Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, October 05, 1883, Image 1
>• CRAWFORD V ILLS JL. 4 it Volume 7. ALL AROUND US, GATHERING THE SEWS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. BEING THE HOlNGS AND HAPPENINGS OF OUR NEIGHBORING COUNTIES AS CONDENSED FOR OUU READERS— OGLETHORPE, AVAR REN, GREENE AND OSIERS. HANCOCK. Ishmaelite, October 3rd. Next week is court week, i'ine Romanite apples sold in Sparta at sixty-five cents a bushel last Satur * days The corn crop of Hancock this year ‘ is, learn, above average. we an Solomon Chandler, colored, fell dead in the cotton field of Mr. G. P. Culver on last Monday evening, lie was a good old man and died at work. This is a monument to his memory. It is thought that his death was caused by drinking too much cold water. Mr. C. B. Harper and Miss Lena R. Bowen were married at ihe Commer¬ cial House ou last Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Lewis H. Pattillo has purchased a one-half interest in the Warrenton Clipper and will henceforth be connect¬ ed witli its publication. WILKES. Gazcite. of September 28th. The cotton receipts up to date, at this place, are 645 bales, agaiust 564 for same date last year. 4 Often there are as many as eight bales of cottou on one wagon seen in the streets of Washington A hoise belonging to Mr. Wright, of this county, ran away a few days ago, while hitched to Ins buggy. After run¬ ning about a mile the horse feil and broke his neck. The old Masonic building was pur¬ chased from Mr. <J. E. Smith by the county last Saturday. The price paid was one thousand dollars. Bee-culture and honey raising is fol¬ lowed, to a considerable extent in this county. We learn that five mil 's oi the Au¬ gusta and Elberton railroad .has been graded at a total cost of forty-live hun¬ dred dollars. Linde "Ned Waller,” 78 years old,' the first man w o wA-r ,v tailed market supplies from a wagon in Washington. 50 years ago, has been in tin* business, ever since. We regret to know that the burn of Mr. J. liuBose Hid, 8r., was destroyed Mr. Marshall Andrews, one of the best civil engineers in Georgia, left here yesterday for Greenesboro. He lias been employed by Mr. Storey of that place, to survey the Oconee river each way from the Georgia railroad bridge, and report on tiie feasibility of running a small steamer on that stream. STATE NEWS. Items ot News Gattievetl Here and There From our Exchanges. Shocking mutilations by gin saws are on the increase. Eatonton receives from 190 to 200 bales of cotton daily. Putnam county ships from 13,000 to 18,000 bales of cottou per annum. The cotton crop of Quitman county is said to be gathered. uev. J. T. Richardson killed thirty seven squirrels near Warnerville one day last week. W m, Lee sharpened 30,000 gin saws in fifteen hours, by hand, in Athens one day last week. One of the effects of prohibition in Clayton county is seen in the offering for s tie of Jonesboro’s calaboose. Tin artesian well of Dawson goes down slowly. The art of boring them successfully, in Georgia, seems to be a lost art. living Ben J Sutton, J. Johnson’s a colored, place at man Mc¬ on M. Donough, picked 507£ pounds of cotton one. day l*st week. Miss Lela Finny, daughter of Mr. J. B. Finny, of Fort Valley, is in her 14th year, and has made with her own hands between 80 and 100 bed quilts, Two young men recently left Marion county for Texas. By tiie time they reached Columbus repentance had done its work and they returned—converted men. The citizens of Newnan are taking steps to erect a cotton factory. A par¬ tial canvass of the city resulted in sub¬ scriptions amounting to $2,500. La Grange is also moving in the matter of factories. Both m ust rely on steam as the motive power. The Hartwell Sun says : “In the centre of the main street in Hartwell, in front of Hubbard & Brown’s store, is a green spot of grass not larger than a water bucket that is green winter and summer. In April, 1865, when Gener al Brown’s brigade of piunaerers passed through Hartwell, robbing rich and poor after they knew peace was declared one of the vaudals shot down Dr.James M. Webb, one of the kindest-hearted and roost successful physicians that ever bear.'