Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, May 18, 1883, Image 1
CRAWFORDVILi E DEMOCRAT! 1 • o Volume 7. MB. STEPHEN'S VACANT CHAIR. BY ARTHUR CLATTOIt. The vacant chair with flowers filled, That loving hands have plac’d with care, While in his arms cold death hath stilled The one who owned the vacant chair. Vacant, though kindly filled with flowers, And bedewed with many a tear ; His the triumph—the sorrow that vacant ours— chair. When we gaze upon The hero’s crown hath no injunction, and the fair, ’Tis made for brave ones unction, And heaven declares its sacred To him who owned the vacant chair. So. rest in peace, in Him reposing— He hath given for thy share, While in death thine eyelids closing, A crown, in place of earthlv chair. ALL AROUND US, VATHERING THE MEWS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. BEING THE DOINGS AND HAPPENINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUR READERS— OGLETnORPE, WARREN, GREENE AND OTHERS. HANCOCK. Iskmaelite and Sunbeam. Mr. James Bass died suddenly at the residence of bis daughter Mrs. Amoss near DevreauX on last Friday in the 77th year of his age. In our last issue we referred to the unex|>ected return to life, of Tony Sykes, after a night spent in death. He has since then died permanently and been buried The infant son of Mr.and Mrs. Julius Mandle died on last Sunday and its re¬ mains were taken to Augusta for inter meat. The little child had never been well from the day of its birth, but it is well with it uow. Old “Uncle Jacob Sims,” for years the keeper of the Sparta cemetary, died ou last Saturday night. He was the oldest person in Sparta. There was but one house in the town when he was brought here. m’duffie Tnumal ’ The youngest . child , .., of Mr. , r Thomas _ A Dozier, near Miiloh. died on Satur day last, aged about 18 months. The little son of Mr, Ciias, P. Stan ford, of Wriglitsboro, died on Sunday morning last, aged about 18 months. On tht 4tli instant death entered tiie peacefui home of Mr. and Mis Burt Harrison and took frorn % ..heir dear little babe. t for.U* ,dv.«=,..» »f toe. b, . Urge majority. Mr. Benjamin Lyons and Mrs. Eliza Taylor, widow of Mr Jerry lay lor, were married on Sunday last at the residence of the bride Ou the same day Mr. Uol»ert Welch, <i., and Miss Lizzie Chapleer were mar ried at the residence ot the brides pa rents. WILKES. O alette. Some complaints of poor stands of cotton. Mr. Price Mathews was admitted to the bar on Tuesday of last week Mrs. Stummer is having tier house rebuilt that was burned before Christ¬ mas. We believe the festivals held by both the churhes during last week have proved a success financially. We understand that a new suivey has been ordered for the Augusta, El berton and Chicago R. R. Tiie new route will run through or near Dan burg. The sad news readied this place by telegraph on Monday, (7th inst.,) that Miss Venie Freize, who has long been a resident of our town, had died the day before in Philadelphia, She was visiting Mr*. Fitzpatrick, formerly of this place, at the time of her death. When Miss Freize left Washington a few weeks ago she was indisposed. She died of typhoid fever. GREENE. Herald and Home Journal. Oats and wheat are looking splendid. Some sleet fell Tuesday evening (8th inst.) We have not heard of any dam ^as Edward Aiken, both ot thi3 county. Aaron Johnson, colored, who lives onJ.M. Storey’s place, caught nine¬ ty-four pounds of fish in a basket one day last week. The largest one of them weighed sixteen and a half pounds. Journal : A curiosity W3S exhibi¬ ted on the street last Saturday by Hen SJIMrS-S ’TXSf’SES ■were two eyes, one in either head, two distinctly formed snouts,and four ears, The body is similar to any pig. It was born Friday night and lived until Sun day. Blake Wearer, son of Judge Wm. Weaver, of this city, was bRten by a water moccasin on last Wednesday branch, he laid his hand on the twig of a tree on which was a moccasin. The snake struck bim. Dr. Walker was seDt for and gave antinotes. At last aewunts he was doing well and was considered out of danger. CRAWFORDVILLE, GA.j FRIDAY, MAY 18th, 