Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 23, 1883, Image 4
THE DEMOCRAT. Friday, November 23rd, im. m c. JO »»:», Proprietor M ANDREWS, fedltnr- 8THPUENS MONUMENTAL ASSO VIA TION. In another Column Vve publish in full the charter of the Stephens Monumen¬ tal Association. By reference to which It will l»e seen that the prime object of the Association, is to perpetuate the memory pf Mr. Stephens ky the pur¬ chase of the “Liberty Hall” property, and erecting thereon a monument that •Will do honor to thd remains of the great and good man, that will rest be¬ neath it. The [establishment of the Stephens High School, will be the work uf the Association, when it shall have accomplished the original object of its organization. Hirst the pr<>i>erty must be secured and the monument erected. Much has been said of the price of the property. The Association will si cure the proiwrty on the best terms possi¬ ble. No price as yet has been agreed on between the Association and the representative of Mr. Stephen’s estate, and the Association is satisfied that there will be no difficulty in that re¬ spect when the proper time comes for the purchase. Association The work of the is stead¬ ily going on, we have an efficient agent at work in North Georgia, from whom uur Treasurer is coniinally receiving remittances- By the 1 st of December we expect to have other agents in the field, who will canvass the entire State seeking aid for the accomplishment of this work. The Association have good cause for encouragement—the work lias begun in goon earnest and wi.l be pushed for¬ ward to a successful consummation. TliEKK were 205 failures in the Uni¬ ted States during tne past week . Governor McDaniel has inspect¬ ed the Lunatic Asylum at Milledge Ville. A terrible collision occurred on the Illinois Cental railroad on the 18th instant In which five cars were burned and three persons killed, A on eat many Lives were lost and a great deal of property destroyed in the Bay of St. Lawrence during a fearful storm last Friday aijd Saturday. On the morning of tlje 18th Instant, the steamer S.II.Farasoi was totally de¬ stroyed by Are at Bullet’s Bayou, eight miles above Natchez on the Mississip¬ pi river. No lives were lost but the Baggage of all the passengers and 3,- 504 bales of cotton were destioyed. The total loss was over 8250,000. The Chapin mine Strikers at Iron Mountain, Mo., together with the men at Ludington mine formed a mob of 1,000 strong on the 17th, and para¬ ded the streets until they were forced to disperse by the cold weather. A mob of four hundred surrounded Su¬ perintendent Stock’nidge, of J.uding ton mine and kicked and bent him bad ly. A grand steamboat parade will take place in New York harbor on evacua¬ tion day which will comprise 500 vessels including some of the larges^ passenger steamboats plying on ttie Hudson river., us well as tug boats and C’HTn'«“J“ **'““*“ l "' !r l, “ 0 ' rated, will appear in the lino. — --------- President Aktiwu, it ia said, is to dlMUi ih. tariff ,«• lion in his forthcoming message. He upon U.0 Treasury meat for statistics and other inform* tion relating to the tariff including a comparative .. itatement .. . of „, the rates of , duty embraced in the old schedules the new schedules and the schedules recom uiended by the late Tariff Commission, ___; _ Ma ONE in bis address to the Head j listers, of irgiuia. , has faded .... to pre v sent the facts concerning t he recent political .... , campaign . in .. that ... Mate. . 1 he irutti is Malione has lost his power and he does not hesitate to make charges against the IV.noeraUc party that ate ntteily groundless and uutaie. He has reaped his reward and be seeks to that his political career ts ended, he is . not satisfied to retire to private life in Richmond thereby giving notice to the white [)eople of Virginia that he would if he couldturn the State over to t lie negroes. Hb downfall was a great blessing to his State and his recent ad dress will avail uotbiug. «M»Sf I IS Hoarseness, For the Cure Bronchitis, of Coughs, Croup, Colds,] Inf?u-j enza, cipicnt Asthma, Consumption Whooping and Cough, for the In-] re¬ ced lief of consumptive of the Disease persons in For ad Sale van-j stages by all Druggists.