Newspaper Page Text
$1.50 Per Year.
ERIDAY, APRIL 20th, 1883,
Entered at the post-office at craw
M. C. JONES. Local Editor.
—Vegetation is growing very rapid¬
—Hon. J110. A.Stepliens was in town
—Reaii the new advertisements in
another aMumn.
—Subscribe for The Democrat,
only 81.50 per year.
—Mr. J. W. Farmer is having his
new residence nicely painted.
—Have your Job woik done at this
office. Satisfaction guaranteed.
—Buy your boots and shoes from
Mershon & Flynt, Sharon, Ga.
—Dr. S. J. Farmer is having lattice
work put at the east end of his piazza.
—Get your family groceries, &c.,
from Mershon & Flynt, Sharon, Ga.
—Parasols 10c. to 87.50 each at C.
A. Davis & Go’s., Greenesboro, Ga.
—If you want a nobby suit of clothes
call on Mershon & Flynt, at Sharon.
—Prims 4c. 4£c. and 5c. per yard at
C. A, Davis & Go’s., Greenesboro, Ga.
-Mrs. Matilda Tilky, of Augusta,
is visiting the family of Mr. It. B.
—Mrs. W. A. Legwen is visiting
the family of Mr. W. F. Holden at
—Georgia Heavy Checks 8Jc, per
ard at C. A. Dayis & Go’s., Greenes
e oro, Ga.
—Mr. John W. Holmes, the efficient
traveling agent for the Hammack Cot
left last Monday for South
West Georgia.
—Ouen aud shut Fans lc. 21c, and
5c. each at C. A. Davis & Go’s.,
Greenesboro, Ga.
—lion, Frank II. Colley, of Wash
ington, was in town Monday attending
to legal business.
—Novelties i„ Dress Goods 10„. Idle.
15c. 20 »nd 25c. per yard at C. A. Da
vis A Go’s., Greenesboro, Ga.
^Mershon & Flynt, of Sharon, have
on hand a large stock of goods which
they are offering at very low prices. x
_Mmsh il Goosrpr is busilv streets’win ‘enlaced
this week in h-.viimlthe ked
eere wish.
--« u «•» l-a> 5^6 < 10 n v \1.1 , sU Greenes- I ■
.101-0, to buy goods t bn to Binaoi
tiers to C. A. Davis A Go,. Greenes
boro, Ga.
—Mr. T. C. Holden, formerl- ol this
plaoe.'>ut nmv assistant post master at
Augusta, was up Sun lay on a visit to
The \f.f--i-.Miiud Baptist Snndav
senoi.ii »ill unite and have a pic-nic at
Malair’s bridge on LiUie river the drst
of Mav.
—Miss Anna (jnrrv, we regret to
learn, ib very sick id Liberty Hull.wiili
tne measles. We hope to chronicle her
early recovery.
—You can go to Greenesboro in the
morning and return in the afternoon
with many bargains from the store of
C. A. Davis & Co.
— Master Joe. son of Col. Win. II
Brooke, is quite sick. We hope to see
hini out soon as lie is a general favor
— Rev-L. 11. L. Jennings, accompa
nied by his son, Willie, left Tuesday
for Griffin, to attend the Georgia IJap
tist convention.
—Mr. W. O. Holden informs ui that
(here will be one hundred tons more of
guano delived at this depot tiiis year
ibmit than t ere eie were weie last iasi.
—The Ladies’Missionary Society, of
Crawfordville, sent $59 to the Georgia
Baptist Convention on Monday by
Rev. L. R. L. Jennings,
—Messrs. Will Hammack and Jobnie
Holden are agents for Mr. Stephens’
late history of the United States Sab
scriptions reeived at the postoffice.
—Mr. Tommie Wynne, of Morgan
county, lias accepted a position in the
gin factory with Messrs. J. D. & II. T.
Hammack. We hope that lie will be
pleased with his vocation.
—Mr F. B. Pope, of the firm of Jor
dan k Pope, of Augusta, was in town
yesterday. Fred is very popular with
our people, who will no doubt give his
house a liberal share of their patronage.
—The election for Governor takes
place next Tuesday. Let every demo
crat go to the polls and vote just as
though there was an opposing candi
date in the field.
-Readthenewadverti^ment _ , .. , , of r C r
A. Da\ is & Co. Greenesboro. > .
Davis & Co s., Gieenesboio Ga.
and caught ten large white perch and
one fine jack. Mr. Tucker is a noted
fisherman and the boys are always glad
bring any home with them.
—A druggist in New Richmond, O,,
Mr. E. J. Donham, writes us the fol
lowing; “I consider Dr. Bull’s Cough
8yrup one of tne very best things made.
