Newspaper Page Text
Volume 7.
being tiie doings and happenings
Captain .las. Iv. Anthony says while .
he was churning butter one day be
thought, lie woula count the number of
licks it took to make the butter come;
and the number ran over three tbous
. , .
Mr. J. M. Wood armed Here n om
North Carolina last Saturday. W hue
returning he lost $325.00 in money on
the train between Columbia and Au
gusi n.
The freight rate on cotton from here
to -Augusta has been reduced irom lo
to ’-3 cents per hundred.
Mr. J. C. Dyson lias one of the finest
fish ponds hi th,rstate, and is making
a great success of carp raising
Gen. and Mrs. Toombs left on Wed
nesday for their summer home m
Clarksville. Mrs. Hunter ami Miss
],nlie DuBose accompanied them.
The iomrest 3 stride i«tr, toward buildiim
niMiur this WHS begun last
Monday by the. laying of the corner
atone of a mammoth store on the cor
Del' by the side of the new mill. The
su re is being built by Messrs. Irvin,
Cnllan & Co., and will be one hundred
and forty four feet in length by forty
feit in width. For seventy feet from
the front it will be two stories high,
Tii s will make a most commodious
stole, and will be ready for occupation
by the tirst of October.
Warmitoii Clipper.
„ Mrs. Elizabeth , fl Shivers has quite , ful- .
3, 1 ecoyered from a severe proUaeted
]ii» ess.
Don. C. E. McGregor, was installed
e 1 ; ot agent at this place last r ruiuy.
Mr. Walter Scott, former agent, is dis
i bh d In a severe protracted illness,
Dr Stanton is making hia vard Took
f 5 , i.'w Wit" ili nretlv it u.\ new wiling' |. K
\\e understand Unit the Coroner s
M 8R Gntrude. daughter of < u-tain
h, was about to alight from 1 he ve
Ie.. whew the horses suddenly moved
ioi uni'il, tinhalanciug ami t browing liei
:;v 1 lone ANming out t.) Hie -ri-nnsl i n her
f T. tl, man in ait, ,up
! OL- to eatcli her Uioke Foe fom-or Hie
1 il end so saved her from cuusideralde
i jin.
Allred A. Smith, died Snmlav mm n
i,m I tier a brief ilioesa of malarial ,Y
Vui .
3i due fie.
dim'liter V' cue. aged 3 veins, and 1- days. died
T a°h of Mr li D 15 JPannm.
of c «dei if. i t u m at F) o’clock on
T Jmnid’ySescDy mson cemetery, a^imimn the services bamg Urn
comuicted by ltev. G. C. Gary.
c. L;",ip.,;. t vein soil of the
i ale J T r O. Marks « G dmd d ,,o nc . ii a • -
Hetat oocol.o.i win "
.m,1v Ih, lift'd, an was bulled at hu
i, ii ehureh on Iiiesday, itev. A.. J..
lUnis'ner eonduciing tlw ^vviui-s.
M Mattie . I" , hit. -v'M , ;* 1 k> u t ,ji
' 8 .
yt.yrs, wife of VV. F. Fair, die.I sutl
<!ei ly from rupture of a IT'oY
;,1 Per home in at 3 o'cloc ;
on '1 iiursday tnornii list, the l’.rb
instant, and was buried at Union
church on Fiiday, ii'-v. A. B. Tina ii
i r conducting the services.
Mis. TelitIm Martin, aged abotii 30
, wife of A. M. Alaitin, < .
lung lever at her husband’s residence
in Columbia county, at 4 o clock on
.Sunday morning last, the 22nd instant.
t.,: 11 mi, nf Mr " and Mr* ‘ 1 | T '
,’ '
B. r •ler, died . , ot . - enlaigemeoc , , n f f -
sols at the home ot Ins parents, nem
Tliomson, at 10 o’clock Monday
ing, July 16th, 1873, and was buried in
the "raveyard at Dr. Gibson’s on Tues
day following.