?blood practiced in this county. His poured out where .hie lit tie green spot appears in the street.and although thousands of wheels hare passed over it it looks just as it did 18 years ago. ters for dyspeitsia and indigestion. It greatly benefited me.” CRAWFORDVILE, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1883. GENERAL NEWS. A lirlet Review of Wliat the Country is A Culled tor the Readers ot The Demo¬ crat trom Our exchanges. Selma, Ala., expects soon to have electric lights. Raleigh, North Carolina, has fifteen factories of various kinds. Fifty-seven suits for divoice were heard in the Chicago courts on Satur¬ day. A thousand million dollars is the es¬ timated shrift icage of Wall street val¬ ues within two years. New Orleans is to have an elevated railway worth, unwatered $3,750,000, its actual cost. A hunter of Laurence county, Ken¬ tucky., shot and killed one hundred and seven squirrels in two days. Greonvill#. S. C., has a population of 8,356. An increase of over two thousand in three years. A negro woman living in Lowndes county, Alabama, lately gave birth to a child on Thursday, and on the fol¬ lowing Saturday gave birth to two more. The country consumes about 1,224, 000 tons of sugar and molasses a year, and of this amount Louisiana contri¬ butes about 225,000 tons, and foreign countries, chiefly Cuba, 1,000,000 tons. Southern newspapers are prosperous, Their circulation and advertising are sure evidences of thrift and progress of the Southern States. The journals are representatives of the present flourish¬ ing condition of that part of the coun try. Two thousand two hundred trains leave the stations of Londou every 24 hours. Every hour, between 10 in the morning and 11 at night, 1,600 trains start for the various termini in Lon¬ don—that is, at the rate of 120 and more every Lour, or two a minute all daylong, not including the trains on tiie Metnpolitau and Metripolitau district. Of the2.200 despatched daily, 1.700 serve the suburbs and a suburban region of thirty miles around tiie city. Fifteen leave for Scotland and Ireland and 16 for the continent. Three hun¬ dred >«nd twelve trains start from Vic¬ toria, 321 froifi Liverpool street, and 395 from Broad Street. A Suuimitt, Miss., special says : J. Wiiitingtoii, sheriff of Amite county, was stabbed trfice in the back at Liber¬ ty oil Saturday and killed by Eugene AicEUvee. Tiie trouble grew out of politics. Aftyr tin: murder McEHvee was snrroimded by a crowd, one of whtifii shot him, from the effects of which he died in ten minutes. Both -highly von nected. ’ A special dispatch from Palestine, Texas, dated October 1, says that three deputy sheriffs surrounded the house of Frank .Jackson, an escaped convict. As officer Rogers advanced to the house Jackson sprang out. and shot Rogers dead. The negro fled unhurt through tiie valley. The other officers wiLli bloodhounds are in pursuit. Rogers leaves a large family. Jackson will undoubtedly uuuu J be lynched. j • - A Strange Dream. A writer in the St. Louis Republican recalls the following : Westburn, a de¬ scendant of the Duke of Hamilton’s family, had an intimate friend, a cous¬ in, named Allentou, whose death solely afflicted him. In his old age, being feeble in health, Westburn had acquir¬ ed the habit of seeking an hour’s repose alter dinner, his wife, sitting at iiis bedside, talked or read to him until he fell asleep. One day he slept longer and more soundly than usual, and when lie opened his eyes declared that he had been waked by the noise of a bud flapping its wings. he, *‘in “I was walking,” says I have gar¬ dens more beautiful than any yet seen. 1 was so struck witli their extraordinary extent, their picturesque beauty, the rare perfume and rich col¬ ors of the flowers around me, that I said to myself, “This must be Para¬ dise ! These are the Lord’s gardens !” •• Scarcely had I uttered this when a handsome young man, whose face was radiaut witn celestial purity, approach¬ ed me, and with a sweet smile, calling me familiarly by name, bade me a cor¬ dial welcome in that happy country. I expressed my surprise at being thus warmly greeted l y a stranger, and 1 added : 44 4 Still, there is something in your face that is familiar to mo.’ ‘•What!’ cried the handsome stran¬ ger do you not remember our old-time intimacy V You are a near relation—a dear friend.’ "Seeing that I regarded him with incredulity, lie continued : •‘ ‘Is it possible that you have forgot teu me ? Can it be with you s it is witli so many others—far from sight, far from heart and memory ? Do you recognize your cousin. Steward Allen ton ?’ “ -Impossible,’ sain I; ‘my dear friend Allenton was old, and not at all handsome, whilst you are the bandsom est young man I ever met. ’ “ ‘It is the same,’ replied he, ‘with all who come here. They become young and handsome. Here there is neither age nor ugliness. I am none other than id your old fiiend and cousro, Allen ,» tweet,-lour hour, joe will be here with me, as young and hand some as I am.’ “Just then I heard the loud flapping of a bird’s wings and aWoke.” The next morning the old man was gone to meet his friei.d in the gardens. DfBULLS I a For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,] Infiu-j Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Whooping In-I enza, Asthma, Cough, re-j cipient Consumption and for the lief ofconsumptive persons in ad van-] ced stages of the Disease For Sale by all Druggists.—Price, 25 Cents. NATIONAL HOTEL, ATLANTA, GA • T JLi OCATDD IN THE CENTER OF THE City, only one Block from Union pas¬ senger depot and the depot of the Georgia Pacific and East Tennesee, Virginia and Georgia tiro hotel. railroaes, Terms, In $2.00 the same day. building of E. WHITE, per Proprietor. T. ma house. STONE MOUNTAIN. GA, 10 Miles From Atlanta. Opened to summer guests on the 1st of may. Cool breezes, good water, .Board, only a few minutes ride from the city $2,000 per Address, day ; $10 per week ; $30 per month. E. T. WHITE, Atlanta or Stone tain, Ga. a B. Quick m Easy Child-Birtb Thousands of women over the land testi- B Ng fy to it the wil! wonderful only effects shortenlahor of this great and lesson rem cdy; the Intensity not of pain and suffering beyond Mi V; Eh expression, but bettor than ail, It thereby ■ at- greatly diminishes the danger to life of both KB B e mother and child. This great boon tosuf- i ferlng woman is Holmes' Liniment, by tr B , Mother's friend. Prepare^ and Sold sold ail J. M 9* Bbacfiei.d, Druggists. Atlanta, $1.50 Ga. bottle. Sint by . |k Price , by Express on rcceint of price. r Thomas Fult ! CRAWFO RDVILLE, GA. —DEALER IN— Fancy and Family Groceries, , ; j OVISIONS.OANNRD (1001)8, LARU j A MS. FLOUR, MEAL A ND FARMING j l.v ill 1 LUMEN 1 VIb-WTS IS Os' OF A ALE 1,1, JAUADa. KINDS Terms Strictly Cash 7 STEEP OB HAND ALSO THE PIN¬ KEST BRANDS OF TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND SNUFTS, TIieBs* in Crawford ville, GIVE ME A CALL WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES OR PROVlb ONS OF ANY KIND. Also a large stock of Crockery at re dneed prices. I HAVE ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF FANCY CANDIES Ol ALL KINDS. Thomas Fulton. THE GLOBE HOTEL BAB, Augusta, Georgia. This bar is the charge of an experienced bar tender who was at the Central Ho¬ n hand the finest whiskies, V r a»d'«" tel Bar three years and who always keeps on mixed drinks, morning drinks and ciiampaignes to be found in the city. All the best appetisers of all kinds are compounded at this Bar. When in Augusta if you wish a delightful beverage call atthe GLOBE HOTEL BAR. oct 6-om AugUBta, Ga. A FURNITURE BOOM! tu mm # m m. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN— — PUBNITU K E mm Atlanta, Georgia. Const an tlv have m stock , ^ and are receiving ^dy, everythine in in thi-ir thtir^n-; iin<- Bed chairs, Tables, Sideboards, Looking Glasses, and other things too numerous to mention, Wb m ^ w.ut “ JOHN NEAL & CO, •ep28-jm Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. CCliEW 11Y Olivers Quick Reliel. Rheumatism, NeuruliRla.lleadache,Tooth¬ Throat,Colds,Bites, ache, Cohls, Sore (.'olio am! Stings ot' Insects, in Horses, &c. Prepared by MAYS & CO. Atlanta. Georgia. For sale by Dr. R. J . Reid and Thomas Pulton, Crawforiiville, Ua., and J. A. Kendrick, Sharon, Ga. 1.000 MILE TICKETS. - Georgia Railroad Company, 1 Office Ueneral Passenger Agf.t. Augusta, April 3th, 1879. COMMENCING MONDAY. 