Saturday night. # - OGLKTHOIU'E. | Echo]. Mr. Geo, ll Lester made ns a present of a potato measuring 22 inches in cir eumference and weighing 4 pounds. Sheeiff Doster now has the of the town. A small necked bottle, enclosing two large cucumbers almost as larg« as the bottle itself, the curious part of it is, how did they get June. Died, at his home in Tailing Creek Sraitli^ sffitlF'ose'o/our oee of odi most most * respected itspectca citi- chi zel!S A voung man that visits a young la dy in this countv leaves four of photographs in her album at one time, Ode hundred bales per day is the av erage. receipts at Crawford of cotron. tX.lU ‘ womTmTvi.fg 8 bekX Cl , lwfoi:il was attacked ami beat eu by a young, negro woman. A rant was iasuetl aiul on I uesday morn S^crt's.K [rial,v,, ,, Tarad,,, ..... .. hut did not tel. the P.'it.mni.ns. «* -43 Advertise .. 1 Li tier 'the following letters i-main uncalled forat the post-ofliee in Cnuvfordvdl-, lal iaferro county, Ga. If not called for with n.‘i > days they wil! he sent to the dead letter office a. Vasln.iKion, H. U. In call ine for anv of th ■ these 1 tiers pleas# say ‘advertised.” this October Id, 1«H2 Tlmnnnn <:-ooger, S. I'indiey, .A . M . Rdpkins. (in ru Ldv.en: -. Aug-iine <.n mere.. lerris, ' - M ■ <T '' ( ' S <!"';• ‘^ MktU.iOTk H , h,\» 1 * 'rV'; *'Liigi «A.i ' ,, J 1 .'!; * . \ensikJ.Jordan,Cco.V\ v. i]. V;'th>s, Lull Jones, i>. J. .m,. V , Law. m. d. M. Laev Jum Lyle lardy Kent, -L >■ V\ jUiam. Lev..!. A. ( < ,s. , < . hum. U. T. Tribble, 8 : If. Nolcdy. Nelson '.Vinklield, 3! Taylor, Anderson .Stewart, Edward Slaton, Lew - llho-les, Lam Slew ait, Kd Swin. A. IS. Stevens, Vince Ste l»"-ns, Thomas Scott, <L T. Sk. V. AV low Per*.ms, Iravis pven<m, laek I eai son. If- i. Peek, .- 41 's. E. I’iilivstou, .Teirv, Brady, A. II. Stephens, Jr., Jesse finch, . (J. Dickinson. W <!• -loe ns-m. -. Adkinson, M. Bob Asbury, D. i.vadlord, Dick Beaxiev. Bow.l-n.' Uimrlev ISim,-an,, A. Brown, Si. II. Gilbert lie;;, , S. dir.. J. De.-I ( '. Evans, . 1 .,- f.loo T. (i. i",i. Llliuutoii, Seieoi • I./-ml-. Jordan lOvrin.,, JIo 1 Evams, a D Lvar.s, .,am ^* ' V ^\ n ^^ ni \, rz 5 ■D !eX ns' 1 r» Tui-lnr j/.pV > 0 <az '"Y- A , ,- , ,, v iv '‘ - s. ^!- „ „ ik htokf-ii, a.