1883. Constitution ot the Stephens Monumental Association. We,the undersigned,in order to form a permanent Association, the object of which being to honor the memory of our departed fellow citizen, the late Governor Alexander H. Stephens, by purchasing the property known as the “Liberty Ilall property,” and and erecting doing thereon a suitable monument such other things as may be necessary and proper in the premises, do ordain and establish this Constitution for said Association : Article 1st. This Assoffiation shall beknown under the name and style o the “Stephens Monumental Associa¬ tion.” Article 2nd. The headquarters of said Association shall be located in the town oi Orawfordville, Ga. Artile 3rd. Tiie officers shall con¬ sist of a president and six vice-presi¬ dents, secretary, treasurer and a board of directors consisting of twenty-live members. All of said officers shall be elected by the votes of the regular members of the Association. Article 4th. The officers shall hold their office during the teim of two years, and until such time or times as successors shall be chosen and qualified. Article 5th. The regular election shall be held for officers on the last Tuesday in May and the persons re¬ ceiving the majority of votes cast in such election shall be declared duly elected. In case a vacancy occurs in any of the offices, the president or one of the vice-presidents may order an election at any time, giving through the secretary, ten days notice of the time of such election to “*«li member' of the Association. r *V Article 6th. No person snail be eligioje to the, office of of president board or of vieg pn”« i ot py member direct- who does not reside within the limits of the state ot Georgia. Article 7th. No persons shall be eligible to the offices of secretary or treasureret wiio does not reside within the limits of the county of Taliaferro. Article 8th. At least one vice-presi¬ dent and a majority of the board of directors, ‘shall reside in Taliaferro county. shall of Article 9th. It be tiie duty the president t.o preside at aii meetings of the Association,to preserve law and order, also to preside over all meetings of the board of directors To call to gether tiie Association whenever he m deem it. proper and expedient and to ordei ele‘ - tions immediately, wlien e y er a vacancy occurs, by death, resig nation or otherwise. In any of the 0 ffic s. Article 10th. The duties of the vice-presidents shall be to act as pres- I ident pro-teui in H — '-tjsence or tiie nnd kH'p ,r re ’ Article 12th. It bliall be the duty of t||e tl¥a8lirer to keep all the ac-. C | )lr11l #,,f the Association, to receive an(1 ,, ay out all moneys ordered bv the t)0 . u . d of .Hiectors, taking proper vouchers for the same, and to keep a 1W0rd of Hli his ac ts and doings as tI . e:|Surer< a book furnished him for that purpose. of Article 13th. To the board direc¬ tors, shall be assigned the duty of car¬ rying out tiie wishes of the Associa¬ tion. They shall negotiate for the in¬ terest of the Association —appoint agents forcontribution,audit accounts, and do such other things as require im¬ mediate action for the interest of the Association. A majority of county members of tiie board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi¬ ness. Article 14tli. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the treasurer shall make and enter into a bond with good and sufficient securities in the sum of 812000, for the faithful dis¬ charge and performance of his duties, payable to the directors of the Associ¬ ation, said bond shall bo deposited with the secretary. Article 15th. A m ijoritv of county members of the Association shall con¬ stitute a quorum tor the transaction of butiness, provided no business be transacted at call meetings without notice to all members. Article 16th. To alter, repeal, or amend this Constitution it shall be necessary that two-thirds of the mem beis present at a regular meeting shall vote for such alteration, repeal or amendment. Atlanta, Ga., April 12th, 1883. Mr Mays : The bottle of Oliver's son of a severe cold and-ore throat in one s bor'swas s uffedng