7th st„ his Company will sell ONE THOUSAND MILE TICKETS, TWENTY-FlVE goed ovor main line and branches, at DOLLARS eack. these tickets will be issued to in divlduals, firms or families, but not to firms olid families combined. V General K. R. DORSEY, May9,1879 Passenger Agent. / • CURES SCROFULA, TUMORS • tr GLANDULAR j OLD ULCERS AND SORES ! SYPHILIS IN ALL STAGES, MERCURBAL & SYPHILITIC RHEUMATISM, ALL SKIN — DISEASES AND pUPTIONO ISiiil HUMORS, ECZEMA. m OZOEM 21 KJPOIlAWfPBMAJ KIDNEY TROUBLES, An<] all th „ onf) bottle of b. B. h. will convince any oneof it* great and »u«eii«iity powerful over aU othero tor Stood the rapid cure of nil Poison*. It cures in le*» than one. half the time usually required l)f any other treatment. One thousand cases cured In Atlanta. Send postal for homo proof. Try one bottle for your blood. Sold by all tfrOggista. Outu t Dottles, St 1.1>0 j 6 for % tj. Blood Bata Co., Prop’rs, « Whitehall Street, A'hLAUXA .UA. For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid, C rawford ville, Georgia. Aug. 17, ’83, ly. MONEY T<> LOAN. T AM PREPARED to make small or I large loans for any witluipmoved^secnrity. length of time at 8 per cent per annum Crawforiiville, Ga T M. H. O. T.S. Pianos % Organs Selected from Ten of the Best Ma¬ kers, are so much Superior to others at Prices so much Less, that Purchasers save from #10 to |#100 by visiting or writing to G; 0. ROBINSON & CO. Save Money at 831 Broad street, Au¬ gusta, Ga. “Love and Praise,” Latest Sunday School Book, New Hymns of “Lore and Praise.” _ NEW SONGS OF “HOPE & TRUST.” Beautiful Hymns, INSPIRING MUSIC. CONTAINING CHOICE SELECTIONS r 1,0“ THE Most Valuable l’roductiomffof the Writers of _ Poetry ^ and r-. •7 " 7 -WITH I ewllymnsand XcwMusic COMPILED BY W. LUDDEN AND G.O.ROBINSON, -D- ,,_ Full Edition, Words and , Music. J’rice, 35 cents (post-paid) Word ; Edition— £3 60 per dozen, by Express. (post-paid); Hymns only—12 cents top. per cover, 25 cents, jiost-paid. G. r O. l» WftllTVsnN KU1JIJG50N * « rn CO., i’ablisbers, Augusta, Ga. T. M. II, O. T. B. ■ V0n *r t V I 5 %$W i/ 4yt r 1 *4 Gunn, C raw ford ville, Ga. CARPETS. Carpets and House Furnishing Goods. The Largest Stock South of Baltimore. Mo quet, Rugs, Brussels, 3-Ply & Ingrain Carpets, Mats and Crumb Cloths, Window Shades, Wall Papers, Borders, Lace Cur¬ tains, Cornices and Poles, Cocoa A Canton Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Chro¬ mes, Picture Frames. Write for .Samples and Prices. GliO. A. it.vll.ic, Augus tu, Ga. JunelS.ty. WOMAN! HER BEST FRIEND! Dr. J. BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator! This famous remedy most happily! meets tiie demand of the age for woman's pecu¬ liar and multiform afflictions, it in a rem¬ edy for WOMAN ONLY, and lor ONE SPECIAL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased conditions of Cm Menstrual womb, Function and proposes to so control the as to regulate nil the derangements and irregularities of Wom uu”s MONTH LY SICKNESS, Its proprietor claims for it no other metli ctl property, find to doubt tiie fact tlmt this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regulating powers, is sim¬ ply to discredit the voluntary testimony of thousands of living witnesses, who are to-day exulting In their restroatlon to sound health and happiness. jgltADFIKLD’8 jjpKMALK REGULATOR is a strictly vegetable compound, and Is the product of medical science and benefit practical experience, directed towards the of ft is tin studied whose prescriptfod specialty in a iixniw WOM¬ physician AN, and whose fame became enviable was and boundless because of his wonderful suc¬ cess in the. treatment and cure of female complaints. Tim REGULATOR is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and rich¬ ly deserves its name : Woman’s Dost Friend ! Because it controls a clrss of functions the various derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, niid which sorely embitter her life, aim prematurely end her existence ! Oil I what n multitude of living witnoss es can testify to its charming effects ! WOM AN ! take to your Confidence this PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH. It wjll relieve you of nearly all the com¬ plaints peculiar to your s>-x ! Rely upon as as vnur safeguard for health, happiness and long life. PKEPAHED ONLY 1IY DR, J. BRADFIELD, Atlanta, a. Hold by Dr. R. J. Reid, Crawforiiville. Ga K ice :— J Small Size, . . . 