Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 20, 1883, Image 7
a. m. d. A Medtejr, a *f»W « ® nrv * 1 »*“« • Mlraclo. Tbo Story of a Diwim. ably. words, but varies die sentiment cwns'der There is no harm in making money. It answereth all things. Used rightly it is a 0 rhe r r ? 00 termaleVe-^b^whtehtee te .ihtekd’SdibTnSk wo r d to £A.... tam extent, out of its depths cf sorrow and despair. Money we mu»t have for money makes the mare go. Some can make money who have no faer.lty for saving. Would von save you must know how to deny those who womd borrow and never repay, as well as laaylo work?*Th\re aretho"never want to see ycra except to ask the favor cf a loau, They vril! ask for jus.; one word with you. and that one word is sure to be mosey, An tance, impicunioas fallow met a licharquain- for and mot lik'ncr to ask directly a loan, said, ’ Friend Smith, if you had ten doilars in your woeket and I was to ask you for ths loan of five, how many would remain replied m your the pocket;’ ’ “ Ten dollars, to moment’s be sure, r rich man, without a hesitaiion. He had gumption, and knew f os much to part with his money by any suck o f-afS „» ih» rebuffed. He was able to ewe. He was one of the Mleawber sort—always waiting for pie something to turn un, low like some peo who are sick. They think t > get well by letting disease take care of itself. Bnt diseases ao cot heal themselves, nad too late their victims full often find this out te their sorrow as death -seizes upon them. Had they beeu wise in time they ir’uht have added many ye%i-s to their lease of life, The cure was nigh them, as it is nigh to all who read this medley. These paragraphs tell the story, as a patient perusal will prove. Those who have keen iwight and can read between the lines may solve the conundrum the sooner for it, but upon all, light wnl dawn ere they read the final word of our r y Yi • -D-ght j sant, .. and , it will, ... wi.i aawn, we sr> “ u f>«-,■;« am sumption bau fastened its fangs upon him. l° ni ? rs«irleetec: catarrh, and laughed at the idea of taking anything for tt when advued to do so, and so went from bad to worse. His lungs became diseased, a hack mere slept shadow of his former self, he scarcely horrible at all at night, or slept ol nightmare, only to dream areams. I'd k a whom circus troupe, horses and all, seemed to make his bed the arena o! their wild per> formances. In this case money did not niike the mare ge, for he spent a deal of money on doctors and nhvsics and was noth ing bettered. lie ate little, and was fast go ing down to an untimely grave leaving his wife a widow and his four bright children dreamed orphans, when, lo! on one eventful happy night dream, he for once a b ight and which our next par .graph will relate. Death, the black-visageJ monster, had until then stared him in the face, but the dream brought h m hope. He saw a bright, white-white robed angel in his dream who is isvouJc-T your cuie—sure, safe, narmless and relia. hie. Get wellaud seek to take health there, by to others. Behold the cure!” With these words the angel was gone, but ere the trail of light which followed him had van lshed the dreamer s.avv glittering in the light ttm«n1’’h n e ^i1^^P-J he a 8 wok! from his slumber. “I have had a Good Many . Dreams before, but never such as thir.” Stapled nohoi and surprised rel Vi € b he «J aroused 18,on Alas his wife she oonid mldicH ^.,1 ’_ v ing an^theelp^nsIsinioHedsCeber all the ei li e mT01Vea S nce er husband became o- sick, 1 she expressed 1 a * nope that the letters were not intended to suggest bl thft a Good Mmy Doctors must yet consulted in aidit on to all that had been interviewed. he\\Tte be had to consult c D r,sX y rnv any J more e rf^ there ed th9 would Vi ott°fkpo C! °' U MmS I)iSC0Vered m 0rder to to pay them. Every day for a week he and his faith fa spouse searched for a key to the problem. In the dictionary, in such newspapers pla- as cards they happened the walls—everywhere to have, in books, they on sought on hoping to find a due. Letters stand for words, and they hoped to light u on the words that should suggest the care. They Grieved Many Days over their lack of good luck, as they said, and the Good Man Dreamed again snd again, but saw no more angels. Hope at f err el maksth Guided the heart sick. “Oh, that the aogel had Me exclaimed Definitely ami Given Mere Dlreetione,” he again, and again. Nearly two weeks had elapsed since the night of the Great Mysterious Dream, when there carnet® the house a pamphlet Tired with his exhausting office work, which he still pursued, de’ermining if possible to die in the harness, Jones was about to throw the pamphlet in the fire when something prompted him to examine it. Surely. Pierce thought he, thi? here can be nothing that will Gloom Most Distressing, or Give Me, Disheartened, any rel ef. Poor man, he had worked letters over in his mind and made so many combinations with them, that they occurred in almost every