with a severe head ache brought on by high fever, relief and bed his head freely with the minutes. I be dropped asleep in a few want a dozen bottles, I don’t expect to be without it in my family. C.R R. J.B.Jackson, Watchman _ __ I u*=*>«*■» >» ” f tee th ," ingv My last 3 were brought safely , through by the use of Pitts Carmina tiy@ Rev. Tnos. B. West, See adv. Thomson, Ga. _ A1I kind3 0 f slippers, sandals, at y A ^ GreenesVxiro, Ga. ery attracti , e whlte lawn3 , India and 25c at C. A. Davis & Greenesboro, ,jra - —The stock of fans,parasols at C.A. Davis t Co’s., Greenesboro, parasols is marve- 10c to • Ions, prices lc to 82, 7 ’ DrBULL’S & m mm | For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Whooping Influ¬ enza, Asthma, Cough, In cipient Consumption and for the re¬ lief of consumptive persons in advan¬ ced stages of the Disease For Sale by all Druggists.—Price, 25 Cents.l 'f£MW r 0/f $ ■£'& < /Aits' ' a ^ y i £ $ A r !A’ .'.“f'Biiat’T.'flfilfcSXI.aff: STOP AT THE Clinard House Athens, Qa. ,, Proprietor. , , '■.i: Porters at Each Train. ComRiercial Bates. Large Commodious Sample Looms, POLITE and ATTENTIEB SERVANTS, Headquarters for. Cpc M* P I T T S CAEMIMTIVE StTSF. -FOR Flatulent Colic, Diavvie, Nausea, Coughs, Uholeta Infantum ... Teething. Cholera Morbus. 1)11. W. M. PITTS, Druggist and Apothecary. Thomson, Georgia. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, Crawford ville, Ga., and J.A. Kendrick, Sharon,Ga. CURED BY Olivers Quick Relief. Rheumatism, Ncuraiigia,Headache,Tooth¬ Throat,Colds,Bites, ache, Colds, Sore Insects, Colic and Stings of in Horses, <fcc. Prepared by MAYS & CO. Atlanta. Georgia. For sale by Dr. R J . Reid, Crawford¬ ville, Ga., anil J. A. Kendrick, Sharon,Ga. EVERY DAY THE MAIL OR EXPRESS BRINGS TESTIMONIALS -THAT— - j | ie jy[usic Q ouse Of r iho South IS LOCATED IN AUGUSTA, GA. That G.O. ROBINSON & CO. — { -SELL THE BEST- ) — pianOS 811(1 Ol'gailS - Manufactured. hat their Price for Same Style & Make —ARE LESS THAN— T1\T IH NOETHEPwlT TTHT? T 1 IT TP 73 >T CITIES, And also, save to the purchaser Freight and Insurance, \ MAKING ) rp \f /N r P J-• V/’ ! • ''-'-'-'THE'-*—^ Great MUSieal iSaYIHg In StltUtlWI atitnti#Mi nf Ot thp the KftllfJ' »OUttv. SAVE MONEY! By Corresponding with G. 0. ROBINSON & CO., 181 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. J *> LOAN. 1 am prepared to negotiate large or sail loans on Real Estate. •'Otl e with \V- IT. Branch, who will give formation In mvabsence: J. CONKLING BROWN, GRF.t.NE8BOno, Ga. ft THE #odel Soda Water i sTABLKIIMENT OF THE SOUTH. ANGER ALE, SODA WATER, ETC.’ ‘ Equal to any imported. sale Manufactured and for at Clinton^s ],0TTLING \ WORKS! 1348 BROAD STREET, TGUSAa........ - - GA aTOrders filled promptly Patent and shipped Express, No Goods in Clinton’s misrepresented. Shipping 1 >se». aprfl20 3m i 1 » £ » A I | Thousands Quid and Easy ClriM-Birth ” of women over the land testt j to the wonderful effects of this great rem tly; intensity it will not of only shorten and suffering labor and beyond lesson the pain expression, diminishes but better than all, life it thereby both mother greatly and child. the This danger great to boon of to suf¬ fering woman is Holmes' Liniment, or Mother's Frlerut. Prepared and sold by J. Bhaufikld, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1,60 bottle. Sci h by Express on receipt of price. A * - nr... 1.000 MILE TICKETS. 1 Georgia R ulkoau Company ) O ri< e General I Passenger A get > ;OVq§ENOINU Augusta, April 5th, 1879. ) MON DAY. 7th st,, 1 ivi'u * sell ONE THOUSAND . LL riCKL 18. goedovor main line nrni ■echus. at 1WLN i Y-llVE DOLLARS iffk- i hese tickets will be issued 10 in ,'tdiiais, ondfamlUes firms ov combbied. families, but not to UU E. It. DOItSEY, 4 y0,1879 Generai Passenger Agent SCALES ’ U.S. SCALE Manufacturers SCALES SOUTHERN STANDARD CO., of •mm n mm trucks, etc.. »* '4|IWnM| « vuiii ,rn> Luuu ,ui uauuugud INSURE YOUR LIFE THE •‘AlETHODJST MUTUAL AID At *•■< >C1 ATloN’” <>f Kentucky, is tlir en teat and cheapest i.ife Insurance Com pa;iy in America. 