Newspaper Page Text
Volume 7.
VATHURIKG the news prom our
BmeWstb, Warren-, ’ greene
the window blinds are being put up
fn the court Iromse When this work
is completed ike Hi*®e wift be nearly
jwdge F. L. tittle received a tele¬
gram from. Louisiana on Thursday eve
toing, announcing the death of his neph¬
ew, Mr. Bichard Green. ,
If a tax of fifty cents per head was
levied on’all the worthless dogs in the
Vsotmty enough money would be reali
ized to educate all the children in the
Mr. Ed. Wiley one of Hancock’s
young men left on Tuesday for Texas
where he proposes to invite the smiles
of dame fortune upon his future.
White we think there is no territory
mote inviting or offering better indttce'
ments to young men tban the old red
hills of Georgia, we can but hop© that
those who go from among us to seek
their fortunes elsewhere may be emi¬
nently successful in their efforts.
Mr. Walter Kenrick while riding
along the road in the buggy with one
of his hands a few days since was stoped
toy a negro who began to curse and
abuse bis hand, Mr. Kendrick not
wishing to see a difficulty, commanded
the assailant to desist, but was cursed
himself, for which he knocked the ne¬
gro down with a rail. The negro arose
however, and made a desperate effort
to get Mr. Kendrick but was met by a
ball from the latters pistol, which gave
fiim a disposition to advance, but in
an opposite direction. Tiie ball enter
ied the arm of the negro and made a
painful but not a serious wound.
fseived him right.
jfttfgt - ..... ....
and Home Jgyrwot nf ^ August (
mor, commenced business on Saturday •
last at the popular stand lately occu¬
pied by G. A. Davis & Co. ;
Mariritsd, In Penfiekl, Ga.,iit,tiie" r^i-;
d^hceof Rev. J. W. Ellington, Tlnirs
riay evening the 8th inst.,
Lee SUnsell and Mr, Jas. F. Fdcte^
Nt MarV’s Ga
M MO bUk. for
linmae has one set ahd Taliaferro .an 1
(Other, and we being on the line have to
sustain much of the trouble. Wouldn’t
it be best to have a uniform set for the
State ? i z y Ai *r*.«v ••
Union Point correspondent , . of . ,, the
Herald, says: “It is reported that the -
Methodist Ville, Greenesboro' Sund., «hoel, and Union Of q^foni- Point,
will hold a Celebration here on the 3rd
Friday in this month, but nobody here
knows anything about it. 'IVe have in
quired ■ a of e the Supenntei.cfefi •inimiJefit nf 11 Iff ,,,
school and the prop < t |J e1, Ji ‘
of whom know anything *hput it. Is
it a fact? If so, the schools .will be
Warmly welcomed and weH taken care
Jasper Park, colored, was arraigned
t-ofore the County Court last Saturday
on a charge of larceny from tire house.—
stealing wheat, from.the'miirat Park’s
Ferry. Suspicion had bjsen entertained
that larceny of this character was go
ingon, and letters Written ’ on small
pieces of paper Were mixed in with
aome wheat in the miUi-^We learn that
Jasper afterwards brought wheat to the
mill to be ground with, some of theser
tettersfoundinit. He (ilead “gfiilty”
before the Court, and was;sentenced to
twelve months in the chain gang.
Oalethorpe Echo.
Mr. R. G. Johnson, pf this place, car
riesofftbe palm for'having the first
open cotton.
A good many Lexingtonians attend
ed a barbecue Saturday at White Oak
school-house, in the Flat woods.
’ Os last Thursday Mr. and Mrs F. L.
Upson, of this place, leftffqt.a month’s
stay in north Georgia among the - (noun
tains. They go for health.
Every Saturday evening our streets
are crowded with a set of drunken,
rowdyiah negroes, who corse and use
vulgarity to sucli au,.,extent that our
ladies are afraid to go on the streets pn
that day.
’Sqire Echols has his wind-mill, tank,
pipes, etc., all up and they work like a
charm. MaDy have been to ace them,
------ - r —r
and we confidently expect to see several
of these conveniences running in our
county in the near future.
On last Saturday was a week ago
some negroes who were hunting on Mr.
