Newspaper Page Text
Volume 8 .
Beecher says DWt Itaeem and Ah
'gusta are two Of the B oat behWtftm
•cities hejevervWiidA.
Four hundred and fifty-two luftroad
trains leave Boston eVety day in the
Week except 8unday.
NeW l,ON©ON, England “ConN., is the only
town in New Which imposes
*«nx upete ^commercial travelers.
Ytta Wife tffrf fittle daughter of mar
gem Mai ire. a farmer HVing fofir miles
from Gallipolis, dwelling Ohio, were burned to
death in theft
A NeW YokW trm has engaged to
fin'sh the decoration of ttrx'mWarUa
palace in the City Wf Mexico, left tsn
'nnished by the Bight nttbe ex-Bttpe
The President of Cm Society of
Public Analysis in England recently
fjcug >fc 3C3 ‘'t« , 'hw of mi’k in LoDdoD,
And fouiid 20S cl them either skimmed
or Wafce 'ed.
The MM Congiosaman Mackey, al
though an office holder from the time
be reached his owdority, did not leave
-alarge amountof wealthy 81,009 In
taoney and a library Worth, all perhaps,
S-AiWO composed about he leit bi#
Joe Emmitt’s 84,000 dog, Eecmr,
has. since his puicbase cost h’.s mas¬
ter 81,500 in repairs to a billiard-room
which the aoim? 1 ocoupied over night,
pod in wtrch every breakable piece of
furniti'ie was broken or otherwise
damaged by the immense brute.
There are about four hundred of
the famous Six Nations Indians strl
living in New Yo k, but they have be¬
come so for c'v:liaed aE to want the
igeve uweut te pry vhema midioa ead
a half do'lK-s for lands settled by the
whites many yetrs ago.
Gkinnell, lA-, i« a model town.
There are no saloons within its omits,
and no one has been to sent the penitentiary to jail,_ to
the poor house or
for over twenty years. -“We can stand
a cyclone occasionally,’ 1 one of the in¬
habitants recently said, “if you will
keep whiskey away.*’
‘Sscretary Foogkr is reported to
have caifi that he wdl emain in Pres
ident Arthur’s Cabinet until the clore
of the administration. “It shall never
hold aa'Aher office,” he continued,
■‘Tt was my ambition to be Governor
of New York, but that is a thing of
the past. When I leave the Treasury
it will be to go back to my form at Ge
nova, and spend the rest oumy days
there. I have worked hard, aud it is
f t:J&fr*cfi'tate's5Wh'Tfist- u ' 4
Two convicts escaped fro t» the chain
gang at Baxley. One knocked a guard
on tha bead with an adse. but was soon
recaptured. The other, John Wells,
pretending to be sick end unable to
woik, was left alone in a box-car
Wednesday, durinfi w ch time he cut a
hole in Urn bo:tom through whin be
escaped before davlight 011 the subse¬
quent morniug. A vigorous search has
beeu instituted by the Sue .5, hut i* '
efforts to .recapture bim have so tic
A colored nuree girl in the employ
of a M u Kees. of Nashville, Tenn.,
caused tbe death of tbe baby peculiarly she at¬
tended, last week, under
horrible circumstances. During the
absence of her mistress it became ne¬
cessary for the girl to feed tiie child,
aud lather than go to the kitchen for
food, she crarned a hand ful of pins
down its throat. The child suffered
the most excruciating, and noth¬
ing could be done to relieve it, until it
dually died.
There is a good prospect now of
Athens getting tbe electric ’ignt, tbe
city’s new water works hare just been
;omuleted, there is scarce a vacant
store in town, a magnificent th ee-sto be y
brick buisne s b’oek is r bout to com¬
menced a new ice facto y is soon to be
built, the citv has jus,, purchased a
qua.-.y, its streets are ro ae put in the
oast condition possible, and the citi¬
zens boast one of tue beat local news
ospeis that press ever pniftt-d, facts
which indisputable prove that the city
is on a healthy boom.
T«k Foid boys, the s'ayer of the
bindit, Jesse James., appeared at a St.
Louis v£ iet.v theatre the other eveu
i li a d erdiul sketch of the : r own
g, b*_:d the Hie aad ad
composition. late on Mr. James. From
Teetr• es of the
fret to last ibev weevijorou'G hooted
iussed and jeered at by tee aim eice.
