Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 03, 1883, Image 1

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Volume 7.
By Ihwin Bussell.
Go wav fiddle t-fnlks is tired o’ hearin’
vo’u a-squawkin’, betters—don’t
Keep 'silence fur yo’ talkin’
fie ah de banjo V
About de ’possom’s tail she’s gwine to
leeter—ladies, listen !—
About de ha’r whai isn’t dar, an’ why de
ha,r is missin’.
“Dar’s gwine to be aoberflow,”said Noah,
lookin’ soleon.— de
For Noah tuk the Herald, an’ he read
ribber column —
An’ so be sot his hands to work a-cl’ariu’
timber patches, gwine to build boat to
Ah’ ’lowed lie’s a
beat de steamah Nacliez.
01’ Noah kep’ a-nailin’, an’ a-chippin’ an’
An’ all de wicked neighbors kep a laughin’
an’ a-pshawin’; em—knowui wha
But Noah divln t nun
An’ forty clays an’ fortyiugiits de rain it
kep’ a-drappin’.
Now, Noah had done cotched a lot ob ehry
sort o’ beas’es—
Ob all >le shows a-trabbelin’ it beat ’em all
to pieces! Morgan colt, an’ sebral head o’
He hail a
An’ druv^board de Ark as soon’s he
heel ed de thunder rattle.
Den sech anoder fall ob rain !—it come so
De riber riz immejitly. an’ busted troo de
lobbee: ail
De people wuz drownded out,
Noah and de critters
An’men he’d hired to work de boat—an ,
one to mix de bitters.
D ° A k RP ’ a ' saiUn ’’ an ’ a - sailiu ’> an
lion’got a samu’ Ids’
De dander up, an’ like to brulc
de palin’— de panters yelled ted
De sarpints hissed, tussin ;
what, wid all de ,
You c’u’du’t hardly lieah de mate a-bossin’
•roun’ an’ eussin’. .
Now Ham, de only nigger what wuz vun
nia’ on de packet,
Got lonesome in de barber-shop, an’
c’u’du’t stall’ de racket ;
An’ so, for to amn'use he-se’f, lie steamed
And soon lie'hallbanjo‘made-de fust
dat wuz invented.
He wet de ledder, stretched it on ; made
bridge, an’ screws, neck—Twuz an’ apron ; berry
An’fitted in a proper
iong an’tap riit’.
He tuk some tin, an’ twisted him a tliim
ble tor to l ing it;
An’den de mighty question riz : how wuz
he gwine Vo string it'.’
De ’possum hud as fine a tail as dis dat l’s
De ha’rs so long, an’ thick, an’ strong—des
lit for shaved baiijo-stringin’ off ; short wash
Dat nigger ’em as as
dav dinner graces,
An’ sorted ob 'em by de size, from little
Ws to basses.
L rm:« her. * ned. struck
!.’ < I«»
tiMVldej* ,.ts playin’
f ..i t
went to pat tin’. soMe to dancin’.
Noah called de figgeis,
An Ham besot an’ knocked de tune, dc
happiest ob niggers !
Now sonce dat time—it’s slightes’ mighty showin’ strange—
dere’s not de
Oh anv ha’r upon de ’possum's tail a-grow
in* ;
An’ curi’s,too—datnigger’s ways; his peo¬
ple nebber los’ 'em—
1 'or wliar you find de nigger—dar’s de
banjo an’ de ’possum 1
Itemsot News Gathered Here and There
Friuli oar Exchanges.
Miss Anna Parrott, telegraph operator at
Calhoun, allowed iier office in LiGrange
to be cut out rather than work until the
strike is settled.
The morphine trade of Americas is said
to be very large.
Dooly cattle are being bought up fer the
Texas market.
The residence of C. W. Asburv at Lula,
was entered by burglars on Sunday
and a fine suit of clothes anil a Smith &
Wesson revolver carried off.
