Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 11, 1883, Image 1
f'gg CRA WFORDV1LLE DEMOCRAT . o Volume 7. CABIN COVE SONG. Oli, listen to me, darkies, I’ll tell you a little story; ’’I is all about my true love, I)e Flat Creek liiornin’ glory ; She’s nice as any jew-drap Inside no oyen flower ; She’s sof’er dan de moonshine, An’ 1 lubs her eh’ry hour ’. Chorus—Mag is a sunflower, Mag is a daisy: pal Mag is de Very To run a nigger crazy ! Her head is like de full moon, Her lips is sweet as a cherry ; glass Her tumid* smoov as a lookin’ An* slick as a huckleberry ; Her face is like white a picter, pearly Her teef is an’ ; Her eye is bright as a lightnin’-bug, An ’* her h’ar is ’mazin’ curly I 1 like to chop de ’backer behind patch Will Mag right close me ; I’d like to be a ’backer-wiun Ef Mag would only find me ; I’d like to be a flock o’ sheep ’bout; Ef Mag would dribe me I’d like to be a ’tater-slip Ef Mag would set me out! I seed her for de fus’ time In thinuin’ out de corn ; She made my feel In's flutterate An’ now thy heart dc is raiscliuf, gone; Oh, I lubs her like I’s bound to tell her soon, An’ I’ll cote her at de shuckin’ On de changin’ ob de moon ’. —J. A. Macon, in the Century. ALL AROUND US, UATllU’dNT. THE NEWS FROM OUB EXCHANGES. BEING TIIE DOINGS AND HAPPENINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUR READERS— OGLETIXORPI*, AVARREN, GREENE AND OTHERS. GREENE. Herald and Home Journal. Rev. J. Knowles, has recovered from his recent indisposition. There are m ire colls to be seen in this county than ever before. Mr. Frank Holt, who has been quite ill with measles for the past two weeks, is again up and out. The Sunday schools in Greeiresboro will have a joint picnic at Long bridge OB next Friday tiie 11th of May. Herald : We congratulate Mr. John A. Griffin on another accesion to iris family A daughter has recently made liei^ apjieiii anctv L^ j^- A - 1 1 •” 1 Home Journal ; Th ininaS S. Hutchison, of this cotiuPft Rd Is us of mouse that was recently captured by Mr. I’elot of Katonton. _A won ler- 1ul thing about it is thatthis liti lean imal sings vmrv sweetly, 'us notes i e se in hi ing very mucl. those c h c.uiary bird. Mr. Hutch.son vouches for the truth of it and a musical mouse m iy now be added ,, to the , curiosities .... of - Mid- , die Georgia animal nature. M’DUFFIK. Journal. Addie Lucile,daughter Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Winter,died on Wednesday,May 2, aged 1 year, 1L months and 5 days. Dr. Lucius M- Adkins died of pneu¬ monia at his residence in this ciunity, at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning, aged about 88 years. Death has again been in our midst and has taken three darling little chil¬ dren. On 28th ultiuiore, Mr.and Mrs. Charlie Allen lost a child, and on tho 28th Mr. arid airs. Tlios. Penington and Mr. arid Mrs. Branlv were simi¬ larly bereaved. The wife of Ed. Smith, Sr., colored, lias been subject to fits for some time. On Friday morning of last week, while sitting near the lire, with no one in the house except a little negro girl, she was seized with a spasm and fell for¬ ward in the fire. The girl gave could the alarm, but before assistance reach her tlio unfortunate woman was horribly burned about the breast and neck and both arms. Skillful medical treatment was of no avail, anil after lingering in great agony until Sunday morning she died. WILKES. Gazette. ___________ Mr. E. Y. Hill has bought three head of very fine Jersey cattle. The rain on Tuesday destroyed sev¬ eral thousand unburnl brick at the yard near the depot. Thomas Stovall, of — Fuffland, Mr. who married a sister of Mrs. W. A. Pope, is in town this week. A gentleman in this place was going round town on