sentence he uttered. Toey ente.ed even into his prayers. Heaven Grant Me Deliverance, he would say, no- let disease Grind Me Down, and so forth, ’ ad infinitum, and a mile or two beyond. fiber Mentally tortured and in eveiy of his hotly, what wonder that he read page work after diseases, page of the pamphlet. the morbid It state was of a on and in his miDd its contents seemed to suit him. It spoke of almost ev* ry disease flesh is heir to, bat oh, joy ! a Glimpse Most Delightful of light stoie in upon him. -Eureka! En reka! ’ he fried, “VVi e, I have it, I haveit.' eureka, Everybcdy in (he house heard him hear cry and rrnhed to to what he had found. All expected to see some Great Muacle Done, and then came the explanation. Simple of course, but why had he not thought of it before? O what a revelation ! Here was hope for him and for all consumptives. Here, hope for euffer mg friends and heighbors. That night he scarce could bright sleep, vision but when he did, he again fact, saw a of golden letters, in a Glittering Monogram Deciphered readily, and reading G. M. D.: and again P. P. P.. and yet again F. P., and one huge P, aronnd which these others were entwined, and then W. D. M. A. A)1 the letters blended, yet hnnVte! ri s c ;n A h^VUnn 71 intil0 flvn sa wTn Dream HostGlonous ^rang^he change's; D M G backward; —G M D forward, every way. Gold Medal Deserved, M. G. D— Misery’s Great Deliverer.—till time would fail to tell them all. P. P. P. stood for Perfect Peace Promised to suffer- dom gatoffal Promised, pJL and I ndVg'ain backward, ffTwas P. F. it FreT be* cams Pain Flees. Now he coaid get well, and once w-1!, he would be a missionary, of a Glad Missionary Devoted to the work telling others how they might get deliver' «tnee. He went through the list of diseases amone those of his o*n ecquaintacce, from John Bobinson, whose torpid liver gave him «onstint headache and severe bdteus stacks on through the list of tno e spfienng from ulcers, coughs, weak and -diseased lungs, to his fiend, General B-, who wai ns Bear the crave as he. And for ait these* ?is tc'.I as for httnsdf,the Grave May Driap Given'Zwn^adTo?Hfefew th“y hSd hoped to have years. Against the milder eases he marke d P.P P. Against the serious c ses he marktil G. M. D , not the Grizzly Monster Death, which he so long hail dread¬ ed, but something—oh, soniediing so much sb ,°Ji n s °! e f lak “ nd how thej “ ! ^ b , f i,eak '“ lau S hed d ff ll nued to suffer, refusing to be healer., e/hls'vlrionof'tlmnight«“*had done" * ws c an anything be mare delightful fi,an 5, eB Hh after sickness? To be a well man, to Zee', pure blood coursing through your veins, to know that lungs, liver, kidneys, and all he Grand Machinery,'Does its duty perfect ] y j u one’s body ; to carry health’s rudy Decfd^lv^This^was^uJ hLo’s^^ud thousands cau tell the samestorv. The good angel letters has come Gleam to Most fiiem. Distinctly They havx before seen the their eves, and Going Most Definitely to work in pursuing the instructions given, (hey have recovers-! that great bleesiug— Health. G. M. D, has been to them a clnvu ne ; 0 f o C od, Good Mysteriously Done, aad they have bid their sick friends do what all the tick should do,-namely, put themselves ju communicatiot with the W, D..5I. A, Which Done Most Assuredly will put them to lieve—alas, ^?&S2£2SS, that and A ?!K& bowed t. be men women are down with the burden of complaints, of which they might be rid,—nonsumption, bronchitis, malarial dyspeneia, heart disease,Aiduey disease, complaints, seroiulons diseases, skin diseases, tamors, ulcers, and mauv more. It would seem as though some jj] deity iiad given evirv leitir of the al phabet as many diseasis as it could ipossi bly desire, suffering thus and forming an Happy alphabet they of who sor* row, -woe. escaped (j the clutches G eat Mystery of sad. Dwaeruiog, .disease. have le Lo , k;v , g - lvlC k noon his past experience, ijr . Jones teels Grateful Most Decidsdlv md con , inneg telling = the old story ot M ^ icbneKj his v all ; sion C(! h ; s restoration to health: for the bek are not g u the has had the viv.asure ol see’m?, as he TRf^£SteST®rsSrtSl»iw* hts not yet dawned mind. The on your niyfc'.rrv will soon be lev.enled. Iftheker he not on your eight hand it is at least on ynM ■ j.eft, in letters clear .as daylight. A Good «ff.^th. Many De irhted hare di.covered it porta! to a long life and a IniUa , s of words (hat stand for all that is sorrowful end sad, letters, the self same let ters, are often the initials of words that breathe tope and benediction Search but awhile aud you will find the boon, the blessing and the bemfit. The mystery of the three I”s, of the F. IT, of the G ill) , and of the W. D. M. A., Will Dawn Most Auspiciously upon you. Columbus discovered America and won high honor and immortal fame, and they who have learned the secrets of the wonder before your eyes, good reader. Give Most Delightful testimonials o f lheir gratitude. Of all sad words of targue and pen, the saddest are these—it might have been—-so snyeth the poet. When we think of the myriads that might have been saved from paves had they seen Mr. Jones’ vision and sought his way to henth, we feel sad. Yet we cmnot but rejoice at the Great Manv Delivered from death’s door by G. M. D., and that Pain’s Positive Persecution hr.s been escaped again snd again by P. P. P. *Vivtnes unnumbered have served to make O M. D. the Greatest Mercy Deigned by fere£“and^ teilfnf oflhe Growing fectly Pardonable Pride io Multitude Delivered from the Brasp Most Dreadful of Greedy Mournful D F h - ul, f.