Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1883.
1£. C. JONES, - - - Local Editor
—Read the new advertisement of
Holden & Farmer.
—Qnr merchants are complaining
of sh collections.
Thursday, the 29th, is
Thanksgiving day.
—Hon. Jno. A Stephens aud family
spent several days at Liberty Hall tins
—Rev. O. A. Thrower preached his
farewell sermon at the Methodist
church Sunday night.
—Mrs. Sam. Harris, of Rutledge, is
visiting the family of Judge J. D. Ham
—Read the Constitution, Charter.
&c., of the “Stephens Monumental As¬
sociation,” in another column,
—Joe Henderson, the negro who was
dangerously stabbed two weeks ago, is
slowly recovering, so we learn.
—Mrs. Emma Dickinson, of Spottsyl
vania, Virginia, is on a visit to her
mother, Mrs.M. C. Gee.
—The number of bales of cotton re¬
ceived at this depot in excess of the
same date of last year is 180.
—Dr. R. J. Reid killed two hogs the
other day, one weighing 403 and tiie
other 395 pounds. Tiie Dr. is entitled
to Hie premium for the largest hogs so
—Miss Annie Smith, a very charming
and accomplished young lidy of An¬
tioch, is Visiting relatives in this place.
We trust that her visit will be .a pleas¬
ant one.
--Genial Charlie Mitchell, of Union
Point, has charge of the Williams Ho¬
tel. We together with his many
friends here are indeed glad to will welcome make
him to our town and hope he
it his permanent home.
—We regret to chronicle the death
of Paul Anderson, infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfonza Taylor which occur¬
red Tuesday at 2 o’clock p. m. Age
two months and three days. The re¬
mains weie interred in our cemetery
yesterday •
—“I would not live always, I ask not
to stay.” We do not wonder, with
such a cold as yours, but there is a
bright side to every thing, and sun¬
shine even for those racked witli pam.
Dr. Bull’s Cough Rytup never fails to
cure the most stubborn cough.
—Elsewhere appears the advertise¬
ment of Mr. J. N. Chapman to Winch
we call tiie attention of our readers.
A visit to his establishment will con¬
vince anyone that it is useless to send
off for carriages, bugg’es, wagons, har¬
ness, &c., as lie is offering thenl for
sale at the very lowest prices and upon
the most reasonable terms. Call and
examine his large and complete stock.
—We called at Mr. Charlie Berg
stroias’ store the other day and found
h.m busy driving nails through an in
fclank with a glam gd>e\ If you
don’t believe Charlie can do this call
and lie will convince you. Charlie is
one of our most enterprising mer¬
chants and has built up an immense
—Tiie attention of our readers is
called to the new double column adver
tisement of Messrs. Copelan, Seals &
Armor, Greenesboro, Ga., in this paper,
who are offering goods at largest prices house to suit in
the times. This is the
this section and never were such in
ducements offered to tiie public as they
are now offering. Tlieir large amt
magnificent stock of goods of all kinds
is unexcelled by any in tne whole conn
try. They always keep on hand every
tiling needed on a farm and elsewhere
which they sell at bottom prices. Read
tlieir advertisement and see the bar
gains they are offering.
—The advertisement of Mr. P. H.
Snook, the great furniture dealer, At
ianta. Ga., should be carefully read by
all who wish or expect to purchase fur
nituieof any kind. Mr. Snook not
only has the cheapest furniture house
in Georgia, but the finest and largest
stock in the whole South—-and unex
Celled North or South. His sales dur
ing 1882 were the second largest in tiie
Southern States. During our stay in
Atlanta last week we visited his mam
moth establishment and saw his im
tic manner, and designed with a ape
cial view to meet tiie wants of the cul
tivated and refined. We have no hesi
tancy in saying that he has the largest
•and haudsomest stock of decorative
furniture in the South. Read his ad
Vertisement and write for his price and
descriptive list before buying elsewhere.
