Newspaper Page Text
CRA s 7-----^
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Volume 7.
news items.
Danville, Kentucky, has a beautiful
new opera house.
*A cremation society is about to be
organized in New Orleans.
Work hvs commenced on a new ope
ra house in Jacksonville, Fla.
The sucker "of the Kentucky house
nf *ucseutatives is but 20 yeais old.
" 1
Montgomery, Ala., has 48 licensed
Misf Fannie «IU,io jailer, h^cor^ellm, of Lexink a
Ky, has a quilt which contains Id, 480
pieces. Ky„ News a boat
The Bourbon, says
containing 10,000 rabbits passed by
Maysville one day last week.
The number of convicts in the Ten
nesee penitentiary is 1 342 , of which 924
are colored and 419 white.
Some narts of Arkansas are flooded
wiUuxmnterfiet nickels, made from a
jubstauce 1 found 1,1 the mountains.
Funng the year 1883 iheremwere one
hundred and thiity-fo .
Virgima with liabilities amounting
to 81,448,81o. Florida,
Foster, the Eustice, nurse
ryman and florist, received last week
orders for ten thousand tuberose bulbs,
from Bliss, of New York.
A woman has been arrested in Hoi
laud on her voluntary confession of
having murdered sixteen persons with
'in a few years Charming creature!
China nowrkmanship „ t „ r p« firpiiims of
£'. nd V nd .°, £ oTor HflJ ffistlike
Hi*T nf*th« C J
that of the “Mehcan Melica man ■
The receipts of tne New York cnarit;
ball were $12,000, of winch three
lourtbs was spent for supper, (lowers,
music, etc.,aud one-fourth given to the
poor. Moultonborough, N.
Three boys in shot 285 partridg
JL, haye this season 40
ts, for which they obtained cents
each, ten foxes, besides several minks
mid other game.
Itis estimated that it costs$3,000,000
a vear to support the churches of New
York city while the revenue of the
theaters is set down at $7,000,000 per
Kansas City, January 14.— The
ease of Frank James’ in connection
with the Blue Cut train robbery, was
called in tlie Criminal Court this morn¬
ing, but was continued to February
lltii, on account of tlie illness of tlie
A dispatch from Griflin, Ga., dated
Jan. 14, says : “This evening Brews
ter Me »V illiams, 10 years old, ,. white , ,
laboring under mental excitement.
caused by recent sickness, instantly
killed a negro girl of the same age,
naoied Mattie Hood and then deliber
'ately tirn and kitted lilmselfP’
Cincinnati, O., January 14. — Fes
terday, in Alexandria, Kentucky, Miss
Weaver, affianced wile of Ed. Beier,
went to church with Nicholas Bielil.
JSeier became so enraged that he went
to the house where the young lady was
and demanded liis presents.
Being refused, he put a pistol to Miss
Weaver’s head and snapped it twice
Without shooting. He was then put
out of the house, and ingoing to the
back oaca door i.ooi shot a ''u himself twice, one bait
penetrating the heait
The year’s sales of petroleum at A ew
York. Oil City and Bradfo-d amounted
to 4,249,280,000 barrels—more than a;
hundred times the etnire supply or oil :
i» the world. During the L.-v. t.nee !
mouths the.sales have been 'UO.ooj.Ooo
barrels at New York and 780,000,0.10 nv
Oil City and Bradford, burnt preie i
ted purchases and sales as these nee ;
no comment. A good autnoiyty 1,1 I
New York says the Banks of the conn- 1
ry have $34 ..090,000 loaned out for
speculation in stocks and products,
At 2 o‘clock Sunday morning tiie resi
denceof A. M. Massengale. a promi
nent merchant of Norwood, was diseov
ered to be on lire by a negro on the 1
premises. The sleeping inmates were |
immediately aroused aad the work of
removing the fliriiiture from the burn
ing building began. The fire had gain- 1
such headway when discovered that
not more than half the furniture was
saved, and it was with great difficulty
that some of the lady members of the
family were rescued. There being only
$900 insurance on the house and furni
ture, Mr. Massengale estimates Ins loss
at $1,500.
A crazy negro living on Tom Brooks’
plase, about eight miles from Athens,
demanded of Mr. Brooks $300. Mr.
