Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 20, 1883, Image 4
THE DEMOCRAT. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1883. W. C. MiiBS, t s : •• Proprietor. M A. AKIWKWf, i : •. : i;dM«r. - rVlU.lSlIEHS' NOTICE. ADVERTISING KATES: one column, on.- \VsrSlde, transient arh cit is.iiiciits l.ot AL NOTICES bn -eats per line each insertion. SPECIAL KATES to yearly advertiser SUBSCRIPTION, on- dollar and fifty cents per year invariably in advance. vii ‘ VITIATION ’ paid to anonymous under ** coniumnieattom neither do we ; rejected lake to preserve or return man u scripts. , circulates widely in •IIIK DEMOCRAT M-mmo. tir ™"’ Ugletl.oipe creene, " lliiii'ock, Wilkes and! ti. s. and presents a splendid advertising uiciiium. with any V .| i, .;|VK CU’It KATES Kffirgt : seS"W»■ W Mcrc.lM-tt- r'“payable't".' «''«> hildrcs coiiiinuiilcatiiuis to Tin l)KMO< RAT, (, Crawloidvith’. a. you governor : HON. HENRY D McDANIEIi of Walton County. (•'.lection Tuctday. April *1. lT is asserted that Jews have, in pro portion to their numbers, fewer llllte ru te children than any other people. Ar a lapse of thirty years. Sir being Walter Seott’s work are re translated and republished in Trance. Tiik recent iession of the Wisconsin legislature was the most exjiensive and the least productive in the history of the State. Thk1M.hi I’olk'h Relief Associa. .h,n stiH has over fifi,000 left, even af ter its secretary got away with more than t hat amount. THK diamond mines of Krazil were first opened in 1727. It- is estnuun that since U»at time they have pro duetd at least two tons of diamonds. •”—' qv who first diS(!oyM((l .. 8^*” „,o,i Hi i rlatmn Eastern r |||.»|» oTegou g died in Baker Olty ktst week, lie died penniless Hml , " he very alone, tllHU|rh ttioug at one time was A jury composed entirely of clergy men is to be en.p»nell<aLto. uy »- de case at ____ Grand Kal'ids, Mich, The fendantin this case clearly has benefit of clergy. A man in Lawrence, Mass., offers a prize to any one man wlio will deeiphei letter he received years ago from a been Horace Greeley and has icier able to read. The sheep industry of Gcoigin is re* ceiving considerable attenUon just now but can novel be a tuaikod - cess luiltl the State is it o t-ous of worth less outs with w .k i ih now eoised. Skn atoh Jonks, of Flotida, intends lovmiv Fimme i this summer, whence * lie forty years.ago 1 r_:„i, came . hoy to seek fame and fortune counti ' - lie says he will look Lne . ltotne, and land over, go to parts, to perhaps to other cities on the conti mot, and return in October. TO THf! PEOPLE OF GEORGIA. Rooms S r vrit Execptivk Commit I'EK OF nil Dkmo itATlcP arty, at I.ANTA, April l‘A,— 'lo Otepeople qf (Lor oia : Hy unanimous vote of the State Deinonatic convention, recently held, the lion, llentv 1). MvDaniel, of the v eouuty of Waltmi. , "-<s ....... i'ii 1 ,l .1 xuu as a candidate in every way worth) iif the highest office within your gift. The deliberations of tlie convention. continuing tlnoiigh two days, were characterized hy excep.tonal coneoid ly aud good fellowship,and it iscoiiiidetit hoped that the choice made will lie .atuied by you at the ,Kills with entire unanimity. In accordance with Ike proclamation of ... (tov. ,> Ho\nton . , i i ,; , , c :m » * iiehi on r«ms(i.»