\ .10 !brv itutt. Alecat.drr v. ■ lb, -eris. L.lman L; lui, H. J,. Jaeasoii. Joiiii i-. aas. M- T. (.on am, 1>. M. ,, —*- ♦ — ~ - "‘tIK SIC,'SHOW. - g n barreit & go's, nnee;, anL - MON da * LAST. If circuses, like (biristuas, came 5 nt f ., ... . u a v j ai, tilt* ,, (Muonic, _ s v\ > oiico people to witness every ring perfor. mance and animal show that comes ,,, on „ %vc „,,u,e less difficult to account 10 ‘ ^n, these diij's of ingenious advoV" t,s »'K u ls 1 ... to , jud-A, . , ,, , a tent sh-v.v in advance. Lhe reputation 0 f its proprietors in keeping faith w ith the public is the only guide in such U1 . ltters g jj i; :tl lett k Co. have :a,d lhe,r f l°?roo ■ Washington on Monday last pi" > that tbev expect to remain in the field to, „ tln-y « «*»»» fov repu t a tion. A large collection of r , irft anima i s has said ,n lieen seen in a ; |y shaw visiting \vasliington. The amma.s ..nim-i'.s are a e not not only o ij what they > adv.-r ^ise but they are 1.1 most cxr lent c . dition. Of the three elephants adver tisad, two of them are curiosities in ( |,, fc( p T'ue two large camels, more \ leurv ^^ an 1 ungainly than the beast 5 , 8een have not yet become , accustomed to circus food and arc going through a course of starvat i >n. Tiie ring perfotnance are 0 { an nnnsttally interesting ch.iractei Trained horses, trained oxen, daring bareback riding, dizzy trapeze acts, a large corps of acrobats, all combined to the vard-wide and all -woo I ?ttcst ' ‘,. pohzy f M s . ij, Barrett Sc (’o w * ‘ Tiie attendance at the afternoon pet formance was over 5,000 and at Die evening performance nearly i.-idd. New liuterprise in Crawlordvillc. Mr. T. E. Bristow has bought and now has on hand a cheap line of first class cook stoves, and give his c,is tomers g< x 1 bargains ill these goods. Come • and be convinced, Can com ^te wi ler warkets in ( price. A drunken man is arei seen m Waabington. TJjlc WEEK’S TTJ/iJlYU DOIXQS ' NEWS FROM EVRRVW iRlBE^IS COMJUSISK1) idtiAI I ■* CIA.,.Eh, U.V..LA1.J ILs - ~« •• ", TERS—NOTES OK SHORT LEN. T,. 1 ECA.INC r I i\c now’ now VEOI'I I..OII.H. K T ..L.i.'.ii .-1 sEwir/J'E 'I ARK EXOAUEl)—VAKiOCt iTEJtB cf information. J Mr. Joe Morris, of; Columbia, i n af i,;, '' ®‘ i,onsn ' liv fl r « last wp»lc .*• ' Mrs. 1 anme Ray, ot Gnl , m, is , leaves a husband nud an i’-< '• three weeks old. * > Captai * W A ' Viili;irjs ’ <>£ vi , l0 down the back i,hN stepi »,n 11 SKltnt ...... ,1 i, v ,d-e /|,ps . ■Vluam* . The people near from that c’ltyV artesian water i ■ 'jugs and barrels for drinking pm-porc*. < The cotton crop of Upson wiU n f ^ ^ soys the Middle Geoig a limes Mr. Ilam Rogers, ot Va!uosU, <v . »\as , uccicleiitly shot and killed by the a is 'i tlml rom i. ifeease Dublin Gazette : There is a among bugs called big shoulder ajd death sometimes nearly taken to be case. cholera, ft is 111 every » Tire Atlanta Post-Appeal will 1* is sued