^iysick J ct before , person u.«, and is cfcfyweli mferebei person in too, the ter who dors not know some one who is -uk and that?iivenDaill^ nee’s therefore the sc^d n»wa of health Header, mystified reader, we w 11 d-tiin r ’ u| no hum r. Perhaps yon have G lesied Most DMdy the hidden meaning. P. P. P., von know, stands for Pleasant Purgative PHIets cu ing con tipa’im, torpdity of the liver, headache, ami m«ny other complaint., F. P., of cour e, is Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, Prime Favo. that has proved such a P. P., ite and Precious Friend tola dies; safe, ersy ti take, wotkits like a elarra-cuiiog eident their the renu’iar weaknesses in to sex. Toe letters W. D. M. A. s a id for the W.oli’s Dispensary Medical posing AEsreiatirn, at Buff do, N. Y , with its im* structures, its army of medical men, specalists all of them, snd its president, Dr. r. y. Tierce (thelarge siorf), and erntral P of Mr Jones’ s cord v all at the service of the sick and suffering, everywhere; white G. M. D. is—well read the initials of the pirasrraphs ! of this artie’e and vou seoveryf will see hst G M . D. is Golden Medic ,1 D the boon of the diseued. This wonderful medicine cures all I moors, from the worst scrofula to a common blotch, pimple or eriq . tion. Erysifelss. Salt-rlieum fever-sores, s aly or rough skhi, in sh irt, ad diseisig famed by bad Woi d, are conq lered hy this icioe. powerful, purifying, and invigorating med Great fating ulcers rapidly heal under its benign influences. E-pecialv has it manifested its potency in cu ing tetter, boil", carbuncles,* crofulons sores and sweh lings, white sweillnis, goitre or thick neck, and enlarged glands. Consumption, which is scrofulous disease of the lung**, is prompt ly acd positively arrested and cured by this sovereign and God given rc-medv, if taken the last stages are reached. For weak lungs, spitting of bleiod, consumptive nigh;-3seats, acd kindred aflectiena, it is a sovereign remedy. For indigestion, dyspep. sia, and torpid liver, or “biliousne s,” Gol den Medical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect and radical cures. You will do well if affl cted withany chron ic disease to write to the Association for adr vice, describing your malady as weil as y< u can. Many cases are successfully treated through correspondence snd no fees are charged for consultatten. For one dollar fn( j a half you can secure a copy of the ‘ People’s Common Sen e Medical Adviser.” sen t post-paid to yonr address. Its priv chase will repay you. In this is Given More Desirable information than you cm find in any other work of a similar nature. ----- aa~ --- j. ^y as ’ Hungrv *" A fair young mother, , with a crying . babe m near arms, sat m a western stage coach. On the opposite seat was a prom nent politician of engaging manners. By and by he said: “Let me hold your Baby. Perhaps I can soothe him. “Ob, i; o: I am much obliged; you couldn’t help me any,” "*as tne answer. “J>ut, lie persisted, “you bad better let me try.” “You are very kind; but I know vou couldn’t help me, for he is hungry,” re P Ued tL r Blusbin^mother. | \ Wvcttfpk Vj uni * dishes ‘M the following „ “Yvanted r * a correspondent . Vf ,. f 1it I r : am 2o years ord have one iiantlreu a-*‘i sixty 160 ackars of Kansas land worth J500 dolars tolaberl lair looking iximin Giool educatoou tny lady fairly educated w ill oblige me bv rigiiting I* will send Photo-TaPh* bv ' return male. Wil uaai SCIENTIFIC SCRAPS. StSTCHNISE, when adminfeteved in ! iea ^ ntammais, acts, oooord mg to M. lucket, wets pattly like chloral and partly like curare. It is estimated from observations <m the shadows of Jupiter’s moons that the Atmosphere of that pla&et is from tl«'*a io nine miles deep. The presence of Iodine in Chmwoa guano has been proved by II. Staffers. When a mass of guano vras subjected to a heat from J10 degrees to 120 degrees C, the soluble Tape vs of iodine were given off. . F Jr™ ’. ' * 1 S V U ” S “ ls Ult ,-V tiicliruosis . , ■ ■ ntraeted , -, by frtang ilia e« , hesh of geese. Dr. tilendeiUMUg has ue tectedthe dang»?rona parasite®da a juke caught near Oti end. Wmjx' bars• >f a ma"neti« o? mature ara compressed t-visted sfridched they h ' 1 ' 0 ‘‘ tendency.says M. Ader, to lc mtun? .neir pmuitiw molechinr ilisposi f ion vlit-n they are subjected to the ac tioucf magmAizing current, " Tan German African Society liafl nt sent six diff A r >nt ", oxneditions x i iruvel > n g tInoll oh-v euti .d A.nca . t Ilia money h,r these cc.pemtmns is d:tamed from the German Government, or mrough prfwite subscriptions. Dr. Thiclitigatt is the Fresidunt of tho Society * W. mm ot i O Mo Pro.,. non* . btearxts ot Amhe-st Codege, has gone to Xiabrauor, where is® will pass the winter iu-seieiitiiic research- and in col looting zoological, botanical audgeologi cal specimens for Amherst Gdlloge and for several museums A.iioXj5? , .