Wednesday making up a purse to send to Rev. Sam Jones for his orphanage. We regret to know that the wife of Mr. David Campbell died at her home near Pierce’s chapel on Tuesday night, She was a sister of Judge T. II. Stroth er. The Sisters of St. Joseph will give a three day’s fair at Flovd’s Opera House, commencing on the morning of the 8th of May, and closing 8 on the „f«*»«,. \fe kncm of negroes _ in this place who live on one dollar a month, as in credible as it ?eenis. \\ e don *t think that the Chinese even on rats and mice coula compete with negro labor. A negro man out on Mr. W. A. Pope's plantation, while fooling with a gun one day last week, shot himself very badly in the foot; the entire load of shot going into the foot from above, He had the muzzle of the gun resting on his foot and was fingering the trig¬ gers and hammers. CRAWFORD VILLE, GA, FRIDAY, MAY 11th, 1883. OGLETHORPE. Oglethorpe Echo. A scheme is now on foot that bids fair to connect Lexington with Craw¬ ford by telephone. Bailiff John Knox on Monday rested one Cornelius Simms, col., and placed him in jail. Cornelius is charged with many crimes, such as gambling, theft, vagrancy, etc. Mr. John Mclvannon, from near Sandy Cross, who was carried to At¬ lanta not long since to be tried for vio lation of the revenue law, returned last Saturday.having come clear of the charges brought against him. We some time since stated that a gentleman la this county h id killed a hawk that measured 46 inches from tip to tip. Bill Dozier came forward with a few more inches, having killed a chicken-eater lust week that measur¬ ed 52 inches. One day last week Jones attempted suicide in a novel way. He tore rim from ons of the tin buckets in which his dinner had been carried him and tried to cut his throat with the jagged tin. His attempt was futile, however. Sheriff Doster has ordered the guards to keep a close watch over him since. Crawford News- Monitor. Air. Sam A. Campbell was kicked very bad last week by a horse. He can hardly walk. The ‘\ is » lady in H»58 county who is . said to be gmug-perfectly . insane about prisoner Jones and Ins crime. Dr. Mark Willingham says his carp are spawning, and he will soon have 5,000,000 yi.ung 0,1, o„ U.e A petition will be presented to the next legislature to cut off part of Clark into Oglethorpe county, and Uien it will have more room for more enterprises 1 ’ We are "pained to announce the death of' Mrs. Eliza Gramar, widow of Sam¬ uel Cranial', deceased, who died in Bowling Green, district, on the 30th ult., in the 60 year of her age. PERKINS BROTHERS, DEALI4RS ERSjBlW IN STEAM ENGINES, BOIL MILLS,(AITTON GINS,PRESS¬ ES, SEPVRATORS, SAWS, SIIINGLE MAffcllNES, PLANING MACHINES, BELTING, OILS, ETC., NOS. 32 AND 34 WEST MITCHELL ST., ATLANTA, GA. t m ~ lionses now few and far between, which have been kleuU lieu with the con.mcrcial and iiulus trial gi'mvtii of tiie city, that of the Perkins Brothers is by no means in c 0ll8 p i( . m , us aiit | j s entilli il at least, t| The itmme dates its j„ C ept!mi from 1870. when the busi ne8s WH!J 0|Jellw! „ y , S . F . Perkins. Tills ..ent’eman oomiucUd the business mi- 1881 when the firm assumed its . eS( Ut Uiime al ,d stvle. Though com mem-iug on a small scale, the enlarged, raiudly increased, its resources were and an extensive and eon servalive trade established throughout Georgia and adjoining sta’os. They occupy at Nos. 32 and 34 West Mitch ell Street, Atlanta, Ga., a building 60x50 feet in size, together with a warehouse as large as the main build ing. Besides this, their stock of heavy machinery is so large that it necessi tales the sioring of tiie same in an out side warehouse besides the one owned by themselves. Their buildings, how