>, liu* xMtu u.iv of tins month. It dots not now appear that Uiere will Ik* an opposing candidate, .at 111 it 11 is 19 lo-vcitIn-less mo t imi«itant that fall voL should ,,, he p-uled. 1 „ ns a is necessaiy to keepwell together th« ivirtv o'gauirUiou, for we can not tbretell Hire * bow .v kui .wen democrat a vote - may la; rietded. / lie object of this c unmunicaHon in to urge that the polls l«e onetted at every precinct iu the Slate and that as large i vote as possi ble lie polled. The State executive ,-,i:. mitt urges utkin all local < uii’. t at short the t S|kinsUI.i * el cUu lent work Miu-t necessarily devolve upiii sticit organizations. Jl if a i Jr h» v'liairBian. AN ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. A large numV)er of our citizens met at the Court House last T uesday even ing in puiHiiance of a call of the Chair mail of our Town Council, for the pur jiose of discussing the expediency of organizing a .Memorial Association with a view to raising funds to pur chase the Liberty Hall property. The matter was fully discussed, and the committee appointed to confer with |j oll j, 10 . A . Stephens, Executor of the Estate of Mr. Stephens, and ascer tarn whether or not liberty Hall could he bought, and if so at what cost, lias done so. and will make their report at the meeting to lie held on the 25lli for the purpose of organizing an Association. We are informed that thepropeity can be liougiit, and trust that every true citizen in Georgia and elsewhere will ad our people in this noble work. The proceedings of the meeting . last , ,,, 1 uestlay . will , he found , . elsewhere. ---. _ 00 - wr ,:Krh Ti ™ iWon Itto„lt,„ nrgrt ..l»JN m.f y-'.i'-g men that agriculture offer* them more nssiired rewards than any vocation iri which they can engage. We believe t his is true ; and we wish many of those who are standing behind conn Lets for the mot moderate wages could lie induced to think so. Hut there is danger of over-estimating what one may do on a farm. It is not , it buf-iness at which a man may lie down at night poor and get up in tlie morning rich. The young man who lays out a f -w hundred d dlars of his ; earnings, or of , Ins , patrimony , in stock- , , ing a farm, must not expect to become wealthy in one year, nor in a dozen years. If indeed he stalls out with the idea that he is to realize iinmedi ately a handsome income and begins to indulge expensive tastes, the chances are much against his ever lieeotning wealthy. Instead of this, he must ex ere ise great economy; and even with economy, his accumulations will J small for several years. Perhaps he will be passing into middle age before the profits ,f his bus,ness will author ize his tnakihg much expendit oi e in ((|fl u .. iy (|f ( i is „i a y. Hut with judicious management there will be an i crease of , lis 81ll , sl . in(;P . j/ is lands will mi p ( , )V< *. His cattle will multiply. He will gradually collect nice! attic z - ii - pK'men.s that ... w.ll le sen .11 the la - >r z btislmiidry. With no sudden ace }. sum, wiU " !l1 a a time tuue find uinist " ia,M . lf = tlie U,< possession of the comforts and many of tlie luxuries of life. All this will follow as the result of l' al 1 V ! to tin details fanning. The picture should be tin attractive one to the young man who is full of energy and is looking for some business in which he may exert it to advantage. Hut the story is with ly different