_A. certain gentleman of this place
•who has fallen desperately in love with
a certain young lady resident of our
town was exalted to the “Seventh
Heaven” when he called to see her the
other night and she presented mark him with with
a beautiful hat
his initials embroidered on it in gold
letters. The next morning lie was
Seen very early on calling the streets for K oin ?
from store to store oranges,
rod not being iiblo to dud <roy he hired
i horse rode to Barnett and telegraph
d to a certain fruit dealer in Augusta
o send him a box of the largest, sweet-
3 t and nicest oranges in the citv by
re r.ext express. He then returned,
the best pensman in town to write
le initials of the young lady on a
sutiful gilt-edge card and went to
e depot and s ui d
fOges came. He then . h tooxi
one side pasted the card upon it at
fessya Z w*r m “
-• •
—Very little cotton coming in now
which causes the merchants to com¬
plain of collections.
—Mr. Edward Croake lias paid all
damages to parties who sustained loss
by the burning of his gin-house.
—Our farmers are nearly through
sowing their grain aud now is;the
time to prepare for a severe winter by
hauling up plenty of good winter wood.
—We hear considerable complaint
of wells failing throughout the country
but tiie wells around Sharon continue
to furnish an abundant supply of water.
— We are glad to learn through our
superintendent that the Sunday school
at this place is in a nourishing condi
tidn and hope it will continue
tnrougli the winter season.
—The scarcity of money was illus¬
trated by a horse swap which occurred
on our streets last Sal urday. One
man asked the other some hoot, but
when the fact was established that
money was out o’tiie question they fimtl
lvfcoinpromised on a|wagon,one hundred
pounds of beef, one pair steelyards, one
haud-Baw and case knife.
—Messrs. A. W. Mershon & W. T.
Flynt composing the firm of Mer
s .on & Flynt, opened business in Sha¬
ron on the 20th August, 1880. While
they confined themselves to cash their
business was a success. In 1881 they
decided to run a supply business on
time in connection witli drv goods. At
the closeof ilieyear they were compelled
to close some of their aecouuts by note.
Hoping to meet with better collections
they continued to run a supply business
in 1882 and while the year was veiy fa¬
vorable so far as crops were concerned,
they slid found that their collections
were deficient. At the commencement
of 1883,having the past two years before
them as a lesson, tney decided to leave
off supplies aud sell dry goods exclusive
ly, requesting their customers to come
up promptly in the early part of the
fall and settle in order tiiat they might
be able to meet their bills at maturity.
To this request many of their custo¬
mers faithfully res ponded, but not
enough to satisfy the indebtedness of
the house, consequently for the benefit
of creditors, on October 9th, they made
an honorable assignment. We regret
very much that they have gone out of
business, as they have been a great
benefit to our community by their up¬
right dealings, having for their motto
the golden rule, “Do unto others as
you would they should do unto you.”
—AR/t this week I will keep my
gallery oueu only on Mondays and
Tuesdays of each week for work. Be
sure to remember these days or you
will be disappointed if you call on any
Other. B. C. Browne.
- • —■«
—I have on hand a flue line of fruits.
C. T. Browne.
—The ladies are respectfully invited
to call and see my nice line of goods.
<J. T. Browne.
—Clocks one and eight day, from §2
to 810 at C. Myers.
J* Jj,,flannels moots in wonders hl-ck mid
^ m . irked t „ on „ , mIf their
value.—Copelan, Seals *fc Armor,
GreenBdioro, Ga.
—Green and black teas at Dr. Reid’s.
—Ladies’ and Misses cloaks and
walking jackets from 81,25 to 82).
Call and see them at C. Myers
—Call at C. Bergstrom’s and exam
ine those pretty one and eight day
cl neks from 82.50 up to 810.
Collins’ old and new style axes ;
inbeit Hams’ best| cast steel axes ;
Georgia quick made.—Copelan, cutter These Heals are Ar* tie
i H , st . IXHS &
mori G' reell esb no, Ga.
_ pickle9 assorted put up in pint,
11 half gallon b jars 1 at Dr. Reids,
—A large stock ot smoking tobacco
the following brands : Sweep Stakes
Blackwell’s and Duke of Durham kept
constantly on hand at Dr. Reid’s.