^.Ixyek liusuliscoxei'eu ,. . that ,, , oxy - g'eiikusiii-direetiuflueiiCi'KponferniHn- potassium-hydrogen tation. When tar trate was .edited to a strong syrup con^ --east the cells of the yeast grew ' easily tapidlv and the fermentation was reeomnli-kcil 1 The committee appointed recommended by the French Go*, eminent lias that; the pits of $10,OfW bo awarded to Professor Gr* : ham Bell for his invention “ g ' ueto clcctiu. h_,iHuhc. 1 EOF. O. N, Rood, of Columbia Ool lege, contcmto that theories of Brucke uui! Aubusfc fail to account for the phenomena ft observed when while a!i. light light. unable 1 Bro f< ? sor 1{o0tl 18 a8 ye* to advance a plausible explanation ot the observed facts. a p R1 ,„,, ir states that fvL on °ac occasion, at. bi n mmn„ of a \m ?ll ‘ snow-storm lie saw small tults ol light . at the ends of the steel whs of his umbrella, and heard at the same time a sorfcof humming sound. When lie brought his hand near one of the luminous points In* wwiveil ^Zamjoaml -i sli-dit shock end theliffhts ■ m n <im,ipp. ,n. G. mis eicctnem 013 play is rather exceptional. I’ltECiviTXTEl) silica attracts aud fixes aniline colors, turkey red much better on fabrics than silcious infusorial earth, but al y? . gues fl writer iu Jiit unann'n Farbcr /jh 4 • sli:l to Engel, jc, „,,i thaeo h ,, ■/. 111 opP°. o.i P ro V al ’ tlea cd fhtca cannot ho due to capillimty because, of the two substances, the iuflusorial earth can only he said to possess capillarity. ----------------—--- T! “ 5 rM»W«®C.j as a CfttelUlfftlgtet. The private lives of public men are made up of the most commonplace af fairs, hut it is only when one rises to the exalted static., of President that they mv lnia bare in all their minntiie, and the ....i.]:,, )n 8 C i„ d'-toni.vhinei.t. Had Hml Qrailt , jeoiaincd - !!1 . Wo comparative obscu rity, who would known or eared whether his weakness was hull-dogs, Mouongahela And whisky or licavv Fid horses? Haves • sur,nos-* Hives V He'and never re °.f‘ tched'the i-.ilF, Prcsidcncv H e and lus his ciab-applc their hunible cider would and have gone down Jo he never would havo had obseue the opportunity grave, and to savo $150,000 of his salary. Who ever suspected that General Hancock wore corsets until he was nominated for «... r„- tlmt Garfield l, n d n habit habit of ot lubbing rrld hm his his 'left it shb slim vvitl. with tbo ho <»e of lus light foot? All that is needed is to nominate a man for that exalted ot lice, and knowij anv peculiarity lie has will ho come at once. If John Sherman had been nominated ren’orters slv as he bas'd wavs kept j it ’ the ,1 vvould ‘ have ' , louuJc , ' a L , ,V • n -'V' 1 ’ 1 tU .i J ff « ht wing on the, which has king been known he does in secret. Had Senator Blaine beeu selected, tho great mvstery of his life would have been solved, and tho American people would have known to a dead certainty whether ,.Z i i i .. , p,.,,, J, • . | • ^' s a great calcium light, and once it u turned onto a man it makes him fa-ans horizontal parent, in a measure, so that it lie has a bar or a worm concealed about jii., C-cdief |K*rs.,n it is made to stand out in te,ld A ni.inwlm m-.s j' r,„. im,,* j A d,„i, i,,, 1 he , doesn t ’ ' the horizontal , bar becomes . a thorn m tno llcsli the worm (both tiot, and tho smoke of Ins torment asccndctii forever. - „ Little , , Liars* ’ “Please, sir, let me shine your boots ?” simultaneously ejaculated two little boot-blacks, on Galveston avenue, as the ^n.riger stopped • front f ,e „# of them „„,i and m r , r „ 'dat' d w neh to emptoy. Ilie Hm .‘ lll ? r sald ; Let n ! e , cm up, sir, for 1 have to support a little sick brother at home, who ia deformed, and can’t see.” “Let me shine’em up?” chimed in tho bigger “ick one “for I am that poor little brottier oroinei, anl ana i I Am’twantlobe aon * want to oe under any obligations to such anmfernal liar any more. Ho hasn't got any brother, nohow, and I can see better than ha can."