On Wednesday last, a little daiujli
ter aged about three, of Mr. Miles, of
this vicinity got rSMf^uarjod^ a niece of glass, near
tar down in her throat. Hhe was
brought to town and subjected to the
skillful treatment of Drs, Jones and
It in inn sop, who dislodged and extracted
the glass, which proved to be fragment
of a minor.
AVe regret to learn that Mattie, lit
tie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Stepheus, is quite sick at the residence
of her grandmother, Mrs. McLean.
Thieves are again abroad in Thom
son. Mrs. Lawrence had stolen from
her room at the Knox liotel. several
piecesof jewelry, a portion of which
ims been recovered, and the negro in
possession it was found has been coin
milted to jail.
A difficulty occurred near Thomson
on Saturday night last between some
white men and Jesse Shank, Sr., and
several m»le mrnters ot
ed ‘jeSiLod t« seriously rfU? injured, .«»» and
shot, but not
Mr W O Harrison wa: wounded but
out dangerously.
Herald and Home Journal.
There will lie a Sunday school cele
ehration at Macedonia church, August
13; It.
On Wednesday, lllli inst.. little Le
ua Moore, daughter of Mr. Osborn
Moore, died of dintheria.
Died ‘ j/ at ' the residence ot W. ,T New- llarv
k'lUeVw^m. , n July °ltli inst Mrs
Messrs. Poweli and Davenport, haye
dianted about six li undred acres of
| stubbi un
j : Another , Union l oint bonsp biis been
roldied, arul a considerable amount of
J money taken.
q .J!,, • j 1 Frirla v while on’a visit v'
m,,, *p!; ,,., ‘A ° i,„ r «••• /it from
ahs. .1 at met a to aus. Annie j.itue.s, tie s
MissRia tt'eaver was throwu irons the
one-horse wagon she was ruling in,and
received severe ami p tiiiful injuries.
(Nptain ' r,’ T ‘, M story dnwe’, has ir a held of
, r -s ; s
mated he will 7 000 pounds of lm\f pm
tie re. A! . -w . t
,d > it-T. i per acre.
TIkm; , > , ty 01 , .vir. • .or, t.:e - ! o
Dlan that was drowned ...
Ford, was recovered week kforc n.xt
j within ten feet of the place where he
was last seen,
Delivered by Col. j., M. I.amar, ot the
tmurteenth District, in the Senate
Chamber, July 11th, 1883.
Mr. President : In rising to speak a
few smeere words of tribute to Alex
under Hamilton Stephens, I tee! pain
fully the inability of language to just
ly portray this pheuominal Georgian.
In claiming him as a Georgian, L do
not mean to dwarf him to his own
State, lie whs larger in 1,1s TiUntie
proportions of character and fame than
any commonwealth. Ge was more
than a national man. lie was a vepve
sensative type of our humanity in its
loftiest scale of Christian civilization
And the tact jusuhes our natural
prule that this rounded and complete
man was a Georgian, while it saucti
lies our gieat souow tout we have ost
He, sir, who endeavors to .... voice the
calamity of such a denth must do the
difficult-task of embodying the lesson
of the nohle life it crowned. It is only
in slow eontenntlatvmi and study that
tih( . beam ies ot such a life are envolved.
ion nt Ids l.uoe :
-..... .. ........ .no
Mr. President, the man who can b' 1 1 '
such iitteuu. this hi., .
an <; as upon
lie iits ready for the giave,
amid nimtrniiig noil.mis wlm how to
its truth, has wm, glorious title the
..lightest imivorialiD of earth. What
rare gifts; wliat toilful years oi good
"•!•>" I rax seendei.l genius;
" Pdowic.g and nselnl ne. uevement,
\'hat overshadowing supenority <d
n.K ioiii'l m til. ai ; i,x ( '>
a hie, such an intiivnlu.dilj, such .t
lame. In my opinion the greatest
Georgian in this proud common weultn
passed away whci Alexander Step leu.*,
died, and the genius of history, in the Id. of philosophical truth Will so 1(! .
NeJd _
.'ho Great >. the -th.
I- rovn the New Orleans Picayune.
