Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 04, 1883, Image 1
DEMOC r ir - Bl) ± B t . o Volume 7. for am. w ho die. It has been said for all who die There is a tear ; Some pining, bleeding hearts to sigli O'er every bier, But in that hour of pain and dread Who shall draw near Around mv bumble conch and shed One funeral tear ? Who’ll watcli life's despair, last departing ray In deep And soothe my spirit on its way With holy prayer ? What mourner round my bier will come In words of woe And follow me to my long home Solemn and slow ? When lying on my clayey bed In icy sleep, Who there by pure affection led By the pale moon implant the rose Upon my breast, And bid it cheer my dark repose, My'lonely rest ? Could 1 but Ijowvtal , , am sleeping , Otve faithful heart would there be keeping Watch all night around, As if some gem lay shrined beneath That sod’s pale gloom, ’Twould mitigate the pangs of death And light tlie tomb. ALL AROUND US, tiATHUKiNG the news prom OUR EXCHANGES. HE TNG TIIE DOINGS AND HAFPENINGS OF OUIt NEIGHROKING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOIt OUR READERS— OGLETHORPE, AVAR REN, GREENE AND OTHERS. OOLETHOIU’E. Several tlireatning notes concerning Jones were sent Judge Pottle. For several years Mr. Creed Hub¬ bard, cf this county, has been a severe sufferer from a cancer on lris face and his death was constantly looked for ; but not until last week was he taken, On Wednesday of last week, while a negro girl living with Mr. Joel Bacon, near Salem church, was around a pot making soap, her clothes caught on lire mid before they could be extinguished she wys pretty badly burned. WA HHKN. Warren ton Clipper. 1 Miss Etuii*Smith has gone to Opeli¬ ka, Ala., to spend the summer with relatives. Dr. Cicero Gibson, near Brier Creek church, died Thuisday the 26th, of pneumonia. We understand that on last Sunday Mr. Willis Johnson and Miss Laura Dixon were happily united in marriage. A collision of two wood trains at Mesena, Monday morning, killed one negro and baaly wounded several oth ers - Mr. J. B. Williams and family,living near Gibson, arc making preparations to go on a visit to relatives and friends living in Texas. HANCOCK. IsKmaehtii and Sunbeam.. We learn that the bazaar of the La dies’ Memorial Association netted SlUiL Dr. A. Moody Burt expects to start on a visit to Louisiana and Texas in a few days. The whole vote of Hancock county was 212 for McDaniel and one couipli mentary vote for Boynton. ». s„„, M«, ........ ^ over 830.00 last Sunday to help pay for the district parsonage which has re „d. denly at tlie residence of her husband near Linton, on last Thursday. Mrs. Carr was a most excellent Christian Frank Gobert lost twelve fine liens last week with something like sore, bead. The head and eyes all swell up and the chicken dies in a day or two. Can’t some of our readers give us, ^or publication, a prescription for this malady among fowls. WILKES ’ Gazette. Gen. B. W. Heard was elected town commissioner last Tuesday The ladies of the Baptist church will fveek trivp a ctr iwberrv festival during court There was no interest taken in the election in this county on Tuesday, the entire vote for governor being on Jy 269. A petition has been duly signed and sent to the election ordinary according to law, and an on tlie fence question will soon be ordered. j 'Ye had a double-barrel election in Washington on Tuesday. In one door firSlectm? Sr'SvSn^LTmX of Other door for the election town commissioner. The cyclone on Sunday night April 22 passed through this county doing considerable damage to everything it came in contact with. It done more damage down on Fishing creek,around Heai'd s null than other pait of tlie county. In the millers house a few steps from toe mill, bred Mr. Brooks, his wife and family of four children. A heavy piece of timber struck Mrs. Brooks on the head killing her instant ly. A twelve year old son was blown into the mill race fifty or sixty feet away, his thigh broken and his skull injured from which he died