Newspaper Page Text
A 1160,000 factory will be erected at
Len Island shoals, on the Coosa river,
With $1,200,000 in the state treasury,
Virginia offers a fine field for an enter¬
prising treasurer. rich
Sullivan county, Tenn., has some
zinc deposits that only need capital to
be properly developed.
The water power on the Chattahoochee
river, in the vicinity <>f Columbus, is es¬
timated at 100,000 horse power.
Mississippi has 1,470 manufacturing
establishments with a capital of $4,727,
000 ^ value of products, $7,518,302.
The Confederate cemetery at Raleigh,
has recently lieen much improved
through the exertions ok the women of
that city.
South Carolina has 2,078 manufactu¬
ring establishments, with a capital of
$1,205,894 invested.* Value of products
T lie manufacture of whale oil is among
new you them industries. Over $80,
000 worth of it has been shipped from
There are 40,000 square miles of al¬
most unbroken forests in North Caro¬
lina, comprising pine, chestnut, oak,
maple, beach and hickory timber.
Nearly 19,000,000 feet of lumber lias
been shipped from Pensacola this season.
Chattanooga wants to tax the drum¬
mers $100 each.
T he cotton crop of 1882 is c flicially
estimated at 0,800,000 bales, Texas
heading the list with 1,829,000, and
Mississippi coming next with 1,042,000
hales .
Two ^prominent steamship owners
frmi Liverpool are in Savannah in eon,
sulfation with merchants with a view of
putting on several new'steamships in
the foreign trade next season.
There are ninety Mormon missionaries
in the Fouth who calculate to secure
about 700 converts this year. The El¬
ders say Fjist and Middle Tennessee are
the most fruitful fields for the mission¬
A gentleman passing through Worth
Gn., counted a flock of about fifty sheep
mid found only four lambs. The mor¬
tality is attributed solely to the weather.
No cause is known for tho murrain
among the cattle.
_ Two nnlej south of Montgomery, A Is.
Wr. Glass lifts 220 mulberry tre e- 1 ami
f0,000 wo rm? me *»'i ok'fs •Wfwnt 1
steps which terminate in the
gaudy silk. He- expect, to realize a
profit this year of $3,000.
There are nearly 100 persons in Glou*
roster, King and Queen and King Henry
counties in Virginia, between the ages
of 80 mid 100 years, who are in good
health and of sound mind. These per
, ,
sun- are a ns nts.
Mobile Regflfter: The statement, is
going the rounds of the pre?N that Wm.
K. Vanderbilt's wife is of Virginia ori¬
gin. She was born in Mobile, where her
father, Murray F. Smith lived for ma¬
ny years previous to the war.
Chicago Ins 5,0011 bars, or one to ev¬
ery 120 inhabitants, while there are not
much more than twice that number of
stores for the supply of food. Fifteen
blocks, covering three-tenths of a square
mile, contain 225 groggeries.
A large amount of orange wine is now
being shipped , . , North , through , , Jackson- , ,
viHe. On Friday last the
triiiti took out seventeen eases ami two
kegs of the wine. It was consigned to
parties in New York and New Jersey,
and was manufactured at Ft. Augustine.
Fort Valley (Ga.l Mirror: MessrsT.
O. Fkollie and J. F. 1’arham, who have
ei- ted the Wester place, are now plant¬
ing one hundred acres in watermelons
Mr. Fkellie will also plant twenty-five
acres on his home place, makinir one
hundred and twcnty»five acres in all.
The watermelon crop promises to he
verv large in this section, as hundreds
<4 acres have already been planted.
------ TloridaTimis-I -- Mr. Fitzgerald ,,
f' ,fs * , ' r “ l'„lm ‘‘‘ I'.iiwm Gnmnanv ' ' ’
t M ashmgton, . 1 t which • owns ( \ *i e
i .,
patent for manufacturing paper from
palmetto fibre, is- in the city, llis visit
l as been (he is new on his wav home 1
............ . .*«»«
rot the palmetto growth of tho and
for the selection of a site lor an immens
r.lp mill. «WA USrte p.rp*. ol tbo
Cl mpany to erect in this State.