—Price, 25 Cents. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. I JOUR weeks after date application will F be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Leonidas G. Evans, late of said county deceased. This November 5t.h, 1883. John D. Evans, Guardian for Minors of L.G. Evans,dec’d. CITATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMIN¬ ISTRATION. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. \Y7HEREAS, Samuel J Flynt, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. Savvannah A. Chan¬ dler, lateof said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admon¬ ish all persons concerned to he anil appear at my office on or by the first*Monday in Decemlier next, to show cause il any granted. they can, why said letters should hot lie Given under my hand and official signa¬ ture, this November 5th, 1883. CHABLES A. llEAZl.EY, Ordinary, T. C. CITATION FOR LETTERS OF GUAR¬ DIANSHIP. GEOR< 1 1A—Tai.i a kkrho County. ■VITTIEREAS, Owen D. Moore, of said YV county, has applied the to me for and letters of guardianship Chandler, on person child of prop¬ May¬ erty of Gray minor nard and Savvannah deceased. A. Chandler, lateof said county T hese are therefore t > cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause if any they can, on or by the first Monday in .......mlier next, why said letters should not be granted. under hand official signa¬ (■Jtw.n NoveintierVitli, my anil ture. this 188,3. Chaki.ks A. Bkazlry, Ordinary, T. C. A IMPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DIS¬ MISSION. GEORGlA—T aliaferro County, YITIIEREAS, ANDREW !,. HILLMAN, IT Administrator on the estate of Mrs. MARTHA C. HILLMAN, late of said ebuntv deceased,has applied to me for Let¬ ters nf Dismission from said estate : These itre therefore to cite and admonish all and singular. Hie kindred creditors,and all per¬ sons concerned, to show Monday eatise if any they can on or by the first in Decem¬ ber next, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and offi¬ cial signature, this ltd (lay A. of BkazlAy. September, ihh3. chas. T. C. Ordinary, APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. TfTHEREAS, ANDREW L. VILLMAN Administrator on the estate of JOSEPHUS IIILLMAN, late of said coun¬ ty deceased lias applied to me for Letters Of Dismission from said estate : These are therefore to cite and admonish nil persons, Concerned, to show cause if any they can on or by the tirst Monday in December next, why said letters should not be grant¬ ed. Given under my band ami official sig¬ nature, tills September 3d, 1883. Charles a. Beazlky, sep7 4t Ordinary, T. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA— Taliaferro County. T>Y J virtue of itn order from the court of > Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public sale, to the of highest bidder, with¬ in the lawful hours sale on the tirst Tuesday in December, 1883, before the court bouse door in the town of Crawford¬ ville, the following real estate: A tract of land lying and being in said said county, containing four hundred and four acres more or less—bounded on north by land of John A. Stephens, east by land of estate of L. E. Evans, south by .'and Of estate of John A. Evans and on west by land ds sws Richards, east bv land of I> N Sanders. south and west by land of E. 1. Anderson. of land in said county, contnihing forty ft TO SK^KfaKVTlSS land oft*. K. Battle, and on west by of Arch Dickinson Also by virtue of said and authority, tract will be so j t j the same time place, a of land in said county, containing sixty acres, more or less, known as the Greeson tract bounded foil north by land of Payton Gree son, east bv land of Jacob Rocker, south by land of estate of Lawrence Battle, and "Vst'w bind of John R. Gunn Also oy virtue of said authority, will be sold at same time and place, a lot side in the town of l Taw lord ville, Ga., on east of the public square—containing with house one-half and »cre. more or less, tenant blacksmith shop erected thereon. '""**« Kivo „ mi payment This of purchase monev Terms—CASH. November For Sale. Leese cr Rent ON satisfactory terms to approved ap. piR-ants, that valuable piece of proper ly situated in Crawfordville, consisting just opened. Innight at brokers pome prices, consisting of black and fancy brocades, ot turnons, cashmere and altu ruinated from 10 ti 23c per Nothing ever before in Greenesboro like them.