—I have on hand a large and well
selected stock of drugs and medicines,
Prescriptions carefully compounded,
Dr. Reid,
Meat cutters and sausage staffers,
all sizes and prices.—Copelan, Seals &
Armor, Greenesboro, Ga.
—Canned goods such as peaches,
corn, tomatoes, salmon, sardines, oys
j.t*rs, mackeral in endless quantities at
—(J. Bergstrom keeps the best select
* /
. H m
—Boyal baking powders and , Horse- u
ford’s bread preparations for sale by
Dr, Reid.
—Men’s, youths’ and boys’ clothing
in endless quantities. Suits from 84 to
$50 at O. Myers.
Seventy-five pieces handsome
Windsor Prints, the prettiest market.— patterns
and the best brand on the
Copelan, Seals & Armor, Greenesboro,
—Prints of tiie best grades C. war- My
ranted tast colors at 5 and 6c at
i ery ^ c ^^
c * BaKratrom’a
fine lot of fresh A Oranges and * ap
pies just received at Dr. Reid s.
—Genuine Magnolia seed rye and
rust-proof oats. Also, meat, flour and
provisions ot all kinds kept at C. Berg
—Ladies’ dress goods all wool from
10c to SI 25 per yard at <J. Myers.
-Ladies’and Gents’ fine shoes all
styles and prices at G. Myers.
. . . purchase a good
as ■
Charter Granted lor the Stephen* Moil*
a-«AA .JUA'«rJ
umeutal Association.
Tv the Honorable tiitpefiof Court of said
The petition of 0. T. Boggs, W. J. Nor¬
ton, Jno, N. Chapman, W. O. Holden, L.
L. Veazey, Jas. R. Anthony, W- C.
Rhodes, R. J. Reid, D. N. Sanders, B. F.
Moore, Sam Flynt, Caspar Myers, W. M.
Weaver, II. R, Casey, W. II. Mattox, John
Armstrong. Thos. E. Watson, W. II. Bald¬
win, Henry J. hang, Willie H. Fleming,
J. R. Randall, Joseph Myers, F. II. Colley,
Seaborn Reese, Thos. Hardeman, llenry
R Jackson, Clias. Willingham, Thos. E.
Bristow, W. R. Humi, Heo. T. Barnes, M.
Z. Andrews and John W. llixdri) showeth
that your petitioners, their associates and
successors, desire to bo created a body po¬
under the name and of
"Stephens Monumental Association,” with
power to receive donations, to sue and be
sued, contract and he contracted with, and
shall have perpetual succession, with the
right to hold all tiie real estate or other
funds necessary in the judgement of the
Board of Directors for its uses and purpo
ses, and may dispose of the same; and
may make and use a common seal, renew¬
able and changeable at pleasure ; and may
make such constitution, by-laws and reg¬
ulations as may De deemed necessary for
fully carrying out the purposes of this in
corporation ; and that your petitioners,
their associates and successors in office^ in
tlieir incorporate capacity, may be invest¬
ed with all the rights and immunities, usu¬
ally granted to corporate bodies by eonsti
Vilted authorities Of skid State, not incon¬
sistent with the constitution and laws of
said State nor in violation of private rights,
for tiie term of twenty years.
The principal place of business of s^.tl
corporation shall be in tiie town of Cncw
fordville, the county and State aforesaid.
The business of said corporation shall bo
managed, subject to the, direction of the
Association, by a Board of Directors, of
not less than thirteen nor more than tweti
ty-five, not less than thirteen of whom
shall be residents of Taliaferro county and
constitute a “Local Board,"who shall man¬
age the affairs of the corporation, anil a
majority of whom shall constitute a quo¬
rum. The remaining members of the
Board of Directors shall constitute an
“Advisory Board,” may reside in any por¬
tion of said State, and when present at
any of the meetings of the Board, shal
ha v e tiie same rights and privileges as
members of tiie Local Board.