I use it altogether in my own family
and can therefore recommend it.
—We came down from Atlauta yes
terday with Capt. Sam Harris, the gen
ial and popular conductor on the Ga.
Railroad. Capt. Harris is a native of
this county and has many friends here,
His father represented our county in
the Legislature many years, and was
one of its mo.-v 1" hls
Mrs.MartbaLawson died at her home
near Sharon on last Tuesday. She had
been quite feeble for sometime. \\ e
tender our sympathy to the bereaved
The appearance of a maddog on our
streets last Sunday morning created
considerable excitement. Mr. Thomas
Akins shot at him three tunes, but
failed to kill him.
Rev. A. L. Hillman, of this county.
and Miss Burton of Richmond V a.
were married last week. He returned
but’we but we didnoUwwntheivuticulir^of did not leant the p.uticu bus ot
tlie marriage.
Iutere»ting Sketches
The May number of Harper’s Maga
tme contains a most at ractwe table
of contents’ Toe artist’s shetches in
Holland are continued—there is a
ond paper on the Peace of Indepen- ,
dence ‘‘Shandon Bells” is continued,
The Easy Chair, the Literary Record,
ana the drawer are always iugagingly.
Suit Aginst the Ga. B. K.
Mr. John Williams, who had his leg
so badly injured by the cars ar Barnett
sometime ago, that it had to be
amputated, has employed Col, John
W. Ilixoa to bring suit against the
Ga. R U. for damages. We learn that
Col. Ilixon will bring the suit at the
next term of the Superior Court of
Warren county.
E, Shelian.
Elsewhere may be found the adver¬
tisement of of Mr. E. Sheehan, proprie¬
tor Sheehans’ Excelsior Bottling
Works, Augusta, Ga., who always has
on hand pure so la water sarsasparilla,
gingerale, lager beer, kegs and bottles
manufactured from fresh and first-class
material. He also ships ice to custo
mers at market price.
James sillier
Inpnot |, ei column can be f; e .
the advertisement of James Miller, of
Augusta. Mr. Miller has been in the
mercantile business manv vears, and
has an extensive trade throughout this
section. This is one of the best and
most reliable houses not only in An
gusta hut in the State, and our people
when they visit Augusta should call
«»’ «N*t.
stock bef me fm.cfu si ng elsew lieie.
' •
HOri ' li VUHIV A
I F0[ ' ‘- 1RL ' vr 1 - cn. vwforuvh w i ord\ tll t v - ho- ho
tel Tins week.
(i - p - M!,r l* !l « ,,d Dump Harman, Lin.
House, Cl uksyille, Ga; G. ’l. Williams,
G. W. Goss aivl l), M. Rmve, Atlanta, Ga.
E Hawkins ami Jan. II. Smith, Char
|,. si s. C ; George Flassel, Atlanta, Ga;
jasper Siappv, F. B. Pope and W. F.
Hoyles, Augusta, Ga. t
“ TT. V T 01 ,
Messrs. Jordan « Pope. Cotton
c ‘ *' s Goutm. .. -’f 1
A "«usta, hive an advertisement m
Hus issue Mr. Jordan was formerly a
onunher of the linn 'it Mnley & Jonlaff,
and has large experience in the
ni'.ss. Mr. P ipe is from Washington
and is well known . y many of our oil
Z -MIS. He is very popular in Wilkes.
his native c unty, n I lias m i y f. ieiu s
e.lsewluTe. By prompt attention to
business they hope to merit,and doubt
|,. ss will, a liberal share of the patrui
age of the people.
r:, 3 London and Liverpool Clothing
We cal! the attention of all the read
tisement of the London and Liverpool
Clothing House, 816 Broad Street, An
gusta. Ga. Messrs. D. Silver & lire.,
proprietors, have one of the largest and
finest stocks of gents, clothing to he
found in the city. A visit to this
bouse will convince you that its stock
of clothing cannot be excelled. The
Messrs Silver are offering prices* their goods
a t remarkably low and we ad
vise the people of this and adjoining
counties to call to see them when in
---—— . —a -----
u. io. Clinton.
Read t lic advertisement of Mr. 11. E.
Clinton, proprietor of Clinton’s Bet
tliug Works, Augusta, Ga., which ap
pesirs in another column. Ginger Ale,
Sodawater, etc., equal to any imported,
manufactured and shipped by
in Clinton’s patent shipping cases. No
goods misrepresented. Mr. Clinton is
also agent for Monumental Bronze
Company, and is prepared to
white bronze monuments statuary,
busts, statues, portrait medallions lor
cemeteries, public and private grounds
and buildings of all descriptions and at
prices to suit the times,
* *
Rig Room in Greenesboro.
