Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 13, 1883, Image 1

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Volume 7.
The day had been cloudy sssssr* and dreary,
w s:\ss,fs
Remembrances rushed bv that day, children
Brought thtae by sweetfaces of
In a window justoier the wa>.
Three beautiful, golden-haired darlings
Were vvatchingeach form that went casement, past,
With faces pressed close to the
And hearts throbbing joyously fast.
I knew they were watching for papa,
So eagerly anxious were they;
And wliile they scanned every newcomer,
I scanned them from oyer the way.
(Soon a tall form appeared in the distance
Which their little eyes seemed to know,
For away from the window they darted,
To stand in the doorway below ;
■While the glad shout of welcome they ut¬
tered io
Brought volumes of past joys me,
And kisses he eagerly gavo them,
Seemed fond as those 1 used to see.
Then I thought of two dear little children,
Whose forms lie beneath the green sod ;
Of the father who tenderly loved them,
Yielding his spirit to God;
And an afterthought came, to give com¬
fort : they
In a “mansion” of glory s.ny,
And together, are eagerly the watching
My coming from over way.
Over the wav ! What a sentence !
The way through the Valley of Death!
The way that I, too, have to travel
When yielding Life ’s last, weary breath.
Little forms have gone over it safely, tried
Manly feet its dark mazes have ;
And now, with hands outstretched to greet
They uie, watch till I it glide.
Being the doings and happenings
War ren ton Clipper.
Quite all the cases tried last, week
nr,; undecided,
Mr. J. M. Medlock, of Jewells, was of
married, last week, to Mrs. Begets
Jerre Davis (col.) was tried for lar
ceny of tire house and was acquitted,
but was conv ct d of assault on Mr.
George ,8mith. He has not been sen
tenced and a motion for a hew trial
will be considered at tlie June adjourn
i term.
Florence Buff, Stephen Wright and
eorge Hamilton (ail col. ' were con- /
u'flu “ li-r-y i
ced t«A six yea, ,
few freuij^ie luiMs oi u, ...c*n,g Uicfiu
Wtiie penitentiary authorities. Neal
Culver (col.) one of the quartette ill
-the low, and w1 io escaped to Atlanta,
lias not been tried and will not lie un
til the adjourned term, lie was ar
rested too late for trial with the otheis.
Ishmaelite >
We regret to learn that Tommie
Northen is at home qutto sick.
Col. Clinch killed a dog ill Ins yard
on Saturday that was supposed to be
As mad dogs are getting to be so
common we think it highly necessary
that all dogs caught from home should
be killed.
Miss Hattie E. Jewell was married
to Mr. J. B.Cody in the Baptist church
at Jewells, on last Sunday evening at
? o’clock.
Some knave set fire to the corn crib I
of Nathan FIueliyn on Judge J. Clar
ence Simmons place last Sunday night,
His crib, corn and fodder to make the
coming crop were consumed.
,Hon. E. II. Pottle, Judge of tlie Su
perior Courts of this Circuit, was ini j
town on last Mondiy to adjourn our
court over to Ure 4th Monday in June |
next, owing to the incomplete comli
edemu wmneS' utlren^bS
ing ot that time. ■
Oglethorpe Echo. ‘
From the amount of guano being
sold we predict that cotton \n 1 lje
worth five cents next fall.
Mr. B. B. Will'ams, wire shot Hre
n egro near Winterville an account
which we gave last week, I as en
bound over in a bond ot vl.UGd, cnarg
ed with an assault with intent to rear
On Sunday morning last a very se
asiKiSK;: yere hail afrd wind stoun passed „
«* Jones •»«- has ",t, at last k expressed ,,vo *r sorrow
that he killed his wife. Heretofore
he has said lie did not regret what he
had done but only regiettea tnat ne
did not kill others, lie has become
very excitable, sleeping but little and
awaking slightest the guards on bearing tlie
iVf noise around the jail at night,
He ;<= in niter “ fear r,f lvnchers
On last Friday a negro put m his , . ap
pearapee at Crawford^ and vo!l “ lt j ll ' y.
f^VliiSd'fr^tlie that escaped fiom the^ Danielsville* Danieisv me jail j o
and for whica a -.o re 1 ‘
ed. He was quickly arrest proved .a a t t -
ried to Damelsvihe, but n ” J
• g jssysss’-'sss^^
getting it for uothing.
GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 13th* 1883.
There are only two prisoners in jail.
Mr. Josiah Baily of this county had
* S.S™‘S tot Z' trip Vm. to
DiiBose left last „«* a
. Mr Wm H Cowart returned home
. , delightful
on Wednesday from a very
and extended trip tbiough Eui .
.3^'Usideuce ,, j vy ganders expects to baud a
in this place, if He
can pro. . ure uic „ ui desirable building lot.
We regret to learn of the death , or
„ Thomas Elliot. In the prime of
life lie was quite a prominent man in
the county, lie was about seventy-five
years old.
Mr. Purnell Truitt died at his home
in this county last Monday. He was
perhaps the oldest man in the county,
having entered ins 88th year on the
24th of last December. For quite a
number of years ire bad been confined
er Sof^eSle Sown oScoun^ t
well and was highly respected
V 1 having been a prominent citizen
for a number of years, till ill health re
moved him from We activities of life.
In his almost century of life Mr. I mitt
witness great and almost inconceivable
changes in this country. He has seen
the trackless forest giye way to the ad¬
vance of civilization, and seen cities
spring up from tire wilderness. Before
the days of railroads Mr. lnutt haul d
cotton from this county to I hilade -
pliia in wagons and brought back
goods, Sue It an undertaking as tins
can hardly be conceived of in this day,
But liis long career on earth is over
now and the sun lias gone down on a
peaceful end exemplary life. He leaves
a large family of children and grand
Two I,allies Outraged In Gwinnett, amt
the Perpetrators Captured.
From the Lawrenceville Herald.
A week or ten days ago a party of young
men in Ben. Smith’s district disguised
themselves and were raiding around the
country at night. There are various re¬
ports as to Ure number in the party, but
from the best information we can get there
was not less than seven or eight. What
their purpose was can only be -conjectured
from what -occurred. It seems that the
party seperated at i | tae hour and two of
them went to the house of a widow, Mrs.
Hill, where she and Mrs Burnett lives,
about ten or eleven o’clock at night, broke
open a door and struck a match to see
where the women were sleeping and then
went to their be*! ami by force and threats
committed • j upon them.
I chain
.They .rt.l
. were this iiOjfibie iLt'r.b r hcy
and notdiecX the women that if they
said anything about it they would come to
see them again. The women are at least
forty or fifty, years of age and have borne
their neighbors ot the occurrence, when
warrants were Issued for Ben HaH and
George Moughan. Hall was arrested and
had a preliminary trial before Esqs. Cosby
and Ethridge, wire after hearing all the
evidence committed Ilall to jail to await
his trial before the Superior court.
The evidence before the committing
court is not clear that Hall was the guilty
party, as it was difficult for the women to
recognize the men, but tlie court tliougl t
it was sufficient to hold him to answer. He
wafbrought to town and understand, lodged in jail de
nst, Thursday Hall, we
nies that he is the guilty party.
Moughan has not been arrested, and
therefore it is not known what defense .he
has,oi.what the proof is against him.
The other persons who were in the raid
pig party, do not seem to have taken part
jg the crime. *
.-— —
Restored Alter 20 Years.
in 1853 tire Federate were passing along
the streets of Montgomery, Ala., leaving
the city. Richard C. Flanigan, of the
sixth Illinois Cavalry, spied as lie rode
IV, t 1 house a curlv-headed little boy of
aboutfour years, watching with curious
e y ts the merry soldiers as they rode away,
He recognized tlie little fellow, having
seri him before ami taking a fancy to
him picked him up to give him a ride. But
, lie made
j Iiiy i nj , Bone some distance, up
“ he^Taml to keep him, and did so. Tlie
t darling of tire camp
for the next two years, and at the close of
the war Flanigan took the boy h one with
i z Hamilton county u IH-, adopting
~- -
M finally ” *; come to ‘v^z think he trs was dead, and
though he grieved sorely, had at last be
c;)me re ,igued to his* loss In blissful ig
ll0rance cf his bivth, the boy grew up to
mairg es t a te ’ thinking himself Flanigan’s
a s, ‘ * the miter informed
not, and ...... told hunt .. to- .