everv afteiuodp this week, Sunday morning, after which time it. will be issued as a lnomU'g daily. The Wayr.esbcro True Citizen want* al -t(. s i,..n well in its-town,'aiuj concludes ,, t , lu ,|, wf t | K . sickuefs than will prevails llielG t! ,. rummer and fall " Am ' • I i ■ * ^ ^ ne^ro wortmn in Newton county W . IS t „ U „, c h,,in g ng a few klays •'» f ; „. - mi i,l ui ,r. This is the second tune sue has neon couviUed ot fiA.n blil.g. i ,,, , L( , 2i , n a welLdlager, while eu R ^ , j;. ,, J*'‘ (hWj.,,.. "l ",i 1 . \IU\ .n. . , to tile wed (hstaiice oi ^ sixt,, T f a .0 a e f ; W lia silU'OTlted by ga*. He was nmiicd u\> in.mediately, lint life was v . otu-.u. j A \nnn„ r 0.1 • wilIi)u » , ,*| l( stanfii.e got his leg ; broken, by M e > .t-ihi I- ■ lhL , jo Savoiiuah on Dor, >v ,,,e.y-tjni'jS. If Hie imrso bad lieen rest f . |,j 8 stable the yoitnfi lost inaii in j ! have been hurt, ut t)l tlmt „, p.uliail.ll ... way. , v .,y | ; Saturdav afternoon, in Hiirth’.t jS .... Wooten slab be,, Henry anc. biothci o. he ^ it, : 1 cieinibt. , ("ilri' «as .ansh I I - ( piaco of the dlblOlllty suggests -S '"' . . . i wo ,p d" ., 1 ' ;l '. ' ' “ '' L ■ . , from Americas, on Monday morning. The L latter shot the former, ’ killed ltfm. - and , escitp((l. ,, , I nnnmmepd that l.'ostafiaa-; I It inis b<;en tttr-G^iJiintl ltbwv will ih(. i j a j M ,iiMoii of postage on newspapers in ] |,j 8 annual report to Congress, hut '; in „„t. receonitfiend the reduction ol h-ttei postage to two cents. ntitwd MfflOJHX) bushels . Georgia has of t | lis voar< sjwO.Ohi) Imsiiels of | . U)(1 bushels of wheat, j This is a total of Georgia raised grain of -lh, 5 <M*,0(),» bushels. This is by many million bushels the lurge.-d, giam cll, l' : 10:30 thiS , I, ‘ ,ru i u * il ter ‘' ,blB ; was enact,ed . in this t 1 city, . f m w hich , p the - pnncina.s. Major l hoinas u onuo.. Cltv ' ^ jl Vila whli excitement. , f >s „, 1Uw , dKati , occurred a t Atlanta on Saturday last. Mr. J. \V.Hayes was found dead behind a lum be-piha ‘ where Uc had been wo,:,..,g. d n) . () w0 , (liin was - found d.-ul ]yil)i , upol) |„. r kiLehin floor. 011 Pine s treot. In the first case tli venlict was congestion of# t ie liver, stomach and bowels, and iu the latter h*ai fc Uis ^ ^ SPECIAL LOCALS. ; - —If you buy your ammunition from Reid A; Reid there is no danger of harig i«g fire. X<>. 1 powder and water-] >ror >f caps keep you warm, and at they Myerf. don’t cost wil much either. —lleid A Reid iiave :i lot if fresli turnip seed. Now is Hie Lillie 10 pl.