A ca:iip-metti:ig religion is wanted that
will last from one camp-meeting to an
_ -----
Ti»o Ainfrica/I Lang aage in Eurape,
i-rnn tin. Waterburv uaruimiy Aumriea,,. aui i. .ui.
l)a;» it, souths, %vns wna. u , ■>“>•*.
biWiiiiGd jioiiiesH-.v 111 t.»o nfil rouiui-v,
wLdh Ik*. [uippuH'-.i t-.> nvout - d*. ,;»Ij**-?*,
Li* sfivs : i \ iii’kiu'i' v* i •! now
couLl vi•• >.>•' Ji'ioiv pi
S' ('j :. , c: l • 1 Id
talk in tin; is-■><»»l v -;-A o-.-i lean
ftty * ’
* v*.
From the Fort Gan
While thx* woriv D )U
c , ;i , g, ( . a* f.. BA
amj on oxa'iiinatiou ii was fijUlld it
was a large bullet occupying a positmii It
nearly in the centre of tin* tree. is of
course reasonable to suppose that the but
j e ^ j, as j n tlm tree a long time, as the
track where it entered had entirely healed
up and not a sign of it was visible.
--- m- • -•---
it was liver Thus.
From the Gainesville Eagle.
\\e are told tlmt an eloquent dj\ine, a
Lumpkin camp-meeting, ja»t tiuth. yeai, 1
t ' ll ‘ lol.owing expressive ''
over tiie ruts of temptation and the
of damnation, and have to scrovvdge pn t
ty lively to get up at all, but the sinner,
with greased wheels and flying colors,
»lip« i down to tarnation like a dose of oil,
wj h a ripan(1 a wbiz and raises no dust
Revolutionary Keiic.
From the Cedar town Advertiser:
Dr. G W. Chisolm, of this place, has an
ancient appurtenance of war sei^vice that
^^A,7therLTmioLy war', great-grand- winch wa,
t , Je poverty of the doctor’s
fatherr General Thomas Chisolm. It is
somewhat larger than the ordinary lK*,ap can
teen in use in the late civil war, but
seemingly befnTflTt'Ts^ma^^’of 11 ! M
burnt clay, looking very much
like the specimens of exhumed pottery to
bc^en g}|«£3teT£r!ir!Ktt in museums, the color bearing a
- ,£
SiSS* W5tr* JSSS ttS "Id
Wl>r t of a bullet. I he doctor prizes hun
relic which now bears an age of one
died an i ten Years.
j Items oi News (lathered Here and Ther
From our Sixciuiiges.
pari ridge nest with fifteen ecus in it. Tile
inotaer hint flew off which left slice-"
exposed to the scorching rays of the sun
Returning that wav two or throe hours In
ft^^B5saptsts«« less occupants
Gainesville wants a match factory.
orB “ n '« viBe -
d'ed batuiday ii.ght.
Fulton county is to build anew poor
house near Atlanta.
.Trank Ridge, of the Gate City Guards,
°f Atlanta, was shot in the leg by a J
s' ,s ^jvilmn rival while on the beach at
Morehead City. -North Carolina.
a noticeable feature of the commence
ment exercises of the State Univeasity tin
islmd was the appearance of the senior
class in suits made, of Southern jeans.
J. A nr. or v Knox, the tunny fighting e®
ilorof f e* T.-x was once a
A ».• so a"-e u A ; pas.m.g .sma ■
. Ot Utu-n, (Hi
{ , ; i.h\, it-rj ..-jir •:;>!, tho «*r t/»”
Tti-from Montgomery saw a Hum
- - <>n ‘no tr.-.n rnf.iiln.-c towards
engine. Tim air-brakes-wew put on,
every effort made to stop, but too late.The
child was knocked from the track with a
fearful blow on the head, ft jumped up
and cried for its mother. It was certainly
oue escape out of a thousand.
A runaway bU horse, which was blind,dash
over the at Columbus Friday, and,
tailing o0 oi 0 ■ feet, was killed.
. . ^ Z
VV L picked up last week in ChaUahm.vhe
county bv Sheriff Harp, and will be car
lied t > Ellaville.
Athens contemplates numbering her
Peaches are selling for ?l a bushel at
Burglars and incendiaries are worry
ing Columbus.