him that hew s
ty of his kidnapping from tlie Soutli. The
young’man, now 24 years of age. wrote
Montgomery and ascertained that his
fa ^ Twa^.V under his found
“shenth* went'to new name
W he Montgomery
Xhe meeting between father and son was
verv affecting, as can be imagined. Tire
ol( f maa threw himself upon laughed »e yotfng by
man’s neck, and sobbed and
rs^^>rsss%A*to’a home.
Items ot News Gathered Here and There
Eiout our Exchange*.
* te, '' 5 """ oMboy wl “
Mtaaaa.yl,,, r,,laccd
crime 50 pdr cfeht.
—a htdy ^ in Henry ^ county ^ gave birtn to
^ ^ ^
_ A Q killed hu brother in Augusts
'vho had , wlnpped . . .... him about , . abusing . . his
wlte -
—The Postmaster at Brunswick is short
”« m ins accounts. l\to colored , . , men
are on lus bond.
—A colored horse thief set fire to the De¬
eatur jail, but it was extinguished without
serious results;
—Judge Martin J. Crawford says the
statement that he applied for office 1111
de r Bullock’s is unmitigatinglj- false.
—Thursday in Stone .Mountain George
Mearge M MeAlpin and John W- Me
cut five or six tunes .lie ,s not con
sidered dangerous, MeAlpin is under ar
—Tom Hudson, of Athens, has carp by
the million, and expects them to weigh
sixteen pounds by next Christmas.
—There was a man in Dublin the other
day who wassutprised to learn of the death,
of Gev. The Stephens.
Athens grain Elavator and grist
mills are nearing completion,
—The horses ih alid around Athens are
suffering with typhoid pneumonia, but we
have heard of no deaths as j et.
—Dr. J. IV. Ferguson committed suicide
ill Savannah the other day,
—A negro was killed in Atlanta in a dis¬
pute over a dime.
—A Columbus negro has a 51,000 ap¬
pointment in the pension office.
—A man near Wahoo, in Lumpkin coun¬
ty’ lias a lmil three inches long on his lit¬
tle finger,
—Mr. Tom Murray killed a beardless
wild turkey in Dooly county last Wednes¬
day that netted forty-nine pounds.
—A man with an ox-cart from Cherokee,
county, N. C., a distance of 130 miles, was
pi Gainesville, Saturday, getting his year’s
supply of goods, lie was five day’s 111
—An aged negro foil down a ten foot
embankment near Atlanta Sunday night
and broke his neck.
—The Rev. John Calvin Johnson, of
Athens, has married 370persons in the last
25 years, and lie has outlived 00 of the
—Col. Ratliff, of East Albany, built the
first gin house ever erected in Worth
county, and kty>t tire first p(1st-office eye,
uvif-n<’-) ;u in,. „vc, r.-ic‘ .
vy.* ..r v , J ,lOili tile V,/D»JI1gi‘ >}|
Star : “An aide-bodied young man win,
will not work, but will beg fur ten cents
to buy a drink, ought to be sent to the
chain gang.
—Monday evening, in Macon, as .Judge
spiSS S‘iouslj.
At hens ^ Banner says that some
time since Sheriff Weir was visiting some
friends near McNutt, and during the night
he heard an owl in the yard, so he decided
to take a gun and shoot it. But there
chanced to be some bad dogs on the place,
that got after the sheriff, and to save him*
self he took up a tree, where lie spent tire
night shivering in a single garment. He
was afraid to raise an alarm, lest the la
dies be disturbed, and come to investigate
the matter.
— Mr. Thomas Hamilton, mate on the
City of Bridgeton, while off in Brunswick,
ihot a negro deck hand, and received sev
oral severe cuts from the negro. Both
were taken off at Brunswick. It is
thought the negro will die.
