Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, November 23, 1883, Image 8
John A. Watkins, SPARTA, GA. sign. Ornamental and Fresco Painter, satisfaction guaranteed, prices to ••nit the t''m*s all orders left at the Dkm „ , „(|i, ;,r in; tu at tinted to. r.rKi Vf’» ‘ nu< ' hite Plain* hj ku \V*rr«»ntoo. Mu ‘ ,1. \’i.!..uN, Ciawfi/dv’!!'.. nmov VfERc rt, Sparta. Hahirtt. Mr. E. S. O’HriKN, \ o ■'i & / V A *V TV Ji o Vi. S. S|>-< flc r.»i beer, tbe means of nrmgtoi hi .nr an rt tmpoincM ic (3cm**nds wtic were pro noar.i < t ,r ora., e of Blood and Stun Diseases. HEAR THE WITNESSES! I , „ :ff Hr- S«-!fr * .specific sated my Ill’s-. 1 * •. rr.• <y pdi.OM-d «)•.!» Malaria, and was Riven I st f rifle creaieat rcl»i ved m c ody promptly of the age. i£d U.ILS it la IUO rrm c t; m-e NCKK. fcop’t Gaa Work*, Home. Ga. h.- won't fonna of Scrofula, Old leer* llerpos, ar.d au Blood or &;ei the Poiaor. from tna \. .caj drive* n out through the pore* of tha . Hit lit. liAh SCROFULA FOR IT YEARS « i bfi’i' vittrrcrt from Srrnpiia about It year* Tba f ... .• tv,in; in,,atlf confined 10 my lega and ankiea, r>-mu in to - wi re coveted with tarrje ulctrt and <0 »/. q rotten fifth, ami the Odf/r wd$ airnoef un ti'druiil* Ail remedies mid treatment* which J tried 1 t tm; liny c«wh 1 At lu-l i Began UlklUg S s s . i,ntvi ■■■> about four months, and I AM t ; ;:i M.Nj.f WKI.L. I look 8 8 8 under the • . ,,l .(Iircvly ivalh Sow lcan walk all day, M Foundry Street, Atlanta, Ga. or^rrTTIViciu. RHEUMATISM. A Tb" «mi «f oil* dircBM la in f/n liimt. tm* $in.ev, elTertfd would no, m my c*u»« Iluj r - uiat iifttu akciiie tiiomah. Editor Jlepuldkan, bpnugdcld, Tcnn. A neerro wb cured of a violent cane of nheucia tun by 8. is. 8. Without the remedy he would ha*a died. WM It SMITH. M I) 1 umhling shoala, n. 0. Write far a copy of the little booh—freo, $ 1,000 RliWIRD will paid f« arr < tu .nnf ivfiu will flud. no a tiuytit rtf mu botflea of S s M . one parcirla of mercury, Ituule uoumium nr *nv iSiiurar»utiManr* * 111b bWlfl Sl'KCIKlC CO. Drawer 1, Atlanu. Oa. SPECIAL NOTICE. mill? books of RE! If & REID lieve been I ulaced hands for collection them and all those who are indebted to lire, i> - ()uested to....... forward and settle at once or else 1 will lie compelled to take legal measures to collect the same.. M. z. A S [Uf El vs. Urawfordvllle, Ga., Nov. 1st.. lHA'i. (icor^iu iiailroad -AND Bank ing Co. Office Ukwbra!. Manaoeii, ) ( AtUlUSTA, Ga., Ncpt., 1st IHKt. Yy /COMMENCING MJNDAY, schedule 2nd Instant wii operated the following passenger he : •TO. i WEST—DAILY._______ NO. 2 EAST—ALT Lv. Augusta 10:30 a in Lv. Atlanta R:20 a m "Macon 7:10 film ainij “ Athens 0:4flam Mllledg'U 0:05 “C'wf’d'H 1:14 p in W'sli'i'n U:2o aim m!’’ Ar.\Vasli'g'2:.M'p Mllledg"l4:4» m Ar. CTdvTI UlOip p:m “Alliens 4:00 l p i in Mnoon 0:45 pin “ Atlanta 5.45 n in ” Augu sta Hdttlpini NO. :< WEST—DAILY. NO. 4 ICAST— DAILY Lv. Augusta 8:50,p in Lv. Atlanta 8:45 p ni Ar. Lv.LVTv’H Atlanta t2:;m 0:40 i p!m|Ar.C aim Ar. Augusta , f’dv’H 2:5.1 6:20 a mu m JOHN tV. GREEN, K. R. HORSEY General Manager. Gen. P.iss’ger Agent Past Line' Georuia Railroad- Co. ] Office Goneml Manager. i V Arm sta, 1 >eo. nd, ’Hd ( NOM M KNt’lNG SUN DAY, the 17(h Inst tee following l’asseugel Schedule will be opened:__ NO. '.’'.West Daily. J ?io 2 .s East IMly Augusta 7:25 am Atlanta j:50 pro Ar. ("vv'f’v'll 0:38 am | Ar Atberis 7:20 “ •' Athens 11:00 ami ’.’ C’f’dvil ’6:05 “ " Atlanta 12:55mn. •• Augusta 10 WTSUPEUlt IMPROVED SI'EEPERS To AUGUSTA AN1) ATLANTA. Train No 27 will stop at and receive pas¬ sengers to and from the following points onlv . Hehvir, Berr.ella,Harlem, Thomson. ('mink, Cnnvfordville, Union Point, Gieenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone Moun¬ tain and Decatur. Train No. 28 will stop at, and receive passengers to and from the following sta Thomson,"Cetnak, thins, only, Rerzelta, Harlem, Hearing, Crawiordville, Union Point, Greenesboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Stone Mountain and Decatur. The East Line lias Through Sleeper frrtm Atlanta to Charleston ami connects for all points West and Northwest, East and Southeast GREEN, Elt DORSEY, J NO W Gen. Passenger Agt. Gen’l.Manager. NEW STORI L-J CrawfcirdviHo, Georgia. G. Tucjckks Old Stand. Open at all hours. rartcaiiis in ail Uoods. Come and see for yourself. 0. P. BOKITER, Gen'l Man *. S. Ellington, Proprietor. Notice. A t F.SSRS. CKOAKK * BROOKE, J] Assignees of public Mershon that vY they Flint, announce to the are cl sing out their stock of Dry Goods *t cost. Also, notify all parties to cwme forward at once and settle their notes and account* or they will he placed in the hand's of au attorney for collection. Sharon, Ga,, Xov 13 th, 1883 . . T M. H. O. T. S. Pianos g Organs Selected from Ten of the Best Ma kns. are so much Superior to others at prices so much Le-<*. that Purchasers save from 5'10 to K 'PKI by visiting or writing to 0. ROBINSON & CO. .Save Money at «31 Broad street, Au¬ gusta, Ga. “Love and Praise,” Latest Sunday School Book, New 11}inns of -‘Love and Praise.” NEW SONGS OF “HOPE AT RUST.” Beautiful Hymns, INSPIRING MUSIC. CONTAINING CHOICE SELECTIONS FROM THE Most Valuable Productions of the Best Writers of IVxitry and Song, -WITH N ew Hymns and IS c w M \ isic COMPILED BY Iff LUDDEN AND G.O.HOBINoON, „AnrtTnA\r -O Full Edition, Words and Music. J» r j,>e ’$5 CClltS (post-paid)#0 Word Edition- 60 per d0W!Ilf i, y Express. (post-paid) JlyninS only—12 CCflts *, SI 20 \ht do/^n, by Express. Kl , t ,,, lmcn Copy, Full Edition, in pa <;(( v(.r, 25 cents, post-paid. G.O. ROBINSON & CO.. Publishers, Augusta, Ga. ^ H, O. T. S. Clinard House, Athens, Ga. A. D.CL1NAKD, Proprietor. „ . , Porters at Each Train. Commercial Rates. Large Commodious Sample ltomns. POLITK and attknti VK HKRVANT8, ...... - ..... • ' ■■ ■ ■— W. J. iSOKTOJSL t mn Loitift ii Li:, t.A Contractor and Builder Also Ifyaler in Buiding Material of ell Kinds. CARPETS. ( arpets and House Furnisning Goods. The Largest Stock South of Baltimore. Mo Sft.teiij’SJ.S !5S? SSSS tab'^Viondces'and 1 P«liesfcocoa A Canton Mattings, i’lcture Upholstery, Engravings, Samples ciuo mus, Frames. Write for and Prices. HAII.Ii: .4; (dsKl.HY Succdura to Geo. A. Halite. Masonle Temple. AUGUSTA; GA. Junol.My. German Carp. I AM now prepared to (ill all orders for Scale and Mirror-Carp at the very lowest prices. Prompt attention given to orders. Address, J. It. KEND1UCK. JuneS,2m. Sharon, Ga. J. W. HIXON, Attorney at Law 9 crawfordville ga. will practice in all State and Fed oral Courts. Any business entrusted to itis cure will receive prompt personal attention, COLLECTIONS A SPE CIALTY. Office in Mitchell Building. 1,000 MILE TICKETS Georgia Railroad CoMr ant, 7 Offics General Passlnov.u April.Mb, Aok.t 1879.) J Augusta, COMMENCING MONDAY. 