Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, April 20, 1883, Image 8
EARS FOR THE MILLION! Foo Choo’s Balsam of Shark’s Oil OBIT1VELT RESTORES THE HEARINO, AND ISTBE OSEY ABSOLUTE CURE FOR DEAFNESS KNOWS. This Oil is abstracted fiotn caught peculiar in spe¬ the cies of small White Shark, Kon Yellow ben know n as ( arcliarodon rtelrlii Every Chinese fisherman knows it Its virtues as a restorative of hearing was discovered by a Hudhlst Priest about the year WO. It’s cures were so numerous that and manv so seemingly miraculous, the remedy was officially proclaimed over tlie entire Empire. Its use became so uni¬ versal 1 tint for over 3 imi years no deafness 1 as' existed among prepaid, the to Chinese address people, at ftent, charges any $1.00 per bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say I* In**- performed a miracle in my ease. I have no unearthly nois,i* in my Head and Ileal much better. benefited. 1 have been greatly helped great deal—ttilliK Mv deafness a another bottle will cure me. “Its virtues are miquestionabh/ and its curative character absolute, as the writer car. personally testify, both from experi¬ ence fl and observation. rite at once to AY LOCK <V JKNNF.Y. 7 Dev Street New York,, and you will receive bv return n remedy that will ena¬ ble \ on to hear like anybody else, and whose curative effects will he so,’’—Editor permanent. You will never regret doing of Mercantile fo Review. please avoid loss in the Mails, send money by registered ie.tter. Only Imported Holt agents by for » America. " • »>< K V 7 Dey st.. . N. vv i • THE “CONSTITUTION,’ FOR 1882-3. I« hotter equipped In every sense than ever before to maintain Its position THE FRONT RANKS OF SOUTHERN JOlTll MIM. It rails the attention of the reading public to the billowing points tha ran be claimed. Name¬ ly, that It i> 1 . The largest and liest. paper In rgi i, Alabama, the Carnlinas, Florida Mississippi. 2 More reading matter than any paper in . the South Atlantic States. P: The fullest telegraph service and I ales news. t. The brightest, bent and fullcest corn spondelicc rompletest election returns’ n. The r, Verbatim Legislative reports. 7. Official Supreme Court reports. jftit Great Georgia Paper- Hotter Than liver. No Intelligent Georgian can do wl. bout it j KVERY OKOltOIAN HIK’tlLD TAKE A paper from the capital BURIN I THE NEXT THREE MONTHS. The Daily Constitution $10 per annum $2 50 3 months : f 1.00 of 1 month. $1.25. with Weekly free * 1 . 5 # a year ; Club 10, copy to getter up of Club ; Clubs of 20 >1 .bb. With free copy. Address THE CONSTITUTION Atlanta, Ga. MEllSIION & FLYNT, K Sharon, Georgia HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL LINE OF l>rv w Goodn, 7 Ciroceries, AND FARM PROVISIONS. Which they offer to the trade at the Lowest Market Kates, ROOTS SHOES, HATS, CLOIIIING and everything kept in a FIUST CLASS STORE. To tli. farmers of Taliaferro we would state that we are selling at the very 'lowest Prices. CALL AND S E F. US, * 5 Kel». 11,’82, ly. mi . HAKua, a tiriv r’.v i«a. < 'liihls, Nickerson. Wynn *.V Co. (srccKsaoRo to chiuds, nickerson a co.l ATHENS. GA. Wholesale and Rotail Dealers In 4 i i w 4 m $ Mails, Steel Fairbanks’ Scale, Mill Findings, AGRICLTVKAL IMPLEMENTS, Hollow Ware, Feed Cutters, CIRCULAR HAND AND CROSS CUT SAWS. THE CELEBRATED WEBSTER WAGONS. V IV PLG irs.ORSE AND .VULE SHOES,RUBBER AND LEAT BE BELTING. 