— Copelan, Seals A Armor. HOLDEN & FARMER, —DEALERS IN— Fancy Groceries, AND Plantation Supplies, Hardware cutlery, tobaccos, shoes/ac. A new hn-of go.Kls just received and constantly arriving. Honest weights and honest measures will be strictly adhered to. Short profits and fair dealing will be our inotio, We pay no clerk hire have small house rent and.can sell goods at Atlanta and A ugusta prices. Cail and see us, HOLDEN & FARMER. Post-Office Building, Crawfordville, Ga, BUGGY FOR $45,00* YY'hats the use of walking when every man can afford to buy a good all hickory for the low price quoted above. Buggies of every description from 845,00 up. t One and two horse wagons of niv own make at extremely low prices with the usu guarantee. I have on hand the largest stock of HARNESS all kinds ever brought to Grawfordville also Buggy whips. I can sell a splendid singlo buggy harness for the small sum of $7.50, if your buggy or wagon needs repairing I am prepared to do it as cheaply as it can he done elsewhere. Blacksmithing in all its branches and all work guaranteed. Call and see me and examine and price my large stock of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Harness and whips the Thanking my customers Respectfully, for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a continuance of same. J. N. CHAPMAN, Crawfordville, Ga, Cheapest Furniture Mouse in Ga. < I 1,000 handsome suits from 818. ooi :o 81 00 . . 4 Marble tables, 83.50. top mattresses. 82.50. Marble top bureaus $10.00. Lounges 85.00. Folding lounges $10.00. Walnut bedsteads $7.50. ivaixirobes $10.00. J’ailor suits in fine silk plush $73.00. All other articles verry low. Send yon r orders to - H. SNOOK, nov23 hm ATLANTA, GA FOOT'D AT JL.AST. L. C. PEERS & CO. WHOLESALE Produce Commission Merchants «* * . «*».«. ufProduce ’ Reference t JOHN II. JAMES, Banker, Atlanta, Ga. liovltiin’^ George It. Lombard & Co., OREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Neal* the Water Tower,1014 to 1^20 Fenwick St.. Augusta, Ga. SAW MILLS GRIST MILLS, CAME MILLS F PLANTATION and Boilers, Cotton MACHINERY, Screws, Shaftings, Engines Pul¬ leys, Hangers, Journal Boxes, 3/ill Gearing, Judson’s Gudgeons, Turbine Water Wheels, Gin Gearing, Governors, Disston’s Circular Saws and Gummers and Files, Belting and Babbitt -Vetal and Brass Fitting Globe and Check Valves, Whistles, Ganges, Ac., Iron and Brass Castings and Gin Ribs »rd In Iron'and REPAIRING Br^'hkving promptly g^CyIn^a^d done at Lowest prices. We cast every dav both —d Brass, having greatly increased our capacity with latest tools - We Ye are running running ful. full tune time with with 100 It hands, wliich enables us to fill or ders promptly at lowest prices. Give us a trial 1 efore sending eldSewhere, i\v , e 'xJu , , f «' r , , , , ,, ^ arolin;l KORTING’S UNIVERSAL IN one lever. Will work SeUd f 1 ’lriT b * fore yoa bay otber Tl,e give ttonTpump. satisfaction fe b,23 any ’ y 8 re better sss 1 ililRW PilOlESEiS ScLDv.rroi.;- urown huAMVtwL Ly oursotves- a*?2 r ___ SFEDS . l "aiiAsom; !:in,iru,-»U i ililrjue »v<! Rural T.' tistrr FKFH TO AIX. UCIMXTS, 8EN3 I S YWS SC51XESG CARDS FUIt TRADE LIST. ■ -» t -:' 3 rrg&S 3 HS^ED 883 WaS.PHIlA 0 ELPIIW ' >’J A.' "1TTILL SOON be opened from a battery whose guns are always loaded in the inter VV est of the people. These guns are charged with entirely new ammenitiou ob¬ tained from the importers,jobbers and auction rooms of Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The people will hear the noise, their purses will receive tha benefit, away with hig CROPS ARE TOO SHORT. The people must