The young ne„; o caiustiel who iui ie- -
sonatea tbe br Dd«t was loed y chee e.
and his cruel taking off at the'ba jc 3 of
his iriends. the Fords, Ccoae violence. near
landing to a demonstration of
Er.-SECBX”Ar.T E . ar'js tells a de
H-»h„ ul sto- y at bis own er 3nse about
r small donkey which be sent up to his
country se»t for tbe use of his children
One of his little daughters, go ng out
w ith her to admire the animal
n its paddock, w» sorelv distrebred
when the doukev Hftad up it:: voice and
brayed dolefully’ “Poor thing! Poor
ebing!” exclaimed tbe sympathetic
child; but, surdenly brightening and £ up,
sde turned to her nuiS#,
“Oh, I am so glad ! Papa will be here
on Saturday, and then it won’t feci so
In a reseat ireue ot a London p«,“
a correspondent writes : “We he?r a
great dAl about the Let intelbzence reconi »nd
cLgacity of the dog. I have me dog which a
t irtber instance. a
bad its leg accidentally broken, and I
took the animal to my doctor, who set
tbe bone, and eventually made a cure.
8hOr*frjr after this the flofc tras seen
COnffitcCting a lathe Wog door-step to the* of house Wbffch of
the doctor, on the
they fedth eat, and, when the door hap
petaed to he opened the dogs expressed
the their object and of Otherwise their visit showing by Wagging sighs
tails AWt'CipatiOth**
ot ptMswre—ft
--* -
!MX Washington cort*#oftdent
of fee Aognsta Chronicle, in
speaking'Of the late Booth Carolina
CongiCsS Mackey, this says letter * a
“As I Close gen
tleman who had been officially aopoint
ed to attend the fOnerai Services has
fast retotned from IthO* cemetery.
Me says that when the body had been
loWertsd in the earth a smart shower of
raja descended, _an d insU nt ly th e
sSUtSHH; mainsT
Not a human beiOg, except
this DemwfrtiO pe«-bearer and the
white and black g-?Ve disgmre, remain
ed to see toe sod fell upon the coffi-s lid 1
Whet a commentary! HoW turned spcWy their
have the Red albicans
backs upon Oise* lifeless ally 1
-at., —
OMtrespoftdence Democrat.
Washington,D. C.,Feb. 5th, 1384%—
The city is fast tilling op with slrau
ge<s brought here by various motives,
prom<ueut among which are the advo¬
cates and opponents of the bill forfeit¬
ing the land grants to railroads, the
whiskey tax exteusion, ad mission of
Dakota wnile and Mississippi the xVjeuds river and improve¬ foes of
U d reform / as numerous as
leaves after ntumn frost. But
tne crowds of to-day will be greatly
ai’guiecied next week, when the- Mis¬
sissippi River Convention assembles.
Ai eddy the delegates from Mis ouri
e one have secured fifty rooms at Wil¬
lard's. ; tbe Ebbitt and Rigs hotels,
wmle Illinois, Stated low*,. bordering Louisiana and that the
other great and its tributaries, on
g, and river are not
far behind in asking for accommoda¬
In Ibis connection it may be stated
tbit one of the most ab.e, useful and
influential members of the present Con¬
gress, oa tlie Democratic side, is Gen
«<al j. Floyd Xing, of Louisiana,
Chairman of the Committee on Missis
j-jver ImpvOvemenU. General
jg a native of Georgia, where his
,ji 8k i.igu'shed father, T. Butler King,
WBSa maQ of gieat influence aud a
powerffor good,When naturally the went war broke with out the
y. e o e . ? j K’ng private soldier,
enlisted us a
< ol| . ^ gj,eer merit aud tine of soldierly Brig,
^ rose to the rank
^ QM el. General Kng Hi Ui* fiist
eror^k COb%-.oat eoott ahowedLimseK
to be ant honest, couseieucious, work¬
ing membot, above all sectional ani¬
mosities, free from all prejudices, and H.s
anxious for the general good. Foreign
se. vres on the Counu'itoe of
Affji's in tbe Forty ii lh Congress,
were distinguished by good sen^e aud
}j^ ’(istakiug ca>e in ell itial he did. As
CheD-.nsn of the Committee ou Missis¬
sippi T ver Improvements, 1.1 the pres¬
ent Congress, his juflueuee has aherdy
been shown by tbe passage of tiie 81 -
000.000 appropi’eidou made early in the
Following the M<ss<sippi River Con¬
vection, which assemble on the 5th
iustant. the N stionai Democratic Com¬
mit tee will meet on the 2^u, and many
of the delegates to the r>ver conven¬
tion will remain over, while delega¬
tions from all principal poiuts will be
here to urge tne selection of the ! r pri¬
vate cities for the assembling of the
convention, which ;is to nominate the
next President, tit. Louie wdl have
a large delegation on hand, claiming
that in that city was nominated Sam¬
uel J. Tilden, who was e'ected by the
peo pie and counted out by the 8 to 7
commission, and that they are entitled
to tiie honor of having the convention
which is to nonruaro a President who
will not only be elected but inaugura¬
ted. They alro claim, that they have
the finest convention hall in the count¬
ry, ample hotel accommodations, and
tbe most hospitable people in tbe
count v, and your correspondent feels
iuciiueu to eudorse all they say and
John Sherman and bis
teernt Mabone, were considerably ta
ked aback by tbe Democrats refusing
to disco us the calamity resolution and
decliumg to give them an opportunity
to poro before tbe coectrv as champions
of a “ fee ballot and a fair count.”