Mr. J. F. Miller, of Henry county, owns
a venerable firearm in the shape of an
army musket that did duty in the revolu¬
tionary war. It originally belonged to his
E£2tL*3 hundred years om. l “ W *
A man is said to live m Washington
county, who has been keeping house ior
forty-five years and has laised a family.
When he first began he built a fire to cook
the first meal. He now cooks with and
uses the same fire he kindled forty-tive
years ago.
Says the Lumpkin Independent: Not a
great while ago Mr. T. W. Lott had light
ningrods put up on his dwelling, nis
house never had been struck by lightning,
>•«. <*»*~*m «».
came along it was struck In two or three
places. Mr. Lott is not at all superstitious
but be pulled the rods down much quicker
thah they were put up and he now takes
bis chances ailee s.imee like poor folks.
Saturday afternoon Gary Cunningham,
a young farmer in Pike county living be
tween Griffin and '' Zelniion and one /, Gre-h
am were, in ,, the field ,, at . work, on Canning- .
ham’s place. A negro man known as Mil
ton Mangitm went to Cunningham s house
and found Mrs. Cunningham and iier lit
tie daughter in the yard alone. The negro
caught her by the arm an attempted an as
sauit. Her little daughter ran at once to
the field near by and gave the. alarm. Both
Cunhingham and Gresham harried to the
house, and finding the negro still ther*.
Cunningham .. was about . , to . .... kill him, when
lie was restrained by Gresham. He was
finally persuaded to arrest the brute and
carry him before a justice. They took him
aud started in the direction of the justice’s
house, but Sunday the negio was found
on the roadside dead, shot through and
of ouit neighboring counties as
condensed you our headers—
Hancock will not make half a cotton
crop this year—drought.
Bishop Pierce preached a fine sermon
in the Methodist church on last Suu
day morning.
Mrs. Baldwin Thomas, one of
\yin county’s most estimable ladiesjdied
at her home on the 23d of July instant.
Matt Harris a negro lunatic sent
from Hancock countv to tho lunatic
asylum died recently in that institution.
Mr. James B. Edwards, the oldest
citizen of Sparta, died at the Edwards
Ilouse on ] ;ist Wednesday evening, the
25th at 0 «’ clouk ’
Herald and Home Journal.
Mrs. J. W. God kin an aged lady of
Jlreenesboro, , is very ill.
“The Terraces,” is the name of the
new hotel at Union Point.
Mr. John A. Griffin, who , has been
ill, is improving in health.
A cotton seed oil mill, it is said, will
he built in Greenesboro this fall.
Mr. Jarvis Fillingiu’s little daughter,
:l p ou t 4 years of age, died on Monday
01 , , ,
On Sunday night, Mr J. Taliaferro
Stone, an aged and well-known citizen
of this county, breathed his last
Miss Ria Weaver, who was injured _
the other day by being thrown from a
Buggy, is rapidly recovering from her
in -> uries ’
Crawford Hem- Monitor.
There is a mule in Winterville forty
years old.
Crops are better in Oglethorpe than
in Morgan or Green counties,
Mr. A. J. Jackson, of Falling Creek,
killed a mad dog last Sunday morning.
We undeistand that Macedonia wi 1
have a celebration about the middle of
Mr. Henry Melton’s firm cow is going
dry and don’t give but five gallons a
day now. ,*
iron. Sum. Lumpkin , . returneil , , from .
LuJirSVlUt) lirn.wOillii J.iuF hurt, j^umltrtr.- ui IwiiVi l»r> li vj
mean rsgmMrig,
Tfu nnisk party at Mr. Cris McMa¬
han’s Thursday night was a success.
The boys and g«ls were nicely disguis¬
ed in every form mid race.
Mrs. F. M. Booker, died at her home
near Fierce's Chapel, last week.
The Gazette has just purchased a fine
large new cylinder printing press.
We learn that Colonel John A. Ste
pliens , and , family .. will return to U ash- ,
ingi .011 from Atlanta next month.
