Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, October 12, 1883, Image 1
CRAWFORDVILLE DEMOCRAT. Volume 7. STATE NEWS. Items ot News Gathered Here and Were From our Exchanges No more liquor licences are to be granted hi Burke county. Burke county boasts a eav<e whose mysteries have never yet oeen fully ex¬ plored. fair, held The Montezuma military „ last week, was a success. The gross receipts were over $400. The Athens City Council gave $200 to the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Com¬ pany to buy a pair of horses. Thomas Butler, near Boswell, while returning home from a Gypsey camp last week, fell dead in the road. Captain Steven G. Pettus, of Wilkes who a few months ago was accidentally shot, died at home on Friday last, and was buried oil Sunday. „ Friday Jim Wilkins aud Bugg Chap man of Americus, were out hunting for a couple of hours and brought beck thirty-two squirrels. J. C.Joues, of Valdosta, went into his gin house several mornings ago, •and discovered that a pile of seed cot¬ ton had caught fire, singed over and # gone out during the night. Syivauia Telephone : Mr. George Tice planted eleven acres of cotton, used one ton of guano, and after gath¬ ering all his crop and paying for his fertilizer had $7.35 left. This is a fair specimen of the crops of the county. Mr. Palmer passed through Echo Valley, in Dade county, about dusk on Sunday evening, on horseback, and pro¬ ceeded along the public road toward his home. He was approached and from ask behind by a man on horseback Palmer, On repay¬ , ed if his name was the ing affirmatively he was shot m back by the man and wounded fatally. The report of the firearm caused 1 ai¬ mer’s horse to run off. Palmer was soon after found and carried to his house, where lie died on Monday morn¬ ing. Before dying lie charged his neighbor, W. J. Ward, with the shoot¬ ing, and Ward has been arrested and is now in jail,. — • ■ GENERAL NEWS. A Uriel Review ot VVliat the Country is a Culled tor tne Readers ot The Demo¬ crat from our Exchanges, Texas has a little pocket showed money the on hand. A recent report be considerably .. ,. cash in the treasury to over $ 2 , 000 , 000 . A lady in Augusta, Me., possesses four kittens, a few days old. which are connected together in somewhat shine manner 'as wgrd tin* A t^ihd: . A fire* which burned a farm building “in Benton, Me., a 20,000 few days ago, prematurely cooked dozen eggs which were being held lor a higher market. The aroma of home-made ham is be¬ ing sniffed in Alabama, and that kind of perfumers considered by the farmer of the next best thing to a good crop— so much made at home. A parly of nine gunners who started from Salt Lake recently for the Sand Ridge, just south of Ogden, which is a notorious haunt of the long-eared jack rabbit, returned in three days with 500 head. A race between a pigeon and a pony took place at Bedworth on September 20 the former Hying a mile and the , half mile. A capital latter galloping and a after most start was made, a ex¬ citing race the bird won by eighty yards. Canyon, Cal., J. L. Lewis, of Putah has killed a squirrel that The was squirrel snow white and had pink eyes. vicinity, and lmd often been seen in that one man said that he had spent three months in trying to capture it, as there was a reward of $75 for it alive. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Carr, neighbors, who lived near Hogan’s mill, in Stew¬ ard comity. Tennesee, died within an hour of each other, and were buried at ti, e same time. This coincidence is more striking by reason of the fact that the ladies were married on the same day some years ago. A singular accident happened in Jef¬ ferson, N. II . recently. A young lady out driving was passed by a coach on the way to the depot. The driver acci¬ dentally threw the lash of his whip so that it eaught in her hair and earrings. She was thrown to the ground and the dragged quite a distance before coach was stopped and she was released. A curious incident occurred in Dal¬ las recently. A bale of cotton was taken to a compress to be weighed and stored. When put on the scales it was observed that the bale was warm. The trier was inserted and the bale found to be ore in the center. It was taken out, and when open burst into flames. Some considered it a case of sponta¬ neous combustion, others that a spark might have fallen into the bale from the gin. At all events the occurrence was uncommon. Heart affections, kidney and liver troubles affect nearly one-half of all mankind. Yet how many heedlessly pass through a shortened life giving no care to these complaints which cause the human family such great distress. Does your heart beat violently from .he least excitement ? Have you fits of dizziness ? Does your back ache ? Are vour bowels constipated? These I)e symptoms are the first warnings, lay is dangerous. Be wise in time. Re¬ gain perfect health by using Brown s Iron Bitters. It is said there is one lawyer for e* er> T seven hundred people in the united States. CRAWFORD VILE, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1883. guuday Evening Beveries. So And we profit by losing of our * the mantle of fair Fine manners are minds. , but , . liate . to Men love to be adored, be reproved. comfort in face. Continual a through Tiie world is his who can see its pretension. charriot wheels make their . Time’s road in fairest faces. We are only really alive when we en¬ joy the good of others. Faith builds a bride across the gulf of death. lit¬ Little things on little wings, bear tle souls to heaven. Born, lived and died, sum up the great epitome of man. There is no good this world can give like that it takes away. One must do more when one is old than when ono is young. Love is the ladder on which we climb to the likeness of God. A great heart is as quick to find an other out as the world is slow. Who knows not love in sorrow’s night, he knows not love in light. Atlanta, Ga., April 12th, 1883. Mr. Mays: The bottle of Oliver’s Quick Belief you gave me did a great deal of good. It cured my sick head¬ ache in a few minutes. It cured my son of a severe cold and sore throat in one night’s time. One of my neigh¬ bors was suffering with a severe head¬ ache brought on by high fever. I rub¬ bed his head freely with the Relief and he dropped asleep in a few minutes. I want a dozen bottles. I don’t expect to be without it in my family. J. B. Jackson, Watchman (I. B. R. I lost 5 children in process of teeth¬ ing. My last 3 were brought safely through by the use of Pitts Carmini tive. See add. Rev. T. 13. West. Thomson, Ga. CUltEl) BY Olivers Quick Relief. Rheumatism, Neuraligia.Headache,'Tooth¬ Throat,Colds,Bites, ache, Colds, Sore Insects, Colic and Stings of in Horses, &c. Prepared by MAYS & CO. Atlanta Georgia. y or sa ] e i, y L>r. R .1. Reid and Thomas Fulton, CrawfordviileJ'^a., *«a. and J -I A. -*—-4 . * JAUDDhu NATIONAL 110 ILL JIJ l ATLANTA, GA • T OC.UTDD IN TIIE CENTER OF TNE Ij City, only one olock from Union pas¬ senger depot and the depot of the Georgia Pacific and East Tennesee, Virginia and Georgia railroaes, in the same building of the hotel. Terms, 82.00 per Proprietor. day. E. T. IVHITE, KING