Crawfordville democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1881-1893, December 28, 1883, Image 4
rr THE DEMOCSAT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28ht, 1883. ENTERED AT THS POHT-OTT'KE AT CHAW FORDYILl.E, GA., AB HKCoSD CLAWS matter nor mailing. M. C. JONES, - Local Editor. Important to Young Tien. The next session of the renowned f nn.incK ial College, of Ken!in ky Lni wi i sit v. Lexington. Kv., begins Janua¬ ry «;h. 1884. Total cost to complete Full Diploma Business Course, inelu (Png tuition, books, and board, *‘85. Time required. 10 weeks, Literary course fiee, Telcgrapy taught. 5,(fK) •scceaafitl graduates. You can begin »• anytime. No \ aCation. For dt'cit Ur, addres s, Wi Li;vit It. stt til L eXington, Ky. l(o« an ran' * hue opened it (irst-cia iH ivst'aii up atil «.*.i s M;. Ti i’s. Akins’ bat room. wiiete i him pit’pmed to give volt a i Cull < ' iM' 4j>v iiom y«>u way v U. afiG ( < i(Ai’i.n* NV aim;. sot’ me# Cntwtonlvilk.*, (la. SPECIAL LOLAt — Ladies’ nr.d Misses clonks ar.d Walking juikets in»tn 8L25 to 5 (.’all and see them .il C. .Myers —(J.iil ut U Bergstrom’s and rxnin me! pretty n:i« and eight day i locks fioin 82.5) up to SlO, _(j. Bergstrom keeps the I test select ml stock of crockery and glassware in town. He Inis goblets that you can drive a 10 penny nail into a hard piece of thiil or with. From this (late and through the Holidays we vviil give a special incut of 5 per cent, discoorii on tlie liner grades of clothing and overcoats. Note ties and come direct to Copel in, Seals & Armor’s, (immesboio, Ga. _Mini’s, youths’ and boys’ clothing in endless quant ities. Suits 1 ruin 84 to 1530 at C. Myers grades and _Piints of the best wav ianted tast. cohos at 5 and tit at t . .My <ts. Ladles’ band satchel.-* in all. col¬ ors both in leather ami Beautiful plush, r aiicv baskets ail stvb\“. cdogue stands,--Copclnn, HeuD & Armor, Gteeucsboro, in. —A fine line of pocket and table cut¬ lery, scissors and hardware generally at C. Bergstrom’s. —Genuine Magnolia seed rye and rust-proof oats. Also, meat, (Tom- and provisions or all kinds kept at 0. Berg¬ strom gjr Beautiful assortment of majolica ware, vases, toilet salts, l.mcy cups and saucers, moustache cups, ciunforts am! napkins. AH for the Greenesboro, Holidays.— Copelan, Seals & Armor, Ga. —Ladies’ dress goods all wool from 10c to 81 25 per yard at U. Myers. Corn, fodder, shucks, cotton seed, horses, mules, wagons, ami agticultu- sale rt.l implements of all kinds lor by Captain .L U. Anthony. Gall on him at ouce if you wislt to buy. ietttts strictly cash, —If von wish to purchase a good dewing*machine, call Maebiue ami examine at C.'iatdes llm Celelnuted D.iVis lierffSirouT^. Lull gu Ly jio luu onl> on« loft Fv cows, horses, Copelan, Neals r v . Ann-u f* s,Dietnesbou , <ln. r;.,r Ladies mnmto* MIm Rourne wilt give yon pet" font. oh o.< ' loaka end Walking jackets for the present. Niie ‘ |i,,v I he largest tuid nmat- complete okio i-,' , Let Gent Hi tins whole conn t IV. mse. twin i. i,.,, i.. conein, 1 > Neals A Attnor, Greenesboro, Hu. B nuts. English walnuts, al- > monds. fancy candy, slick candy, up-j j ides, raisins, nil kinds cnlckevs, citron Pickles and canned goods at—Copclutt, Seals A Armor’s, Ureenu. boro, lla. tar Special inducements offered in •it) S&ZS in,, s .'SfSWA 1 lot id iv goods Sw Intending season, we urt giving < losing out, I” 1 * CCS. • Copelan. Seals & A t utor, Greenes boro, Ha. i >ngat marked lower titan since tin- war. Sixty it.tneis in stock, N d\v is the time to buy. Copelan, Seals <& Armor, Uieencsbovo, G.i. Cv*’ Now _ lot lmCgiC‘3 ,__. Dtst . tecctvcd . ... . and reudv for tdiO Holiday trade ; o pet cent. off for the spot cash from now until January 1st.—Copelatt, Seals & Manor tDcenesboro. Hu. Uj- Invoice of cook stoves just re reived, VVe carry the largest stock of stoves in this country and by-the-wuy ;,rt! them cheaper loan anybody else.— U<v t H>ltui, Seals & Armor, Hreeuesboro, Ha. New lot sewing machines, cheap¬ er titan ever before All prices. Davis, Rstev and Singcv. Send for price list,— Uopc'tnn, Seals A Anuor, Hreeuesboro, Ha \Y. ,J. NORTON. I K %»> l OilbVlI.U t> A G ninirtor and Builder Also Denier in Binding Material cf ali Kinds. — Mr. H. L. Williams. Jefferson. Ha , says- *’I tt<-l Brown’s iron Bitters for dysp*.p.