-nt, and r.o better seed can be uW . e,J t'.uui that kept by i he above firm. —Reid & Reid Iiave just r edved a lot of fine cigars. Ninoker il<> like. 1 tobacco would do well t» putron —For cheap and good, goods and honorable and upright dealing 1 Cas oar Myers canre t be excelled. —I hereby mist respectfully offer ie -s to the citizens <d Civtw ....illeand vicinity in the r icti e of Medicine and Suit AuTII R G. BrAZLKV . M l). September 1st. 1842. LEGAL NOflCES. 55• «*» wu,.iA trt ifm GEORGIA —Ta i. r a.f k kro Co uu k . port ion <>f t%e real estate, belonging to tile estate of AVjSOUun KUodOS, kite lit' said county, deceased. This August dOtli \Vm ha:„ <:. U nor US, Administrator, - - - -a -..... m APPLICATION t'f)R-I.lsAVE TO SELL (dAiUGIA Tn ■ ' * J* Pm -via ’• It weeks after <late application wil * 1 ^ Vor t«UvoHV> t nin longing to thkestafe of Maynard (.handler late of said e.atipih . deceased. o'vln'ju .Uooue Adnunistratoi do bonis non APPLICATION nm j,k\ VE TOM 1 CRL i,ANl). * GEORGIA TALiAricPho County* T aOITR weeks after date applicate n will a’ be made t,> the iliuiomhle Court, of mMudvCdeeeas'.dduiV'Xtl. V ^’ •’ 1 jonx \\ 'MOOItl'Adm’r. ...... • „)} £>3r 11? Si« >l 0 Tliestt ORE, lute fhevd'oro of soi l cmnly to cite dewajed. all tn 'c fo sh«i- if anyJ.h«y persons, euuso " sSid not ed. Civeu under my hand and official signature, this August 2nd lasg. # C:t viu.kk A. P.k v’/.lky. - Onhnary. 1. t.„ X !i*R iNIS'i’if A Toil’s SALK. . : ( )!l(iU-TAiLmnn Cm vrr. t | »y -VIUTKK of an order from the > : ,.r Ordinal v the of Taliaferro .house conn will h, sold heforo court door in said c.mnlv, on Hi,, lies, Tues lay in ()f’to /, l * »(*r i n r W'tiwren thi lnwlul !u>iun of 1 S'fnmiivide.l sl t | K , t’ollowin infemsC >• iht.g, ri to wil • Ouo ii.-n tract of land j 1 in >a!d .emmu as !!,<■ Tom Lav . .....w l -d.l ai - j i;. v fu<-ks>>ti ISttjns f , ,„i t m i Xhe.iv ! Hi' s N < W aln (1 ohms d-eeasefr ! .U^'eiwmL the heue'il of'the d!Ss heir-, 'tmnb'v and ereditoes 'nh ' of So MH,/ • ... V . i ( , ;- M . >wn on ,| HV of sale. * a hti’.I'iilns, \,| U i'r of y;,,. 1 ;, Deceased. _ __ !> ‘ 1118 IT! A I OK ... |) \ ... s > , poo 1 ‘ ‘ • 'i 1 . (1 1 f nl , order '«JorrdtU.!- from the Court . £ • viU t , r !,.