—Galveston News. --- —The Sioux Indians of Dakota occnpy about 11,000,000 acres of land mst ‘of the Missouri river, between Fort Randall and Bismarck. It is proposed to put them upon their separate reservations, leaving about 8,000,000 acres which can |, 8 thrown open for settlement, and at the same time bring the Black Hills country nearer to civtiization by wiping °ut the vast tract of Indian country which ha« hitherto lam between it anu the oth<a> Dokota settlements. —The Boston Transcripts Mass’ musical critic characterizes Mr. mnsicianly.” piano playing as “eminently It X. i^MWr maitreatelly. (o «. U» a guage scir.vcil: and industry. % ™ . k , v . . - . **“8 iences fot '•elegraith lines. —A land-owner on Cape Cod, Mass., 1 says that ho otaras about a hundred acres of land, of which some was so poor that it yielded nothing but poverty weed. In 1853 he oomnieneed planting phie seed, continuing for ten years, and now he has about eighteen acres of quits* valuable woodland winch was worthless before. —Ifostvn Attain. —A discavery of a deposit of crvsolite has been nffijd© near Pike's Peak." The; present sapply land, of and this is landed mineral in comes Phil- ; froar Groan adelphia by the ship-load. of Not enough is known, however, the quantity ex istmg'iR Colorado to doksnuine its cow nrercial standing, but if the supply is satisfactory, it will become an article of'commercial importance. It is used in the manufacture of carbonate of sofa, —■ C.hioa-io inter-Ocean. —'An inf*-maker base writing of New fluids York, of' awvo- die pos of the present day. savs that the only perma nont black ink known is said to be teat mace with vanadium. Vanadium is a rare and costly metal, found in one of the Swedish iron ores, and in the iron slag of Ntaffordshwa. It is a white, brittle substance, which does not -melt readily, nM reslstsdhe action of strong acids, such cuantitvofthe as sulphuric metal and muriatim been Lately a luts found ir Ceylon, J and now will come late tlm yiarket.— M. Y. Sun. —If tHose jo who roust tramp about in tbc wot do thier work will saturate tl*e sole, of their beets will thoroughly find with the hot piue-tar, they that leather has been made perfectly imper¬ vious to water. The soles are rendered hard ax 1 smooth, resisting wear much longer Hi an they ooulte if not thus treated. The tar holds the pegs or tho stitehos fimaiy;othat the sole will not rip from the upper, (’are should be taken to have tho solos as perfectly dry as pos¬ sible before liey tlio tar made P applied, without and burn¬ as hot as can be ing th ‘leather. The tar should be boiled for a time to expel-most of the water it may contain, and be applied while hot. —Detroit Post. —T»ere is a of peculiar immigrants but highly Kansas, suc¬ cessful colony in who call themselves Gernian-liussian farmers. They border are probably agricnl turistaifrom the country between Russia and Germany, or from one of tho Gorman settlements in Russian territf* 7- - Tho Kansas settlement is called from Herzog, the railroad and is situated station about of Vic¬ a mile toria, W flie Kansas Pacific Railroad. These settlers are frugal, sober, and industrious intelligence in a high practical degree, and dis¬ play and sense in their labor. ’They show this particu¬ larly in the purchase without of tho best regard labor saving machinery, adhere singular to its cost. They with persistency to the attire to which t hey were accustomed in Europe, and tho traveler pa-sing through their settle¬ ment beholds costumes that belong to the past century. —Denver Tribune 1110 UlhDage. Jr * speak to a fineludynhontcah- that havo nS, jam -Mid she will tllink you med l one of tho lowest things on J? 1hl '■ ^ NT most ulpn, useful you arewroug; arlicles of it is food. one rho- ') ancient nations did not know 1(1 hut they knew the value of nourishing things, and gave “ he placcof honor which «icv d« KTvnl. Cabbages were thought of bi ?; .,| { . bv u) ancient imiuui nations i.ii .um and i the ti “TV • ”p- l • i^dfsl e5 Jmg it predede ^ all then ot r ■*> th y called it a ^vvne dish. ihoGreckK *nd Romans had a great affection for Jahboge, ’ and conceived the idea, winch I buvi; 4 Z ]f t]iat the use of cabbage kt , ' , V op 1 i e from drunkennoss. I am ^riavL-tiites , that tho constant eating ^for ol - el( .uil vegetabies kills kills the the desire acme li Be beverages. Greek doctms as snbed all kinds of virtues to tho cabbage, It was thought to cure even celebrate paralysis, Books were composed to tho yirtlu , s oJ ^ ca bbago, and ladies par . .. . Jt after eliildbutli The im / th ^ lg H5 i BVpn 6 mor0 () v in e cab- ‘ ‘t , the ' fact ,a “ that ttev^h/fndred they could , for six hundred , T f ' ars ‘ lo without doctors, and Cato fg;tim31y maintained that cabbage cured . T-'arses. The ancients knew sev, nil bill) i H , jf ca bbage—the long-leaved h green used te ’..F’ i m mu< .j, m *<. many t> ,, a 1 ‘ “jcpt d cabbage the curly d the red. , a 1 his hist seems to have hwd tue pi,u.c ot honor, and was first introduced and by then the Romans into Gaul or France, j, rour ,],t ^ Great Britain. Ijab*r tho 5.1 7-1, * aV e<l cabbage was introduced, J floeK * oie 1 rif ' ‘ „ ... wnmgni-of . Oil, ? . . . and almonds, WMin Wine, They ; oiled or stewed the i.ahh.tge anil seasoned it with cummin, coriander seed, 0 j] wine, and gravy, making riel i fclK „f a vegetable, which we now boil u’,i,,... arnoncr tlionlainest , - Momethmg like a remcmtiranoo cooking has cabbage down among to the the modern olu Greeks come Greeks, for they stuff cabbage leaves with dainty mince meat, and then stew them with gravy.