A numt)er of ladies of tnimter. S. t...
bare originated a silk association, Mulberry bought
tend near the town, purchased
trees and silkworm eggs, given notice of
applvinc for a charter, and entered upon
the venture in a most businesslike man
Lcr. The ’ladies propose to buy a reel
and reel off the silk in Minder instead
of sending ‘lie cocoon# off, and hope t
hare, at sime time, a silk manufactory.
A Fl/JWClu gentleman spreads muslin
under his orange trees to catch the blos¬
soms when they fall, tie will convert
them into perfumery.
A set of t>aj>er wheels under ft truck
of an engine on the Central Vermont
Railroad, have l»een in use twelve years,
and they are still apparently sound.
A Chicago syndicate purchased, one
year ago, from the Texaa Legislature,
B.000,000 acres of land for $1,500,000.
The land lias now been sold to a Lon¬
don syndicate for $10,000,000.
Alexander IIoyi.k, the New Orleans
sculptor, who has furnished several
statues of General Lee, Geueral John¬
ston and other Southern warriors, lias
sent North, at Mr. Corcoran’s request, a
model for the monument to the poet
It th said that some of the female op¬
eratives obtained from England to work
in the new cotton factory at Halifax,
N. H., are in the habit of taking tln-ir
infant children to liquor shops and stu¬
pefying them with raw spirits prepara¬
tory to leaving for their work,
Mr. II. A. W. Tabor, of Colorado,
who will bo rememliered as a United
States Senator during a few days of the
last session, is reported to contemplate
the building of a hotel in 1 leaver. It
will be the finest hostelry in the world,
and, exclusive of the furnishing, will cost
more than $1,000,000.
Wendel Phillips’ wife lias been an
invalid for over thirty years, and during
all this time the groat orator has been
untiring in his attention to her. “No
one but you can know what it lias been
to care for her,” was remarked to him
recently. “Ah! No one hut me knows
how good she is,’’ was his heartsomo
Two important new lines of railways
are now being surveyed in Fist Tennes¬
see. (>uo is to extend from Fparta, ovi r
tho Cumberland Mountains, to the Cin¬
cinnati Southern Railway, near Rugby,
and the other is to extend from the Cin¬
cinnati Soutnern, near Buubriglit, to
Young Alexander Haiviui, who has
been performing with Margaret Matlier,
will return to Italy soon, to be examined
for the military service, all young men
in that country being compelled to serve
three years in tlie army, lie will prob¬
ably be excused on account of the weak¬
ness of his eyes, but it is not probable
that lie will return to tho United States.
a young lady who entered a convent
iu Montreal about four years ago, is now
tired of her seclusion from tho world,
and in failing health. Her relatives have
applied for her release, but tho Bishop
replies that they have no right to inter
fere. The young lady is deterred from
/uitij ao tirg hersolf through fear of qxeoiu
.ition, and tin' t-inliw baiieas
vet Tveiortiug to a writ of corpus.
M „ tlm.^hitect of th. C» P i
^ at w «fthi ng b«,, suggests to Gover
nor Faster that the Ohio statue of Air.
Garfield, to bo placed iu Statuary Hull
at thu Capitol, shall correspond in size
with tbe other statues there. He calls
attention to the general condemnation
that the atetau of Ethan Allen has pro
vok.d on account of its colossal size,
whioli dwarfs the surrounding statues.
— - ------
Complaint is made that there has
been very little social gayety iu the
American circle in Paris this year, Mrs.
Mackey being at Mentone recuperating
her health. On thqptlier hand, strange
as it may seem, a correspondent, writ¬
ing from Alexandria, says that the town
has been very gay, that there is an ex¬
cellent club there, and very agreeable
society, with an abundance of dinner
parties and dances.
