Newspaper Page Text
. ♦
CRAWFORD DEMOCRAT. ^ /• ’•>• asV '• > •. w . ’- v ; ’ * Y>, •'* L ->/ **
VILL • :m 3R.
Volume 8.
Theie is a Butler and Thurman An¬
ti-Monopoly Club in San Francisco,
. Lake Chaplain is frozen its ’entire
>ength and bread.h, andean be traveled
on by horses.
A statement giving the cost of the
sewer system of Memphis, just comple¬
ted, shows that the total expense for
1882 was §11,503.08, and for 1S33, $2,
047.60. *
A naturalist writes that he is at loss
to discover how long a dog lives. The
Mihedgeville Recorder says he will live
in Georgia until we get live men in the
legislature, then he will die.
Women are gradually making greater
headway in the paths of industrp hith¬
erto occupied by men. The latest siep
'in this direction f 3 the application of a
woman in San F’rancisco for theposi
Ition of driver on the cars of the City,
Street Railway Company. She lias uot
been appointed.
A novel union in marriage, took
.■place at Eastman, Feb. 5th. The coup¬
le were Mrs. Caroline White, widow of
the late J. M. White, of Laurens coun
ty and Mr. John Rogers of Cochran.
It was a runaway match. The bride is
fifty years old, aud the groom just
The Charleston News anl Courier,
referring to the growtli and prosperity
of that city, says: “Four yea'fs ago
the whole valure of the manufactures
iu Charleston county, which then in
eluded the territory which now is
,Berkeley county, was a little over $5,
000,000. Last year tlie value of the
products of manufactures and mines in
Charleston aud Berkeley was nearly
•§ 10 , 000 , 000 .” when left wdow,
An Arab woman, a
mourns her husband much, but often
’marries agaui. The mgbt before her
second mairiage she pays a visit to her
Erst husband’s grave. There she knee's
and prays him not to he offended. As,
however, she feels he may be, she
brings with her a' donkey laden w'th
two goat skins filGd with water. The
prayer ended, she pours water on the
grave to keep him cool under the eir
'teumstances about to take place, and
having well saturated ium, depa-t3.
A novel ft' e extinguisher was tried
in New York Friday. A large dry
goods box was saturated with tar and
kerosene and set on fire. When the
blaze was hottest a hand grenade con¬
taining a chemical flud was thrown in¬
to it aud the fire was suddenly checked.
Two or three more grenades h;ub the
Effect of extinguishing it entirely, it
toayliot be long before eVery min "can
have a file department of his own al¬
ways at hand, aod thus be able to stop
’conflagratiehS in their incip’ency.
The Gainesville Southron says: Last
Saturday night IV. It. Wh'eeier, whose
bubo has been badlev shattered for
some months |>ast, went into Dan
$piinger’s barbershop, and began rail¬
ing at the colored boy; frightening him
to the amusement of of a strange cop¬
per colored negro, who happen to be in.
Mr; Wheeler turned upon him. threat¬
ening to kill Ibul with a papt-r tfe'ght,
and finally readied into liis hip pocket,
threatening in a loud manner to shoot
him. Tlie badly scared negro no soon
fer got a glimpse of the pistol than he
pounced upon \Vheeler with an often
yaeor, cutting and slashing iii every di¬
rection'. Dan Sponger and Howard
Thompson Went to the rescue as quick¬
ly as posible, hut not until Wheeler
was slightly cut in several places, and
the negro had his head thrown back
preparatory to cutting his throat,
When knocked or pulled loose he jump¬
ed out of the door and fled. Those
who saw the aTair fully justify the ne¬
gro on the g-oune of se'f defense.
