Newspaper Page Text
Volume 7.
We call them dead tne loved and tost
Those Whose feces near no bound more we have see, crossed
who the solemn
That borders vast Eternit y,
Vet all that in the'e 'Ives were sweet— they
Tbo words they spake, the smiles
The kindly save, P%;e * made complete
passed not with -itu into the grave
For these their bl< 1 influence
Still round our i way swee' ly cast,
And open to the soii's pure sense
The dearest memories of the pest.
We lay our precious dead away.
No longer their fair forms we see,
Add part of our lives died the day be.
Their mortal being ceased to
The loving wnys that wade them dciT(
THteir gentleness untouened by art.
In sweet impressions Unger here.
For of ourselves they are a pa. t.
Our aims these loved one* kelp planted to cast needs
In honor’s mould ; they
<0; hope within us that at last
Were ripened *nU> "i'e’s be-t deeds t
And ihongh no tno e their b. 'ids we P’ e*s,
Though they hare van's-led .rom our
1 s*3e, of thei* loveliue'S ^
The glo v when they • o'ed
Faded not wi' b them
Their sweet compeuio'ishii) we n' : t>'
As we recall the wards they salt.
But in our souls the*f presence is—
We cannot call them whol'y dead. \ ,
C.* 0E» Di-SX.
"Mo-Fence „ Law. _
r 1 Written expressly for Heme and Farm.]
Jn , Middle Georgia . the 'No-rene* „ - . „
law is now in force pretty generally, by
and tlae verdict made commonly
enacted foi the beueut Ot .i*rmeffl, none
cqWslt. fibre ml roup eo^ty The
cviwo^mdownstock'sevSd yee sa>
oimt^rmTmJ xf« is built iu the .enter
cultivated land ly.nj
around and adjacent. I can g>ve n>y
stock not onlv the constant use of my
pasture, but ai-v otiier field or fields I
choose, and at anv season that l deafre.
wkhont molesting any p« 0 » ot oaf
cfops that may be growing anvwue-e <Mid
Ktn the tiff 1 ®* 14 w?ve strong,
mJlJm af^srsT uwildwa %s tp-vu. U
I choose. I car. only allow my ho S s,
sheep, orcaule f-ee eoce s to a ce. Um
additional prate'e of a field, uai w*.j \«
the general stock peature alwuvs pro
geiieral pasture, such as potatoes,, .or, ba ley, etc., etc., iu Order
i«UHt i during the whole year.
keep *ip botli a cliange of Dcahtv for
ii.y st«ck and food for them, especially
wiieat and oat fields, for liogs should
always lie so arranged that they can be
p.. 3 lJted, Tiiese patclies for spring
#nd fall use, with the connecting l'n<«
*»f good small fin'll pastures during
summer, is where l get my meat. I
don’t depend on corn, for uiy ho^s get
lessof it until I pen them for Li'bng,
than any other food. About four
weeks before killing, I coin heavily. I
have uot a hog or cow that ever made
a track outside of tuv fai m, and a feoce
law makes stock rather than destroys
them. market
aince our fence law here our
beef is doublea in quality, our hogs
doubled in weight, and every man
feeds liis own stock, which, when he
knows it depends 011 his attention
aloue, the care is much better.
We had some men here that were
mad enough to fight their own shadows
.on account of lU being currteiL but
now aie the strongest advocate we
have. les of
Now every farmer has moie or
S’ssns.t.'is -no-fence” d’suicts
our town from the
for a year past in fact, tbe plow
stock has so improved that one-third
•ofithem have been dispensed better wth.
The remaining two-thirds are
able to do the same work, aud p' odu. e
as good if not better crops favorable
There are not half tbe
points to the farmer of the ‘no-fence”
law. Stdl. every section is not alike.
jt may not suit aU countuer a ike, and
wherethe people-can get them along Dest
without it, I for one want accom
modated, but here we could not get
along without it. Heiein my immea
ate neighborhood I have not nearu a
word of dissatisfaction between the
neighbors on account of desL oy a
■crops or abused stock smee the election
that carried in force the law, whereas
i»»»—»r “• yliars^b^land d “, ,“Z
SSL »£*-•*»< woi-ld
it, and one-half of the stock p up
SHsSwss p y j. F. Jokes.