These two wo.idiies had prepared any
amount of gore and were ready to de
lone tbe country witu it, but tiie Dem
oc.t ts of the Senate paid no attention
to t'e : r attitudinizing, and knowing
nc possib'e dxua^e could result to the
cemoc acy ’ cm tne pac age of their
eso'ut'oa, reiorxl to discos* it, but
entered their “prorest agriost tbe ex-
1 anditure that would be incurred
t-jrough its operation, by reconiing
taeir votes against it.
TneDckota delegation here urging
the admision of the southern half of
the Ter ; ito y as a State, is composed
largelv of played out Repub' ; cans, wbo
have gone there f:mn tbe States, who
hope, should the Territory be divided
and the state adnrtted, to motto three
vote" for a Republ * n nominee for the
presidency, aud perhaps a good federal
posi.'on for themselves. Colorado
whose three votes end tne g xce of the
8 by 7 commLcion s; uied the iuaugu
retion of Hayes, fa so well uuder
him and bis rucces&ois that these D»
ko a p^triotr opote to play tbe wiil e,.me
role. A Democratic House not
pe mit tht adm ision of Dakota or any
other Territory as a State until it can
be clea ly demonstrated that it has
sufficient population to entitle it to
repierenU oion in the lower honse of
Cong esa and preseat itself with clean
Mr'- Morrison has his tariffc bill prtf
pared and wiil soon present it to Uoh
gross, it wfl tHOUt the apprbbattOA of
every true Democrat and receive the
endorsement 'of the whole attitude people, of it
wi« place the pn -ty in the
the friend of the Wastes, seeking only
to reduce taxation to a mininuna, ami,
prevent the accumulation of million#
m the treasury for which the conutr#
baS ho use. When it is known that
there are over 8400,000,000 now ia the
Treasury, that it is being augmented
by 810,000,000 per month Of f\ 20,600,
000 per year airere than the Gbveru
me nt j s called up0 p to expend, directly, and
that this is collected, if not at
leaat indirectly the from the ma&ses to
a,t monopolists, who say,
-the public be d-d,” the i-eopte wffi
tefc oar Repi-Oltetives in the House
and Senate bnt pursue the course aow
wisely prepared, to te swwv^
from the ngbtby the •^^tary mW'utf
and of the the dwtioo cortfiorantt of November «a& ntenopaffialft next
be the Waterloo of the .Republic**
Q^en. Butler and hie minions have
been in Washington tot a couple of
weeks past trying to lead Democrats
into the idea that it would be wire at
proper ti ae to bring forward the hero
of Great Bethel, Foit Fisher, aud Tew¬
ksbury as the Democratic candidate for
the Presidency. The leading members
of the party, however, have about as
much confidence in Butler* reliability
as a Democrat, as tbe old deacon bad
faith in his clock as a true time-piece,
which would, with the hands pointing
to ten minutes to ten, strike seven at
thirteen minutes p u gt five.
The publec debt was reduced a little
over eleven millions of dollars during I
the month of January. ,
It if stated on good authority
the Ways and Means Comal ie* v >\X
"•» *• -■
Ex-Senator Dorsey, of st.*r-rou„frree,
arrived in Washington from bis ranch
in New Mexico, the first part of the
week. It is likely that investigating he will appear the
before tbe committee
expenditures of tbe Department of Jus¬
tice. If Dorsey gets a cht oce he will
go red-eyed for those Republicans when
be helped into office, by corrupt prac¬
tices of which they were awaie, and
who, the moment he got into difficulty,
either fiorsook him end fled or turned
upon, and with kypocratical p. etentious
of horror X what he ht-u ’one, de¬
nounced him.
The death of Congressman E. W. M.