Mr. A. J. Newsome is building him
self quite a nice residence about two
miles out on the Mallorysville mail.
Mr. Benson intends before a great
w j, ile to extend his new building from
flie rear whore the new extension is
now being made, to the street in front
of the post office.
On Wednesday morning there was a
shooting affray near Danbnrg between
Mr. Richard Booker uni a negro nain
ed Dick Stokes in which the latter re
ceiyed a wound in the !*roast.
Saturday night (July 21st.) one of the
twin children of Cant. VV. G. Barrett,
aged two or three years, fell out of bed
and broke its collar bone The injury
was not discovered till next morning.
Warrmtnn Clipper.
»• W* V, learn of the ..rions
ness or Mrs. Dr. Burkhalter, of May
We learn that Rev. James Evans’
ser m 0 n Wednesday nigiit at the
tist church at this place W'as well re
ceived by a large audience.
Married at the residence of Jno. s.
Johnson on the 29th of July, 1883, Mr.
Henry K. Ilinton to Miss Eliza Wall.
J 110 . Johnson, J. P.. officiating.
Married at the resrlence of Mis. Ma
luida Hinton, the bride’s mother, on
toil'to Miss ■)»!>; **,*'.<■«*• M ‘i *'">• .on. *>•
•lomison. o. i., u.m.iaiing.
Mr. Edward Bradshaw, while ^ down
on big Brier Creek fishing last week
committed 33 murders by the killing
ata vvaU '[ ,l wai a ,Ul>Ulbl '
,S!lailt ' <1,1 ' lll< ' 1 e ones.
Dr. Stanton’s new palings are real
fanev, ■ and attract much attention ;
t , tfcJ> The , e are r]( , sjgne(]
by that skillful artist, Mr. Jackson Me
Donough. Dr. Stanton’s nafhe is to be
engraved outlie centre piece of the
front gate.
------ - -•»-
The best tonic medicine—one that is
not composed mostly of alcohol or whis
^ e V is Brown’s Iron Bit It is
guaranteed to be and
will absolutely ' kill al desire for
whjskey aB(1 ther intoxicants. It
j ];ig p een thoroughly tested and proven
jtself iu every instance a never failing
cure f or dyspepsia, indigestion, b illious
ness, weakness, debility, overwork,
rheumatism, neuralgia, consumptive
disease, liver complaints, kiduey tioub
les, etc.
A Piece Tor ttie Pocket
Keep good company or none.
Never be idle.
It' your bands cannot be usefully em
ployed, attend to the cultivation of
>' olu ' Ulind.
Always speak the truth.
Make few promises.
LBe up to-your engagements.
Keep your own secrets, if you have
any. look him
When you speak to a person
square m the face.
Good company and good conversation
are the very sinews of virtue.
Good character is above all things
Your character cannot be essentually
injured except by your own acts.
If any one speak evil of you, let your
life be such that no one will believe it.
Hunk no kind ot ,utoxicatin„ • lienors liq i
Ever live, misfortune excepted, with
in your income.
When you retire fb bed, think over
what you have been doing during me
Make* no liaste to be rich, if you
would prosper.
Small avid steady gains give compet¬
ency, with tranquility of mind.
Never play at any game of chance.
Avoid temptation, through fear you
may not withstand it.
Earn money before you spend it.
Never run into debt unless you see a
way to get out again.
Never borrow, if you can possibly
avoid it.
Do not marry until you are able
support a wife.
Never speak evil of any one.
Be just before you are generous.
Keep yourself innocent, :f you would
bo happy.
Save when you are young, to spebd
when you are okl.
Head over the above maxims at lea^t
once a vveeK. ^
Petition for Charter of cie “Stephens
Momnuiintai Association.’’
G EOR.GIA—Taliaferro County.
T» Hit Superior Court of mU Cbaity :
The petition of G. T. Boggs, W. W. O. .J.
Norton, duo. N. Cliupmiin,
Holden, L. L. Yeazey, Jus. 11. Antho¬
ny, iv. U. Rhodes, U. J. Reid,-D.?#X.