Near HogansvilJe, Troup Co., Go.
—Mr. A. B. Phelps, Atlanta, Ga.,
says: **I used Brown’s Iron
for dyspepsia with good results.”
Adverted Letter*.
The fol’owftif list of letters, remain¬
ing in the poaioffice. at Orawfordville*
Taliaferro count*, G»., wr'l be sent to
the Dead Letter office, if not callled for
at the expiration SO days from date,
Decembet lit, l£33 :
Widow Betson, Miss Mamie E. Bus
sev. .Miss Sarah B. Barksdale, Green
Burns, E. J. Nunn, Archie Peek, Mr.
Kaboleue, W.O. Sene's.
The Ypufh* Companion.
Asa source of profitable enteitaln- exceeds
ment for Ihe family, Youth's uo paper Companion.
in interest the best
Its list of writers embraces the
names ip periodical literature, end it is
evidently the aim of its editors to se¬
cure not only the best writers, but the
beet articles from tbeir pens. It is a
remarkable thing for a single lively paper to
obtain such ^succession of and
brilliant stories and illustrated articles.
While the Companion^ mental, moral, in the ami mam a
story paper, the re¬
ligious tiuinidg of young people is an
end kept steadily in view. Its aivcles
on current topics aie written; by in the
most qualified pens, and present a
clear vivid, d-rect way, the fundamen
tal facts Of irnttW and foieign politics,
auda'l pub'ic questions. Its oi’g nal
anecdote^ of puonc men are tnva ua
ble iu their . Influence si«d in stimulating
• *i»ht ainl^Uhi. U high purpose in
i V household ‘u, Hi^h needs the heaithv nir
amusement ™ and h 3 h moral raora traini Uaining id it
suchajou^d. ,/ Mi ou <k Co., o. W £<2^^*** LoslOu, Mass., Wm>' who
will ..end specimen c-jp'es upon app'f* a
t j on , i 1
.... - m ___
NEWb weu- ITEM..
A heavy snow sto-m prevailed
t|, r(> 0 s t l0U t the North and East Mon
Tne latest venture in Geo-gia joox
»»*««>» is the “C defeer,” aa iMust-ated
weekJ* (wper printed in Atlanta.
The assistant city tre«n;er 0 ? Tbs
ton turns up a* a de*ai’>ter in the sum
of nearly oming\Sstmasier WO.OQO. Atlantals
TUe C of
a Mr , Wilson, of Gainesville, now chief
cferk in tne 1 avenue collector’s office in
Atlanta, lie's a young man and a
r»rote?e iKssasyaj: of Eipo^ 8 <*eer.
JgS S la'st Jf.i Kar Illi& j!Hons J manS tbe mm
1 !? VdnoWe now
i. f double .the the amount amo of aev y other n r
. \
gftvei nment had done enhngli tor them
in eniHtteipai-'g their »ace. -
now moii» «‘8 the loss of ns
w.itebinuki'ig trai'e to th « country.
The London Times laments the fast
that tne total product mu in England
last year did mot e-ceed 17d,00i), while
a single American lioese made over
20(1,000 watches. 1
—Clocks ope sun eight day, from PJ
to 810 at C. Myers. ._
—Green and black teas at Dr. Reid’s.
T V ,, '“ , and Misses cloaks ar.d
wa1k n jLm jackets from Sl.25 to # 20 .
,. Ca ,1 U £'[} „a M.»m Bergstrom’s at C Mvers
a r C and exam
_ .
* ne those j,. pretty ’ one and eight day
. kg nl ^2.50 up to tlO.
Pipbi^s assorted nut up in pint,
„ 4 uar t and half gallon jars at Dr. Reids.
_a large stock of smoking tobacco
fc . - in „ brands: Sweep Stakes,,
£.. ckwe u » 8 and Duke of Durham kept
con8tantW on hand at Dr. Reid’s.