Brooks refused and the negro produced
an old army sabre and told Mr. Brooks
that the Lord had commanded him to
kill him. He then made a rush with his
sabre,and Mr.Brooks then got liis gun, ;
which the negro wrenched out of his
hand after cutting him severely on the
rrr„ e *&%«: mss
ir'ho°«-£n“ti.e T neUo ‘ooS 3
the j doors and took possession. Mr
. neighbors and went
Brooks got several
and dislodged him and put him under
New York, January 14.—The
wrestling match between Edwin Bibby,
champion of the United States and
Matsada the Japanese cnampion, for
$50 $o 0 a a side side, took tooK place, place, to-night, lu n g ^ at Irv
ing Hall. T ^er f.
PreSe t ^ start
was * 1 in Bibbv’s farer The
f™tf»Uwaa e A won ,^ bv Bibbv after 1 a
Jot e y innonenT s^^ h the Jap once ?he
h h s shoffider on
flMu. Sl bat him^f erffied in going i.ead over
at short, after
£!und Kffihvhad warmed up In the second
Matsada was more cautious and
displayed considerable strength and
agility Bibbp threw him, however,
after aftA.r six six minutes minutes skirmishing sairmiam g and a was
declared the winner.
“Our Women lu the War-”
The News and Courier, Charleston, S,
C., desires to obtain fifty or more
ske tches of the experieces, grave or
gay, lively or severe, of the Southern
! women during the war. Little has
been published hitherto
their sufferings, anxieties and
tions, and The News and
wishes to make the. record of the war
‘'““Pj® 1 ®’ &*" Z' ^what^f Southern
, al , ng the
struggle for the Lost Cause. There
WJMi corn- dy as well as tragedy in their
daily life, and the object is to obtain
. descriptions of every side and phase of
a Southern woman’s trials and
triumphs, at home or as a refugee,dur
ing the Confederate struggle. The
sketches in question will be, published
in The Weekly News, Charlston, S. C.,
under the general title of “Our \\ omen
m the War.” The con htmns are as
1. The skecthes must be written by
Southeru women wh0 were in the
South durinh the war, and shall
be C onflned to a description
of events and circumstances of which
the writers have personal knowledge,
ant i w j t h which they or their families
were connected,
2. Each sketch shall fill not less than
fifteen nor more than thirty pages of
foolscap, written on one side,
3. The sketches shall be sent with
the real name of the writer, to The
Newes and Courier, Cliarlstou, S. O.
not later than March 1st, 1884.
4. Every sketch that is accepted
wil1 be Promptly paid for, and any
Southern woman who desires to do so
can sent j j n two or more sketches,
The object in viewjis certainly an ex
ce jj ell t one,and it is hoped that South
eru women everyvvhere|wiil do their part
in making the undertaking successful,
“in urder,” as Thu News and Courier
says, “dered “that tardy justice may be ren¬
to the women who encouraged
“the soldiers by their patient fortitude
“and solaced them with words of
“cheer, aud who, through all manner
“of hardship, of anguish, of misery,
“were faithful and true to the very
“end-and after!”
—- • —■
On Friday night, ttie lltii inst., in
Marion county, Ga., one Alien Gresh
am and Charles Burkhalter, both col¬
ored, had a difficulty, in which Gresh¬
am was instantly killed. The parties
both lived on the BuenaVista. plantation of Judge
J. II.Dunham.of Gresham
and one Louis Flowers had been to
town and were returning borne at
night, when Buckhalter halted them on
the roadside and said to Gresham that
now was his time to settle with him.
and at tlie same time ordered Flowers to
ride out to one side. As soon as Fiovv
Ors got out of iniayiniately the, road Gresh.un ;dhK
ill on m d hud without
ther ceremony Burkhalter emptied yfie
contents of a musket ill to Gresham.
Twenty-two bucksli it entered the person
of Gresham,from which lie died iustant
ly. Burklialter lias fled tlie country
and had not been captured at last ac¬
Montezuma curresuomlent of
^tUi Uinta U Const U>nst it ■ ut ‘ {"-''y ion ot 1 Tues'div 7
f l >5. m anucip.Lioii oi tI me e stock slolk
law, which goes into effect on Macrh iriypeopleareprepariiigtodis-
1)r ,se of their “scrub” stock to make
f om tol . improved breeds. sud :
^ gentleman of Houston county
(() us a f ww Jays back that he had nev
raised a hog since the war until the
| aw was enforced in that county ;
j 3 year lie would kill sufficient to
su])( ,|y |,j s f arm . He says lie is glad
,j jp j aw f 01 ces him to provide for his
family. A good law it is evident.