R. T. Johnson’B place, near Wiliter
ville, came across a huge snake, the
track of which had been seen in the
neighborhood foe some time, His
snakeship was four feet long, as large
around'as a man’s at m and had fifteen
rattles besides several that was shot off
when killed.
On last Saturday morning when Sher¬
iff Doster carried breakfast to the jail
he found that his birds, three negro
men, had flown. They were left in the
hall and during the night, with helu
trom the outside, had loosed one of the
gratings from the window, through
which they escaped. They were all in
for petty offences, and their escape is
counted as much a good riddance as a
■cheating of the law.
Personal and io the Point.
Dr. L. M. Gillam, of Atlanta, Ga.,
for thirty years has been making Blood
Fcriso’ns-a specialty. During that peri¬
od lie has'treated over one thousand
cases or Scrofulous, Cutaneous and
Syphilitic diseases with unparalleled
success, embracing some of the ugliest
and most aggravated cases on record.
These facts are verified by the public
and the profession of Atlanta. The
Doctor has consented to prepare in
proper form a combination of his treat
ment, and now offers it to the public
under the name of 13. B. B.—Botanic
Blood Balm—and we specially recom¬
mend this great blood purifier to our
Bonkocide is the only article before
the public for the speedy cure of G. & G.
‘Atlanta, Ga., April 9th, train 1883.— be
AJays,< fc.Go.: While on the
tw®fe ; *^ : i ; ej\tVilie add Columbia, S. C„
a man was aboard who f/vts suffering
r pm some asthmatic affection or
throat trouble. I gave him a dose of
Oliver’s Quick Relief and rubbed him
well with it and relieved him at once.
All th“ passengers thought he would
die, his suffering was so intense.
It. S. Watson,
Salesman Pemberton,Irvison & Dunn.
A Relormed DrunkaiS.
From the Athens Banner.
p Lv." ii’—eti,- ^n*i»
andjeouteiitineiit, who is considered well
to-do in this world’s goods, and is a strict
member of the church. „„ This . man was once
rip-roaring (jr,lingered, having the delir
iuin jrtiiniyis six times. The first time be
had them a physician, chucked him full of
^jium.nearl.v causing his death, but after
discovered a remedy that
cured him easily. He says the disease-if
heat and taper ot firadually ; that
j s a sure pass. He says the poor drunkard
is the, most pitable object under the sun;
that nut ope in a thousand has the self
will or moral courage'to quit drinking;
the liabit once formed lasts until the end
of , |f unIoss the temptation is out of
8ijJ , lt> or the Inail has au almost superhu
„„„ Tin. H-tlei™., ohopt twelve
years ago, reflecting upon bis condition,
promised his wife never to drink another
and this pledge he has kept invio
l«t*-never wavered but once, and that
was when in our city many years ago on a,
( . oj(| ,, Ry IIe startw| to a bar room
b< , get a glass of wine, but at the turn of
the si(itwalk he pausert an<1 reflected a
lnomM1 t; then turned and went towards
h ,s home congratulating himself that lie
had made a turning point in his life.
Mrs. Eliza Brannan, Ivanhoe. Ga.,
says: “I used Brown’s Iron Bitters
with best results for extreme nervous
ness, sleeplessness and bad blood.”
It is said that the Broad river at An
thony’s Shoals, Ga., has a horse power
of 37,280, while Lowell, the finest de
veloped water power in the United
States, lias only about 16,000 horses
mts Carminitivp 0,1 m,n,t,ve curefl cuiefl mv mv chiId cm,n of or
diseutery when otlier remedies failed.
See add. B. F. Toole.
- The census reports of 1880 show
that in Georgia the increase of the ne
g r oes for the ten years lietween 1870
and 1880, was 33 per cent., while for
the whites it was only about 25 per
• —i
_ your f am jjy groceries, &c.,
from Mershon & Flynt, Sharon, Ga.
—j f you want a no |,by suit of clothes
all on Mershon & Flynt, at Sharon.
—Smoke Alexander Stephens cigars
sor sale by W. R. Reid,
-Mershon & Flynt, of Sharon, hav
ing on .land a large stock of goods
which they are offering at very low
—Hamburg Liniment is the best
remedy known for rheumatism,
fprains, bruises, swclliings, stiff joints,
or sale by W. R. Gunn.