—[ have on hand a large and well
selected ^ stock of drugs and medicines,
p cription8 care fully compounded,
Ur - ” el ^^iT^keepethebMt ” s - tVlA u..*. select
^wn^He * ' « e hafgobk^tbit ^ ® hard you piece can
® * * y a il Into a
hakijig . t( Horse
__. {ovh1 powders and
. ., g d p repa ratiorH for sale by
—Men’s vouihs’ and bovs’ clothing
endle88 quantities. Suits from 84 to
—prin’is ^ Myers grades and
0 f the best war- My
^ ranted colors at 5 an4 6 c at G.
_^ fine line of pocket and table cut
^7 geiggors r and hardware s generally at
tro m , 8> ,
-A finelot . ^ f f rresn h Oranges uranges and aim sp- ap
P'^^uWe Maenob» seed rye and
SES35““ “
-Ladies’ dress goods all wool from
»• -
ssssissss. s&ssjs
as bottles, -sars 81. Druggists sell it.
$1.50 spent for Bonkocine will cure
e n ght Ca hou f r 9 G 'wfthou?' lc^^of t°ime‘
ebeoge of diet or any intern?',
f If
Chickens are worth fifteen cents,
Eggs, oh t where are they ?
Ask the hens which seem to,thfiftk
They are not half paid to lay. »
—Cotton worth in our market.
—Ou’y eighteen days befofc Christ¬
mas. ^ # {
— Monday was quite a lively day in
our and town. Abput two dozen onetime, baggies
wagons on the streets at
—Mr»« Albina Reviere, who baw»§en
ur life to speak "or several days from
paralysis is reported much better, '
health we earnestly hope tier speech a
will soon be restored.
We much receive the ,
— regret very thl to
intelligence of sickness of Judge
W. H. Edwards, of Warren county?
lie was stricken with paralysis on last
Saturday night, and up to last reports
he was still unconscious and speech¬
—Mr. WAT. Flynt speqjcs of
out on his farm another year, if>ut We
nope he will find it to his interest to
remain among us as he is a good citi
zen and a great benefit to his commuui
ty. i '
—Mrs. Jimmie Simms, formerly o
this place, who h »3 been n a visit toi
i, er mother, Mrs. Eliza Flynt, loft on
Saturday last for her present? home in
Augusta ’ '
—Our . Sunday-school . , , , proposes . . CM- -
tercainment for the benefit of the chil
d ,. en itIld we hop( , it *, u meut the ap .
pw» v » l of »U as they derive much
on*»t fur f tiwie punctu „ U(l p t ,. .1 ii attendance. m L eud nice
— Miss M*try D. D.viJs m, our fancy
mantiia-maker, who formerly oocu, l
Jones’Hall has removed to the rest
dene* of Dr A' O Davidson where
hone she will a c.inUniiatioii
of the liberal patronage which she so
richly deserves. •
»—Mr. A. W. Mershon will occn^v of*
the large and commodious dwelling
posite the Institute another yeai,
he will be amply prepared to
date his boarders with every available
facility, and those desiring to obtain
board wnll do well to apply as Mi.
S^bim To'Sw"exacUv t to
1 and d eutert 1 U iin
mentor nis smears.
Maj. George T, Larnes, wiw.-h hti
sss&ssasut?».»ss f
J “V! cl « ,p “ nt » ™ t "*''
?“ hmt Saturday evening, where he
found many friends who are prepared
^ gjye Mm H hearty support. The
tenth district is composed of thefoWow
i “m"
_ 0#| | ast Thursday night, while Mr.
Geo. W. Oveiton, was at supper,, diis
S ( ore was entered thiou^h «i back win
doW( h's money d ' lwer was forced
0 |>e,n and roblieil of fJfi.OO. Only the
merchants weie appi-zed of the fact
a , ld j t qnested to keep very quiet also
notice what suspicious character spent
m »ney beyond a reasonable limit. On
Saturday night through the information
gained from ou' merchants sufficieut
proof was produced to authorize iuves
ligation which resulted id the recovery
(d ^20,00 iu money aqdtwo jut'?-of
snoes. , .'T- t
V ..