the Baltimore Manufacturers’ Recor J
Publishes every week, under the heau
of “Construction Department,” a list
of all new enterprises undertaken in the
South, such as cotton and woolen mills
or factories of any kind to be establish¬
ed; old mills to be repairad or enlarged;
public buildings, hotels,etc. to be erect
railroads to be constructed ; mining en
terprises to be inaugurated ; furnaces
to be started, etc., etc. The informa
lion thus flirrifshed is new and reliable,
and will be found valuable to contrac
tors, and to dealers in mill and railroad
flupplies; machinery, tools, building
liardware, etc, who can correspond
W jth the projectors of enterprises,
(whose names are given), before they
nave their supplies. Record is the
ieading The Manufacturers'
industrial pajier ' a the South,
and one of the most ably conducted pa
pers of its class in the United States,
It publishes every week more informa
tion relative to Southern manufactu
ring, mining and railroad affairs, than
tan be gathered from any other source,
and it has in many ways contributed
largely to the material development of
the Southetn States. Its weekly artic
les on Southern Industrial Progress are
exceedingly readable and interesting
and are able, thorough and reliable as
well. It is an excellent advertising
mndium through which to reach facto
ries, mills, etc., in all parts of the
South. invite correspondence
The editors re
lating to Southern indutrial matters.
Itiis published in Baltimore, and has an
office in Atlanta, Ga.,under the manage
ment of Col. 1 W Avery, one of the best
known journalists in the South. I or a
sample copvj send six cents in stamps
to the Publishers, Bigsby <fe Edmonds,
Baltimore. Md.
Mr.T. C. A.,ot Atlaiua, test . es t- to n say
that “I have been a constan sufferer
with G. and G. for over two years; have
failed tn secure relief from any source
until I obtained Bonkociue, twob -ttles
of which effected an entire cure with¬
out any loss of time, change ot diet or
the use of any internal medicine.”
Correspondence Democrat.
The Washington,D.C. Feb. 8 fch, 1884.—
Republican press is Idled with ar
f*®}* denuuciary of the Morrison tariff
^ ^“itw vtry accommodating
memories to have so soon forgotten ad
that was done by the last Republican
Congress and the present Republican
.President. It certainly would appear
and President, that the party and pres?
would be estopped by any such denim
ciation. It will bt Temefnbered that
the Congress refeired to, backed by
their President, passed a bill providing
for a Tariff Commission to be composed
of nine non-partizans, wuo were to
carefully consider the subject, collate
ail the facts and present a schedule of
import duties, fair and honorable alike
to producers and consumers. Congress
passed the bill. President Arthur up
proved it and appointed the nine com
missioners, selecting among the nurn
her one of his trusted lieutenants, who
served under him while he was collec
tor of the port of New York. That
commission roamed up and down the
country, visited every principal city
and the prairies of the great west,made
their report, and in the light of sur
rounding events their report should
have been adopted. But after doilging
and dallying the whole scheme was set
upon. Now Mr. Morrison has simply
attempted iu his bill to regulate duties
to about tlie scale agreed to by this re¬
publican commission. Mr. Morrison is
simply offering the Republican party its
own medicine and they should be com¬
pelled to take it, and it will prove ac¬
to the people.
Among the measures
Congress to which very little attention
in tlie past seems to have been .paid,
but one of incalculable interest to the
people, is the bill offered in the House
by the lion. P. A. Tulley, of Califor¬
nia, to present the use* of the mails in
advertising noxioui medicines and com¬
pounds. From tue medical fraternity,
from Maine to California, the meas¬
ure meets unqualified approval, and the
people will endorse it when its proviD
ions rre fully known. If paseed, it will
prevent the murder of thousands illl
tiually who die from the effects of the
quack preparotions with which the
country is flooded. Mr. Tulley is en¬
titled to the thanks of the people foi
irs eminently practical measure. In
fact, his sound good ;judgmedt on a'l
questions, as weU as lbs eminent
abiliiy has already given Iiim
him prominence in Congress; and won
tor him high respect and esteem from
both sides of tho House.