The following is the list of grand and
traverse jurors for the county Of Taliafer¬
ro, August terra. 1883 : X'
John J. Kent, George E. Griffith, John
Rhodes, Charles Kendrick, James \V. As
bury, Franklin B. Wynne, Jasper L. u.
Hihnuin, John T. Cooper, Bolin E. Lunce
ford, William G. Harris, Redman S. Mm
den, Robert 8. Taylor, Jacob 11. Jones
Wesley A. Wright, John T. Mann, OLed
m. in mm..
Moore, George M. Poss, Robert II. Flnkei
Jacob Rocker, James S, Chapman, Wil
liam Burke, Ross Gunn, Johh It. K^ 1
driek, William T. Chapman, Robert T
Elisha J. Phelps, William R. Reid, Lo
Jones, James W. Reaves, Albert H.
ham, Albert Q. O’Neal, William M. Na-.i,
James N. Akins, Vincent S. Allen, John
O’Keeffe, John W. Swann, Eugene C.
Harden,Garland Cosby, Benjamin B. Roy
Cary, Sterling B. Chapman, Augustus A
KS. Slum Rhodes, ( } 0l C5't
uel Ellington, Thomos J. Jar,:
B. Flynt, Benjamin R. Reid, Welcome A
Stone, sr., William Holmes, Frjheis C.
The speret of the universal success
of Brown’s Iron Bitters is owing to the
fact that it is the very best iron previ¬
ction made. By a thorough and rapid
assimilation with the' blood it reaches
every part of the body, giving health,
strength and endurance to every por¬
tion. Thus beginning at, the founda¬
tion it builds up and restores lost
health. It does not contain whiskey
or alcohol. It will not blacken, the ti
teeth. It does not constipate or danse
headache. It will cure dyspepsia, indi¬
gestion, heartburn, sleeplessness, dizzi¬
ness, nervous debility, weakness, etc;
Petition i tor Charter ot the «!steph<j!s \
Monumental Association.”
GEORGIA—Taliaferro Co
To lIn Superior Court of mitt I
The petition of O. T. Boggs,
Norton, Jno. N. Chapman, ’
Holden, L. L, Veazey, Jas. H* $ |S>
uy, iv. C. Rhodes, It. J. Reid, ,V**
Sanders, B. F. Moore, Sam Flyt
M. Weaver, II. It. Casey. W. H. f*
tox, John Armstrong, Thos, E.
son, W. II. Baldwin, Henry J.
YVillie Hemming, J. R. liaudnll,
orn Iteese, Thos. Hardeman, Ilei
Jackson, Chas. Willingham, T.
Bristow, W. It. Gunn, O, f
Joseph Myers, Georw«K|Jft’:
created a body politic, under the name
and style of the "Stephens Monmnett
tfl j Asloe’ation,” with power to receive
( | 0 n ;l tioi.s, to sue,and be sued, contract
and be contract'ed with, and shall have
perpetual succession, with the right to
hold all the real estate or other funds
necessary in the judgement of tlie
Board of Directors for its uses and pur
renewal.!, anj chatieeabl.'at pleasure ,
™||‘„htSo‘i»o«i» Ss’Xmm
e d necessary for fully currying out the
purposes of this And
that your petitioners, their associates,
and successors in office in their iuqor
ate capacity, m. y be invested with all
the rigl|.s and immuuiiics, imualfy
gntbt»d to corporate bodies uy const)-
1;lW8 of sai( j st ate, nor in violation of
j n -j V ate rights, for the term of twenty
yt . ars .
Tlie principal place of business of
said Crawfo^Jle, corporation shall he in tlie town
(>f the county and State
The business of said corporation
shall be managed, subject to the direc fftl'tanVhiit^n less no.
more than twenty-five, hot than
thirteen of whom shall be residents off
Taliaferro county and constitute a
‘•Local Board,” .who shall manage the
affairs of the corporation, and a inajo|
itj of whom shall constitute a quomm.
The letnaining members of W e Board
of Directors shall constitute an “Ad¬
visory Board,” may reside in 'any por¬
tion of said state, and when present
at any of the meetings of the Board,
shall have the same rights and privi¬
leges as members of the Local Board.