♦ % i v----—---
The Bankrupt Co-operative Dress As
Kcciation, of New York, which went into
^ r , >( . ( . iver - s llatlds all0ut threoP mouths
ftg0) to have been more fortu
a , d( , (i ulll tlit> average of such concerns
iiu!mt Su<(1 y dividend of 69 per cent,
has been declared to the creditors and
they are assured by the receiver that
there is more to follow. Nothing lias
been paid to lawyers and no fees re¬
tained by the receiver.
The representatives of tin- Kerr estate
in Memphis, .. . ... IVmi., have , ean-ed , au
excitement among the O<tho;ios by
fencing i'll one-half of I, a I vary t metery.
It is daimetl that a pin of tho purchase
aoisey for the land k-.«s lieen duo since
1866, which the managers t>f the estate
iiavo been unable to collect. In the r r
tl on fenced r , off lie the , reuauis el .. twv nty- j
- ,,,e Cttholie priests, and many others ,
w fi ot ,e relatives are prominent jvople of ]
q ( , nl ,,] ' ns $$
Domi-stio servants are accustomed to |
‘ j
arely that the head of \ the , , luuisohold \ \ \
“ IlTl 1ft
«hen out of doors. Sit John Cowell.
tlie master of the Queen s fionseholil at
Windsor, has forbidden even those eer
vants who are living r.t their own homes
to vi-it a theatre, a music hall, or any
other public place, i
Circulars have been received at the
headquarters iu the principal i
oib r .
^ of tlH> I'nitcd Suites v a re
ward of £1,000 for the i-:i of
ll)V Gie I'ereons c ncarneJ m i
t 'rapt to blow up the Government offices
.rad the Time* office. The circular
promises the recommendation of Her
Majesty's most gracious pardon, in ad¬
dition to the payment of the reward, to
my accomplice giving information, who
was not the actual yet trator of either
A bill passed sc d reading in the
California legislator which provided
in substance that tie attorney General
might, on application f any citizen of
the State, bring an a u for divorce in
anv case where the j -mes had li en
separated for four year:- Before the bill
o.ime up for fiaal pu - i, a letter r ic’i
ed the Speaker from the wife of a legis¬
lator showing that the j j- posed law was
merely a device to secure for this legis¬
lator a decree which the courts refused
to grant. The letter proved to bo *
convincing argument, and the bill failed.
According to the Insurance Chronicle,
the fire losses in th ITffit 1 States dur¬
ing the year 188:1, Wei ■ $85,000 000.
This sum, if subtracted from the profits
of the year, would make a very percep¬
tible decrease, and the wonder is that
the reducing of so If? an amount of
capital to ashes is i if more serioudy
felt. There are whole St .tea that could
have been blotted out of existence with
less peeuniary loss it caused in
one year by fire. The taxable value of
properly, real and personal, in even so
old a State as Arkansas less than last
year’s loss by fire.
A remarkable iiiveutiou is described
by the Electrical Review. It is a device
for photographing in a telephone ex¬
change all persons using the telephones
on wires emanating therefrom. The
photograph appears on af-riblion which
runs under the eye of the operator. If
tho person using the Instrument is not a
subscriber, the fact is at once apparent,
and the person in whose office the tel¬
ephone is located is chnrguLa fixed sum
for allowing his instrument to he used
by one not entitled to use it. Each rib¬
bon will hold two hundred and fifty
photographs, and when full will be filed
away. It is claimed that the telephone
service can be much improved if the ii
of the instrument is restricted to suh
scribers only, as is likely to bo the case
if tlie device is attached.
A Witty ,!udKG
Renders of Shakespeare have always on
joyed the wit of “Portia,”in the M< r< haul
nf 1 ’mice, by which she saved The ‘ ‘Antonio” pretend
from the knife of “Khylock.”
od judge affirmed the right*r<f “ Sliyloek”
to his pound of flesh, but ad$ed, should a
drop of Wood be shed in faking it, his
life would lie forfeited. A California
judge has shown equal wit.