The question of an artesian well in
Dalton is being agitated.
Valdosta has five restaurants, and ail
are doing a good business.
Val(lo<ta , s lu , loll Iiwn noS all dis .
sn fisfied with their experience this season.
Murray;county i»j said ;to' have one of
the widest and most gushing water falls in
the State.
A trim bill has boon found against W.
T. Sanfoul, who, a few months ago, shot
and killed W. A. Lesenr, of Louisiana,
formerly of Athens, Ga.
Frklay afternoon, M#iile some fttuuls
01 .,M.. antf Mrs. Pont* T'otuliirso'
all ,|'), n ,is t . tlirou-'h the rmif or paiatc. For
a , ( . w (1 ., y8 ( . V er V thing it attempted to
s-.valimv came out at the nose. Nature has
,, 10111 diffUmltV .tly repaired the. damage.
A evdaiog, occurred in Mil,edg-ville,late Ed
Saunoay between Warren
.j ward, and »\ g. ;i "G-T) l,li Tj'T l y ", . a L | t slims U ve,
but m,no of Ilia
effect. The difficulty wa* about
1( . u1 . (|m , ...... .....
A terribie encounter with knives took
place at Counter-line church. Dooly conn
tv, Saturday morning, between .Saiupsoii
Oasod, .Ir that ,au<l vicinity, Samuel resulting Clifton, af both young
men oi era pro
Irm-ted struggle, in ' (l ‘ union.
who was iiteraLy liae.ked toimaes.
m-7 u ; GUmUmati, 1 to AUanU and 3 U>
The, blue-coated guardians of. Augusta, month,
made bit arrests ia this city last
Two hundred and eighty-nine cases wen
up before the Recorder.
Thera has l,ee„ ........... in the Ole.k’s
ofliee at Waneshoao up to date, ahont l,.m
mortgage.s and lieu notes, which must qe
paid out of t lie grow ing crops.
11 n ill » : ■l u, k.
o •nil to t 1
io (; 'i r :i
tiii*y hud j.K,i uuhl hi
told Lurk that if ho v. pay ri
emihlg.. i.i.e. Tim Turk egi-.-d to t.,;
mil ; trailed out a roll of money and paid
. um Spn,w it se"in« that the man
| lu ,i niora money, earried him a hort dii
tanee further into a thickly wooded spot
and stepping behind tin* ignorant ti an,
him twice in the head with a pistol.
The m-.n fell to the gronnd, alul hpreweil
supposing him dead, robbed lorn oi iM).
iy Hcali, wounds and when the his man re
<>aiued consciousness, lie found way
back to Ins wife and bear, where lie re
__ * _ ____
I H-CO...mend f , His (Grminitive nt e tor i
the Jove I have fot motheis and chil
dren.See add. E. K.Carswell.Jr..
Thomson, Ga.
Atlanta. Ga., April 12, lR^’j.
Mr. Mays : The bottle of Oliver’s
Quick Relief you gave me did a great
deal of good. It cured my sick head
ac | je j n a f,. w minutes. It cured mv
son ot a.severe cold and sore throat in
one night’s tune. One ot my imigh
bors was suffering with a severe head
a r;he brought on by high fever. I rub
bed his head freely wito the Relief and
«'* want a dozen bottles. ^ I non “ ir ," t 1,,s exj.iect !
to be without it in my fa -jmy.
J. B. Jackson,
JValeto.n c. It 1..
Mr. William Lndenvood, Savanna!,
G J , •' • . “Brown's Iron Bitters
relieved me oi tocevu eriects of e a uis
orders liver. M
L Brlet Review ol What the Country is
f Culled lor me Headers oi The
crat from our Exchanges.
The conditio# . ot the ‘ tops is . Icxas. regarded ,
.-ry favorable in most parts ot
f 'There are no less than 306 localities in
virtu Carolina, where gold is found.