1 X -Tit 13 IU B,t RE D
Mu ... 3 0 HU o f
fence in the world will be the wire
fence extending from the Indian Terri
tory across the Texas Fanlianale and
thirty-five miles into New Mexico.
It is said that eighty-miles of this fence
is already under contract. Its course
will be in the line of the Canadian river
and its purpose is to stop the drift of
the northern cattle, it is a bold and
splendid enteipiise and will pay a laige
percentage on the investment. The
fence will be over two hundred miles
9 -
An Atlanta wholesale merchant
comes to the front and exclaims : “I
am near sixty years of age, am a mer
chant of this city, and claim consider
able experience. For many years my
kidneys have given me great trouble.
attended witli much pain. My appe
tite failed and general health declined.
Nothing that money could secure evet
gave me relief until I used B. B. B.,
which was magical on me. I say to
you, old man, young man, if your kid
w t
” ±
j e „eral Toombs Pas purchased the
Aud rews lot near the centre of the
town, and a oeautiful place, for 8o,000,
and it is reported he will give it to the
entylfor a park and erect a monument
to bis wife s memory, for whom tiie
park well be named- The grounds are
naturally beautiful, and we will have
one of the handsomest parks, if lm
pr 0 ved, in the South. - Washington
—Waste no time : delays have dan
gerous ends ! If a member of your
family is suffering with a slight cough
or cold, don’t wait until it develops it
self into consumption, but procure it
rt once a bottle of Dr. Bulls Cough
Syrup and cure that cough.
An eight —-- legged 7 calf *^--„ was one of; ^ tho
sights ^ to be seen in Marietta during
Mrs. H. V. Johnson Mead.
Louisville, Ga , Jan a ary 14. Mrs.
ex-Goveroor Herschel V. Johnson died
at her home near Louisville,
morning. iAfp
Runaway ---- Mu!o„ ; - 7 - ———• stuppou »>y a Mog.
St. Loui^GIobe-Democrat.
\ re tn*rti:.\ble exhibition of afnimal
^^omty is report,,! from East St Lorn
Tree Hotel on Broadway to water his
team of ultlk , s , A p aas j n g cugjne
blowing its whistle frightened the ani
m alsf and they started up tho street
at break-neck speed. TruecdSIe.ran
after the runaways in a vain endeavor
to overtake them. A largo black hound
belonging to ttfe farmer dasheu after
the and caught up. Without
joying 3ffcled utteronce to a bark, the brute
and. as around the latter the tried wagon to tun^KWn and Julies,
side street, headed them dJ^W^fted
corner of main street the
at one of tlie male’s legs, and the long
eared vuadruped slackened its *peed to
kick. The hound tlieu seized the lines
in its mouth and brought the runaways
to a standstill,
The lfraiice-Cblua War.
London, Jan. 13.—A dispatch from
Canton says that the authorities ot
Province of Kwangtung, life cjit.l, of whicli the
at, ot ttant.n in .to
ously preparing for war. lliey are
building a telegraph line between Can
ton and the Toriquin frontier. Tlie !
Yioeroy of Canton~has issued a ptfocla
mation summoning the people to pre- ,
ti'im p.ue to to renel repel the tne Trencn French inradors my.-taoi , and a
cit the tune fiieiulsiiip j (
same expressing
toward other nations. I
Paris, Jan. 13.—Le Temps says
that since the arrival of the French
expedition in Touquin Catholic mis¬
sionaries have been subjected to renew¬
ed persecution in the Southern provin¬
ces of China. A furious uiob in tlie
province of Qtaig See destroyed tlie
house of Pere Bernet, who was arres¬
ted and maltreated, receiving several
Blows from the flat side of a sword.
He was also threatened with death.
Tne Chinese, demand a ransom of 7,009
francs for his release Probably, Uj>v
ever, Pere Bernet will be taken to Can
tou. Other missionaries 1> tve also been
arrested at the instigat im. of the man
darins, who liave ceased t » respect the
He Was No Thiel.