A hard character, well-known as a thief,
for entering a miner’s tent,
and stealing a bar *>] f{old£<Iufct. jV Ihe
theft wub proved. H ■ 1,»d &Yh „ >, n to I
cut a slit iu the Cut a#* Vf
the bag. A bright 1 ' 1
take ” ’ '
/;■! S^irhonmP.aid i iiBpM J!
shrewd “t shall demand feuliotmeut the
!>< not sustained. «<my client. He did The not enter the
tent. Gan a man enter a lions, when
c^ '
The jury and judge were equal to. th.
was,'“'tbiiity as‘to one-half of his bd!!^
anil not guilty as to the otlwr half. ” Tho
t iwvcr was outwitted
A French''TYomnn’s Valor.
Visitors to Paris cmnoi ail to have
seen in the great eei fiai market an old
woman seated behind a goodly array >4
jahbngcs and cauliflowers, weariu ; 111 -
Trrder of the Legion of Honor on her
breast. Her name is Annette Drevon,
and her history is a remarkable one. Iu
her younger days she was ■■antini' IN il
a regiment of Zouaves who served in
Africa, in the Crimea, in Italy, an< > 1 )
the banks of the Rhine. She waa ptvs
ont at the taking of Magenta, and during
that ;m hr saw a cou ple of Austrian > -
diers lay hands on tlf^ffag of U: the lie i
went to which she belonged.
red bv the whistling of the bullets .
eeiu-ageons l’r--nehwomiiii rusb.M for--..
to save the tlv. killed one Ansi , iev.
wounded the other with her revolver, ■ .d
returned triumphant with the sfi : i,iy d
she had saved trom >ju cm my. . r t
net of courage she was decorated: b it
is not her onlv one. During the IV.- . -i, war she followed th- Tm . y
second Regiment of the Line as
„, n ., One day after the armisti. ■ : C
lieeii proehunied, she was insulted by a
Bavarian soldier, near the gates of Tliion
ville. The plucky vanfiniere drew out
her revolver and stretched the aggrossoi
dead ou the ground. 1 or this she was
«^ted. tried condemned by a court mmti t-death. d sitting On
at Met/., and
the day she was to be executed Prince
Fmlgriek diaries happened to be passing
through Metz. Having learned that a
woman was to l>o shot, lie inquired int >
tlie cirouni.-t;iiiees, granted her a lv.-pite,
and i°ni- days later sent her b.u-iv to
man, and, aided hx a pension all*her
, )v tLe Sfate , !nt ,, ; , s she is
—A man who was kept iu the lock-up
tke theater night for hissing Wheeling, a ivrformance W. Va..
in w-ns
examined next morning by the Police
Justice. One of the witnesses said that
other persons in the audience had ap¬
plauded the same performer. Did the
officer arrest them?” asked the Judge.
''ILdnot the applanse makc
more noise than the hissing? * •Yes, le?, I i
suppose ;* it did.” a ” “Well, I T trii: will ^ischarce discharge
the prisoner. The right to applaud im¬
plies the right to hiss. You may go.
When Doe** Sunday Ucglu? When does ft
Rad ?
_ . .. , i“ T t0 ,
Theologians were horrified when first « i
informed that our planet was a sphere.
The question ,,f antipodesexercised them
fora longtime, most of them pouring exist
ridicule on the idea that men could
with their feet turned tow ard us, and
with their heads pointing downward. I
think it is Sir George Airy who refers to
the case of an over-curious individual
asking what we should see if we weut to
the edge of the world and looked over.