*■ . M e.oan'ty. fo'u'owl^^imipm'tjr brttween tlm legal wit lifmfs Ouo of hmi- sale (.he to : dred and etgln> four (IRT) neres of land lying east ot Grawtordville in said county, tleinc 11 nortion of the land uhe.e.m.Aliso lum Ilhodcs, n siikMl at Pic tiiiir of hi; death. A.IJo ningintuUm Edwud Cr 1 ^..... Mrs. Tavlo: and land of til - estate (f .. , <t(1 :, cll eflt. ol th -liei. -end ,svd doi.s of aid deceased, lornu e.iwli. Oelo VVii.IjJ am O. I * HO! >KI‘>, Admin’s of A • i.'hodcs, deceased. A DM IN I.STltATOlt S.VIjK. J )V VIUTUK of in, order from tlm eon,■! S > of Ordinal Hie v of Taliaferro iifiuse. eoui.ty, door will said i,e sold before court ni oonutv, on the lirst. Tuesday if, Kovemher ll( , N | , v ,. 1 , the lawful lion's , 1 ' e |e, the following jm’ojm’jI.v' to wif : aoios (V 0 ) of land- id ore or less >n said comity, n »V,Vio-^ 41^1 I (|(t , , ru v .., vil;t rd Cl,., ic’I,-- .dim-, d I I, b-r Hi,- heueiii. of '• ' ! and creditors ol said d. , dd. 'i’ants made known on Hu; day ,,: a. *. Oet.ohnr ‘dud . , ' AiiVo;u V,' . \,„i. A DM! NISTUATI #. S SALE. | > Y VIUTi: ol an order I rani ! lie com I of Onlim eo| '-Vilke - v, .........*- m iir J Tuesday in N» iveinr in' aide,a .,!i ot' wpl-.' p-'wem'The ^ ( |i( , u ... hi! . „i tlm ii-.aet of v. i 1 • a 1 : • ■ a ,, i n a Z&ZTr'SS&S'XZ St’JSlJSjK ... ............ ■ ,. 1 .. 11 !., rivi „ d m!' !■ 1 ,',''.; ".v : i„ Moore,Join’, t i p y n n ; ,i, Wn hi end ot.h,-i ami , eo.daini.n dv- m . h; mb -i a on.-, Th„ im ,.ing tract of l..i,.l Inn , l>e.-n mle-mded m'o :„nr he- m ‘ iV,’V k, o’! ju*.! •>*;• nt *'<*r »i i:ni'i | nis iiiioii it, one i,rant non t ahw awmt two others a little , ,,, .. . 'T u i ' !’ ' ".ihV ' 'J - \tl '• r | , . , , j,,. 1;1 ,, ~ j,,,., > .1 :• s :i jmiut ! • £ 2 I i :* tHIi I c: ”, 5 lance in twelve m nil 5= Ills ini r< st. bond for i Will be e oy administrator j t** purmta- r a hi. of each tract which j will he e Hit e /1 on d of sal# and can be j ; •Fit »('foi>*han<l by cann upon the ac ninihtratur at hi^oil’n-e »n ?■ I). M Di;Bo>e, Adv.i’ vPs »>; cstoi' M tri.i .i A t ! ' .MON,. MENTS. J. J. IL'LLAN. 14 SOUTH BROAD ST., ATLANTA, fTTi'OflT A II f ACT (Hi Kit <> • r n ■ * , R Tombs & j If ad .stones, Ltc. Designs and Estimates furnished. v : "v* AMAS^AUVERTt.SEMRN'tS, | me Sj , /fit ■ - V ' */.« lo'il'iliil EORl)VLl ' l E is Ihjw »k>\ |. nrmiirpfl* | . K •. . corn on it* new sot of 11"Pl't ami Ronest, , attention ,, gu^ntcCil, WHEAT URuUNDsimi liWJfliW also ,|oM ( y nromply. ‘ \V. T. M ARTIN. - Agents 4Vanted. rtU,ulb>tiug Triumph 3 ja\»V fiii| ¥ ""i* jrv-u t ' * s '' ‘ ' ‘ J • A eoipplete for ('vclojiefltu the of household knowledge niasws jam rr^ul.t uuminabj* ihX'utlWskV.b^iU tor I nws and iuHjwHio#ia^'s. out: iii, untliH'itniaUon Iniw to -sell, free to an »u»l unentfc cueees^-uaranfeed. State 1^’^^^ ZS& ’ ’ ‘ L iTUadoiphid, nv. ■ . ^Ule, ___. 0 . . . „ ■; HOvS • -. 1 * K - >■« LO , a w W-. 1 A 1 1 ? 