HOUSE. STONE MOUNTAIN. GA, 10 Miles From Atlanta. Opened to summer guests on the 1st of may. Cool breezes, good water, .Board, only a few minutes ride from the city $2,000 per day ; $10 per week ; $30 per month. Address, E. T. WHITE, Atlanta or Stone Moun¬ tain, Ga. Thomas Fulton, CRAWFO RDV1LLE, GA. —DEALER IN— Fancy and Family Groceries, OVLSIONS,CANNED GOODS, LARD A MS. FLOUR, MEAL AND FARMING L PLIMENTS OF ALL KINDS. Terms Strictly Cask 1 KEEP OD HAND ALSO THE KIN¬ DEST BRANDS OF TO BA VU0. CIO A US, AND SNUFFS, The Best in Crawfordyille, GIVE ME A CALL WHEN YOU WANT GROCERIES OR PROVISI¬ ONS OF ANY KIND. Also a large stock of Crockery at re¬ duced prices. I HAVE ON HAND A FULL 'STOCK OF FANCY CANDIES Oi ALL KINDS, Thomas Fulton. I > 0 . 1 ft Quick and Easy CMlfl-Birtli Tbonsands of women over the land testi¬ fy to the wonderf ul effects of this great rem¬ edy; it will not only shorten labor and lessen the intensity of pain Letter and suffering thereby beyond expression, but than all, it greatly diminishes the danger to life of both mother and child. This great boon to suf¬ fering woman is Liniment . or Mothn'n Friend. Prepared and sold by J. Bradpteld, Atlanta, tin. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1.50 bottle. Sent by Express on receipt of price. -IMV * DPEULL’S in 5 - • For the Cure. Bronchitis,Croup, of Coughs, Col^sJ Influ¬ Hoarseness, Cough, In¬ enza, Afthipa,'Whooping Consumption and for the cipient Re¬ lief ofconsumptive persons in advan¬ ced stages of the Disease For baj« j by all Druggists.—Price, 25 Cen.s.j CARPETS. Carpets and House Furnishing Goods. The Largest Stock South of Baltimore. Mo ouet, Brussels, 3-Ply Crumb & Ingram Cloths, Window Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Lac*-Cur¬ Shades, Wall Papers, Borders, Canton tains, Cornices and Poles, Cocoa & Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Oiiro- 1110 s, Picture Frames. Write for Samples and Prices. GKO. A. BAIMU, Augus¬ ta, Ga. WOMAN} HER BEST j FRIEND ! I)r. J. BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator! This famous remedy most woman’s happily! meets the, demand of the age for pecu¬ liar and multiform afflictions. It is a rein edy for WOMAN ONLY, and lbr ONE SPECIAL CLASS of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased conditions of Pie womb, and proposes to so control the Menstrual Function as to regulate all the derangements and irregularities of Wom¬ an ”s MONTH LY SICKNESS, Its proprietor claims for it no other medi¬ cal property, and to doubt the fact that this medicine does positively possess such controlling and regulating powers, is sim¬ ply to discredit the voluntary testimony who of thousands of living witnesses, ■ re to-day exulting in their restroation to sound health and happiness. jgRADFfBLD’S JlEMALE JJECHTLA<&R is a strictly vegetable compound, and is the product of medical science flmard.-rV aiicypractifai -:>netifc ot experience, directed rt is i the OfferingjW fcSdieif preSbriptto** * 5 filmed physician whose specialty beeanitjelvK-able v.’-' V WOM¬ and AN. and whose fame boundless because of hifc wlmGrrful huc C ( J ss in (lie treatment and cure <u female complaints. The REGULATOR is the GRANDEST REMEDY known, and rieli Iv deserves its name : Woman’s Best Friend ! Because it controls a clrss of functions the various derangements of which cause more ill health than all other causes combined, and which sorely embitter her life, and prematurely end her existence ! Oh ! what a multitude of living witness¬ es can testify to its charming effects ! WOMAN ! take to your confidence this PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH. It will relieve you of nearly all the com plaints peculiar to your sex ! Kely upon as as vour safeguard for health, happiness and long life. PREPARED ONLY BY DR, J. BRADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Dr. R. J. Reid, Crawfordville. Ga 1 Small Size, . . . 