By some hocus-pocus process known
to our friends of the Pacific coflst, per¬
haps from the heathen Cniuee, Califor¬
nia seethed, in the lasrJCongreSs, of her the
imposition of duties on two
great productions, which amount to
llie actual prohibition of their ■ mporta
tiou. We refer to borax aud quick
silver ; and to-day the soap manufac¬
tures a lid others who use borax, aud
the artists, scientists, and manufac¬
tures who use quicksilver, are pounding
at tlie boms or Congress and asking
tiiat Urey be relieved of trie burden ol
these ittiqnties. This legislation by
Congress which imposes a burden upon
ob,0<J0,0d0 people to make a few men
1 ieli is beneath the contempt of stales
meii. • The greatest good for the great
number,’' should be tne motto of our
law makers.
There are quite a number of Repub¬
lican as well as Democratic boo oriels
now being batched ; some may not get
beyond tire stage of pin feathers, but
others appear pretty healthy,stand liun
lv on their legs, and are beginning to
"peep.” These boomleis appear from
a Washington view about in the foliow
ikg order of strength : Arthur,Log, hi,
Sherman, Blaine, Edmunds, winte
some very wise I ends claim to have dis¬
covered a boom let caned tlie Oju
M ail,” who grows very rapidly aud
whom they say by the first ot June
11 ex t, will tie able to stretch Ins wings
not only over Chicago, but tlie \Urole
Tlie Mississippi River Convention,
wliicb had been in session from Tues
q ay f asCi adjourned yesterday after a
V e>-y harmonious sitting. The eonven
tiou was composed of the repiesenU
tive business men ;of the .Stales bor
deiing on the Mississippi and its tribu
taries, and a finer lookiug or more ably
)j 0t iy 0 f men never assembled in the
country. Hop. E. O. btan'hard, of lit.
Louis, Mo., was elected president of
t j, e convention, and by his thorough
knowledge of parliamentary law, aud
fine ability as a presiding officer, lie
dispatched business and
f ur himself the enthusiastic piaise of
a q u, wa 3 emphatically a business
convention, assembled with a oneness
0 j- iml p 0 .,e, discarding buncombe and
ge L squarely down to business witb
out attitudinizing or making any at
tempt at show or display. The resolu
t ions adopted are eminently busin&»
q^e aud practical. They clearly sev
foith the needs of the great west trav
qy the Mississippi aud its tributa¬
Les, and demand of Congress liberal
appropriations for the .improvement, of
these great waterways ; endorse ■ the
actlo n of the river commission aud
cou unend President Aithur and Con
greS s for the favors extended iu tlie
^t, aud urge a continuance for the
The Illinois Press Association, after
a delightful visit of five days, left the
dtv veaterdaty moruiug for Balfcaoie,
where the day was spent, and at night
t |, e y started for their western homed
-jq je y ' were enthusiastic in their praise
Rations’ Capitol and the recep
tiou accorded them.
The American hog still gita c.s the
Congressional mind. rhe. 8 lule Depart
meat has de'ivered itsci': of an opinion
on the exportation of pork, and while
it does not seem to suit Congress, the
folk of the latter body as well as those
of five former are determined tha
f-eieS'iermaas, lm * s ’ s !' 0 , u,ders ’ fl^lV^wTS
( fete Ameri.
| c am1 nn s la will S ei swear beer. off from drinking wine
however, _ not having . a
Tho hog is
monopoly of Congressional attention.
Texas steers, Aldernvs, Durhams, Jer
se.vs, long-horns, short-horns, and mm
h;ys cause in for considerable notice
When the bill for the extnpation of iu
cattle disease, known as pluro-pneumo
ma favorably reported to the I ouse,
came up for consideration. 1 here is
this deference, by the way, between t ie
status of the hog and neat-cattle: while
the fornfer is discussed under the pin,
disposition visions of international on tliu part of law, some there/ to lira » I
the latter by the doct-me ot state
lights, it being held by soma. Congress
men, that the-General Government, has
nothing whatever to do with thoquee
tl0n stamping out tins giownig c
^le ailment, but that its regulation be
longs exclusively to the States, it is
likely, however, that a valid measure
will soon be Congiteas, look
mg to the eradication ot this disrase so
hanmui to the stock-growing interests
°f the conn ry.