^«s»s, , r„„,i
' Ahe erection oi‘a monument to Admira
^Mr. canty. 11. Inis C. taken Ilanspergor, 0,000 pounds of Jessamine of honey
i ;n iiis own bees this season.
u> Alabama man has offered totlm man
s of the Kentucky state fair for per
• - skion to exhibit his little girl, three and
i alt years old. She has three separate
1 ] distinct tongues, the two smaller be
*". beneath the main one, and attached
1 ! near the rool.
ii.thama’s improvement does not seem
*■' he confined to her mineral interests
^ ^ M ab-nt i pm'Lut, tim !,'t‘crop ‘
‘'A . . cl ....... ;
•' :, ' '
^' " ^ ^ lr j^, b ’ [£! , Lver
a 1 t lK '' , *' a " ' ‘ To
-"‘d in...or “While Tmes, of Honda, savs this of
u' 1 enjoyed my visit to the
<" • "untry 1 could not live there again,
'I : A is the country of the past—this is the
coi^r, of the future.”
; inn has 77!) policemen atui the, cost of
«'• force last year was #900, 5 Gg.
. n-gmu paper suggests that the next
lS Uatl0,ml b( ‘ , “' M
tor a 't“A jni! hiiu‘for v^a^he^ivpl'^'fnnn , ‘a , '^'11 , , dn'
, ; “crook ” Pro >al ' 1 v
it v a not an unnatural mistake.
■[ imde dollar is combm into circula
turn You, • m. announcing In lmndreds that opplacos the in fi'ew doi
c;us trade
lar v.d. be received at par are displayed
com yuousiy.
A n- 1 failed in trying to commit suicide,
st'M-'itstiekl, Mass.,’ and accidentally. next day a rail
ron-Mum ran over him
of Purine tfudy-two a storm feet at of Fond electric du Lae a section
an light tow
Idlht 3 ,m' T l R f "Tl l !!'
, th. the'head
vviid- it snspesdetUtself over of
a #1 am-keopet engaged in elouniiig a
Th> actual loss of property bv fir" on
tip 1 . do coast for the lirstslx months of
im foots tip the extraordinary total ol
iravl.v rsoo.iw The Insurance was
I he tire opwinpiies’experience
l '
out tv.G»....... otter Im.l lh« expen, si ^ 11
111 01 pay
if* v \\'- 1 *'! ^t’nk .moto'iitoTt S
Nate, UuGi . 1 na.v lik to go nit Ml.
A Li m Hiriningliam, Ala., I.....eel
reeenr.iy sold for
T v eomi.ig A rkftnsas Nate hur wi he
1,1 i.n
sixtL n tlumsimd popular' conies have already a'i’ao I......
sold d the song, “Only y
Since li e project was broached at Mer
idan, Miss., a fmv days ago, to build a
;sms'.oOf) edtton and woolen factory, ».i0,
ool) hate l.een raised for that purpose.
y ( ,1 nneouiinoii offense against the law
|n j s tlu* sewing up with needle and
.......... th. eyes of cows. 11. U . llal-y
A niung the things 1»« X ;J
iW mording to the World, were fais
teeth, nickel watclws, false curls. Hacks of
clocks,Vhetston. p|, lv iuz cards, surgical instruments, alarm
Wia s billiard halhard lulis,
guil-n s, gauze undershirts and a „l
Ofa sewing machine.
An enoruioit spider’s wen, seen ri . y
in Fra a co nia ’/alley, Mretohnd N. I! , ln't,W""ii win ot t to.
';cal kind, >
fre s,\ Ttie guys or suppoits were 1.7 t
Jong, uhiie tin; wob was three feet ir c.i
cu . o fenee.
, ,t n r visitors to Denver will leau
J. GO tiiei ..
e, ti l; of t ho. fJS »’!(•'■ : Ln(.
J, ‘i 8 itS'u () v 1 ‘»' 70 \
V ..hits i .
D 1.
ot !i s u n
'5EH. ',<* uin ,000 S iv<
Hi iJ ish fioast ■> m ;i year.
r.a.i Francisco physicians lure d ; < <■
H Eff <"ise.i of leprosy i.m"n ; di
hoodlum class of boys who smoi . < i
reties made by Chinamen,
t i,« American piinting lions" for th
blind just dedicated at l/niMVille is th
> ;l . ing ever t
n,at sc!•-. pu-i
The entire cost of the trip iv'—m a
L y the <Lmtihuiifa! t ■ uar
leans wjih a Lout and the i■
from their tableaux *-;;fti'.iti**:.
tiuiii ia/xio.