11 tiruess Leather Cotton, 18 JL HOPES A Nib CORDAGE, SHOE FINDINGS, HARNESS OF A DESCRIPTIONS. ETC S,a.38,ly. t Subscribe for f 1 IB & INSURE YOUR LIFE. t=—t t TTTF, “METHODIST MUTUAL AID AS-ocJATIOX’” of Kentucky, is the hafteat and cheapest Life Insurance Corn pR!iy in America. The only Company Its that pays one half of the insurance to Policy holders, in cases of total inability to make a living. All must die, and it is the duty of every man in life, to prep are a meansof support after his deatli forth lose nearest and dearest to him. Insure now, delays are dangerous. For particu¬ lars apply to the undersigned at Crawford ville. Ga, C. T. Boons, Agent. M M. A. A. Thomas Fulton, --:o: CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. — DEALER IN¬ Fancy and Family Groceries, i I OVJSIONS.CANNED GOODS, LARD .' A MS. FLOUR, MEAL AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS OK ALL KINDS. Terms Strictly Cash / KEEP on HAND ALSO THE PIN¬ KEST HUANDSOF TO liA OCO. CIO A IiS, A ND SNUFFS. The Bent in Crawfordville » G1VE ME A CALL WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES OR PROVIS ON8 OF ANY KIND. Also a large stock of Crockery at re dnred * nrices ‘ I HAVE ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF FANCY CANDIES OF ALL KINDS. Thomas Fulton. AT DR SMITH'S OLI) STAND,) The Atlanta Post-Appeal. THE ONLY DAILY IN THE STATE Published Every Morming, Monday Included. Fearlees In Combatting Wrong in Cli¬ ques, Rings or Parties. GIVES FULL MARKET REPORTS COR¬ RECTED DAILY Containing all the latest Telegraphi 0 News. Is newsy, sprightly and progres* sive. All articles, editorial or otherwist short spicy and pointed, containing tli I''th of all subjects treated. Sundays Edition contains nllthonew, Telegraphic, Articles Generali and Local, ns well as ... Monday's Literary Edition of general merit. alone is worth ,'the subscription. The ATLANTA POST-APPEAL, 7 is sues every week, is only $8.00 per annum; 4.00 for six months; $2.25 for three months 75 cants for trial month. I-»rSUB8CRlBK FOR It. Address: POST-APPEAL PUBLISHING, CO. Atlanta, Ga. Crawfordville, C*a. FANCY and FAJHLY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, LAUD, BA CON, FLOUR, Etc. The only place in town where you can find FRESH PARCHED COFEFE NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, FINE GOODS. H Terms Strictly Cash. I keep on hand also, the finest brands of ENGLISH and SCOTCH Ales, 7 Brandies i and Wines, 7 The best in Crawfordville. Give me a call whpn you want Groceries or Pro visions of any kind. ALSO. Victor Sewing Machines for Sale. H. H. FLINT. Feb. 23, ’8s, ly. * DR. R J REID, Crawiordvillle Georgia -V HAVING the purchased of the public the interest the of W. R. RE1I) in the firm of REID & REID calls attention V> fact that helms on Imnd a full line of pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS and PAINTS, ALSO, CHOICE FAMILY GBOCE RIKS, SUGAR, COFFEES, RICE, PEARL GRITS,SOD A BAKING POWDERS, and SEED POTATOES, and also a large stock of POWDER and SHOT, TOBACCO and CIGARS, which he is offering very low for CASH. Feb.23; 83’Iy. k CRAWFORDVILLE —* -)(-:o-:)( MRS. D. A. WILLIAMS, Proprietress b 7 --)(-:o-:)(- IS now prepared to receive andeiUertain the public in the best and most comfortable manner. The house is convenient ,o the Post-office arid business portion of the town the rooms are large and well-furnished, the table is supplied with the best the market nffoids, and my waiters are politenhve and atte; tive. Commercial travelers will find a commodious sample room at thei? disposal. CIIARGES MODI-:RATE. In connection with the Hotel is a first-class Livery Stable where vehicles and horses be had at time. ' ’ can any Feb 23 '83 ly. George R. Lombard & Co., FOREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MAC INE wOBKS Ke the Water Tower, ■ sv nr 1( s to 1026 Fenwick Ft., Augusta, Ga. tit SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, CAVE MILLS x "PLANTATION JL and Boilers, Cotton MACHINERY, Screws. Shaftings, Engines Pul ■mun r tost; * Judson’s Governors, Disstoil’s Circular Saws * end Glimmers and F iles, Belting and Babbitt warn li: J/etal and Brass rittin^ Globe and Check Valves, Whistles, Gauges, &c., iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ilibs and In lectors. REPAIRING promptly done at Lowest prices. We cast every day both Iron a nd Brass, having greatly increased our capacity with latest improved tools We are running full time with 100 hands, which enables us to fill or ders promptly at lowest nrices. Give us a trial I efore sending