front that of a fortune imtiie all of a sudden. Such fortunes are not to l> made by legitimate farm ing. >S me times a man without cani* tal makes a bold speculation and suc¬ ceeds m amass ug a p le. S f too, a garni lei sometimes sits down at the | iaZitl( | tnblw with a dime and rise : the owner of ten thousand dollars. Hut Sllc |, an jn^tunue does not prove that gaming is safe; nor do the cases so much vattnled hv newspaper corres pondents in which men begin with nothing and amiss gnat wealth in a few years prove that speculation is wise. Most gamblers end their careers in wretched poverty, and most mere speculators dose up in hankrinitev. Meeting field an t Resolutions Adopted, CraWKO tttivn.i.i'. April 17, 1883.— In pursuance of a call of ( apt. \V. J. Norton, Chairman of tlie Town Com missioners, a latge number of citizens. male and female, convened this even ing in the Court House, (’apt. Norton stated the object of tlie meeting to lie for TlKiS' the^i'iem y 'G organ iting a Memorial Society with a view of raising funds to purchase the Lila-i tv llail nropotiv ami erecting thereon a monument to tlie memory of Gov. A ' jj Stephens.” On motion, Capt. Norton was elect ed Chairman of the meeting and C. T. 1 Z.' Andiews addressed the imdjenee in an eloquent and well-timed speed), dwelling upon our duty -as fel¬ low-citizens >-f the late lamented Gov * m'inument, Ac., as a tribute to his memory. Jno. W. Iltxon, Esq., Maj. An draws, Ool W. H. liiooke. \V. R. Gunn and Thos. E. Bristow, on mo iion, were appointed a committee to to confer with the Executor of Gox. Stephens and ascertain whether or not the Liberty Hall property could lie i»«rehnaed and at what price lit solved, That a meeting of citizens l* app-nnted to convene in tin* Court loom oil Wednesday tlie 25th, inst.. at 2 o'clock, p. M., for the purpose of or g "iriug a “Memorial Association.” Or leted that a copy of these pro ownlinsrs be furnishsd tlie Crawford villk Democrat for publication. Adjourned to meet o:> the 2otlt. inst. W. J. Nokixiv. Chairman. I'. T. Boggs, Secretary. The vast quantity and variety of gi> -is for sale by (\ A. Davis ,V Co., ■ stvirii, Ga., is a matter ot |>p o w prices it W : , 11? 1 ' j« a . * ! I } pie ot Taliaferro make a minute of tins, and read the new advertisement of C. A. Davis A Co., m tii is issue of Thk De>|«h ka r. A GREAT HISTORICAL WORK. comprehessivr roptiua history co vr.Jt y fbeskjHtimk. ok theiAmerican continent '<<> the by Alexander H ' he® 1 *. The National rjdishfn^ Co., of Pbila delpnia, Chicago, S. Louts, and Atlanta, faring'the■ S a^veUtT. g, TM?fa h^'far the most iinportanliii.storical publication ^ tlie tat {: 8 standard ’’’ .JY" ‘ll ltory of the United ! det^,~S effort™ commend this j ‘ i'^.T^rraUveof th e&'of ‘oar'hisrorv from the discovery .’t: e American Core tinent to the presen time. It gives a most North* 1 AmericaTf the* * of® coming of the whit ,m time the of Columbus, the men. The voyages ferent nations of ei locations of the dif¬ quest and occupatiW.of Keifpe and the final con land, told the land by Eng¬ are with fraphie power. Every step of d. f colonial history is traced with patieft fidelity and the ?,S„ duiim S institutions m.nlT "Th s : j ch an<1 have made trust, en country free i our and g* ' are shown with re great markable struggle ciearnes f i jin* causes of our syjrare or - are. told ; *'S •gggr. second War with Eritjtnd, the long period (L'h'Yv'-n- 1 ' 15 \rr*'D" War ^"onfederarv'emo : an< l the great Vice-President of Uo 1 ?.