Tuesday, The rest of the family was eonsidera bly injured but not killed. The mill house was pearly all destroyed. Every¬ thing in that settlement was nearly all swept away. CRAWFORD VILLE, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 4th, 1883. M’dUI'KIE. Journal. Neal, Mathis & Co •1 are doing a thriving business at their saw mill in McDuffie. April 28.1883,Derry Shepard 24 Smith, aged 1 year, 4 months and days, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith, died. The little child of Mr. and Mrs.Fred Winter, of Thomson, has been dan¬ gerously ill for several days, is now im proving. On Monday morning o’clock, Mr. Anderson I jaundice, at his home near 70ui spo ro, in this county, in the year of his age. Early on Monday morning last a smash-up occurred on the Georgia railroad near Mesena, Warren county, by one of the wood trains running into the other. We are informed that the cause of the accident was as follows : The conductors of the two trains agree d on Saturday last to meet at a certain point at or near Mesena on Monday morning. The train that was up the road came down early, ran past the point where they were to meet and was taking on a load of wood, when the other train came up and run into the first. Four negro train hands were seriously hurt, viz : Riley Bailey, of Union Point, thigh broken ; Julius Kent, of Norwood, bruised and injured internally, and Joe Woodall, of Union Point, and Peter Shivers,of Woodville. Dr. Pitts, of Thomson, who was called to attend the wounded, informs us that Kent and Bailey lie thinks are dangerously hurt, and the other two seriously. O UKENB. Herald and Home Journal. Miss Anderson, of Oconee county. The Home Journal returns thanks to Mrs. S. A. Torbert, for a mess of of fine English peas,this year’s growth. We are gratified to sec that Mr. O. T. Hightower is able, almost daily, to be out on our streets in his roller-chair, Thursday morning (April 26th) her „ kled t he advent of another baby-boy in the fKmily of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. i'.i- re idence of Mr D. A. «Neu tyas consnleniblu dowii'upon^ihe WlU ™ w 'is blown roof That is an economical farmer in tlie neigiibovltood of Veazey who makes one horse pull two plows at one time. The work done is perfectly satisfacto ry. Richmond Nfapp, Sallie Mnpp, Jas par Moore, who were confined in tlie county jail on ;t charge of hog stealing, have been released by giving bond in tlie sum of fifty dollars each. The 1Ie ,,,,,, s .,ys there will not he lie . ll Iy sucll a C n,p of small grain inis rd in Greene county this year as made last year. There is not so much sown j n the first place ; and in the second place, what is growing does not prom¬ ise to yield so much per acre. Warren Stovall, a negro charged with assault with intent to murder, and who has been at large for some time, was arrested by the sheriff of Oconee county and brought to Greenes boro on last Tuesday, lie had a hear ing before Trial-Justice Griffin and was bound over under a bond of 8200 to answer the charge at the next term of the Superior Court, J. F)- om tlie Brooklyn Eagle. _ An actor contemplating a suit for di *>“•'»"“ ««*“•-“« '*'' ou ! ,s ’ One hundred . ana , ntty ttona ., . ! b e ° K s “That’s pretty . high , , priced, isn tit? # “Yes, 1 usually ask but fifty. ’ “But why do you charge me three times a s much as you charge any other man -Because,” returned the astute expouu der of Coke .. when i undertake a divorce f tor I generally find that he Ua9 three times as many wives as any er —An T n ; exchange vMian „ p state that tha f 9 a We«t West Point Point cadet be f 1,is tlie sam ® P ay whlch a PrU8 ' -'an captain receives after twenty years of **'-ice. Well, what of that? A Prussian captain can’t get leave of absence to have a “night of it in New York,” two or three times a month, A gentleman who bad boasted that ids health and cheerful spirits were due to the fact that he'bathed twice a day, was invited to a dinner party. When the com pany had assembled the lady of the house requested him to take a chair at the table immediately adjoiningthat which had been ri e signate<l for the minister of the parish, “Ah,” observed one of tlie guests to the h ^ cs8 ’ “'r tha ‘ ^ haV V| n T t0 th, ‘ ‘ ttrnal htness of th,nt ' 8 ' Cleanliness next to godliness.’’ —The young men of Norway wear be trothal rings as well as their affianced brides. In this country it is different. The young men wear nothing before marri»ge t 0 indicate their withdrawal from themat rimonial market. They wait until after roarr j a ge, and then they wear rings in their noses. —“I hear you are a fiDC shot, Mr. Pilli eoddy,” said a neighbor to that estimable man as he was adjusting a bandage over his right eye one morning, ‘ Whoever told you so is mistaken,’* re turned Mr. P. “He must have meant Mrs. pffiieody ; I never knew her to miss me.” —Ooen and shut Fans 1c. 2jc. and 5c. each at C. A. Davis k Co’s., Greenesboro, Ga, ». STATE NEWS. i Items of News Gathered Here and There I From our Exchanges. —Brunswick lias cigar factories ip .1 1 two operation. —Atlanta merchants now import good; direct from Europe. -—Tlie LaG range postofflee is not a rno-i ey-older office. This is very strange. —A million silk worm eggs are soon 1* . be distributed hv ^Commis sioner Hj offi a i son. —Mr. J. P. Harrison lias bought Revj Mr. Nunnally’s interest in the Christiai Index. —Breaking into freight cars and steallnj > provisions therefrom appears to be a recti lar business in Atlanta. —Tlie people of Darien are clamoriiw for a railroad. —J. M. Stringer lms been sentenced ti imprisonment tor life for killing Willi Gaddes at Dalilonega. —Measles, whooping cough, and pneu monia, are quite prevalent around Dalton. —Whitfield county lias no outstanding liabilities and a sufficient cash balance to defray all current expenses. The Argus says it is reported that there is railroad litigation enough in Whitfield county to run court three weeks. —Bullock county is now added to the list of counties having the advantages of a local newspaper. The Statesboro Eagle issued by J. F. and W. M. Stow. —Several barrels of cabbage have been shipped recently from Quitman to South ern cities, and til 1 returns have been sat¬ isfactory to shippers. —T he Supreme Court having dismissed the case of the State vs. Toney James, the Darien murderer, lie will be re-sentenced to be hung at the next term of McIntosh Superior Court which convenes on the 20th of May. —Nine white preachers live in Conyers. —Justice John M. Brewer, of Gilmer county, refuses to accept negro bondsmen in his court —Camilla Clarion : An old lady of ex perience says that children born on the decrease of the moon are more than apt to be girls, and those on the full moon are boys. This, we suppose, is because there 0 man ; n tin- inooii.wlicii it is fi'i dad, _ Thomas K . B | pJ( , yi a Rome barber, charged ft workinuil?7 for cutting lii.s hair, sl.ariug him and dyeing moustnehe The customer paid the barber ?5, but im mediately complained to a policeman and recovered all btif.40 cents. —The Rome Bulletin of Saturday says : “Mr. Ed. Langston, one of the Bulletin compositors, set up 4 , 100 ems yesterday on a wager in one hour and fifty minutes, which beats the fastest time on record by 300, Trot up Vottr fast typos, and let’s hear from you ' —A singular fact related ny the Fort Gaines Tribune. “There is a gentleman by the name of Fain living in this county who was born in Early county, raised in Calhoun county,and now lives in the house lie was born in, and lias never moved at any time. This is a fact. Mr. Fain is now about 55 years of age. —The death of Mr. Win. B. Woolbridge. of Chattahoochee county, occurred at the residence of bis son, in Columbus on Mmt day Camilla Clarion: There, are being driv I stock cattle. They are being drn on to A1 “ d p T“ ^, pp0d fr ° m tt * CtC by that there is a mule in this county winch j s m0 re partial to chicken than a Metho dist preacher, and which will catch and e at every one that comes within its reach ° ‘ ’ ? ^ at ,,,, 1 ^ f ' of suc i a tast< “ 111 t le mu e ’ bllt > Htrange to say, It has a mama for eating guano, and will demolish a ton of phosphate in a short ti«‘« *f allowed to run at large. -Bain bridge Democrat: Corn an^m.rr raised meat are more abundant in thTI see tion of Georgia this spring than we have them s| u ' Heretofore the ™ corn cr( , p has u be been ,, n exhausted exh;austed by by the Hve first first « f i b ^ b en °ugn on nanu ro carry tairy ,tnem them until iinui oars oats and * nan y the rt P e -Hawkimsviile Dispatch : Irwin has one of the best shots, tlie .state in the person of Mrs. Nathan JTasry She can, with a rifle, every fire, burst a sqmr rel’s liead in the top of the tallest pine. —The citizens of Albany have raised $870 for the cyclone sufferers in that region, besides contributing largely in provisions and clothing to the destitute. Harlem sentinel: Col. Paul H. Haync ami lady left “Copse Hill last” Monday, en route for Charleston. The old home of the Haynes was in Charleston. Mrs. Hayne will take a look for the first time s ; nc( , t i u , W!U at t \.ie p!ace B, al Sherman made desolate by his-’March to the Sea.” —Hamilton Journal ; Last Sgnday night, John Simmons, a resident of Whitaker district, left for parts unknown in compa¬ ny with Miss Emma Thomas, the mother of two waffs. The man left a comely, in* telligent wife, who bears his infamy as on¬ ly a sensible woman could. The eloping couple left Alabama-ward. Kimmons is said to be a highly gifted mechanic, but a dissolute character. —Mr. D. V. Httrly, of Athens, was shot in the arm by one of his workmen name* Lovett. The wound is painful but not dangerous. Lovett is in jail. A DOUBLE HEADED GIRL. Her Parents Making Money oy Exhibit¬ | ing Her. From the London Telegraph. i There is at Soorabaya, Java, on view, a infant with two beads and nceks, Kiut with one body, two arms and two legs. Hflie little tiling is how about fifty days ||>Ui, Bn'good according health. to The its mother, heads and is so far two and neelcs IWr Dia.- jyide bywde on the trunk, and rare Kpoi'i peiTeAly and neatly formed, and of normal size. Between them on the Skunk is a small protuberance, caused evi Bently Sidy by the junction of two bodies. The Wid is abnormally broad at the shoulders, tapers down at the waist and loins to He size of an ordinary infant of the same K;i> ; the legs appeared very small and nr ale, however. The arms on eaeli side of Jjhc small chest looked puny- The right ■ ad is a little lighter in color than the ■ her. How the internal arrangements v. disposed of we, of course, do not know, it both heads have, to be fed at meal mes. When the writer was present one . iCnd cried, the mother said, from hunger, ut the other did not, though it at the nmotime began moving around restlessly as if for food. The two beads do not breathe alike, nor do the pulses on either am; boat together, from tune to time the uR'ant (or infants, for eaeli lias a name) sfiTers from depression, and the face bluish, showing Hint the blood eiroii bition is not properly regulated. lent 3 are ordinary Japanese of tlie lower class, and the mother is good looking ; so Pi Uim 0 spring. They arc doing ti #jood tradr by tlie exhibit ion. •— • A WIFE FOR A DOLL AR. \ Remarkable Incident of Real I.lie. „ F/ftmtU* _ WeiUviU^K.Y., Democrat. Jff* town of Scio, livu<i, tlbout two wi e. s ngi>, in apparent domestic felicity. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred L-mnard. They wore a spang couple and had enjoyed but a few m- g*r : of domestic bliss (?) when, for *<«*«’!uncountable mason, tlm husband gr —' ^-oud of his wife, and looked b .5 j ’ days when he. was alngii with 1 um* oecasin.mliy visited t 1 r.’flf. see in - , ! eji fitted hy nature for the joys ) a hoc IWts that el inter abovo the Are- I slile ;mji who admired tlie little woman j wlm 4 ,m,lI to make life pL'i.sauf for Leo- j W liether tlm a-lmuation was lw.ip rocute.l our informatiou leaves up to con jectiire. We naturally jams to the eon elusion that it