Your petitioners aver, that said Associa¬
tion is not organized for individual pecu¬
niary gain, and that tiie object of said cor¬
poration is not for purposes i f trade and
profit, but for promoting the gene redesign
of said Association, to wit: “To perpet¬
uate tiie memory of tiro late Governor,
Alexander H. Stephens, by the purchase
of the property known as the "Liberty
Hall property," the erection thereon of a
monument, aud ultimately to
establish a first-class Iligh-school.” And
that said objects may be accomplished,
your petitioners pray tiie passing of an or¬
der investing and clothing them, tlieir as¬
sociates and successor* with the corporate
authority and power aforesaid. And
your petitioners will ever pray, &1:.
Superior Court, Auyust Term, 1883\
Upon the petition of C. T. Boggs, \Vi J.
Norton, Jno. N- Chapman, W* O. Roldcn,
L. L. Veazey, Jas. R. Anthony, W. U.
Rhodes, R. J. Reid, I). N. Sanders ,\ Benj.
F. Moore, Sam. Flynt, Caspar Myefc, Mattox, W.
M. Weaver, II. It. Casey, W. II.
John Armstrong, Thos. E. Watson, W. II.
Baldwin, Henry J. Lang, Win. II. Rein¬
ing, J. R. Randall, Jos, Myers, F. II. Col¬
ley, Seaborn Reese, Thus. Hardeman,
Henry It. Jackson, Ctias. Willingham,
Thos. E. Bristow, W. It. Gunn, Geo. T.
Barnes, M. Z. Andrews aud Jno. W. Dix¬
on, praying to be incorporated under the
name and style of tiie “Stephens Monu¬
mental Association it is hereby ordered
that said petition be entered of record:
that the petitioners aforesaid, their asso¬
ciates and successors, be and they are
hereby incorporated, and created a body
politic under tiie name and style of the
“Stephens Monumental Association,” with
authority and power to carry the objects
of tlieir incorporation, as set forth in said
petition, into full and complete effect.
And said corporators and tlieir successors ,
are hereby clothed with all tiie power and
authority, enumerated and prayed for in
said petition.
H. C. Roney,
J. S* C. A. C.
Mrs. Ellen T. Monahan, Savannah,
Ga.. says : “I used Brown’s Iron Bit
ters for disordered stomach and it did
me great good.”
J 6 «r o S& M g’ SfSSh »?
Teething. They were taken with ac
tive bowels, fever and irritable atom
ach, and would waste away. We ha I
with them the best medical aid we
could get. Death was the resuit. I
am happy to say with the three last
we have used Pitts’ Carminative four
teen years as a household medicine for
Teething, troughs. Golds, and all de¬
rangements of the Stomach and Bowels.
Rev Thos. B. West,
Mrs O B. West.
—Santa-Glause headquarters at C. T.
-^Visiting cards, card receivers,
L hotQ and au tograph albums, large
ra n books The largest assortment
" '
A Kidney Complaint Cured.
’Atlanta, Ha., July 11,1883:
Blood Balm Co r 1 am a merchant of
this city anda m over 50 years of age My
kidneys have been exceedingly inactive
and irregular for many years, attended
with great pain in small of the back. At
times my appetite failed, and I became so
nervous that I could not attend to business.
During all this time my case had ail the
attention that money could secure, and
many physicians anil various medicines
were resorted to, but a, complete failure
was the regular result.
B. li. B. was recommended by some one,
and to say that its action on me One was magi*
cal would bo a mild term. bottle
made me feel like a new man, just like I
was young ttynin. Ill all my life I never
used so powerful aud potent a remedy. I
For tiie blood and kidneys it is the best
eversa w, ami one bottle will force any one
to praise it. If you doubt this, call on l)r.
OillaiiH, and lie will send you to me, and 1
will take pleasure in telling you of my
case, and that of others who have been
cured. A. L. D.
Send for a pamphlet of proof of wonder¬
ful cures of Blood Poisons, Blood Balm
Co.. Atlanta, Ha. Call on Dll. K. J.
itKIl), at LTawfordville.