*!ip the(>iitdn'$.?l ,, lle H \ u ‘ r history of that 'h' Measure*, 110 ^’ al jh the admio of olw’fode - rations of Grant ample the- author, amUliletr.«!f rendering t^it"^ i* thehands oj the most complete publish'd 1 .’ * lls * or F our country ever The great fame of tl. distinguished thor ot this work—is au n-e of the ability amfe i»aftjcient wl, ouarnn has performed his .e with eh he task. Mr, Steplieds lias '{V'TY!storrn otln historian l .! iar of * a, our * la,ta country S' e '‘ < wliieh has no possessed. For almost ever ;a |f a century lie ^Yn of'Amerira^' 1 '' d.W;ihei. ron *tnent '"lllfhas tStates the events which h-dge he tfe °a of men who were „f"Wst-cret niotivwVtel^ ;' lr Stephens writes, mPfhs a partisan, hut ?rom7st«S er reach—the standfWnt of personal fton nature, and^m^ lie tells his ^’Ifl^and'^t^fe story in the most valuable h->s yet II Glory of the bid ted States ti,»t appealed—a history whie h is in,... ail YXr.’ ' VOrt " y ° f t,,e «>‘ at taa ‘« ^ It i» comprised »ii‘'ifYnstVAfc^rl in one 1 ‘wft\ver iiyal octavo vol- 1 'tt'ie j engravings vtjbod, soo on steel and ^ embracing !Yauror U ti,!. Jtl Hi r cH l ! 1 i Yo r Ywhicipal l 1 "eitb-sl , history, views of our * h or)!,'i fi oi < I to iiurcliAiSi i,s , s ",'f ,1 lo w copv that it all is fnrja'el, "HddC V euWrlnU JJA.VJ.MVth. yR only, is ana the At an- lb «»“ '"^r* "'«*,* a -tfceived « a "^ J by hi - J' £*•««•. K. IIOLDKN Subscnp- at the i ostolftee. / .* ■ 'X *, * t i\ LnunhV* Work, niul Ji.nv* D: =- .. ■ j ^ v « frt = ■ HZAtl'd I System «l o;i i*| .o 11 f I -'sttifV’t • •t ■ Ar*'’*'*a» Mont' tnu:!, Dr< i A ‘ , L .«* « t i*. Y- ] B© YOU mm&WI TMIS l j j j j IT IS A FACT! j The London Sc Liverpool Clothing’ House 810 Broad St., Augusta, Ga.., MAKES THE ^ PI ai a B usi i less State men t: We are in Position to savo to all purchasers of Strictly Eirst-Class Clothing. a Suit 3 tVc mean just whit me say', and your careful examination of our stock wili yrove the Pact most conclusively. What we want and invite is comparison of our stuck and prices. j 1 j *wtm* wtiK t» Cost 25 to 30 per cent, more than ready made garments, and we can save you that much and give equal satisfaction .' Tl\V US ail(l SCO ! A Cttli COStS iiOtliilig. Tlie great obstacle nitherto existing in the purchase of ready mi le clothing by The Merchant, the Planter, or the Professional Man. , Has | it 1 1 tii unsatisfactory resuits to the buyer. ; IVe can clearly demon u.i. that out work is made with the same care and pre¬ cision as any MKKCIUXT TAILORING IN AUGUSTA. HO \ V A \ WE DO THIS: We are main: We employ more and better workmen through OUR NEW YORK Than ail the com ■ •chant tailoring establishments of Augusta, IN N1 K W 1 \R we show the most Elegant Designs. IN HOSiEl . ur styles are Novel. IN UN DEI V i.Ali we excel all others. IN Hr 1> A N i) CAPS everv conceivable shape shown. The goods are uu - ly conceded to be the HANDSOMEST EVER SHOWN IN AUGUSTA. ( ur (liildren's Department. Embraces the b u! ind extensive assortment in all the roost advanced shajies am' cs. The newest thing out in children's suits is ‘‘Jersey Lilly" and “Humboldt/’ ! the finest imported French Fabrics, I ()\ l)()V ^ A V * j ) LIVERPOOL CLOTHING HOUSE. 