—Tire editor of the Monroe Advertiser
islaiaimed on the mad dog question, and
gives some of tire most sensible reasons we
have seen for dispatching the worthless
curs that are roaming over the country,
Let the shooting begin early and pioceed
~ A correspondent of the Bartlesville
Gazette tells this story : “Francis Bunk
ley, colored, was bitten on tire hand by a
dog that belonged Mr. Theodore Williams,
about si* Weeks ago, and believing in the
old adage, procured some cff the dog s hair
and bound it around tier hand. The wound
• 1 the 'hafid cured up, but the arm was
swolen ank it finally reached her eye, where
it has taken a stubborn hold, and is now
in a critical condition For two weeks
she has been a,most totally blind in that
eye. and she fears a total ioss, if not speed
—Conyers Weekly, As Mr. Irvin and
s ’ ' '. M lrwin F ™., nir that
” n ^ he br ^ g( f „« „ tllR nttle _ ’boy was
too slow and went over the wagon and
mule, and only saved himself from
> n K dinging on to the wagon tredy Mr
Irwin immediately cut tire mirie Disc
from the wagon and saved liiin. The
on and guano are still m the river.
---— • -
— Jeans pants 50c: Nice Summer
Coats 50c; Straw Hats 5c; Wool Hats
25c; Table Oil Cloth 25c. i>er yard;
Full Suits of Summer Clothts S3 50;
White Loudon Cords fije. per yard;
Handsome Printed Muslins 5c. per
d Everything x new handsome and
Another Tenure to the University Ac¬
cepted— Al! the Trustees favor Ac¬
ceptance E - < epi * en. Toombs—t ondt
tion oi Ihe foliation.
Atlanta, March 31.—A called
meeting oi; ' State University Trus¬
tees was hue here to-day by request of
Senator Bi n. He tendered fifty
thousand • trs of St ite bonds, due on
the 1st, a? , ^nation on the same cun
ditions pr- M to the Legislatiue, ex
eept the i" . to he funded under the
act of 1881, inking a permanent in¬
come for .University. The Trus¬
tees accept* the lipuds, all voting for
it except Co u T< rtnbs. Gen. Toombs
spoke agiti f tint'. Bishop Beckwith
for accept ,« of the donation. It
was an in feting episode. General
Toombs dm al that it was a constitu¬
tional ace timer, Senator Brown
made a set fton by (ion. producing a copy
of an old lu .or of Toombs’ con¬
flicting wi hiS pi ’sent position. Sen¬
ator Brew paid a premium for the
bonds. T bonds are now in the
Treats; Lev, Boynton, under the
law, inns’ C cad the bonds in 50 year
seven pet ait. bonds, It is considered
a charade. Dtii philanthropies! victory
for Sena'or drown. The Trustees
present \ti e : Gobi), Gresham, Miller,
Colquitt, biown, Toombs, Hamm aid.
Thomas, barrow, Livingston. IItimber,
Beckwith b'rady and Hamilton.
Major J,.1 mar Cobb, tire Secretary of
the Board, said *
‘•Applications have already been re¬
ceived from lietweonv fifty and sixty
big's fqr the benefits arising from tills
fund, itVf,,, tg been presumed that
would )■into -‘boys, operation last July.
Five or tin s’; among tire brightest
in the ersity, were forced to quit
the colleg' because this fund was not
available. »'ne young man is now
kept at the University by private
funds fro a Governor Brown, who be¬
lieved that, the donation would be ac¬
cepted and the interest on it given.
There wil 1 not be enough money' from
the interest to support those who have
applied faille help and wire need it.”
wit and wis dom
Mativ itpQor woman thinks she can
do notiii, .gbwitlreut finds a husband, she and do
when si. get# one can
nothing with bioi.
An acidulous old baabblor of our ac
quaiiitan- * shy's that Cottage” he never without hears a
place cah-d ‘’Bose there
tliinkiu ’> of tlirf lots of thorns
must l"'
I m-fu" iscon: iii ttohool inarm, to
s p i ' !V! 'X‘r jh omifttrei-s, promised to kiss
’h[* ! ' ',ar«. oo^tijig sciiffyj, tire and fence the big 'at.