Miutii S., Vaiuieiliiit’s p-t, has a
built on ground worth one ii,oi, ai
hirs per toot.
Hummer visitors to D-nver v.-iii
—Smoke Alexander Stephens cigais
for sale i>y U . It' Jteid.
—Mershon & Flynt,, of Sharon, hav
on hand a large stock of goods which
they are offering at very low prices.
— Buy your boots and shoes from
Mershon A Flynt, .Sharon, Ga.
—Gel, vnur farnilv groceries ,t<
ft ° m M< ‘ sIk), ‘ *
—If you want a nobby suit of cloth*
c<l p Mershon & Flvnt, Lit at Sharon,
_Ghew D a nomi D amend t ,
iacc „ at IV. R, Uri.r
— Hamburg Liniment is the Lest
reiiedy known for rheumatism,
fjfa us, bniises., SGff joint. ,
or sim bj \v . li. U Uiii*.
1 jfj I h 111 fj ! I I S i it § 9
j ^ ''lUi JLi UXI I JLI
! Q >^ *!*<**» for ttwalgi, and Headaob,
: An Internal Remedy, emitaining no quin
| Inc. opium. Chloroform, (.'Moral or
j narcotic ot anv kind. Safe ami
Quick in its action.
Messrs. w™,™"/;::i
Hutchison * Him : Gentle
j :ormuu^^^iu'id: Wy u/the^veat "vii'fnc''-'if'U""" * < "n' *T
, aehe. It is the be.-t remeilv for these most
< distressing It should complaints ] have ‘in ever used
, be in every family ............
! tr y* 1 ours truly, GKO. E. 1IKAD.
Mayor ( .r Leesburg, Vnl
Mi g-e 1 1 itchison a- m?o : i am hap
pv to say that- vottr “Neurah'ine" •ictial as
.t incredibly specific in short m.v time. case, relieving "me in
! would advise all
j sufferin',- m»m inmral'e-i and headache to
,r > T. Yours, ci,-..
H. V SI.MS, M. I).
—............— -
' ' ’ ’ ; r sV
; .* . J fi i '
w! , , . ling Goods. The
•„, , T ' ‘ 1 ’• ,l
■ ■■
' ';’ !( 11 , ! 1 'oths, 1 l.arpels, \\ indotv
! . all la irder Laec Gur
tains. < ornn . aim i ales, < -oeoa A Canton
Matting*. l_R't,tire .1 l'hoi-ler.v, d iv.igruvhms, for
mos. e .ume rib! Samph
V V " ' J-iel-.iy. imw.r'm 1 "’
. .. I Trr>Tiai\ r 1 tulEIxu tx i .
Female Regulator ° !
.hDhmrni'd T ,,■. r ..... till,riwwomnA ,. , o'e,"
of ai'iliei itisa
liar and multifonn ous
«'dy for Woman i » n I . Y. and
tSlMlGI A L CLASS of her diseases. It is a
.......‘"ie fur certain di^easia! comlitioa-: oi
Functio^| 0 'mo^•e < 'UT■!H| l l
Menstrual t!. 'll | iii#
" ,,, 1 n u r n r \v ,,,,
1,s proprietor claims lor it no oilier medi
' !: 'l property, and to doubt the fact that
this medieiim does positively possess such
''"ntiolling ami regulating powers, is sim
«• »>}>; tli«us.iml.s «•> discredit ol hying liie voluntary witnesses, testimony rylio are
to-day exulting m Umir rcstroatum to
*«»uml health and happmeiw.