That the earth was a flat surface on which
the sky rested, was the belief entertained
by the founders of all our great religions
systems. Even liberal Protestant tW
logians stigmatized built the Copermcan fallible pheno- the
ory as being on
mena and advanced by many arbitrary
assumptions against evident testimonies
of Scripture.” Newton finally placed
his intellectual crowbar beneath these
ancient notions, and heaved them into
irretrievable rum. Lien it was that
penetrating minds, seeing the nature ot
the change wrought conceptions by the ho new universe astron
omy in our of I
also discovered the difficult v if not the
impossibility, of accepting literally the
Mosaic account of creation. They did
not reject it, but they assigned to it a
meaning entirely new. Dr. friend Samu of Newton I Clark,
who was the personal
and a supporter of his theory, threw out
the idea that “possibly the six days of
creation might be a typical representa¬
tion of greater periods.” Clark’s con¬
temporary, Dr. Thomas Burnet, wrote
with decision in the same strain. The
Sabhatli being regarded as a shadow or
type of that heavenly repose this which world the
righteous will enjoy when has
passed away, “so these six days of crea¬
tion are so many world periods or the millenniums toils and
for which the and
labors of our present state are destined
to endure.” The Mosaic account was
thus reduced to a poetic myth—a view
which afterward found expression Miller. in But the if
vast reveries of interpretation, Hugh which is
this generally symbolic accepted, be the true
now one,
what becomes of the Sabbath day?’ It
is absolutely without ecclesiastical mean¬
ing and the man who was executed for¬
gathering sticks on that day must be
regarded as the victim of a rude legal
rendering of a religions epic. There are
many minor offshoots of discussion trom
the great central controversy Bishop
Horse!y has defined a day “as consisting
of one evening and one morning, or, as
the Hebrew words literally import, of
the decay of light and the return of it,”
But wliat then, it was asked, becomes of
the Sabbath in the Arctic, regions, where
light takes six months to “decay” and as
long to “return V” Differences of lougi
tude, moreover, render the observances
of the Sabbath at the same hours im
possible. To some people such questions
might appear trifling; toothers they were
of the greatest import. Whether the
Sabbath should stretch from sunset to
sunset, or from midnight to midnight,
was also a subject of much discussion,
Voices, moreover, wore heard refusing to
acknowledge the propriety of tlie change
from .Saturday to Sunday, and the doe
trine Oi Seventh Day obsersauce was
afterward represented by a sect. The
earth’s sphericity and rotation, which
had at Loen reeeiv, „1 wit}, af
we3on mil i aT^e muilTe* r, „ £
a westerly direction. In S" doing so we
follows and 'Sj p. nodiuiUy ov ii.iKes us
reaching the meridian of ckit ship each
rxS'Siif' y ir=yS,«i:rS.™ lltefaS
of tengitude
after tlie ship has traversed twenty-four
times fifteen degrees, or 360 degrees
SavDian Professor of Geomen try in the
University of Oxford, to quiet the minds
of those in doubt regarding Saturday
observance. He receoiumends them to
make a voyage around the world, as Sir
Francis Drake did, “going out of the
Atlantic Ocean westward by the Straits
of Magellan to the East Indies, and then
from the cast, returning by the Cope of
Good Hope homeward, and lot them
keep their Saturday Sabbath all the way.
When thev come home to England they
wj,ll find their Saturday to fall upon our
Suiulay, and they may henceforth con
tiuue to observe their Saturday Sabbath
on the same day with us.”
•‘Iii-hl Away!”
Vihen , Diekens , first , .'nine to . this .. eonn
try lie stumbleu upon a ,avad iu Amer
ieanism ’ almost as soon as.fie had lauded,
for a hotel waiter asked him if he would
have something “right away," meaning
immediately. Some dozens of English
travelers have since that time been lior
rifled by the same Yankee phrase, but
uov. they are liegimiiug to find out that
right 'away, Americanism,” ” like pretty is merely much every An¬
other •• an
glicism that does not happen to be at
home in Loudon. A late correspondent
of Notes and Q'te rk s says of the expres
siou: “ 1 have always supjioseil this to
be the purest ol Americanisms, wnen
used in only the sense few of‘immediately,’ weeks since, iu York- ’ *
* but a
shire, I heard a girl say from behind a
counter, to a gentleman win) was dflnbt
ful whether to carry home the cake lie
had just purchased: “It will be deliv
eivd directly, sir; the boy is going past
your door right sway.”— Chicago Ini
—A Minneapolis lady recently gave n
small dog six grains of morphine, with
the intention of killing the animal. I fie
canine went to sleep, and it was sup
posed had died. Three days later, how -
ever, he awoke, and ever since has been
as bright and lively as before.—De w
—An ordinance of the Vienna muniei
pal council forbid* a married man from
taking a voyage in a balloon untr it is
proved to the satisfaction of the author
ities that he has received the consent of
his wife and children.