ever, are entirely inadequate for then large and rapidly increasing trade, and they are at present negotiating for a much larger building—a railroad ware house, if possible. Their stock, large and complete in all its departments, comprises a full line of steam en glues, boilers, saw mills, cotton gins, presses, separators, vans, shingle ina chines, belting, planing machines, oils, etc. In addit ion to this tiie firm have recently added to their stock a full line of agricultural demand implements, for the there be jn g a ] u u<ge same throughout the entire South. They also have on hand a large assortment 0 f second hand machinery which, in consequence of superior advantages possessed, they are prepared to sell at prices imexceptionally low. They cm ploy two traveling salesmen and have a large number of sub-agents, besides selling goods in considerable quantities to individual parties throughout tiie South. Their establishment is tiie ree ognized headquarters for the state for nearly all the goods handled by the lirm. In every branch pertaining tU ' 0 pevly to their line of business, this house j3 prepared to compete with any similar establishment in the South.ami the rapid development of the country and proportionately'increasing line' implements and demand for their of ina chinery, insure for the house a future of permanent success. The individual members of the film are.I.O., N. W. and S. F. Perkins, all natives of Geor gia. The senior member, J- O. Per kins, is a physician by piofession, but discontinued practicing at the time of bis admission totie fi.m leiSHn alumnus of tne Atlanta Medical Col egt having graduated in 1871 when c ian for two years, during which time ^ SfirV ed as secretary of the board of health Yhe remaining merDbers of the firm have been engaged in various kinds of business for some time. Not addicted to laudation, we can say no more than that the establishment of which we have gp’en but a brief sketch 13 a model one in every respect and de serves the favor and esteem with w hieh it is so generally regarded, ^“Subscribe for The Democrat. i •—Ti j Ga55bafeis£..At, .-Oku-tSi* 0 E* e* jap ....... ■■■ j . vy For the Cure of Coughs, Colds ,k H oarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, In In-fi flu-I# enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, for re-P cipient Consumption and arivan-fi the lief of consumptive !hc persons in J eed stages of Disease For Sal j |by all Druggists.— Price, 25 Cents.g ions ~ j ! j ' I I Thfi Groat Sn. die - Kenralgia and . An Internal Hi 11. oy. containing no quin ine, opium, Chloroform, kind. Chloral ur_- i narcotie. of any Safe anil quick in its action. LKEennto^Aprinii.iaTO. & Gentle! | Messrs. Hutchison. Bito : ! men—It affords me great pleasure to te ! tify to ' for the the great virtues of iienruigia of your and lieadi y ' l 1 e cure , , I It should be in every family in the couu try. Yours truly, GEO.' R. HEAD, Mayor of Leesburg, Va. Messrs. Hutchison & lino: I am hap PY to say that your “Neuralgino” acted as a incredibly specific in Short my ease, relieving mein time. I would advise suffering try from neuralgia and headache to it. Yours, etc., L. V SIMS, M. D. 1 lost 5 children in process of ing. My last 3 were brought C,»,| thiougl, t»y tke use of l'ills uv,. tar. ruos b wkbv, See ailv. flioinson, Ga. PITTS 7f ^ CAEMI3JATIVS Jgf r FhO;- Coughs, ■’:( (' Cholera • * I ie, lll«riw/SIS^ sa Infant litA \ Teething. Choiera i/il. T\|) \\T B A iV|. f 1)1 1 1 rivrr- I D, . DrilggiSt _ 00 . , Slid — Ap0theC3tT7. * ., J Thomson, Georgia. I J ^ Dr- K. J - Uwid, Crawfoid ’ > > CUItEl) BY Olivers Quick Relief. Rheumatism, Neuraiigia,Headache,Tooth- Throat,Bolds,Bites, ache, Golds, Sore and Stings of Insects, Colic in Horses, &c. Prepared by MAYS &c GO. Atlanta. Georgia. For sale by Dr. R J. K<*id, OrawforR vilie, Ga., and J. A. Kendrick, Sharon,Ga EVERY DAY T TIIE .MAIL OR EXPRESS BRINGS --THAT- Hi YT rr 0i T.