Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, August 31, 1883, Image 1
CRAWFORD VI *• E DEMOCRAT. Volume 7 . he came to pay. lie was 'tired of the ever-increasing de On Ids time, and he tainted scorned for ease. with a The clamor for copy was AmfhfsW somebody in the lowest with of a tones dollar : to “Won't come The heart of Emanuel Jones ?” Just then on the stairway a footstep was h ean sssstfa^ | a „ a a erred def* beacon once m ,r ®J Blazed up like a with cynical . , And there entered a man a That* remarked, was fringed be with tilted a stubble a soi-ry old red. tile Who of as average head To the back an . “I have come here to pay"—Here the edi •• You’re as welcome as flowers in spring side ! Sit down in this easy arm-chair by iny lemonade And excuse me awhile while I bring wine. A dashed with a little old And a dozen cigars of the best. Ah! here we are! This, I assure you, is Help yourself, most desirable guest. The visitor drank, with a relish, and J 5l, < whiln <, t ?"u.ctof refreshment* And tli U| was gone, took occasion to say, His guest distorted somewhat by a yarn. In accents here is to pay ‘•My errand up — But the generous scribe, with a waveof the hand ffTrsP'tSL' ss-.... Put a sto And brouj; breast; Everbore on ita generous singular rln And the visitor, wearing a K , Seized the heaviest half of the fiuit. And the juice, as it ran in a stream from WasUtaHUe’mud of the pike from his boot. » Which the scribe had laid carefull (< by, The visitor lazily rose to his feet With the dreariest kind of a sign, Aud he said, as the editor sought his ad-. In his books to discover his due: *T came here to pay—my respects to the press, dollar of , you! And to borrow a —The Century. ALL AROUND US, gathering this news from our EXCHANGES. -iPTlNG Tt Y,DOING8 AND HAPPENINGS | NRjr. rsJoBt&O COUNTIES A8 ■/%*?■■ Jnskd YOU OUR READERS-— *GLETIIOIlPK, WARREN, GIIEENK 'XD OTHERS. WILKES. Gazette ot August 24 th. Died, on Thursday, the infant son of C. A. Alexander, aged five months. Danburg runs a lively wagon line between that place and out depot. Mrs. Powell, giand-mohter of Mr. Lorenzo Smith, quite an elderly lady, died la Washington, last Thursday night. The top of the cupola of the court house has been taken off aud a new one is being put on. Miss Poythiess Ellington is quite sick with fever. Mr.JWillie T. Johnson, is improving ing ; he has been sitting up some in the past dav or two. The malady from which he has been suffering, is remit¬ tent fever. Mr. Boyce Ficklin left' several days ago. and is now taking in the exposi¬ tion in Louisville, Ky. Mr. Marsh Sims had his left hand very badly cut by a circular saw on Wednesday evening. Hs has a steam saw mill in operation near Mr. J. J. Crafton’s, and while looking after the working of the saw, fell over, with the above result hrffne ' Herald and Home Journal of August 2Uh Cotton picking has commenced in some gome localities localities. The stores will stop closing at six o’clock after next Friday. All male citizens between the age; of sixteen and fifty are liable fora street-tax of $2. Mrs Anna E. Graham, the wife of Mr John Graham, of Atlanta, died on last Wednesday night in Greenesboro. ■ weeks Mr. - K. a Some eight London, ago England, r Courtneay, of came to Gfenesboro and began the practice of his profession, that of vetmarv sur geon He was doing very well when he was taken ill. He lingered some Dr. W.L. time, hut his attendant physician, Bethea, soon declared his recovery hopeless. On last Satuiday night, at ten o’clock, he died at theCorry house, where he was boarding. tended TnhnCombs'Of High Shoals, chal S the adcSSed State for a foot-race. Stincii the challenge. The distance was one hundred yards, Combs came in twelve yards ahead. Time, Si seconds. Friday _ j, night, ... Ned m Statnam _ On last one of Greenesboro s old lanamariie, breathed his last. He had been su n®'' ing for several months with a dropsical affection, and death was a