The fuel of the living holy is food.
Salicylic acid is much used in Ger
many • to keep * water free from impurities.
^ meteorocogi. il station , . is ■ to , be ,
established^on the celebrated Scottish
mountain, Ben Nevis.
The metals which are found to longest
retain heat are brass and copper; next
! iron, and lastly in order lead.
In a new electric battery one of
the element* is composed of sheet-iron
less than the ten-thousandth p rt of an
inch in thickness.
Scientists have declared that the Blue
■ Hill Ranee of Massachusetts is older. in
a geological point of view, than the Alps
or the Pyrenees of Europe.
: Wateb filtered through charcoal oe
c „ mos perfectly pore, the charcoal ah
sorbing all disagreeable tastes and
smells, whether thev arise from animal
or vegetable impurities.
J The £ great J> glacier which gives rise to
Za fsl lUver iu Cental Asia has
been explored and recently described by
Mr f. Mnslikefiff ^files a Russian geologist. wide It
' long ‘ and a mile
j is knowu M a f act iu geo logy that
the d ^ th of thirty 4 feet the earth
* warm as we desce nd.
Qn ftn ave tl j e increase is at the rate
(fonede 8 of Fahrenheit for every ‘
1 et
A .tourney across Africa .... trom south ... to
north is to be undertaken by Dr. Emil
Holnb, of Prague, under the auspices of
the Viennt Geographical Society. He
thinks h« can traverse the continent
lengthwis i in three years.
In his »/ew scientific treatise on Island
life, Mr. Alfred R. Wallace, the eminent
English naturalist, estimates the period
embracing the foi-mation of all the fossil
bearing rocks, since the Cambrain, at
twenty-eight millions of years.
A Bavarian chemist is reported liquid to
have invented an enameling
which renders any species of stone or
cement harder than granite, and gives it
the indelible appearance of any min¬
eral that may be desired.
The leading peculiarity of rice is the
very large small proportion of of starch gluten which and the it
very proportion but of
contains, there being one starch, part
gluten to thirteen parts of In
wheat there are two parts of gluten to
every nine parts of starch.
Sulphide of carbon has been used
with complete success in France for. th©
purpose of exterminating wasps. A
small quantity is introduced into the
aperture by which the insects go in and
out of their nest, and the result is the
immediate destruction of the entire
colony. The aperture should be closed
after pouring in the liquid or forcing it in
with a syringe.
According to Dr. Edward Smith, an
egg contains 15£ per cent, of carbon,
and 2 per cent, that of nitrogen. the Another of
writer estimates value one
pound of eggs, as food for sustaining the
active forces of the body, is to the value
of one pound of lean beef as 1,584 is to
900. As a flesh-producer one pound of
e^gs is about equal to one pound of
«• the leading chemical manufac
tones . of OrnnoDv nmnlirq -iv rpmikr
sSvL'S^n ^St aUdTSt erkn^nt chem^
il jLijl *
ttie^uX sllWT) ort to the tfieorv tliS not
but the wuoie nervous
Cordell m -. v iv-liv lu the scat of the
byProf O C Marshs
Mammoth ^S>u a
^ 0 S withTlwhf ^
almost every part of the globe and the
use of thearticle would seem well mghcoe
val with civilization. There is a spring
in one of the Ionian islands, which has
yielded petroleum more than 2.00:> years.