«So«i. a he Jiusic JI uiso IS LOG . : : IN AUGUSTA, G V. That O.R ROBINSON k CO. — j -SELL THE BEST- > — •*- ■‘■dAlvyo ?)TV] OA. A OufFfl Y! 4 Manufactured. That their Price for Same Style & Ma>.e —ARE LESS THAN— IN NORTHERN CITIES, And also, save to the purchaser Freight and Insuranc ij i < MAKING \ T. M ()■ T. jT ■ M • ^TUE~^ GrCftt 3IUSi(*al SaVlIlg 111 stltution of the South. SAVE MONEY! By Corresponding with G. 0. ROBINSON & CO. Ire.3 Broad street, U'UJST t. (; 1 MONEY~ LOAN. I am prepared to negotiate large or small loans on Real Estate. information Office withW* II.Branch, who will give m mvabsence; J. CONK LINO BROWN, Gkkenesboko, Ga* THE Model Soda I ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOUTH. GINGER ALIJ, SODA WATER, ETC.’ I < Equal to any ir ported. Manufactured and for sale at j j. Vw^AXIjlCC^Jlj. .^-rej-j -s ■ t> B 0 , \ mm 1 J L r Tun IN G if W 0 /x RKS! n rr c i j 1348 BROAD STREET, AUdUSAA. GA Q?*Drders filled promptly and shipped i by Express, No in Clinton’s Patent Shipping ■ Gases. Goods misrepresented. april20 3m l » I Pitt and Easy CliM-Birtli Thousands of women over the 1 and testi¬ edy; fy to it tho wonderful effects of this grout rem¬ will not only uhortenlaborand lessen the intensity of lijiin and suffering beyond expression, greatly diminishes lmt better than all, it thereby the danger to life of both mother and child, This great boon to suf¬ Mother's fering woman 1a Holmes' Liniment, or Friend. Prepared, and sold by J. IiUA()pn:i,i), Druggists. Atlanta, Plied tia. Sold by all ; - by Express rohwpt fgjBSjbottlo. of price. Sent on j 1.000 MILK TICKETS. j Georgia Railroad Company, ) Office Gjotcmal Passenger Aget. > j Augusta, April nth, two. Vth j COMMENCING MONDAY st„ teWBCBS (tonumny will sell ONK THOUSAND ondfamilies is firms combined, e-, ■ E. R. s^HR \ General I'a --------------- liilttflM ’ iJff f^l m m mm an rii — »». ■■ ■ ■ i n WbALC& ' OF ALL KINDS, TRUCKS, Etc., Chattanooga,Tenn. ««rw for Woes 1NSU11E YOUIt LIFE. % % TDK “MKTIlODtST MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION’” of Kentucky, is the aiiteathiid cheapest l.ife Insurance Coin paiiy in America. The only Company t hin pays one Imlf of the insurance to Its Policy holders, iu eases of total inability 'o make a living. All must die, and it is tlic duty of every niiin in life, to prepare a metuisof support alter his death for those nearest and dearest to him. Insure now, delays are dangerous. For paitien Inis ville. apply to tlm undersigned at Crawford tia', V. T. Boons, Agent. A1 M. A. A. NATIONAL MOTEL ATLANTA, LA. T t)('ATiID IN TilF,CENTER OK TDK 1 J City, depot, only one Block from Union pas senger and the depot of I he Georgia Vaeiflc and Last Tennesee, Virginia and Georgia railroacs, in the same building of the hotel. Penns, S2.00 per day. K !’ WHITE, Proprietor. mm house. STONE MOUNTAIN, GA, 10 Aides From Atlanta. Opened Cool to summer breezes, guests good on the only 1st of may. minutes ride water, a f"iv from the city. Board, month. pur Address, day ; $10 per week; $30 per E. T. WHITE,Atlanta or .Stone Moon fain, Ga. J. N. CHAPMAN. (JRA WFOUD VILLE, GA. IIas on hand a full line of r vV r T ( /a ( / < r I -1. H , A U *.A w ' r .1 14. 