70 cents’ t Large Size, $1 fio. Number 89. Georgia Railroad -AND Banking Co. Augusta, Office GmReMAL Mittlqx \ • /NOMMEXCING c.. V/ SUNDa * , ........ lank tile following passenger si liidnle wil •)o hperatud : < * l .v : i.’ - > n 77 no. a bast— air ____________ Lv. Augusta 10:30 a m Lv. Atlanta 8 : 30 a ul 7:10 am “ Athens 9:46 a in W ? P?/? hTn 11 11:20 11:05 u a m m Ar.Wash “C’wt’d 11 u’2:6*I,. I Hi . dv ’H 1:10 MilledtfMI ui 4!, *:oojp p nil” 4;4» p mi len * in “ Macon 0:45jt>!iu „ _Atlanta_5j43lt )ini “ AugUsta h*Q. 3;&>if.ia 3 WEST—-DAILY, NO. 4 BAST— HAli.r Ar. Atlanta jiAhai uPAr .Augusta 0:20 a!tu JOHN W. GREEN, KTr? DOUsE Y General Manager. (Jen. \4 Fastiaaei Georgia Railroad- Co. ) Ofllce General Manager, V pOMMENCING Augusta, SUNDAY,the Dec. no, ’82 J 17.U In.t beopened 0VV Mff SGmdule will i NO. 27 ■ West Daily. | ~N<)~ 7s.Kast Daily Lve Augusta7:25amiLve \Unnta 2 :S 0 pm Ar. L w f v ll9:3Snm|A r Athena 7 : 2 u •• ‘•Athens 11:50 amt “ CTdvIl ’ 8:05 •• t- : 35]nii| *• Augusta t» _ HTSUPERB AUGUSTA IMPROVED SI EEPKUN T « AND ATLANTA. I lain No 27 will atop at and rcccivf piu» only: sengerB Jlelnfr, to and BerzWla, from the Harlem, following Thomson. polnls Cnmak, Crawford ville, Union Greenesboro, Llrclo, Covington, Madison. Rutledge, SociM tain and Decatur. Conveys, Stone Moun¬ Train No. 28 will stop nt, and reitcDM passengers to and from the follcWiut *u» turns, ihomson, only, Cahiak, Bertelin, OrawfontvlHf; tlAHeWi. Dmirtrtg, Greenesboro, Madison, Rirtledi*, Uhlan Social Circle, Covington, Conyer*, 8MI1M Mountain and Decatur. The East Line has Through Sleeper from Atlanta to CliHilcstwn amt connect* Dm* all points West and NorthKail and Southeast E It. DORSEY, JNO.W. GREEN, Gen. Passenger Agt. Gen'I.M.inagar. German Carp. -101 - I AM now prepared to Oil »U order* for Scale and Mirror Carp at the *rt 'f lowest prices. Prompt attention giro* to orders. Address, J. H. KENDRICK, _____*_______ * W. J. NOBTOH. l’IIAW|iUHI)VHil,K, - - GA Contractor and Builder Also Dealer in Buiding Material of 2 ll Kinds. ilgwlr H—TOWWl free. Aokntm Wa Ktrp. A o F. S* Swift'* Specific to* toern ttw f9«M* Of health and bsppincn la tnadmitU who wtiw *rw> hohaccd icchrajle Of Blood tad Shin f)i*M*«h. HEAR THeTwiTMESSM t 1 am turn tin* Swift'* BpWtSe MtodtoyBth t erst ii-rnbir poisoned «;:n rdtwrwf Malaria, and Wo* gi*«f up to die Swift * Spaciflc Inc promptly ar.O eoi.itly. 1 uai.k it i. me greatest rctngdr of It* (go. C O SPENCER, Sup'i Gas Worm, Boom. Go. ft S S. c*ir** th* *ror*i fnttn* ftcrofoj*. OW 9>ore*, Old L ‘lent* JSrcrmt. Ilrrpet. «r*4 Blood of **in Hnmof H Himuj,.*. ih« Po.aot from im Biood. Mid drive# ii oui tLrougb ibe port* of ttat fefcUi. HAD SCROFULA FOR If TEAMS I have •u'Ti-r.wl from Scrhfkl* about If feen Vba dfaeow- 0ein« nnwlljr cimriw.d to my **• lad *nkm, my *hin bon«-« >iere totered with large uletrs m4 "ne i*nnMe mats of ro’ien fe/h. ami anJ the odor was almost I ■*• All rcmrftlt* UuaimenU wtutb t*l«o < hhtainly w ell i low s s • umm um aupervlaum of a |.5>»Kian of M rear*' Itlmjot and 1 have to thank S M H ant it only far mg ewt. M THUS Me FAULAND. Fmloffry Street. AUaal*. Om. rheumatism The «e*t «t tni* dtacaac t* in (A* A&xxL tlC.ODO Sroold no* pnrrhosc frotn me *ha( Malaria* ( ■ S. 1“ effected in my caae it edradlm* at Rheumatism ARCHIE THOMAS, Editor ite/mhuau, s^nagMd, Tata a negro ora* eared of a iiri« b t etm nt ttau by 8. a. &. w na.rMi*wp‘*" a *°’ »— djd g)l,UvU fkftft Chmnmt *b«S**<hi WHO will dad *• **t «■ mnri » •» of joo bottle* of S M . on* oariicl* «f awacary, n4ui*■ Ta * » ^