A J ™ man *gt)5 napkin mad ’ IrecatVse tire othei ' a
waiter iiaireed him a
day. lie said Ire “reckoned he krrew’d
when til) use a ban’kerchief without
havin’ iio hulls thrown out.”
'‘Jemima Susan, did you get my let
orat0 r. lor the benefit of posterity.”
„ Yea o flnid 0 ne of I, is. hearers, and if
you keep on hutch longer, your audi
elM ;e will be here.”
Always take a rope into your room
at the hotel. It may enable you to
to slide out, even if there is no lire. A
big board bill is jus^about as bad as
a conflagration.
Mr. ltollup, coming home late, finds
the water very slippery, and lie ex¬
claims, “ V-very singular, whenever with*lie 1
water it alluz freezes
Sli|t|»eiy sure up.
A w«io was addicted to snoring,
like •"‘toi, ”
u £ kll0W lt ,t saitl the other, “just
li ke a humming top/’
Bertie—“Papa iike when I <>row up
may } be what I V” Papa-- “Vcs,
niy boy, you cMi clio isc your own pro
fession,” Bertie—“Then J’il be a
sweep, for I shall never lia v e to wasli
my face.”
All old lady from one of otff rural
districts astonished a clerk in one of
the stores, a f6w days ago, by Inquiring
Men as ’*^ they y uiu did up’tetters upocuers d in. “ V G ,, '“ i '' n ’ tS
“Simon,” said Bob, “what are you
^otbte^rtSur “i’ll? the'’owner VVtuit
( . .>o w|lpr (J f H u ||j„ ;
, «” “Ntoward«lii,> * M ' Sain l„i m -
*,,,’8 cellar ”
‘ ’
n thp new prc!ichei . awflll
mac i t 0 be fumbling with the
^ r ies °t of a anT front maC gate l!if»pSl fastening trying
e in
call, to have the woman of the house
turn the Slats in the bay window and
call out, “We haven’t got no tod
itee -- 1
ira? «
Lord had intended your hair to
curled, he would have done it himself.”
“So he did, aunty, when I was a baby,
but he thinks- l’in big enough to do it
rnyself.’ 7
David’x Mort llcatlort.
From the Brooklyn Eagle.
The lion. Havid Ha vis exiierieuces
some mortifications that men who lack
his physical proportions aie not exposed
to. When lie went to the office of the
steamship company, after bis marriage,
to purchase a ticket for Charleston,tlie
clerk glanced at him hurriedly and re
marked as he resumed his work:
jfig*-** ««*** «»-**
•v ■
COU&H is
-i/ • * '
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds.l
Hoarseness, BronchitisjCroup, Influ-H In-1
enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, -fe
cipient Consumption and for the re
liefofconsumptivepersons in advan-i
ced stagesof the Disease For Sate B
by all Druggists,s—Price, 25 Cents.B
Has on band a full line of
Wagotis, Harness, Kte.
I liaye the fullest and most complete
lot Harness of Buggies, and Buggy and Wagon
ever brought to this market
anti which I am selling at BOTTOM
PRIORS. Give me a call when you
need anything in my line,
mcli 10,3m J. N. CHAPMAN.
Richmond & Danville R. R.
On and after May "1st, 1KHK2 Pitssouge
Train Service on the Atlanta and Ohuiu
lotto Air-Line Division will he as follows ;
Eastward—No. 51. No. 53
Leave Atlanta 2.40 pm 4.00 am
Arrive Gainesville 5,04 pm 019 am
•• lailit 5.25 0.50 am
“ Unban gap June 0,14 pm 7.41 am
“ Toccoii 0.55 piu 8.17 am
“ Seneca Hl(l pm 9.‘Jo am
•• Greenville 10.05 pm il.03pm
“ Spaittfhburg ll.40pm 2.05 12.24 prn
Gastonia am 2.50 pm
“ Charlotte 3.15 am 4.oopm
Westward—No. 50. No. 52
Leave Charlotte, Gastonia 1,00 am 12.50 pm
Arrive 2,02 am 1.17 pm
“ SpartHnlmfg 4.51 ;>m ■ 4.oo pm
U Greenville 5.59 am . 5.29pm
Simeerv 7.43 am y i.ieqm,
T mm 'J. I if U'.ii
11 ( IKab’iigapjuclO.OO Lula am 9.17 pill
• kiaiuesvilto 10 37 am 9.54 pm
f ( ll.otiam 10.24 pm
II da 1.30 pm 12.50 am
T. M. 11. Talcott, J. V. Sage.
A. Pope, Gen. Man’gr. Sup’t
General Passenger Aa’t.