Arkansa v gj|| ,
Colonel, ‘‘Geiit’i..inen,«fcPOj|M|k aAi>,« •'SmM Aikan\i w
a trefe from ..E r.q.r, “l
must protest mynuiic i , did not
steal tne mule. I '-vjb..,c
theft, i know that you 1 m fe the inter
esc of the community at hiiart, and I
do , not 4 btillllH , , you; .... blit* tllDlfc? j., tlliH _ *,» b
'vljen we are all liable to Ihj too rash
if L il i d Stolen tli'^ mule, DU/ ^lillb
w.'Uld oppress me until I would beg to
be put nut of the ivor ti in tne most
summitry way.”
“T.n* hi a 1 ■ was found in L>U r posses
Siou.” said . , t*Ki . leader , uI ln4^ - niuo.
“Veiy true, my dear sir,'!’
“Did lie jump into join lot r
iuto _ the
“No, sir, 1 conducted h»m
confines of my premises'” aimnal?” ;
‘Did yon buy tiie
“No, sir.”
“Did you trade for liiiii?
“1 did not.”
“Theu who stole LimV Let down
the rope, boys,” will give
“Gentlemen, I hope you me
°i!imf^^^^K'>r i
k'S .!' 1 vvord^^Him
. Ult j£ exchang' 4 few ^Hmuted
comiJ iimeutary nature woul^e I
tlial tlie M a j or \s blood Khe high
; ; y satisfactory to me, and i|ease Major] him I
that m gore would j
lu | 0 frtily Well we «eper*P<i other. Dior- Tlie I
oughly ° agreeing with each I |
ne t day tt|0 Ma j or au( j [ met. got is vulgarly called the drop on liiui
and r(J jj eve( j i,iui 0 f the top of his head, aud
j ly was ri( jj 11K a mu le at the time, 4)ad"
when he fyp ol j 1 saw that bfr no
longer any practical use fprfthe animal,
so t took charge of hivfi. Now, if I
liad dismounted in the way he did, I
should have interposed no objection to
the Major’s taking my hoise. ”
“i | 10 ,, e) gj^ that you will excuse
u8( >> r6 plied the leader of the mob,
“\y e thought that you stole tiie mule,
Your explanation Is most satisfactory,
and j i, 0 p 0 you’ll excuse us. Let us
a n tilk(J a drink.”
•' 5T.» W wLl. to oi.tlcl,
i|iy“whl!!'‘ituoisb J’ S'reS™ lack ad'fi'l- of
| of weak „ e3S weal iness en
^a^^ee trv i bottle greatly of Brown’s Iron Bit
how it will benefit
yoUi it surpasses all known remedies as
an enriches of th e blood md a perfect
]tr of t , e varoUf bodily
tious. Ask'your druggist.
How many drummers are there. J res
Went Eaton told the 400 assembled at
Syracuse to attend the meeting of the
New York State association Yorif thatthere
are 10.000 in New and 100,000 in
the United Stafts.
Miss Lucy Zellars, Goshen, Ga, says
“The first dose of Pitts’ C’aimiriative £
ever took relieved my aching[head read
have since.u*d 1 .and seen it
used with such a happy effect, i take
pleasure in recomme .ding it to others
P pi m JL ® [-2
g ' gf /"V^A f |J yv" ____ if
§ £T, H /*. ^ M M Gti -i I
s I feSTi *•« H W ^ pi || j* |, J] -cl w t Li ?
t>’ A a 0 &
A i>\ /A /A A ■'
‘.• V’ A:
| m iv : ;y '
m •
1 A J -V- W* 1-1’ h^Vv.ld<Al T
Hoars^na.-, „ r Lro^chm^tioap, 1 t Influ-t. n
enva, Asthma, Whooping tough, In -y.
cipient Consumption and for the re-t
jlicfofconsumptivc ced stages of the Disease persons in For advan-V Sale;.'
j by all Druggists.—Price, 25 Cents A
A Th.idney Complaint 7 C fir ca. -
Atlanta, Ga., July 11,1883.
Blood Balm Co : 1 am a merchant of
this eitv and a 111 over 50 years of age My
kidneys have been exceedingly niaotivo
and irregular for manv years, attended
with great pain in smalt of the hack. At
times my appetite failed, amt 1 became so
nervous ’that 1 could not attend to business.