Your petitioners aver, tha said As¬
sociation is not organized for individ¬
ual pecuniary gain, and that the object
of said corporation is not for purposes
of trade and profit, but for promoting
thy general design of said Association,
to wit: “To perpetuate the memory of
the late Governor, A'exander II. Ste¬
phens, by the purchase of the property
known as the “Lilierty Hail property,”
the erection thereon of a suitable n on
ument, and ultimately, to establish a
first-class high school.” And that
ssid objects may lie accomplished,
your petitioners pray the passing of an
order investing and clothing them,
their associates and successors with
the corporate authority rod power
aforesaid And yo r petitioners will
fAel l ’ lay ’ &c ' 'George*']’. 1
Z. Andrews,
Jno. W. Hixon,
Att’y’s. for Petitioners
A corr(>ct copv frotn the minutes
^ IS jn?riot c«urt of said county.
This July 25tn, 1883.
j u Hamm auk. c. S. C.,
Of Taliaferro County.
—Buy your boots and shoes from
Mershon & Flynt, Sharon, Ga.
Olivers Quick Relief.
Rheumatism, Neuraiigia.Headache,Tooth¬ Throat,Colds,Bites,
ache, Colds, Stings Sore
and of Insects, Colic
in Horses, &c.
; Prepared by
j j MAYS & CO.
Atlanta, Georgia.
1 Kendrick. Sharon, Ga.
Athens, Ga.
»• CUNAW). - - Proprietor.
Porters at Each Train.
Commercial Rates.
^rge Commodious Sample Rooms.
He^q^rtcrs for Commercial Tourists
----— 1 —— -—----------------
Flatulent Colic,Diarrhoea,Nausea,
Coughs, 'jPeething, Cholera Infantum
• Morbus.
dr. w. m. r;tts,
Druggist and Apothecary.
Thomson, Georgia.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Rcitl, Orawford
ville, Ga., and J.A. Kendrick and Geo. W.
Overton, Sharon.Ga.
HT1* UlnlilUEHS
and satisfactory. Purifies the Blood from
infancy superiority. to old Hereditary ago. One bottle proves its
Taint and Scrofu¬
lous symptoms cured. Itching Humors
and Glandular Swellings relieved. All bad
Blood rc
moved. ;
Stores At Drug
j* fl»t< ©llUlctiWi £ RUG Cures Itching Tetter, Bolls, Diseases, liu v Chronic Ringworm, Eruptf**« Humors, Eczema, Skin
pTucc^mjiaTous7& duces of the gcrofulou skin ’nfTectliiK nit old .'in and iiiul young. Swellings, Re
3 Glandular
Turn TS.OvarlanTumors,EnlurgedGlaiiils,
■ S etc. Hun Cures CalarrhjOzvenaJIii^Gnase^dd
J Sums A III
F afleetions.
nifli Il IH !
i.fleers mr I I SI V ■ WSwroH, of Secondary
and tertiary disease the bones ana
internal organs cured. Special and painful, speed v
relief to females Buffering from
suppressed and prolonged menstruation, or
USW who are prostrated from long MIN sickness. If
tla cures some cases. Send (or pamphlet of home
cures. At all Drug Stores. One bottle, Jl .50; 8 for
$4.00. BLOOD BALM COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga.
Aug. 17, ’83, ly.
IttoriH y at Law,
WILL practice in ail State find Fed¬
eral Courts. Any business entrusted
to his care w ill rt-ei-fve preini t pi rsomil
at teniion. COLLECTION A SI’E
(JKKIOE in Mitchell Building.
: E= -■ Js= = t
ASSOUJATItlN’” of Kentucky, is tie
pafteat and cheapest Life Insurance (.’orn*
iruny In America. Tlie only Company
that pays one half of the insurance to It*
Policyholders, incases of total die, inability it is
to make a living. All must and
the duty of every mail in life, to prer line
■ meansof support after Ids death for tl ione
nearest and (JpHmrt to him. Inwir#*
now, delays are dangerous. For particu¬
lars apnlv to tlie undersigned at ( mwford
ville. Ga ; GVL Bonos, Auent
, M M. A. A.