— Mrs. Lewi*, in Food nnrl and JJeaUU UeultL Leaves.* In a notice of the “ Mudfog Papers,” the Whitehall Review notices this com¬ parison between Dickens and Thackeray: “PerhSjis one cause of Dickens’ univer¬ sal popularity was that he wrote in a manner* which could be plainly ‘ under¬ stand! d of the people’; wherein lay ono difference between him and Thackeray. of The pointed satire, keen as a knife, the author of ‘Hendeunis,’ was over tlio heads of toany—of all, indeed, who lnul not a o'. tain fp.miliarity with the great world, Whereas all who ran could read and gra p the meaning of Dickens. Both hv : had their detractors, as both havo had their imitators; but the same tree froii which we plucked the laurels tor Thackeray gives us a wreath for Dickens,” _ The r blowing lines are ung by the children m a Mormon Sunday-schooi. A . j ,^1 V | IK ol children, we’re all to /Jon ■A mothers, every on a For our iniier loves ovir an' i. around. A policb r oc'HT i« a very accotm ,io dating to transact business. If Beauty la, Dress. Mr. Ilaweis, in a volume entitled “Th«. pointe withvogWto 'tZT* “The reason that au ordinary I vr neck with short sleeves looks worse in black than in any otliet is because the hard line round the bust and arms is too great a contrast to the skin. A low neck always lessens tho height, and a dark dress made thus lessens it still more, and % strikes the artistic cyo as cutting the .body in pieces, iu this way. If yon sec « fair person drosved in a low dark dress -standing against, a light background some way off, the effect will be that of an empty dress hung up, the faro, neck, and arms being'seareely discernible, “On the other hand, againr' a dark back ground, the head and hirst will be (brown up shsnply, and the whole dress and body will disappear. '1 To eficefc. common enough, is execrably had. If you must wear a low-back bodice, let it be cut square, giving the height of the ■'.boulders no, b,‘. r, with foe angles rounded, bjr .comers are very trymgl, and have pienty te white or ml« gauze ” r Ul; ' lt f k \"J tu 1 011 «“ 1 oetween thenkinand.the , In-, \ , Hue . f?»«x.c or l«wv soften o..wn the blnek c ol t he edgo <*t the ......“',* and thru bUu-k atml luw an equalls teed e lect, as U shad. the wlutcm* i o! il;< ^ into too dark color of mo gown. ° n }-\ u,uk T those -miliums docs tho Ht.ddon contost enhance, io ■ « P«'v s » ,ls .suppose, tno imruoss o£ the com plexion. should “Short women never wear douhle-skirte or tunics—they decrease the height so .much—unless, indeed, the tunic is very short and the skirt very long. 8o also do large, spraw ling pat¬ terns used for trimmings; let these ho left to women tall enough to carry them off. Neither let a very little woman wear her hair half way down her back; let her lift it clean up as high as feasible. “Largo feet ahould never be eased ill kill—least; of aJl, white kid slippers—tor kid reveals so clearly the stretches form ami move¬ easily ments of this tea/., and so that forv feet have a chance in them. “Those who are very stout should wear nothing but black; those who are very thin should put a little padding iu their gowns; and neither should be iu the least aceollot. Perpendicular stripes in dresses givo bight and increase full¬ ness, and arc therefore particularly suit¬ ed to very slight, small people, figures.” mid par¬ ticularly unfitted for stout, A Lively Subject. There used to be n story current of a perplexing incident in the. life of Johu Hunter, certain the. celebrated grim surgeon, which has night, a, receiving drollery from Jack about it. One on Ketch a “ subject ” who had been hanged that morning at Newgate—such hangings and sueli subjects wore very common in those days—he the vital perceived somehow or other professional spark was not quite ex¬ tinct. His zeal was in¬ stantly task, aroused and, ; iu ho short, applied all Ids skill to the succeeded, to his scientific satisfaction, in restoring the law’s victim to his entire faeuUios again. But his satisfaction was some¬ what short-1'.veil, for the resuscitated felon insisted his upon looking to bis bene¬ factor for future subsistence. He argued that, ns he had striven to bring him, ns it. were, a second time into the world, ho Hunter, must be regarded in tom parenti*. always convinced a nervous man, and by offended no means grievously that lie had not iiis little experiment, against the laws in had no alternative but to comply to the demands of his ungrateful modest patient, his visits. who was by UP meat's iv After a time, however, they ceased ; hut even that brought no comfort to poor Hun¬ ter, who lived iu perpet ual terror of bis tormentor unexpectedly reappeared popping before upon him him, At last he, again. One tine evening another New¬ gate importation was brought to tho