(g* 8700. A seven hundred dollar
bill of boy’s, youth’s and men’s cloth¬
ing opened this week ; by far t he hand¬
somest and most desirable we have ever
hail. Prices lower than ever before.
Dig money saved by buying clothing of
Copelan, Seals & Armor, Greenesboro,
PmcUM 1 SRe§*$ mm
mm pi
Leads all others, and possesses ndvanta’
ges over every other Machine, Dot's all
work without hasting, and binds, doing
tiie work of every other Machine. Per¬
that can not lie performed by any other
Machine in the world. It sews from lace
to leather without changing the stitch or
tension. ,
Fortlicking, cording, braiding, quilting,
embroidering, tailoring, dressmaking and
for family use in descriptive general, it lias no equal.
IJCScnd for price list to
Copelan, Seals & Armor,
gjjf Galvanized well chains and
bm>^cb|K well whirls, cotton, grass and
jute rope.—Copelan, Seals & Armor,
Greenesboro. Ga.
Arc you disturbed at flight and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so,
send at once and get a bottle of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Teeth¬
ing Children. Its value is incalculable.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer im¬
mediately. Depend Upon it, mothers,
there is no mistake about it. It cure*
dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates eoiic,soft- the
stomach and bowels, cures wind
tens tiie the gums, reduces inflamation,aud
give* tone and energy to the whole system,
Mr . Winslow’s .Soothing Sprup for Ollil
dren Teething is pleasant to the taste, and
sisllie prescription of one of oldest and
best female physicians and nurses in the
United States, and is for sale by all drug
its throughout tiie world. Price 25 eents
wwwttmmmm* FRIEND
Female Regulator!
This famous tiie remedy mbsthappily',meets woman’s
the demand of age for It pecu¬
liar and multiform afflictions. is a rem
-ed\ for WOMAN ONLY, and for ONE
SPECIAL CLASS of tier diseases. Jt is a
'specific for certain diseased conditions ot
the womb, and proposes to so control the
M'-nstrnai Function as to regulate all tiie
derangements and irregularities of Wom¬
Its proprietor claims for it no other metli
cal property, and to'doubt the fact that
tlii* medicine docs positively possess such
controlling and regulating powers, is sim¬
ply to discredit the voluntary testimony
of thousands of living witnesses, who are
to-dav exulting in tlieir restroation to
sound iiealtli and happiness.
is product a strictly medical vegetable science compound, and and is tiie
experience, or directed towards practical
the benefit of
Suffering Woman f
ft is the studied prescription of a learned
physician whose specialty was wolii
AN, and ■■ ho«e fame became enviable and
boundh. o< cause of his wonderful suc
ce8S * 'icatment and cure of female
^ANhUST , Ihe REGULATOR is the
rkmedY known, and ricli
j deserves its name :
Woman’s Best Friend !
Because it controls a cirss of functions the
various derangements of which cause more
ill health than all other causes combined,
and which sorely embitter her life, and
prematurely wha't end her existence !
Oh ! a multitude of living witness¬
WOMAN can testify take to its charming confidence effects !
: to your this
It will relieve you of nearly all the corn
plaints peculiar to your sex ! Rely upon a*
DP S J. BRADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga.
«« -\ as a *• s.
Across a Continent s
0111 II QI i A
Heard of and Visited !