Attention is called to the advertise
meut of Messrs. C. A. Davis* Co.,
Greenesboro, Ga., wiiich appears in
—~j-isaa J
we are authorized to issue an in
•r,.» rf ’srLSS
to visit their establishment and exam
jne t , ie ma g n ificei)t attractions which
are to f ounr j there. We have no
a Grand rtibute.
In our next issue will appear Mr. a grand
tributeto the memory of Stephens
f r01n the pen of Col T. K. Oglesby
w hj t .h appeared in the MilledgevilieLii
j on ‘ an d Recorder,of;Uie 10th inst. Col.
Oglesby is well known by all the peo
pie of this place. He was at one time
private secretary of Mr. Stephens, and
was one of his closest personal
friends. Ilis tribute, in elegance ol
diction, warmth of expression and
truthful portrature surpasses any we
have read on the death of *® X.'
fortniWishing lLs tender and truthful
Inb.te had in view\no doubt the fact
that fc»w,is the first political paper for
time of his death.
--- mm -
A Large Wild Turkey.
Last Saturday evening one ofOtn-col
ored men, Aaron Kent, in order to
break the monotony of town life, took
his fowling pitce and proceeded to the ;
country in quest of game, lie had not;
gone more than a mile when on the ■
plantation of Dr. Kent he came upou
two large wild gobblers at one of which
he leveled his unerring piece and threw
u , b f Ue bagged his game
;lnd bejng tully saUs ued with the even
ings s * ,0!t he returned llome a,jd 6xhib '
jtwi , )js gil[ae Jt we jg) ie q g ro ss
pounds and net 16 pounds. His beard
was 9 inches long. Several dressed persons
who saw it after it was pro
need it the largest bird of the kind '
they ever saw. that I
Before going to press, we learn
Aaron has killed the other gobbler
weighing 22 pounds.
Memarlal Day at Greenesboro, Ga. i
Meet at Methodist church 3 r. M.
Lxeicises begin at 3:30 sliai 1 p.
Presiding Officer, Rev.O.A. 1 lirower.
Marshals: Hon. W. II. Branch,Prof.
Reynolds, Mr. Albert Winter.
Chorister—C. A. Davis, Jr., Esq.
I. Song.
II. Prayer by Rev. J. Knowles,
III. Song.
IV. II. Harris.
V. Song.
VI. Marshals form procession.
VII. March to Cemetery.
“• u -
IX. Song.
X. Placing Floral C'fferings on
graves I
will bu at !ln early | 10Ul - in the alter
ll0on that the people may attend froni
a distance. <*■
Praise-svo. iiiv Work
A ’V A ^osU Ohromele i.f ti e 11
mst. . has the following . L| yeateiday i e V lrj| V
jele received a pleasant ca 1
,!!! 1 ^ w
l UA vr ’ lie is in \u<*usta " or”iiiiizatii»n partially for
^l.,.v t . f u "l iSrtv t he HaI * tl
”5 “„„!e J&, HSXZSXS. £
|l( „. lls , a meeting wilt bo field id
Grawfordville to-day by the good L
pie of Taliaferro county to consider lie
shbject and learn if the property can
pusclvased and at what cost. Ur.
Andrews is of the opinion
irauizatioii should be a State affair and
1 -•"ft-' t * rro U« wishes l '“, to h,,rdaa see it , ol a second 2*-,
-Mount . Vernon, a place which in years
to come will he visited by anxious pil
grims, who wish to claim the honof of
having visited the homo of the illiMn
„ U3 .Stephens. This is a very pijtisu
worthy work which the people of IVia
ierro have undertaken, and they slomld
meet wiili the heartv co-oi ei'ati ijMuf i
everv true ciM'/r-u ot Geoigui. ***
tVlliTTLF.!) OKI-' FROM BUI. IVY p.y "laliiuun.”
—Pleasant weather.
—The birds are beginning to sing
—Chickens aud eggs are very scjarce
in our market.
—The 1st of May will soon be here,
and pic nics will then commence.
nj yy Elwards ha A been
n >L .,jt-n s j C ’k for several days, but we wisli
r a .‘ sneodv X recovery.
—Fertilizers , have , been used tlirougjiout quit< ex
tensively i>y our farmers
this section.
—Col. John Ilixon and Thomas
Stewart, of Crawfordville, were in
Sharon last week.
_Croquet is all the go in Sharon,
the boys having purchased a new set
for this season.
_If you don’t believe that J A.