elesewbere. Agents for Georgia and South Carolina for KORTING’S UNIVERSAL IN¬ JECTOR, the best boiler feeder out. Works with one lever. Will work warm or cold water, and will lift water. Warrented to give satisfaction Send for circulars before you buy any other. They are better than a pump, feb23’83 ly Mendelssohn Piano C i Grand Offer for the next 60 days only. $850 SQUARE GRAND PIANO FOR ONLY $245. -fll [' 1 A i JVT/A i\ ‘ CUPXT'T T? O 1 Y C\ £ Magnificent rosewood case, elegantly V Oi l LD O overstri overstrung m finished, scale, 2 strings beautiful 7 1-3 carved Octayas, legs and fill] iintent cantante agraffes, our new patent patent full iron frame, French Grand Ac¬ lyre, ij.o.i. heavy r»., serpentine and ... large K „ fancy . nU vj moulding tend the tion, lion, Grand Grand Hammers, Hammers, in in fact, tact, every every improvement improve which can in any way to perfection of the instrument, has been ailden - DTOar price lor this Instrument, boxed and delivered on board A K /Y/A ears at New York, with tine Plano Cover. Stool and Hook, only This Sust reduced from our Inte wholesale, factory price. $295, for 80 days only. is now, the greatest bargain for ever offered the mvsical public. Unprecedented Do lose this success! Tremendous demadd this style! Send In your order at once. not rare opportunity. This piano will be sent 15 days test trial. Please send reference if you do not on send money with order. Gash sent with order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not just as represented. SeAeral other special Don’t Bar pains :' Pianos,$160 up. Over 15.000 in use, and not one dissatisfied purchaser. mailed, giving fail to write us before buying. Handsome Illustrated Piano Catalogue, the highest testimonials ever awarded any piano manufacturer. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. pieces of SHEET MUSIC al one-third price. Catalogue of 3,000 choice Music sent for 3c stamp. P. O. Box 205M, New * ork t ity. MUNDULSSOMN PIAN CO., THE BEST WAGON ON WHEELS IS MANUKACTUKKD BY FISH BROS. & CO., RACINE, WIS •9 ws MAKE KVKEY VARIETY OF Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons , nd by conGuinsr oniwclvet notbinr’bat strict ’x to cue ci of v*or\c; by paying M At'!! non'' IN Eli bnt Y the and Cost the YEltY '( UOKK *IKn, usinjf F4UST-CLAS8 IMPSOYr.D eSSTvf ' twL CTKD T MB R. an ; by a TCOROUGH KNOWLEDGE of the busiuese, we Lave jiittly «• a rite i the rep iiatioa ci laaking “THE BEST WACOM ON WHEELS.” Manufacturer* bate abolished ire warranty, bat A£ca:« may, on their own r»;ponsib:lity, give I the to’ wax warranty v :,5 each wagan. if so a.: ■ ee : We rtrivbj Warrant the FiSH TH -t W.iilOS No .. ...tobewcU for-J.' mad" in work every panic- fair uiar and at good ru.iu r a , and tha; strength of the Game is sufficient w in usa^e. Shouid any b*rakve occur within oae year from this* i itc by reason of defective material or work man ship, repairs for the same will befurnished a; place of sale, free of charge, or the price of said repairs, a> per agent's price list, will be paid m cash by the purchaser prodccing a sample of the broken or defectiTa parts an evidence. Knowing ws can cait you, we solicit patronage from every section of the United State*. Send |0X Prices and Term#, aad for a copy r of THE RACINE A GRlCULTURIST\to V1»U BKOSt & CO., tfweixie, WU. MACHINERY DEPOT. f Mnufacturer and Manufacturers’ Agent —MANUFACT CRED OF— W. J. PolIaariFs Champion Cotton Gin, Feeders and Condensers’ -and SMITH'S HAND POWER COTTON AND HAY PRESSES. ,—GENERAL AGENT FOR—, Grain Threshers and Seperators and Agricultural Implements, Fairbandks & Co’s Standard Scales, Ere. Talbot & Sons’ Agricultural, Portable Mills, and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilars, Saw Grist Mills Etc. C. &G. Cooper & Co’s Traction Engines, Portable and Agricultural Engines Water town Agricultural Portable & Stationary Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Etc. GOOD ALL & W A IE US' Wood Working Machinery. W. L. Bradley’s Standard Fertilizers. 