-:a with most excellent te* suits * » GT ” 2; id at all tiutes 10; u ■ iiltrS, C 1 . w- V be«s-wax. eggs. «vc,—Copci tn Semis Aruwr. HrceutsK'rP Ha. Tiii' r- v i ) vvis ferw P irivJ If Wi ; Wf | *• i t* , : Leans all others, and po-werses advanta ges liver every other Machine. Does all work without basting, and It nils, doing i i,lis work of every other At ichine. lVr | forms THIRTY-NINE OPERATIONS that can not be performed by any other Machine in the world. It sews from lace i to leather without eh iitging the stitch or tendon. For broideriug, tucking, tailoring, cording, braiding, dressmaking quilting, and < <*111 ■ foi f.imily us«* in uttucml. it lia» Do equal. t-rf*"Scnd for descriptive price list to Copcltut, Seals & Armor, j ot'im-f GREKNK8BORO, GA j , ; «i j . > f yHi .Lx#* Wi B V<Dl*f n tf til U * • 1 | Has !n Stock at j ! Akin's Old Sian l, : CliAWFuRD VILLE, HEORGiA, , A large and well assorted stock >f tn Gftccos, cigars, sugar, coffee, Horn - , meal, lard meat, canned goods ot ail kinds, and in fact every ting kept in a lirst-ciass country store. Ort the first of January be will move Iris entire stock of goods from Sharon to bis store in tills place. ! CnuYfoiTlvilic Academy. Tim exorcises of tills school will begin oh Uu> second Monday ol'.f.t iltarv. tKSt. I’ . • imd M'-.-ion will begin nil the DTh day of Au-juM, and end ..... the Mlulay of !>■’• q 1 .*]!"f < V‘ih‘ 'first session, will boas j- 0 j oW . anti §0.00. OvUiojirajD.iy, roadinj? Ku«!bM Gmm’»mr.G«H«r.tphv. Arithme Tuition yti.oo. for the second session, will be as reading or writ in r, S 1.00. Griunmar, Geography, Anth orany other English Keeping«tes,S12.00 higher | qp, I!-ok or Mat l.euintn*. Mt.oo No ;! mr ,: l will he received for n less time Uian lift session, exceiU by n special contract. aiwonop ;,u l <lt!<luetiou will bp math* for | 0st time, except in eases of protract- ! sickness. T. 11. YARBOROUGH, duett I’nncipal . ........ a in >(’.! to nothuks. Arc you disturbed at night and htokin send at once and get ti bottle of Mas. Wissj.ow’s Soothing Sviuiv kor Teeth ins G'Hii.pnttN. Its value is incalculable, sutferer It will relieve the poor little im mediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. it cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures inrtamation.and wind colic,soft tens the the gums, reduces sysk'in, gives tone and energy to the whole \j rs Winslow’s Soothing Sprup for Chit dren Teething is pleasant to the taste, and sisthe prescription of oue of t ie oldest and best feimd« physicians ami nurses in the United States, aud is for sale oy all dtuj throughout the world. Prieu 23 coats * bottle, * *°**? £<: A ,, | 4^'^/# a, s I GA For sale by *V. R. Gunn, Crawford ville, Ga —Mrs. L. F. Barry. Louisville. Ha.. .vs; "1 used Bruvu’s Don Bitters ri-r weakness and in-bealHi ami am greatly benefited. ’’ 4 lUQtti&taiifijfBftMrifo n \\ T I f.L SOON he owned from a battery charged whose guns with are entirely always new loaded ammunition In th« jftter- •» rwi of ihr people. These gutis are tamed f rom the importers,jobbers and auction rooms of Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The people will hear the noise, their purses will receive tha benefit, away with high prices. CROPS ARE TOO SHORT. •• *e Tile people must make their money go a long ways, CASPAR MYERS under stands this, and he is prepared to quote such figtues as his customers will appreciate, lie has just eitunn d from tin- great comnterc al markets, where lie gave his personal attention to the selecti n of the largest stock of "goods ever brought to Crawfordville or Middle Georgia. house COME AND.sEe MY ASSORTMENT. I am determinmed quality, that no fi'ong styi*. tiie Georgia railroad or its branches snail excel me iti quantity, price or Ladies’ Dress Goods,Domestic Goods, In this department 1 can give the Ladies the fullest satisfaction. I have a large assortment of Prints of new figure beautiful, brilliant, anu fast colors, Ladies’ dress (foods from the lowest grade to the finest Bilks and Trimming of all kind* to match also flats trimme ! and unlrimnied, Hosiery fail grades), Sheetings, Shirtings, Tidk ng l.ineii' and Toweling* and every article that is of use land beauty, and which go to make up a ladies’ toilet or furnish"the