1 ’ White Plains, -Ga. ,, t A f KiS FOR the Million f j 1 * Fun 1 00 C!nm\ 1 1100 MUtSjm Ivikam of Of Midi kinrlr'u k S fill Ull i’omitiyki.V msTiyms thi.- hB.Ud^u, aVd 18 rw ‘"*'{l n’ K '‘ ^ Th.lrf Gil is attracted from peculiar SUlV '*'*<« "mail Wlub «baTk. caught In n,e ) '/low bea, Uitm»n as ( nr,-!,an,don Hon flolutii.* I'Ai-i’y li.^lioriHiui knows it. its virtues us it rustouitiv^ of tioiirin^ wn,< discovered by a lfudbUPrleM about M'v >'* ar I i.y). Hs ceres were so imuiiu'mis und ivmsflv umuy so seemmglv officially mirucaJoiis, that (he was proclaimed ever the cpfi.e'.Kmpire, ltsd«..|,........ itlea/hesk nnnnl. Vem.l-thst for over tujft year., no |iitople. has existed among the riiiimso udA E -d. • O rgva prepaid, to uhy M *U»< ; *(uu-- aoUhs. i „ \V *!,_ 111* a t*i3 it, ~ .UOyll f ‘ C*« toSLV i.'t I 1 ! ... • I ;mrfw»m.U .mmehj . , . entfe. t • U. ; ■ I hna v l,(« uncfrtllb. rW uoiau^Jll my head ’ and h.-av mia-h IH-K. ’ *1 -I Ilf file another hotr.le v ill fere me. -------- • l iI # virt up*' arr mujiicsli'»ii;iM«* ivUMolutc, Mic find if ciiiiitivc cluiructtir ;U car. jm‘i <on;i lly botli-^omi exp^ri l l vc'ovc , hv‘n^un , 'a'n i,,e,lv that Jil'i cm. III,, yon I,,,,,, lik. ti\*I hm! v else, anil W |„; , nil, ,Lv cflvd- will he |ir> iiiainuit. Vim will never regret doing so,” Editor of Meiv.llitile Uevicw. 2-1^ ' T t o fiyoid loss In the Mails, jilense ! send uj<Ttu*y by llAVI.o* resist'red i‘* let *1», ter, \ N5 A Only imported b\ A st.. N. , Solo agnut* for na rim. ! i I M jjmciiil Notice.* 1 VROV (ills ,leto the HiTvIees of Mr. ( . « il. TA YiiOK, as I um r und Hepoir-cr f,.r ,.x , feriuiimfccw. ■ < A i 1 orders for Mr. «ai)i« I will - " r«<*(»jv‘f the pr< >m pt 1 ntbmiion of I’. IIAUir. OATKS; who gnaiante/w on tiro satisfaction. i^vm vsoa &. co, n. o. A.!i",n>ia. Oa., Oct. 1^-' ( :T: rotllE dainyitrd in Urawfordville will be I ,, 1 , 1 - 11 ,.,| bn the 1 st of Noven,I,or next,'! for the reception of Hides, Lcalhei to ijin on slit, reft, or e'.change intrude for Leni'.i er, at tlrc usual cnvtomitrv'prfei-s HEAZLKY. | A. (let,,!ter inti, 1 HH 2 . UailkAads. i wd >rgi a iiai 1 r< nu I -AND—r a'Co. Bank in Ol'KM K UKNKKAI, MaXAMKH, ^ / AlHH '! A, <*A., SUNDAY, dlliy 1, bW- iustant. ‘ ( 1 ( )MM KNOT NG 2 . j tiif* following iKissenger schedule will ; *ie operated : wo. i VV* ST—J>AIL7. NO V. FAS ‘l’ — Lv. AugoslalfkJOa'm Lv. < ,nt.a H :20 a in “ Macoti 7:iu a n, “ < -us U:t5a iu “ ‘ 0 : 0 .* a ijp “( ? il’ii l; 1 . 1 jp(ll ** W’sh’i’n 11:20 a m *s is ll’g’ 2:. r ,o p (il Ar. (j’f’dv’li J .12 tu 1 4:t!l,(> Ul »> “ Athens i ;00 i» m:“ Macon 15:45 m “ Atiaiita n. 11> m •• Augusta Tu.'