happy relief. Ned lived in Greenesboro many y»n and was doubtless one of the most widely known colored men in Georgia. CRAWFORDYILE, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st, 1883. WABRKN. Warrenton VUpper of Avgust 29<A. Mr. J. W. DeBeaugrine is quite ill with the fever. The Towu Commissioners have great¬ ly improved the public square by filling up washes and leveling up the streets. Rev. Mr. Evans is conducting a se¬ ries of evening meetings at the Baptist church in this place—five o’clock in the eveniug, and eight at ;mght, are the bom's for worship. The meetings at the Baptist church are increasing in interest. Rev. Mr. Evans, is an earnest, indefatigueable worker. He has preached during the month 36 sermons, and is at work here as activerty as if he had come from a long rest. He has already commanded the English language and as his bid¬ ding words flow out, and reach upward into the very heights of eloquence. He doesn’t seem so much to impress him¬ self upon the congregation. It is the crucified and risen Saviour who has re¬ deemed the world from this vain life, p Rev. L. R. L. Jennings, our dear old iastor was with us again at the meet ng Saturday aod Sunday. His health is much improved,and his presence was very gratifying to the church. His has been a life of continued earnest, steady service for the Master for forty long vears. A goodly number of these years it lias been the privilege of the Warren ton church to enjoy his wise ministra¬ tion and it is but natural that the hearts of the people torn with sympa¬ thy and tenderness towards him in his personal affliction. HANCOCK. Sunbeam of August 25th. The mad dog scare is about over. The court house is moviug along slowly toward completion. One of the negro prisoners in the county jail has prayer with his compan¬ ions every night. Hon. W. J Nortben is constructing a ware house, near the depot in which to stoie his machinery. The first bale of new cotton sold in Hancock county this year was bought by Mr. A. 8. Bass, at Devereaux, on August 20tb. Sparta received three bales of new cottou ou Friday. hhmaelie of Auguit 29 th. The Methodist church in Sparta has bee:) nicely painted. ' We learn just as we go to ur ,i the burning of the residence or L.r. S. J. Pvron. near Linton on last Saturday. The lire was accidental. All the fur¬ niture that was saved was two chairsa bed and bedstead;..... r ____ ______________ Messrs Joha-N.. Spinksfon'atriLT-hoSr | Roberts each present this week tor the congratulations of the public a splen¬ did gill baby. There was considerable excitement on the streets of Sparta last Saturday in view of the passage of the stock law for Hancock county. The most of the comment was highly fayorable to the action of the legislature. OGLETHORPE. Crawford JVcMM- Monitor of August 291 A. Peaches bring seventy-five cents ready per bushel on the streets, aud find sale at that price. Crawford has eight general merchan¬ dise stores and one first-class drug store, and they all do a good business. Our club, the “Oglethorpe Stars,” were defeated by the New Town club of Madison county, on the Salmon grounds last Thursday, by best nine to seven. It was oBe of the games ever played in Oglethorpe. Mr. M. II. Young, who lives about three miles from Antioch, has conclu¬ ded to build a fine mill ou the shoals on bis place, near his giu. At 8 o’clock last W ednesday evening Mr. .Young, an exceedingly wealthy and highly respected citizen of Fort Worth, Texas, and Mrs. John T. Lof¬ ton, of Lexington, were married. Mrs. Lofton is the widow of Capt. John T. Lofton, and is well known as one of the most elegant and accomplished ladies of the State. Reliable intelligence reaches us of a strange child that was Iwrn iu Morgan county not long since, about seven 3 m ji e8 from Madison. It lived to be weeks old. The child’s body was per feet, but its head resembled that of an elephant. Its nose projected to the i e[ ,gth of about five inches, like the elephant’s snout, having two long teeth almost exactly like the tushes of the monster animal. Its mouth was very small, too small for it to obtain food enough to sustain life and died about two weeks a 8° - M’DCFFIE. Journal tf August 22. There were more handsome haiidsome vonnsr y ^ig “J 1 ”to^t ™ mg than we ha e ever seen logeiner o» on suen an occasion. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs■ Geo. P Stovall, of tins place, aged weeks, died about 1 _ clock about six o on Monday last, and was buried iu the Thomson cemeteiy. Mr. Khun Ansley died at his resi dence in this county oil Saturday night last, the 2oth inst., in the 58th year of his age. Mr. W, 8. Stovall, of this place, who has been in bad health for several months past, was attacked with a con- 2e8t jve c hill on Friday last, which ° ^jng fatal. He is still ime near ^ feeble from its effects, hut is im d considered out of danger. J^^rThomson . . of ^1^9 cotton has been wouk ceDts per pound. Mr. Robt. Bennett died of typhoid fever in Washington, Ga., Sunday night last, the 26th inst., after an ill¬ ness of about three weeks. He was the son of Mr. Nat Bennett, of Harlem, and a nephew of Mr. R. H. Pearce, of this place. The remains, in charge of Mr. John M. Barnes and Mr. Chapman were brought to Thomson on Monday for interment. Levi Lewis, a young negro man way¬ laid and shot nis employer, Mr. Jas. L. Burnside, in this county, on Friday morning of last week. For some days previous Levi had been refractory and sullen, and had refused to perform the labor assigned him by Mr. Burnside. At tho time mentioned he secreted himself m the woods near the road where he knew Dr. Burnside would probably pass, armed with a double barrel shot-gun and waited until Mr. B. had gone about twenty steps beyond him, when he attempted to shoot but the gun snapped. Mr. B., who was on foot, turned towards the sound when the negro fired the other load and ran. Mr. B. drew his pistol, and, at the could first shot, Levi fell, but before Mr. B. get to him, jumped up and ran off, and, when last seen, was in Columbia coun¬ ty. Several persons who saw Levi, af¬ ter the shooting say that lie was shot through the thigh, but not dangerously hurt. Mr. Burnside received three wounds in the left thigh and one on the inner side of the right thigh, all from bird shot and none of them se¬ rious. From all we can learn the at¬ tempted assassination was entirely un¬ provoked. GENERAL NEWS A Brief Review ot What the Country is a Culled tor the Readers ot The Demo¬ crat from our Exchanges. Arkausas has 1,020 miles of railways in operation, with an estimated total cost and equipment of $10,807,404. Elmira, N. Y„ has a factory which turns out daily between 200 and 300 augers. It is the only industry of its klud in this State. The editor of the only paper at Red Bluff,Cal., is in Jail on a charge of murder. He has turned Ills cell Into a sanctum, and works as cheerfully as if seated in Ills own office. It is not an easy matter to crush a Western journalist. The only sure way to do it is to take liquor away from him. . The late Judge Black Is said to lpive re¬ reived the largest fee over paid to a law yer for success in a suit. He defended the Mew Almaden Quicksilver Ooinpan California In a suit in the United supreme couit, the opposing counsel heir Reverdy Johnson, Chas. O’Conor and time to have been 5250.001). It is said that in Arkansas one-half of a crop this year will make trade brisk than a full crop heretofore, owing to the greater solvency and freedom from debt in which the farmers find themselves. A cur ous disease 1ms appeared among the native and transplanted oysters In the waters near Bunnpolis, ML A few mo¬ ments aftes taken from the water the oys¬ ter opens.froths and he comes unfit for use. American Enterprise. No invention of the nineteenth century has worked a greater revolution in house¬ hold economy or conferred more of a ben¬ efit on humanity