.Sanders, B. F. Moore, Sum Fiviit, W.
M. Weaver, II. R. Citsey, VV. JI. Mat¬
tox, John Armstrong, Thos. E. 4
son, W. II. Baldwin. Ileni" I
Willie J‘lemming, J. It. ' v
om Reese, Thos, Harden
Jncksou, ” Gnus.. Wlli.’
..1 . , ^ ,u 4 if. 1 X. *
Z. Andrews mid Jno. YV. i|fxon,
Snoweth that your petitioners,
associates mid successors, desire m Le
created a body politic, under the u in: •
mid style of the "Stephens Monumen¬
tal Asiociation,” with power to receive
donations, to sue,mid be sued, contract
and be contracted with, and shall have
perpetual succession, with the right to
hold all the real estate or other funds
necessary in the judgi me it of the
Board o£ Directors for its uses and pur
poses, and may dispose of the same;
anJ m ., y m!lUe iltld us0 a common s.u',
ivnevvable and changeable constitution, at pleasure by¬ ;
and may ’make such
laws anil regulations as maybe diem
( . ( j necessary for fully carrying out Hie
purposes of this Incorporation. And
Unit your petitioners, their associates,
and successors i 1 office in the'r iucor
ate capacity, may be invest'd with all
Die .rights and immunities, usually
granted to corporate bodies by consti
tuted authorities of said State, riot in
consistent with the Constitution and
laws of said State, nor in violation of
private rights, for the term of twenty
{nciiml place of business of
gaj( j c , ll ()0)il tion shall be in the town
()f - ( ;, a vvfni'dx ilie, the county and State
llfort!!4 . lld
Toe business of slid corporation
shall i»; managed, subject to the direc
Lion of the Association, by a Board of
Directors, of not less than thirteen nor
......., not less than
thirteen of whom shall lie residents of
Taliaferro county and constitute a
‘‘Local Board,” who shall manage the
affairs of the corporation, and a major
ity of whom shall constitute a quo) urn.
The remaining members of the Board
of Directors sliail constitute an “Ad
visory Board,” may reside in any por
tiotl ,,f s aid htate, and when present
at any oi Die in-ctings of the Lo.ud,
f Jj'T Lu sani' ,) U l1 ^ ‘ iri ’ l 11 1 ' 1
ll> S ‘ lSIII, .!! l ." l ‘ " *' j 1 l,.
y tax ,
ual pecmiiary gain, and that the object
of said corporation is not for purposes
of trade and profit, But for promoting
general design of said Association.
t „ wjt: « F,, perpetuate tiie mem ,rv of
the late Governor, Alexander il. Sic
phens, by the purchase of the propel ty
known as the “Liberty Hall property,”
the erection
llm(; „t, and ultimately, to establish a
first-class high school, J J And that
he id objects may be accomplisliod,
your petitioners pray the passing of an
order investing and clothing them,
their associates and successors with
the corporate authority and power
aforesaid. And yo’.r_ petitioners w ill
ever pray, &c. July doth, l'—.;.
«'“"*«/• M. Z. A.NDia.iv:,. 1UltNK
Jno. W. lii xox,
Att’y‘3. for Peuuu!.#
A correct copy frmo the min
tiie Superioi curt of said c
This July 25tn. 188;.
J. D. IIammack. C. S. C.,
Of Taliaferro County.
(Olivers Quick Relief.
xihemr.atisni, N(“uraiiyia.Headache,T^ioth- Tin-oat,Colds,Bites,
ache. Colds, iSore Ul
iUU - ^^f ^* 1 *^** ^ ' C
Prepared bp
Atlanta. Georgia.
For sale by I)r. It. .1. Reid and Thomas
Fulton, Crtiwfordvllle, Ga., and J. A.
j Kent)tick , Sharon. Ga.
Clinard House.
Athens, Ga.