. o >o st). ;; v. kpt— i).vi ly. NO, 4 V. AST-JIAII.I*. I,v. AugustaH:.W pmihv. Atlanta 11 22 P Lv. (b’i’v‘1112:11.( p.m ista v , 1 , Ar. Atlanta liitu alili * 111 Genera! JOHN M. Manager. UUEEN’, Gen. K. Pass’ger It. DORSEY/ Agent’ 1,000 MlliE TICKETS. sse > T. / ' • «( I V, Aj ! “til, 1 •'flu. ; ISO MONDAY. 7 th bid., .11 • r. ( milieu, V ui -,.ii < 1 \t. ine i s MILL Tlf-KK'fs. guml oxer main ii" • end u-icielies, a, TWENTY-FIVE DOLf.A RS - o'h. Hie-,- tickets will be -.1 ", Individuals, firm* families, but ’ ! n,i ' 3,1,1 '“‘’“‘ic'iL’oOUSEY, Mav-M Genei 1 Passenger Agent * Number 33 T 015 * i CO\Sl < ITu JTON,’ ; *>. ' PbR ^2 * r. r; ' '' - t > , , 1 5. , IN IHa tl tiO.N'f ItANKj , OD’HOCTHfUN JOCK* SAi.wt. ■ 7“ *#U* Uie,*ttemi<Ht. of tbs retdlHc jiujiiA Hra <«-»n it, tuo WrWiwrti. R,Uiijbln*-i»wl \ame- ut» .* * ,K Hut it ?* 1 1. Thehwg^st-and iienf paper In Georgia, , AJ41nou4^M|v Cm>il'n*ts, Florida and . •. „ iiian 2. More reading nmltef any paper In tile South Aflahf-h; St4te . ! g* 'pieiulleat lulegraph semce and latest %i Thchrighteit, best ftiil fullcest corre ■ .H\u*\utehwc .•■ i f„ 1 ht eonmltitevt. LogislatlvASeporta. (ileytiof' returns’ «'• Vorlmtti 7; ' Supreme Court report*, T|e <j rv .t tJeo«- SiL intelligent ff i7Vppr (dnii-giaa - rie-tter Than Ever. • 'can do wi.uoiit it take 1 paper i-R.m Tin- Papidal dprino Tmc nkxt Iukkio months. srjSSjKS ,,,, . , ., —^ ! T,n'C^TnrTWK. ’ Atlanta, Ua. -----yf • innrLi&fi'TijuJI : i "TUL UK BESTTHREADTO3EWHI0 KACHISESJ lb —i ...... - •...... r____- '' ' V > AMERICA ’STILT, PHTTIEU ATE1D l ATLANTA mXCXATIOS ,L CoXTOH LXPOSX TfOM. * . "■ f: - , ' U7T ”' : a nu,,..,, v.m «„ ais,.. a*b r^i: o».,.m» cams. T " ’ 'cr.db.t l> y three ufUi« ,, teourt , mwatocturern... ........ c-Uuu w«r» • i»muA«i t:io«roRl bit«*i.iiui«p40otlow Ixparitisast A'h.uD T .udl.^me I.m,l . . di. liuoe.vcly Amuri.-i-n insillit.o:/, Ui 8 pl«y*ul wimt wa« twuoralljr eUndlt. d 11 U.i tlio conn, ute exhibit »vor iu»<te of «uy iudii»t» utJii; Wurld'a Fair. * wliol, »)att'm’oit ja»< Sutay i 1 'irwratlvu was uliouii , u a raw vuttou 110,1 1,0 ... ** l w , . ,, ,., „ *“«•«» . „^ «»ly P* : MU»mm ’ proi«rfi,u in |«lit.n vi#w of viat» ifioihm'* .+.A k waiiittund i‘s& bumM iti whl<a it beio^ u. uu Ute *»pot. r T’.in ~ WiHIm'ifitJo CtYmytimy, fh r tid untHmnint i.innt fimitnoi 11 im.uu mdl Afltjptr _ ,t(».,,,tt:,,JN..,.lu u ,,.^,^n^ 1 .... . ........ ........ * .....I s-, t, dtaruoatu. '• " 1 i„ TI,r<.aJ In or <J„lqu.tfc ( u '-” J '• »'ng t.