1 8 6 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga THE BEST Of ALL i li'joauaji ra 1IAH /JSD ISAST. H |i'Bf\ioiu Fortier" tliaa r. eentnirttie, 'fiutane I j-nlAucut has been j Ii BBtlie known to million?.! uil over too world as| A only sale reliance for tbo relief of W ■ accidents cud pain, do is a medicine 5a ntiovo pr'CO and praise—the. heat of Its iihai. lor every foiui of external paiu *i:.e V i i % B i Mustang T.iniiner'i is without nucl an equal. It ps.ietralc* muscle to the very hone—making the continu¬ ance of pa’n i-nd Inflammation irapos ■able. Its efTccls upon Unman Flesh and 11 in Urn: e Mexican ( "cal ion are equally woiuier* ! fal. The [3 Liniment honso. \z needed Kvery day by brings somebody news in of A W eveiy thf* »f nwftil fetaltl )nini o,£;ony on or fflsubdiifid, Pstored, of rheum:!tio vaJuahle florae martyrs ro- s or a er os & iittved by lb 3 healing power of tlii3 v * which pneffiilv cures snch ailments of lithe |9 KX.VJ.tN IT.ii.--i cs fttYelHugi, Stiff RhciEmatism, InJctin^a, ^nnd t ontraelc tl Ifluscies, Burns and I f'calJ 1 :, ( Rio, Br«i«cs EtSpraliLi, f I otsonons Bites nmlg Old »- t.-xhegs, ChUblains. gj 1 & otc*s Icffs. FrostliUea, b rt|r J*»ore IVipjJies, Cake I I2rea»t, rnid g imlecc* t vi' -y ftr*r\ r. T c—tcvnal ui^-B ^3 c* }'.t l»r:- Zh without Cileation scurB. it ^3 * jgj For the 1 eu.-e cures Gprol no, Fv/iiiny, (-tiff Joints, S.* ounJ< r, TTurnefis Gorr«, Hoof !>!*• -^tfollov/ f m?*«, Foot tic re w Worm, Scab, ITom, f eratcbca, Wind fnflV'M, T2ini*!i, Film Uingbone, Old fiords I >11 ICvil, otb* ailment upon f ly!:- c, r, l every occupants r of the m(o F«t;taT::c xv'.ic'x ; ,>e liable* :»ntl .* >cE Yard arc m Halw&ys 'i h-T I zxica.ii Riuntaug cliijuppoiuts; Lin^uent ,3 c TtM find Mover uiid it i3, positively, THE BUST or ALL 4 ii V-—j a.-—— ■ rr u * r~*- X. — j OAST, I. ! v G.X~ f; SiB TIIE Model Soda Water ESTABLISHMENT OF THES 'FTIt. GINGER ALE. SODA WATER, ETC.* Equal to any imported. Manufactured and for sale at ClUltOH^S "tb i5 T? A U T 1 f 1 P L f 1 I M/ Y /1 \ir \\ / OKKfe! \ D L r O I 1548 BROAD STREET, AUvJUSAA. - GA fit (hwl'.i lit', it ]iV,nfiytt> i>V,.*i hv Express, in Ciinton’s Patent Shipping j Cases. No Goods misrepresented. apriiflO :tm PROM CRAWFORDVIIiLiEI TO GBI1IISBGBO . I s HUT ocrat 20 to miles pay a visit The Railroad to Greenesboro schedule an e-S’ to exactly our store. right for It will the readers be a pleasant or tne item ride. - You leave Crawfordville at about 9:30 a.m., on the fast train, ard reach Greenesboro at 10 o’clock, or leave Crawfordville at 1 p. in. and reach Greenesboro at 2 p. m. You can return to Crawfordville at 2 p. in., or .5:30 p. in. It will be not only a pleasant but » profitable trip. Our Spring and Summer Goods are now in stock from Boston, Now York. Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Baltimore. The styles are handsome, tlie prices are lower than ever before since the war. Our large stock, varied assortment and low prices are unparalleled in this part of Georgia. One trip to our store will oonvuice you. There could not be a better time to come than now, when you can come so conven iently, when our new goods have just arrived, when prices are so lo\v._ As soon as you read these paragraphs, make your arrangements at once to come to Greeneabo ro and inquire for the