The President held liis first public
reception of tho season on Tuesday
eVening last and an immense throng
or all classes and grades of society
poured past nitn fofe over two hours,
shaking his hand. Among tlie callers
was a delegation of Flathead Indians.
Tim President was assisted by liis sister
Mrs McRlroy, thohuly of the White
House, aud the wives of several of the
Cabinet ministers. On Wednesday
evening the sumual dinner to the dip¬
lomatic corps was given.
An interesting and at the same time
somewhat awkard, question has arisen
out ot the operrtiona of the civil ser¬
vice law. A vacancy occurred in the
Navy Department and tho Civil Ser¬
vice Commission certified four persons
to Secretary Cbaudler t com which to
select one for appointment. The exam¬
ination papers of tho persons certified
were also Submitted for inspection,
and all in accordance with the law and
rules. The Secretary returned the pa¬
pers to the commission with the state¬
ment that lie was convinced upon an
examination of the papers that all of
the four persons were unfitted fer the
work to he performed. The question
now is, what is to.he done under the
circumstances, no provision- having
been made for such a contingency, it
is said that Commissioner of Internal
Revenue Evans, when a vacancy oe
’•cat 3 in his bureau, places the nanr at
trie persons certified tdhiui by th ef’om
mission, on slips of in a hat,
shekes them up, turns Ins hack and
draws a name lor appointment.
Speaking of the nomination^ of won
gressme 11 Jo. Blackburn, of Kentucky,
oy the legislature of that State, for the
Senate, on Tuesday evening last, a rep
reselltative was heard to s.ty : Among
other good things about this matter is
the fact that they cannot charge that
Blackbu'ii bought his nominauim ami
election as Senator.” “Wliyj'” in
qui’ed the person ad dressed. ‘•Be¬
csuise ” said the lirst speaker, ' die has
no rnonev. and no,Standard Oil or other
coinjrany to put up for him. Jo. Black
buiii ss a poor trranl
The House has oidered the printing
of ten thousand ektraicopies of the Mor¬
rison tariff bill. At any rate the Wavs
aud Means Committee doesn’t (show with a
d'sptsRUxi to keep its purposes
reference to ta- ff reduction hid.
s. 15.
The best tonic medicine—one tiiat is
not comuosed mostly of alcohol or whis¬
key—is Eiown’s iron Dieters, It is
guaranteed to 03 nou-i’itox'catih^j and
will absolutely kill sill desire ioi whis¬
key and other intoxicants. It has been
throughly tested and proven itself in
every instance a never ailing cure ior
dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness,
weakness, debility, overwork, rheuma¬
tism, neuralgia, consiitriptive disease
liver complaint, kidney troubles, etc.
The following is the li^t ot grand and
tray erst, jurors for the county ot 1 aliafer
ro, February term, 18K4 :
C.raml Jury.
Wm.N.Ounu, jr. Jesse As miry.
Wm. T. Woodruff. Jabez M. Lacy.
John B. Flynt. John!’. Sturdivant.
John K. Moore. Benjamin Jones.
Win. M. Parker. George F. Agee.
John M. Murden. David A. Safegus.
j W-.T. 0 hn II. piynt. Fallan. STS
E. I. Anderson. V N. Samfcrs
John Brooke, Ym. , 1 oss.
Jesse Darden. A\m. Jordan.
Julius (k Jordan. Seaborn J. Jones,
Edward ... , D. Hadaway. <r. ,1 Win Wia.b. O Tavlor t*ynr
Traverse Jury.
itaburn T. Jones. Geo. N. Wright
-william C. Edwards. tVyatt A. HiB.
j , T Cox Elias S. Allen,
’. r ' Davls . Jas. Ingraham.