private door of the dissecting-room, and, to his intense satisfaction, ho once more recognized the well-remembered feat- 11 res. Jlimtir used to say, with a grim smile, that he took speedy core mot to give him a second chance. A iSiiinly I'n i«. A now fan invented in Germany has noodles and thread concealed in its first, fold, so as to he ail ready to repair dam¬ ages if tiro wearer’s gown l>e, tern at u ball. This is but one, more opportunity of for a woman to make a porcupine it, her herself, and she will avail of let lolls* for tlnit. Let her alone anyway, it you would not he lacerated. Miner Doiiic** Mr. J. A. Me Beth, Puc'fic Office, Denver, Coin., wijh curtd b.y St. Jacob’s < til of an excruciating pain in the neck, unil also tooth-ache. One ap¬ plication did the work. —Overheard in tin: cloak-room: “Did she marry well?’’ “Yes, indeed, lie’s worth over a million, and drinks ko hard that he never can go into society; ho she’s not bothered with him.” Ladiea A children’s troots A shoes c*n’t run over if J.yon's Pat. Heel stifleners are used —Character properly embraces three d inti net, classes of elements: Principles, sentiments and habits.^ CHAPPKO Hands, fsce, pimples and rough *lrw cured by usins? Juniper Far York. Heap made by Boswell, llszoid A Co., New The, first real skin cure ever discoveied was Or. Benson’s Skm Cure. It cures*)) ronph a 1 1 scaly skin diseases and makes the skin rnooth and lieulthy. It is uu oruaiiunt to n iiy lady’s toilet. “J)r. Iti-mnii's Celery and Chamomile Pills need my wife imme/lialely of .severe nevrnl '•in.—111’. M.Cocklin.Shepherdtown, Pa. tec. Pueb cod-liver oil, from selected livers oa the ties shore by Caswell, Hazard A Co., N. Y. Absolutely pure and sweet. Patient# who have once taken it prefer it to all ofh era. Physiciaas declare it superior to all other Oils. Tli© i^vtiinouy of it Ptoynlrlitn. Jsiiics Bcichsr, M. ..... D., Of h.gOOJ’Ucy, Iowa. , f«ty . . - ‘Por K-veral ymri I have been* a CoiiKh eat itm called Or. Wra Hall’a Balsam for the Luozt, red in almost every cate throughout used mv aT<i practice ) have had entire euccere. I have pre uribed hundreds of hottlea ever the days of rny army practice (1863), when I vaaiurgeoncf fce?[dt&t No. 7, Louisville, Ky.” Mother*. Attention ! Chan. Jones of Elizabeth, Fpencer county, Ind., raym “I h?,ve dealt in ro^diefne a r.amber of yearn smd will say that Dr. Hour's medicine Vegetable J Worm sold, J yrur>i»the most valuable ever My cu Homers are well fjwed with U* «flfCte»" FREE --Send to HOOBk'W ItlSI.NtNS I MVKKMTY, Ga. AflaoU, For IJJustrated Circular. i^iJj year. IJear W!ii>t One tee uber of (Iio I’rofeiiion T*> tiries !{« rirdui-r tlm Scientific Prejat* (iTton oT a lSrotht'i* Member* Mu. Daw/,?:* has boon in the drugbitstiicssin tbo r;t-. of Providence twenfcy-fivo year.* as elork and Pro¬ » prietor in good standing, ami inflows whereof lie itiirnis. -Ed. Dr. D. s.!,vh : “ For many years I have suffiied, tensely at Fanes, with what U generally culled rhen •natism. Win a first attacked I was confined to my bed* and con Id not svaik a atopj 1 couUl not bear tb© vv right of the be.Fv'thCi*. so excruciating was tho igony l endured. 1 always notieod that before tlic.y© Attack* came on mv -d lue s were affected ; before there would be any pain in mv limbs or any swelling M joints or limbs, i he color of the secrotions from tho Kidney h would be very dark and tho odor strong and feverish. The last attack was very severe, about five rears ago, and I \vA vi confined to the house several weeks, and was unable to attend to business in thre© months. Duri ( r the I was confined at. hom© Mid the time »d‘ mv convalescence I employed four oi’tlie best doctors that Icu’iM obtain, but none of them cave m perm iiient relief, for they did not go to work i;t tb iuse of the troubl e Having been ac iiua.iute.1 w ill tii ■ i»ro;»r*‘-l«>r of ifRiit’H Itomody * lon/i time I was i:i Inc 1 !>, him to /rive it a trial, bopinu tbat it iti^bt r.i.i lb” tetett of tbo disease : tvud alter twin* one bofrie. I foc.nd myself very much Improved, an l after t.eL• tb-' second i was fooling better than l had ;vit*.■*.’ any previous attacks. Duriug many la.mtlis previous to taking tho Item tvdy my hands and lingers would bo very much swollen ami stiff every morn In#; my left !i tlio reffion of stomach ami spleen, vvae v u’y Sj-a * an i scn iUivo ; at Utlgs l would be taken w.tii ”o crimps over thb Evlcon, anti l»o obliged to apply rnudar l or cayenne for tem¬ porary relief ; 1 was v- ry nervous u’ghts and could not ; I was obliged to bo very particular! my diet atnl mv physical system was badly P f miliv’vl. Sine 1 have taken Hunt's licme.l.v systematically alt tUe*o tliiugB have changed ; I have no swollen hands or limbs, no pains or cramps in tho aide, can cal db kinds of food, Bleep undly and get thor ■ Highly ivsi-’d. .mil my kidn» toys arc a tivo and per¬ of form iheir fiuicf i< LI * prompt l •, t iui ih la king which out i !ll‘ H.V HICIU Pi li till’ 1 LSOljOHS HCCl'ld nons con :amin ito tlm w li* d«'s y h I Gin where tlm kidneys do not y d. ciUcioijtly. i*-lids, wliat-Hunt's ltcinedy has donei ol* mo it wi tor all ol you. i believe it to be the t ml y Hurt) cure for all diseases of tho lvitl uovB, Liver a ,*uti ririnarv o>’“ms. iteupcctfuUy, broad Street, i . H. Hawlfy, •!