Kendrick lias the cheapest goods in
W wn call and examine for yourselves.
_ Master Willie Kendrick lias left
town He is now looking after his
f at i, e i\ business on the farm. The
boys wjl i rn iss his genial face,
r»„r town 1 R had seven drummers on
['X, ^merchants I guess they must
" Ilk - l t u are loaded
down with money.
—Our farmers are somewhat behind
with their crops, but if the weather
continues fine they will soon catch up.
They are busy planting cotton this
—Our town has always been lively,
s!l0WS that our farmers are busy
F ,, j ’, 7th of Raytown, were mar- A.
, Thursday the 12th. Rev.
]> lV idson officiating. May they
mu s any where around, it was erected
by himself. Tlieold Academy is Trns- un
0CC( jr»j e <I but still remains the
tees’property, We suppose that they
wjll q lslK) 3 e of it soon.
j am prepared tf> negotiate large or
sma n loans on Real Estate. will ....
office with W II. Branch, who give
information in BROWlft
gulc.n us boro, Ga.
feb28,82 2in
Ex^lsior Bottling Works
1025 GREENE 1ST.
. f , Ga.
l re Soda Water, Savsasparilla and Gin
geil. Ale manufactured from Fresh and
Fiist Class Material, Lager Leer in kegs
" *
N. B.- lee of' good quality and just
weight shipped to uty ‘ customers at mar
kei price. apritl3-3m.
A disturbed at „ icll t and broken
of ,.rjHng your rest by a sick child suffering and
with pain of cutting teeth ? If so,
suid atones and get 11 bottle of Mus.
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Tf.eth
ixg ('triLDRKN. Its value is incalculable,
1$ will relieve tlte poor little sufferer im
Mediately. Depend upon it, mothers,
there is no mistake about it. It cures
dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates colic,soft- the
stomach and bowels, cures wind
Luis Lyes the the gums, reduces inhumation,and
tone and energy to the whole system.
iits. Winslow’s Soothing Spinp for Chil
ffren Teething is pleasant to the taste, and
is the prescription of one < of t:ie oldest and
best female physicians and nurses in the
■United States, anil is for sale by all drug
ists through out the world. Price 25 cents
1 complete Cyclopedia of household
HSHlsSaa and full particulars. Out
for Press notices
lit and instruction how to sell, free to ac
tual agents. Sueeesslguaranteed. State
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Georgia liailroafl
Banking Go.
Augusta, Office General Ga., July J < :n, |
p<>MMKN01NG Vj^SSr SUNDAY, a instant
1 **"“** ” l "
so ' 1 , .. . NO. 2 EAST—DAILY
l i"; 1 -' AUu'nT , u 5
Mi'nedg’li “C’wf’d’il e.-uVa l:is|p 5
1 =
W’sh’i'n lj.-aoa m > r.Wash’s’2i.Wp Milledg’ll 4:4!t,i»' 5
Ar. CTdv'll t:12 p mj : =
Athens ~ 00 pm” Macon #:*5jp| =
x =
S0 . J west—imily.______________ NO. 4 EAST—DAILY
Lv. Augusta8:30 p nvLv. Atlanta H:tr. p,m
Lv. Ar. OrTv’ll Atlanta UMKMmnjAr.C’fdv’ll t»:40 aim 1 Ar. Augusta 2:5.T 0:30 a aim in
(teneral Manager. Gen. l’ass’ger Agent
(Ijtmt-fiT.v IG.Ji-iio vb- Co.
Office General Manager,
Augusta, Dec. n6, ’82
\y tee following Passenget Schedule will
be opened:
NO. 27.West Daily. I NO. 28.East Daily
Lve Augusta 7:25 am Lve Atlanta 2:50 pm
Ar. C’vv’f’vTl 9:22 ainj Ar “ CTdvil Alliens ’0:10 8:00 “ “
“ Athens 11:50 am
*• Atlanta 12:55 pm , ” Augusta 8:go *•
Train No 27 will stop at and receive pas¬
sengers to and If rom the following points
only: Belafr, Bcrzelia,Harlciu, Thomson.
Cainak, Grawfordville, Union Point,
Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social
Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone Moun¬
tain and Decatur.
Train No. 28 will stop at, and receive
passengers to and from the Billowing sta¬
tions, only, Ber/.elia, Harlem, Bearing,
Thomson, Caniak, Crawfordville, Union
Point, Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge.
Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone
Mountain and Decatur.
The East Line has Through Sleeper
from Atlanta to Charleston and connects
for all points West and Northwest, East
and Southeast GREEN,
Gen. Passenger Agt. Gen’I.Manager.