store of C. A. DAVIS' & GO., Greenesboro, Ga. DEESS GOODS: KENSINGTON Suitings 10 cts. Nuns’ Veilings 12 cts. Nuns’-Veilings handsome Black, and all colors 20 cts. Manchester Fancies, 15 cts. Silk Plaid Suitings 25 cts, Japanese silks 25 cts. Wool pin Checks 3:% Handsome Summer Dress Silas 50 cts. Quadrille Satin Suitings 50cts Black Albatross (all wool) 45!cts. All wool black cash mere 35 and 40 cts., handsome 50cts. American Hand spun black Silk will not split. The new shades in dress goods Crushed Strawberry. Terra Cotta, Shrimp, Robins Egg Blue &c. TRIMMINGS: All the novelties in buttons, Rcund, Oval, Fiat, Spanish Laces, Black Cream and Fancy. Sontache Braids all colors. Feston Trimmings assorted. Laces and II am burgs: Garrick Ma Cross, Broiderie. Brabant Point Du Cardinal, Valence, Maltese, Yeni se, Hamburg in Jaconet,Namisook, Swiss from cents to 75. cents yd. Insertions to, match.—CL A. DAVIS & CO., Greenesboro, Ga. STANDARDS: Domestics 3% up. Checks 8J4 Granetviile % Extra heavy (ie. Prints 4c and 4%c. Handsome,Patters oc.3000 Lawn yds Penmouts White Prints London at cords low prices. Cambrics Hundreds 7c.Fine of items dress Genghams 10e- Colored 5c. 6 to5}£. bought at auction and sold at % price—C. A. DAVIS & CO., Greeuesboro, Ga. m We have one of the finest milliners and one of tlie largest stocks of millinery and fancy goods to be found anywhere. See our Sailors 20 cents. Shade hats 10 cents. Sun-, downs 25 ct. Fayals 50 cent'. Prices all low. Goods of tlie latest styles Trimming a la mode Clothing* and Sundries; Suits for hoys 3-8 for hoys shoes 8-13 liats, and 12-10 for yovng men and gentlemen ; prices coats 50cts up, suits 3.50 up. umbrellas, parasols, fans, dry goods, groceries, tin ware, wood and willow ware, furniture, drugs, patent medicines and goods in fifty departments. Come to see us very soon. Truly, C. A. DAVIS & CO., Circencsboro, Gia. apl 13-83' 3in ^ 1*: A Jl J X j 8~ BR( 1JNZKI) 'JEWTLiTY.' xt >*• Wa IVORY WOODS, FINE DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELRY. BIGGEST and COSTLIEST STOCK ever on the Augusta Market. ELEGANT SILVER SERVICE. GOLD HEADED CANES. FANCY FRENCH FANS. S I ATlfA BY, PEARLS, TO M ik. Jeweler. , D ;J.7’sl ly tr A 7PP £ IJ 9 533 Mid 535 BROAD STRUF.T, AUGUSTA, GA., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Carriages, Mockaways, Buggies, | plantation pud Road ^\ r agoi s, Qa:ts, J]to, Manufacturer’s Agents for tho sale of the Cortland VVasxon Co.’s Spring Wagons and Buggies Wilso Childs & Co.’s Philadelphia Wagons, R w IVe have added to our stock a fine Buggies and Rockaways, A Line of Cheaper Trade Buggies. Made to onr own order, with special regard totheQnality of the wheels, axles and springs, which we will sell Lower than any house this side of Cincinnati, ’ No Cheap Auction Work Sold. * Also, a Full stock of Saddlery and Harness,Bridles,Collars, Whips,Buggy Umbrellas Trunks. Coach material of every description,Cloths,Paints, Coach Varnishes ’ Also, Leather and Gum Belting, Packing Rivets and Lacing, Hooks and Punches Italian Hemp, and Soapstone Packing. A **&gr£3Pg£fS{a£“S'AKSSS lg~ Send orders, call and on your or see us. Our prices will, at all tijn es *0 ottom Prices. mcliiethly BROWN’S GLOBE HOTEL AUGUSTA, GA. Rates, $2.0 and$2.50 per day. LOCATED IN THE CENTRE OF OF THE BUSINESS PORTION OF THE CITE B- P. Brown, Ma f r.