The city of Genoa was formerly lighted
by oil from tho wells of Armenia, on the
banks of the Znro. In Persia, also, near
the Caspian Sea, at Baku, numerous
springs of petroleum have been known
from the earliest time; and those ol
Rangoon, on the Ivawnddy, are said to
have yielded, before the general 400,000 intro- liogs
duotioR heads of of oil petroleum, some
a year,
Prognostics of Weather Derived from
Since the , colors . and duration of twi
light, especially sit evening, condensed depend
upo n the amount of vapor
which the atmosphere afford contains, tin
i-ppearances should some indiea
Bon of the weather which may be ex¬
pecteel to succeed.
-Jh© following are some of the rules
which are relied upon by -seamen :
When, after sunset, the western sky is
of a whitish yellow, and tfiis tint ex
tends a great height, it is probable that
d w fli ruin during the night hues, or next day.
Gaudy or unusual with hard,
definitely outlined clouds, foretell rain
i a]id probably wind. before setting dif
; If the sun appears
j t - lise and of a brilliant white, it foretells
a s t 0 rm.
j( ft sets in a sky slightly purple, of the
atmosphere near the zenith being a
bright blue, we may rely upon fine
j wea ther.— JSof. Loomis.
Go to the head, Victor Hugo. What
livimr man could sav more than this in
Iour lilies . .. Man'is master neither of
- hi _ life nor o{ kis deatll . H e caa onlv
oftcr big fe llow-eitizens his efforts to ill
minish human suffering, and to show
llis unshakable belief m the extension
‘ . t reedom J--- *•
“Did _ you shp? they asked the „u md
gentleman as thev picked him up. I On
no,” he growled, “of course not. was
trying to see if I could sit down on that
j coal-hole top hard enough to break it.
Bid it just for the fun of the thing. and
And he glared at them savagely,
, they somehow felt mighty foolish.
“ The first lady in the land ” is
. Mother.”
An unpaid note often lists np in judg¬
The railroad flagman does a flourish¬
ing business.
, (T If blood ,, , will ■„ ten, . „ a mosquito thon.d , ,,
lie confessing nearly ah the time,
Goliath was the first person who
wore a bang on his forehead,
keeps The retired prize-fighter generally the
a bar, showing the survival of
When you say that a girl’s hair is
black as coal, it is just as well to specify
that vou do not mean a red-hot coal
Manitoba ought either to come into
the ' hind
Ullio „ and 8h , lt tbe door ...
ht . r or stav out alid keep her blizzards
to herself ‘
“ Il' u nish yon, „ said a mamma to
he . r little girl, you don t suppose poo
^ ''h°s„ pleasure is it for tor, Zr dem am amraina r .
Eugenie, Eugenie, will you stili ra¬
sist on wearing the hair of All-homo, another wora- Al
iU * u P on >' our “
L hola f?> d ? 7°* stdl “ slst . ”V<>» wearing
tlie skm ol another calf u P rm >' onr ie,;t '
A financially-minded youth Sunday- got up
the following verse in a Detroit f
Should all the bank? of Eng'and Br* sk,
Should England’s bank be Pinat-hed,
Bring iu your checks to Zion’s cashed. bank,
And you will get them
Lord Holland told of a man remark¬
able for absence of mind, who, dining f
once at some sort of shabby repast, and fan
cied himself in his own house began
to apologize for the wretchedness of the
A Galveston widow is about to marry 1
her fifth husband. Her pastor rebuked
her for contemplating matrimony ’
soon again. “Well, I just want you to
understand, if the Lord keeps on taking reply.
them I will, too,” was the spirited
—Galveston News.
The boast of a newspaper giving the J
fullest account of a late revolting specta- 9
cle reminds us of what a campaign
speaker admitted of a political opponent:
“ He can dive deeper, stay under longer,
and come up nastier than any man I ever
heard of .”—New York Mail.