■>* ___..__.__—-—4 _.______'__._=:_A‘________.___,__ TMmf4§éWM ge—r _. . _.____.-——-~,._..__.v~———~—-—_..._ '_ ' m fi—fiwfi%flgfi;1bgzfizfi m‘-wrrzrm;z—w~-zrwem=rs=‘ i ^ _ Wluittho Rwiar re Vr rtor ulvc, Ilostcttcria* n Stoinnch lilt tern, will CD.tfiRflUO must ho (fathered fr< :n what It liaa done. Jt lioscffectcdi J rfyilU'.al cAuvrt luthuu r ;’ eat d« of ca»'*s of dy» D pcpelti, bilious dl» .., orders, tutermlttcnt fever, ncrvouB affcc » aj* tlons, general de* tern » hlllty, constipation* 7 | sick headache, men Ul despoodcocy, and' v the peculiar tom* plaints and disabili¬ erowiACti ties to which tho x ^ h a feehlt! For ure Mile »o aubjcct. by ull DrupgliUs nnd Dotii cim gt uurally. ST 2 A WEKTC . if Pi ft dny at Trim l.omn eaHily Co,, mado. Oofftly* M« out tit <r v . AadreiH A Augusta, PESO'S CUR E 'f OR i CURES WHERE ALL EtSE FAILS. b Beat Cougn By run. Tnfltca good, Ufio in tlrm». Hold by druggiHtfi. o CONSUMPTION r Strong’s Sanative Pills i’OR THE LIVER. pnrifyni/g A : peedy niri! t lilt for blood, live' chmnHhig 1 omplmiit, from regulntin^thobowcls, in;ilnrf«l taint. A P pi li’cl ■ iiMifdi iik lelie, constipation and dyrpep* M.,i. Sold hy fill l ■toiiov. «irujfK»bl«. l ,- oi almnnni w wit h full ptirt i-Milarfi u Idr- < , i . 11 I’M. A(Jo., Ito* New York. “THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." iS®,THRESHERS 8 Clover AW-HILL Huilers 8 , (Suited to fill M‘‘*i ioiiM i V^i !<<■ for I* siB’TK JHum. Pfirnnhleh orni J'riecw to The Atillinau A 'J’aylor Co., Munidkid, Ohio 5-TON % -'-A Wy . m Fro# fiCYflin. Ktrftl Ilcarfnffl, FlitTUHT. TflRE ClAM. r JO!%«•;«. lie PAVS '/’ISIS Bold oa li 1*1. Wi r. Milts 6 y«s!». Ail lUkv u luvr* If or tie# nook, /ONES OF BINGKAWTOH,^ h! /t LciuItiic l.ondon Phy*'" 3 Oir.cB io Low V irk fS Is>r t Iw C'nro of EPEt-ffPTICJ r!TC. i Vow Tn.m. ovrnG l cfihixine. Jir. AW. Mowir’le (liito r-f J<ondMi), who mekcM a «j>g* rluJty of Fpn»*p«y, t i. iff wlijioiit tloiiBl. treated and i-’.red noro canon tWun any it livingphytiician. Idas ii<*po»* I-as jslrnply l»* on awtonlHt lint’; vve imvo hmird ot ot nvor au >oarn’ < :‘»r?ni)y euro) by b> 1 I,an j> ibllKlM 'l a <»ih <*\ tlibi ilitetjo, with a Wtr/fo Poll lo of bly woioJwrful oufo /<*• » to tiny t• ■'■ fen r ’.vho liny >«-n»l l W lr ( xproHM ami i*. O. A tkJlGbH V. » BdlvifiD ttli V *> ’»*“ wluniiiif ' hOLK, nruri 1 i jyMrt'** iir. UL w;>i. ho. i<;5n 8t... Kew York. w Thiy.’vatcr-prooi pS 5 I?BBMN r«‘pLDibli00jin«:i»i,i»,h<;r,i8UMea 6 M.ANLIA rnaU-n- J l»»r roofu, outvj«j« wall-t of l< il.-Jm/fH,nrifl imtdeln plac» £!*!:&i':te v „W.H.FRY & CO.'rr* THE SUN IS THE PEOPLE’S NEWSPAPER. There Is no myntery about its loves and hales. It I# for the hoi.cMt man ag;>fi^it the rogut-H ert ry time. Il ih l<>) tb** hcue.Ht liemccrat a* *gaiii»t the uislioaest Re¬ publican, ai.'t for the hooeet Kepuhlicun v* T)iti,r ageiusj (4 tii*. •! ilmricd iLmcc *. Hibf-cru.tion: P vrvn, »-v mail 9.V. Am I r, or HAM a y- - ; Hi;nb*t H jdC'CH/fl.20 S'*’ r V■■■ V.'EhKMr H $1.00 p«* year. J. w. I N'OI.A N'l*. Publisher, Sew V,/rli City. Speculation in Cetton. Imr ffc roco’ptft, dull din tradft nud tight money make a dcclimiJK dia rket. N- So profit io soeli a m»*Hiut rk»)tejcept except b ^9 8<-]lii)/ fur future delivery. f‘. I IM)Y iV. rO»* IVarl .St., S. Y., buy «nd Hell f*»r futu/edelivery. AAAI’ A K M s I'ORSA LI'. On or r *.oit water; J b*|ff b by :.n<J inibl cb«t>al‘*. S*-nd stampI'^O. A Rare ri'nrc fur or m* m Z4 noors, Louis, l-T-. Mo. xo J\ j»<K»r. Oil. :. ia* 4 Aib»inal »t., Bt. MARTHA’S VINEYARD m.mmkr j.* sth■» tk. duiv n a-»k. u,y/x address ifiDcpart- B* ,..,*. f i . . r . i ,r Circulars ttints) Mass. « > pi’TN' c .'*-» v (•. Agf s . .Jamaica Plain (Boston), • tc l„ CgQ Bam pies Portland, worth f5fr« Me. e, Addrasa Siimhis i A 4 a Co., O B C ColISfH. gswMk, »nc $00 a weea Addreb-a in 1!. own IIa.LI town. & T^rrns COB, Portland, and $5 outfit tree. K it Me. Publittliffra* Union, Atlanta, Ga. ..........Sixife oa—*g3 . ASD NOT Wf \K OUT. ■rn. By mail 2i»c. St.. Circular© N.Y. »i*I:Co.. r-JH Dev f)TEKf« RKARH PMJIR V—N 4V9| i i»r ,*!'(*r. r'^.k.1* h, .(iff l.I..S«1 iiraeu am l !lc.'.U'it.Ul. em*-? ani i F r,~,a*. 8 let9 *or GREAT GERMAN REMEDY for pasw. UoliovcHdUHl euros HIlKlIMATiSTl, Neuralsia, Sciatica, Lumbago, It.M'lt AX'IDK, HEADACHE, TOOT!! ACfii, SORE THROAT, QOINISY, HWIOMJNU: . , S1 .«,UN», Soreness. Cuts, Bruises, HU iSTblTK*, irt M'AJLR>N, Ami uilol-lH aud v bodilyachea piiiiiH. rim CENTS A nOTTLE. Mold by nil DirnclloiiH DriiffKiHlB and Im’hIits. In H liingimKPB. 17 The Charles fl. Vofjelcr Co (k’ucoeiaor* it A. YOtlKl.Klt tt BO.) H ill mini i*, .TIil., 8. A*