> l ■ ,.t » ow-eUod to -IhM'.lo, L.» 1 -1 ,,t I,i'toying! p w li viuy m .xu and f.ymi.i pi ■ l a Milt of clotheMi tatuV*. iiuin Aviitou plukud i i Vj >. in, ruhiy tv««m ik® ■ d ui.d Im-i-h’m ni :»t wove i., ji. t U> ami prmv* .( i:ti*(l ui liii 4 i by flirt Williniiuitiu (JmMpaiy, ho hI/rkI i i a HMD tion ( » ci ! >rrU) V.w 'Vdimi iitfc TUroad, uiwi , r/iuiiiusiuhnl it to i very m' jm.'wt-ia aiul tlu> SoiiJh," enmpleteiioMi of (Ui,M Lit-8t vi» lory achieved by llio MMiimaiftfe (foinpitu'y cum Im !•• ii«t iitue i sttxRl eyToailiriu (U« e*vi. i :|nu-o i * tin oittuiaL re j,:rrihi/i this jij.kns* a/nw-utl ; • aoim sfi. 1 . “ Tor tbfl fie?! &,y\ J m i, Spool ('oti.on ftrr J/id i., d ti ni 11 wut. H< iiinij. 'ihe *t ui« of nutria .. <1 »Kpon - • i i/.hi run r, ! " t Hirength and <, it fi i/ * ine Uiix i’ rcB I;[M‘ru]iiiriy adapted l*» ■' mic Jiinu u -o. -'i/iM g«>.(H 7* eliowti Hiv r<nu;crk ••:*.» I'd* ii" r beauty uu«l*,t.». u /14 UiuUal recuia Jiiciid :d.’ fffM-n MED II >►». 2. " f’er n Lu ; Tnficj’Ut f!i"f <!irua<I-makiT)g In all '»■ , ojxiut.'otiB, from t.D* ibiw material to ttn> jliiii/' ■ ti Kiviujf a com¬ • ; n ,f -.0 r ’lifiit'-f t’iin important uml interetft* j. : 1 j- i-tlry. In * P in report the Ja«Igfin de»lr« •<> < tbfjJr HIM >. UJD.'I C/IHlJH-ll'hltioa fit th*p Vi.:. tic ’J'bntsulmpuuy fov tle*lr<mtorpri*« and i ial,ty in making t!;:» ituiab!o ttlid reooito* mufiit it :>jh:< iul c- l uir.d&t a ..ti d ad a d';«4>rvetl re nMliUj Jxi Of iMi IMiUC.” Tf/E tsuakd r t/r. ** uor n*i ctc*TiT*nt #xiii!»i?:* l*'iHnntrubld frystan 'i!'<jr,MHU5iiiimi mi I , t .0,<m.4 i »r promoting lu;,.(,.y H,.,1 in«T«*urtlKg t,. , mat moral and in IkKuj . nil v. I h. iu,i of wor.f pnoplo in luguul'aotQriDf ittiiliirTif yj. And your iliiHi rmnnjeti 1 Ui it ( viniflary rttcognitloix 1 * 1 ! lii. Hi O. l.U Vamt; • -ni ifApal l-lUCti Of thi* <^ i: .lon .v .: l«.f u {• I.. I }>: :/.: ot u medal or ! *- to r V o raluo of ■■ v)0 t » the exWbitor of tj utjno ill ou-thoJ. for fefct* au -1 i.n , vcui.irtof the rmployfcM^t* iu . Vi uftiullou,,; u-, U-i-u.; (U.t no^rTruv- ;o4Tf.iu-w J - t.\- ,, r.-ll.r i -,portau,e than : I-it , , iu.uu:a>.s l,.i p.-yuarliig uud xuanu i^ctoriDg cwaUfu.’* ruce otiiet. A».-.,r.Dh. I i '• l ! . :i to the ubovu, fpur other awards vtr* re* -iiRUfiKUsd by tlm j ail gen for exhibit*) shown by thd w.lljiuaiitic Co»Di>aojr, atniiiitf them being tho only A-.vurd lor a *j>oo* cotton Winding luitchind. f itmCATASRH sam 1 ' Cored at horns by > # EEfhB At,.; jCi<U- fr jj^HA -SEjfISk A\ X v -i*** NA? 1 OF | AR * *^5'Af-S* 111 »-r»«,.»*«»*. «•*«■*• \ V 4 ^