1 THE DEAN STEAM PUMP. KREIBLE’S VIRATING CYLINDER STEAM ENGINES. OTTO’S SILENT GAS ENGINES * i Machinery of all Kinds. Belting, Packing, Bzrss Fiteings, Iron Fittings, Iron Pipe Rubber Hose and every, thing that can be used about machinery. The Acme Pulverizing Harrow and clod crusher Tools of all Kinds. HANCOCK Finally, I desire to make the INSPIRATORS Machine Business ETC. guarantee to furnish everything a in complete that success and w wantep line on As Reasonable Terms and as Short Notice As any house in the Country. MY STOCK IS THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED Of any house in the South My connection with some of the largest mauufactorias in the United States Gives me BEST MOST superior RELIABLE advantages for furnishing ANYWHERE. the _ & WCRK FOUND W. J. POLLARD. 731, 734 and 736 Reynolds Street, Augusta, G-a. m J.V. o ANDREWS, Avent, Crawfordville,Ca, DO YOU WANT ANYTHING In the Line of White Bronze Monuments, STATUARY. BUSTS. STATUES. T)ORTRAlT 1_ MEDALLIONS, for Cemeteries, Public and Private Grounds and Buiicl ings, which is artistic and beautiful, that will stand the atmospheric changes of time without any detrioating effects, consequently more valuable for outdoor exposure than any stone at much cost. Will be pleased to exhibit Specimens $4 and Certificates from of Assayed of metal and others. Head and foot marks from to $10), Crosses $6 to $200 ; Cross and Crown $26’0, Monuments from $27 to 1*1,600 ; Statues from $50 to 8r>oe. (jail on or address, X3E EL Cr-IMTOISr, Agent Monumental Bronze Company, 1348 Broad St., AUGUSTA. GA. Or, J. W. LYETII, Planters Hotel. aprril20’83-3m. WM. M. Form,i.rly JORDAN, Sibley Jordan. FRED Washington B. POPE, of & Of On. JORDAN & POPE. COTTON FACTORS AND H ■ 729 ReynoMs St, Augusta, Ga. -x-tt-j; \\ will GIVE OITR PERSONAL ATTENTION TO WEIGHING AND SELL ING COTTON and Guarantee QUIOM SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS We hope by close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of the shipment of cotton. apri!20 8m “ ICES HOES l HOES ll E. LIEHCBER’S BiSfMM WtlKi Corner Jackson and Ellis “Streets, ADUST A, Ga T J. TAKE THE LIBERTY OF INFORMING THE PEOPLE OF TALIAFERR and adjoinihg counties that I have considerably enlarged my business facilities an I am now prepared to furnish mv patrons with the following articles at wholesale o retail and at lowest prices: ICE PACKED AND SAIPPED TO ORDER. CINCOTATI LA ER BEER IN 1-4 and 1-8 KECS FRESH AND SALT WATER FISH. OYSTERS IN CANS, SHELL AND BULK T HAVE also added a BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT to my already extensiy J busmess.and 1 am now prepared market to and furnish recommended you with a Highly first class for article leading of BOTTLED BEER. It is the best in the its qualities, especially so by some of our 1 f ading physicians, also by a great number of our best merchants and citizens. Hoping that you will give my goods a fair trial, and also that you will kindly give me a share of your patronage. I remain, RESPECTFULLY, E. LIEBSCHER. M’chl6,’83.1y. AUGUSTA, GA , 9 (SUCCESSOR TO MYERS & MARCUS.) Jobber in DRY GOODS, 3XTotions and Hosiery Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. rpnF UNDERSIGNED would respectfully inform the merchants of Taliafer 1 and adjoining is unequaled counties, by that his Spring that has Stock is been now being brought received, to this and in pric and assortment any ever market, A special feauture of my business is the establishment of a W H O BOOT, SHOE AND HAT HOUSE. Entirely distinct from my Dry Goods, Notions and other Departments. In my store will be found the largest and best selected stock of SHOES and HATS. 1 everbronght to Augusta, and we feel satisfied that it will be to the interest of purchasers to our stock before purchasing elsewhere. March—30 S. H. MYERS. 28Sand 288 Broad St., Au gusta, Ga. 82—ly ifa A >1 ■■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e « ••• mm a •••