” h /' Win. F. rail.
lu-uer ( nj . -
Simon A. Chapman. J. . Jackson.
Francis M. Johnson. Wm.T.Stewart
Edward gating, Wm. A. .vfoore.
Lorenw Jackson, Henry Hill.
John D. u Holmes. 11 . T. Rhodes
Thomas F. Sir lore, Lint.WillianLs
George T. Edwards. John Q Henry,
Edward M. Stewart. ElishaC.Moore
James W Woodruff, Geo. II.Moore,
.l ines R Jones, Thomas Akins,
Win J Ellington. A R Flynt.
Linton S Akins, J U Wheeler, ouelie.
Wm E Wall, GUI
m mmm
For the (Jure of Coughs; Colds,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis,Croup, Influ¬
enza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, In¬
cipient Consumption and for the re
liefof cqQs umptive persons in advan¬
ced stages of the Disease For Sale
by alf Druggists.—Price, 25 Cents.!
Rcllcct .and Rcniemocr ?
- That E. K. BOONE, contractor and
builder is located m Crawfordville, and
would respectfully solicit a liberal
share public. of patformge from the building
Satisfaction guaranteed as to
workmanship, etc. Will make esti¬
mates on either brick or flame build¬
ings. All communications addressed
to me at this place will receive prompt
attention. ' Motto : Prices to suit
the hard tinmi.
1T4 Assignees of George W. Overton,
announce-, tb the public that they are
closing out theifistock of dry goods at
cost. Also, notify all parties to come
forward at once alid settle their notes
arid accounts or they will bo placed in
the hands of an attorney for collection.
Siiaron, Ga., JImi# 18th, 1883.
rpiIE firm of ELLIN J TON & BON
X NER, has this day been dissolved
by mutual consent.
S. S. Elmnoton,
O. P. Bonnkr.
Nov. 3rd. 1883.
„ w
m Jcas"-~- . » f
O | 10 y fa) ioan :
Off impproved farms, la this county.
We are operating through the Corbin
Racking Co., and can promptly neg
otiato all loans we undertake. Our
asHistant, Dr. J. S. IJnllidav, will he
in Crawfonlvilie on the 2d and. 4th
Saturdays iii every month, to explain
tlirll:f - nri ,j take your application.
Meet him at the appointed lime or ad¬
dress us at Atlanta, Ga.
Van Errs, Carxioun & Kind.
The Story of an Atlanta Boy as
told by His Father.
TrillM. IN a NCTflll I.I..
Mr. Frank Joseph, JIvgh at 2 tr> Jonas
street, Atlanta, ami has a promising hoy
of six sunn evs. When tin; bo/ was about
three years <fl a^e a peculiar sweliin# was
discovered on Ins neek. /ai ious liniments,
poultices, etc. were applied withm.t a per¬
ceptible effect. The .swelling increased,
although internal ;trd external re«:ierti<*s
were .used continually, liccomii'i^ alarmed,
a pliysiciae was called in who at once pro¬
nounce,d it a genuine case of well develop¬
ed scrofula, lie- used all the. various rem¬
edies, usually resorted to by the medical
profession in such diseases,lmt other glands
became affected, aud linallv they discharg¬ dou^h
ed lar^e quailof matter, and
iiijr of the parvK a ghastly siuht.
Tlie boy became quite ihle feeble to walk. and greatly During
emaciated, and mi
a. period of over two years his condition be¬
came more perilous—the hair lell from his
head, and lie rapidly lost his eyesight.
During all this time he was properly cared
for and treated, and was also treated at
New Medical college for three months, yet
his condition steadily ^rew miraculous worse.
Now comes the alii'o.4 restored,the escape.
Of this Jad. Hi* eyesight off, was the glandular
hair swelling stopped subsided falling the horrible ulcerated
surfaces healed, the whole and system wadi, was all rc^ by
noyated and cured sound
the use of onl v one single bottic of IJ. IM#.—
Botanic Blood Bairn— which can la* had at
m« ........ .......