than the sewing machine. The first productions were crude and un¬ couth in the extreme, and it was reserved for American skill and ingenuity to bring forth a machine of any practical value. In order to appreciate the great advance¬ ment wide* 1 has taken place it is only nec¬ essary to compare one of the machines built during the infancy of the invention with one of the latest improved “Light Running New Hone.” All the really good points contained in other machines have been utilized in its construction. Many new improvements and devices have also been added, the re¬ sult of which is a machine as nearly per feet as It is possible to make one. For simplicity, durability, ease of man¬ agement and capacity for work, the “Light-Running New Home" has no rival, and the happy possessor of one may rest assured that he or she has the very best the world affords. Ail who send for the company’s new il¬ lustrated catalogue, and enclose their ad vertisement (printed on another page) will receive a set of advertising novelties, of value to card collectors. Their address is. NEW HOME oEWING MACHINE CO., 30 Union Square, New York. The Eastman Times says : “Our readers will rememlier that the rioters, who were hanged at i ins place on the 20th of last October, were, with the exception of Bob Donaldson, who was sent to Cochran, buried in one corner he j( yard Hpre their hod tes have remained undisturbed until ThurwJ . tV m( , ruinf of i^t week, a lien they were disinterred by order of the Ordiriitrv. Judge Kozar, and removed ^ negro cemetery, about oue mile t nWll . The coffins were all open ^ and t |, e bodies found to be therein j U8 ^ as tfi*.y had been buried, though in a terrible state of decou.position, ex¬ cel>t £ j 0 . King, whose remains,it is said ar partially peU.ffled This seems to be the opinion of nearly-««ery one who saw him, and Mr. J t Waite, who made a close examination o tie y says there fean be no doubt aliout it. and adds that if the corpse Ind le mained undisturbed three mouths Ion ger it would have become a solid rock. This idea is strengthened ! y the .heavy weight “estimated of the coffin and contents, it be ing to have weighed at least 590 pounds.” CURED BY . Olivers Quick Relief. Rheumatism, ache, Neuraligia.ireadachp,Tooth¬ Colds, Sore Throat,Colds,Bites, and Stings of Insects, Colic in llorses, &c. Prepared by MAYS & CO. Atlanta. Georgia. For sale by Dr. R. ,1. Reid and Thomas Fuiton, Kendrick, Crawfordville, Ga., and J. A. Sharon, Ga. 1,000 MILE TICKETS. if 0 1 Georgia Railroad Company, I Office General Passenger Agkt. Augusta, April 5th, 1879. COMMENCING MONDAY. 7th »t„ his Company will sell ONE THOUSAND Mil TICKETS, goed ovor main line and brai »rs , at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ‘kliese tickets will be issued 10 in di> ><ls, firms or families, bi t not to fin ondfamilies combined. E. R. DORSEY, May', 1879 General Passenger Agent. PITTS CAE MUTATIVE SYYUP, ’f -FOIl Flatulent Col ic, Diarrhoea,Nausea, K Coughs, Cholera Infantum Teething, Cholera Morbus. DR. W. M. PITTS, D'uggist and Apothecary, Thomson. Georgia. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, Crnwford vilit* Ga., and J.A. Kendrick and Geo. W. Oveiton v Sliaron,Ga. - For Blood, Ikln and Bonea. Quick YSS Poi«on superiority. infancy to old Hereditary age. On# Taint bottle prove* It* Iou» »nd Scrofu I symptoms cured. Itching Humors Mlil and UUndu!ar Swellings relieved. All bed MM dMujSSl •WssiejLw*. Botches, splotches, itffectlu* end all other troubles jj Jtt the skin old and young, lie duces Scrofulous, dt Glandular Swellings, *1 ! Tumors,Ovarian Tumors, Kill arced Glands, situ etc. Cures Catarrh,Oryena. HlnjDisease, HM old Ml* mask Cure* all itare* of Syphilid litic troubled. and Syphi¬ Cure* □Id canen of 15 yeara’ standing. Secondary Primary mJm Sored, mWK u icera ana tertiary diseadeoi the boned and internal organs cured. Special and dpeady ml relief to lemalei suffering from palnluf, H ■ U:T^fiLP ■ ■suppressed who and prolonged menstruation, or are prostrated from long sickness. It blood purlfler, B. B. B. will please BALM One bop tie Bend for pamphlet you. of hom* cures tome case*. cun*. 