7th st., his Company wilt sell ONE TtlOl SAN D MH F TICKETS. gm*d ovor main line and branches, at TWENTY KlYK DOLLARS eack. t hese tickets will be issued to ill ilivlduals firms or families, but not to firms ondfamilies combined. tv R. DORSEY. Ma >*9,1879 Uencrai Passenger Agent. I i i 5* k Qiict and East Ciili-EiriS Thoniiods of women over the land teeti fr to (he wonderful cgrcl, of Ihttgre&t Ten Kiy; iuteosky 1 1 will ms of only p&in ahorten and sudenug taiwr sod Lev,Sid lessen Um eapressioo, bat oeUer than aU, it thesebv gntft'.v diminishes the danger to life of bora mother and child. Tbia preat boon toatif fertng woman la lintrnf) Zinimr or Mother t Friend. Prepared and »o!d be J. Baa»r:sio>, At s-:a. Ga. Sold br ah Prag^ista Price 9 bObotiio. s* ::t ^ by Ea pease on rc.-y jtcfpnoti^^ ^ ♦ w m ^3LJN7 33E33FtS»03NT , Nos. 65 and 67 South Broad Street. ~ GA • ATLANTA,...... mmm 1 GENERAL AGENT FOB THE STATE OF __„ —FOR— wheels. Einnire Engines, down and mounted ; Separators, mounted on two and four Erie Engines, down and mounted or detached : lieges’ Saw Mills, the best in the mar¬ ket • Cornell’s WindMt’ls. Also Wood Wo;king Machinery, Water Wheels, Corn and Cob Miils,Feed Mills. Smith’s Matching and Brick Machines. Give me a call or send for price list before you buy. J II. ANDERSON may22 ly The Model Soda Water Establishment of the South. GINGER ALE, SODA WATER, Etc., Equal to an 7 Improved, -Manufactured and for Sale at- Clinton’s Bottling Wor ks 1348 Broad Street, Augusta, m ■ Georgia. Orders filled Promptly and Shipped by Express, in Clinton’s Patent Shipping Cases. No Goods Misrepresented. DR. R. J. REID, Crawiordville, Geoi*gia. ] HAVE on hand a FULL STOCK of provisions such as SUGAR, COFFEE, Fl,OUK, BLACK and GREEN TEAS. Also, ready-mixed PAINTS, crome yellow, ve.nitian red, white lead, linseed, machine and kerosene oils. Powder, shot and gun caps, tobaccos cigars and snuffs, which I am offering very LOW for CASH. CALL on me and you will be surprised to know how CAKAP my GOODS are selling. Feb.2a;83’Xy. . .. t $50,000 Worth oi Furniture, THAT MUST BE SOLD AT IMMEHSE3 SLAUGHTER.! ! w E arc willing and determined to LOSE MONEY through Sacrifices in Goods in order to secure the immediate advantages of READY CASH ! AltfE shall make it irresistible to every one. It is necessary for us to reduce our YV present Stock to will onc-luilf find its it to present advantage size within to the assist specified everything time is what is to we lie want, to do now. You vour WILL us, as BUY THEM. If a,*,.,! down and sold. ANY PlilCE WITHIN REASON y,,u live .1 miles away, if you live 1 or 100 miles away, it matters not, it will pay you to come. We will show you Furnitim at Prices Fabulously Cheap. ;VtnVrr! v t«! r!sk rt .V < iirsp\ , "Vous •t.Vvli'tL.ments. u on. Our reputation is established, and w ,. we always do as we We mean business, and yon will find it to your advantage to act upon this iin nl4 . t ii a tely. We will guarantee day vou a saving of 2.1 to 30 per cent, all through the house. come soon as you can, as each will close out some desirable speciality. We Stand Alone as Leaders of Prices Our Goods Stand Upon Their Merit Platt Brothers 9 708 A 710 Broad Street. eep-14-bm AUGUSTA, GA. w-, i, aawi I 831 Broad Street J Augusta, • . Crcorsna • i “Cook Stoves.” “Heating Stoves." "Grates,” Hardware and Tinware. Buy the "EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE,” Seventeen different sizes in Stock. V4/ —■ —— JLm JL^OAl3JLi- _ -a -a u ■ . i i. n , ’ J. M. iiMBERSGBI FORMER MANAGER PARTNER AND SALESMAN OF PEARCE, ANDERSON & CO. COTTON FACTOR AND COMMIS¬ SION MNRCHANT, THE— —-1 T Old Stand of H. A. Fleming, 903 Reynolds Street, Augusta, ■ ■ m Georiria. » Personal Attention Given to all Business Consignments of Cotton Oats and Wheat Solicited, mch 6 ’83 ly It. r. SIB LEV. W.V. J. CRANSTON. R. P. SIBLEY, Cotton Factor, Guano