IF IT COST $50*”
Springfield, Robcrlxon co., Tenn. )
November, 27th, 1880. j
Dn. J. Bhadfield :
Sir —My daughter has lieen suffering
for many years with that dreadful afflic
lion known as‘‘Female Disease,’’wliicli
has cost me many dollars, and, notwith
standing 1 had the best medical atten
dance, could not find relief. I have
used many other kinds of medicines
without any effect. I had just about
given her up, was out of heart, but
JSeral weeks' sinw* aiuMm^ knowing
of my rnuuMiter’s affliction, persuaded
rne t 0 buy a bottle ot your “FEMALE
REGULATOR.” She began to
p rove at once. I was so delighted with
Ths price-81.50 ttat 1 ^7*.......; per bottle-seemed
the globe; and, knowing what I do
about it, if to-day one, of my family
was suffering with that awful disease,
' : mended to be. jj^^atheusok.
g j ze $9 75 per bottle.
' 50 bottle.
F q i/e 1 [>er
, Sole Proprietor,
j it. R. J . REID, Crawfordville , Ga,
Ji 2 T2 Ij
Cotton Factor and Commission
Old Stand of R. A. Fleming-,
903 Reynolds Street,
Augusta, m - Georii
Personal Attention Given to all Business..
Uonsignments of Cotton Oats and Wheat Solicited,,
inch 6 ’83 ly
A Long Felt Need Supplied.
4 PPRECIAT1NG Augusta’s supreme n ee d, we have purchased the stock of Paint-’*
,Y Oils, Varnish. establish Brushes, FirstClass (ilass, Putty, Paint etc., store recently at 312 Jackson kept by Street, Thomson where & Heinde we wd
and propose to a English American, Linseed Oil,
a!wavs be prepared to furnish White Lead, both and
boiled and raw ; pure colors, dry and ground in oil. Paint Brushes of all kinds. Var
liishes, Glass, Putty and everything kept in a first-class establishment. We will also,
keep constantly on hand r. full supply of builders Hardware, such as Locks, Hinges,
Bolts, Nails and every thin : pertaining to building material, Doors. Sash, Blinds, etc.
Orders for Lumber, Laths, Shingles, etc.,promptly attended to. Our motto is to pleas*.
he people by fair dealings, just weights and true measures, and only ask for a trial.
312 Jackson Street, A T J}‘J3TA, A.
Great Bargains In Furniture.
- -
HAVING purchased the stock of It. O. n EGG IK & CO, and having a very large
Stock ourselves, we are now compelled to reduce both Stocks immediately so as to go#
them in one Store. This is your grand chance to secure bargains, don't let it sup..
Fine Medium and Invalid L'ommo Chairs. i Furniture. Cabinets, Matressos. and an immense Spring Stock Bed of Bottoms. 1 arlor an R«y Hi
valving Book Cases. lie sold to give
Bedroom Furniture that must room.
Call early or write for cuts and prices.
717 & 839 Broad Street, August a, Ga.
The WIHTF Sewing Machine
The Ladies Favoritj!
Because it is the Lightes t Running
the most quiet ; makes the prettiest stitchj
: and has more eouvetikttgeiiiMn jn yxotk^
; j* eaa’
Mg 1 ” It is warranted live years and is the
v • '■
rjM®; dwS* -C-A Jr ;. j eat to sell, and gives, the best fatlsfacW#.
■IF- £ of any machine ,on the market.
l : Intending purchasers are solicited to •*
* & V m it before buying. Itesponsiblo Idea 1
• -i amine
ers wanted in all unoccupied territory.
J. D. «fe T. F. SMITH,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers,
50. llltOAll STREET, ATLANTA, 0E0RSIA. 59
For Sale Ly Mrs. D. A. Williams, Crawfordville, Ga.
t .2,'81.24 .
v : V tsom
I extend to every Lady and Gentleman who reads this Heading a
Cordial Invitation to Visit
MIjLjLEITS cobneb
Spring Offerings!
I have this time EGLIPSED all former efforts, having never before met with such
unbounded success in collecting together so many attractions.
NUN’S VEILINtfc in conceivable Shade^such^i* CrusliMi ^rtwhernM, Ewuio.
Embroidered Chambray Robes.
Emb l , r ^ , c a ," L HhTvIb ill Sum!? New'shades of MOUSQUETAIRE Kip GLOVES
]jA(:e MI rs wanted at the Corner, including DUTCH BOLTING
Buyers can find anything of the trathfnlneseof this statement. I Shall always main
a nd iearn . - old ^
april2e-3Tu Augusta, Ga,