For The Cheapest
Ury Goods
-C;o TO
Austin Mil!larky & C 6!
810 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga.
June (iir/.
Theatrical and Circus Life
TIi:? Sucre's ANII
, „ . .
ok the
WAVrK,, l iVKI’IVA '
Revealii.g tire mysteries tif the Theatre,
,Variety Rhow, Concert Dive, &e
a.dV. 1 wimtu-fL^aml into^sullj !
book ever puhlished. Exposing Girls, tire secret lloov j
doings of Giddy Ballet Back
Masin-n Mantiuecs, Midnigiit Suppers'
& V,re How
veil lifled from the Black Art. ,
Wore n are tired from cannon ; Men eat
lire ; Heads are cut off and hundreds of ,
p„vjti V ely tire fastest selling book ever'
J-.-ni published. Agent’s canvassing outfit, so'
.. Jilurirat.ed circular and full J i-ar
« * *....... . * -
i » i J
Quick Easy Cbilfl-Birth ^ *
Thousand* of women over the hmd testi¬
fy to tl»e wonderful effects-of this ^reat rem¬
edy; it will not only shortenUhorand lessen
the intensity of Setter nain and suffering all, it thereby beyond
expr<f«sion, but than
uttly diininishes the danger to life Of bv/tn
mother arid child. This gnat boon to suf¬
fering woman is Ilolw/’.M' Liniment, or
Mother'* Friend. Prepared and sold byJ. ail
lin a fiFiELD, Atlanta, (ia. Hold by
Drugglets. Price $1..V) bottle. Sent
b*' Eiprersii on receipt of price.
Number 13.
rublisiied Weekly rft Atlanta, Ga„ b$ 1
Small & Williams. .
On the announcement of its publication
sawnAs*** toWfafflwg aagtji or ' ,rtm
mor ."0!,D and S/, Popular "toe History.
his faintlifs negro philosopher;
airs wit end wisdom In every issue
.Solid One Dollar for six months or Twd
I iollars for ono year. These are our ouJX
terms and are for cash in advance. *
Address :
Editors and Publishers Atlanta, G».
A Certain, Safe and Effective Rehivdy for
0ure Ai£SiXti^ , °' i
Matted Bye Lashes,
““sssar Also,
equally efficacious when used aid •
Oct 25, ’«2,l.y
every day
thk mail or express brings
Tire Music Hmlse Qf The South'
is located In Augusta, ga. ■
That «.0. ROBINSON 4 CO.
— {-SELL THE BEST- j —
Pjaiio^ and Organs
Tha^ flieir Price for Same Style k Make
—are ]j5ss than—
And also, save to tlie purchaser
Freight an cL Insurance,
T. M O T. S.
Oroat Musical Saving In¬
stitution of the South.
(1.11.1/.—KJ.O. M—L. P. Q. S,
By Corres|)onding with
<:■ o. ROBINSON & CO.,
IH3 Bi-uad Ntreet, AUGUSTA, GA.
aVjoubta MONDAY.’ AufUnti. 7th"st.
this Coinnanv will sell ONE THOUSAND.'
MIIAiTfCKE’IS guedoyor mala line and
I-ack'.''" Ihcs,-^ rickfts Vmb^Jsue^e’ini
divlduals. firms or families, but not to’
firms ortclfamilies Combined.
Maj’9,-1879 General I’aasengor Agerrf.
Contractor and Build(r f
Also Dealer in
Evading Material of til
1 announce to the cltlzeus of Crawford
ville and the vicinity that I Farmer’s have openbfl a
shop on corner of Hr. lot on*
Main street, and will give prompt attenv
tion to all orders. SatUfaetion guaranteed-,
Give me a trial
I-tf Terms strictly cash.