anything Atlanta, the we famous had be tore Hate encountered City, next found In all ddr treading travel*. However we must, travttl Soon’ on
r'('inr' l ' crowded Cities, lid us its busy thorough fares
, l 1 ' a surging iilnssdi, we determined to seek quiet and
cUIxeni |H,n MluhrlV^nMf | 0 f a ’recommended for the great hospitality its
is and and salubiit} of its ’ climate, with accord of
miarters’a oi h'm w,lfch 1 ‘depose mainly one wo decided to hfbernat- at this
rr^ t ,1 ^a td speak. Having se ured comfortaole
S W ^ 8M «--^ rt Paw >“« some distance down Headway,
whLh i P n n /,o f Ue f T ' , br| ck dimensions we
th.. .. 11 m “ ss,v « Structure of .enormous »t
« ** •« "■ * *•»> «■»* <-*-«• we ivero
Entering we stood amazed. Having traveled through the greater portion of the
state we had seen nothing like it. Brim full of ciistumers ; every salesman o
he could be—purchasers delighted. Late in the a* ,* v -
somewhat, the eouitcous proprietars, bidding afternoon, trade having shpw*» subsided igll
tiie house. Now let me tell you some solid facts. us welcome, asked to v tliro K
We were first showed through
and Department color, of Silks, Satins, Plaids and Brdcailed Velvets, Cashmeres of evel’V dil tltN
Laces of every description from 2 U to 75 cent per yard. Dress Goods iri
such variety as are seen onlv in the lorgest cities. Everything that can he embraced in
a dry goods and notion department can here be found. Mr. Irby J is assisted bv 3 Mr
Sanimie Wilson. ‘
From thence we were taken to
^Department, shapes, embracing over 120 lines of childrens, misses, ladies And getits shoe*—all
tyles, sorts and prices, domestics in wholesale quantities. So gruat :* tin* le
partinent that Mr. Osgood Thrower Is employed to aid him.
Next we were carried to
Department* where is kept excellent lines of pocket and table cutlery | an elegun’ a*
sortment Of stationery ; all kinds of musical instruments ; candies, cracker* and over
tiling in the confectionery show-cases. line, and a baautlfiil display of Jewelry, artistically arUnged
iu revolving This department was a treat to see*
Keeps properly speaking, a wholesale department. Jeans, Calicoes and domcKtlc* pil¬
ed ceiling high. Mr. A’s. department also embraces over seventyGlve style* of men* 1
hoys’ and childrens’ hats from 25 Cents tt» |>5.oo
We passed through the CARPET DEPARTMENT, Which I* a inagnificielil dis
play into
MILLINERY ^PALACE. Here we fell in - lev*: The display is beautlftll artdTMl*
Kourne i* charming. We saw a number of handsome fur trimmed cloak* and elegant
plush LillionsjEienoh flower*, lmts and bonnets-^in fact we Were i.e soldered slt:i beau¬
ty on every hand. After lingering here as long as time would allow, we next called to
His three departments we found brim full of wood ware, tinware, siuFei, bridles art!
hurtles*, valises and satchels, and one tnouaand fancy basket*.
Thf'n invited u* to look through his department of clothing. He showed us boy* suits
from 3 to 17 years ; men* ami youths suits all grades and price*! chinchilla and heaver
overcoats—we never saw anything to equal his stock and price*.
I '*
Everythino: i« arranged with cafe atid nentn^Mand 1
• cugirte.
nay a T E .uything from a carpet tack to a »tennl
Mr W. C. TunisoH)
druggist of the house, very kindly showed w» through the drug. crockery and
is-ware departments, which are under his care. We found everything In perfect
Controlls over fifty linos heavy boots and shoes. In tills extensive ddpartiherit lie Is as¬
sisted by Mr. Daniel Boone. We found
j n t) 1R furniture department. Here we saw everything in the way of furniture—th*
largest and pretiiest line wo have seen anywhere in tiie state.
There were many other department* to he seen, but not hav -e time to look further
we passed on down s'tt rs where we mdt Mit. B. D. JGNEbi the oook-ki* *»r, and
Mi/ u. H HARRIS, tne Gashler. These competent arc the In nc their *t ugi. respective le position*, and | decidedly
the host looking gentlemen in tiie house, every¬
thing moves like clock work and no errors ever occur.
The Grocery Department is under the charge of JOHN CLARK assisted by AB*
Outside the enormous building we were carried to the Undertaking Department,
Still we were Carried on across an entire block into a large Warehouse filled with
Buggies, Wagons, Cook stoves and cotton and looked closely after by Mr. U.M,Spinks
This i* but a hurried and partial enumeration and not the tenth is t#»d of whal
we saw. Throughout the entire stock the low prices quotod wfcresurprising:
We honestly advise you to concentrate your trade at
Copelan, Seals & Arm :r,
Greenesboro* Ga.