14.00. At BLOOP all Drug BALM Stores. COMPANY. One bottle, (1.50; t lot Atlanta, Ga. For sale by Dr. li.J. Hi i I, Crawford¬ ville, Georgia. Aug. 17, ’83, ly. J. W. HIKON, Attorney at Law, GA. CRAWFORDVILLE WILL practice in all State and Fed¬ eral Courts. Any biiHinesa entrusted to bis care will receive prompt |tersonal attention. COLLECTIONS A SPE¬ CIALTY. Officb in Mitchkll Building. INSURE YOUR LIFE *——*——* THE “METHODIST MUTUAL All) ASSOCIATION”’ of Kentucky, is the ha (teat and cheapest Life Insurance Com¬ pany in America. The only Company that pays one half of the insurance to it» Policy holders, in cases All of total die, and inability it is to make a living. must the duty of every man in life, to prepare a meansof support after Ids death forliiose nearest and dean>t to liin). Insure now, delays are dangerous. For particu¬ lars apply to the undersigned at Crawtord vilte. Ga-, C. T. Boggs, Agent. M M. A. A. MONEY LOAN. AM PREPARED to make small or ^ large loans for any length approved of time security, at * cent per annum with JOHN W. H1XON Crawfordville. Ga. / LRM AN „ r Carp , F ..... or SH,e ^-,, r > V* tie and lem»« traps by C I U W. TAPP AN, M lute Plums, f.rem • county, Georgia, iyl'Mf xM T\ 4 * f/Mj ws % vm fS * A*’ MPMI Wt,' 11 For sale by W. R. Gunn, Crawford¬ ville, Ga. CARPETS. Carpets and House Furnishing Goods. The Largest Stock South of Baltimore. Mli¬ onet, Brussels, 2-Ply A Ingrain Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Crumb Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Papers, Borders, Lace Cur¬ tains, Cornices and Poles, Cocoa «k Canton Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Samples Cbro mos, Picture Frames. Write for and l’ricCs. G170. A. HAIM IS, Ailgus ta, Ga. JunelO, ly. WOMAN} L FRIEND ER BEST ! Dr. J. BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator! This famous remedy mosthappllyjuieets the demand of the age for woman’s pecu¬ liar and multiform afflictions. It |s a rem¬ edy for WOMAN ONLY, and lor ONE SPECIAL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased conditions of the womb, nnd proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the derangements and irregularities of Wom- MONTH LY SICKNESS, Its proprietor claims for it no other medl o d property, and to doubt the fact that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regulating powers, is sim¬ ply to discredit the voluntary testimony who of thousands of living witnesses, are to-day exulting in their restroution to sound health and happiness. gll.VP FI ELD’S jjlKMALK J|KGUL ATOK Is a strictly vegetable compound, nnd is the product ot medical science end tho practical of experience, directed towards benefit Suffering Woman! ft «p|FP of , 'rued i'<<: ”, i. I ’ AN, ami whosefar»« . ,i It* <W*Vi w ri WAP Aoiidetiui boundless because of ii ; » Mile cea* in the treatment and cure of,-BurntU complaints. The REGULATOR Is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and rich¬ ly descries its name : Woman’* Dost Friend ! Because it controls a cirss of functions the various derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and which sorely embitter her life, and prematurely Oil t what end multitude her existence of living ! witness¬ h es WOMAN call testify take to its charming confidence effects I this 1 to your . PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH. It will relieve you of nearly nil the com¬ plaints peculiar to your sex health, ! Rely upon n as your Mifeguard for happiness and long life. PHEPAIIKD ONLY JiY DR, J. BRADFIEL 1 ), Atlanta, Ga. .Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid, Crawfordville. Gn in ri Small Size, ... 75 cents Large Size, $1 50. V I lEWnOME l I K \ Z3.