I »
I Quid m E?sy CMlfl-Birtli
j J Thousand* of worsen over the land toffti
fy to the Y'ondcrfnl elTt cts of this great rem¬
I edy; it will not only shorten labor and lcMen
the intensity y of oi Setter nam ' and ^ «uflering all, it thereby beyond .....
expression, bat than
greatly dlmininhes the danger to life of both
mother and child. Thj* great boon to kaf ■
fering woman in Holm**' Llninumt. or
Mother't ____| |.....l. Friend. Prepared . and orra sold sow by uy all J.
BRADriKi-D, n«.^» rV r*v Atlar.ti. fJa. fit Hold by
DrnnfHts. ggi-tis. Price Price £ '..Vi 50 bottle. buttle. Scot Sent
rExprea* on rcc if t of price.
Affi T „^ TO 4 '
> F '<>
1 1
I AM PREPARED u> mak- slim • ■ 1
large loans for any kmgth of time at <
per cent per annum with approved Heeiirif;.
Craw ford ville, Ga.
f YYYfJ m
£ V Gunn, Crawford*
ville, Ga.
Carpets and House Furnishing Goods. Tlio
Largest Stock South of Baltimore. Mo
ouet, Brussels, Mats and 3-Ply Crumb & Ingrain Cloths, Window Carpets,
Rugs, Shades, Wall
Papers, Borders, Cocoa Lace Cur¬
tains. Cornices and Poles, & Canton
Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Chro¬
mes, Picture Frames. Write for Samples
and Prices, geo. a. BA111n, Augus¬
ta, Ga. J tuuil5,ly.
Female Regulator!
This famous remedy most happily; meets
the demand of the age for woman’s pecu¬
liar aud multiform afflictions. It is a rem¬
edy for WOMAN ONLY, and for ONE
SPECIAL CLASS of her diseases, it is a
specilio for certain diseased conditions of
the Menstrual womb, anil proposes to so control the the
Function as to regulate all
derangements and irregularities of Wom
Its proprietor claims for it no other medi¬
cs il property, mediciiic mid to doubt the fact that
this does positively jmisscss such
couttolUng mid regulating powers, is sim¬
ply to discredit Iho voluntary testimony
of thousands or living witnesses, who are
to-day exulting in their restroation to
sound health and happiness.
is a strictly vegetable compound, and Is the
experience, product of medical directed science towards and the benefit practical of
, Sufbring’ ^ 7 "nm^R (if t...........
ft, is the studied prescription a learned WOM¬
physician whose specialty was
boundless AN, mid whose fame became enviable and
because of his wonderful suc¬
cess in the treatment and cure of female
complaints. The REGULATOR is the
GRANDEST REMEDY known, and rich¬
ly deserves ils name :
Wtiinan’s Dost Friend !
Because it controls a clras of funetious tin
various derangements of wliicl! cause more
ill health Ilian all other causes combined,
and which sorely embitter Imr life, and
prematurely end her existence I
Oil I what a multitude of living witness¬
es can testify to its conmiing efforts !
WOMAN I take to your confidence this
It will relieve you of nearly nil the com
plaints peculiar to your sex 1 Rely upon us
ns your safeguard for health, happiness
and long life.
UR, -J. MADFIEID, Atlanta, (in.
Sold by Dr. It. J. Held, Orawfordville. Ga.
IhMfi t Sinull Size, ... 75 cents
it | J, irgc Size, SI 50.
N/ - ttItt V 1
#0 Q
8 Machrn 6
I l
l rr
S9 V
jQK V.
! 1 : +j M 5t“ 5#! a
I .
:$t fS
<* m ILL. ‘« O
J, W. DAiiRAC^TT. Crawford vile
Number 32.
Georgia Railroad
Banking Co.