During all this time my case bad all the
attention that money could secure, amt
W as tlm regular result,
u, b. j:, was recommended by some one,
and to say that its action on me was mngi
cal would bo a mild term. One bottle
nmde me feel like a new man, just, like 1
was young again. Ill all my tile l never
llse ,| thejblood so^posve.rful and potei t a remedy. 1
]? or and kidneys will it is the best
oversaw, and one bottle force any one
to praise it. If you doubt this, call on 1 )r.
Gillaim, and he will send you to me, and L
wiil take pleasure in telling you of my
ease, and that of others who have been
cured. A. L. I).
Send for a pamphlet of proof of wonder¬
ful cures ol’ Blood Poisons, Blood Balm
Co., Atlanta, Ga. Call on Dll. It. J.
IIE1D, at Crawfordville.
1 C—
Carpets and House Furnisning Goods. The
Largest Stock South of Balt more. Mo
and Oruinb Cloths,' Window
similes. Wall Papers, Borders, Lace Cuf
tains, Cofniees and Poles, Cocoa & Canton
MaUines, Upholstery, Frames. ICugravlngs, enro
moa. Picture Write for SkinplM
and Prices. n\II,IK cuski iii
j, ucct . B60 ,. B to Geo. A, Itaille, Slasouic
Temple, AUGUSTA; ga. Junel5.1y.
l ,j / so* ^ " r*- n
ir!y taken 1 .liuii it ou ; iuy etervauta from 18 Vi to
isur>. us : 1:<1 ;d.hg h nurnMrr of mV noif*hlKJr$, !in»l in
«v.ri;^;i eu.t^n^v.mimyRuo.vM^u fu*iy*iidcoaip|j«ti
it . j: v*.O’!id b<) wLiut it 1 a rccom*
, :i . j,j a .j
"• »• »-, nnaku. i erry, r u*.
i 1 . : •v:: nhd um *4 Specific t<U mor*»
i» iuri lav.: «<•,•» eiuii; w.HMi.'rrui
i i. t i*«* u4o liu.n fI’ont any rcmtfdy in »>r
,»,. ^> m rmRGo’>*'M;i. Ii. i« r certain uud safe
.. m m -utt* „
Ahama, G».
V/ho have Seen the Lfleets of Severe Tcstn. u.' Dt - n itntror Mtu*fac 0 on than any remedy for
fillMtl I v.'c have ever itfiudletl. C.
SCiiiLI.R.i STKVJSNS, VVauhington, D.
Many him r»*iy■ :< g ns have endorsed S S S. as a $[>e
Cif'.L /Of >d LiSCSHuH
S. FIELD & CO.. Memphis.
Hitvp S . c > S stop (lu* hair from'falling out iri
a very - horf rjme. VVtHiUvrfui ellocla 111 ull Skiu or
iilOOU Texas.
W ri PATTERSON. Dallas,
T/e do rut hc?itn(p to say thnt for a yoar past w«
liave Hoju 'iiKtn: of Swift « Specific (S. S. S.) thftii
t.',\ i tUer i:ii*o<I I'nrujerM cotubim;it, and with ino-t
iiuKlnn ' v Oil One ir<‘iitlt*rnaii w(io uscwl lialf
a 'io/. • h it Inn done him more good who
CLir. f rea ,»•>!£ %vh it ro«t fun) $ 1 , 000 . Another
lia** tj-uU t for u is iu? uou*i uUuctiou reporta a per
IHULel.' ' rc from ita usu*
VTUi sc paid .0 uny Ufteanst who will Qn-1 on anal*
y*i» , i 1 , i o'.:'ho S ti. S.. one particle ot Mercury,
loiLut PoUiaiam. or any nuuerui auotuanec.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
f /— Wrta forth* little boon, which will he mailed
free to
Price Smarl also, Jl.r/) per lyottlo. Largo size,
(holding doohle quantity), $1.75 bottle. AU Drug
gists sell IL.
i i fl
Quiet a ri Easy Cinlfl-Birtli
ThounandH of women over the land testi¬
fy to the wonderful effect* of this great rem¬
edy; It will not only shorten labor and lessen
the intensity of pain and •uffering beyond
ezpresuion, but better than all, It thereby
greatly diniinishea the danger to life of both
mother and child. This great boon to auf
fering woman ia I(fAmes' Liniment, byJ. vr
Mother's Friend. Prepared and sold
Bhaij field, Atlanta, Ga. Bold by ail
l>rugoi»t*. Price $450 bottle. Sent
by Kxpreaa on receipt of price. A
J. - ... W. HIXON,
AttOI’llCV ftt . w- 1
J J<IW, ’
WILL practice in all State and Fed
e ral Courts. Any business entrusted
tohis attentjon. care wmr^-'lpprompt COLLECTIONS A ts-r^nnl A..