was. lie that as it, may, the low’iwil cared not,but saw in L implicr ■ s plal^ati emolioiisa way to drive a bargain and eat off tlu “tender vino ’ tin t clung to Him. So one day lie broached the subject of selling his wife,in the pre d)nre of Lam- I pber He was asked his price f '”' u >" ; jewel) lie posessed. The jiriee agreed upon exceeds anything that bistorv records, lie- j ing tlie, enormous sum of one dollar. deliver- Tin j | money was paid, and tlie properly ed inabont tlie same way a mail would sell a cow to a butcher. Tlie wife consent I ed to the bargain, and departed with tlie Who bad not paid for her by tlie, pound , man one tenth as much as be would have to pay j for a lum turkey. Elwell’s Sin; is mill. now living with j Lztnphei'e near Remarkable IClectrlcal Discovery, j | „ .. . . I part of Europe, but also in the «n luimisphere. There come recorded in tlie annals of electrical sci ence. Mie Rev. Mr. Gilbert, of Christ church, in a recent address, told liisau dience that it was now proved to he possible to convey, l>y means of elec tricity, vibrations of light—not only to speak with your distant friend, but ac t „ally to see him. The electroscope - t he n itne of the instrument which , tided ^ do this was the very latest <, Aiseovny: and to, jtr. Gul drab, at V ictona, la longed the pid on pertfecior. H'-ion of being its inventor and Mr. Gilbert stated that a tri:l! " tliis wonderful instrument had uke „ at Mfdliourue, in the pres ftnCe * VT ;u " 1 f ubli,: rnen ,j that it had been a great su:; cess. itting in a dark room, they saw d on a disk of white burnished 1 U l to t ) f>rj J, ;(l ,d as they look'd . ;it the ondei fu] picture through bin ocular n lasses, it was difficult to im ig j ne ti t! hey were not actually on the com e r elf and moving among those whose a lions they could so completely scan. ---------- ‘ A Grasx VV ldov.'. “M hat is a grass widow?” asked a Harlem vouth who had been reading in tlie p:< ;; about a person of that descri > tion. ay boy, 1 can't explain it exaat iy,” d tiie mother. ‘•nib t [ know,anyhow,” said tlie smart ' yoniigste “Well, ell me.” “A gn s widow is a female woman whose ha band died of Lay fever,” he ex claimed, Then he went out in tiie kiti-.ii en and rti bwi the cat's nose with red jn ;> I»«r. —Read! the new advertisement of C. A. Da & Co., Greenesboro. Ga. hnt liner, the handsomest Mi Hi¬ in-iy gom li nds, tlie lowest prices at C. A. Davis 4 lo’s., Greenesboro. Ga. r pf 3 E3 «»! P'. Kjg a B jt [Sr v Lk | H 1 j B j 1 CM Iff jj““ 1 Sw| 35 E5 "1 ® If i -1 For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,® Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influ In-fl i enza. Asthma, Whooping Cough, rc-B cipient Consumption and for the licfofconr.uniptive persons in ad van-E ced stages of the Disease BorSaleH iby all Druggists.—Price, 25 Cents.B fl —mmwmi iiiim iii iiisfcs:-:^;^^ m i gj I 1 ■■■ m | | I L B K| | L -•f V ........^ i A I 'if ■ i ril * fAVWSv frr, 1 * a | Aj ' ' lV> ' ‘ M 1 - ’ *>. ^ ’^nvyr 188;3. HARPER’S MAGAZINE. I L L U S T B A T E D. Harper'» Magazine tin* bedim its sixty.sixth volume, with December Number It is ■Ihl o, ,i’» ifr.i * be i'H | ;i "''U ■ PL ' 1 -L 1 ■ri ■ Y».ii ( fii Ahn iiiid Kiigliiiu;i, most bu: iRo Hi.- lar- i | gi st in its scheme, Uio best bciiu 1 ii ul for In tlie its ii nneanviiee, mid tlie in;ign/,ine J j home. A. lieu 11 .vi• I, entitled, “For the Major," I>y t kue-bim e T"iiiinoie \\ oiilsou, ; "in mera^'ami 1 arUs“ ! N.unher i j,. ■ilc Magazine in))m>ves with | I ; ,u ccssive, vuiinln’i’. lighter (special entertain- efforts | have been made for the. meat, of its readers through humorous sto¬ ries, sketches, Ac. ii YRF'LRG PFRIODICALS, Par Yiiir : HARIM'.R S M A ( < A/Cl N !•., : S\ <M) {} ||’vp-s pVl*’’ : : 4 00 |j a V'lIKKK pliollcatioi.H • : : 4 00 T ( . above . 