Office Gkn eh At, Manager, s
pOMMENGING Augusta, U a ., SUNDAY, April 28, 1H83. ,
Vj tlie following 2*)instant,
passenger schedule will
')« operated :
SO. V WEST—DA1I.Y. no. 2 east—daily
Lv. Augusta 10:80 a m nil Lv. Atlantf y:45jaim 8:20 a id
“ Macon 7:10 a “ Athens
“ Milledg’U W:05 a m “C'wf'd'll 1:14 p in
“ W’sli’i’n 11:20 a m Ar.Wasli'g’2:5.vp m
Ar. “ Athens CTdv’il 4:00 l:lojp|m,“ i>liu[• ‘ MilledgJHAffpjift Macon
dIiid“ 6:45 p m
“ At Ian l a 5 :4.~ii Aug us ta 8 :55| I
p in
Lv. Augusta8:50 p m Lv. Atlanta 8:45 p m
Lv. CTTv’ll 12:81) pimlAr.CTdv’U Ini' 2:58 aim
Av. Atlanta G:40' a Av. e-.liO'a'm
General Manager. Gen.’ger Agent
EPstsrt XjdLrio
Georgia Railroad- Co. )
Office General Manager, V
Augusta, Dec. nO, ’82 )
COMMENCING V tea following Passenget SUNDAY,the Schedule I7tu Inst will
be opened :
NO. 27. West Daily. | NO. 28. Kastlhi i ! v
Lvo Augusta 7:25 aiiiiLve Atlanta2:60 pm
Ar. C’wTv’ll 9:88 am Ar Athens 8:00 “
“Athens 11:50 am 1" CTdvil ’6:05 “
“ Atlanta 12:55pin <“ Augusta 8:20
Traill No 27 will stop stand receive pas¬
sengers Relair, to and Rerzelia,Harlem, ffrom tile following points
only: Thomson.
Camak.u Crawford ville* Rutledge, Union Point:
Greenesboro, Miullson, Social
Circle, Covington, Decatur, Convert), stone Moun¬
tain, and ,
" Train No. 28 will stop at, and recetv*
passengers to and from the following sta¬
Thomson, tions, only, Ber/.elin, Harlem, Hearing,
Camnk, CTawfordville, Union
Point, Greeneslioro, Madison, Rutledge,
Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone
Mountain and Decatur.
The East Line has Through Sleepar
from Atlanta to Charleston and connects
for all points West and Northwest, East
and Southeast
Gen. Passenger Agt. Gmi’l. Manager.
G-erman Carp.
I AM now prepared to fill all orders
for Settle and Mirror Carp at the very
lowest prices. Prompt attention given
to orders. Address, .*
J iineS,2m. Sharon," tig!
Sil^jpiONEER JCItiriMTH duction 1/100 Fly withaa A. pp. L. MAHON intro¬ by lOOmaKnificont Dr. MRMIp: the
For more than a third of a oentury been tha
Mm lean Mn>(a»g I.lulmcnt has
known to millions all over the worlds*
tliu uneidenla only safe reliance for the relief of
and pain. It 1* a medicine
above lad. prteo Por every aua praise—the form of external b**t ef pain It*
Knctang Liniment \n without an equal.
It penetrate* flcsln and mascle ta
the very of hone—making and inflammation the continu¬ Impos¬
ance It* pain Homan Flesh and
sible. effect a upon
the Brute The Mexican Creation ore equally wonder¬
Liniment 1* needed by eomebody In
every house. Every day scald brink* news here of
the agony of an awful or
subdued, of rhenmatlo martyrs re¬
stored, or a valuable horse or ox
saved by tho healing power ot this
which speedily Flesh cures each ailment* of
the .. HU iMAN as Itlf
Bh e not Contracted atlim, lwtUla|S, Muscles, Mars*
.stats. Braises sat
and Scalds, Cats, Bites oad
Sprains, foliowSs*
Mtings. •tlflnaess, Uoiasasss, Old
Sores, clears, Frostbites, Chilblains,
•ore Btpples, Caked Breast, aad
Indeed every form of exteraal dis¬
ease. It beats without sears.
For tbe Bntmt Cut snog It cure*
Sprains, Bwlnay, Stiff Jolata,
Founder, Foot Baraoss Hot, Berew Sores. Wora, HoofJMs- Saab,
aases, Horn, Scratches, Wtad
Hollow Blagboae,
galls, Spavin, Thrmtb, JBvM, Files
Old Sores, Foil apoa
the sight and. every other sdlnseat
to which tno oeeapaats Yard liable. of the
Stable and Stack are
Tim Mexican Mnetang Ulatsaeat
always cures and never disappoints;
and It 18, positively.
t TO 2 HAH 0 B SB AST,