The rorep of Saturday night
Went In a squad together, fight, _
For fear if they engaged the in a other,
The one might shoot
Wilkes (’uU')ty l-ems.
,, „ , .
aze ^e, ovem ier 1
* the
The new brick wai e-house near
depot is nearly completed It is now
being covered.
Mr. W. W. Richa'ds has sent <fi his
first installment for having his pa l-lock
patented. The entire cost witl be
about t-66.00.
7 “
A dwelling house is being erected on
the Yacant lot whe re Mr. CaHan’s mill
used to stand near the depot. Thus
the town continues to grow.
Washington has the only mercantile
house we ever knew which adopted M-he
cash system and stuck to it. Tins
house has rigidly adhered to its rule
for the past five years,
Capt. D’. B. Cade a few days since,
showed us another piece of gold bull
j on just molded from the diggings in
the Sate mine. It was worth 18760. He
also showed us several nuggets of vir
gin gold taken from tbe point in the
ve in where the miners are now work
in g. Some of these nuggets had as
much as two dollar’s worth of gold the In
^ Xhe y are not run through
mill at all, but simply converted into
-The *Mt that V* health,
muscles and sound nerves are atUina
ST-*Sf35S;WHSf , ii£
tj Remember all disease owes its
®isr tsrJtsr^LS
“““ d *" w “ t ^—
@-T he Globe coffee roaster is given
Capt. CopSun/ffls D^N. Sdera^Hl T td'ydf'w,- Gr^n^boro^
' v ■ ■■?•<■ ^ _'
■ H' ‘4
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influ¬
enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In¬
cipient Consumption and for the re
Jjefofconsumptive Disease persons in advan¬
ced stages of the For Sale
by all Druggists,—Price, 25 Cents.
^ “WIPED ■ OUT.”
iatory ot Atlanta _ Boy
an as
told by His Father,
# Mr. Frank Joseph, lives at 245 Jon
street, Atlanta* and has a promising about bov
of six summers. When the boy was
three years of age a peculiar swelling w •
discovered on his neck. Various liniments,
poultices, ceptiblc ate,, were The applied swellings without incre.-.sed, a pe.r
^though #ere used internal continually. and Becoming external remedies alarmed,
L*Phvsiemi> 7 ?S, (l it was called ,i„e in who of well at once develop- 1 >ro
, llc ,. a Kl . m ease
eil scrofula. lie used all the various rem
Alies usually resorted to by the medical
fcrofession |eceme in such diseases, linallv but other glands
affected, and they rtlselmrc
«d large quantities of matter, and slough
The°lmv'‘i> P «i fu te" ‘ teeUl S’n nd' tl y
emaciated, and nnible to walk. condition During
period of over ffWiffifS two years ids be
\ >t ; r {’ nR J x t ,' liH ^ wa« properly cared
and treated, and was also treated at
New Medical college for three months, yet
bis condition steadily grew worse.
Now comes the almost miraculous escape
of this lad. His falling eyesight was restored,the
hair stopped off, the glandular
swelling subsided, the horrible ulcerated
surfaces healed, the whole aiid system was re¬
novated and cured sound well, all by
the use of only one single bottle of
Botanic Blood Balm—which can be lmd at
$ 1.00 per bottle. Sold In Crawfordvillo b\
l)r. R. J. REID.
f«a^‘» 2 » 5 S 8 ?|SWg
railroaes, iiil^fflins buiklfng or
tcl ' I 1 ' 1 .'.V .!. 1"' 1 ,I*?'
, t .,„, ur
r *
10 Mile» From /tlantii.
Opened to summer guests on the 1st ol
may. (fool breezes, good water, only Hoard, a
few minutes ride from the city
$ 11,000 per day ; $10 per week ; $50 per
IKOllth.' Address.
K. T. WHITE, Atlanta or Stone Moun¬
tain, Ga.
W e advise eveiybcdy to buy^i
r Mattresses,
Pictures, Etc.,
A— • L. Padgett,
1112 Broad Street,
Augustta, Ga.