house. . » (*eutleinen’s Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes &c„ My line of gentlemen's youth's and boys’ clothing is full and complete and presort all the attractions a ul new styles of the season. Full suits of the finest material a best, make at. the most reasonable prices. Business suits, fine cloths, underwear, h of al) styles and pi ices. My stock of hoots and shoes is large and I can suit the p ' lie in any quality lacy want from the finest dress boot to tire courses! brogan. MIB KL.L>A]VEidUS - IN* my miscellaneous department I have -all the little articles which go to make tp a stock to supply the new ■ of the public; among which are Notions, Needles, Pins,Cut¬ lery, erorkerg. Glass ware hard ware, Tobacco, cigars, etc, in making up my sleek omitted nothing that you can call for. Groceries and Provisions. f keep always on hand fine hungry family groceries and farm yourself. supplies. 1 am prepare* te clothe the naked aud feed the cornu and see tor To My Friends and Patrons. In conclusion allow me to-return my thanks for past favors and to ask for a coutix uanceof of the same. C. MYERS. Crawfordville, Ga., September 12, 1883. Hi SI F L Y N T, C 11 AWFORDVILLE, G A. -DE A^LER IN l^anpy and Family Groceries, CANNED (tOODH A SPECIALTY, I’rovi/ioii* of all kinds, such as I« r( l, Bacon, Hams, Floor, Jfeal, Sugar and Colfee. Also a large stock of Tobaccos and Cigar*. Think of it, a It inch plug tobacco for 5e. Come try a Temptation cigar the best 5c cigar In town. fine stock of unadulterated whiskies at prices that will i have just received a purs sstonLli lite natives. Come and see me. II- H. FLINT HOLDEN & FARMER, Post-Office Building, Crawfordville, Ga, — DRA r.EltS IX — Fancy Groce-’les, AND Plantation Supplies. H ARDWARE CUTLERY. TOBAG'COS, SHOES, AC. Tim successful man all over the world is he who underbuys and always undersells. No such signs as “selling out at cost,” “giving goods away” and not to be undersold, etc., Rigid, te. No such chaff as that wins. Have Tlw Goods, Let The Prices Be and the people will soon find ikout and look you up. Many a time Right the crude rouqh b-as pulv« rized the finw gem because he knew where to Buy and htul tlie.Nerve to Sell Cheap, t 9 FOR $45,00* Whats the use of walking when every man can afford to buy a good ail hickory tpa Iti ffiiiff for tlie low price quoted above. Buggies of every description from $45,00 up. One and two horse wagons of mv own make at extremely low prices With the usu guarantee. 1 have on hand the largest Stock of HARNESS all kinds ever brought to Crawfordville also Buggy whips, * I can sell a splendid single buggy harness for the small sum of $7.5(7. rf your buggy or wagon needs repairing I am prepared to do it as cheaply as it can be done elsewhere. Blaeksmithing in alt its branches and a!', work guaranteed. Call and see me and examine and price my large stock of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Harness and whips Thanking my customers for past patronage, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Respectfully, J. N. CHAPMAN, Crawfordville, Ga, Across Continent! / a ®a«BQSA Heard of and Visited! number. After a pleasant voyage of several weeks we reached the great metropolis of New York. Sometime was spent in looking through this busy city. From tlienee wo proceeded Louisville, to »)'•• Philadelphia. we directed Hearing our att< ntion of the to that vastness city. of Ilere the Southern Exposition a t than the accumulations the Southern Vre were more astonished ever at of states there exhibited, far surpassing anything we had before encountered in all our travels. However we must travel #n, Atlanta, the famous Gate City, next found us treading its busy thoroughfares goes becoming tired of crowded cities, and surging masses, we d eterniined to seek quiet and recuperation. and salubrity Greenesboro, Ga., being recommended for the great hospitality of its citizens of its climate, with one accord we decided to hibernate at this remodeled old town, of which I propose mainly to speak, Having secured comtortablo quarters a stroll up town was suggested. Passing some distance down Broadway we were suddenly confronted by a massive brick structure of enormous dimensions at which the people were going in and out like bees in a hive; Upon inquiriu# we wero informed that this was the house