Macksy, of South Carolina, cerea>oni*M on t’
last, and tlie funeral. Wedites ' ’
House of Representatives on
day afternoon, have served to calm and
temper excitable partisans for the time
being. They w’ll soon,however, recov¬
er from the sober meditations which
th's de. th of oneof their nurobe* has oc
casioned.and in a day or two deba eand
speech-making will become as aha p
and hot as evor. A livelv contest lias
already sprung up in toe s- • entli (.black)
South Carolina district, for the con¬
gressional shoesol the late Mr. Alackev,
and the knowing ones believe t.iat e -
Congressman Robert Small'* w : !l be
elected to the vacancy. 3.
Instead of feeling tired aud v;o. n out,
instead of aches and pains, wouldn’t
you rather feel fresh and strong V If
you continue feeling miserable and
good for-nothing you have only your¬
self to blame, for Brown’s Iron Bitters
will surely cure you. Iron and cincho¬
na are its principal ingredients. Tt is a
certain cure for dyspepsia, indigent ion,
malaria, weak eyes, kidney, lung and
heart affections. Try it If you desi end e
to be healthy, robust and strong
expedience its remarkable cui^tive
The following is the list of grand and
trayerst jurors for the county of Taliafei
ro, February term, 1884 :
Grand Jnry.
Wm.N.Gunn, jr. Jesse As bury.
Wm. T. Woodruff. Jabez M. Lacy.
John B. Flynt. JohnP.Sturdivant.
John R. Moore. Benjamin Jones.
Wm. M. Parker. George F. Agee.
John M. Murden. David A. Saggus.
John H. Kalian. Lucious A.; Mi ore
Wm. T. Flynt. Owen D. Moore
Thomas J. Stewart. JosephC.Murden.
John N Chapman. Sam. H. Rhodes
E. I. Anderson. D. N. Sanders
John Brooke, Wm. H, Poss.
Jesse Darden. Wm. Jordan.
Julius C. Jordan. SeabornJ.Jones.
Edward D. Hadaway. Wm. C. Taylor
Traverse Jury.
Raburn T. Jones. Geo. N. Wright
William C. Edwards. Wyatt A. Hill.
John T. Cox. Elias S. Allen.
George C. Davis. Jas. Ingraham.
Beder C, Dyer. Win. F. Hill.
Simon A. Chapman. J. u. Jackson.
Francis M, Johnson. Wm.T.Stewa.t
Edward Keating. Wm. A. Moore.
Lorenzo H. Jackson, Henry Hill.
John G. W, Holmer. H. T. Rhodes
Thomas F. Moore, Llnt.Williams
George T. Edwards. John Q Henry,
Edward M. Stewart. LlishaC.Moore
James W Woodruff, Geo. H.Moore,
James R Jones, Thomas Akins,
Wm J Ellington. A R Flynt.
Linron 8 Akins, J H Wheeler,
Wui E Wu!l, G C I ouebe.
fgf 25 ke”S genuine orange rifle pow¬
der in whole half one quarter kegs,
price3 reducol Full tock ulastm >1
powder and fuse.—Copelan. Seals
A finer, Greenes boro, Ga.
iFor the Cure of Cough*, Co.-. rmm i r# r.v
1 Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influl InJ
en7A , Asthma, Whooping Cough,
of the Disease For Sale!
by all Dfiiggists.—Price* *5 Cents J
4ttd fteiocmbef,
b* That ilder is E. located K. BOONlS, Crawfordville, contractor and
to and
would respectfully solicit a liberal
share of patronage from the building
public. Satisfaction guaranteed as to
workmanship, etc. Will make estl
on either brick or build¬
ings. AH communications addressed
to me at this place will rt^eive prompt
attention. Motto ; Prices to suit
the hard times. 4
j\/f E. SRH. CROAKE & <FKEE. FE,
feuntfr XU Assignees of ES?** George W-Ojerton.
Also, notify all parties to come
forward a j once and settle their notes
a^counto or they will be placed in
the hands of an attorney for collection,
Rharon, Ga., Jan. 18th, 1883.
mp J HE firm of ELLINjrTON & BON¬
NER, has this day been dissolved
by mutual consent.
S. S. Ellincton,
O. P. Bonner.
Nov 3rd, 1883.
' »‘ I » V to Loan !
• *
On impproved farms in this county.
We are operating through the Corbin
Banking Co., and can promptly neg¬
otiate all loans we undertake. Our
assistant, Dr. J. 8. Hnllidav, will lie
in Crawfordville on h< 2d and 4th
Saturdays in every mouth, to explain
terms and take your application.
Meet him at tiie apjioiiited time or ad¬
dress us at Atlanta, Ga.
Van Epi*s, Calhoun & Kino.
The 8*ory ofen Atlanta Boy a*
told by B is Father.