Dealer and Commission Merchant 734 and 736 Reynolds street, Augusta, Ga. . Liberal advances made on Consignments. Bagging and Ties furnished at lowest MENTS rates. Strict OF GRAIN Personal SOLICITED. attention given to weighing " ' and sampling Cotton. CONSIGN- Agent for THE THE ■ - JUSTLY CELEBlt ATED GULLETT |> ^ GO ,-r Ni . Cotton Gin, ' Feeder, 1 FEE PEE. 4 AND AND US CONDENSER ^jg| CONDENSER. And PRESSES of all Descriptions, tr>;END FOR C HA l LAP. All infcroiation cheerfully furnished. s, i, ansiiR» (Successor to J. W. BESSMAN, Agent.) Wholesole Liquor Dealer, 908 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga -SOLE AGENT FOR— JOHN GIBSON S SON & COS. Celebrated Old Monongabela Rye Whiskeys. Also, will keep in stock a full line of the LOWER GRADE OF GOOOS, together with Imported Wines, Brandies, Gins, Ac. And all otherGoods usual to a FIRST-CLASS WHOLESALE HOUSE, Which Will be sold at the Lowest Prices. Orders and Correspondence Solicited,. sep2lhm MASTODON CUAWO. DATE'S CEOKUIE F08MUU. ACID* PHOSPRATB KAINIT. COMPLETE GRAIN FERTILIZER, ms. BtflTE fHOS.*rorASB -•— GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS, Augusta, Ga. ' • M-r, ——j ~~?z~Trr_ s I m II ill .A 2 1 ■ ■ ’ -v: Si ^ mm m; ■ -aSi. ■jrr=z -= - ---r’— - GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS COMPLETE GRAIN FERTILIZER Prepared expressly for Wheat ak» Oats. There i? no way that a good Ammoniated Fertilizer can bee used to better advan¬ tage than when applied to the cultivation of Wheat and oats. This fact has long been known to the farmers of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, wh« »<« it with good results, and seldom put in small grain with it. Our Grain Fertil X»f1 >.» keen prepared especially high It in each of the necessary chemical ingredien with „ ..paired seed, to produce large yields. is made very dry and line, and can be drilled the if so desired. Use onr DISSOLVED BONE AND POTASH, which if applied in the drill it tk* rate of 200 to 400 pounds per acre, will give wonderiul results. These Ketilizer* tan had through our Agents, or upon application to M. A. STOYALL, sep2S-ora Thka.-cr™. PEDLET0N FOUNDRY AND MACHINE W0R; 8 Chas P. Lombard Successor to Pendleton * Bro. Nos. G15, 617 & 619, Kolloek St., Augusta, -Manufacturer and Dealer In xWill Machinery, En¬ V- gines and Sup¬ m plies, Every Brass and lion Castings of Variety nd Style, IPSLE JjSpecial x e c Tit e d Attention Promptly Given n to Repairs Chas F. LOMBARD, Wm. PENDLETON, Proprietor. Superintendent. DAY & TANKAHILL, 133 and 13S BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., The Carriage Emporium of the South! A Complete Assortment of Vehicles. Victorias, Extension Tops, Jump Styles Seat and Rockaways, Prices. Top and No Top Buggies, all No Top Buggies, $ 40.00 and upward ; Fine Steel Axle Columbus Buggies, $85.00 Fine Eastern Make Buggies, $75.00. A full line of WAGONS, all sizes. Our own make One Horse Wagons, with sides and Spring Seat, . . . • • . *33 OO Best Quality Light Two-Horse Wagons, . . . . 50 OO.. Best Quality Medium Two-Ilorse Wagons, . . . . 53 OO. Best Quality Heavy Two Horse or N Wagons . . . . . . ... . . ....... *T *0 Agents for the ‘‘WORLD RENOWNED” Wilson, Childs A Co.’s wedge spoke antf hammered axle wagons. Agent for the Frazier Road Cart : the first and last, and only perfect Road Cart, in full assortment. Also Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Fine Oak and Hemlock Soi# Leather Leather and Seamless Gum Belting, Children's Carriages, Wagen* r *<!. Ailor AT LOWEST PRICES. * mchtkthly