of COPELAN, SEALS & ARMOR. Entering we stood amazed. Having traveled through the greater portion of the state we had seen nothing like it. Brim full of customers ; every salesman as bu*y at he could be—purchasers delighted. Late in the afternoon, trade having subsided, somewhat, the courteous proprietors, bidding us welcome, asked to show us through the house. Now let me tell you some solid facts. t*» We were first showed through MR. O. T. IRBY'S Department color, Laces of Silks, of Satins, description Plaids and from Brocaded Velvets, Cashmeres of every quality and every to 75 cent per yard. Dreis Good* In such variety as are seen only in the lorgest cities. Everything that can be embraced In a dry good* and notiou department can here be found. Mr. irby is assisted by Mr. Sammie Wilson. From thence we were taken to MR. A. L. BICKER’S sDepartment, embracing over 120 lines of childrens, misses, ladies and gents shoe*—all tyies, shapes, Mr. sorts Osgood and prices, domestics in wholesale, quantities. So great u this de¬ partment that Thrower is employed to aid him. Next we were carried to MR. C. E. MONFORT’S Departments where is kept excellent lines of pocket and table cutlery ; an elegant »j. sortment of stationery confectionery ; all kinds of musical instruments ; candies, crackers and ever in thing in the show-cases. line, and a beautiful display of .Jewelry, artistically arranged revolving This department was a treat to see. X MR. W.T. ATKINSON Keeps properly speiking, a wholesale department. Jeans, Calicoes and dolfneitic* pil- \ cd ceiling high. Mfr. A’s. department also embraces over seventy-live »tyle* of meue' boys’ ana childrens’ hats from 25 cents to 85.00 We passed through the CARl’ET DEPARTMENT, which it a magnlficlen t 4M play into f MISS M. L. BOURNE’S MILLINERY PALACE. Here vre fell inT lov*. The display l» beautiful andMlsa Jimmie is charming. "VVe saw a number of handsome fur trimmed cloak* aud *lefant slush LiHions;French flowers, hats and bonnets—in fact we were bewildered with beau¬ ty on every hand. After lingering here as tong as tiiua would allow, we next called to »ee; MR PHILIP ROBINSON, nis three departments we found brim full of wood ware, tinware, sadies, bridles and harness, valises and satchels, and one thousand fancy baskets. MR. A. B. ECHOLS, Then invited ns to look through his department suits *11 grades of clothing. He chinchilla »how*d u* boys suits from 3 to 17 years ; men# and youths and prices; and beaver overcoats—w# never saw anything to equal his stock aud prices. MR. J. B. WILLIAMS EverdH Y is arranged neatnes*an! has charge of the Hardware. ng with care and say* he can supply you with anytl .Cg from a carpet tack to a steam engins. the druggist of the house, tery kindly showed us through th« drug, crockery and class-ware departments, which are under his care. We found everything in perfect order. MR. E. G. MERRITT, Con trolls over fifty lines heaty boots and shoes. In this extensive department hs is as¬ sisted by Mr. Daniel Boone. We found MR. A. G. HARRIS in the furniture department. Here we saw everything in th# way of furniture—th« largest and pretiiest line we have ssen anywhere in the state. There were many other departments to be seen, but not having time t# look further we passed on down stairs where we met MR• E. D. JONES, agreeable the book-keeper, and | decidedly and MR. H. H. H ARRIS, the Cashier. These are the most the best lo< kin ; gentlemen in the house, competent in their respective positions, svsry* thing moves liki clock work and no errors ever occur. The Grocery Department is under the charge of JOHN CLARK assisted by AB* REESE. ' RAM Outside the building we Were carried to the Undertaking Department, and a house to the rear o? the main building and filled to the top with caskets coffins. This part of the business is conducted by MR. GUS HARRIS who understands his bus¬ iness. Still we were carried on across an entire block, into a large Warehouse filled with Buggies, Wagons, Cook stoves and cotton and looked closely after by Mr. H.M,Spinks This i» but a hurried and partial enumeration and not the tenth is told of .whal we saw. Throughout the entire stock the low prices quoted were Surprising. We honestly advise you to concentrate your trade st Copelan, Seals A Aioar, « i Greenesboro, Ga.