10 00 \ny TWO above named : : 7 00 HARI’KijS i ol Sii |*t J G|’l,E : 1 50 {}''ii|»K\s i-iqj'j.s yoV'\V'HDH’t K ( : : 5 00 |> FRANK UN SQL A KH I ,\ BRARV, One Year (."»2 Numbers) : lout) Pottage /'/•<•« lo all mbacriber* in the United Mates or Canada. Tlie volumes of the Magazine begin with ; j u . numbers of.) line mid i feeember of eaeli year. When no time is speeilied, it will be understood that tlm subscriber wishes to begin with tlie current Number. Tlie last Eight, Volumes binding, of Harper’s will he Magazine, bv mail, In neat postpaid, cloth receipt of $:) 00 sent LioUi on per volume. (bums, for binding, .w : 3 E 3 rS|^: l ' ni< ‘ UotiO, iuelu.iive, Horn June, lk-*0. to bl’. n mde’lj PoM-Of ... ....... ...... ....... Hemnapors are not to copy Hue wteertise mint without Um empress order of Haiu-kk * \VgVi •’ * ' A,Wr ‘’« < HAK1 Ji YRl’J'T Ln A BROl BROTIIF’S HLBh . L \ 1^ ] ? \ { ) A \ r l J \ J 'J.l t .1 I >±\. -L THE MAIL OH E \ PRESS BRINGS -THAT- fji • lic AT . j 11 [ ouse ()f [he South IS LOCATED IN AUGUSTA, GA. That G.O. ROBINSON ( -SELL '1 HE BEST- 1 pi ~ Oil ^ OS ‘dlid <***■■* O F^ailS jMlRIHIiRCuIIFGU.. __ rri '■ . ,i, ‘ ’’ p r -, (1 ^ l ' gH-Jj; ' v Make ■ AKE LESS THAK IK KORTIIERK CITIES, And Iso, save to tlm purchaser FiPiglit and Insurance, \ MAKING ) r. M O T. s. Clreat Musical Saving iu stitntiou of the Month. SAVE MONEY! By Corresponding with ;. 0 . ROBI ON & CO., Broad Street, AUGUSTA, G l. i Number 18. MONEY TO LOAN. 1 , am l loans prepared Real to Estate. negotiate large or snm oil Office with \V- II. Branch, who will give information in my absence: J. LONKLING BROWN, UUKKNliSllOIlO, Oa. --THE Model Soda Water ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOUTH, GINGER ALE, SODA WATER, ET(;.‘ E-pml to any imported. Manufactured and for sale at Olixitoxi's BOTTLING WORKS! RUH BROAD STREET, AUGUSAA. GA- 2 Irdcrs filled pr 111 an l shipped b\ Express, in Clinton's 1’atciit Shipping ( uses. No Goods misrepresented! apriffi 1 dm 1 OTffi » Quid and Easy CMld-Birtt A Thousand h of women over the land tcstl H fy to tins wonderful effects of I his great rem m 3 cdy; it will not only ehorwui labor and lesson Jj the Intensity of pain and suffering tAu’rohv beyond ^ cK.prv'Mow, hut butter than nil, It botfi I'l’ dirninishcii the danger lo life of 5 mother and child. This Rrcnt l>oon tosnf [1 fcrlttg Woman in IM/nrs' TAniwent. or « Mother'# FHenit. Prepared and Sold sold by byJ. all Rhadvield, I)rug(dHts. Atlanta, Price j*. 1.50 <’>a. bottle. R(*nt by Express cm receipt of price. A * mfcam ‘‘jky V’i zi'T.-'t• '' -‘t* n * ,vt ’ ■ 1.000 MILE TICKETS. GkhUOIA RAU.IIOAD COStl’ANV, i Omen GnNEKAn Passknok.u Aokt. Auouhta, April/illi, 1 H 7 H. COMMENCING MONDAY. 7tlr at., tills Company will soli ONE THOUSAND M ILK TICKETS t-x-rl ov or innin line and lb,audios, atTW KNTHRIVE PC IS. WtfWWllP * Uik , . Tofinns "‘-'‘ffW I dividual or families, but not to, cmdininiiies , firms mnniia. E. K. vORSEY. Miiy0,1870 General Tassenger Agent,, iferaSSSpH i* tBsmm of EVERYTr;?H?5forffi8 ■nwMch for 1HW8. contain* PliTItR V l inform.ition known to the.iiitho f ti**** B U the MnlM f-'« u>on. den Inc for Pruitt.* what on arp... tht r). (i'lt'ttr <r,t/r it/ Hendsrson faft* you & Co., Peter New York. J 35 & 37 Cortlandt 3t., NATIONAL HOTEL, ) ATLANTA, GA. LHSkSHS .and East Temiesoe, Virginia and K'wflnr..,., ' KING HOUSE. STONE MOUNTAIN, GA, 10 Miles From Atlanta. Opened to summer gm sis on the lst of - ^ 'inlnulos rUt^from Atv Boar.R inontli non per day ; 910 per week ; «30 per Address, Stone Moun K. T. WHITE, Atlanta or tain, Ga. J. N. CHAPMAN, CAM Wl'OIUJ V1LLE ,----- GA. Has on hand a full line of 13 U Gr Gr I E S, AND Wagons, Harness, Etc. 1 baye the fullest and most complete lot of Buggies, and Buggy and Wagon Harness ever brought to this market and which I am selling at JiOITO.Ij I need 1‘IIICES. anything Give in me a line, call when yoi| my CHAPMAN. inch 16,.'(in J. N. W. J. NORTON. t haw i oKDYn.i.i:, GA Contractor ami Builder, 1 Also Dealer in Bulling' Material of all Hinds. m 23 ki*« BFAUTIFUl 3 packing. Hook, iTe. c. WEFtt stamps 5 a»i«n x to 3 , FLORAL Sleolloit til simI for s AKTin.CH. who an CHR0M0 eiM«» postage IliustmlM thlxpnpen sen -1 CABll nafk tw# mrnm 4