CALL Ij 1 S.
(JaroeL and House FuniisningGooJs. The
Largest 8 t<xk South of Baltimore.
nuet, Kugs, Brussels, Mats and 3-J*ly (.rumb * J ' !/'•/■ otlis, wm ow
shades, Wall Papers. Borders, Dm* <-ur
Cornices and Doles Coeoa * Canton
Mattings, Upholstery, Engravings, Coro
mos. Picture Frame \Vnl.e for
ami Priei L*. is mini: .v; comvI .hy
successors to t.eo. A. Bailie, Masunic
Teniple. AVtiVHTA ; GA. JmieUly.
W r . J . NORTON.
• 11 I 1
f J.( tl'HC1 i LU'IUOr
01* 00(1
Also Dealer
Bailing Material of
Humber V
1883. 1884?.
A. -:o:
The Geofgia Chemical "Wbrlcl
iff v
, « *■ 1 fr hterf t ■'
^>dV,-V' Vi v '
mn | * f
\ #* •'
Again offer to tho Consumers of Guano their Well kmw-i ’ll* Ills Vl
v vl ■ t
Also. IvAIN/T of our owm importation. PURE GROUND BONE, LARD
TILIZING MATERIALS. Correspondence solicited noth Mi who want first
class Guanos. Special Brands niade when desired. Address Gkokoia Chkh-
1 C' 4 L Works,
M. A. STOVALL, Treasurer;
jan 25 om Augusta, Gi;
Cheapest C/^rpe(s in Augtista.
rrijIE 1 Mats, largest Crumli Stwd; (fioilis, South. Wlndijw-Cnriiiliis, Moifuet, Brussels, Wifulow Three-Plyiftul Sliados, lo^vsln Windyw (jivrpets, Gornlees PWim. amt
Poles, Canton and Cocoa Mattings, Cliroiuofl, Write for sample^,
• James G. Bailie & bons., ,i.
<Bbpt. 14, >83. jy. 713 BROAD STREET.
- .. .......- ■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■— -------------------------- - -----t - -Mt aa r-w -, ------------- ---- ;
Crawf^d^ille, ■\ " -f I 1 m
Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, TObaccoS
tv i'ti tiii-* o'" i'iu, I will In, hereafter compelled to soil strictly for cash
and all those indebted to mo are requested to eome forward and settle their
once or I will he forced to put thorn in the Ire nils of an attorney for collection. I
thank my customers for past favors and invite them and my new friends to_vive 100
Post-Office Building, Crawfordville, Ga;
Fancy QrocoHles,
I»la. 2 xt£ttiorL Suppliosl
uakdwahk cutlery, TOBACCOS, 81IUES,
'I'be successful man all over the world is he who underbuys and always undersells
ill Vo such Viuih a 's.u-1. . “ .idlin'.' <mt at ro I•'giving good , away” Goods, and not to he undersold,,
, e No chaff as that wins. Have The Let, The rices. He
WiXi,,. and tins people will soon find it out and look you up. Many a time the end*
1 ot igh diamond has pulverized the liner gem because ho knew where to Buy Right and
had the* Nerve to Sul) Cheap.
Great Furniture I*alacc of Augusts*.'
i’BRJE write'fonlaUloguo FINE 8 'r ^TOCK 1 ?/ SjEOMHA
ofe call and sg^lS
J. L. BOWLES & CO., .
840 Broad Sreet,Aligns* ar, Ga
LEWIS & DOOLITTLE, Proprietors/
Table first-class in every particular. Large and well ventilated rooems;
« Kales $2.00 per day.
located, Railroad crossing. Telegraph office and barber sho*
CentrsOly near Ho ei. Rr; aura.nt anil Luch Room. Un»TC.
the buiidiu '. Al'I'i TA v to OiHr at all hours.
wiu.-s Vquors and c ! ;ars. Mtula