're. X J U AS1) Wagons, Harness, Etc. I liaye the fullest and most complete lot of Buggies, and Buggy and Wagon : Harness ever brought to this market aud which I am selling at JSO'J’TOM PRICES. Give me a call when you need anything in my line mch 10,3m J. N. CHAPMAN. W. J. NORTON. CR uv l'OBIH lI.U:, Contractor : ;d Builder Also Dealer in Euiding Llatorial Kinds. of II as 11KFIX ABTirul, 4 T. 0. WH0«T * SO., H(» (SSL Thomas Fulton, --:o: CRAWFORDVIL.LE GA. f —DEALER IN — Fancy and Family Groceries, 1 O VISIONS, CANNED GOODS, LARD AMS. FLOUR, MEAL AND FARMING LYPLIMKNtTS OF ALL KINDS. Terms Strictly Cash r KEEP 01) HAND ALSO THE FIN BEST SNUFtS, JiHANDS Oh 'MSA VOO, OlO A US, AND Tlic Best in Crawibrdville, GIVE ME A GALL WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES OR PRO VIS ONS OF ANY KIND. Also a large stock of Crockery at re¬ duced prices. 1 H AVE ON B AND A FULL STOCK OF FANCY CANDIES OF ALL KINDS. Thomas Fulton. AT DR SMITE'S OLD S’JAND,) “WOULD HAVE IT IF IT COST $50 ” Spnnt/field, November, Rohcrlimn cm, Tcnn. 1 27<//, 1880. Du. J. Bradfikld : Sir —My daughter has been suffering for many years with that, dreadful afllic- 1 ion known as*‘Female Disease, ’’which has cost me many dollars, and, notwith standing 1 had the best, medical atten* <lance. could not find relief. I have used many otiier kinds of medicines K JSS?S5,*S'^5’ w.r&S ........ r < several weeks since, and he, knowing of iny daughter's affliction, persuaded me to buy a Imttleol vnur "FKMALK REGULATOR.” She began to im pi’ove.fft mw.-f I was so df-lighted with .i be’ nUle ,M ’™ C< |e ] to ' " j V, ; . ,, ' /"U t,ut W (the fltiiik ,t iU nClSuPSlri '■5 ‘ ,." on globe do V** sunv.!„g '«^ 1?' i i would leave it it it cost ij?,n a n cure-; ‘Up • ! tnr (laughter U-uthfully sound and say well, it 1 and is ! my my self and wife do most heartily recom¬ mend your ’-FEMALE REGUELA ' TOR” to Ik; juat. what it is lecolii mentled to be. Respect fully, II. D. Feather son. ! Trial size $0 75 per liiiUle, Poll si/c 1 50 per bottle. PRKI’AKKD I!Y J. B FADFIELD J Sole Pcopnetur, GEORGIA FOll HAI li IIY it. it. ■). i ; >, Jri v r , 2’82 iy We J [;ive Struck [t ! AND WE WANT IT TO 1ST IK K YOU, The Place to Buy Paints! -IS AT THE FAINT -WE KEEP IN STOCK I,CAD, Dll.. VARNISH, X A J,*051 INC, ZINC. And all the Shades and Colors,which we guarantee strictly pure. GLASS, PUT PAINTS, 'IT, BRUSHES,TURPENTINE. MIXED etc. We don’t sell Drugs, but WE SELL PAINTS, and don’t you forge* it ! WE GUARANTEE PRICES and di - fy competition as to 1'tJRK GOODS. Give us a call and you will he pleased hy our fair dealings, just weight and true incastiK*. SALE & K0SSI0N0L, 3)2 Jackson st., between Greene and Elii Augusta, Ga. BOOT A2 n D vHOE gHw P. I announce to the citizens of Crawford ville and the vicinity that i have m,cried a h; 'oj< on ’orner of i »r. Farmer’* lot on Mum street, and will give prompt atten aTrhf 8 ' ^ atlsract ' ,on * ,,:Uil " tee ' 1 lAf Terms strictly cash. JAMES FLOYD, * CrawfordviiJe, On. The Atlanta Post-Appeal. THE ONLY DAILY IN THE STATE Published Every Morning, Monday Included. In Condjutlirtq Wrong in Cli¬ ques, Ilinqs or Partus. LIVUS FULL MARKET REPORTS ( OK RE* 4 KD DAILY Number 19. KIRS the FOR MILLION! Foo Choc’s Balsam of Shark’s Oil OSl’l l VF.I.Y ttESTOilES THE HK^IUKO, ANti IS THE ONLY ABSOLUTE CURE FOR DEAFNESS KNOWN. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar spe¬ cies of small White Shark, caught In the Yellow Sea, known as Cnrcliarodon Ron delctii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it Its virtues as a restorative of hearing was discovered by a Hurl hist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and remedy many so seemingly miraculous, proclaimed that the Empire. was officially Its became over uni¬ (lie entile use so versal that for over 300 years no deafness Sent, lias existed charges among prepaid, the Chinese address people. at to any 91.00 per bottle. Hoar What the Deaf Say It him performed a miracle in my ease. have head . I no unearthly noisas in my and hear much better, i have been greatly benefited. another My deafness bottle helped a great deal—think will cure me. "Its virtues are unquestionable wild its curative character absolute, us flic writer car. personally observation. testify, both from experi¬ ence and Write at once to IIAYLOCK & JENNET, 7 Dev Street, New York, enclosing si.oy, and you will receive by ret ill’ll a remedy that will ena Vile you to hear like anybody else, and whose will eiuative effects will bo permanent. You never regret doing so,”—Editor of Mereinitlli; Review. !