Mr. I rank Joseph, lives at 2*6 Jones
street, Atlanta, an.1 When has a promising about boy
of six summers. the joy was
three years of age a peculiar swelling liniments, was
discovered on his neck. Various
poultices, etc. were applied without a per¬
ceptible effect. Tue swellings Increased,
although Internal and external remedies
were used continually. Becoming alarmed,
a physician was genuine called in wuo of well at once develop¬ pro¬
nounced it a care
ed scrofula. He used all the various rem¬
edies usually resorted to by the medical
profession in such and diseases,but they other discharg¬ glands
became affected, finally
ed ing large of the quantities presented of matter, ghastly and slouch¬ sight.
The boy became parts quite feeble a and greatly
emaciated, and un ible to walk. During
a period of over two years iiis condition be¬
came more perilous—the rapidly hair his fell eyesight. from his
head, and ne lost cared
During all treated, this time he wa» also properly
for ana and was treated at
New Medical college for three months, yet
his Now condition steadily grew miraculous worse.
comes the almost escape
of this lad. His eyesight was restored,tne
hair stopped falling off, the glandular
swelling subsided, the horrible ulcerated
surfaces healed, the whole system was re¬
novated and cured sound and well, B.B.B.—■ all by
the use of only one single bottle of
Botanic Blood Balm—which can be had at
#1.00 per bottle. Sold In Crawfordville by
Dr. R. J. REID.
Carpets and House Furnisnlng Goods. The
Largest Stock South of Baltimore. Mo¬
quet, Brussels, 3-Ply & Ingrain Carpets,
Rags, Mats and Crumb Cloths, Window
Shade*, Wall Papers, Borders, Lace Cur
tains, Cornices anu Poles, Cocoa A Canton
Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Chro
moB. Picture Frames. Write for COShWt Sample
andPrioes. 8ttece«aor« to BAILIE Geo. A# Halite, A; Masonic
Temple, AUGUST A? CA.
Contractor and Builder
Also Dealer In
Binding Material - all
KLii s.
9m fo»».
18S& wk-H): 1984-.
— — ......
The GeuugiR Chemical Vbrks
Agiin offtet to the Consumers of Quaao their wtll kttOWn and reUsbls Brand*; v|
acid pooseniin, • m m ■ «
Also, X AIN IT of our own importation. PURE GROUND BONY, LAND
TILIZING Correspondence solicited from all who Want first
class Guanos. SpeciaLfirands Made when desired. Address Georgia Cbre»
ical Works,
. M. A. STOVALL, Treasurer',
jan 25 om Augusta, 6 s,
Cheapest Carpets in Augusta.
tjpHK Canton jar^jmt and Stock Cocoa South^^ Mattings,^Chromos. Moquet, Hruasci^ {?rihTfor^SplM. Three-Ply and Ingrain n<i0W Carpets,^ c;#tnl * ,,,,
mes, James
G. Bailie i boos^
Sept. 14, ’83. Jy. m BBDAD STREET.
Crawferd’riUo, *
Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars,Tab*? 3 > i
*» v'-i »*■.«» divrt *•»*»,timM, | will bo, hereafter compelled to sell strletly for _
ii ml s!) those Indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle their account at
once or I will be foroed to put them In the hands of and an attorney for collection. I
thank my customers for past favors and invito them my new THOMAS friends to rive me
a call. AKINS.
Post-Office Building, Crawfordville, On,
Fancy Groceries,
Plantation Supplies,
The successful man all over the world Is he who underbuys and always undone IK
No such signs as “selling out at cost," ‘giving goods away” and not to M undersold,
etc., etc. No such chaff as that wins. Have The Goods, Let The Prices Be
Right, and the people has pulverised will soon the find finer it out and because look you he knew up. Many yrhw;e a V> time Buy Right the crude e^4
rough diamond gem
had the Nerve to Sell Cheap.
RBNQNA& *•«!«■«
Great Furniture Palace of Augusta.
WE take pleasure in announcing sJknd that we here moved our elegant stock of Furhl*
ture. to 840 BROAD STREET, old ofM y ers A Marcus Wehavetbtft lesri « store
ten. m U5l !, Tfef»iiW” , i«riS TiN®? TrSSFw
Write forcatalogue or cell end see us.
840 Broafi iWt,August», Ga
Table first-class in eyery particular. Large and welj ventilated rooem*.
Rates $2.00 jer day.
Centrally located, near Railroad an*'**- L»ci
tbe building. AuoubTA Hotel Rxstaueant ana mm.
wiues liquors and cigars. Jieala to ordwr At »U HAVA