A. D. CLINAKD. - Proprietor.
Porters at Each Train.
Commercial Sates.
, Lai^e Commodious Sample Rooms.
polite and attentive servants.
‘Tleaclqr'U'tcrs for Commercial Tourists
Flatulent. Colio, 1 viarrhusa,Nausea,
Coughs, Cholera Infantum
Teething, Cholera
DR. AY. M. 1 ’ITTS,
Druggist and Apothecary.
Thomson, Georgia.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, Crawford
vnie, Ga.. an’d J.A. Kendrick and Geo. W.
Overtoil, Sharon,Ga.
The Music II 0 US 6 ()f The South
That 0.0. ROBINSON & CO.
- { -NELL THE BEST- j- —
Pianos and Organs
Thai their Price for Same Style & Make
Ami also, save to the purchaser
freight and Insurance,
r. m o- T. S.
Orea Musical Savins In¬
stitution of the Sonh.
By Corresponding with
G 0. Robins:)!! & Co.,
ln:t Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA.
Local I jCfrislation. t y-\
Notice is hereby given that 11 bill
will be introduced at the adjoin ned
session of the Legislature of Georgia,
.July, 1883, to be entitled
“An act to require owners of all horses,
mules, cows, sheep, goats, bogs and
stock of every description, to keep
the same from l uiuiing at large upon
the lands oi another, in Taliaferro
comi’y ; to deline the liabilities of
said owners, and the rights of per¬
son;: damaged, by said slock running
at large. July 13, 188;;.
Attorney at Law,
WIIiJ^ practice in all State and Fed¬
eral Courts. Any business entrusted
... hiscnie vvil! ... leceivcqnompt , peiHonal .
J 1 ' ,. L V|'TTV' J • lj J J ' s '’
uiuck in mitc h ell H l i ldi.n a.
safteat j^^va^sTkSI^'u ami cheapest Bile Insurance' Cm- t
pa ay in America. The only < join puny
1, pa v- one hall of the insurance tolls
f.'d*«> iiouiei.-, inca -es Wfe ofn i d to“mUme inability
tbr-'.Uitv ,‘V'.of of eveiw man rhisdYuhforUm'e
a lm support afP
ncaresi and denre-t lo liiin. Insure
now. delays are dangerous. For partica
ville. Ga-, C. T. Boggs Agent
% !
: ': -. r
m 1
r l Oiicl St; Easy Clffl-W
Thouiiands of wooifn over thu Jaad fest!
bi ■ to the wonderful elfcctu of thin great r'.-in
•y; it will not only ^horfoiilahonind !• •on El
f ’j 13 later.Fit;.- of nairi and f-utf< rh'/j tcyo vA
ex pre m bat bettor thau 1, it thereby I
dreat to life of beta ■
moth rand child. Thin grf-Bt besm tOba f
term# wornan hi llolmsz' Liniment, by or
ZiOthrr Friend. ... Prepared arid f old J.
cv? Brabfirld, Bni-nl ,/. by ail
m w&y, t \>x\cjt bo?tie. s m
by R-pro- i ou receipt of price. jMh
' I
:■ * .
4'.$: r )
£ ir "g flTf/ °ft Hi 0
fi ^ , n
A If !
1 <? F 4v ? »
1 i
1 s
X a
| fOfirflfoir 4 * * pi 4
jy V’* ‘H ^O-, 4 />* tPn H
. C .
m ' ^ <* JL H
For sale by W. K. Gunn, Crawford
ville, (3a.
Carpets atirl Ilouse Furnishing Goods. The
Largest Stock .South of Baltimore. Mo
quet, Brussels, 3-Ply & Ingrain Carpets,
Rugs, .Mats and Crumb Cloths, Window
Shades, Wall l’aputs, Borders, Lace Cur¬
tains, Cornices and Poles, Cocoa A Canton
Mattings, Picture Upholstery, Frames. Write Engravings, for Samples Chro¬
and Prices. Giro. A. llAII.m:, Angus
ta, Ga. J uncle, ly.
d mi mtrvr* '
q tuctuu- .