-<7" To avoid loss in the Mails, please send money by registered letter. Only imported by Hivi.oi K ji*;n.\i:y. Sole agent* for America. 7 Dey st.. N. Y ADV ICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering anu send crying with pain and of cutting teeth? If so, nt once gel u bottle Of Mn»< Winslow's Soothing Syrup foh Teeth ino Cmi.DirtEN. Its value is incalculable, It will relieve the pool’ little sufferer im» there mediutely. Depend upon it. it, mothers, is nu mistake about It cures dysentery and and diarrhoea, regulates colic,soft- tint bowels, cures wind tens gives the (be ami gums, reduces inlhmmtiovi.and tone energy to the whole system, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing ijprup for Club dre.n •lithe Teething proscription is pleasant to the taste, oldest mid of one of t.u* an*. . licit female phyriidatitf and hurstf- in the United its thrqnjlt States, mid the is \yqrfiL* foe .gain Price Wj^in) censP drug* out 25 battlejAV' ' Sheehan^#*” .’.XvAmiii auJimg ' v ■ R. S 1 1 E E W*JS» * i * tiRBBM ’dfST. i i 1025 .v f > m \ Ga \ s\‘« Water, --°--- KarsaHibirhia > , ... ■ manufactured from and GiiR I p First ( , r i | ( . vlatenal, larger Leer Fjcsl, and < in keirs and boll waysou Immt. Orders solic ! ited and p onrptly filled. N. ft.- i . M- Cood quality , ||st weight shilhH’d to\uiy eustoiners i mar ket price. -■^'l’ l ‘l‘i.:i l i, THE BEST OF ALL UMHEHTS r F03 JfA27 Am B3AST. For more l imn a third ororeontary f he I 01 -1rn n ..i LDluuo.1; baa been 1 Icnown to minions id over tho v.-orid «p tlic only Safe rollnnce fortho relief oX neeidonlri and rain. It Is a modlolno I: liovo T * rice* iiral pralso—Hie i»e»t or Ha u te l. i c,r every farm ot extoruai pala tho MEXICAN Mnr, tariff Liniment i.i ■wlthont an equal. it fTojiOti ate* IV .1, *tkI inaicle to fStuuta id the very liono—lnaidnff mid inflnnimntlon tiro ccntlnn- Impoa Ou of pain lib,! , i LI**. Its eirccl»upon Umrian Fleahami i I5r:ito Creollmi uro equally wemdor A lul. The Met Icon i - MUSTANG V J.Irt'mi'rt It needed by gomebody Ini :■ hojso. Evm-y ilay briuffs news of • very of'm ii-.Vfiil Brnlrl hum Die a-miy or MCI! 3d. . ..jd, of >lwumad« Iwirae murtfrm re-| u‘.. I, or ft valuable or wx uu.vr.ti try Uie ijouling power of thia LINIMENT wilich pace,lily ceres RUcU dUmentS Of tlic HUMAN I LLSH rs Kb ex: mat lam, hirellingf, BtUT ffoLitu, < niiiructrd Muaclea, Kara* je.iid riealffv, Cat», lirxxlsea and tel tip; .-* L. ', PMaauafti Illtea and LL-.orG, rS.Stii:j.a, leera. ritunxeaa. Frostbites, LaoirutM, rbltblalna.i Old ‘jnore . | Dipplis, ( owed IlOsut, and Jla.lMil retry of external freca-ic. It htala hiiont acara. ‘ .4 For the Liters Ckkatiok It care* . Stiff dotnta, v*. (rprat’.J. Kvrluny, Hoof l»Ia t ■ ...uli r, rim /JO t Norrs, Bftollavr iqij vhj. t, : Knrn, Ntrtw (ei*o«cl»«a, Worm, Wlad-I Scab,l SS -nlla, Ujinv.-ti, Tiiui-li, Jt Ing bone, I Ldi ld Soiln, 1*0*1 i-vll, Film upon %St!ie flight and every other ailment I o3io ® •■iU. a tDo uemimuu lard liable. of Uxal 9 tit Ohio r.i.I HtiteU ore I.lulncnt 33 ;);! r:*=ilca» Ulostang l*iob|qs/iiitaI u*..*.'-l c*.!’* f *: ' 1 liCVCS 3 £u.d it Vi, pccltiveiy, TI£E BEST OF ALL LilMEHTS ■ ; t t;t c:l r^AST. A ms