The Milwaukee Sun speaks the of a per¬ of
son. “ who turned as pale supposed as the aeo
spades.” We always ace
of spades was red, and was hard to dis¬
tinguish from the jack of—of—diamonds,
as wo believe that card is called where
the figure wears a crown .—Norristown
“ You-did wrong to shoot that man’s
dog. You might have pilshed him off
with the butt of your gun,” said the
Galveston Recorder to a man who was
charged with shooting a neighbor’s dog. thd
“I would have done that,” replied
prisoner, “if the dog had come at ice
tail first, but he came at me with hi>->
biting end.”
It has become custom ary in Galvestojfa
to refer all commercial troubles to tbm)
Cotton Exchange. A slipped few days ago at
prominent merchant with the usual up on a la*-, HjT
liana-peel pavement, results. lool^t i
sat up on tlie wet and,
ing at the slippery peel, said : “Ifflh
knew what hyena put that peel F.xehaijM there iH
liuvw him up before the Gotten
for impairing my standing on 9 M
street .”—Galveston Xetrti. ^9
A genial mistake : New beaut
liiZ) —“jKrio’svthat The Copta' woipferMH^
R-glly, a ps'iii. i, ►, !■ - jH
oldest in England; James the
creation, you "to know.” surprised New beauty nothing)-^ (<]■
termined be at
“ Indeed ! How well preserved he is tha9 ! ~9
shouldn’t have thought him more
70 or 80.” 1
She was a big, buxom lass, and whera
her small beau called one evening she*
said: “ Good evening, Lily.” “I’m nor
lily,” he replied, surprised at the lilies.” idea ;
“you’re the lily ; they men are never and
“ Yes, sometimes are, you es¬
pecially are a lily.” “How’s that?”
“ Lilliputian.” He then looked as if he
wished he were an elephant.”
“ Don t talk to me fo ?
I would Lave you to know
The pleasure’s been mine all through life
To be my own boss—
But then you, of course.
Won't mention this tact to my wife.
— Yonkers Statesman.
Sunday a little girl came home front
church and failed to repeat the text to
her mother ns customary. The good
mother east her deep, regretful expressive child. eyes
reproachfully could I, to her remember such
“ How mamma,
a long text, when every lady in the con¬
gregation had on a bran’ new dress that
-----Moo was sweet for anything ? Oh, mam¬
ma, you’d ought to have been to*
church!” And all thoughts of the text
were forgotten as she described what she
saw to her loving mother.
A French chemist claims to be able to
create thunder storms at pleasure, each
one having au area of six miles square.
It is hoped he will be suppressed before
Ills secret is made known to the public.
If the people generally were to possess
such a gift, the thunder storms would
average at least cue a day ail the year
round. A Sunday school . couldn't ,, , , have
a picnic without some mean member of
an opposition church bringing down _a
thunder storm upon their heads. This
wouldn't be so bad, however, for Sunday
school picnics are accustomed to such
things; but imagine how it would be
during a Presidential campaign, It
would be impossible to have a torchlight
procession without having a thunder
storm nt the same time. The Democrats
would make it unpleasant for the Re¬
publican turnouts, and the Republicans demonstra
would drench the Democratic
tioi:s. The French chemist can t be
swept out of existence a minute too soon.
—Norristown llmaa-L
—The first instance in America wnere
a ladv officiated as clergyman at a wed
ding ceremony was at Columbus. Ohio, -
a few days ago, when Mrs. Lydia the G.
Romiek, the evangeliftt, Charles performed Pun and
marriage service for and |
Miss £ mm a Bryant. Both bride
groom f are members of the Society of £
rieEds ._ aic<J ^ Tones.
.ihatross will h keen pace with ft
- ko fi {or 1
h , -PS nine kno an r , many f
j - Kenn^, moving ffi- lugs, ex-,
: bt fe e.
a ; n gt ..
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