75 cents It ICE < Large Size, $1 50. T M. II. O. T. S. Pianos % Organs Selected from Ten of the Rest Ma¬ kers, are so much Superior to others at Prices so much Less, that Purchasers save from $10 to fc$lU 0 by visiting or writing to O. O. ROBINSON & CO. Save Money at 831 Broad street, Au¬ gusta, Ga. “Love and Praise,” Latest Sunday School Book, New Hymns of “Love and Praise.” NEW SONGS OF “HOPE & TRUST.” Beautiful Hymns, INSPIRING MUSIC. CONTAINING CHOICE SELECTIONS FROM THE Most Valuable Productions'of the Best Writers of Poetry and Hong, -WITH X ewHymns and New Music COMPILED BY' W. LUDDEN AND G.O.ROBINSON, Full Edition, Words and Music. Price, 35 cents (post-paid); $3 GO per dozen, by Express. Word Edition— Hymns only—12 cents (post-paid) ; ’ •81 20 per dozen, by Express. Specimen Copy, Full Edition, in pa¬ per cover, 25 cents, post-paid. G. O. ROBINSON & CO., Publishers, Augusta, Ga. T. M. H, O. T. S. Georgia Railroad Banking Co. L".« Moving ntadotowS VO. 1 WEST—DAILY. NO. 2 EAST—ALT r Macon 7:10 a m “ Athens 0:45 a m r Milledg’ll 9:05 a m “C’wf’d’ll 1:14 pm r W’sh’i’n 11:20 a m Ar.Wft8h’g’2:5,Yp m Ar. “Athens O'fMv’ll 4:00 l:10|p nij“ “ MiUedg'114:49p Macon 6:45 m “ 5:4510™!" pm 3:55|pm pm Atl anta Augusta NO. 3 WEST—DAI£L NO. 4 EAST—DAILY Lv. Augusta I2k30jp 8:50|p;in|Lv. Atlanta 8:45;p,ra Lv. Cr'f’v'll ann'Ar. ui Ar.G'Tdv'lI 2:53 a m Ar. Atlanta 6:40 Augusta t*:20'alm JOHN W. GREEN, 1.11. DORSET General Manager. Gen. Pass’ger Agent Fast Lin©' Georgia Railroad- Co. 1 Office General Manager, > C OMMENU1NU , Augusta, SUNDAY,the Dec. nG, ’82 J Inst 17th :opened: tee following Passouget Schedule will mv no. 27.West Daily. | no. 21}.East Daily Lve Augusta 7:25 am|J,ve Atlanta 2:50 piu Ar. O’w’f’v’ll 9:38 ami Ar Athens 7:20 “ “Athens ll:50am|“ O’f’dvil ’6:05 “ “ Atlanta 12:55 pm Augusta 10 '• tSrSURERB IMPROVED SPEEPERS TO AUGUSTA AND ATLANTA. Train No 27 will atop at and receive pas¬ sengers taand from the following points only: Carnak, Belnir, Herzelia,Harlem, Thomson. Greenesboro, Crawfordville, Madison, Union Point, Circle, Covington, Conyers, Rutledge, Moun¬ Social Stone tain and Decatur,'' Train No. 28 and will from stdp at, .following and receive passengers tions, to the sta¬ Thomson, only, Ber/.elia, Harlem, Hearing, Point, Cmnak, Crawfordville, Union Social Greenesboro, Madison, Kutledgo, Mountain Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone The and Decatur. East Line has Through,. Sleeper from Atlanta Jo Charleston and connects for all points West and Northwest, East and Southeast E It. DORSEY, JNO.W. GREEN, Gen. Passenger Agt. Geu’l. Manager. German (Jarp. -:o:- M I AM now prepared to fill all orders for Scale and Mirror Carp at the very lowest prices. Prompt attention given to orders? Address, J, yt It. KENDRICK. ,y «Tune 8 . 2 m haron, Ga. 1,000 MILE TICKETS Geohoia Railroad Come any, I Office General Passenger Aget. Augusta, April 5th, 1879. COMMENCING MONDAY. 7th st,, his Company will sell ONE THOUSAND MILE TICKETS, good over main line and branches, at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS eack- these tickets will be issued to in divlduals, firms or families, but not to firms ondfamilies combined. E. R. DORSEY, May9,1879 Generai Passenger Agent. DDAIA lurni ANul HI PC —S - - n ""Icivilizatlonand Mj A.L.HABO* gavetho Anier with an intro¬ Jican foreat* to duction by Dr. [tho plow and .1 n.,, —OF— Itho sickle. Dlusif. 