'J'lie only Gninpany tli it pays one halt of tiie insurance tolls Pi]liey make holders, ill eases All must of total and inability it to a living. die, is tin: duty of every man in life, to prei mre a meansof support after Ids death fort! lose. lie irest and dearest to him. Insure now, delays are dangerous. For particu¬ lars apply ", to tiie undersigned at C’rawford vil e. Ga C. T. Boggs, Agent. M M. A. A. .NATIONAL H0TEI ATLANTA, GA. T 1 OCATDD City, only IN TIft£CENTER block from Union OF THE A one pas¬ senger depot and the depot of tiie Georgia Pacific and East Tcnnesee, Virginia building and Georgia railroacs, in the same of the hotel. Terms, WHITE, 82.00 per Proprietor. (lay. E. T. Klim HOUSE. STONE MOUNTAIN, GA, 10 Miles From Atlanta. Opened to summer guests good on the 1st of may. Cool breezes, water, only a few minutes ride from the city. Board, $2,000 month. per Address, day ; $10 per week ; $30 per K. Ga. T. WHITE,Atlanta or Stone Moun¬ tain, J. N. CHAPMAN, CRAWFORDVILLE, ----- GA. Has on hand a full line of 13 U G- G j E 8 , A XI) WagOHS, IlaiUCSS, Etc. - ■ wa’gon Harness ever brought to this market and which I am Selling at BOTTOM PRICES GW, me a call when you need anything in my line. incii 16.3m J. N. CHAPMAN. W. J. NORTON. CRVW KOill>V 11 .I.G, GA Contractor and Builder Also Dealer in AJU-XIAig llUP' Material of Ui ? ell 11 Kinds. FREE as Book, Sc. IftKITt ■ *«cbm tA all tmw A«TICLEII, wka y ««H «o*4 > Iwo mmd 4 Thomas Fulton, —-— !t>: - CRAWFORDVILLE, • GA.j —DEALER IN— Fancy and Family Groceries, l OY1SIONS,CANNED GOODS, LARD A MS. FLOUR. MEAL AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS Of ALL KINDS. Terms Strictly Oasli I KEEP 01) HAND ALSO TIIE FIX BEST BRANDS OF TOBA COO, CIO A BS. AND SNUFFS. Tlic Best in Crawfordvilie, GIVI! Ml! A CALL WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES OR PROVIS¬ OES OF ANY KIND. Also a large stock of Crockery at re¬ duced prices. \ HAVE ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF FANCY CANDIES OF ALL KINDS. Thomas Fulton. A T DB. SMITH'S OLD STAND,) “WOULD HAVE IT IF IT COST $50 ” Springfield, Robertson co., Tom. \ Nnwruher HuZ ’er 97t/i 1KH0 l 1 nr, i A r • Sir el- My v< daughter i I, has v—„ been stiff cling for many years with that dreadful iifllie lion known tvs“Female Disease,’’which has cost me many dollars, and, notwith standing l had the best medical alien dance, could not find relief. f ll;lV0 used many other kinds of medicines without any effect. 1 had just about given her up, was out of heart, but ^appalled j n the .doro of W.W. Kckler, several weeks since, and he, knowing of my daughter's affliction, persuaded me to buy a bottle ot your “FEMALE REGULATOR.” She began to im¬ prove at once. I whs so delighted with its effe&ls that I bought several more buttles, -81.50 bottle—seemed Tiie prim* pci to be‘very high ut first, preparation but now I think it the cheapest on do the g! dp- ; and. kinowing what I .uioiit it, it loviHJ .,oe or was suffering with that awful disease, 1 would have it if it cost 850 it bottle ; for I can truthfully say it has cured my daughter sound and well, and my self and wife do most heartily REGUELA- recom¬ mend your “FEMALE TOR” to be juat what it is recom¬ mended to be. Respectfully, II. 1). Fuatukkson. Trial size 80 75 per bottle. Full size 1 50 per bottle. PREPARED BY J. BRADFIELD, Sole Proprietor, ATLANTA, GEODGIA FOR SALK BY R.R. J. REID, Cnuvfordyillo, L 2’8! ly NOTICE. I HAVE on hand a large stock of I leather, and I am prepared to do nice j and cheap work. I guarantee all my j work to give entire satisfaction. If _vi u are not satisfied with my work your money will be refunded. Giv« me a call and he convinced. O. JONES, Boot & Shoe Maker. Crawfordville, Ga VYc Have Struck It! AND WE WANT IT TO STJKE YOU, The Place to Buy Paints! --18 AT THE PAINT STORE -WE KEEP IN STOCK V * R!,, ^ s „««.ne And all the Shades . an<! . Colors,vvhiui ^ vve /.i i shk^TU^'eNTINE MINED WE sef j 4 p A I NTS, and don't you forget < VVE GUARANTEE PR ICES and de ifv competition as to PURE GOODS n, a call and you wffi be ffieasert by our fair dealings, just weight and true measure. SALE Si ROSSIGJiOb, 312 Jackson st., between Greene and Ellis. Avgusta, Ga BOOT A.TSTD SHOE SHOP. -: 0 : l announce to the Citizens of Crawford vjlie aI|fl vici nity that I have opened a shop on the corner of Dr. Farmer’s lot on Main street, and will give prompt guaranteed tion to all orders. Satisfaction Give me a trial Terms strictly cash. JAMES FLOYD, CrawfordviRe, Ga. Number 2D. ears ™ million i Too Choo’s Balsam of Shark’s Oil OS1TIVKLT RBSTOltES THE HEARING, AND IS THE ONI.V ABSOLUTE CURE FOR DEAFNESS KNOWN. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar spe¬ cies ot small White Shark, caught in the VeiiowSea, known as Onrchnrodon Ron deletii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it Its virtues as a restorative of hearing was discovered by r Bud hist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over tire entire Empire. Its use became so uni¬ versal that for over 300 years no deafness lias existed among the Chinese people. Sent, §1.00 charges bottle. prepaid, to any address at per Hear What the Deaf Say It has performed a miracle in my ease. 1 have no unearthly uoisjs in my head find hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a hie. great deal—think another bottle, will cure ■'Its virtues are unquestionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer car. personally ami testify, both from experi¬ ence matlock: observation. jennEv, Write at once to New York, * 7 D 0 y street. receive by return enclosing remedy that nml you will a will ena¬ ble you to lionr like anybody else, ami whose, curative effects will be permanent. Von will never regret doing so,’’—Editor Of Mercantile Review. l r W To avoid loss in the Mails, please send money by registered letter. Only imported Sole by iiayi.«m;k a. j nSNEV, agent* for America. 1 Dey st.. N. V ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you disturbed at. night and broken of jour rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cuUinti teeth ? If so, send nt, once mid get i> bottle of Mbs. Winslow's Soothing Svkup for Tkkth is° CHILDREN. Its value is Incalculable, it will relieve tho poor little sufferer lm mediately. Depend about upon it, mother*, tpere is no mistake it. it cures dysentery and dianboen, regulates colic,soft- the stomach and bowels, cures wind tens the the gums, reduces iiiflaumtlon and g ves 'iVetliiiig toiui and eiiiTgy to the whole th^toste^nd system. a rPU is pleasniH to s | s n„, prescription physicians of one of tae oldest and female and nurses in the united States, and is for sale by all drug its through out the world. Price 29 cent* battle, SHEEHANS Excelsior Bottling Works .Q. E. ^.IIEEHaK, 1025 ORHKNK BT. Augusta, On Pure Soda Water, Sarsasparllla nml Gin¬ ger Ate manufactured from Fresh and First Class Material, Lager Beer in solic¬ kegs and bottles always on hand, Orders ited and promptly filled. N. II.—Ice shipped of good quality and at just weight to my customers mar¬ ket price. aprill3-3m. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS POE ItAH AKD r.EAST. For more than n third of a oentury been tho Mexican MnxtanK I.lnlmeut lias known to millions all over tho world oh tho only safe re banco lor tho relief oi accidents anil pain. It is a medicine above price uno pralso—-Il«e beet of Its Lind. I ort very fuuu of external pain tho MEXICAN Mustang I.Inlmont Is without an equal. It i>ene£rat«*s Jlcsli and muscle to tiie very bone—milking tho continu¬ ance of pain nod Inflammation Human Flesh Impos¬ and sible. Its effects upon ful. the Drat* Tho Mexican Great Ion ure equally wonder¬ MUSTANG Liniment la nooded by bring gotnebody In of every houao. Every alul duy nrul<l i new* burn the agony efiui 11 or Kilbdued, of rheuinatie martyr* re¬ stored, or ft valuable home or ot Muveil by the healing power of till* LINIMENT «* mV??! # 0 r* fuppJr*, CaBcd tu«e. it iuaL without star*. • h*v*», iiwf »•►• fo<u i:oi, Ncrtw v. m-ni, Wlnd- Sesu, Honour IloVn, f'erajehri, ivhldi »ml evv*Tr oilm Kliment lo 13, c occnpnni * of I he A table end Slotk Hard xv» liable. Tim .UCXU'KO .VlUiL.iOf I. to Invent always Lures ami eo>M uWppolats; and ilia, positively, THE -BEST OF ALL rcr* V£L1 05 BSABT, i