‘i. $tf! £5 i. \ A 1 \ 4 - ' ! m ^ NEVER uAt OUT OF ORDER. NO EQ machiHEG --- NEW / 30 UNION SQUARE NEWYORK. ILL. MASS. GA for sale by J, NV. DAUB AC /LT.Orawturdvil « Ga. Number 34. Georgia Railroad --AND Ban king Co. Office General Manageu, ) Augusta, Ga„ April 28, JSA'f. ( /"COMMENCING SUNDAY, 29instant, will the following passenger schedule *>t: operated : •TO. I WEST—DAILY. NO. 2 EAST—DAILY Lv. “ Macon Augusta 10i30 7.10a a m|Lv. ml “ Athens Atlanta O.Vi.a 8:20 a u» tu “ Milledg’ll W’sh’i’n 9:05 a m Ar.Wash'g'2:B5lp'ui "C'wf'd-Jl 1:14 p ut Ar. “ CTdvTl ll:20;ti l:uMntl‘- m MiHedg’II Athens 4:0ofp]|* “ Macon 0:451 4:49p in Atlanta 5:45liJ|jrh" Augusta 3:55|p p rn m NO. a .VEST—DAILY. NO. 4 EAST—DAILY Lv. Augusta8:50 p nnLv. Atlanta 8:45 p m Lv. CrTv'Il 12:29 p mlAr.C’f’dv’ll 2:58 a|m Ar. Atlanta (UWailmlAr.Augusta 6:34fi&lra JOHN W. ORE BN, E. K DOltS K Y General Manager. Oen. l'ass'gar Agent Fast Line Georgia Railroad- Co. 1 Ofiiee General Manager, V August a, Dec. rib, ’82 ) /COMMENCING SUNDAY,the 17th Inst bo vv opened tee following PassengetSchedule wilt : NO. 27. West Daily. I N.o. _’S. East Daily Lve Augusta 7:25 am Lve Atlanta 2:50 pu» Ar. C'wTv'lI H:50am|“ 9:88 am |Ar Alliens 8:00 “ ’* Athens CTdvIl ’0:05 “ '• Atlanta 12:55pm i “ Augusta 8:20 *• W'SUPEUB IMPROVED SPEEPERS TO AUGUSTA AND ATLANTA. Train No 27 will stop at and receive pas¬ sengers to and 'from the following points only: Uelalr, Berneliir, Harlem, Thomson. Caumk, Crawfordville, Union Paint,. Social Oreenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Circle, and Coyingtou, Decatur, Conyers, Stone Moun¬ tain Train No. 28 will stop at, and receive passengers to and from the following sta¬ tions, only, Berzelia, Harlem, Hearing,, Thomson, Cuniak, Crawfordville, Union. Point, Oreenesboro, Madison, Rutledge,. Social Mountain Circle, and Covington, Decatur. Conyers, Stone The East Line bus Through Sleeper from Atlanta to Charleston and connects, for nil points West and Northwest, East and Southeast E R. DORSET, JNO.W. GREEN, Gen. Passenger Agt. Gen’I.Manager. German Jt 1 i : L x I AM now prepared to fill all order* for Scale and Mirror Carp at tlie very lowest prices. Prompt attention giyeu, to orders. Addre3^, J.^KENDULCK- 1 -T -' < A .T,,,, o a,., { ■ S’.ia- Of MMc liikrRAGEDYl!F n&sspa s Hi. ■VjklSi plow June. «-'^fIPIONEER OINOtlf ni life THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MAN AND BEAST. KetleanlliuUng For more than a third Liniment of a century ha*been the known to millions till over tho world a* the only safe reliance for tho relief of accident* and pain. It I* a medicine above Ind. price For and praf*o—the form of external b««t of pain ita k every the MEXICAN Mustang It penetrates Liniment, flesh 1* without and muscle an aqmal. to the very bone— making the continu¬ ance of pain and inflammation Human Flesh tinpos- and Hlbln. Its effects upon tho Undo Mexican ( n ation are equally wonder¬ ful. Tho MUSTANG Liniment is needed Every by brings eomebody In every house. day scald new* of the agoay ef an awful er barm subdued, of rheumetlo martyr* re¬ stored, or a valuable horse or ox saved by tho healing power of this LINIMENT which speedily cures such ailments of the HUMAN FLESH a* Rheumatism, Nwfllisff, Muscles. Barns •Uff Joints, Contracted i and Ncelds, Beiso-neus Cuts, Braises Bites and and Sprains, silnsi, Htlffhess, Lameness, Old Mores, Ulcers, Frostbites, Chilblain., i More Nipples, Caked Braast, and indeed erery form of external dls cate* It heals without scars. For the Bauns CHEiTioK It euros Mprains, Bwinnjr, Stiff Joints, Dis¬ Founder, llarncss Bores, Hoof eases, Foot Rot, Screw Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind* ■rails, Bpavin, Thrush. Ulngbonc, Old Bores, Volt Evil, Film npon tho Sight and every other ailment to wluch the occupants of the Stable end Stock Yard are noble. The Mexican Mustang f .l nim ent always cures and never disappoints; and It is, positively, THE BEST OF At-L LINIMENTS FOB MAN OB BEAST. i 1