Phot ogiuphs and prices on
Oliver’s Quick Relief,
Rheumatism, Neur.’igia, neadaelie, Tooth
ac.he, ((olds. Sore Throat, Bites, and
Stings of insects, Colic in
H irses, &c.
Prepared by
Atlanta, Georgia.
For sale by Dr. It. J. Reid and Thomas
ulton. (JjKiwfor Iville, (ia., aud J. A.
Kendrick, Sharon, (4a.
Pitts Carminative Syrup.
Flatulent. Colic, Diarrhoea, Nausea,
Coughs, Cholera Infantum,
Teething, Cholera
Druggist and Apothacary,THOMSON,(4 A
s Kendrickfand G^’tY Overton
baron, Ga.
Number 48.
P Ii-l-alLI li'lVI T? I J JLvJl M J. )JjIb line in this of age Business of Sharp is crowded Competition, to its when ultmh e«ery
pacity, the merchant must not only (ill his store with goods calculated to please
the people in both quality and price, but he must announce his
Bargains and Inducements
Clearly people and in forcibly to which the pub'ic. I am satisfaction prepared thls^eason each to meet I lie wants o'*
lie a manner must give to and every patron. My
Will meet the expectations and desires of the most economical purchaser,*!)! »g
Mull sjlejiiunu of tiu luaest styles
In All JDepartments
No branch of my business receives more careful attention than my
1 st 11 fttii liiifiafit
Comprising Flegant Patterns, Latest FUltCIIASKD Styles, Unique Novelties, y eil kinds nf
Trim uings to mateh. My goods were FOR CASH, 3 I i 111 cud to
give he benefit of die
It will cost you nothing to thoroughly convince yourselves that such is really true.
I only ask that you call and see for yourself.
Dutch Dotting Cloth of all Numbers *
Polite Attention Shown to All.
yi 1 m
C J rawforMle, ■ Ga,
Fine Wines, Liquors,. Cigars, Tobaccos,
Owing to slioi t) >1 * m, t will b i, here iftir compelled to sell strictly for cash
• ml all l oose,Indebted 11 me are re pi istod to t,oma forward ami settle their account at
moo or I ivfii be.forc 11 t) put then hi tli • hi uds of an attorney for collect,Ion. I
hank my i ustomers for past favors and invite them and mv new friends to give me
null. -i‘ ' TUOMAB AKINS.
- Auguatftp Ga.
■I ljir This th bar is ’n tha charge of an experienc'd bar tender who was at the CcntraK«<»
ree years and who always keeps on hand the finest whiskies brandies, wine
hampalgnes ppetlsers all to be found In the city. All the itest Bar. mixed drinks, morning drink* amt
of kinds are compounded at this
When in Augusta tf you wish a delightful beverage call at Wie
oqt 6 -om Augusta, G®.
(Jotton Commission Meccliant,
Liberal Advances Made on Consignments.
sep 21
Fullertons New House
' 1 * -J '
It hasjbeen/remarked by all who bar®
iseen the “New Bight House,’’ that it U thw
finest, largest, and handsomest Write stove D.L.. they
have ever seen for the price. to
FUBKRTON. Augusta, Ga., foe particulars!
We keep in stock tlie
“Star Churn 9 *
, Milk Cans, Milk Buckets, Milk;
[ k Pans,Brass And Irons, and top Shovels, all sorts of Tongr, a id
sep 21 hra AUGUSTA. GA.
Great Furniture Palace of Augusta.
WK take pleasure in announcing that we have moved our elegant stock of Furni¬
ture to stb BROAD STREET old sfandidMyers Sc Mira* We^havetbw large store
idled offered to overflowing We compete with tli'e.MOS with any T vEE-EOANT market or any am] dealer BEST in S11 ABORTED LE„ QL ALl 8 n>CK^ I i OR
ever ss’KSViiCTrsSarr’^srsj tssssut
w ^“1Xbowles & CO.,
840 Broad Srcet, Angus'a, Ga.