This famous re.medy most, happily: meets
the demand of the age for woman's' pecu
liar and miilliform aftlietions. It ma rem
edv for WOMAN ONLY, and ior <)NK
SPECIAL CEAtsS of her diseases. II is n
specific tor certain diseased comlitiomfot
the womb, and proposes to so control the
Menstrual Function as to regulate all tlm
Its proprietor claims for it 110 other modi
o il property, uml to doubt the fact that
this medicine does positively possess such
coutiolling and regulating powers, is sim¬
ply to discredit the voluntary testimony
of thousands of living witnesses, who are
to-day exulting in their restroaliun to
sound health and happiness.
is a strictly vegetable compound, and is the
product, of medical science and the benefit practical of
experience, directed towards
Suffering V/craai!
It is the stunned „j Uiameu.
physician whose K' lltf was WOM
AN, and whose faille lit'canio euvialdc lid
homuile. :; lieettitse of bis Wonderful suc¬
cess ill the treatment and cure of IouihIo
complaints. The REGULATOR Is the
GRA NDEST REMEDY known, and rich¬
ly deserves its name :
Woman’s Dcst Friend !
Because il, controls a elrss of functions the
various derangements of \v 1 1 i<• 1 1 eau.>e more
ill licit 1 tli than all other causes combined,
and which sorely embitter her life, and
prematurely Oil ! what end multitude her existence of living ! witness¬
es eal) testify to its charming effects ! this
WOM AN ! take to your confidence
It, will relieve you of nearly all the com¬
plaints peculiar lo your se.x ! Rely upon as
as your safeguard for health, happiness
and long life.
*■'“'» t H]J Liuil A [)I’I li.oi I.’f I) /llldllM, \ fI m nf 1 Cu Ini.
Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid, Urawfordville. Ga.
rich :- j c riuill Size. . . . 75 cents'
I Barge Size, #1 50.
ME l\
pT-AacMl y m. 6
1 h
«K“ r ' tpf SI#
rAi $
m ■S' V.v.
r jb
n oc.
if -.; * NEVER
<i) 5?— S no EQ uaL OUTOF ORDER.
NEW *30 h^homACHINEC 0
ill. MASS. GA.
i Ga.
Number 80 .
Banking Co.
Office Genebat. Manaokr, \ t
pOMMJilNCING Atjoikta, Ga., April ufi, )M8.
’-J 1| Iullowing SUNDAY. 2#inata«t,
operated "‘ passenger schedule will
be :
Lv. Augusta)(>;30 anil I.v. Atlanta K: 2<1 a m'
Macon ThOajmj “ Athens 9:45anr
“Milledg’U 9:05a in' ■'O’wf’.l’ll l:i4|pnr 1
“ Vv'sli'i'n 1J;20;a!lu ArAVa*li‘g’S.'iV 1 \n'
Ar. OTilv.’ll :10 p!m Milk-clg'U ) p
l •• 4 : 4 tr p in
“ Athens 4:no.p;m ,l Macon fl:43;p|mf
Atlanta 5:45 uhn " Augusta lUMlphiY
Lv. Augusta noO p mBv. Atlanta 8:45 p Am* in'
Lv - ^V’VH l-::iilp ncAr.OTilv’ll 2:53
Ar. Atlanta tiHO'alm'Ar. Augusta(hiWa'iif
General Manager. Gen. tWger Agent
“■“* it"-'* c3bSE5iLi ™. —L_Jli.lCS.^25 Bf
Georgia Railroad- Co. ) l
Office General Manager,
Augusta, Dee. n 6 , ’82 i
YNOMMENG1NG SUNDAY.the 17th hist
be V..' tee following Passengel Schedule will
opened :
NO. Eve low Augiista est jDal 7*25 j o : & f|kd'y
am Atlanta 2 :C,Q pm
Ar. C’w’f'v’U !>:;« am \ Ar Athens k:(>0 “
; - Athens At louts 12:55 11:50 am j “ “ Augusta O’t’dvil ’t»:05 “
pm ; S:2e *•
Train No 27 will stop at and V oeive pas¬
sengers t,o am! ' from the following points
only: Belair, Berzelia,Harlem, 'I’homson.