” */. ; — —
ixmndirss because oi his vroiideiftil i>'i‘‘
ee-.s in the »r<;j;ln.< ; nt ami onre ,.|
I'll'I'l’-n's.,- Vem eeyT' '
,| v A o D-N.l 1.LAI bu 1 i.iiovmi, aim ri iiui
ly deserves its name •
V» OSHaH S i I 1*2<*IITI !
t{ ( .,, ;ius( i p; ooiitrois a clrss of functions I lie,,, deraimemcds o! which . a.or
ili h.-ailh than all 0,11 *J *;‘/.r’"/” i**'l IIV-”'
prenL'uivlv I'nWminM • ’
()|, ! what a nmltitiKla of living wiHi«»8
es "w'o.MAN can tixslil'v to its crianiiing effects !
' \ lake to your coniidciicn this
jt Li, will relieve von of nearly all the com¬
Kit ts p ,-e„lI,ir to " your sex ! Rely upon as
mr " .. ....... .....
|)U, J. BRADFIKLl), Allilllfll, (dl.
tsohi dv , ., " ’ . • ’ «•>-.,wfovilvill" ' Hi
S Son-H ...
t La rge .Size, ■ i j 0 .
V W1$?M
!TT m
G^ing^ :a
Sachin 6
r i m
i w ;
\r* I
------ flwi! ii
1 V— TV.-'
- ft r, m * •!*» &
/ K/RfEC P £ 7flNEVE^ T A' PA A P T|CULAR -
/ NEW homing bachiHEIs
FOR sale by
, uL i 1. Craw ford»me,
Number 29.
FOR 1882-3.
before "Quipped in every sense tlianever
to maintain its position
J thkk host lira ok soothebn JOUR
it calls ...... (he attention of the .. rea«ng
public to the. billowing point*
tllu ‘' a “ be.claimed. Name¬
ly, that It Is
****»«.*.—„. Alabama, the Carolinas, Florida rgia,
•» " Mraiding the«ri!TtiState matter than ftnypaper any paper iff *
3. The fullest telegraph ” service and latest
h The brightest, best ami fulleest corre
fi. ’J'lie eompletcst eleetfon returns’
6- 1 mhatlm Legislative reports.
»• Official Supreme Uourt reports.
Tht ' Great Georgia per-Better Than
*'-vur. No mtidiigmit Georgian
cun du wi'noutlt
kvkuy Grouts tan siirtiLD take x
XPITAI. deign
TH E s r XT n, RE.: MONTHS.
i -M ,) i;l V i D l,s'iMlUiMl Sio per atltiiim
^2 .m ;; : i.>;:ilis : > i oo i month. W ccldv fn-5
u p», ,?l.2B. with
•m'"o- up of rim. ; uitths ot m
f'«.-*•>. vtilh lire eoitt Address
t\)\ S; I IT i’lOV "lii
.vu.un.i, VI .nia u.»,.
^T/ >\T U Li v V' TO LOAN.
C AM I’UEPAUISD to make small or
I large loans for any length of time at S
pei- rent per annum with approved securi
ONawfocdviUe, Ga.
^ The s ....., Biggest anil the ... Bcsi „
Miimmotli K ewspupor^
For one year, and an
Interesting Novel,,
i For $ 2 00
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Savannah Weekly News,
\ mamm.ith sheet, ;WxB2 inclms.contain
ing a pagt-s ot reading matter, comprlaing
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tu<* rt
t>erl».v whleli ho can bf» , Informed «srtwsse of
; j,i K iivvii .Sbito or in the most dlatout parts
of the globe.
In addition to a first-class newspaper at
a moderate price, we offer the each bubtishmi yearly
j subscriber a copy; of a,. ?
use lot ha ' a vear l^a fvance
Nuh.-ei iptions can lie sent djrect th rough local i
agents ami podn.asters, or to
' l- /'L ^ 1 1 tLt <k-
3 WldUtkjir in- ■ btreot, baAaunah.
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;.:73 BEST
' *’ii? t! A L lU
■> v ■ -A ji r.- jrcKjp I i »■:; i ff° « ITS
• * ' 7 7 ,“J LEAST.
.....«ui. ' a contnry him been tho
r t iin world an
■ ilio relief of
ii a mortleine
t. IrMt *f It.
external pain
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L i' 09 thtieH.< iiilldalna,
akeii Kreastv and
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next it cures
Ntlff Joint*,
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'•••pant* of th*
I- % u; ci ore liable*
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■;i3 BTST
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