Office in Mitciieix Building.
Number 3.
.1 PlAI vl.Ji.Vl RA! IJatjL TH? jL.)Aj JLv P In line this of age Business of Sharp Competition, when every
is crowded to its utmost ca
Lacity, the nmchant must not only (ill his store with goods calculated to please
lie people in both quality and price, but he must announce his
‘lJargaiits and Tndneement
,< 'h-arlx aa.l forHMj to Mi., public r am prepared this season to *»,* .f
"" ' ..........*...... '** .........-J- **-. *■>
1 VP\V > Lll All 4 \I 1 1 / \ QI? ObAuUl\Al)Lb 4 QHM 4 |> f 1? ( U'OOl)^ 4I'\0 I !
Will meet llie expectations and desires of tfie most economical murliaser U»iiV»
careeful selections of the latest styles * *
In All Departments
No branch of my business receives more careful attention than my
Rlili J# StBflft
# V v T
Comprising ^ _
Trimmings rilegant Patterns, Latest Styles, Uniqi no r with ail kinds
to match. of tlie My goods were PURCHASE!) FOB X , and 1 intend t<j
Discount to my customers
It, will cost you nothing to thoroughly convince yourselves that such is- reallv true.
I only ask that you,call and see foi yourself.
Dutch Bolting Cloth of all Numbers*
Polite Attention Shown to All.
mi sssiiiSj
Crawiordville, Georgia
1 ? n band a 'GU'L 8 TOCK of provisions such «s SUGAR,
ui m v, l -nd GKKEN TEAK. Also, ready-mixed PAINTS, ytllow,
lead, linseed, dome
machine and kerosene oil*. Powder, shot and gun
on — sa- •s he and surprised snuffs, to which know lam how offering GAEAP very my GOODS LOW for are GASH. selling. UaLL»
oc : M
Cravzfordvillo, •» * JP Q
Fine Wines Liquors, Cigars, TfrjSSfcW 1
and */ all those ’ ’’ Indebted 1H to me , am 1 will requested hi, li.iroaftir to compellod forward and to Settle sell strictly far «wk
come their accdnnt at
?, 'h-iuk \[' ,' M my *_ custom.'i-s tor to past pul- favors th«»n and Iri invite 1 1 1 *• Ivtudfl them of and an attorney Mends for collection. I
a call. my new to sir* hi#
O n - ..0 -Office Building, Crawfordvllle, Ga,
— DEALffiUfl IN —
* ancy Grocenes,
The successful man all over the world G he who underbuys arid always imdcrsetls.
No such signs as “selling out at cost,” “giving goods away” and not to he nndivso’d,
etc etc. No such chaff as that wins. Have The <jood«, Let The Prices Be
Higlit, and the people will soon lind it out and look you up. Many a time the crude
rough diamond lots pulverized the finer gem because he knew where to Buy Right anil
had the Nerve, to Sell Cheap.
Great Furniture Palace of Augusta.
WE take pleasure irt announcing that we have moved our elegant stock of Furni¬
ture to 810 BROAD STREET, rdd stand of Mvers & Marcus. We have this laree store
'died to overflowing with the with MOST market ELEGANT and dealer BEST in STYLE, ASSORTED QUALITY STOCKS.
,. V |.i* offered. We compete in any business or any is what has caused to OK f
PRICE Tlie steady increase our us move so 0
ten We now have Till. FINEST STORE and FINEST STOCK IN OfiOltUiA
W|“"‘’Tl: 840 BOWLES Broad JSreet, : Augus< & CO., a, Ga
LEWIS & DOOLITTLE, Proprietors.
Table first-class in every particular. Large and well ventilated r too ms.
Rates $2.00 per day.
CentrE „ JoCJEt(Kl nPnr Railroad eroswinK. Telegraph office and barber slio, In
no o.i.kih^. - 7^ rA To ku Ui-iaurant all houra and Lack Room. Choice
; roes liquors and cigars. t M Meisto n nrd-rat ord r at au noara.