1,000 pp. 100 magnificent PIONEER LIFE free. Agents Specimen Wanted. pp. Brot. A Co., O _ OiyOHCHATI, v / m > Ak 4 1 . N M I K SWIFT’S SPECIFIC ]■ not n trininiih of of the science, untutored but is » rcvelstjM through the instinct kiudu of lilood roison » - complete antidote to all and 8kiu Humor. Swift * Specific hap cured me of Scrofnla, which to beratiiury m nty famiiy 1 have Buffered with It for many yearn, and have tried a great many physician* and all ports of treatment, but to no purpose, and when I liegan to take Swift’s Specific I was In i horrible Condition; hut thanks to this peat remedy, I am rid of the disease. There is no doubt that ll in the greatest medicine in existence, aud I uopa .oy w„o douta wn. ^ (h. Dry Af Tetter, snfferiM" and trying twenty-five years physicians, with a I painfnj was ^ at ri'lieved by the many of Swift s Specnnc, and & last use CUcctfuUjr ‘““"‘J 0 CATARRH. Argument 1« nnm-ceossry to show tbst thil 1» • Blood Disease. S 6. 8. cures it. B S S lias cured me of a troublesome Catarrh, w !i' h had i,allied the treatment of all the best phf Noflb *T‘L McBRIDK, Atlanta, Ga. Yon csd recommend S. S. 8. for Catarrh. It «T*rt» care. it relieved my case entirely. Greensburg, Ind. C C. BURNS, Have taken S. S. S for Catarrh with great benefit. Three -lues 8. C. . Will ne Number 40 THE GLOBE HOTEL BAR, Augusta, Georgia. %2E£2& SS'SSjSStaA? g& 8* drinks and 5V hen in Augusta if you wish a delightful beverage call at the GLOBE HOTEL BAR. oct G-om Augusta, Oa. A FURNITURE im BOOM! — WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS IN FUB I T UR EJ Atlanta, Georgia. Constantly have in stock and are receiving daily, everything In their lift#, lied other things toe numerous to mention. w„«„ -* - - JOHN NEAL & CO, B6p28-jm Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. W. H. HOWARD, C.H. HOWARD, s. p. weibjobr. W. H. HOWARD & SONS. Cotton Commission merchants, * C No. 20 Seventh (McIntosh) street, Augusta, Georgia. Consignments of Cotton and other Produce Solicited. Orders for basifitM and ties filled at lowest market prices. uugfr-Stn H. FRANKLIN, Cotton Commission Merchant, AUOUBTA, OA. n hid 1 *► *- ■J' a ep *l STOKELY <& MOORE, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. 115 Jackson st., Augusta, Ga. SoTICITED* * >6raonal to Weighing and Sale of Cotton. COXSK JNMENTS JOHN W. WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR At tho old Stand of Warren, Wallace A Co.* 729 AND 731 REYNOLDS STREET* AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. Strict Personal Attention Given to Weighing and Selling COTTON". Bagging Ties, and Supplies Furnished at Lowest Prices Also agent for the e*-*rt*ale<i aug38’83 Prices and Terms Satisfactory. Fullerton’s New Light House COOKING STOVE. It has been remark*)* by all who bar* neon the “New Light Hotm*," that ft !* the finest, largest, and liainl-wm-st store they hay* FLLERTOX. ever aw?" Augusta, for th.- price. Ga., for Write particulars to D.L. We keep in stock the *‘8tar Chum,’* Milk Cans, Milk Buckets. If ilk Pans,Brass torf Shovels. Tongs, ana And Irons, and all sorts of KITCHEN UTENSILS. D. L, FULLERTON, 8ep21hm AUGUSTA. G A . K Cheapest f larpets in Augusta.' STOCK LARGER AND PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFpRR. rpip: largest Stock South. Moquet, Brussels. Three-Ply and Ingrain (jarpeG, Rug*. . James fi. yaffle "O VtlQAf) & bons.. Sept. 14, ’85. jj, SJftEZT.