make their money go a Jong ways. CASPAR MYERS under¬ stands this, and he is prepared to quote such figures as his customers will appreciate. He has just erturned from the great commerc al markets, where he gave his personal attention to the selection of the largest stock of goods ever brought to Crawfordvill# or Middle Georgia. GOME AND SEE MY ASSORTMENT. I am determinmed that nd hduse aiong the Georgia railroad or its branches sUaii excel me In quantity, quality, price or styiv. Ladies’ Dress Goods,Domestic Goods, Etc. In this department 1 can give the Ladies the fullest satisfaction. I have a large assortment of Priuts of new figure beautiful, brilliant, anu fast colors, Ladies’dress Goods from the lowest grade to the finest Silks and Trimming of all kinds to matdh also Hats trimmed and untrimmed, Hosiery (all grades), Sheetings, Shirfings, Tick¬ ings, Linens and ladies’ Towelings and furnish every article that is of use Jaiul beauty, si d Which g# t o make up a toilet or the house. Gentlemen’s Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes &c„ My line of gentlemen’s youth’s and boys’ clothing is full and complete and pres en t all the attractions and new styles of the season. Full suits of the finest material an best make at the most reasonable prices. Busjness suits, fine cloths, underwear, ha t of all styles and prices. My stock of boots ana shoes is large and I can suit the pub lie in any quality they want from the finest dress boot to the coursest Drogan. lyflSjfTK T .x . TM-KOirg - IN my miscellaneous department 1 have all the little articles which go to make ap a stock to supply the needs of the public: among which are Notions, Needles, Pins.Cut omitted lery, crockerg, Glass ware, hardware, Tobacco, cigars, etc, in making up my stock nothing- that you can call for. Groceries and Provisions. I keep always on hand fine family groceries arid farm supplies, lam preparep t* clothe the naked and feed the hungry come and see lor yourself. To My Friends and Patrons. In conclusion allow me to return my thanks for past favors and to ask for a cdutiii uanceof of the same. C. MYERS. Grawfordville, Ga., September 12,1883. Cheapest € Carpets in Augusta. STOCK LARGER AND FRIGES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. rpiIE JL largest Stock South. Moquet, Brussels, Three-Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Crumb Cloths, Window Curtains, Window Shades, Window Cornices and Poles, Canton and Cocoa Mattipgs, Chromos. Write for samples. James Q. Bailie & bons., Sept. 14, ’83. jy. 713 BROAD STREET. H. BE. F L ¥ N T CRAWFORDVILLE, GA. —DEALER IN— Fancy and Family CANNED GOOtlS A SPECIALTY, Provisions of all kinds, such as Lard. Bacon; Hams, Flour, M^al, Sugar and Coffee. Also a large stock of Tobaccos and Cigars; Think cigar in of town. it, a II inch plug tobacco for 5c. Come tty a Teirtptatiim cigar the best 5c I have just received a tine stock of pure unadulterated whiskies at prices that wilt astonish the natives. Come and see me. H- H. FLYNT WM. M. JORDAN, FRED B. POPE, Formerly of Sibley & Jordan. Of Wathinyton, Ga. JORDAN & POPE. COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, 729 Reynolds St Augusta, Ga. We are General Agents for Gnllets Patent Steel Brush in. Light Dra ft Cotton Bloom Gin, Lummus or Improved Taylor'Gin, with feeders ani oon densers for all of them. Write for terms and circnlars. U >Y T E WILL GIVE OUR PERSONAL ATTENTION TO WEIGHING AND SELL ING COTTON and Guarantee QUICM SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS. We hope by close attention to business, to merit a liberal share of the shipment of cotton. THE RANDALL HARROW ** ■■ : -t -■ jf — ^ ----- -- v- •:;d imm 1 ft? > WmS if! mm J-') r - mf What It Will Do IT WILL THOROUGHLY PULVERIZE THE SOIL. IT WILL THOROUGHLY VC VEh UP SEED GRAIN, IT WILL THOROUGHLY COVOR UP SURFACE MANURE. IT I> OFTEN A SUBSTITUTE HALF THE FOR THE PLOW. IT WILL SAVE TIME AND LABOR IN preparing soil for seed. IT WILL INCREASE YOYR CROIS. IT WILL SAY'E ITS COST IN ONE SEASON. FOR SALE BY BONES. DOUGHERTY & CO, pri!27-ly AUGUSTA. GA,