Camak, Crawfoi'dville, Union Point,
Ci'eencsboro, Circle, Madison, Rutledge, .Social
tain i.'oyington, Conyers, Stone Moun¬
and Decatur,
frain No. 23 will stop at, and receive
pussengers to ami from the following sta
Duns, 'I'll'-mson only, Berzelia, Harlem, IKhtriiur,
I-Md, Camak, Crawfoidvllle, Union
^'dal Greene.boro, Madison. Rutledge,
Unrle Covington, Conyers, Stoim
A1 ,° ’ ltai u il ui } 1 >i:oatur. ■
r 1 lw , . 1m,h f'‘Von«U Sleeper
r,., ,, A to ( , harteston . and eolmeelo
tdi P‘"uts , W est and Northwest.
;i| ni .smiuieast
German Carp.
1 AM now prepared to fill all orders
for Seale and Mirror Carp at the v >r
owest prices. J’rompt attontioii given
to orders. Address,
film 41 • a,
m and A popular Ad account of who tliH by klurootp their
Valor venturer*, War •craft heat hack
the Hiivh from the liorder
Hr A. I.. MANUK 'n, t” ^TTIciviliy.atiori Y|«ave theAmer- and
with an Intro- /s r B I lean foreate to
ductionby J.C. UlOPATff. l)r. a ud
I. 00 O pp. 1 uumugmlleent —OF—
For morn than a third of u, ornturv tho
Jlr.itcnu Si «i Htitng lilulmtnt bus been
known to iitiJlionn ull over tho world iih
the only UHl’e reliance for tho relief of
aecldontJi and imin, it ia a rne<iiclno
flbovo ]))'»eo h it tf pi’filHO—the belt of it#
itimi. For every lot ui of external pain
U 10
Mnr.tang Liniment i a without an equal.
It pc aeirnfi j ilrrli and mu»cio to
t1»75 ve 1 y boa*©— making the coutJnu
nnc*o of pnIn and inlhiTuroatlon fnipOK*
Bible. It« rfl'octstipon Human Flesh a»»d
the Brute ( ivsniou are equally wouUer
iul. 'i ho Mc^iccn
Liniment Is reeded by biln^rf eormbody 1 n
eveiy houne. l.veiy day news of;
tliongouy ofaii uvtrfi*l or barn
subdued, pf rbniimntto martyr-# re¬
stored, or a valuable iiora® or ox
aavnui by the heuliug power of thlj
which Bpoc(lily cures fsucli ailmeuts of
kt Si © u m a 11 w m, Sytc I llnfi, Ktlf?
Joint*. < ontiflctcd .Vuitdr*, llnru#
atari SciiHh, iutii, Bruhea ftitd
Kpralaas, Foifloueni Kite* and
feting** Htitn**-*!*, Lnraeue*#, i>lci
Ulcers, l ioiitbhm, CbSlblafns,
feoro Nipple 4 . C aked Kreeat, a ml
indeed every fonan of tilernal dis
It heals wliboBt scars.
For the JU bum CaLATiON It cures
bp*r*tias, WwJnny, IfetllT Jo f lits f
Founder# IFnrness Sarui, Hoot IMs
Foot Hot, Worm, Scab,
Hollow Horn, Seratclirs, Wind
irails. Spavin, Tiir n^h , Klnpibone,
Old Sorts, Poll Ihii, Elba upon
tho Kfglit anti every other ailment
to which tbo ooupuni# pf tli©
BLnble and (Clock yard are liable,
'ihe Meilcuu and Mustang disap IJuiiaent points;
tdways is, cures positively, never
and H
t cr AuL